Author Topic: Dolphin Rider Koishi - The End  (Read 314167 times)


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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #480 on: September 05, 2012, 10:59:24 PM »
awwwwww ssshhhiiitttteee :o

This is going to be interesting, is all I can say.


  • Happening Cat of the Middle of Nowhere
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #481 on: September 06, 2012, 12:26:03 AM »
Huh. And here I thought the victim this time would be Byakuren.

what a tweest


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #482 on: September 11, 2012, 10:01:50 PM »
?So how?d you find today??

Koishi made small talk as she walked Shou back to the Institute. The new Siren had slowed down on her eating after seeing Sango scurry off. Sango was quiet on the return journey, looking deathly pale and mumbling about how she would never eat lobster again.

?Well, that?s a hard question.? Shou put a hand on her chin. ?It was fun, yeah, and a free meal is always great. But you?ve given me a lot to think about, too.? She nodded to herself, a steel-eyed determination on her face. ?I wanna do this again, if you?re up for it.?

Koishi smiled. ?Sure. I?ll treat you to lunch as often as you-?

The sight silenced her mid-sentence. Across the block, in the direction of the Institute, a wall of smoke was billowing upwards.

?What the-?

?A fire!? Shou yelled before Koishi could finish. By the time Koishi?s brain had caught up, Shou was already halfway down the street.

?Shou-san, wait!? Koishi followed behind as quickly as she could. Sango perked to life again, her earlier nausea forgotten as she kept firmly to Koishi?s side.

At the entrance, the noise was almost unbearable. A crowd of children was being led out of the building, most of the younger ones screaming uncontrollably. Byakuren led them away, looking as terrified as the children she was caring for.

?Grandma!? Shou ran towards Byakuren immediately, looking at the sea of hysterical children surrounding her. ?You need some help over here??

Byakuren?s mouth hung open for a moment, but finally she nodded in response. Shou moved around to the rear of the crowd, pushing the younger kids along.

?It?s okay, everything?s going to be fine...? She patted little Kyouko on the head as she nudged her away from the fire. The bawling was beginning to quieten down.

As Koishi caught up with her, she looked to her side. ?Sango-san, help out here. I?ll take a look around the back.?

?Got it!? Sango nodded, quickly joining the fray at the entrance. She joined in with Shou, leading the kids away and singing songs to try and lift the mood.

No-one noticed Koishi running in the opposite direction. She circled around the building, towards the fire. Without stopping to think, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her Teardrop.

?Wherever evil forces be,
On the land or in the sea,
All who sin should cower and flee
From Dolphin Rider Koishi!?

Even as she took on her Siren form, Koishi never stopped running. An instant could be the difference between life and death here. A wave of heat assaulted her senses, and the smell of acrid smoke flooded her nose. The fire had already engulfed the rear end of the building, and it crept along gradually to consume the rest.

Something leaped out at her as she turned the corner. On sheer instinct, Koishi brought her trident around to swing at it. A fishman came apart in front of her, flopping to the ground as a trio of helpless mackerel.

It was the first of many.

?What is this...??

Fishmen flooded Koishi?s vision. Dozens, maybe even hundreds of them were running towards the burning building. For a moment Koishi thought they planned to attack, but she could make out another face in the crowd making a quick escape.


Keine was creeping through the crowd, using the fishmen as a walking blockade. There were already two dozen creatures between her and Koishi, and all of them looked ready to tear the Siren apart. Koishi aimed her trident forward, summoning a trio of orbs at its tips.

?Iruka Beam!?

A ray of light fired straight through the army of fishmen, taking out a dozen of them in one shot. In the tiny opening it gave her, Koishi blitzed forwards before another line of monsters could fill the gap.

She heard the sound of fists pounding against flesh. To her left, Mokou was holding off a wave singlehandedly. Her clothes were charred and singed, like she?d been inches from the fire when it had started.

To her right, Youmu was pushing back a wave with mighty swipes of her blades. She cut two paths at once, covering Sakuya from both angles. The maid drew card after card, sending a storm of knives into the surrounding fish. The numbers of the enemy force were beginning to dwindle, and the Sirens' victory seemed inevitable.

No, that?s wrong, Koishi thought. The fishmen were expendable. They'd always been. The real problem - Keine - was getting away while the fishmen kept the Sirens distracted. As it was, Koishi was the only one who had a chance of catching her. She knocked away anything coming close to her, chasing Keine into the forest the army must have emerged from. She was five feet away, four, three-


She stopped just in time as a silver blade sliced through the air in front of her. An assailant leaped out from behind the tree, bringing her sword forward for another strike. Koishi trapped the blade with her trident, pulling it out of harm?s way.

This is the girl Mokou-san told me about!

She?d heard of the masked figure several times beforehand, but this was her first time seeing her. The helm and mask covered her face, but as Koishi got her first proper look she swore she heard the woman gasp.

Her surprise was short-lived. She pulled the sword back, coming in with another thrust. Koishi leaped backwards to dodge the blow. Keine pulled away, shrinking until she was nothing but a dot in Koishi?s vision.


Koishi didn?t even have time to look in Keine?s direction. The fencer was forcing her back with careful thrusts, each one taking all of Koishi?s attention to redirect. It was all she could do to keep herself from being skewered.

Yet even as she fought, there was a glimmer of uncertainty in her mind.

This is the first time I?ve met her...isn?t it?


?It?ll be okay. It?ll all be okay...?

Shou gave one of the kids a hug, squeezing her and patting her on the back. There were still sniffles and sobs coming from the crowd, but the kids were just about in control of themselves now. Shou had done everything she could, and the dolphin girl had been a big help as well. She had a natural inclination towards funny faces and cheery songs.

Byakuren finally allowed herself to sigh with relief, but she refused to look away from the fire. By now half of the building had been engulfed, and the rest was set to follow. The sound of crackling wood filled the air, and breathing through the nose was all but impossible.

?Is everyone out?? Shou asked as she moved around to the front of the crowd.

Byakuren barely heard her, but she managed a nod. ?Y-Yes. I did a quick head-count just there. All the children are accounted for.?

So no-one was hurt. That was a huge relief, Shou thought to herself. If the fire had started in the evening, or in the night when the kids were asleep, the results could have been catastrophic-


No. She was wrong, Shou realised. She looked through the crowd again. An important face was missing.

?Where?s Nazrin??

She knew the answer to her own question. She'd locked Nazrin away in her cage before sneaking out. The mouse was still trapped inside.

?Oh. I...? Byakuren?s eyes widened. They began to mist up as she put a hand to her mouth. ?Shou, I?m so sorry-?

?I?m going in.?

Shou stated her intentions without a shred of doubt. She pushed Byakuren away before the monk had a chance to object.

?What?!? Byakuren turned back to her, but she was a few vital paces behind. ?Shou, you can?t! The whole building will collapse at this rate!?

As Shou vanished into the building, her answer consisted of a single word.


Nazrin was as much a friend to Shou as any of the children at the Institute. She wouldn?t even consider letting a friend die like this.

It wasn?t long before Shou found herself walking amongst the flames. The smoke stung at her eyes. She leaned forwards, bringing herself down to where the air was breathable. The walls were coming apart around her, planks falling forward and almost smacking into her.

?Nazrin? Nazrin!?

Shou?s lungs burned and her legs ached, but she refused to let herself stop. She pulled around into the corridor she lived in by herself, running towards the last room. With every step, the fire grew stronger around her. She felt the flames licking at her legs, burning at her skin. As she grabbed the doorknob, she fought back the urge to scream as the metal singed her hand.

?Nazrin, I?m here!?

She yanked the door open, finding her own room as a blazing inferno. Her Gate To Makai poster was a pile of ash in the corner. The guitar was still smouldering, but it was well beyond saving.

And in the corner of the room, Nazrin was batting furiously at her cage.

