Author Topic: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!  (Read 158438 times)

Hanzo K.

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Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« on: May 06, 2011, 10:56:50 PM »
First Thread

~BGM: Life's Beginning~
Welcome....To The Land of Dreams and Illusions...


In this wondrous and mysterious land where legends and myths are real, you will meet many other youkai, some like yourself, others not.
Will you be a hero(ine), or one of those unsavory sorts who causes incidents?
It is all in your hands, dear players, for this is...


~BGM: A New Star Is Born!~
You are Hibachi, newborn Nekomata.
You've awoken in [Mayohiga] with little memory of your life as a normal cat.
You have also met another Nekomata like you, Chen.
You have also experienced a headache for the first time, as well as inadvertently causing Chen to get one too.
And you have also learned how to use Danmaku somewhat, and met one of Chen's friends, The Darkness youkai Rumia!
After meeting Rumia, you've discovered her..."eating habits".
After the escapades with Rumia, you've had a restful, if boring, sleep. And you've also met Yukari and thanked her for the note!
Shortly after that, You met CidNitori, and are currently aboard the Airship she built, you've also received a gift of three blank spellcards!
After landing at the Youkai Mountain, you met Momiji, and had a 'close' encounter with her, and a weird blur seems to have caught it on film!
Momiji has also given you one of those blank spellcards!
Not too far from the Outpost, you ran into a trio of White Kedama, and after defeating two of them, and heavily damaging the third, it became a dangerous Red Kedama!
But luckily, you were saved by someone calling themselves a Kamen Rider, whatever that is.
You have also reached the Tengu Village Gate, and gained entry to the Tengu Village!
After some walking, you came across some fairies arguing over something, and some Kedama seemed to be keeping people from getting too close, how thoughtful of the little fluffballs!
And when the fairies flew off, the Kedama departed too, except for one, A Jr. Kedama who seemed to want to follow you on your travels!
As you walked to the Shrine, you decided to name it Ponga. And not too long afterwards, you reached the Shrine and met the Frog Goddess you heard about.
After sharing lunch with her, and learning a bit about Kamen Riders, she directed you to the 'elevator' behind the Shrine, but on the way there you bumped into that Green-Haired Shrine Maiden people told you about!
She was pretty mean, she even threw you into Momiji! Apparently she always acts like that around this time.
According to Momiji, she always goes off to fight the Red-White when she gets like this.
You've also survived an all-out duel with Kanako Yasaka, the Wind Goddess of Moriya Shrine!
But the fight took it's toll on you, you wound up falling unconscious for three whole days!
After a few months of recovery and training with Kanako, and more than a few run-ins with Angry Sanae, you finally mastered Flight.
It's been a long while since you became a youkai...So many things have happened...You don't know what the future holds, but it's sure to be amazing!
Later on, you made it to Hakugyoukurou, and met it's enigmatic ruler, Yuyuko Saigyouji. As well as her Gardener/Personal Chef/Bodyguard, Youmu Konpaku. Who also taught you a few tricks to use in cooking, and even gave you an outfit to wear when you cook!
Strangely enough, a bizarre creature called a Nozuchi appeared from out of nowhere and started stirring up a ruckus. You were able to resolve that incident rather quickly, and even made a new friend in the process! That friend is the very same Nozuchi who was causing a fuss, you've chosen to refer to her as Izanami, but she doesn't seem to like it much.
Later on that day, you ran into Rumia again, who was actually sent to find you! She led you to the entrance of the Bamboo Forest of The Lost, where a battle had broken out!
As it turns out, Cirno was there, fighting the Kamen Rider, a girl who was singing, and a girl who was literally on fire.
The shocking events came after you arrived, as the girl who was on fire got impaled by a giant icicle! But the strange thing is that she just exploded after that, and when the flames and smoke cleared, she was completely unharmed!
After that happened, you were engaged in combat by Cirno, and after nearly getting frozen, a strange power awoke within you, allowing you to fire blasts of ice too! But after a while of using it, you couldn't fire anymore.
But you got caught by the backlash of the flaming girl's attacks that were being used to break an exit out of the ice dome that had formed around the battlefield that you and Cirno were fighting in.
But instead of just a simple blast, the power that you discovered earlier didn't just fire a simple fire blast, but a massive torrent of flames!
This was enough to end the fight, and break open a path out of the Ice Dome.
But as it turned out, Cirno wasn't actually Cirno! But rather, some weird snowman-looking creature who left you with a few parting words about how that's not the last you've seen of it, and that it's boss will beat you.
After delivering that threat(?) it looked to almost crystallize as it faded away.
After the fighting was over, the girl with the fire was revealed to be called Mokou, and the girl who was singing was named Mystia, who owns a grill cart.
You also met the previously mentioned Wriggle at the grill cart! But you're not sure if Wriggle's a he or a she, which is perplexing.
After discussing plans for the next day at the cart over grilled lamprey and drinks(which were both on the house), you came to the conclusion along with everyone else that the next day was the best time to investigate the Misty Lake.
After doing so, you found the Iceberg Fortress, but before you could enter, you had to face Black Frost again. And this time, he had backup.
But with everyone's help, you knocked 'em all down! You did get the feeling that it wasn't the last you've seen of Black Frost though.
After defeating them, you landed at the Iceberg Fortress to find the doors smashed in already. You later found out from the Pongmeister himself that he busted them down. "Door in way, me smash door. Nooo problem."
After exploring the Fortress, you found out that Dai was being held in the dungeon, and you needed four keys to unlock the door to let her loose.
The first key was found near the door, which was easy enough. The second key was in the wreckage of a table.
While the third was considerably more difficult to procure, having been guarded by three strange suits of armor far larger than the average Human or Youkai.
After defeating those, they seemed to have dropped the key, and merged into a rather disturbing statue that flew off. You figured you'll have to look into that someday.
After obtaining the third key, you moved to confront the mastermind behind all this fuss right now. King Frost. During the battle, Ponga, now in a humanoid form, busted out of the floor, and jumped into the fray. Shortly after that, you decided to investigate the passageway he left behind.
At the bottom of it all, you found a dark, catacomb-like area, the Fortress Undercroft. Inside, you encountered another cat who looked like you, sounded like you, acted like you, and even smelled like you. She even claimed to be you! Shortly after this however, something...'unsettling', a Frost Wraith, broke through the wall of the hallway you and the other cat were in. It was then that she demonstrated something entirely startling. She knew how your ability worked.
Eventually, you procured a strange pair of shoes during the battle, and decided to take a risk, and use them in the fight, leading to the spellcard you used going crazy. After it finally died down enough to run out of juice, you found that the Frost Wraith was seemingly vaporized. And in the aftermath of the battle itself, you found a strange dagger that always remains cold to the touch. After parting ways with the Mysterious Cat, you flew back up the shaft just in time to witness Ponga finishing the job that you and the others had started.
After the King Frost was defeated though, it crumbled away to reveal Cirno at the core, she was holding the fourth and final key needed to free Dai!
So with Cirno and the others in tow, you opened the Fortress Dungeons, and broke Daiyousei out of the cell she was trapped in.
It wasn't until after which, she informed you that she could have just tried to die, so as to respawn elsewhere. Though that wouldn't have freed Cirno from her situation, so she opted to stay behind with Cirno. So you ended up solving her problem for her, which was nice of you! Because of that, Dai regards you as a possible friend.
Cirno, being Cirno, doesn't care about what ifs, and just goes full-throttle about things regarding life. Which includes making new friends. Though for some reason, that noise you heard when you made a link with Mokou didn't happen. Maybe there's still some unresolved stuff that needs to be done?
Eventually, you all exited the Fortress and retired to Mystia's grill.

