Author Topic: Rou's Random Shorts  (Read 204727 times)


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Rou's Random Shorts
« on: August 17, 2009, 12:13:40 AM »
Well, hopefully it's okay if I take this thread back now~ NO!.. Eh.. I guess I'll allow it. >_>; Thanks to Nobu for looking after it while I was gone.

The Power Of Faith
Anything But That
The Legacy Of Utsuho Yatagarasu Reiuji III
Kawashiro Tech Support

Third Eye In Pure Waters:
Part 1
Part 2
The (very long) continuation

A Business Proposition
Faith/Stay Night
The Immortal Game
Renko, Gunslinger Extraordinaire
Satori's Last Stand

(WARNING: These fics were produced during a bit of a rough time. Expect much tear-jerking.)
Daily Rounds
Moving On:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

(Okay, the emo is over. You can look now.)
Obligatory New Year's Saccharine Sweet Fic
Judge Eiki
Highway Robbery
Wait For It...
VIDEO BONUS: Perfect Cherry Blossom in 60 Seconds
Surprise Attack 101
Tea at Twilight
Just Clearing The Throat, Seriously
For The Record
The Yama's Special Day
The Only Possible Explanation
Doubly Spoilt
The Forgotten
The Full Rainbow
Ending The Great Resurrection
Six Out Of Seven
Two Tigers

(durr 2 month hiatus i have no idea what happened here)

Don't Forget The ATTITUDE, Part I
(Part 2 will be written whenever I can come up with decent ideas for it. >_>)

Freedom Fighter Koishi
Deluxe Christmas Edition


Wai Wai, Momi-Chan!
Echoes of the Fallen Monk
A Polite Request To The Human Village Of Gensokyo
The Trump Card (10D Spoilers!)
An Unwanted Gift
Swaps of a Certain Kind
Hold Harmony Sacred
Divine Day Off
The Diver Fairies
A Breath of Fresh Air
The Dolphin and the Dragon
A Little Weight Problem
Guest Story: A Day in the Sun
Marin Gong, PhD
The Secretest of Shows
Divine Guidance
The Trouble With Wednesdays
Behind Closed Doors [NSFW]
One Night Lamprey Stand
A Sparrow In The Sea
Winter Warmup
Rivals With Benefits
The Best Story Ever [Citation Needed]
The Nature of a Beast
The Seabed Ballroom Incident
The Maidens In Black
Big Trouble on the Little Princess
A Friend From Hell
The Pilfering Puppeteer

Just a little place where I intend to put the little stories that come to my mind. Starting off with one that came to me while I was playing Hisoutensoku:



Sanae leapt back as the amulets hit the ground, annihilating the mound on which she'd been standing. Reimu had her playing keepaway, and she was too experienced to give her an opening.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me the proud priestess of the Moriya Shrine is running away!"

Reimu threw a jibe at Sanae along with another wave of amulets. The green-haired miko dove behind a rock, the explosion beside her covering her robes in dust. She wasn't going to have a chance fighting like this - Reimu was just too strong.

But still...I can't afford to lose here. Kanako-sama and Suwako-chan would never let me hear the end of it...

"Come on, grow a backbone and stand up! Or if you want to give up, just say so and I'll let you go~"

Reimu spoke with complete confidence, a set of needles firmly held between her fingers, ready to pierce Sanae as soon as she stood up. She hadn't even been challenged - taking the first opening she'd seen, Reimu hadn't been so much as attacked for the remainder of the fight.

This is it...isn't it?

Mentally Sanae was losing the will to fight. All she was going to do from now on was delay the inevitable, and she wasn't going to take a beating for no reason. She was on the verge of accepting Reimu's offer when another voice jumped into her head.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! You thought you could handle something like this on your own?!"


Her deity's voice rang in her ears, filled with indignation. Behind it trailed a younger, more cheerful one, which Sanae was more than pleased to pay more attention to.

"Sanae-chan, don't forget that we can help as well. A god's a miko's best weapon, right?"

She could feel them beside her, immaterial but definitely there. Their presence alone was enough to shake the fear from Sanae's heart, the strength she needed rising up again within her.

"T-Thank you, both of you! I'll...I'll do my best!"

Reimu could only hear Sanae talking to herself, and hesitated as her opponent stood up. There was a moment of silence as Sanae walked out from behind the rock, making no effort to defend herself.

"Well, I don't hear you say you're giving up, so I guess you've just lost it. I'll make this quick."