She?s alright!

In one smooth motion, Shou undid the latch on the cage and pulled Nazrin out. The mouse made no attempt to fight her. She cupped her hand to keep Nazrin secure as she made her escape.

By now, every cell in Shou?s body cried out in pain. Her legs threatened to buckle beneath her. Her lungs wanted to give out. Only willpower was keeping her functioning at this point. Her sheer force of heart was indestructible.

And yet she'd never felt more alive.

The feeling was an epiphany that drowned out the pain for an instant. This feeling of defending someone she cared for, doing what she could to help others - it clicked with her in a way no 'ordinary' life ever could. This was the life she wanted to lead, the one she wanted to carve for herself.

That?s right, she thought to herself as she picked up speed. From now on, I want to devote myself to saving every life I can!

She felt a warm sensation in her heart as the thought grew in power. Something took form in her spare hand. She looked down at it for an instant, seeing a brilliant yellow light come from within.

She didn?t notice the falling beam until it was too late.


As the wooden beam slammed into her head, Shou heard the sound of her own skull cracking.

The impact was like a switch that turned off her body. Her momentum came to a sudden halt. Her knees buckled, and she flopped forwards onto the ground. Her hands went limp, dropping Nazrin to the floor. There was no pain, just an immense weight that left her pinned to the ground.

Something warm was running down her face. It dripped into her eyes, forcing her to close them. She could feel Nazrin nuzzling at the back of her palm, trying to rouse her. Shou did what she could to summon the energy to stand, but there was nothing left in her.

With an eerie calmness, she realised that she was dying.


She choked out the words, struggling even to speak in her condition. The weight on her back grew stronger, threatening to engulf her at any moment. Her heartbeat echoed in her head, every pulse a little weaker than the one before it.

? can...make it...?

Nazrin was out of the cage now. She could make it out on her own if she hurried. In that regard, Shou?s efforts hadn?t been in vain. Drained of everything she had, the young girl finally succumbed to the weight.

As she slipped out of consciousness, the last thing she heard was a tiny voice.

?Master...master, don?t leave me...?


What is this girl?!

Before Koishi knew what was happening, she was back in the clearing behind the Institute. The fencer had pushed her all the way out of the forest back to where she?d started, all without putting a foot wrong. Her technique was flawless, and she guessed her way out of every escape Koishi attempted. None of her attacks had been a massive threat, but Koishi wasn?t left with a single opening.

How am I meant to beat her when she knows what I?m going to try before I do?

Looking back, Koishi saw the last few members of the fishman army being disposed of. Mokou slammed her fist into yet another face, and Sakuya took the time to adjust her collar while Youmu protected her. They?d dealt with the distraction, but the Claw had succeeded in their main goal.

Keine had escaped, and the Institute was burning.

The masked assailant started to hold her ground. Her only job was to keep Koishi preoccupied. Most likely she?d disappear into the forest at the first chance Koishi gave her. It was all the Siren could do to keep her from running now, and she had to-


A voice echoed out from inside the building. Everyone in the clearing turned around to face it.


Koishi?s heart collapsed.

She...she can?t be-!

It took one look at the building to know it was on its last legs. There was no way Shou would survive in there. Koishi was the first one to react to the voice.

Hang on, Shou-san! I?m coming!

She ran towards the blazing wall, finding an opening where the planks had come apart. She hurled herself through it, the wood scraping at her bare legs as she landed inside. Immediately she was engulfed in heat and fire, but even amongst the smoke she had no trouble breathing. The Ring of Breath glittered on her finger as she paced further into the corridors.


She heard her companions cry out for her beyond the wall. There was no time to stop. Shou?s life was at risk here. She followed the sound of Shou?s voice through the corridors as she called out for her pet.

?Nazrin, I?m here!?

The voice grew louder as Koishi pushed through the burning building. The walls were giving way, and the ceiling would soon follow suit. Koishi raced onwards, at speeds no normal human could have managed. She had to save Shou. She had to-


In the distance, Koishi heard wood slamming against something. Then, the sound of a body crumpling to the floor.


An icy grip clamped around Koishi?s heart. She forgot the flames for a moment, fear driving her towards the noise. She had a good idea what that sound was, but she didn?t want to accept it. Not until she saw it with her own eyes. There was still hope.

When she found the body on the floor, her worst fears came to life in front of her.

I?m too late.

Shou was lying face-down on the ground in a pool of her own blood. Her lips were a pale blue. Her chest was motionless. Even from this distance, Koishi could see the massive wound on the back of her head.

No-one could survive that.


A young girl sat at Shou?s side, grabbing at her hand. Tears streamed down her face as she squeezed at the Siren?s fingers, to no avail. Her mouse-like ears drooped forward, and her tail coiled around itself.

?Master, don?t leave me...?

Any rational person would have given up then. That injury was fatal, without a doubt. Koishi knew that, but in spite of it she moved towards the lifeless body, her eyes still flickering with hope. Maybe Nitori could heal her, or there was some sort of magic that would bring her back. Something. Anything.


Nazrin?s ears pricked up. She pulled her head upwards, staring straight at Koishi. For a moment they were lost in each other?s eyes.

Koishi caught the instant where the mouse?s expression turned venomous. Then the ceiling above caved in, and the mouse leaped backwards to clear the wreckage. It cut the corridor in two, separating the mouse from Koishi and Shou. Koishi heard the sound of tiny feet scurrying away in the other direction.

It?s not over. It can?t be over.

Koishi leaned down, grabbing Shou and lifting her onto her shoulders. The flames grew more intense around her. The walls and ceilings looked set to collapse. Carrying Shou slowed Koishi to a snail?s pace, and it was a long trip back to the exit.

I can?t think like that. Koishi shook her head. I am not giving up on her.

Distracted by her thoughts, Koishi didn?t notice the falling beam until the last minute. She broke to the side, turning herself to keep Shou out of the way. The beam crashed into her knee, sending an unimaginable burst of pain into her system.


Koishi?s leg gave way. She dropped to her knees, Shou almost rolling off of her shoulders. A sharp throbbing ran up her thigh in time with her pulse. It wasn?t broken, but moving it was an ordeal all on its own. Carrying someone in this state was even more of a struggle.

No. I can?t accept that.

Koishi tried over and over to rise to her feet, but her leg refused to obey. Shou tumbled off her back and onto the floor, her body flopping over like a ragdoll.

It was over, Koishi realised. She had failed.


She reached out into the inferno, a plea for help dying on her lips. She felt weaker than she had ever been in her life.

To her surprise, someone snatched at her hand and pulled her away.

?What are you doing?!?

The voice belonged to the last person she had expected. As Koishi was tugged out of the flames, she saw the figure of her masked assailant pulling her towards safety.

Huh? Why would she-

There was no time to think it over. Even being pulled along, Koishi?s leg cried out every time she put pressure on it. She limped behind the masked fencer as they dashed towards the exit. Pillars and beams came apart around them. The fencer swerved around everything in her path, Koishi following on behind her.

The heat was unbearable. The pain in her knee was agonising. But more than anything, Koishi felt her heart burning up as she looked backwards at the body she?d left behind.


The swordsman yelled as she leaped out of the rear entrance to the building, pulling Koishi out along with her. The cool air of the evening was like an oasis in the desert, and Koishi gasped in breath after breath to get the smell of smoke out of her system. She fell onto her back, finally letting her weak leg rest as she gave in to exhaustion. Behind her, the last remnants of the Myouren Institute caved in on themselves.


Sango was the first to run up to them, cradling Koishi?s head in her lap. The three Sirens followed behind her, covered in scrapes and bruises from the melee.

?Are you alright?? the woman behind the mask asked. Koishi managed a nod in response. The voice rang a distant bell in the back of her head.

Sango looked about, seeing one head missing from the group. ?Wait, where?s Shou-san...??

