Author Topic: Off the Rails 2 [COMPLETE]: Endings aren't my strong point. Writing isn't either  (Read 31980 times)


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
>"Yes, big sis?"
>"Next time I tell you to open a box, you're allowed to disobey me."
>"Well, I can see why," Sakuya mutters.
>The two vampires, after a series of failed dice rolls, are now standing in the remains of a gigantic centipede.

Off The Rails 2
The second adventure of improvisation run by LaserTurtle. Read the first one if you want to learn what led up to this!

>We can't have the same protagonists for this one, unless you guys really want to, so...
>Choose 3 characters.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 12:37:10 PM by LaserTurtle »
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • "Why always ATAI?"
  • The strongest striker...?
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2012, 01:19:11 PM »
> Yumemi Okazaki
> Rika
> Nitori Kawashiro
<-- Sig by Suikama


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2012, 01:32:22 PM »
> Tewi
> Reisen
> Reisen II


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2012, 01:34:47 PM »
> Tewi
> Reisen
> Reisen II

You sure like rabbits, eh?
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2012, 01:57:42 PM »
> Mokou
> Rika
> Yuuka


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2012, 03:53:21 PM »


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2012, 04:22:55 PM »
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2012, 04:25:39 PM »
>Change my Utsuho vote to Shinki.


  • mafia is suffering
  • but I don't exactly hate that
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2012, 04:37:31 PM »
>Link to my Steam Account: Add me!

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #9 on: December 03, 2012, 05:00:51 PM »
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • jesus christ it's all over the walls
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2012, 07:12:37 PM »


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #11 on: December 04, 2012, 12:49:31 AM »
>Patchouli Knowledge
>Keine Kamashiwasara
>Fujiwara no Mokou


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #12 on: December 05, 2012, 12:32:17 AM »
So it turns out I am not in control of my sleep schedule! Sleep deprivation is fun!
Counting votes...
>...The lucky winners are:
>Better luck next time, everyone else! You may be considered for a secondary role later in the future!

>You are Rika [REDACTED], one of the two human scientists native to Gensokyo. Your roommate, Rikako Asakura, shares your ultra-secret lair that is extremely secret and most certainly isn't in plain sight in the Human Village.
>It is so secret that the pesky shrine maiden doesn't even visit. This is convenient. You don't want her and her mystical powers wrecking all your super secret war projects.
>You never leave the lab. Rikako does all of the errands, so you see no point in going away from your super important science projects.
>Rikako has been telling you strange stories about Gensokyo, like that time when winter went on for longer than it should have, the endless night, and something about a shrine appearing on the top of Youkai Mountain.
>Where does she get those stories, anyway? They seem ridiculous, but whenever you try to tell her that, she reminds you of the time when a bunch of demon tourists invaded Gensokyo, and you have to admit that a lot of weird stuff happens in Gensokyo.
>The most recent one going around is when a bunch of architectural structures were constantly appearing and disappearing around Gensokyo, culminating in a new ominous castle next to the old Scarlet Devil Mansion.
>Ah, there Rikako is now. Why does she look all tired out after a simple trip to the market?

>You are Fujiwara no Mokou, one of two immortals  in Gensokyo. You are returning home after killing your rival, Kaguya Houraisan, once again. With the new dice-rolling system arbitrarily imposed across Gensokyo, your duels pretty much end up going whoever can roll a six first. It's rather irritating.
>In fact, you would go and beat up whoever's making this happen, except you don't have Reimu's intuition. Wandering around without a purpose would likely just get you worse than nowhere, especially since the quantum geography is acting up again.
>Well, that actually might be a good place to start. You heard that quantum geography actually became a youkai, so you can start by beating her up. That's how Reimu goes around solving incidents, isn't it?
>Of course, you need a break. Dice or no dice, killing Kaguya until she's too tired to regenerate immediately takes a lot of energy out of you.
>Maybe you'll go to sleep early. It's not that late, but it's definitely past lunchtime. You remember Kaguya getting a sneaky kill in by poisoning your lunch several times over during the ceasefire.

