Author Topic: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread  (Read 319294 times)


Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #240 on: December 11, 2009, 11:22:47 PM »
So... Floor 16 boss is hard. I freakin' panic when ALL MY SP ON ALL 12 CHARACTERS gets wiped. I die before I can work good reserves back up.



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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #241 on: December 11, 2009, 11:44:19 PM »
So... Floor 16 boss is hard. I freakin' panic when ALL MY SP ON ALL 12 CHARACTERS gets wiped. I die before I can work good reserves back up.

Best boss ever, regardless of that. (Luckily, 18 (Also very awesome) lacks Djinn Storm, as does the final boss (to my knowledge)

Theres only one thing to do when that happens, Switch the squishys up, use good skills when available on reserve characters, And just keep fighting. She'll do it constantly, and you'll never get full. Just try and survive.


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #242 on: December 12, 2009, 01:25:49 AM »
So I'm going through and beating 10 butterflies for F12 bitch and I can't remember how to get to the place for the F7 butterfly. It's the very bottom left platform of the map.

And of course, 2 seconds after I make a post I figure it out. Woo!
« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 01:28:10 AM by PrismYoshi »

Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #243 on: December 12, 2009, 01:36:04 AM »
There's a reason why 9F mandatory boss is so easy by the way; she drops a very good item that gives +30 to all non-HP/SP stats, AND she drops it at a 100% rate. However, if you kill >3 of her flunkies, the items that they drop will crowd out the item that the boss drops, thus making it a 0% rate. The hard part comes when you try to defeat that boss while only killing 3 or less of her flunkies for that item.

Yeah, that boss is just plain not possible at that timeunless you're way  (and I mean way) overlevel. I did it after "the triple boss", and it was easier than the said triple boss.

It is possible to kill that boss right after you're able to recruit her. I just barely did it myself, and it was actually the fight that showed me the true power of PSN. I had 3 characters that when buffed with equips, could barely survive the boss's opening move; I sacrificed one character to it, then spent the 3 turns desperately healing/buffing the three who could survive it (not easy when the interim attacks can still take off half of Meiling's HP), inflicting PSN with Wriggle if it wasn't up, and praying for PAR proc from the other Floor 8 optional (which happened like... once), eventually sacrificing another character to the killer attack when 3 turns was up. Eventually after I was down to 5-ish characters, a Spear the Gungnir killed it.

This meant that basically all my direct damage came from floor 8 optional's PAR attack and occasional Remilia Spear the Gungnirs, which made up about ~30k damage. In other words, PSN over that long period did 170k damage BY ITSELF. Ever since that battle, I've always brought Wriggle to boss battles.

I definitely agree that it's much easier and saner to level up a bit on 10-12 before attempting it though, but she's one of my favourites, so I had to try my best to get her ASAP.


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #244 on: December 12, 2009, 01:46:40 AM »
Final Boss has been defeated, And skimpy ending that doesn't really emphasize the achievement obtained.  :V

Now onto the hell that must be the next 5 levels. Huzzah.

Also, A shows you the entire map as you know it. Including paths. Silly me Floor 7. NOTHING helps.


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #245 on: December 12, 2009, 03:20:33 AM »
No item is lost forever, but some are worth getting multiples of because they're so damn rare as normal drops anyway. I restarted for the sole purpose of getting all the boss drops. Meilings and 4F bitch's are awesome. I didn't get 3F bitch's (neither of theirs, and had to farm for it on 5F).

Yeah, I remember getting an Unwavering Will from Meiling the first time I befriended her, but then, without even looking what the stats were, I restarted for another obsessive reason: I had a casualty and I don't like letting people die.  I was disappointed to realize upon beating her again that whatever she dropped wasn't a 100% drop like I ended up assuming.  I ended up finding another one later, mildly annoyed that I'd let such a good item disappear like that, but as long as I can farm them if I really feel the need, I don't mind.  I just hope I won't actually feel the need, because I'm far too impatient these days. (Well, far too impatient for a luck based drop.  I don't mind running in circles grinding levels/skills because I see progress in numbers going up.  There's no real "progress" in waiting for a drop, just "I got it", or "still looking".)

*recalls the time his SNES was on for three days as he tried to get Poo's Sword of Kings in Earthbound.
Whether you're on Easy or you're a Lunatic, be damn proud of your accomplishments.  Don't let anyone convince you otherwise, for it's when you lose faith in your own achievements that those victories become defeats.