Reimu effortlessly flung the needles at Sanae, expecting at least a quick knockout if not an actual kill. She wondered briefly why Sanae refused to move.

My gods are watching over me...they won't let me down, I know it.

A new confidence ran in Sanae, and she stared Reimu down as the needles approached. She wasn't sure what would stop them, but she knew for sure that they'd never hit their target.

She had faith.

"What the-!?"

Almost instantly a water bubble had appeared in front of Sanae, Suwako chanting an incantation from within. The needles pierced the bubble and immediately lost all momentum, sinking to the bottom uselessly. Reimu looked on with an expression mixing shock and awe, as Sanae took the opportunity to step forward.

"See, Reimu? THIS is the difference between us!"

She charged at Reimu, raising her fist to begin a strike. As she ran she became aware of another person standing beside her, and looking away for an instant she saw Kanako, as proud and ambitious as ever, copying her motions exactly. Their opponent was frozen in place - she may have been able to dodge one attack, but not two at once.


Sanae and Kanako screamed out in unity as both fists hit their mark. Reimu was knocked backwards into the mountain base behind her, hitting the rock with a crash which every youkai in a five-mile radius could hear. Needless to say she was out cold, and had left an impressive miko-shaped hole in the stone. Kanako murmured something to herself about suing Hakurei for damaging her mountain as Sanae fell to her knees in triumph.

"I...I did it! Kanako-sama, I did it!"

She turned around to get the approval of her second deity.

"Suwako-chan, I di-"

She quickly became aware that Suwako couldn't answer her. She was stuck in the bubble of water she'd made earlier, her cheeks bulging as she flailed around comically without moving an inch.


Sanae dashed up to the bubble to heave Suwako out. Kanako simply facepalmed.

"...See, it's stupid crap like this that lost her her shrine in the first place..."


It sort of started with a mental image of Suwako stuck in the bubble with a >_< face, and somehow it expanded into a short with GDLK PUNCHING. Guess that's how it works sometimes. >_>
« Last Edit: October 03, 2015, 09:21:01 PM by Tiokanken »


Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2009, 03:01:39 AM »

That was my favorite line.

Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2009, 04:17:24 AM »
Same here. XD

Generally awesome on the whole, though.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2009, 01:20:10 AM »
There wasn't a single member of the Yakumo residence that didn't dread this ritual.

Ran and Yukari always did what they could to ignore the problem for as long as possible, but the longer they left it the worse it got. After so long it simply became a matter of which of the two would snap first. Most often it was Ran, her fox-like nose unable to bear the growing stench.

"...It's simply too much to handle. We need to do something about it."

They made a deliberate effort to never discuss it in Chen's presence, simply because even suggesting the solution was enough to make every hair in her body stand on end. Their complaints were silent. Their plan of action...less so.

They would always wait until dawn to strike, when Chen was lying fast asleep in bed. Just the sight of her resting peacefully like that, purring softly as she dreamt was enough to leave Ran with second thoughts about what they were doing. She whispered a complaint to her mistress, careful not to awaken the sleeping cat.

"Yukari-sama, maybe we shouldn't go through with this. Chen's happy enough as is, we shouldn't-"

Yukari brushed her shikigami's complaints away with a brush of her hand.

"Ran, someday I swear I WILL teach you to look out for your own interests ahead of your servant's. And it's not like I enjoy this either, but it's for her own good."

"M-My apologies, Yukari-sama."

Ran bowed her head in shame. Yukari placed her hand on the fox's shoulder, silently forgiving her.

"Alright then, let's try and be quiet about this. If she wakes up now it'll be disastrous for both of us, understand?"

Ran nodded, shutting up completely. The head of the Yakumo family clicked her fingers once.

"...Boundary of Cover and Exposure."

Even saying it brought a weary tone to Yukari's voice, her guilt obvious. Chen's pyjamas undid themselves neatly, folding into a tidy-looking pile at the side of her bed.

"Alright, let's move. She'll probably wake up as soon as we move her, so be ready to hold her down until she relaxes."

Yukari strolled out, doing her best to feign that she didn't care. Ran looked back once at her shikigami, probably dreaming about catching mice or becoming the Princess of the Cats or something. It was a peaceful slumber that she didn't want to break.

But still...I have no choice. I'm sorry, Chen...


She was prancing around a flower field, pouncing at the endless army of butterflies that landed around her. It was a simple but incredibly entertaining dream.

"Here I come, butterfly. Let's see you get away from me~!"