Cooking Outfit(Unequipped)
This stylish-looking White Apron and Green Kimono set looked brown when you first saw it, but you blinked and it was green like all the others.
Cooking Hat(Unequipped)
This poofy hat is a must for any chef, as the Legendary Chef Boyardee can attest...But you kinda wonder just who he is.
Classy Suit (Equipped)
Yukari probably left this in your closet, you think it looks snazzy!
Tiny Ribbon (Worn as Accessory 1)
Cute little ribbon you woke up with.
Nifty Cloak (Worn as Accessory 2)
Yukari gave you this cloak to go with your suit, it's even got a pouch for Ponga to sit in!
Snazzy Cap (Current Headgear)
Yukari gave you this neat little hat at the same time as the Cloak, apparently it was made as part of a set to go with the Suit.
Classy Headgear (Unequipped)
Snazzy Top hat that goes with the suit. You think it adds charm, but does it add CHARISMA?
Yukari's Note (Key Item)
A note that was addressed to you, written by Yukari.
Blank Spellcards(2) (Key Item)
These blank spellcards were given to you by CidNitori, as well as Momiji, but you can't use them until you have them engraved somehow.
Mountain Map (Key Item)
This is a simple map of the Youkai Mountain, simple enough that even you can read it. It marks such important places as Moriya Shrine, Tengu Village, Kappa Village, and the Outpost!
Momiji's Newspaper (Key Item)
A newspaper with a picture of a green-haired woman on the front, who could she be?
Froggy's Iron Ring (Equipped as Accessory)
The Red Kedama dropped this when you defeated it. It's apparently one of the many Iron Rings that were scattered all across Gensokyo when Suwako and the Red-White fought.
Athletic Wrappings(Equipped on Arms)
A roll of Athletic Bandages that people who play sports often wear, it has a caricature of a drunk-looking girl with horns on it. Maybe they belong to whoever's face that is?
They seem to have a strange effect when you equip them.

Macca(Total: 224)
These weird coins were given to you by Ran, they were helpful in resolving the Nozuchi incident. They must have some kind of power, but you can't feel anything.
Elegant Chopsticks (Key Item)
These were given to you by Yuyuko as thanks for the food you and Youmu made, you've been needing something like this for a long time!
Shimmering Blue Rose (Key Item)
A mysterious Blue Rose that shines faintly, you found it in your cloak's pocket after dancing with a strange girl whom nobody could see but you...You have a feeling that it's probably important.
Pagoda-shaped Lantern (Key Item)
You stumbled across this strange object as you were exploring, Literally. It looks kinda like a Pagoda almost...And what's with that gem in there?
Star-shaped Key (Key Item)
You found this Star-shaped Key in the Iceberg Fortress, You need the other three keys to gain access to the Dungeon.
Moon-shaped Key (Key Item)
You found this key in the wreckage of a desk in the Iceberg Fortress, it's one of four keys to allow access to the Dungeon!
Sun-shaped Key (Key Item)
You found this key in a room in the Iceberg Fortress with a trio of mysterious armors, it's one of Four keys to get into the Dungeon.
Crown-topped Key (Key Item)
The fourth and final key to unlock the dungeons where Dai was being held. Cirno had it when you knocked her out of the King Frost.
? Shoes (Weapon: Footwear -Unequipped)
You found these strange shoes hidden in the depths of the Iceberg Fortress. They seem to increase Graze just by wearing them, wonder how they do that?
Really Cold Dagger
You found this weird dagger in the undercroft of that iceberg, who knows what it can do though? You'll take it to Ran or Yukari later.
Tengu Village Passport (Key Item)
This is a Civilian Passport for the Tengu Village! Now you can go around there without an escort! But since it says Civilian, that must mean there's still places you can't get on your own.

Soldier Cat ~ 「Felyn Lance」 (Mana Cost 2)
This is the first Spellcard you unlocked, It fires a barrage of Laser Shots directly forward. You get the feeling Yukari would be proud.