All Koishi could manage was to look towards the blazing building she?d been pulled from. Sango?s face went white.

?...Shit.? Mokou clenched her fists, then slammed them into a nearby tree. ?Shit, shit, SHIT!? Her punches echoed through the wood, almost snapping the tree in half.

Sakuya and Youmu looked at each other, then towards the flames. They hung their heads in silence, like they were guests at a funeral. Even the masked attacker joined them, her blade sheathed as she bowed her head towards the blazing remnants of the Institute.

After a minute without a word, she turned around again, looking towards Koishi. ?I need to speak to her.?

Koishi gasped. She tried to step away as the woman approached her, but every ounce of strength in her had already fled.

?Watch it, pal.? Mokou leaped in between the two before the valkyrie could get too close. ?Last time I checked, you were trying to stab her in the chest.?

The figure responded with a heaving sigh. She held her arms out in an act of surrender. ?If I attack her, you may strike me down where I stand.?

?And what?s stopping us from fighting you right now?? Sakuya asked, her expression venomous.

The valkyrie managed a small smile. ?Surely you Sirens have some semblance of honour. I saved her life, so in return I should be able to expect you to spare mine.?

Sakuya?s face only darkened, but Youmu grabbed at her shoulder. ?She?s right, Miyo. It would be unjust to leave our debt to her unpaid.?

The maid looked ready to erupt, but at last she went limp and gave up her resistance. On seeing her companions give their consent, Mokou begrudgingly stepped to the side.

?Don?t try anything funny,? she muttered.

The valkyrie smiled again. ?I wouldn?t dream of it.?

She knelt down at Koishi?s side, opposite Sango. Koishi could see a glimmer of anger in the eyes behind the mask.

?What were you thinking?? Her anger was restrained, but unmissable. ?Being a Siren doesn?t make you invincible, you know. If I hadn?t stepped in, your friends would have been mourning your death as well.?

What? How could this woman even suggest that? Koishi felt sick just looking at her. She felt her strength coming back to her as she choked out a response.

?I...I had to try and save Shou-san. I couldn?t live with myself if she...if she...?

The image flashed in front of her eyes again. Shou lying lifeless on the floor, a terrible wound still spewing blood in all directions. Koishi had to stave off the urge to vomit.

The valkyrie shook her head. ?It was too late to save her. All you managed to do was put yourself in more danger.? She frowned, and now Koishi could make out something resembling sadness in her eyes. ?This is why you don?t belong on the battlefield. You?re a threat to yourself and your companions.?

Koishi felt all the sorrow inside her transform into rage in an instant. She leaned forwards, head rising out of Sango?s lap as she glared straight at the masked woman.

?What makes you think you can tell me this? Why should I listen to a word you say??

The valkyrie frowned. For a moment she trembled, eyes uncertain, but at last she let off another sigh.

She reached up, pulling off her mask and helm.

?Because I don?t want to see you get hurt, Koishi.?

Koishi?s entire world came to a standstill at that moment. Looking down on her was a face she hadn?t seen for months, a face she had wanted to see more than anything.

But not like this.


Satori Komeiji nodded back. There was a cold determination in her eyes, along with an unmistakable glint of light. Mokou and Sango gasped in unison, while Sakuya and Youmu merely flinched.

?Koishi, I want you to promise me something.? From the bluntness of her voice, she may as well have been giving Koishi an order. ?I never want to see you as an adversary again. I went easy on you today, but next time...? She gulped, going tense as the last words leaped out of her. ?Next time, I won?t hold back. I?ll kill you if I have to.?

Koishi was no longer coherent enough to manage a response. Her mouth bobbed open and closed, but no sound came out. She felt like her body and soul had both gone entirely numb.

No, no, no, no, no...

She watched on, powerless, as Satori retreated back into the forest. Mokou leaned down over her, rubbing some sort of gel along her legs where the burns had dug into her skin. She felt the pain, but she didn?t wince at it. It was as if she was witnessing someone else playing out her life for her.

Only when the blaring sounds of a fire engine filled the air did Sango tap her on the shoulder.

?C?mon, Koishi-san. We?ve got to get out of here.? The dolphin wrapped Koishi?s arm around her shoulder, with Mokou quickly taking the other. Koishi was grateful for their help - it was all she could manage to put one foot in front of the other right now. Mokou?s salve had helped with her knee, but it still hurt to walk on.

?Can...can I go home?? she asked. More than anything, she wanted to wrap herself up in bed and pretend this had all been one horrible dream.

Sango looked back at her with a frown. ?Sorry, Koishi-san, but we can?t. We have to head to room 495.?

?But why??

Sango stared off into the distance. ?My boss has a lot of explaining to do.?

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #483 on: September 11, 2012, 10:30:58 PM »

While I fully expected Satori would be on Team Black Claw, I didn't expect to see her like this (in a combat role, I mean). This is going to be fun.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #484 on: September 11, 2012, 11:02:43 PM »
Wait, is Shou...actually dead..? :ohdear:
Does this mean that Naz is the one who'll inherit the role of UFO Siren?
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Joveus Molai

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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #485 on: September 11, 2012, 11:24:45 PM » know, I had a feeling something like this was going to happen.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #486 on: September 11, 2012, 11:39:14 PM »
Um guys a siren is dead. What we do?

Yes, I know that Mokou dies all the time, but when Shou dies, she dies forever!

Though now I'm starting to wonder if Yukari expected this to happen.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #487 on: September 12, 2012, 01:16:16 AM »
 :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear: :ohdear:

Though now I'm starting to wonder if Yukari expected this to happen.

That too, though. It seems Yukari is as black comedy as every fanon interpretation as ever [though i'm not complaining, am i? :D]

Does this mean that Naz is the one who'll inherit the role of UFO Siren?

This was also what I may see coming now that I think about it. What with what Orin and Okuu became.

ohhh the suspense one man can unfold with nothing but a keyboard and an internet connection


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #488 on: September 12, 2012, 02:01:13 AM »
I think the fact that so far, only one post mentioned Satori says something; namely, that everybody knew she'd show up as a 'villain'. She's not acting mindcoiled, though, which is bad in my opinion, as I consider mind control to be a less-bad (but still bad) cliche than the whole 'actually working for the bad guys for some reason but ends up becoming one of the good guys' thing that's likely to happen now.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #489 on: September 12, 2012, 02:05:01 AM »
The way I see it, she's the Fate to koi-koi's Nanoha. Basically, she has her reasons for it, likely to protect koi-koi.
She said it herself that she didn't want to run into koi-koi like this.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #490 on: September 12, 2012, 03:20:18 AM »
I know. I just really don't like that sort of thing. I know it's fairly normal for magical girl stories, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.


  • I don't mean to be greedy...
  • ... but white rice is my favorite food.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #491 on: September 12, 2012, 04:00:42 AM »

I wouldn't be surprised if Nazrin took over the Siren role, but at the same time Shou died so quickly! I have to hope that she'll be back.


  • Happening Cat of the Middle of Nowhere
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #492 on: September 12, 2012, 05:10:45 AM »

Nice knowing you Shou, you were cool for your short amount of screentime


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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #493 on: September 12, 2012, 06:08:43 AM »
Nazrin won't take over, she's a youkai.

If won't forgive you if you somehow bring Shou back.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #494 on: September 12, 2012, 11:14:30 AM »
I just thought of something. But first, let me clarify: do both the White Pearl and Black Claw want the potential Sirens alive and supporting their causes, or is it just the White Pearl?

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #495 on: September 12, 2012, 04:05:41 PM »
I seem to recall the Claw leader lady saying something about killing one of them and extracting the Teardrop from her corpse. So no, the Claw doesn't need them alive.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #496 on: September 15, 2012, 06:42:22 AM »

i needed to sign up just to say my thoughts , but it is EPIC!