She leapt into the air, aiming at a single golden butterfly landing on a daffodil. It made no attempt to escape, and she was already set to catch it.

She missed the flower, and missed the ground as well.


The dream came to an end quickly as she jolted awake. Falling in your sleep is a common occurance, but for most people the experience isn't literal. Looking up, she saw herself surrounded by a sea of purple, eyes looking down upon her from all sides. It wasn't a sight she didn't recognise, but straight after a dream it could only mean one thing.

"Not agaaiiiiii-"

Chen's cry was cut short as she emerged from the other side of the gap, falling from the ceiling of a room in her own house. She didn't even need to look around to know where she was.

But I don't wanna have a baaath~!

Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2009, 02:00:30 AM »

I kind of saw the punchline coming as soon as it got to the bit about Ran's nose, but it was still good.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2009, 04:56:04 PM »
oh god why


"So...this is it."

Reimu felt the sweat dripping down her face, the immense heat nearly overwhelming her. This was the absolute deepest region of the city, and the source of whatever had been releasing those geysers. She could make out some sort of winged figure sitting in the distance below an awe-inspiring orb of fire.

"Well, Reimu, do what you do best. Beat that youkai up and everything should be back to normal."

Yukari took another opportunity to throw guidance at the shrinemaiden through the orbs she had brought down with her. She had half a mind to throw then into the river of magma beneath her, but they did technically make her a little stronger so she resisted the urge. Flying onto the small island of rock where her final foe sat, Reimu expected her to turn around and begin some dramatic elegant speech given the top hat and monocle she was wearing.

The raven was too distracted by her drink to even notice her.

What the hell am I dealing with this time?

She only seemed to have one good arm, the other being some sort of control rod which Reimu didn't recognise, but in that arm she was holding a teacup filled with molten lava. She sipped at it like it was water, treating it as if it were the Holy Grail itself. At her side sat a plate on which were sitting a trio of scones, all buttered perfectly and giving off a disturbing green glow.

"Ah, nothing pleases the senses more than time to yourself and a nice cup of tea. Or at least, as close as one can expect to find to tea in a hellhole such as this. I really shall have to advise Mistress Satori to invest in proper meals sometime down the line..."

She spoke to herself with a dialect that Reimu didn't recognise, still ignorant of the shrine maiden's presence. Eventually Reimu got tired of waiting to be noticed and, without a hint of guilt, walked over to her and kicked the plate of scones into the magma.

"Hi there. Sorry for interrupting your little tea party."

The raven stood up, looked awkwardly at the spot where the plate had fallen, then turned to Reimu with the most dignified expression of anger physically possible.

" bloody nutcase! Can't you even knock or say hello? Or is this what all of you ruffians above ground call a greeting?"

The head of the house and the cat were nothing like this, from what Reimu could remember beyond beating the crap out of both of them. Hell, she didn't even remember Remilia being this stuck-up. She decided to make the most of the situation and carefully poke the teacup off the edge of the island for an encore, hoping to invoke a reaction.

"Maybe I'd be more civil if you weren't throwing freaking geysers around up there. It gets kind of annoying, you know."

Some sort of profanity hung in the raven's mouth for a few seconds, barely held in by her sense of civility. She started up on a calmer response, still visibly struggling to maintain her pride.

"Firstly, I prefer to be called Utsuho Yatagarasu Reiuji III, not this brutish 'you' that seems to come so naturally to you. Secondly, I am afraid that these geysers are merely a side effect of my own powers, things like this wonderful fusion reaction occuring right above me. Unless you're willing to eliminate me personally, you will simply have to-"

Utsuho's monologue was cut off as Reimu held the tip of her gohei against her throat. The shrine maiden's expression hadn't changed in the slightest.

"Now why couldn't you have just said that earlier? Youkai extermination is what I do best."

Utsuho simply looked down at the stick in Reimu's hands, unimpressed by such primitive weaponry. She honestly hadn't expected this moron to take the hint and refer to her by her name, given that she probably had as many brain cells as London had clear, sunny days. (Sometimes Utsuho wished she knew where exactly this London place was, because for some reason the name had been popping into her head ever since she'd been given the power of the Yatagarasu.)

"What, so that's it? No introductions, no battle of wits? Just a simplistic brawl until one of us is unable to stand?"

"You haven't been out much, have you?" Reimu finished, prodding the top hat off of the raven's head. There were plenty of ways to irritate the residents of Touhou, but none were more rage-inducing than depriving them of their headwear. There was a pause as Utsuho comprehended exactly what had just happened.