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #246 on: December 12, 2009, 03:56:09 AM »
F12 triple boss is giving me issues. I can't seem to get anything done before they just overwhelm me. For some reason it feels like I read somewhere that 2 of them get more powerful when the other dies, so should I just focus my attacks on the F9 bitch that's tagging along first?

The party buff that they use makes them rape me with their crazy speed. I thought about having a certain character on standby for her status spamming skill on hand, but it seems like they'll just keep spamming the party buff anytime they get debuffed.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #247 on: December 12, 2009, 04:04:45 AM »
F12 triple boss is giving me issues. I can't seem to get anything done before they just overwhelm me. For some reason it feels like I read somewhere that 2 of them get more powerful when the other dies, so should I just focus my attacks on the F9 bitch that's tagging along first?

The party buff that they use makes them rape me with their crazy speed. I thought about having a certain character on standby for her status spamming skill on hand, but it seems like they'll just keep spamming the party buff anytime they get debuffed.

If you can kill the one on the far right without crippling yourself, you're golden. After that try to take out the other 2 fairly evenly. I'm pretty sure they don't fight any harder when one dies, only when 2 die....And the one on the right is by far the biggest threat when all 3 are up, due to all the +%everything she gives her allies, and the -%everything she gives you.

The far left one is beefier than the middle one, keep that in mind when trying to take the last 2 out evenly.

I haven't attempted the stage 16 boss yet, I juuuust finished exploring the stage >=).. A spell that wipes your entire party's (including the back 8)sp? EEK!


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #248 on: December 12, 2009, 04:18:29 AM »
I'm pretty sure they don't fight any harder when one dies, only when 2 die....And the one on the right is by far the biggest threat when all 3 are up, due to all the +%everything she gives her allies, and the -%everything she gives you.

Not quite.  I know from experience that middle gets access to a really strong attack when left dies.  And Deranged mentioned that left gets stronger if middle dies.  Right doesn't get particularly strong.  Also, right does debuff, but she only has self-buff as opposed to middle who has full-party buff.

Paralysis almost always works on right.  Middle uses full-party buffs if you use too many debuffs, indeed.  But you can still use AGI down on a couple of them and get away with it.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 04:21:59 AM by Graph »

Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #249 on: December 12, 2009, 04:24:53 AM »
F12 triple boss is giving me issues. I can't seem to get anything done before they just overwhelm me. For some reason it feels like I read somewhere that 2 of them get more powerful when the other dies, so should I just focus my attacks on the F9 bitch that's tagging along first?

The party buff that they use makes them rape me with their crazy speed. I thought about having a certain character on standby for her status spamming skill on hand, but it seems like they'll just keep spamming the party buff anytime they get debuffed.

Reposting what I posted on Pooshlmer:

Left is weak to FIR and MYS. Middle is weak to WND and NTR. Left has ~250k? HP, middle has ~120k HP. Right isn't really a factor.

Right boss is extremely weak to PAR, and any attack that does PAR almost always lands on her. Left and middle bosses aren't as weak, but PAR still lands on them every so often. Reimu and Cirno will likely be your MVPs for this battle with their multi-target PAR attacks, especially if you're going for a lowish-level attempt; aim mostly to PAR the right one, and you'll still PAR the left and middle one sometimes. They're all also vulnerable to PSN.

If you're having problems surviving while all 3 are up, try using F10 optional as your tank; her self-buff practically makes nearly everyone's attacks do 0 damage for a long time, if you poured all her bonuses into DEF and MND. Meanwhile, use F9 mandatory's whole-party-wide def buff to raise the entire party's defenses so that when you switch other characters in for damage/healing, they'll be able to soak the bosses' multi-target attacks better (they're all mostly MND-based). Meanwhile, the whole time, try to rotate Cirno and Reimu in for their multi-target PAR spells to make sure right boss never gets a turn, and hope for some luck on left and middle.

Middle only does her multi-target stat-up move if 3 or more stat downs are on the bosses (this can be 1 on each, or 3 on a single boss). For the best chance of survival, have Cirno SPD-down left and middle, and just keep right PAR'd. If you do this though, you'll have to be careful of using Alice and her offensive spells.

Left goes berserk if middle is defeated, and middle goes berserk if left is defeated; let them have a turn, and they have a possibility of completely wiping your party with their killer attacks that are unlocked once their counterpart is defeated. The key is to defeat one, then defeat the other as soon as possible, in the best case killing her before she can get a turn. Spamming PAR attacks can help buy some time, as well as doing stat-downs, while your other slots should be focused on rotating in your damagers at that point to defeat her ASAP. It can be hard to time if you're not keeping exact track of your damage numbers or using PSN; I ended up with a stroke of luck on my winning try (out of ~8 tries) and had the middle boss only do her weak single-target Magical Light attack twice after the left boss died, which gave me enough time to defeat her.