Nine Lives Buster -Focus- (Mana Cost 6)
This spellcard unlocked itself as you were fighting the fake Cirno for a second time, it fires a fierce barrage of large and medium-sized shots. But like your other card, it's forward-restricted as well. However, it has a much larger area of effect.
Nine Lives Buster -Spread- (Mana Cost: 6)
This is the alternate form of Galvein Buster, it fires intermittent waves of small shots, a rotating three-way of normal shots, and a spiraling five-way of bubble shots that loop in on each other. This spellcard is an Area of Effect Spellcard!

~Battle Skills(Non-Danmaku)~

-Support Defense-
This skill allows Hibachi to cover for an ally, and take hits in their place. But it breaks once she goes below 40%, so be careful using this!
It reduces incoming damage by Half, and adds a 30% chance to graze the attack entirely!

~Known Danmaku Types~

Thanks for "Note"ing [COMPLETE!]
You have a strange note, and you don't know who wrote it, but you feel you should thank whoever it is.
Recently you've discovered that it was Written by someone named Yukari, as well as meeting the Chen the note talked about, it seems Chen knows her .
You've also met Ran Yakumo, Chen's master, it seems she's something called a shikigami, and Ran is this Yukari person's shikigami, which makes Chen a shikigami's shiki..gami...ow.
You've finally managed to thank Yukari for the note, don't you feel good about yourself?

Ice Crusher [COMPLETE!]
Word is that Cirno's been acting strange and attacking anyone going near the Misty Lake, and since she's been doing that, nobody can get any fish there!
This problem must be dealt with, for the sake of your lunch!
So the Cirno that's been causing trouble was a fake afterall.
If she's been being impersonated, then something must've happened to her...But what?
You've learned that Cirno was acting like she was being chased by something, and disappeared shortly after, only to show up again causing trouble.
But that was the fake, so the real one's still missing.
After resolving to strike the following morning, you did so. And were faced with many powerful foes.
Eventually, you rescued Dai and Cirno, and came out of this whole ordeal with two shiny new items that you have no idea about!
You also encountered the OTHER YOU, who claims to be you. How the hell does that even work?!
"Magic dear, magic." ......Oh.

Mountain of FaithFun
According to CidNitori, the Tengu on the Mountain have lots of fun things to do!
So it's your task to find out what!
Apparently the tengu and kappa busy themselves with playing Shogi in their off time, but maybe there's more they do than just that?

Kitty Hawk [COMPLETE!]
According to CidNitori, there's someone on the Mountain that can help you learn to fly!
You've survived the duel with Kanako, there's a good chance she'll be the one to teach you how to fly!

Of Kedama And Fairies
Momiji said that Fairies keep Kedama as pets sometime, so the best person to ask what Kedama eat would be a fairy!
And Suwako said that Fairies are Embodiments of Nature itself, so they know all about Kedamas.
Now all that's left is to find a fairy that's willing to tell you! And after rescuing Dai and Cirno, you have!
Although, Ponga's humanoid now, so you don't really need to know. But you still want to know anyways on account of just plain wanting to.

The Ole Fishin' Hole
Mystia needs a new fishing spot since her old one got all gunked up from all the fights that've been happening lately.
Being a cat, this makes you the purr-fect person for the job! Maybe Nitori would have some input that'll help too, Kappas are 'intrinsically linked to all things aqueous'.
Or so Yukari says. You think it's just a fancy way of saying 'They like water'.

Keepin' it Cool!
Mystia needs a way to keep cold things like Ice Cream in stock easier, and Cirno's not gonna be too helpful with that.
Maybe you can pull a few strings to make things easier for her!

The Hunt for Red OctoberRare Ingredients
Mystia's been on the hunt for new things she can cook with, and has wanted to get some good from the Mountain in particular.
But the Tengu keep scaring her off! Maybe you know someone who can help with that!

Ancient Relics
According to Yukari, there were two powerful people in Gensokyo who haven't been seen for a long time.
She mentioned that they've left some of their possessions behind, and that a puppeteer might be able to help you find some of them.
According to Rumia, the Black-White might be another lead on this matter. Rumia also mentioned a shop on the outskirts of the Forest of Magic, and that the owner of that shop might also be able to help.
So far you've got three leads, a Puppeteer, who resides in the Forest of Magic. The Black-White, who also resides there. And a merchant who lives on the Forest's outskirts.
You'd think that since they can all be found in the Forest of Magic, that maybe they might know each other!

The Statue's Mystery
After fighting the three Armors in the Iceberg Fortress, a strange statue was left that has an entirely unsettling presence. As well as not being easy on the eyes in the least.
But why did it appear? And where did it go?

Cat Form (Nekomata/Kasha Innate)
"Nekomata were once cats, so why then is it a surprise that they still take that form?"
This active skill allows you to shift between humanoid and cat forms.

Catlike Tread ~ Rank D (Nekomata/Kasha Innate)
This stealthy way of moving is not only utilized by Nekomata, but Kasha as well.
This Passive Skill enables the user to sneak around with more stealth than the average youkai

Danmaku Mastery ~ Rank C
"Danmaku's all about power, ze!" -An Ordinary Magician
This passive skill's level reflects how good you are with danmaku.
You've been using Lasers a lot lately, maybe you'll learn a new shot type soon?

Youkai Fortitude ~ Rank D
"The bodies of youkai are considerably more resilient than a human's." -Hieda no Akyu
This passive skill reflects how durable you are.
You're more durable than you used to be, train this if you want to be able to resist attacks better!

Youkai Strength ~ Rank D
"The sheer physical power some youkai, like Oni, can muster is truly frightening."
This passive skill reflects how much physical power you have at any given time.
You've gotten a bit stronger, you'd say you're a good deal stronger than the average Human in terms of physical power..

Smooth Moves ~ Rank @#$%&!
"These moves originated from a famous performer from the outside world, how you learned them is unknown, but you can use them almost as well as he was said to."
You don't really know much about this skill, And it seems you're lacking something that you had in the dream. What could it be..?