>You are Satori Komeji, one of two satoris (your parents weren't good at naming) left in Gensokyo. None of the others were kind enough to leave a written history about them, so you don't know anything about them.
>You're stuck with a giant palace in the underground with your pets, Ustuho Reiuji and Rin Kaenbyou. Rin is competent at her job, and you can usually rely on her to run errands.
>Utsuho... well she's enthusiastic, at least. The last time she went out, she ended up bringing Flandre Scarlet over before going out and (if the rumors are to be believed) brute-forcing her way through puzzles to the culprit behind quantum geography with the help of Flandre Scarlet and Sakuya Izayoi. Things have settled down since then, but not much.
>This is mainly because now if anyone wants to do anything, they have to roll a theoretical die to determine success. Your life wasn't affected much, since you pretty much just sit around the palace all day, but some of the oni and other underground youkai are complaining. And when they have complaints, they take it up with you, and you have to play the mediator.
>It's generally not a very eventful job, since the oni can run the place well despite being drunk all day long.
>Speaking of mediators, it looks like Parsee is being dragged by Yuugi to seek your advice. What could those two want?
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #13 on: December 05, 2012, 01:02:08 AM »
>Satori: Read their minds as they approach, then address their issue before they have a chance to speak.


  • jesus christ it's all over the walls
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2012, 03:04:10 AM »
>Rika: While appearing uninterested, and working on something else, ask Rikako what the hell happened.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2012, 04:58:34 AM »
> Rika - Inventory: list tanks in garage.

> Mokou - Wonder why Kaguya even bothers with poison.
> Take nap.
> Wake up.

> Satori - Have Dungeons and Dragons rulebook on hand. Prepare your 20 sided dice.


  • "Why always ATAI?"
  • The strongest striker...?
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2012, 09:57:45 AM »
> Perform routine system checks on tanks.
> Get distracted by Rikako.
> Get angry at Rikako.

> Go bother Keine.

> Try to ignore Parsee's jealousy-related thoughts.
<-- Sig by Suikama


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2012, 11:39:46 AM »
>Ask Keine about how dices are used, why the heck they had to roll a 6, and also, what the hell is going on.

>Attempts to go to Keine on foot, without dicerolls.

>Check condition of SpellCards. Have they been affected by the dice thingy yet?


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2012, 12:28:39 PM »
>Rika: While appearing uninterested, and working on something else, ask Rikako what the hell happened.
>You get to work on your next amazingly super secret project. "So, Rikako. You don't look like you were just on a shopping trip to the market."
>Rikako sighs. "Yeah. It's a long story. Did you know that everyone has to roll a dice to decide their success now?"
>"I don't see how that relates," you sing, grabbing a couple of extra parts from spare parts drawer #22.
>"Turns out that if you get a series of ones and all the mundane bad stuff has happened to you, some really weird stuff happens."
> Perform routine system checks on tanks.
> Get distracted by Rikako.
> Get angry at Rikako.
>You start a system check on all your tanks. Can't leave home without them in proper condition, after all.
>Rikako's story is ridiculous. You'll try to get distracted now, watch!
>You roll a 5.
>"...So I had to distract the giant butterfly by beaning it in the face with my jetpack, which spontaneously started working again."
>You are successfully distracted by Rikako's story. "What? Is that the reason you come back with no parts at all?"
>"No, that was before, when a bunch of fairies managed to pickpocket me successfully. I told you, today was a bad day."
>This development does not make you happy. You are low on parts that are sorted in drawer #15.3, and were relying on the expectation of more of those parts to finish up this tank,
> Rika - Inventory: list tanks in garage.
>You roll a 6. Yeah. You're starting to think Rikako may actually have a point.
>As for tanks in your garage, there are:
>Remote-controlled mini-tanks with various weaponry. You like building these because they're simple to make and effective. They also are fairly good at cleaning the house.
>Phoenix Model Left and Right, two flamethrowing tanks designed to work in tandem. You installed some basic logical processing in them, so they work fairly well as lawyers.
>Roller Mk. 9, a ball shaped tank with no weapons besides a laser attack that has a blind spot right in front of it. It's a stupid design, and you have no idea why you built it in the first place, let alone nine versions of it.
>Companion Tank, a tank that's heavy and has no weaponry. It has a heart on it, though! Sometimes you think that it would be a great friend who won't try to threaten you with knives.
>The experimental Pop Star, a tank that's supposed to copy the bullet patterns of others.
>And of course, Evil Eye Sigma v2.0. It has more lasers and bullets than ever, and it still follows spellcard regulations!