I'll be eagerly awaiting the next part of your work.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #497 on: September 19, 2012, 08:20:53 PM »
The sun was setting by the time the school came into view. The last few students were crawling out of the gates, murmuring to each other about the accident down by the zoo. No-one paid much mind to the group trudging back into the building with all the enthusiasm of a funeral service.

Koishi was at the back of the group, with Sango standing beside her. She still leaned on the dolphin?s shoulder as she limped along. It would take a day or two for her leg for heal, Mokou had told her. Until then, she wouldn?t be up for much in the way of physical exertion.

The rest of the Sirens had been quiet on the way back to base. Mokou?s hands were in her pockets as she looked up to the heavens. Sakuya and Youmu had been holding hands since the start of the journey. Komachi had caught up with them halfway there, lost in her own train of thought, but when they had told her about Shou?s death she had joined in on their somber walk back to headquarters.

Nitori, of course, had already been informed. Sango had called her on the way over, explaining the situation in as few words as possible. Notably, she had left Satori?s participation out of her report entirely. Koishi wasn?t sure what to think about that, but she wasn?t sure what to think about anything right now.

At last the group came to a stop in Nitori?s classroom. Sango drew the White Pearl?s symbol across the board with a lazy hand, and the wall slid open. They shuffled into the secret room one after the other, with Koishi being the last to step in.

Nitori was seated at her desk, holding her head in her hands. Her expression was utterly neutral.

?It?s good to see all of you are safe,? she said. The words sounded generic, like she was using them for lack of anything else to say. Her voice was quiet, barely alive.

The crowd broke apart as Sango stepped forward. She tugged Koishi along with her, stopping right in front of Nitori?s desk. Anger swept across her face, darker than anything Koishi had ever seen from her.

?Boss, what the hell do you think is going on??

Sango squeezed at Koishi?s hand like a vice. The Siren fought back a yelp.

?We saw her, boss. We saw Satori-san. And she?s working with the Claw now.?

Nitori?s eyes almost popped out of her skull. An instant later, she was hanging her head in shame.

?You must?ve figured this out,? Sango continued. ?She was in the car when we were helping Youmu-san. You must have tracked her DNA or something. We thought she was dead, for crying out loud!?

Koishi?s mouth went dry. Every muscle in her body went tense. Nitori looked down on her, gulping like a child caught in a lie. The kappa clenched her teeth, slamming her hands against the desk.

?What do you want from me?? she said, glaring at Sango.

?I want you to explain everything to her,? Sango replied, squeezing at Koishi?s hand again. ?We can?t lie like this any more.?

Nitori paused, then nodded at last. She turned the seat back towards Koishi, her hands fidgeting with nerves.

?Koishi-san, there?s something we never told you before.? She sighed, like she was trying to heave the truth out of her chest. ?You...weren?t the first Siren we detected. There was another before you, an unusually early bloomer compared to the rest of the Sirens. The Claw got to her before we could protect her.?

She hung her head in shame. ?It was Satori-san. That happened a few months before you awakened to your power. We hadn?t seen anything of her since then, so we had assumed she was dead. I didn?t expect the Claw to use her as a soldier.?

She looked into Koishi?s eyes with guilt, but an undeniable conviction. She had no intention of repenting.

?...So you knew?? Koishi?s voice trembled. Her hand clenched at Sango?s, tight enough to make her bones creak. ?Sango-san, you knew what happened to Satori all this time??

The dolphin winced. ?Aaah-I, I wanted to tell you, but-?

?I ordered it,? Nitori interrupted, slamming the desk again. ?I told Sango to stay quiet about your sister.?

Koishi let out a little gasp. She let go of Sango?s hand, and the dolphin backed off to tend to her injury. Koishi turned back to Nitori, her whole body beginning to shiver.

?Why?? The first word was almost choked out, but she found strength with every word that followed. ?Why would you lie to me like that? I spent months worried about her, and you...?

Nitori took a deep breath, like she was trying to reinforce herself. ?What would have happened if I did tell you? Like I said, we all thought your sister was dead. How would you have reacted to that??

The worst part was knowing that she was right. That sort of news would have broken Koishi long before now. If anything, she should have been thanking Nitori for protecting her from the truth for so long.

?I...I don?t...?

Koishi stammered, toppling forward and grabbing at the desk for support. Her knee began to throb again, making it difficult to stand. Sango was looming over her in an instant, holding her upright.

?Easy, Koishi-san.? She held Koishi tightly but tenderly, as if the Siren was made of glass. ?You?ve been through a lot recently. You?re heading home to recover for a few days.?

Nitori nodded in concurrence. ?I agree. Koishi-san, you?re off duty until further notice.?

Koishi?s heart dropped. ?What? No! I have to-?

?No, Koishi-san.? The compassion dropped out of Nitori?s voice in an instant. ?You?re injured. Right now, you aren?t in a fit state to help anybody.?

Again, Nitori?s words rung painfully true. Koishi went limp in Sango?s grip, managing a tiny nod in consent. She felt like half a dozen weights were stacked on her shoulders, forcing her to slump forward at all times.

As she was led out of the room, Koishi vaguely heard her companions offering their condolences. She was barely listening, and the voices all meshed together into one illegible mess. She caught words, fragments, promises that things would be okay. Her friends were coming for her in her time of need, but all Koishi could think was that they were too late.

And if I hadn?t messed up, Shou-san would be here too.

Koishi buried her face in Sango?s arm as they left the school. She leaned into Sango as hard as she could, putting as little weight as possible on her weak knee. She wrapped her arms around Sango for the whole journey, sniffling and drying her face on the dolphin?s sleeve.

?It?s alright, Koishi-san. It?s going to be okay...?

Sango gave her a gentle pat on the back to lead her along. The sun had set by the time they made it back home. Sango let them both in, still handling Koishi like she would shatter if Sango pressed too hard.

?You should probably get some sleep,? Sango said. ?You want me to bunk with you for now??

Koishi hesitated for a few seconds before shaking her head. ?No. I think I?ll be fine. You?ll be sleeping next door anyway, won?t you??

?Sure thing.?

As she led Koishi to her bedroom, two sets of frantic footsteps charged through the house.

?Koishi-sama!? Rin scurried towards her master, arms outwards for a hug. ?How did things g-? She stopped halfway when she saw the empty look in Koishi?s eyes. ?K-Koishi-sama??

Behind her, Utsuho poked her head out of the doorway. The bird mirrored Rin?s concern almost perfectly. They looked at one another, then back to Koishi, both waiting for the other to make the first move.

It was Koishi who finally broke the deadlock by falling into their embrace.

?Hello, you two,? she said. ?I?m sorry, I...I?ve had a long day. I think I?m going to need to rest for a while, so-?

Her two pets hugged her back, and Koishi basked in their warmth.

?Koishi-sama, I was worried this would happen...? Rin gave her a pat on the head, her ears drooping. ?You can rest easy now, okay? We?ll take care of everything.?

Utsuho nodded in agreement, bringing her wings around to circle Koishi. Their feathers tickled at her arms.

? spent so long looking after us," the raven said. "Now it?s our chance to make it up to you.?

The hug kindled the tiny fire left in Koishi?s heart. She managed a smile as she pulled out of the embrace.

?Thanks, you two.? She yawned louder than she ever had in her life. ?I think I need to get some sleep for now, though. Don?t make too much noise, alright??

The pets saluted back to her. ?Yes, ma?am!? they yelled in unison. They practically carried Koishi to her bedroom, pushing her through the doorway.

?Goodnight, Koishi-sama.? Rin winked. ?We?ll make you breakfast tomorrow, okay??

Koishi nodded. ?That?d be wonderful. Goodnight, you two.? She closed the door with a quiet creak. She put her ear close to the wood, waiting to hear her pets move away.