Confusion Resistance ~ Rank E
"Even the strongest of beings can fall prey to confusion, try not to fall into it too much yourself."
This passive skill reflects how easy/hard it is for things to make your brain overheat, but it's not that strong right now.

Sense Presence ~ Novice
"(Insert underused DBZ Quote here)"
This passive skill is always on, it allows you to sense the presence of other Youkai, Powerful Humans, and Divine Beings, as well as Gauge their power in relation to your own.

~Special Skills~
This skill is known by almost every youkai. But for some reason or another you lacked it, so you had to learn it the hard way.
You can fly to various locales, but Yukari advised you against flying to places you don't fully know about.

Known Places:

  • Mayohiga
  • Hakugyoukurou

Youkai Mountain
  • Tengu Village
  • Moriya Shrine
  • Kappa Village
  • Airship Dock
  • Kappa-Tengu Outpost

Bamboo Forest of the Lost
  • Entrance
  • Mystia's Cart

Misty Lake
  • Shore
  • Iceberg Fortress

Ringkind ~ Rank D
You've trained with Suwako a fair bit in the use of the Iron Ring you found a while back, you're quite used to it's heft now.

Wildcard ~ Rank Novice
This is your Special power, everyone in Gensokyo has one. But you don't know near as much about it as your other skills.
Mastery Level: 2%

Wildcard [Weapon]: Rank Novice
This skill measures how effective you are at applying the effects of Wildcard to any weapon you might be using at the time. Right now you can only apply it to one weapon/attack type(not including Danmaku, which is separate.) at a time, but getting better at this will allow you to affect more at once.

Weapon Forms

Frozen Frog's Hoop [Only Accessible when under Wildcard(Ice).]
This is the Ice version of the Froggy's Iron Ring, the frogs on it don't look to happy with being frozen though...

Frost Knuckle [Only Accessible under Wildcard(Ice).]
This imbues your fists with the power of a raging blizzard! Sometimes attacks will slow the enemy down!

Frost Kick [Only Accessible under Wildcard(Ice).]
This grants your feet all the might of the frozen wastelands! Sometimes a kick from this will momentarily freeze an enemy in their tracks!

Frost Claw [Only Accessible under Wildcard(Ice).]
This makes your claws as sharp as an icicle honed by a midwinter gale, and just as cold too!

Jr. Kedama ~ "Ponga"
~Pet Skills(Ponga)~
Fluffy Body(Kedama Intrinsic)
This Passive Ability shared by all Kedama reduces physical damage by 5%.
Danmaku Mastery ~ Novice
Youkai Fortitude ~ Novice
Youkai Strength ~ Novice

"Phoenix" Fujiwara no Mokou, Hourai Immortal.
Rank: 1
Element: Fire

"Metalworker" Hebichi, Nozuchi Metalworker
S-Link Rank: 1
Element: Unknown

Serpent Nozuchi ~ "Hebichi"
~Skills/Abilities "Hebichi"~
Danmaku Mastery ~ ?
Youkai Fortitude ~ ?
Youkai Strength ~ ?
?? (Will be Known Later)

>"Blacksmith's shop?" Tilt head.
>"...Maybe we can ask Yukari to get one~?"
>Bow toward Youmu. "Thank you~"
>Attempt to perform 'smooth moves' we saw from the dream long time ago.
>You ask what a blacksmith's shop is, and Izanami/The Nozuchi looks kinda happy. "...It's a place where you can make things out of metal..."
>You mention that maybe Yukari can get one, or knows more, and Izanami/The Nozuchi smiles brightly.
>You bow to Youmu and thank her. "Don't mention it, since you're a friend of Lady Yukari, who in turn is a friend of Lady Yuyuko, it's only natural."
>You decide to try that dance you dreamt about from a while back, but you only serve to get yourself tangled in the kimono. Maybe there's something you're missing..?
>But at least you get a laugh out of everyone. "...Heehee~..." "well, that was...interesting. To say the least. "Fwahahahahahaha!"