"...P...Piss off!"

The red eye on Utsuho's chest glowed for an instant before releasing a massive burst of flame. Reimu's reactions were barely enough to save her from being burned to a crisp, taking to the air and quickly trying to gain some distance.

"What, you're running away now? That's hardly very polite, you know!"

The rod on her right arm started to spin slightly, and from its tip a sphere started to emerge. It grew rapidly, easily larger than Reimu was tall and still expanding. Immediately the shrine maiden knew that she wasn't going to win this with firepower alone.

Crap, when was the last time I had to use my brain to beat someone down?

The sphere finally finished expanding, large enough to fit maybe four shrine maidens in. Utsuho adjusted her monocle with her free arm as she aimed at Reimu, all still while maintaining her flawless posture.

"Well, fools like you are probably at their most useful when they're reduced to carbon anyway. Farewell!"

She fired, sending the overgrown bullet towards the shrine maiden at ludicrous speed. She had no hope of dodging out of the way of it in time, and on instinct alone she grabbed at one of the floating orbs she'd been given.


The one word of warning was all her partner needed. A gap appeared in the air in front of Reimu, swallowing her up and producing her a few feet above Utsuho. The raven couldn't make out her foe's escape from behind the bullet itself, so she initially assumed that the fight was already over.

"Hah! Bloody loony thought she could take me on."

She would have just sat down and made herself another cup of lava tea had Reimu not grabbed her monocle from above her, lifting it off of her face.

"Missed me."

Utsuho's expression was one of total shock - there was no way someone like her could have been outsmarted by someone so simple, so plain, so working-class, and now here she was being humiliated on top of that?

She wouldn't accept that. She couldn't accept that.

"You little piece of...!"

Utsuho flew straight upwards, planning to pierce Reimu with her overgrown rod of an arm. If she'd had anything resembling a brain, she'd probably have just shot her. Or maybe realised that Reimu was planning to teleport away the instant Utsuho charged at her.

And on top of that, she would likely have realised that as soon as Reimu disappeared she was on an unstoppable crash course with her own violent fusion reaction.

"...Oh, bugger."

Utsuho Yatagarasu Reiuji III was never seen again, but given the explosion that tore apart the entire underground network she'd been residing in no-one was foolish enough to think she had escaped alive. Somewhere in the distance, Reimu Hakurei sipped at her tea quietly, pleased that she had resolved yet another incident.


"You made her British?"

Sanae asked the question again for good measure, still not believing what her god was telling her. She'd heard of Britain from her time before Gensokyo, but all that she knew of it were the parodies that people made of British people on television back home.

"Yeah, I said it was the price she'd have to pay to control nuclear fusion. It wasn't really, obviously, I just thought it'd be kinda funny."

Come to think of it, that was all that Kanako knew of the British as well.

"...You're kind of a bitch, Kanako-sama."

"You're welcome."

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2009, 05:15:05 PM »


♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2009, 05:15:25 PM »
That was so epic.

I was thinking then, would she have been a chav, but this came up.

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[ Find my cosplay photos here. ] OMG I HAVE TUMBLR FOLLOW PLZX Will You Remember Me... ?


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Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2009, 05:25:07 PM »
* Helepolis shines the symbol of a wristchain in the sky.

British Utsuho drinking tea. Must see.

Edit:  I admire your story writing Rou. I wish I mastered the dutch language at the same level as you are mastering the english language. I would be definitely a writer around now.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2009, 05:36:44 PM by Helepolis »

Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2009, 01:10:45 AM »
I can imagine that Utsuho has a southern england accent, but with a little bit of poshness as well. I can just imagine Utsuho sitting there with a Pipe, the newspaper, complaining about how much it rains in england. Also a bowler hat.

Nice writing there, very descriptive, you might wanna be an author someday I know I would read your books.


  • uHHH,
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Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2009, 01:39:59 AM »


british Utsuho, huh?


♛ Apher-Forte

  • Am I to go home...or shall I stay alone?
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  • Forever lost at sea, a distant bell rings for me
    • Himitsu's NSFW Blog ~ contains NSFW material
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2009, 05:37:14 AM »
I can imagine that Utsuho has a southern england accent, but with a little bit of poshness as well. I can just imagine Utsuho sitting there with a Pipe, the newspaper, complaining about how much it rains in england. Also a bowler hat.

Nice writing there, very descriptive, you might wanna be an author someday I know I would read your books.

"Would you like some lemon in your Earl Grey, Guv?"