When she was sure she was alone, she finally let the tears begin to flow. She leaped onto her bed, burying her face in a pillow to choke out her sobs. She let out every bit of emotion she?d been holding back, only stopping when there were no more tears left to shed.

She threw her clothes to the floor as she pulled out a nightgown from the closet. She didn?t bother with menial chores like brushing her teeth, opting instead to collapse onto her bed and bury herself beneath the covers. The whole day?s exertion was catching up with her, and it was a struggle just to keep her eyes open.

When she closed them, Shou leaped into her vision. She was smiling, laughing, dancing about in front of Koishi?s eyes, only for the image to give way to Shou as Koishi had last seen her. Her vision jumped between the Siren?s endless energy and her lifeless corpse, switching between the two seemingly at random. The wound on Shou?s head was deeper every time Koishi saw it, and she couldn?t look at it for more than five seconds without pulling her eyes open and fighting back a scream.

After an hour of trying and failing to fall asleep, Koishi turned about in her bed. She stared at the wardrobe again, at a teddy bear gathering dust in the back corner. It was a toy she?d adored as a child, but she?d grown out of it by the age of fifteen.

Without a hint of shame, she rose out of bed, burrowed the teddy bear out from amongst the rest of the wardrobe?s debris, and pulled it back into bed with her.

It?s not Sango-san, but it?s as close as I?ll get.

She squeezed the toy with all her might, feeling its soft fur stroking at her hands. As she let her eyes drift shut again Shou was nowhere to be seen, and she finally felt alone as she passed into a quiet slumber.

Her dreams were another story.


How did it come to this?

Satori was alone with her thoughts, sitting on the floor of the cell. This had been her holding chamber once, but it had become her personal quarters after she had pledged her allegiance. It was both airtight and soundproof, and placed well away from the schools of fish that circled the fortress.

She looked down at the bulbous red eye dangling from her chest. It was a part of her bloodline, or so she'd been told. In her Siren form it disappeared, and she could use its power as she willed; otherwise, it took in the thoughts of everyone around her, whether she wanted it to or not. This was the only place she could go to feel truly alone with herself.

Now she had plenty of space to wallow in her own frustration.

Koishi. How had she been wrapped up in this madness? She wasn?t made for war. She was still just a little girl trying to play hero. It was better for everyone if she just stopped fighting.

But what if she doesn?t? What if she keeps going?

Satori clenched her fists. She?d put on a brave front when they first met. Could she really bring herself to fight her own sister? Even with everything that was at stake, could she turn against her own family? It was a question she had no clear answer to. She sat in contemplation for what must have been hours, the conundrum tumbling around her skull non-stop.

She was interrupted by the sound of someone else?s mind. It was a feeling akin to fingers scratching at her skull, along with whispered voices in her ear. She caught a familiar flurry of vows to ?beat up that dolphin the next time I see her?.

?Come in, Jozu.?

The shark stepped through the first of the two doors to Satori?s room. The Siren heard the water churning out of the airlock before Jozu stepped into the cell, dripping water onto the bricks.

?The boss is ready to talk to you.?

Satori nodded as she rose to her feet. She stretched like she was waking up from a long sleep, making sure her Ring of Breath was firmly lodged on her finger. She had no need to worry about her Teardrop - it was sewn into the fabric of her wetsuit, a violet gem hanging over the centre of her chest. She?d been wearing this outfit ever since she had agreed with work with the Claw, simply for the sake of practicality.

She took Jozu?s hand and led her back into the airlock. The door closed behind them, and the room was flooded in a matter of seconds. Satori was so used to it that she barely paid it mind any more, the ring humming on her finger every time she breathed in. She pushed forward into the water, swimming through the fort?s hallways with Jozu at her side.

?I heard about what happened up there.? Jozu said with a frown. She squeezed lightly at Satori?s hand. ?You gonna be alright??

Satori managed a smile. ?I?ll be fine,? she said. ?I?m just...surprised, that?s all.?

?Yeah, I can imagine.? Jozu looked up, through one of the fort?s windowed ceilings. The surface of the water couldn?t even be seen from here. ?Who?d have thought your sister was partners with the Wonder Dolphin??

Satori?s smile grew wider. ?Wonder Dolphin? You have a different name for that girl every day. You?re obsessed with her, I swear.?

?It?s not obsession!? Jozu growled. ?She?s my rival. It?s practically my job to fight her. I?m just working lots and lots of overtime, alright??

Satori chuckled. This was just the sort of small talk she needed right now. It was a chance to get some distance from the surface affair, a chance to recover before she talked with her superior about it. She gave the shark a little pat on the back, stroking at her jagged fin.

?...Seriously, though, I hope your sister listens to you,? Jozu said, her expression growing serious again. ?It must be hard enough for you already, going against your people like this.?

The Siren nodded. It had been hard for her. For the first few weeks she had refused to co-operate, but gradually she?d come to understand what the Claw was fighting for. She had come to terms with the decisions she had made since then - at least, until this.

?...Yes. I hope so, too,? Satori replied. She was speaking to herself as much as she was speaking to Jozu. With any luck, Koishi would listen to reason, and there?d be nothing left to worry about.

At last Jozu brought Satori into the main throne room of the fortress. The walls were patterned with sapphires and emeralds shaped like fish, a priceless mosaic on every side. A red carpet ran along the floor, leading up to a golden throne that was currently uninhabited. It was crowned with a shimmering stone, with seven tear-shaped holes engraved into it. Satori clutched at her chest as she approached the throne.

That?s what I have to do. Collect all seven, and things will be right again.

Jozu came to a stop halfway down the hall, letting Satori continue on her own. She fell to her knees at the foot of the throne, bowing her head to an unseen ruler.

You wished to speak with me, Siren?

A voice echoed through the very currents of the room. Satori trembled as the sound struck her, the water itself resounding with pride and majesty.

?Yes, ma?am. I?d like to ask some questions about our last operation.?

Her words were frustratingly indirect. She had never actually met the head of the Black Claw in person. Almost no-one had, in fact - only Jozu had ever seen her face, and she was sworn to silence on that matter. Supposedly it was to keep her identity secret in case an agent was kidnapped and interrogated, which made sense in a twisted sort of way.

What is it? The stern voice already gave Satori little room for small talk. Toramaru?s death was unfortunate, but unavoidable. There was nothing that could have been done to prevent it.

The plan had been simple. The Myouren Institute was too closed off for the Claw to do its job properly. Instead, they would burn it down to leave the Siren in the open before capturing her.

Instead, the Siren Satori was meant to apprehend had jumped into the fire, and died before she could be rescued. They hadn?t even recovered her Teardrop. It had been a failure, but Satori had already come to terms with that.

?No, that?s not it,? Satori said, shaking her head. ?It?s about Koishi.? She took a deep breath. ?I?m not sure if I?ll be able to fight her.?

Silence. The water cooled down, sending a chill down Satori?s spine.

Siren. Do you recall the vow you made when you joined us?

Satori gulped. Of course she did. It was an oath spoken by every member of the Black Claw during their initiation.

?I solemnly swear that I shall fight ?til my last breath, to reclaim that which the humans have stolen.? She recited it without even stopping to think.

Precisely. You promised me your undying loyalty. Are you saying now that your determination is wavering?

The water grew colder again. Satori hugged herself to maintain her warmth.

?No, ma?am, I-?

Then what are you doing here? The room trembled as the echoing voice grew more intense. I will not tolerate uncertainty within my ranks. If you are not our ally, you are merely another human. The voice spat the last word out as if it was vomiting.

Satori began to shiver. Even though her superior wasn?t there in person, she had an immense presence that made Satori?s blood dance in her veins. Satori's heart gained pace in her chest, the first tendrils of fear seeping into her. She blurted out her request in one long string of words.