Once left and middle are down, just keep right PAR'd and beat her at your leisure.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #250 on: December 12, 2009, 05:41:14 AM »
Boo, floor 16 boss gheyed me out. I was doing fine, then she casted this spell which basically buffed every stat by 80%. Everything she casted afterwards pretty  much OHKO'd everyone I had just about, but somehow I manage to get tenshi's sp to 100 for a sword of rapture, game over for you bish.. Only, it didn't do squat. wtf? So I died. does it have a chance of failing sometimes? or does it just not work on that particular buff cuz that would be too smart, I don't get it.


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #251 on: December 12, 2009, 06:05:11 AM »
Looks like I finally hit the grind wall. Floor 12 triple boss is raping me. Floor 10 optional bitch refuses to take damage and then rapes me with a party wide attack.

So. Much. Rage.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #252 on: December 12, 2009, 07:42:36 AM »
BTW am I the only person lamenting the lack of Kanako so far? *hits desk* moar Kanako!


Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #253 on: December 12, 2009, 07:47:42 AM »
There's still a chance. We have ten more slots to fill, who knows who could be there to fill them.

So yeah, floor 16 boss still killing me after getting Reimu to level 85, which was enough for all the optional bosses to this point. I think Youmu may be useful with her double focus ability going on, but I dunno...


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #254 on: December 12, 2009, 09:00:51 AM »

My Patchy that pwnd 5F bitch. Unbuffed Silent Selene dealt over 9000 (lol) damage. Buffed up to +57% MAG, 14.5k SS ftw! Equipped with double Forbidden Tablet and Dual Halo.

Also finally got the drop to boot ;D.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #255 on: December 12, 2009, 09:34:33 AM »
There's still a chance. We have ten more slots to fill, who knows who could be there to fill them.

So yeah, floor 16 boss still killing me after getting Reimu to level 85, which was enough for all the optional bosses to this point. I think Youmu may be useful with her double focus ability going on, but I dunno...

I just beat her, 89 reimu, 83-84 most people, 78/79 remi/patchy. Sword of rapture seems to only get rid of the speed and evasion portion of her massive buff at the end (and the mnd buff near the beginning too, but not the mnd one at the end). I rekon after she does the big +80% everything buff (not the 2nd graphic change one, that none-graphic one after the 2nd graphic one), she only has about 200-300k hp left, which isn't much if you're hoarding a +100% magic master spark >=P.

She joins you, and her exp needed to level is even higher than remi's. Her spells look really promising too. I saved up 250000skillpoints (yes 250,000 not 25,000), and blew them all on her, put some decent quality equipment on her, etc. Afterwards she was geared as an average member of my team, and skillpointed as much as my very best 2....Alas she sucks. So called "severe damage" moves hit only for 10-20k.. on floor 1 enemies. her spirit damage move is as weak as Sanae's. And while it has a slow/paralyze effect, it rarely seems to connect, in addition, the slowing effect is only 15%.

On the plus side, she does have a defense buff just like Reimu's, and her defensive stats are pretty much the same as Reimu's too, which is probably the very best of the "Caster" people, she's a slowpoke though (not patchy slow, But like Eirin slow, or something like that). Quite disappointing because her spell listing sounded so neat. I was really wanting a slow person other than cirno >=(. Her spells are also disgustingly expensive for how weak they are too (minus the def buff one).

Time to revert to my OTHER save and get 250,000 skillpoints back >=p.

OH btw, does anybody know if stats influence how long buffs/debuffs last at all?

edit: Dear god, floor 17 trash is ridiculous. Fantasy seal. 0,0,0... asteroid belt 0,0,0, Royal flare!! 0,0,0,0! %!#%!%.. Little legion? 0,0,0,0.. Sigh.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 09:49:14 AM by Ghaleon »


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #256 on: December 12, 2009, 10:12:15 AM »
The game works (slow) if I run it in a virtual PC, in normal Windows 7 it sucks bad.

Sorry for double post, this might be important for poor Mima.

I'm not sure, but applocale is something that isn't even available for windows 7 right? I was browsing the wiki, and I'm not sure if you saw this, but after reading it, it probably explains why I need to use applocale.