Oh man.

  <-- my artwork thread, click me!
[ Find my cosplay photos here. ] OMG I HAVE TUMBLR FOLLOW PLZX Will You Remember Me... ?

Menorah Jams, Pham

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Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2009, 12:22:29 PM »
Rou, if you don't write Nitori doing tech support on Sanae's computer, I may have to start playing MoF until I can write it.  And you don't want me writing after hours of danmaku with no breaks.

Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2009, 11:29:54 PM »
I can imagine that Utsuho has a southern england accent, but with a little bit of poshness as well. I can just imagine Utsuho sitting there with a Pipe, the newspaper, complaining about how much it rains in england. Also a bowler hat.

Nice writing there, very descriptive, you might wanna be an author someday I know I would read your books.

"Would you like some lemon in your Earl Grey, Guv?"

Oh man.

Cockney Utsuho is a go.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2009, 10:11:44 PM »
Rou, if you don't write Nitori doing tech support on Sanae's computer, I may have to start playing MoF until I can write it.  And you don't want me writing after hours of danmaku with no breaks.
As tempted as I am to see said reaction, the idea caught my attention. Here you go~



"Good afternoon, and thank you for calling the Kawashiro Tech Support Hotline. Nitori speaking, how may I help you?"

"Um...hello? My computer is acting up and I don't know what to do about it..."

"That's what I'm here for, ma'am. Could you give me your name, please?"

"Sanae. Sanae Kotiya."

"Ah, the Moriya Shrine. Weren't you down here a few hours ago buying yourself something?"

"Well, yes, but things are getting a little...complicated."

"Alright then. First of all, can you tell me what exactly the problem is?"


"Come on, spit it out. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."

"S-Sorry. It's just...sort of embarrassing..."

"Don't worry, Miss Kotiya. I've been doing this job for a while now, and I'm pretty sure there's nothing you can say that'll surprise me."


"Yes, really."

"Okay then. What it is is that...there's a hole in it."

"...A hole in what?"

"The computer."


"It won't turn on I need to rewire it or something?"

"...Was there your computer when you first used it?"

"Oh, no, it was running AOK from the word go. The problem is that Kanako-sama was having an argument with Suwako-chan and, well, one thing led to another and before you know it they're throwing danmaku all across the shrine. I got away fine, but a stray bullet smashed a big gaping hole in this brand new PC. Surely you've had family issues like that?"


"Well, that's how it works over here. They apologised but neither of them has any idea how to fix it, so they told me to call you. ...Hey, is it a bad sign if there's smoke coming from it?"

"...Miss Kotiya, I'm relatively sure your computer is damaged beyond repair. The internal circuitry would have been torn to shreds by an impact like that."

"...Beyond repair?"


"And the warranty doesn't cover this?"

"I'm pretty sure we've never had a clause to cover firing a bullet through your computer. My apologies."

"I see."

"...If you want, I could give you a little discount next time you're in..."

"No thanks, I think I'll be fine. Thank you for at least trying to help."

"That's what I do. So what are you gonna do now?"

"I'm going to have a with those two. Yeah, a talk...that's what it'll be..."

"Um, are you okay over there? You sound like you're getting a little angry..."

"...I mean I might beat them up a little, but it won't be that bad...yes, beating them up a little will be fine..."

"...Miss Kotiya?"

"Thank you again. If you don't mind, I need to be somewhere else right now. ...Well if beating them up a little is okay, what's the harm with beating them up a little more?"

"...I don't pay myself enough for this."



Trying something out with the 'nothing but discussion' thing. I was tempted to take a leaf from UD's book and have Sanae end all of her sentences with 'in the name of Yasaka', but I decided to go with this instead.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 08:13:38 PM by ShiRou Takayama »

Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2009, 01:08:03 AM »
'in the name of Yasaka'
Okay. Now do a Sailor Sanae fic. "In the name of Yasaka, I will punish you!"

Von Stein

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Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2009, 01:56:40 AM »
I am amused by what I see here. And yes, in the way it intends to amuse. >>
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2009, 07:11:44 AM »
'in the name of Yasaka'
Okay. Now do a Sailor Sanae fic. "In the name of Yasaka, I will punish you!"
Someone write this.  Seriously.