?I want you to talk to her. Please. She just needs to hear our side of the story, and then she?ll understand.?

The water was so cold now that Satori expected it to freeze around her. You think that you can make demands of me?

?It?s not a demand. Just a request.? Satori bowed forward, pressing her forehead against the carpet. ?This is all I?ll ever ask of you, I swear.?

There was a moment of silence before the chill in the water resided. The tides calmed to a stop as the voice recomposed itself.

...Very well. Perhaps now is the best time to make your sister understand our ways.

Satori nodded, rising up only to bow again. ?Thank you, ma?am. Nothing else to report.? She rose to her feet, swimming away from the throne with a weight lifted from her shoulders. The head of the Black Claw was a brilliant negotiator. If anyone could make Koishi see the truth, it was her.

Jozu was waiting to take her back to her cell at the end of the hallway. The shark?s expression was complicated, but her mind was a mish-mash of emotions too jumbled for Satori to decipher. She was strange like that - most youkai had rather simple thought processes, but Jozu's thoughts sometimes descended into what Satori heard as white noise. As she led the Siren back to her quarters, Jozu?s hand gripped hers a little bit tighter.

?What?s wrong?? Satori asked.

Jozu looked back towards the throne room, then to Satori. She bit her lip, and for a moment Satori could make out one thought rising above the rest in Jozu?s mind. Before she could hear it, it was gone.

?It?s nothing,? Jozu said with a shrug of her shoulders. ?Let?s just get ready for our next mission, alright??

Satori eyed the shark curiously, before finally managing a nod. Her nervousness left Satori uneasy, but she knew from experience that when Jozu wanted to keep a secret it stayed hidden. She let the thought pass out of her head, tuning out the sounds of Jozu?s mind.

Koishi was going to be taken care of. The only thing holding Satori back would soon be a non-issue. Now Satori could focus solely on her duties.

The fate of the youkai people was in her hands.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #498 on: September 19, 2012, 09:18:56 PM »
Well crap. Seems like things are gonna get even more intense.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #499 on: September 22, 2012, 12:08:23 AM »
omg you're using the nicknames I assembled for Sango aren't you
you totally are omg I love you


  • Crossover loving
  • 2012 above will happen
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #500 on: September 22, 2012, 06:03:55 PM »
Having read the latest chapters, knew the story was going way too direct. Man this is bad.

But wait, how many Sirens are there left? With one dead I think a problem is going to rise.
Also, Satori better explain her reasons of joining the other side on the next chapters.

As always, another great chapter of DRK
So I'm a newbie that can't socialize directly and can hide my emotions, so what?

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #501 on: September 22, 2012, 06:45:00 PM »
Odds are pretty likely she's doing it to protect Koi-koi.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #502 on: September 26, 2012, 05:26:29 PM »
Mokou was used to waking up early, but usually with a little more sleep than this.

Last night had been difficult. Nitori had ordered them to meet at the school at dawn to catch Keine on the way in; if she didn?t arrive, they were to make a beeline for her house and confront her there. They?d have struck right away if there hadn?t been injuries to tend to.

Mokou had been in bed for seven hours, but little of that time had been spent asleep. The weight of Shou?s death only struck her when she arrived home, and she spent most of the night imagining how things could have gone. She dragged herself towards the meeting point, bringing along a satchel and hugging it every so often.

She was the last to arrive, which was unusual for her. Sakuya and Youmu were leaning on the school?s front gate, both looking ready to fall over. Komachi was better at hiding her fatigue, but sometimes her eyes would flutter closed only to pop back open moments later. None of them had slept any better than Mokou had, apparently.

Luckily, Mokou had prepared for this.

?Here you go, guys.? She opened the satchel she had brought with her and dug into it. She handed out flasks to the other Sirens, all filled with viscous brown liquids. ?Not my best brew, but it should keep us conscious until we haul her in.?

The drink was foul, but its effect was profound. Even Komachi had to stand upright as a bolt of energy charged through her system. Youmu downed hers in a swig without even flinching, while Sakuya sipped at hers more tentatively.

?Needs more sugar,? she said.

?Hey, I?ve never made this before. I just threw a bunch of stuff in a blender and hoped for the best.?

It was a little more thought-out than Mokou was implying, but it had the vile aftertaste of a science experiment. Regardless, it did its job. In spite of their lack of sleep and rest, the Sirens were as ready for combat as they?d ever be. After half an hour with no sign of their target, they started on a steady pace for Keine's place of residence. There was no guarantee the woman would even be there - she may well have fled after last night?s attack.

?So what?s the plan?? Komachi asked. ?I mean, if we get holda this woman, what are we supposed to do with her??

No-one answered immediately. Even Nitori?s orders on that front had been deliberately vague - she?d only told them to ?do whatever was necessary?. That could have meant anything, but it was Sakuya who gave her interpretation first.

?We kill her, obviously.? She shrugged as if it was obvious, unconcerned by the three deathglares that fell on her as a result. ?She?s an enemy agent. She?d kill any of us given half a chance.?

Mokou tried to think the problem over, but her head was still clouded with emotion. The idea was alluring in its own way. Keine had killed Shou, after all. Wasn?t it unfair on Shou not to seek payback?

...No, that?s not it.

She knew better than anyone how fruitless vengeance could be. She cleared her throat and gathered her nerves.

?We can?t just kill her, Sakuya-san. We?ll capture her if we have to. I?m sure the boss will be able to get something useful out of her.?

Sakuya rolled her eyes. ?Oh, of course she?ll co-operate once we have her locked up. And where are we meant to hide her? Right in the middle of our base of operations??

This time it was Komachi who interjected. ?Kid, the health nut has a point. Where I?m from, we?ve got rules about justice. You can?t just ice people, Sakuya-san. That makes you a vigilante.?

?So what, you?d go easy on her when she just burned down an orphanage?? Sakuya grabbed at her temples, grimacing with frustration. ?Honestly, the whole lot of you are so naive that I-?

Youmu?s hand grabbed at Sakuya?s shoulder, stopping her cold in her tracks. ?Miyo, they?re right.? She spoke quietly, but with determination. ?If we kill Keine-san, we?re falling to the Black Claw?s level. I can?t believe you?re even considering something like that.?

Sakuya seemed especially sensitive to her sister?s words. She went stiff for an instant before heaving out a massive breath.

?...I can?t promise I won?t act in self-defense. Understand??

A flurry of nods followed. The quartet continued onwards, but the atmosphere among them was painfully grim. No-one seemed to know how to break the silence that followed.

Where?s Koishi-san when you need her? Mokou thought to herself. She?d find something to say at a time like this. She turned around to examine the motley crew she was traveling with - a nigh-homicidal card-sharp maid, a prosecutor with a very colourful history, and a swordsman who had only recently come to terms with her femininity.

Mokou smirked. They looked like something out of a bad punchline.

Eventually, Keine?s residence came into view. It was a small, unassuming cottage, almost a block away from the next house. A single light was on in the sitting room, and Mokou could make out a silhouette sitting within. The front door hung slightly open, creaking as if to beckon them inside.

The Sirens observed it from a safe distance, with various levels of surprise.

?This is too easy,? Mokou said. ?It?s gotta be a trap.?

?Oh, undoubtedly.? Sakuya had already grabbed at her Teardrop. ?Should we go for the window, then??

?Hey, look at how small that thing is.? Komachi pointed at the window, then looked down at her chest. ?Iunno about you, but there?s no way I?m gettin? through there.?

Youmu opened her mouth for an answer, but Komachi?s derailment onto the subject of her chest was enough to stun her into silence. She blushed for almost half a minute before she managed to regain her composure.

Two minutes later, no-one had decided on a safe way to approach the situation. The whole thing just seemed too welcoming, like Keine was begging to be attacked. Anything and everything could be a trap.