> Mokou - Wonder why Kaguya even bothers with poison.
> Take nap.
> Wake up.
>Kaguya should know by now that poisons aren't effective if they keep being used. You think that she does it just as a formality.
>Falling into bed to take a nap, you roll a 5. Your nap is successful.
> Go bother Keine.
>Attempts to go to Keine on foot, without dicerolls.
>When you wake up feeling well rested, you head over to Keine's place. You know the way well enough to not have to worry about dice rolls.
>Ask Keine about how dices are used, why the heck they had to roll a 6, and also, what the hell is going on.
>"Oh, hi Mokou. So, with a bit of research, I found something pretty interesting. You don't have to roll to use your natural ability or when you're just talking with someone."
>"That's nice, Keine, but why do I have to roll a 6 to beat Kaguya, now? do you know why all this is happening?" you ask while lounging on a chair.
>"Well, I guess it would be because you and Kaguya are both skilled enough that only a complete success will allow either one of you to gain the upper hand. As to why all these dice rules are in place, I have no idea. It just happened out of nowhere."
>Check condition of SpellCards. Have they been affected by the dice thingy yet?
>Nope, they haven't. You can use them normally, but you have to roll to decide how well you dodge someone else's spellcards.

>Satori: Read their minds as they approach, then address their issue before they have a chance to speak.
> Try to ignore Parsee's jealousy-related thoughts.
>Parsee, being Parsee, naturally has a mind full of jealous thoughts. It's a pain to sort through them, but you eventually find that Parsee's also drunk out of her mind. She's incoherent besides the jealousy.
>Yuugi is drunk too, but you can understand the situation from her thoughts. She and Parsee were in the middle of a drinking contest because Parsee got a bad roll on denying companionship.
>You speak up. "That's nice, but what do you need my help for? Did either of you think about why you were coming here?"
>Judging by the looks on their faces, you surmise that neither of them know what they're doing here. Must have been one heck of a drinking party.
>You send them off again. You have an idea related to the current dice-rolling problem going on right now...
> Satori - Have Dungeons and Dragons rulebook on hand. Prepare your 20 sided dice.
>You roll a 19. Success! You pull out your D&D rulebook, which has house rules scribbled in the margins everywhere. The house rules make it much more fun, after all.
Satori now uses a 20-sided die. Good job?
>You wonder whether you should keep this advantage to yourself or if you should share it...
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • "Why always ATAI?"
  • The strongest striker...?
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #19 on: December 05, 2012, 12:48:35 PM »
> Give a fitting nickname to the Pop Star tank. Call it "M.A.R.I.S.U.H."
> Think about a good meaning for the acronym above.
> Toss away your dice. Science does not need luck!

> Be moe.

> Extract information from Yuugi's ramblings, using your D&D house rules as arguments if needed.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 12:58:06 PM by marukyuu »
<-- Sig by Suikama


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #20 on: December 05, 2012, 01:46:13 PM »
>Acquire Tewi to ensure consistent dice rolls of 6.


  • Regular at Patchouli's Library
  • In Patchouli's Library, reading books
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #21 on: December 05, 2012, 04:52:40 PM »

>"So, Keine, you mean... that now our world is screwed upside down, and yet, Reimu is not out solving incidents?"

>Bid Keine goodbye.

>Go reason with Reimu.

>Give up in annoyance to Reimu's laziness, and then go to find HurrYukari. She is the Youkai of Borders, and should be able to manipulate some borders to fix everything.

>"Where was she again?"

>Force an answer out of Reimu. Knowing her weakness to heat, use it to your advantage while getting an answer out of her.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #22 on: December 06, 2012, 03:05:12 AM »
> Extract information from Yuugi's ramblings, using your D&D house rules as arguments if needed.
>You roll a 5. It seems good, but then you remember you're using the d20.
>Yuugi slams the door open, once again dragging Parsee behind her.
>"Satoriiiiiii," the drunk oni slurs, "Parshee here won' admit d'feat. I won fair and shquare!"
>"It duzn' coun'," mumbles Parsee, "I rolled a one, so iss not my fault..."
>You sigh. "Parsee, no matter what you rolled, you would've lost. Why did you accept that drinking contest anyway?"
>"Roll'd sev'ral ones..." Parsee groans before falling unconscious.
>Well, negotiations are going nowhere. Once again, a boring day passes in the underground.

> Give a fitting nickname to the Pop Star tank. Call it "M.A.R.I.S.U.H."
> Think about a good meaning for the acronym above.
> Toss away your dice. Science does not need luck!
>You feel like M.A.R.I.S.U.H. is a good name for Pop Star. Of course, those initials have to stand for something...
>You roll a 2. Marine... Acrobatic... Ugh! Naming things like this is impossible!
>Of course the very thought of having your every move dictated by pure luck, is silly. Besides, you don't even have any dice!
>Except for the one that just rolled a 2. Huh. Rikako wasn't just making up an excuse after all.
>You throw the die away. Luck has no place in a house of science!
Unfortunately, you rolled a 1. The die appears back in your pocket. You try it again.
>You roll a 2. It bounces off the wall and hits you back. This is frustrating.
>You try again and roll a 4. The die lands in the incinerator chute, where it shall be burned in your furnace tank for heat.
>Wait, if you just threw that die away, how are you still rolling?
>You reach into a pocket, and a new die is there. Of course.
>Well, you're not going to be rid of this annoying luck-based mechanic, any time soon. What are you going to do?