~Skill Updated: Smooth Moves, Youkai Strength(from lifting the food)~

>"Ke, Youmu O dearsay, thank you, that was quite an experience here~"
>"PONGA! You're the best! *Huge hug*"
>Yea keep the food.. don't hug him while he's carrying it.
Oh whatever I will call the "little devil" Hebichi, since it fits more yes?...
>Back at Hebichi "Sho... that would make sense, Nya, but blacksmithing? You are somekind interested into those things hmm? Well there's one at the human village, and possibly something similar at Kappa's place, we can visit when we get home *smile*. I hope you will come along with the other house members though.. like Chen here for example~"
>Munch on that food, Nyan, oh.. don't forget to get chopsticks... We could do that while flying to not waste time Nya?
>Anyways, "Aritgato, Youmu-Shama, and Yuyuko-shama" *bow*
On my Berzul's note.. those things don't happen all at the same time, so it's possible to Phrase them one at the time.. since the last response was kinda long...
>Maybe... hmmm...
>"Why do you need a blacksmith?"
> Pat ponga on the head. "Thanks... but how?"
>Imagine Ponga cooking like a super awesome robot ninja. Begin squeeing.
Also parser, Dont forget any updates to out abilities (if any). And Berzul, I think the Nozuchi's name has kinda already been decided as Izanami, since ya know, we already called her that. We dont want the OMGSHESSOCUTESTOPBEINGCUTEMYHEAAAAART nozuchi to get confused in an adorble fashion right?
>You mention to Youmu that it's been quite an experience, and she nods in agreement.
>Maybe she's good with a sword..? You think about this and barely repress a slight squee.
>You hug Ponga and ask him how he made the food, he just squirms a little in what you assume to be one of his shrugs.
>You imagine him cooking it as a ninja-robo. ...Damn, that's badass.
>You already took the food from him, it's currently in your left hand!
>You ask Izanami/The Nozuchi why a blacksmith's shop, and she...wait, is she BLUSHING?! "...I like to...uh..make things out of metal...."
>You mention that maybe Hebichi is a better name, and she smiles. "...I think I like that name better..."
>Damn that's cute...Sure isn't fun when you're on the receiving end is it? Chen of course, is getting a laugh out of it, she could wake the dead with all that laughing. In fact, she has!
>Yuyuko pokes her head out of the pan in a rather bleary, yet content way. "Ufufufufufu~....That was a nice meal and nap~....Here, as thanks for preparing the food, I'll give you these."
>A small rectangular box appears in front of you, carried by a small ghost. You open the box to find a pair of finely crafted Chopsticks!
~Item Get: Elegant Chopsticks~
These were given to you by Yuyuko as thanks for the food you and Youmu made, you've been needing something like this for a long time!
>You mention that there might be things like that at the Human Village, and probably something like that at the Kappa Village, but she seems unimpressed. "....I'd rather work on things like that on my own....too many cooks spoil the rice and such...."
>You then ask if she'll come with you and everyone else, and she nods. "...I already told you I'd help you any way I can didn't I...?"
>You thank Youmu and Yuyuko, then bow politely. "Don't worry about it." "Ufufufufu~ I should be the one thanking you~"
>You decide to use the new chopsticks you got from Yuyuko to eat the food Ponga made for you.
>....Whoa. That's good food! You can't even keep yourself from devouring it on the spot!
~Item Lost: Ponga's(?) Home Cooking~
~Item Get: Empty Dish~
>Youmu then takes the dish from you, rather impressed at how fast you ate.
~Item Lost: Empty Dish~
>Chen then taps you on the shoulder, hey, she's flying. "Ran-sama and Yukari-sama have already left, let's get going!"
>Oh hey, Hebichi can fly too! So you lift off too, and say your goodbyes to Yuyuko and Youmu, and make for Mayohiga with Chen, Ponga, and your new friend, Hebichi.

>As you fly along, you notice that the mansion you passed earlier has gotten considerably noisier. Not only is there loud music, but loud voices too. There must be a party going on there.

Parser's Corner: It took us a while, but we're finally on thread 2! Thanks you guys...I couldn't have gotten this far without you...Sorry for the wall of text. :V
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 10:03:52 PM by Hanzo K. »
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2011, 11:07:01 PM »
>"Nya... is this somekind of party going on there? The night is young Chen, we might... come and take a look~"

I will post some things here, for everyone to see..

">You mention that maybe Hebichi is a better name, and she smiles. "...I think I like that name better..."" is not in command, but in comments, for others ok?
">You then ask if she'll come with you and everyone else, and she nods. "...I already told you I'd help you any way I can didn't I...?" I mentioned, get along, not come, as in living under the same roof...
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 11:41:11 PM by Berzul »

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2011, 12:37:34 AM »
Wait, let me recap.
Izanami is now Hebichi.
She likes to make things out of metal.
We might learn a new shot type (and since only main protags get more then one shot type does that mean...?)
And we've fallen prey to adorble. I really love this story.

>Nothing much to do but fly home...
>Can we ask Yukari-shama later if she wants to gap in a blacksmith; whatever that is?
>Also, Ask Chen-shama if she can point out where the Misty Lake is. You know, to kick Cirno around a bit and all that.

Also why dont we have a danmaku dodging/grazing skill yet we must have one or else we cant beat cirno ahhhh

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2011, 12:40:41 AM »
>Glare at Youmu for laughing at us!

>...Pounce Myon, and lick it clean.

>Blush at Hebichi from all that cuteness.

>"What do you like to make~?"

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2011, 01:19:42 AM »
>"Nya... is this somekind of party going on there? The night is young Chen, we might... come and take a look~"

I will post some things here, for everyone to see..
">You mention that maybe Hebichi is a better name, and she smiles. "...I think I like that name better..."" is not in command, but in comments, for others ok?
">You then ask if she'll come with you and everyone else, and she nods. "...I already told you I'd help you any way I can didn't I...?" I mentioned, get along, not come, as in living under the same roof...
Well, that's how I thought the commands went, so don't blame me, I'm just the Parser.
>You tell Chen that there must be a party there, and set out the idea of going to see what's going on, but suddenly something nearly hits you!
>It didn't look like Danmaku though...maybe someone threw it? The possible party certainly does sound a lot more rowdy... "Maaaybe it's not such a good idea afterall?"
>You feel inclined to agree with Chen.

>Glare at Youmu for laughing at us!
>...Pounce Myon, and lick it clean.
>Blush at Hebichi from all that cuteness.
>"What do you like to make~?"
>You'd glare at Youmu for laughing, but you've already left! And by that token, pouncing Myon's out of the question too.
>You blush a fair bit and ask Hebichi what she likes to make, and she seems to shrug. "....It depends on what materials I can use..."

Wait, let me recap.
Izanami is now Hebichi.
She likes to make things out of metal.
We might learn a new shot type (and since only main protags get more then one shot type does that mean...?)
And we've fallen prey to adorble. I really love this story.
>Nothing much to do but fly home...
>Can we ask Yukari-shama later if she wants to gap in a blacksmith; whatever that is?
>Also, Ask Chen-shama if she can point out where the Misty Lake is. You know, to kick Cirno around a bit and all that.
Also why dont we have a danmaku dodging/grazing skill yet we must have one or else we cant beat cirno ahhhh
That's about right.
And dodging/grazing is a compound of danmaku mastery and flight. It's unlisted because it's simple enough.
>Yeah, may as well keep moving along, that party's a little too rowdy right now, sounds like a few fights have broken out too...
>Maybe we can ask Yukari later about Blacksmiths and stuff..
>You ask Chen which way the Lake is, and she points in a direction that seems to be to the southwest. "It's that way. ....You're gonna go after Cirno aren't you?"
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2011, 01:27:12 AM »
>"Nya, for fish, of course!"