Who'd be the other Senshi, though?  I can see Utsuho as Mars (that is if you don't go the route of Sailor Sol), Cirno as Mercury, and Suwako as Uranus, and in that context I can easily see Reimu as Beryl or (insert villain here), but...
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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Bias Bus

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Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2009, 07:32:46 AM »
Nah, Yuugi'd be better as Uranus, Suwako would probably be Neptune I guess.
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"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2009, 06:59:07 PM »
Nah, Yuugi'd be better as Uranus, Suwako would probably be Neptune I guess.

How the heck did I forget that Neptune is the water-based one?
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

Move eternally forward,
So that we may always be at your side.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2009, 07:02:27 PM »
*has never watched Sailor Moon except for two episodes of the English dub which he hated*

Anyway, this is half of an idea that I had earlier. I won't have the chance to finish it for a day or so, so I'll just put the first part up here. It's something a little more serious, just as a one-off.


Getting out of the Palace unseen was easier than she had expected. Orin and Utsuho were sound asleep when she'd made her move, and Koishi was nowhere to be seen as usual. Besides that, more or less everyone had been more than keen to act as though she wasn't there, so she reached the surface without a hitch.

Just as well - they would be worried sick if they found out what I was doing.

The Mountain of Youkai was only a small walk away, and Satori made the trip alone. It was an unusually quiet trip, because not only was there nothing to hear there was no-one to hear. A chance to have some time to herself without other people's thoughts flooding her mind wasn't something that Satori was used to.

This must be how Koishi feels all the time.

She sighed unconsciously as her sister's name came up in her memories. Always running around and doing whatever she felt like - it was something that Satori had never felt. This little endeavor was supposed to be an attempt at emulating her sister's behaviour in an attempt to understand her a little better.

Her destination approached, a pristine lake at the foot of the mountain. She'd seen lakes underground, but none had ever had water this clean or enticing. There was probably more living in the water here than anything she had seen back home.

I have it all to myself, as well.

Satori began to undress, carefully sliding her clothing around the wires of her third eye. Beneath everything she was wearing a simple dark-blue swimsuit, the closest thing to swimwear you could hope to find underground. She sat at the lake's edge, testing the water with her feet. Cold, but bearable.

It was a thought that had sprung to her head from nowhere a short time ago - 'I wonder what swimming feels like'. She'd clung onto the idea insistently, one of her few random urges, and over the last few days she'd been making plans to sneak out for a night like this. True, she had no idea how to swim, but there were plenty of fish down here who probably knew plenty about it who she could learn from.

Orin would be having a fit right about now if she knew about this - saying that it was too dangerous or too reckless or something like that. It would have been a funny sight, almost a role reversal given their usual antics, but if she had found out there was no way she would have let Satori away with it.

"...Okay, then. Here I go."

She took a single deep breath as she pushed herself lightly into the water, making a small, quiet splash. This was Satori Komeiji's first swimming lesson, and she'd literally thrown herself in at the deep end.

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2009, 04:43:56 AM »
*Humbly waiting for continuation.*
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #22 on: August 24, 2009, 12:17:46 AM »
For ease of understanding, other people's thoughts are in inverted commas and italics.


Satori instinctively closed her eyes as she hit the water, taking a few seconds to get accustomed to the new surroundings. Her third eye was unaffected, as receptive as ever and already picking up murmurs from the nearby fish.

...There're all coming towards me. Does this usually happen?

True, a land-dweller jumping into your lake would probably attract your interest if you were a fish, but every living thing in the lake seemed to be interested in her. The wave of thoughts hit Satori hard, and she had to focus to pick out anything in particular.

"Look at that eye. Did the other girl have hers open?"

Other girl? Do they mean...Koishi?

The same thoughts were coming from more or less all of them, watching her curiously as she sank deeper into the lake. Unsure if she was meant to keep up appearances, Satori waved lightly to the crowd with a small grin. The fish turned to each other, murmuring about the sight.

"What's going on over here? Lemme see!"

One voice rose from behind the crowd, louder than the ones around it. The smaller fish dispersed immediately, letting the complaining creature take a look at Satori. It wasn't a fish, it was something different whose name Satori vaguely remembered from a book she'd read somewhere.


Its back was a dark shade of grey, with a lighter patch on its belly. It hastily started circling Satori, inspecting her from all angles. She felt vaguely like a piece of art on exhibition.

"She really looks a lot like Koishi-chan...actually, didn't she say that she had a sister?"

That thought was enough to grab Satori's attention. Her guess had been right - Koishi had been here before her, which was probably why she everyone down here was so interested in her. She would have replied to confirm the dolphin's suspicions, but the lack of air in her surroundings made that a bad idea.


She hadn't realised it, but she'd been under for longer than she'd thought. Her lungs were getting impatient, and she hadn't had the chance to figure out how to swim from any of the nearby fish yet. She quickly looked into the heart of one of them, but the only thing she could make out was 'swing fin left, then right, then repeat'. Legs weren't anywhere near as flexible, and despite her growing worry Satori continued to sink.

This is bad...


Satori held a hand over her mouth to try and stop the air from escaping. She was slowly becoming aware that this whole swimming thing was one of the worst ideas she'd had in recent times. The dolphin reacted hastily to the sight of the girl in distress.

"And Koishi-chan didn't know how to swim, either. She'll need me to help her out..."

The dolphin stopped circling Satori, swimming in front and turning its back towards her. Well aware that it was trying to help her out of the water, Satori clung onto it with both hands and focused on not letting any more air loose. Despite the extra weight the dolphin made it to the surface with ease, helping Satori back onto dry land as she caught her breath.

"...Thanks for your help. I guess that was a bad idea on my part."

"You said it. That's twice I've had to save people like that."

The same voice as before, but something about it felt wrong to Satori. It was louder, more vibrant, less like a thought and more like actual speech.

But I don't remember dolphins being able to talk...

Turning back to the lake, Satori did a double-take as she realised the dolphin that had saved her was nowhere to be seen. In its place was a girl in her early teens with long silver hair and what looked like a dark grey fin coming out from the back of her neck. Satori facepalmed.

What am I talking about? This is Gensokyo. Everything talks in Gensokyo.


I've become aware that if I want to make something decent of this I'm going to have to make it much longer than I'd intended. I'm considering just putting it in its own thread next time I update it and reserving this thread for shorter (and probably lulz-ier) stories. What's the reader opinion on that?

And yes, I did finally dwell into the dreaded ranks of OCs. She still needs a name, though.


Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #23 on: August 24, 2009, 01:58:32 AM »
god rou that was terrible what were you thinking i'm not your fan

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #24 on: August 24, 2009, 02:14:39 AM »
god rou that was terrible what were you thinking i'm not your fan

Ayayayayayaya, the constructive criticism is of overwhelming quality there.
Now for constructive criticism...
Is dolphin girl naked? =3 *shot* (On a serious note, is she? Given your detail of description given for the swimsuit, that would be interesting to add for consistency. Alternatively I am talking out of my ass since I see nothing majorly wrong.)

And who knows, you could have this as an ongoing series between your shorts, a thread that connects it all or something...I dunno...

Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • *
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2009, 03:45:50 AM »
I'm visualizing her naked and it's pretty tasty.

Of course I don't know what she looks like so all the better.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2009, 10:33:48 AM »
All of a sudden dolphin sex seems like a good idea.
  <-- my artwork thread, click me!
[ Find my cosplay photos here. ] OMG I HAVE TUMBLR FOLLOW PLZX Will You Remember Me... ?


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2009, 11:51:47 AM »
I was intending for her to be wearing something, but at that point Satori couldn't see it because it was under the water.

But now you guys have me tempted to make her naked. I can feel my standards slowly slipping away...-_-


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2009, 02:45:27 PM »
So yes, I've decided that I'm going to move this Satori thing into its own topic next time I update it because otherwise it'd be too cluttered.
And as much as I'm going to regret asking this: Naked dolphin youkai Y/N?

In the meantime, have another idea that came to me recently.


"Miss Aya, you have a visitor."

Momizi's voice crackled across the intercom, reaching Aya at her desk. She grumbled to herself, letting go of the cup of coffee she was about to start drinking.

I swear, they deliberately come just when I get time to myself.

"Bring her in."

She didn't try to hide her frustration as she replied to her receptionist. She was CEO of the largest publishing group in Gensokyo, sitting here on the top floor of a skyscraper constructed in her name, and she STILL had to bother talking with all the little people?

The double-doors at the other end of the room opened, and a kappa dressed in blue walked in. She cautiously tiptoed her way over to the desk, afraid that anything resembling sound would irritate Aya.

"U-Um, hello. I'm Nitori Kawashiro and, um..."

Aya remained silent as the kappa stuttered her introduction, tapping her pen against her desk.

"Well, I have an, um, invention that I..."

The tapping got louder and louder as Aya's patience wore thin. Nitori only seemed to be getting more nervous by the second, her stuttering getting worse and worse.

"I was w-w-wondering if maybe y-you could-"


The pen slammed into the desk for the final time, breaking neatly in two. Nitori looked down at its remains, a single bead of sweat running down her face.