> Be moe.
>You roll a 1. Utter failure, but hey, it could be worse. The author was too lazy to search the depths of safebooru, after all.
>Keine is dazzled by your manly charm. Well, sorta-manly charm. Reverse bishonen  trap charm?
>Acquire Tewi to ensure consistent dice rolls of 6.
>It's no use. You know that mainly because when Kaguya tried, Tewi only rolled 6 for herself. It was hilarious when Kaguya rolled a 1 that she didn't expect and ran straight into a bullet during the first second of Immortal 'Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-'.
>In Eientei, Tewi is playing a slot machine that dropped in from the outside world. She has gotten the jackpot seventeen times in a row and counting.
>"So, Keine, you mean... that now our world is screwed upside down, and yet, Reimu is not out solving incidents?"
>"Yup. I'm just guessing she's too lazy to actually go out and solve things again."
>Bid Keine goodbye.
>Keine is in awe of your superior goodbye-bidding skills.
>With that, you head to Hakurei Shrine where, sure enough, Reimu is just lazing around.
>Go reason with Reimu.
>You roll a 5. Now, in any other case, it would have been a success. However, to reason with Reimu successfully, you must roll at least a 7.
>Since you only have a 6-sided die, you have no idea how you are going to manage something like that.
>"Why should I?" Reimu moans. "You don't even have any food to reward me with if I succeed."
>"But aren't you annoyed at having to roll to do anything not related to your powers?"
>"Oh, sure," Reimu waves her hand carelessly. "But now I just fly out of reality to do stuff, so I don't have to use dice!"
>Give up in annoyance to Reimu's laziness, and then go to find HurrYukari. She is the Youkai of Borders, and should be able to manipulate some borders to fix everything.
>You are way past giving up. You are beyond the border of giving up.You have decided that Yukari would be a better help.
>"Where was she again?"
>"How should I know?" Reimu asks crossly.
>Force an answer out of Reimu. Knowing her weakness to heat, use it to your advantage while getting an answer out of her.
>You roll a 4. Again, Reimu has much higher standards in dice rolls than everyone else does. You would have needed a 6 to beat her like that.
>She just floats out of reality, and the shrine isn't even affected by your flames. She must have been reinforcing it lately.
>Reimu sighs, and then gives you some pointers anyway.
>"Just keep going towards the border and you'll find it eventually. Good luck getting anything out of her. It's winter, so she'll be hibernating, and you don't want to disturb a sleeping Yukari. I think that might be a proverb or something."
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • jesus christ it's all over the walls
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #23 on: December 06, 2012, 12:48:19 PM »
>Well what if Tewi rolls to support Mokou's rolls?  :V


  • "Why always ATAI?"
  • The strongest striker...?
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #24 on: December 06, 2012, 01:39:57 PM »
> Supplies are low, so go get them yourself.
> Hop in a tank, of course. Let the die decide which one.
> To Kourindou and beyond!

> Make a short detour to abduct Hina.

> Send Orin and UnyuUtsuho out to investigate.
> Scan the area for hidden Koishis.
<-- Sig by Suikama

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #25 on: December 06, 2012, 04:43:01 PM »
> Satori: Consider joining too. Not every day you can justify LARPing dungeons and dragons in public.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2012, 12:37:19 AM »
>Well what if Tewi rolls to support Mokou's rolls?  :V
>You're sure that Tewi might be able to find a loophole in the rules. However, the problem there is getting her to support someone else's rolls.
>Even Kaguya couldn't get Tewi to do that. That rascally rabbit...
> Make a short detour to abduct Hina.
>Come to think of it, there's a misfortune goddess somewhere on Youkai Mountain, isn't there? Maybe she can help your rolls...
>You decide to go to Youkai Mountain to abduct a goddess.
>You roll a 4 for getting there, which is pretty good considering you've never actually gone there before.
>After wandering around the open wilderness of Gensokyo, you reach Youkai Mountain. It's goddess kidnapping time!
>Hina shivers. She feels like she should get away from Youkai Mountain as quickly as she can.
>Now... where is Hina's shrine-house-thing anyway?

> Supplies are low, so go get them yourself.
> Hop in a tank, of course. Let the die decide which one.
> To Kourindou and beyond!
>Well, you might as well put this annoying die to use. You roll a 5, which you arbitrarily decide as choosing the Pop Star tank.
>Yeah, you decided you won't name it M.A.R.I.S.U.H. until you figure out something to go with the name.
>It's a good thing that your garage has direct access to the outskirts of the human village. You'll be at that strange secondhand store in no time!
>You roll a 1 and fail at steering the tank. You crash into several walls before getting through the exit. Your tank's health is reduced to 150/200.
>Well, at least you got outside.

> Send Orin and UnyuUtsuho out to investigate.
>You call for your trusty pets/errand runners. "Rin! Utsuho!"
>Rin lands in her cat form in front of you. That explains the catwalks that she was building around the palace.
>Ustuho doesn't arrive as elegantly. She barrels in, breaking a door in the process, then tumbles to a stop at your feet.
>"It's not my fault this time!" Ustuho whines. "I rolled a 2!" Well actually a 4, but my clumsiness penalty made it a 2! Satori doesn't need to know that, of course...
>Rin transforms into her normal form. "Yes, Satori?" There's no way that Utsuho rolls low numbers every time she answers Satori. It's an excuse, I'm sure.
>You sigh. "Well, I'm sending you two out to investigate this incident. Go find out who's behind all the dice, and stay away from any shrine maidens or witches."
>"Yay!" Ustuho cheers. I totally proved that I was competent enough last time! Soon, Satori's going to let me run simple errands!
>Rin nods. "All right then." How do incidents get solved? I always assumed that shrine maidens just beat up everyone they come across until they reach the culprit.
> Scan the area for hidden Koishis.
>You realize that Koishi could be lurking around the area, but when you look around, there are no Koishis to be found.
>An action like that would definitely use a dice roll. Why didn't you see the result?
>Then you see your die. You rolled a 5, and you realized something fishy was happening.
>Koishi pouts. "You would have noticed me, and I wanted to hide! Can't I sneak around sometimes?"
>"You do that most of the time already," you point out. "Now, are there any Chibi Koishis hiding around here, too?"
>That's another thing. You are one of the two last satoris in Gensokyo, but you don't count the chibi versions of everyone running around the place. That was the quantum geography youkai's fault, too.
>"No..." Koishi mumbles before wilting under your glare. "Yes." She raises her voice and calls out. "Sorry guys, she know we're here!"
>Utsuho jumps in shock as she realizes that several Chibi Koishis are clinging on to her. There is one riding in Rin's wheelbarrow, and one clinging on to your back.
> Satori: Consider joining too. Not every day you can justify LARPing dungeons and dragons in public.
>Well, since Utsuho and Rin are going out, and Koishi is likely going to follow them, you might as well go too. Make it a family outing or something.
>"After all, the oni can handle themselves, can't they?" you mutter to yourself. "Actually, don't answer that."
>You hear a crash from the direction of the underground city. Yup. Things are normal over there.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • "Why always ATAI?"
  • The strongest striker...?
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #27 on: December 07, 2012, 01:24:14 AM »
> Mechanized Apparatus Reveling In Stealing Useful Hexes. It's a bit of a stretch and there is something better for sure, but it fits the tank's purpose and, uh, "personality".
> Ouch, by the way.
> Repairs can be done at Kourindou, since we're shopping for junk anyway. Off we go!
> On the way to the shop, have M.A.R.I.S.U.H. the Pop Star Tank steal a random bullet pattern from a random fairy, then test it against the first available target!

> Call Hina.
> Reconsider kidnapping her for the time being; try and persuade her to join you instead!
> ...with liberal application of fire, should the need arise.

> Ask Utsuho where she wants to go investigate first.
> Disregard her advice and head to the Moriya Shrine. The folks up there might be plotting something. As usual.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2012, 01:31:40 AM by marukyuu »
<-- Sig by Suikama

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #28 on: December 07, 2012, 03:28:08 AM »
Mokou - Consider dangers of facing goddess of misfortune in luck-based combat.


  • jesus christ it's all over the walls
Re: Off the Rails 2: Arbitrary Dice-based Shenanigans!
« Reply #29 on: December 07, 2012, 03:38:03 AM »
Mokou - Consider dangers of facing goddess of misfortune in luck-based combat.
>Ignore this guy. There's no way a mortal youkai could beat you at combat..