>"Oh.. I wouldn't mind if at least someone would tell us, Nya, what's going on there?"

>"We should differently at least fly by from afar... even though the Danmaku reaches us somehow...?" If only we knew about Momiji power, which is the best in Gensokyou in my opinion.. :P

>By the way.. it's night right?

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2011, 01:32:09 AM »
>"Well, You did kinda say she was going a bit crazy, I figured I'd have a lookie or two."
>Remember, shot types + overconfidence + doing what you want = MAIN CHARACTERRRR

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2011, 01:39:09 AM »
>"Besides, that fairy was being mean, as you told me! Someone has to stop that bully!"

>"...mind telling me a bit more about her?"


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2011, 02:23:29 AM »
> "Even if the faerie is strong I should be able to take her as long as I have Ponga and Hebi-chanya!"
> Grin widely at Hebichi.
> "Now that I think about it though, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself Hebi-chan?"

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Formerly known as "Only somewhat distracted"
  • Still distracted
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2011, 03:10:47 AM »
>Wonder if Hebi-chan likes Sandviches.
>...Wonder why we wondered that.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2011, 03:16:11 AM »
>Wonder if we can make sammiches for Hebi-Sama as well.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2011, 06:19:12 AM »
>"Nya, for fish, of course!"
>"Oh.. I wouldn't mind if at least someone would tell us, Nya, what's going on there?"
>"We should differently at least fly by from afar... even though the Danmaku reaches us somehow...?" If only we knew about Momiji power, which is the best in Gensokyou in my opinion.. :P
>By the way.. it's night right?
>"Well, You did kinda say she was going a bit crazy, I figured I'd have a lookie or two."
>Remember, shot types + overconfidence + doing what you want = MAIN CHARACTERRRR
>"Besides, that fairy was being mean, as you told me! Someone has to stop that bully!"
>"...mind telling me a bit more about her?"
> "Even if the faerie is strong I should be able to take her as long as I have Ponga and Hebi-chanya!"
> Grin widely at Hebichi.
> "Now that I think about it though, why don't you tell us a bit about yourself Hebi-chan?"
>You reply by saying that it's for fish, and the fact that she's been being a bully, which you don't like one bit. Chen sorta fidgets in midair. "I tried taking her on while you were unconscious at the Moriya Shrine, I barely managed to get away...."
>You then mention that it'd be nice if someone told you what was going on at the Mansion, and Chen nods. "It's probably one of those parties the Prismriver Sisters hold every so often. They get more than a little loud around this time of night."
>You say that you should at least fly past from a distance, and Chen shrugs. "Maybe, but it'd take some skilled flying to avoid all the stuff that's being tossed around."
>You know that almost everyone in Gensokyo has a power, but you never found out what Momiji's was. Maybe you should find out sometime.
>It's close to night. As you recall hearing the other day, it's going to be a new moon tonight. Maybe you'll run into Rumia again?
>You say that no matter how strong Cirno is, you can take her on with the help of Ponga and Hebichi. Hebichi of course, blushes profusely. And you just grin widely at her.
>You then ask her to tell you and Chen more about herself, and she, you didn't even know it was possible for someone to blush that much!
>She's redder than a beet, literally! You think she's even emitting steam! She's so flustered, she's actually having a little trouble keeping aloft!

>Wonder if Hebi-chan likes Sandviches.
>...Wonder why we wondered that.
>Wonder if we can make sammiches for Hebi-Sama as well.
>You wonder if she likes sandviches...maybe you can make some for her?
>..Why did you even think that? Maybe it's just another weird thought~?
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2011, 11:17:05 AM »
>"Ke..? And they end us in Danmaku, Nya? That's one strange party there... "

Moonlight scene with Chen hmm... Yea.... we sure would use some form of drama here hmm.....

>"Chen... *grab her both hands* For the sake of all Youkai, for freedom and justice, I will get rid of the off doers from the lake, Nya, and forever, I will protect you Chen, Nya, because you are my only sister.. *weep*"


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2011, 12:13:23 PM »
> Giggle at Hebichi.
> "Now that I think about it, do you know what your power is Hebi-chanya?"
> Hell, dd we ever figure out our power?

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2011, 12:28:14 PM »
>I am aware that we did not find out Ability.

>"Cheeeeen~? May I ask, how do you find one's ability?"

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2011, 01:39:49 PM »
>"Ke..? And they end us in Danmaku, Nya? That's one strange party there... "
Moonlight scene with Chen hmm... Yea.... we sure would use some form of drama here hmm.....
>"Chen... *grab her both hands* For the sake of all Youkai, for freedom and justice, I will get rid of the off doers from the lake, Nya, and forever, I will protect you Chen, Nya, because you are my only sister.. *weep*"
>You comment on how the party's pretty weird, and Chen nods. "It's because of their music. The music played by each individual sister has different effects on people. One plays music that makes folks depressed, the other plays music that makes folks more lively. I can only assume she's the one leading the band around this time in the party."
>You grab Chen's hands, and launch into a rather heartfelt and heroic speech, complete with MANLY TEARS. But Chen just bops you over the head. "Yeesh, you must be getting all befuddled by the music if you're acting that sappy."

> Giggle at Hebichi.
> "Now that I think about it, do you know what your power is Hebi-chanya?"
> Hell, dd we ever figure out our power?
>I am aware that we did not find out Ability.
>"Cheeeeen~? May I ask, how do you find one's ability?"
>You pull yourself together after getting bopped by Chen, and giggle a bit.
>You ask Hebichi what her power is, and she just smiles sorta engimatically at you. "...You'll see once we find a Blacksmith Shop..."
>You never did figure out what your power is for that matter.
>You ask Chen how you can find out someone's ability, and she looks somewhat confused. "Well, are you talking about ability as in skill? or are you talking about Powers? Like Yukari-sama's Power over Boundaries."