?Oh, to hell with this.? Mokou cracked her neck. This was going nowhere. ?In for a penny-!?

She was off to a running start before anyone could stop her. With no witnesses in sight, she raised her Teardrop to the air and let it glisten in her hand.

?Fujiyama Phoenix, Rise!?

She was engulfed in her own flames as she rolled through the front door. She rolled forwards, covering her head to prepare for the inevitable barrage of blows that would rain down on her.

She only looked up when Sakuya poked her in the side.

?What do you think you?re doing??

Mokou laughed awkwardly as she pulled herself up to her feet. ?If there?d been a bomb or something in the doorway, you?d be thanking me right now.?

?Actually, I?d be thanking your corpse, but that?s another matter.?

The rest of the Sirens had followed Mokou?s lead, taking on their Siren forms. Mokou was still on point, taking one cautious step after another towards the sitting room. Youmu hung right behind her, with Sakuya and Komachi at the rear for long-range cover.

They were surprised to find Keine still in the sitting room, as she had been when they were outside. She hadn?t even tried to hide herself. She looked up at the Sirens, lips trembling as she tried to speak.

?I knew you would be looking for me.?

Slowly, she pulled herself to her feet, her eyes never moving away from the Sirens. Mokou raised her fists, ready for Keine to unleash hell on them.

The last thing she expected was for Keine to fall to her knees and bow.

?Please, listen. You don?t understand. I never meant to hurt anyone, I swear...?

Mokou gasped. Keine was sobbing like a child in front of her, begging for forgiveness over and over. She?d been expecting a climactic battle with the villain who?d killed one of their own, not a defenseless woman pleading for mercy.

?This is...pathetic,? Sakuya said with a raised eyebrow. ?I would have expected a murderer to face her fate with a little more courage than this.?

Mokou winced at the sight of Keine. She?d come here looking to bury a hatchet, but looking down on her Mokou couldn?t help but feel an ounce of pity seep into her system.

?Well, whatever. If she isn?t going to kill us, we may as well start asking our questions.? Sakuya had no such impediment, eyes burrowing into the teacher without a hint of remorse. ?So tell me - what possesses a high-school teacher to randomly burn down an orphanage??

No-one else seemed willing or able to move. Keine stared up at the maid, mouth bobbing open and shut without making any sound. She wiped at her face, sitting up to face them.

?S-She told me to do it.?

Mokou?s brow dropped. ?Who? Who told you??

The words crawled out of Keine?s mouth, dripping onto the floor in front of her.

?T-The nurse. She didn?t give me a choice...?


I just thought it was a shame to see an animal suffer like that.

The wound had ripped off a chunk of its flesh. Dark-red blood splashed across the floor, forming gruesome patterns alongside the flickering flames. She wanted to run, but her legs had frozen in place. Looking down on herself, she saw her knee shackled to a ball and chain.

We?re both stuck in a cage at the end of the day.

The corpse shuddered, long-dead muscle and bone rising upwards. It let out a low, feral moan as it rose to its feet. One of its eyeballs had fallen out, leaving a gaping hole in its face. Blood oozed out, pumping as if its heart had started all over again.

She felt her stomach heave, but her body wouldn?t even let her throw up. She could not look away. She could not escape. All she could do was watch.

The creature raised one rigid arm, pointing it straight forward. Its face warped as it let out a wretched cry of agony. It grew louder and louder, to the point where nothing else existed.


Koishi screamed as she bolted upright, both hands smothering the teddy bear she?d taken to bed with her. Her clothes and bedsheets were soaked with sweat, and her face was still wet where she had been crying. Almost as soon as she awoke, panicked footsteps barged down the corridor.

?Koishi-san! What happened?!?

Sango was first on the scene, scanning the room for intruders. Koishi?s pets were right on her tail, fighting amongst each other to be the first into the room. Koishi didn?t need to say a word to them - the look on her face said more than enough.

?Ah, Koishi-sama...? Utsuho walked over to the side of the bed, wrapping her arms and wings around her owner. ?It?s okay, it was just a nightmare. You?re safe now...?

Koishi returned the hug, squeezing as hard as she could at the raven?s waist. Rin joined in the hug soon afterward, purring as she nuzzled at Koishi?s face.

Had it been a dream? It must have been, Koishi thought to herself. But it felt so real, so frightening, that she struggled to believe it. She hadn?t had a dream that vivid since Satori had disappeared. She had forgotten the primal terror that flooded her now, every muscle rigid from fear.

It took two minutes for the feeling to decline. Koishi?s panicked gasps to gave way to slow, controlled breaths as her pets moved away. She felt as if she was seven years old again, being tended to by her father after night terrors.

At least I don?t wet myself nowadays.

As soon as she stood up, a familiar pain popped up in her knee. It was strong enough to stand on, but any sort of exercise was too much for her to bear right now. She looked down on herself, her clothes clinging to her slender frame. She grabbed a nightgown from the nearby wardrobe.

?I?m going to have a bath.?

?Do you need any help?? Utsuho asked. ?I can carry you into the bath if you need me to.?

Rin?s ears drooped. ?I was gonna make that offer. Why?d you have to beat me to it??

?I?m fine, you two,? Koishi said to interrupt them, already headed for the door. ?Thanks for offering, though.?

The pets nodded along in understanding. Rin ran off to the kitchen to cook up something thoroughly unhealthy for breakfast, and Utsuho followed behind to sort through the family mail. Sango stood outside of the bathroom as Koishi locked the door behind her, stripping down as she filled up the bathtub.

?Are you going to need any help in there?? Sango asked from the other side of the door.

?I?ll be fine,? Koishi answered. ?Besides, I?m not wearing anything, so it would be a little awkward.?

That was a good enough answer to silence Sango. Koishi could practically feel the heat wafting off the dolphin as her imagination ran away with her. The Siren smiled weakly as she lowered herself into the water, washing herself clean with a bar of soap.

There was still an ugly mark where the beam had struck her. The wood had drawn a cross along her knee, leaving a scar that ran several inches deep. She wasn?t sure if it would ever heal - the muscle beneath it could knit back together, but she had been left with a permanent souvenir from the Myouren Institute.

Looking at the wound pulled Koishi back into the events of the night before. She grabbed at the ring lying among the rest of her clothing, slipped it onto her finger, and dipped her head into the water. She felt alone with her thoughts beneath the surface, even knowing that Sango was standing outside.

She was numb as she placed one hand over her chest. It felt like there was a hole where her heart should have been, and everything was seeping out of her. Within a few days, there would be nothing left but an empty shell.

I failed.

There was no simpler way to put it. Shou had been her responsibility. If she?d been doing her job properly, Koishi would have kept her safe. Instead, she?d left an innocent girl to die in the ruins of her own home.

All I had to do was look after her...

Koishi was silent. She wasn?t sure how long she spent under the water, letting last night?s events sink in. She only surfaced when she heard Sango knocking on the door to make sure Koishi hadn?t drowned herself. By then the water was barely lukewarm, and she hauled herself out and dried herself with a nearby towel. She heaved on the nightgown she had brought in with her - she had no intention of leaving the house today, so getting dressed seemed like too much effort.

?You alright?? Sango asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. Koishi wasn?t sure how she felt. She wasn?t sure if she felt much of anything anymore. She gave a shrug, unable to give a straight answer.

?Breakfast is served, Koishi-sama!? Rin hollered from the kitchen. Koishi heeded the call, sitting herself at the dining table. Sango followed her in, licking her lips in excitement. The dolphin reached into the fridge, pulling out a tin of canned mackerel and spooned it onto a plate. She pulled up the seat next to Koishi before digging into her meal.

Koishi?s breakfast consisted of a plate of burnt toast. The room still held the faint smell of smoke. She barely noticed, grabbing at the toast and biting down on it. It was so hard she almost broke a tooth.