"Just tell me what the hell you want me to see."

From the tone she said it in, Aya may as well have added 'or else' at the end of that sentence. Nitori jerked back into place, quickly pulling out some sort of large metallic object from her backpack.

"W-well, this is what I call a jetpack..."

She held it behind her back, a pair of handles sticking out for her to grab. The main component of the invention seemed to be a set of rocket-like devices currently pointed towards the ceiling. Beneath her left thumb was a small red button, which she pressed with a gulp.

Immediately the pack sprang to life, propelling Nitori into the air and spitting out a fiery, deafening exhaust. Aya would have been impressed if the jetpack wasn't so good at producing waste products.

"Oh, for the love of Yasaka - WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY CARPET!?"

That thing cost more than most youkai would ever make in their lifetime, and now it was getting covered in all sorts of dust and ash. Nitori, realising the problem, panicked and cut off the supply instantly, forgetting she was five feet in the air. She landed face first with a painful-sounding smack.

"Ow...s-sorry, it's a prototype, and I haven't quite ironed out that problem yet..."

Nitori pulled herself back up in an attempt to save face, afraid that she'd just cost herself the deal. Aya held back the urge to strangle her here and now, reminding herself that there was money on the line.

"...I'll get someone in to clean it later. So, I assume you want an advertisement in the Bunbunmaru?"

It wasn't that unusual for Aya to hear about some new product and be asked to include it in her paper's latest issue. The Bunbunmaru had become the tabloid of choice for almost the entire population of Gensokyo, so being mentioned there would get you noticed for sure. Naturally, Aya charged a good deal for the privelige, but that was business.

"Actually, no...that isn't it."

Aya blinked. It was the closest she usually got to displaying shock. Nitori was back to stumbling over her words again.

"What I'm h-here for is...t-to see if you'd be w-willing to invest in it."

Total silence.

"I-I don't really have the money to produce this thing by the masses, so I was k-kinda hoping that you'd help a little for a share of the p-profits..."

Aya dug her nails into the wooden desk, making a creaking sound like she was clawing a chalkboard. She stood up, adjusting her tie and straightening up her ultra-expensive suit. She'd given up on her casual attire a long time ago - this was the sort of clothing that leaders wore.

"Let me get this straight. You want me - a tengu, a youkai who can fly whenever the hell I want - to pay money to endorse a product that lets me do something I already know how to do?"

Nitori was more than aware that she'd blown her pitch, but Aya's voice carried a frightening tone that made her worry she was in for more than a refusal. She nodded silently, too scared to speak as Aya opened one of the windows behind her.

"Let me see this jetpack of yours."

The kappa responded instantly, almost throwing off the device and placing it with the utmost care on Aya's desk. The tengu examined it from all angles, ignoring its designer entirely.

"So, am I right in thinking that you can't fly yourself unless you use this?"

Nitori didn't like where this conversation was going, but lacking the courage to lie she shook her head.


Aya clicked her fingers, summoning an unnatural burst of wind. Nitori was swept up instantly, blown cleanly out of the window and sent plummeting for twenty stories.

I haven't had to do that for a while.

Aya took her seat at the desk again and pressed a button on the intercom.

"Momizi, prepare an alibi for me so that the other tengu don't get too interested. Don't worry about Yamaxanadu - we've made our contribution this month, so I'm sure she'll be willing to turn a blind eye to a tragic accident like this. And while you're at it, get someone to sweep this carpet."

She didn't need to explain what had happened - she was relatively sure that Momizi would have seen Nitori falling past her on the next floor down. There was a sigh from the other end of the intercom.

"...Yes, Miss Aya. For all intents and purposes you were out following those rumours about a treasure ship in the sky."

"Excellent. It's people like you that make this job bearable, Momizi."

She went back to her coffee, finally taking her much-wanted first sip. It came out almost as quickly as it had gone in.

"Ack! And get a fresh cup of coffee in here, would you? This one tastes like reheated shit."

"Yes, Miss Aya."

The intercom cut off as Momizi went away to prepare another cup. Aya swiveled her chair, looking out at Gensokyo from her own little fortress.

Well, Aya, this is it. You made it. You're number one.

But still...was it really worth it?

Re: Rou's Random Shorts
« Reply #29 on: August 24, 2009, 04:06:07 PM »
I'm gonna vote "no" on the naked-dolphin-chick just for that ending. :P

Also, what's a dolphin doing in fresh water?