Q: I have black screen with just New Game, Load Game, and quit. When I choose "New game", the game freezes. What should I do?

A: If you are getting a black screen with just the Load and New Game options, make sure the file path has no Japanese characters in it.

if you dump the Japanese characters (hopefully you have em) hopefully you don't need applocal, and hopefully it'll work for you >=)


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #257 on: December 12, 2009, 10:16:25 AM »
Buff/debuffs lose 20% of their current potency per turn of the character they're on. PAR will basically freeze the b/db.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #258 on: December 12, 2009, 10:21:12 AM »
Buff/debuffs lose 20% of their current potency per turn of the character they're on. PAR will basically freeze the b/db.

Yeah, I noticed the par part. Whenever I make Tenshin use enlightenment, and she paralizes herself...I think it's a good thing lol. At least, until I need to sword of rapture that is, which isn't often thankfully.


Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #259 on: December 12, 2009, 10:45:57 AM »
edit: Dear god, floor 17 trash is ridiculous. Fantasy seal. 0,0,0... asteroid belt 0,0,0, Royal flare!! 0,0,0,0! %!#%!%.. Little legion? 0,0,0,0.. Sigh.

Oh geez. Well, I'm going to take her out tomorrow. I have levels a bit higher than your's, and have spent most of my power leveling time thinking of potential stategies.


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #260 on: December 12, 2009, 02:17:26 PM »
Ah, you guys are nearing the end 8D

... I need to catch up T.T; Oh well, work the next couple nights, I can put in some time then XD

For those who beat the F16 boss, you should by now have all the characters but 1 (Of the main game; final page is all Plus Disk characters), so if not, you've missed someone.  If you have missed someone, all the recruitment conditions are on the wiki (And only three are on the 16F-20F range, which I suggest you stay away from to spoil the awesome surprise of who's coming next).


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #261 on: December 12, 2009, 02:33:05 PM »
Report from the End Game-

You thought you were done and could just move to F21. You were wrong. :V


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #262 on: December 12, 2009, 02:58:33 PM »
Report from the End Game-

You thought you were done and could just move to F21. You were wrong. :V
You have to take out the Bloodstained Seals first?

OH btw, does anybody know if stats influence how long buffs/debuffs last at all?
They DO seem to affect how big the buff is, or at least your level does, because at the beginning of the game the % boost isn't as high as its supposed to be, and now that I'm later in the game I've noticed Remi and Remiu's buffs boosting like 20% higher then they did at first.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #263 on: December 12, 2009, 03:47:41 PM »
You have to take out the Bloodstained Seals first?
That may be an option but I hope its not IT. There seems to be more to don 20F first.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #264 on: December 12, 2009, 04:42:13 PM »
I explored the final 1/3 of 8F, that insanely huge dark floor, and then I accidently ran into a miniboss with only 4 people left alive and got slaughtered.


[edit]oh my god would you believe that I just did it again

I'm going to go sit in a corner now
« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 04:58:21 PM by NeoSerela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #265 on: December 12, 2009, 07:46:33 PM »
8F side quests have been cleared! Still haven't faced the resident bitch or the events bitch. The DTH attacks are pretty tame if everyone has a Hades ring equipped.

Anima Zero

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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #266 on: December 12, 2009, 08:33:30 PM »
Oh lord, 10F-12F puzzle madness is a crapload of insanity for my mind to wrap around.

And now I have to kill 10 butterflies or whatever to challenge this bitch on 10F.  Lovely.
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4


Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #267 on: December 12, 2009, 09:23:13 PM »
Okay, I CANNOT beat the floor 16 boss. I have absolutely no idea how I could stop her onslaught near the end of the battle. Even Tenshi is biting it pretty fast, and I have no SP to work with at ALL.

The only really feasable strategy I can thing of is put debuff resistant gear on Tenshi and having her wait out there by herself until a gap comes in for a Spark, then attempt to get Marisa out of there ASAP. I'm not doing this otherwise. Her buffs and constant debuffs on us make it all but impossible to do any damage higher than four digits with even my biggest powerhouses.

So, o' great ones who have won this battle, what was your EXACT strategy? I'm done with tips. I want to know the one road one can take to not get steam rolled, please.


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #268 on: December 12, 2009, 09:44:24 PM »
The strategy is simple. Blow shit up!  :V

No, Seriously, Just keep on trucking, focus focus enough for your strongest attacks and hit 'er hard.


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #269 on: December 12, 2009, 09:58:31 PM »
More levels is always the answer!

8F drops some sweet gear ;D