?Um, sorry about that.? The cat chuckled anxiously as she looked away. ?I saw you use that toaster thingy before, but I didn?t realise you had to take it out before it went all black and stuff.?

Koishi nodded, forcing another smile. ?It?s alright, Rin. You did your best.? She continued to devour her breakfast, paying no attention to the lack of garnish. All that mattered was that it was edible.

Rin looked down on her with such pity that Koishi began to wonder who the real pet in the relationship was. The cat turned to Sango, lip quivering. ?Is she gonna be alright??

?Physically, yeah. Mentally...? Sango joined in, aiming a second look of sorrow at Koishi. ?I?m not sure. She?s been through a lot.?

Koishi was barely listening. She felt the world falling out of focus around her, like she was slowly shifting out of existence. Her heart and soul continued to pour out of the hole in her chest. She hadn?t felt this empty since Satori had disappeared.

And now she wants to kill me.

Her eyes started to mist up. Another hole for her emotions to seep out of. She let her tears flow freely, hoping that eventually she?d run herself dry. She felt a hand press on her shoulder, vaguely heard Rin say that things would be alright.

She was wrong, Koishi thought. Things weren?t alright. Things would never be alright. Not after-


A bell chimed through the house, pulling Koishi back into reality. Utsuho rushed into the dining room, two piles of letters under her arms.

?Um, Koishi-sama, there?s a lady at the door. She says she?s from your school.?

Ah. This was a school day, now that she thought about it. She?d had a few questionable absences thanks to her Siren work, so of course someone was going to get suspicious. She rubbed at her eyes and took a deep breath as she stood up.

?Stay in here, you three. I?ll take care of this.?

The pets nodded, and Sango was too busy eating to respond. Koishi made the trip to the front door alone, straightening up her nightgown as she came to the door. She was ready to show her guest the mark on her leg if she needed a suitable alibi.

?Koishi-san? Are you in??

Koishi recognised the voice instantly. Iku Nagae, the school nurse. She was probably here to check up on the after-class incident she had walked in on. Koishi opened the door, stepping aside to let her in.

?Good morning, Nagae-san.?

The woman chuckled. ?How many times do I have to tell you to call me Iku? You should lighten up more around your elders, Koishi-san.?

She had an irresistible smile, Koishi noticed. When she grinned, Koishi couldn?t help but join in. Her bright grin was a strange contrast to the jet-black dress she was wearing.

?Anyway, let?s get down to business,? Iku said as she bowed her head. ?I need some alone time with you, Koishi-san.?

?Is this about my absence?? Koishi pulled up her nightgown to reveal the scar she?d received during last night?s injury. ?I was in hospital last night after I-?

She never got to finish the sentence.

Iku bolted forward like a flash of lightning. Her arms wrapped around Koishi?s waist, her face so close that Koishi felt the nurse?s breath on her cheek. Her smile seemed sharper, verging on sardonic.

?I?ve been wanting to do this for a while, Koishi-san,? Iku whispered in her ear. ?It took so long to get you away from that dolphin friend of yours.?

Koishi tried to scream, but as she opened her mouth Iku?s lips pressed against hers. Something slithered down her tongue, and as it reached the back of her throat she fought back the urge to gag. The creature slid moved upwards, past her nose, towards her-


Her body felt like it was made of lead. She tried to move her arms, but they refused to obey. She watched them rise and fall, seemingly of their own volition. Black tendrils curled into her vision, crawling along her eyes. Iku broke away from the kiss, patting her on the head with a sly smile.

?Doesn?t that feel so much better??

Koishi tried to move, but her legs were planted to the ground. She heaved and struggled just to open her mouth, words creaking out of her at a glacial pace.


?What have I done?? Iku was polite enough to finish Koishi?s sentence for her. ?Oh, it?s nothing much. Since you have a terrible habit of overriding my normal coils, I saved you something a little special.?

The weight increased, and Koishi?s voice died in her throat. She could feel something wrapping around her brain, like a spider building its web inside her skull. The tendrils expanded across her vision, and she couldn?t even blink to bat them away.

?Normally, my coils split your psyche as I see fit, but that wouldn?t work on you. Your little parlor tricks would just let you slip back out again. But this...? She grinned maniacally, an inventor waxing poetic about her masterpiece. ?Slowly but surely, it?s locking your whole consciousness away in the back of your head. It?ll put you somewhere where you can?t interfere with my work.?

She reached into her dress, pulling out a shimmering gold key. Koishi could only see through the slits left by the tendrils, but she would recognise that light anywhere.

?Your body, on the other hand, will be of some use to me. Be a dear and kill those other Sirens for me, would you??

Iku gave Koishi another pat on the head before turning for the door. Koishi could only watch her go, squinting as the tendrils began to block what little vision she had left. Her consciousness was growing hazy.

She felt her body move on its own, carrying her back to the kitchen. The last of her sight was gone, but she could still hear the world around her.

?So, Koishi-san, who was i-? Sango stopped mid-sentence. ?K-Koishi-san? Are you alright??

Koishi wanted to tell her pets to run, but she had long-since lost control of herself. She felt a stabbing pain as the Black Key was rammed into her chest, heard the shimmering of magic as she took on her new form.

?Come on, you three,? she said, another voice speaking with her mouth. ?Koishi-sama has some hunting to do.?

Sango was the first to react. ?You two, get out of here! She?s been-? Her voice was cut short as Koishi heard a whip lashing through the air. Sango?s body slumped to the floor.

?Koishi-sama!? Utsuho cried out, grabbing Koishi by the shoulders and shaking her. ?What?s wrong with you? What are you doing!??

Whatever was controlling Koishi at that point did not answer. There were two more whip-cracks, two cries cut short. Now even the sounds were muffled and hard to make out.

What have I done...?

Then she was falling, down into a void deeper than anything she had ever seen in her life. She fell for what felt like an eternity, surrounded by walls that pulsed and throbbed in macabre rhythms.

When she landed, it was with a splash.


  • I never talk to you
  • *
  • People say that I should
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #503 on: September 26, 2012, 06:08:04 PM »
When is Sango getting the award for best bodyguard in history?

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #504 on: September 26, 2012, 06:22:43 PM »
...Well fuck.

(I could've been wordy and elaborate, but that wasn't an adequate way of expressing myself this time around.)
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #505 on: September 26, 2012, 07:00:24 PM »
...Well fuck.
Took the words right outta my mouth.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #506 on: September 26, 2012, 07:25:34 PM »

You know, I knew this was going to happen. I think I remarked about it in the past, something along the lines of really not wanting it to happen, but I was still pretty sure it would. And it did.

Also, Iku? Really? Not only did you make that red-herring levels of obvious, but Iku? I've liked how you've done most of the interpretations, but I don't think you can pull off a villanous Iku. I just don't see how that could possibly work (unless you're pulling a lame-ass fakeout).

So yeah, not exactly my favorite chapter. The story's still good, but this chapter? Not so much, IMO.


  • I never talk to you
  • *
  • People say that I should
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #507 on: September 26, 2012, 09:08:34 PM »
Also, Iku? Really? Not only did you make that red-herring levels of obvious, but Iku? I've liked how you've done most of the interpretations, but I don't think you can pull off a villanous Iku. I just don't see how that could possibly work (unless you're pulling a lame-ass fakeout).
I don't see how that's a problem. If anything, it would be interesting to see how it works out.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #508 on: September 26, 2012, 09:14:24 PM »
Nooooo, my hopes and dreams of a peaceful and heartwarming recovery arc! Shattered!

In all seriousness though, nice twist Rou, didn't see a lot of that coming! :)


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #509 on: September 26, 2012, 10:40:47 PM »
Oh shit.

You are lucky i caught this at lunch today, Rou.

This is going to be interesting. And I have a feeling to know who is going to save the day.