>You then hear a rather familiar voice. "Heeey~! I haven't seen you in a long time!" You'd know that voice anywhere. And turning to face it, you see that girl you met a while back. What was her name, Rumia? Yeah, that's it.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 08:35:17 AM by Hanzo K. »
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2011, 01:43:27 PM »
>"Rumia~!" Pounce into the shadow. "I miss you~!"

>"Meet Hebichi, Rumia~!"


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2011, 01:58:27 PM »
>"You know... the thing you don't want to talk about, with black magic, that's your ability right? In that sense...."

>"Rumia? So nano ka~? What are you doing here at night, Nya?"

"Chennnn~ *blush*"

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2011, 02:41:21 PM »
>Bop Rumia on the head.
>"Dont suprise me~"

edit apparently it got submitted when I wasnt finished arrrrgggg
>"So Chen-shama, could you pweasssseeee tell me more about yourself?
>cute pouting powers are a go

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #19 on: May 07, 2011, 04:30:54 PM »
>"You know... the thing you don't want to talk about, with black magic, that's your ability right? In that sense...."
>"Rumia? So nano ka~? What are you doing here at night, Nya?"
"Chennnn~ *blush*"
>"Rumia~!" Pounce into the shadow. "I miss you~!"
>"Meet Hebichi, Rumia~!"
>You tell Chen you're talking about the thing she doesn't usually use. "Oh. That. It's kinda hard to sometimes, most of the time it's fairly obvious. But like yours, it's not that obvious."
>You pounce Rumia in midair and ask her what she's doing in this neck of the woods. And she laughs. "It's a new moon tonight, so i don't have to worry about any annoying lights aside from those lamps at the mountain, and the lanterns at the villages!"
>She seems pretty cheerful this time around, maybe she's had something to eat already? Though her dress doesn't show any traces of anything, aside from a few stray bark fragments. Seems she's bumped into more than her fair share of trees recently.
>You introduce Rumia to Hebichi, who has promptly hidden herself behind Chen. "Eh? You've got a new friend huh? Don't remember seeing her around before."

>Bop Rumia on the head.
>"Dont suprise me~"
edit apparently it got submitted when I wasnt finished arrrrgggg
>"So Chen-shama, could you pweasssseeee tell me more about yourself?
>cute pouting powers are a go
>You bop Rumia over the head lightly and say to not surprise you, she just laughs, then looks serious.
~BGM: Frozen Menace~
>"Oh, I remembered why I was around here. Wriggle told me to find you if Cirno was acting up again, apparently she saw you in action once and was impressed. She's holding Cirno off out near the Bamboo Forest, apparently she's decided to expand her turf or something. Mystia's helping Wriggle out too, but they're not enough...Where the heck did she get all that power?!" Rumia rubs her head in a frazzled manner.
>Uh-oh. That doesn't sound good, Cirno's made her move it seems. Chen and Hebichi seem visibly worried. "....You should go, since you were the one called for. I'll keep an eye on Hebichi-nya, I'll make sure she gets home with me."
>Hebichi nods in agreement. "...Go on...I'll be fine...It's something that I get the feeling that you have to do yourself..."
>You'd ask more about Chen, but now's not the time!
>Rumia motions for you to come along. "I don't know how long they can hold out, so we gotta move!"
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 04:33:20 PM by Hanzo K. »
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2011, 04:42:46 PM »
>"They are fighting right now? I have no idea why they would hmm..."

>Ponga, is he with us, since he can fly and stuff...?

>"Ke? You both are scared of that fairy? Nya, why would you not help out Chen...?"

>"Rumia, and since then you went for help? hmm, I see..."


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2011, 04:48:25 PM »
> "Perfect timing nya~!"
> Flash Chen and Hebichi a thumbs up and a grin.
> Head off with Rumia and take Ponga.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2011, 04:50:09 PM »
>On the way there, Ask Rumia if she knows anything about the "Ancient Relics".

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #23 on: May 07, 2011, 06:44:49 PM »
>"Can you give me any tips about fighting Cirno?"

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #24 on: May 07, 2011, 07:24:15 PM »
> "Perfect timing nya~!"
> Flash Chen and Hebichi a thumbs up and a grin.
> Head off with Rumia and take Ponga.
>"They are fighting right now? I have no idea why they would hmm..."
>Ponga, is he with us, since he can fly and stuff...?
>"Ke? You both are scared of that fairy? Nya, why would you not help out Chen...?"
>"Rumia, and since then you went for help? hmm, I see..."
>You mention that the timing couldn't be better, while you give them a thumbs up and a grin. Hebichi nods. "...Good luck..."
>You comment that you have no idea why they would be fighting. "Mystia's got her grill cart set up there, Cirno showed up there looking for a fight, and she wouldn't take no for an answer. I can only guess that she's looking to take her rampage in deeper."
>Yes, Ponga's nearby, as he's always been since the day you met him.
>You ask if they're scared of Cirno, and Chen shakes her head. "Fact of the matter is, it seems that they sent Rumia here to get you. I don't think they intend to get many others involved in it." "That seems to be the speed of things."
>You comment that since Rumia was the one who went for help....Yeah, that seems to be about right from what you've heard. "So are we gonna sit around here twiddling our thumbs while Mystia and Wriggle are getting kicked around like a pair of old tin cans, or what?"
>Rumia flies off in a direction that seems to be somewhere between the Lake, and the Youkai Mountain, you follow suit, being sure to take Ponga along with you.

>On the way there, Ask Rumia if she knows anything about the "Ancient Relics".
>As you fly along, you ask her about any relics she might have seen. "You might try the black-white's shop over at the Forest of Magic, or that one guy's shop on that forest's outskirts, they might have something like those things you're after. Maybe you should check in on that after all this is dealt with?"
>Off in the distance, you can see intermittent flashes, looks like the fight's still going! You can hear...four voices? but there were only supposed to be three people fighting.....So who's the fourth?

>"Can you give me any tips about fighting Cirno?"
>You ask Rumia if she has any tips for fighting Cirno. "Yeah, don't let her touch you. She can flash-freeze whatever she touches. For most Youkai it's just a slap on the wrist for the most part, but you might not be so lucky."
>As you get closer, you narrowly avoid getting impaled by what looks like a huge shard of ice! Ponga of course, ducks under your hat in fright.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #25 on: May 07, 2011, 07:27:25 PM »
>Act terrified.

>"T-This is her power?..." Scared face.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #26 on: May 07, 2011, 07:33:14 PM »
> Frown.
> "Geez!  You guys weren't kidding."

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • (*7(*7(*7(*7(*7
  • Round face... z( ⌣ω⌣)z
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #27 on: May 07, 2011, 07:37:30 PM »
>"Well it's night, Nya? Rumia, you know what we could use that to our advantage? Let's close up, in the darkness..."

>Examine the current situation.

>Other than that... we should switch to our black suit if we can of course~

>"First the plan, it's gonna work I hope, Rumia-shama, you will join the fight as normal, I will then have a whole lot of time to Danmaku her from behind, I am going to play a few tricks on that ice fairy, since we both like the darkness, unlike that "daylight" fairy, Nya~?"

One other plan guys.. we could pretend to be a Kaska, Nya? Ponga would be or "evil spirit" :P Only if.. our allies are already down, we could "cart" them away.. for some reason I think this plan is going to work~
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 07:46:47 PM by Berzul »

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #28 on: May 07, 2011, 07:38:13 PM »
>Update Sub-Quest: "Check out the Black-White's house (with permission; we're a good girl after all), and check out 'that one guys' shop on the edge of the forest."
>"I can assume we're almost there, eh?"
>Get your danmaku arm ready. Cuz we're about to TEAR SOME FAIRYS UP

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: The Continuing Adventures!
« Reply #29 on: May 08, 2011, 06:59:19 AM »
>Act terrified.
>"T-This is her power?..." Scared face.
> Frown.
> "Geez!  You guys weren't kidding."
>You frown in a somewhat scared manner, and comment that they weren't kidding when they said Cirno was strong. "Yeah, she's an Ice Fairy. Normally any one of us would be a match for her, but she's gotten stronger recently...She's been that way since....about a month before I met you I think? And she's only been getting stronger since."
>Of course, another shard of ice just narrowly avoids taking Rumia's head off! "Tch...she's playing for keeps this time around..!" With that, Rumia boosts ahead while firing several spreads of green and blue danmaku.

>"Well it's night, Nya? Rumia, you know what we could use that to our advantage? Let's close up, in the darkness..."
>Examine the current situation.
>Other than that... we should switch to our black suit if we can of course~
>"First the plan, it's gonna work I hope, Rumia-shama, you will join the fight as normal, I will then have a whole lot of time to Danmaku her from behind, I am going to play a few tricks on that ice fairy, since we both like the darkness, unlike that "daylight" fairy, Nya~?"
One other plan guys.. we could pretend to be a Kaska, Nya? Ponga would be or "evil spirit" :P Only if.. our allies are already down, we could "cart" them away.. for some reason I think this plan is going to work~
>Update Sub-Quest: "Check out the Black-White's house (with permission; we're a good girl after all), and check out 'that one guys' shop on the edge of the forest."
>"I can assume we're almost there, eh?"
>Get your danmaku arm ready. Cuz we're about to TEAR SOME FAIRYS UP
>You try to explain you plan while keeping up with Rumia, but she doesn't seem to hear you over the sounds of the fight. "No time for plans, I'm pretty sure Cirno's just about got them beat!" And with that, she turns up the firepower, pouring on even more shots.
~Sub-Quest Updated!~
>You remark that you must be close, but Rumia doesn't respond. Looks like she's too focused on her danmaku.
>You get ready for a fight!

>After more than a few close calls, you manage to land at the site of the battle.
>Currently, there's four people engaged in a battle....Make that five, Rumia just jumped into the fray.
>One of the participants, a girl with a blue dress and weird wings, is flinging about large shards and balls made of ice, you gather that this one must be Cirno. She doesn't seem normal though, you've encountered many fairies, but her Presence seems kinda....different. Distorted maybe? Would that be the right word?
>Another seems to be...singing? It's kinda hard to see her though, for some reason you can't seem to get a lock on her. Maybe that's Mystia? You remember being told that she was a singer while you were learning to fly.
>One of the others is...Hey, it's that weirdo who called themselves a Kamen Rider! But the helmet's pretty beat up, there's a big hole in it showing a green eye, green hair, that an antenna? Wonder if that's Wriggle?
>The other person is a complete unknown. Whoever she is, she's on fire...literally! From what you can make out past the flames, it looks like she's got really long, white hair. she wearing pants..? They are a nice shade of red though...Wait, a white shirt too? Could this be the Red-White you've heard about? But she sure doesn't look like a Miko though...maybe it's her day off or something? She certainly seems unfazed by the flames, that's for sure.
>She doesn't seem to be taking things all that seriously though, she's just occasionally flinging weird danmaku that look almost like embers, or small fireballs! And unsurprisingly, most of the ice shots that get close to her melt instantly.
>But one of them actually manages to tear right through her, causing a small explosion!
>But when the flames clear some, she's seen to be left completely unharmed! ...Aside from a gaping hole in her shirt. "Come on icecube, be serious! Like a little thing like death's gonna stop me!"
>...She's kinda spirited...
>Of course, the girl who's been chucking around all that ice then notices you! "....!"

~Arc #1, Final Battle?~
~BGM: Keep Frosty Little Kitty!~

Rampaging Ice Fairy, Cirno

Cirno's Status: ?

Your Status: 100%
Mana Points: 8 (Or was the updated max 12?)
« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 07:27:52 AM by Hanzo K. »
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure