Author Topic: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.  (Read 30483 times)


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IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« on: August 14, 2009, 03:53:33 AM »
       ==CAUTION==                        ==CAUTION==                        ==CAUTION==                        ==CAUTION==                        ==CAUTION==           

The reason I dislike both sides of the equation is that they don't actually have a reason to dis/like everything about the group; on one end, you have people who only watch the PVs (and usually not even many of them), and decide that IoSYS is the most amazing thing ever because of their kawaii voices and flashing pictures.

Now this in itself is odd, because they don't have all cutesy stuff and they probably haven't even listened to most of their stuff. They do have a few other genres, it's just usually filled with dog whistle voices and thus grouped as the same. This bugs me because the songs they choose to put into a PV become the most popular because they're catchy, regardless of them being good or not. That's what attracts people, and I applaud the circle for being able to market their music in such a ridiculously explosive way. But when you actually hear the entire albums, most of it sucks very badly.

Of course, you can go with the "lol musical preferences are objective", and go ahead, the only reason I say they suck is because I think so and others are entitles to their opinions, but even still, you can't believe that many people, if any, are going to like most of the stuff in there. Even if they have a few varieties of styles in the circle, it's still mostly targeted towards the same audience, and so it narrows the field of objective selection and it becomes easier and easier to brand the tracks as 'bad'.

People aren't going to like much of it, that's true, but to call IoSYS great for coming out with a few good tracks and many mediocre ones doesn't make them a good circle, and I feel that the attention they get is a bit undeserving as opposed to some groups who consistently put out good music. Hell, even Neutral, because it has so many artists, isn't going to appeal to everyone with every album.

On the other hand, the haters are much simpler to describe. there could be many different reasons why they don't like IoSYS, but most consist of them just plain not liking the music and thinking they don't deserve their attention. While I fit into this group, it's still unfair because of what I previously mentioned; how people are still going to like their music and the popularity from their PVs are going to send fans in droves. You could go even further and just outright say that they don't like IoSYS because they're trying to be cool kids and agree with the majority, which is just plain silly.

In both cases, most of them haven't actually listened to many tracks, or albums at all. The cutesy stuff that attracts some people push away others, but dislike can be exaggerated much easier than fandom can. The bounds are about the same, from just insulting anyone who thinks they're good, versus not knowing what Touhou is at all and labeling all arranges as IoSYS. Hate just comes to people easily as a species, there's no avoiding the ones who just outright hate the group.

The last little bit is just about the ones who don't necessarily hate IoSYS, although they do go hand in hand, but the ones who find that IoSYS attracts weeaboos and idiots from Gaia and other deadly stupid nether-regions of the internet. While this kind of hatred isn't mostly centered on IoSYS, people somehow find a method to insult the group itself instead of what should be, the fans' utter stupidity and negligence.

Now, I can't say this stuff isn't well-deserved, because I think so, and calling someone else out for a comment that you yourself can't argue whatsoever or at least very little is generally a terrible thing to do. Of course, this goes both ways as it's pretty stupid to march into somewhere flooded with blind fans and say IoSYS sucks, because regardless of being able to argue well, you're going to get bombarded with hate, and stupid hate, at that. Once again, it's really just a matter of both sides knowing when to yield, but unfortunately, the weeaboo side as a whole won't stop, ever, and there are always a few haters who are just too stubborn to let it go.

Actually, this reminds me of another stupid argument. A few think that when two sides are fighting it out and such, it's a good idea to try and break it up. Now not only is that stupid and will never work, they decide to slap in a "we should all just take it easy". Noting that you used such a phrase to try and break up the argument, you obviously don't have any material yourself, and are likely going to be sucked in as well. The addition of a meme is never a good idea, especially when attempting to calm the blaze.

fine then jeez
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 04:28:08 PM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2009, 03:57:02 AM »
Oh it went here. I thought it was deleted. :3
IoSYS is srs business.

Only Thing I dislike about IoSYS is how much they are uploaded onto youtube.
My whole Subscription panel is filled with Club Ibuki, and why can't reddevils500a ever just upload it one time?
Why does it show up so many times?
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 04:16:31 AM by Cadmas »

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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2009, 03:59:41 AM »
Everyone sucks and I'm not going to space my paragraphs.
And I read it all.
I am awesome.
Fans suck because they're not really fans.
Haters suck because they're blind.
IOSYS sucks because it's narrow and easy to dislike.


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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2009, 04:05:29 AM »

Nine West

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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2009, 04:22:52 AM »
(IoSYS seriousness)

Yes, in the end, everybody is at fault. When everyone is doing the wrong thing, it's nigh impossible to set everything right again, considering how long this have went so far. I, personally, would fall into the group of people who would say 'take it easy,' which doesn't help business at all. No one could convince either side to stop, nor does anyone can give a good reason not to argue (besides saying it's stupid). I can see that this issue will not be resolved anytime soon...

Everyone sucks

Compared to you, we do ;D

Hououin Kyouma

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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2009, 04:34:22 AM »
Anime sucks, Touhou sucks and we suck  :V
"DUMBASS!" "I'd hit it" "Bear-sona~!" "Critical hits to the nads!" "What you're really asking is... "Will you please beat the **** out of me, Kanji?" "...I Gotta pee." ''Everydays great at your Junes~'' "You calling me a loser?"

Bias Bus

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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2009, 04:38:18 AM »
I'm more of a 'It's popular so it sucks' kinda guy.

I don't have any reason to dislike IOSYS, I just do because alot of other people enjoy it.
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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2009, 04:38:39 AM »
I agree with you completely. Most ppl just watch the PVs and think that's Touhou. (I originally thought Touhou was a part of IOSYS, not the other way around, unofficially). But I have all of their albums and think it's pretty good, though a lot of it is parodies or inside jokes, They're still fun to listen to. The whole response to the videos is undeniably bull**** just cuz it's filled with moe and loli's.

That's Innocent Key!!! NOT IOSYS! annoying how ppl can't understand



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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2009, 04:42:24 AM »
Everyone sucks and I'm not going to space my paragraphs.
World's most difficult thing to read.

on one end, you have people who only watch the PVs (and usually not even many of them), and decide that IoSYS is the most amazing thing ever because of their kawaii voices and flashing pictures.
On the other hand, the haters are much simpler to describe. there could be many different reasons why they don't like IoSYS, but most consist of them just plain not liking the music and thinking they don't deserve their attention.
The last little bit is just about the ones who don't necessarily hate IoSYS, although they do go hand in hand, but the ones who find that IoSYS attracts weeaboos and idiots from Gaia and other deadly stupid nether-regions of the internet.

In short:
Fans suck because they're not really fans.
...and haters represent a clear, and very distinguished... group. Which may or may not be a good thing.

Of course, being a person who (regularly?) listens to said group (and no; I don't say that they're the best circle ever), I can say that only very few songs are great.
[16:25] <Kuruminut> Shut up MS Word, "fangirlism" is totally a word
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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2009, 04:54:57 AM »
I qualified my post in the other topic and have nothing to add here.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2009, 04:56:28 AM »
labeling all arranges as IoSYS
And there we go. Kind of isolated considering they're very similar, but eh.

Just another example, the recently upped Okuu's Gym thing. It's not very good, but I like it because it's catchy and there are fifty billion references in it. This is what they do best, and even while many people don't like the song, it's still incredibly popular, nabbing 130 thousand views on Nicovideo in twelve days, on one upload alone. Similarly, Club Ibuki has 50 thousand views just today.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2009, 04:59:55 AM »
Oh it went here. I thought it was deleted. :3
IoSYS is srs business.

Only Thing I dislike about IoSYS is how much they are uploaded onto youtube.
My whole Subscription panel is filled with Club Ibuki, and why can't reddevils500a ever just upload it one time?
Why does it show up so many times?

Also I noticed Drake mentioned Neutral. Neutral is boring shit and will likely be the next hated group after IOSYS when people come to realize this.

Lastly, this is IOSYS, too, and I'm going to post it until you judge it from a music theory standpoint.


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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2009, 05:18:56 AM »
Like I said, it's hard to judge Neutral as a whole group because it has so many different artists, and the styles differ heavily from each other, unlike IoSYS. There's more of rock, metal and techno as opposed to cutesy (all defined by the different artists as well), so there isn't that instant attraction. But, I can say that because of their tendency to release many albums in a short period of time, and because they are getting noticed, hate will bubble until the probable outcome of something similar to IoSYS.

I myself cut it about half and half, judging from my music folder right now. I shy away from the techno and drugon and such, but nazz-can, Xi, Nakajima and Doppelman all get a 'very awesome' from me.

But opposed to the musical preferences thread we had recently, this thread is more about the listeners than the groups.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Letty Whiterock

Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2009, 05:34:59 AM »
I agree.

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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2009, 05:49:38 AM »
Aren't IoSYS made up of a bunch of temporary recruits as well? There is hardly ever the same two names (other than Miko, or someone else)

Whatever the case, I should tell you I only ever listened to the Precious Thing, Pray with terrible english, and I think Border of Death is a cool song... did it came from them?
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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2009, 05:54:14 AM »
       ==CAUTION==                        ==CAUTION==                        ==CAUTION==                        ==CAUTION==                        ==CAUTION==           

The reason I dislike both sides of the equation is that they don't actually have a reason to dis/like everything about the group; on one end, you have people who only watch the PVs (and usually not even many of them), and decide that IoSYS is the most amazing thing ever because of their kawaii voices and flashing pictures.

Now this in itself is odd, because they don't have all cutesy stuff and they probably haven't even listened to most of their stuff. They do have a few other genres, it's just usually filled with dog whistle voices and thus grouped as the same. This bugs me because the songs they choose to put into a PV become the most popular because they're catchy, regardless of them being good or not. That's what attracts people, and I applaud the circle for being able to market their music in such a ridiculously explosive way. But when you actually hear the entire albums, most of it sucks very badly.

Of course, you can go with the "lol musical preferences are objective", and go ahead, the only reason I say they suck is because I think so and others are entitles to their opinions, but even still, you can't believe that many people, if any, are going to like most of the stuff in there. Even if they have a few varieties of styles in the circle, it's still mostly targeted towards the same audience, and so it narrows the field of objective selection and it becomes easier and easier to brand the tracks as 'bad'.
People aren't going to like much of it, that's true, but to call IoSYS great for coming out with a few good tracks and many mediocre ones doesn't make them a good circle, and I feel that the attention they get is a bit undeserving as opposed to some groups who consistently put out good music. Hell, even Neutral, because it has so many artists, isn't going to appeal to everyone with every album.

On the other hand, the haters are much simpler to describe. there could be many different reasons why they don't like IoSYS, but most consist of them just plain not liking the music and thinking they don't deserve their attention. While I fit into this group, it's still unfair because of what I previously mentioned; how people are still going to like their music and the popularity from their PVs are going to send fans in droves. You could go even further and just outright say that they don't like IoSYS because they're trying to be cool kids and agree with the majority, which is just plain silly.
In both cases, most of them haven't actually listened to many tracks, or albums at all. The cutesy stuff that attracts some people push away others, but dislike can be exaggerated much easier than fandom can. The bounds are about the same, from just insulting anyone who thinks they're good, versus not knowing what Touhou is at all and labeling all arranges as IoSYS. Hate just comes to people easily as a species, there's no avoiding the ones who just outright hate the group.

The last little bit is just about the ones who don't necessarily hate IoSYS, although they do go hand in hand, but the ones who find that IoSYS attracts weeaboos and idiots from Gaia and other deadly stupid nether-regions of the internet. While this kind of hatred isn't mostly centered on IoSYS, people somehow find a method to insult the group itself instead of what should be, the fans' utter stupidity and negligence.

Now, I can't say this stuff isn't well-deserved, because I think so, and calling someone else out for a comment that you yourself can't argue whatsoever or at least very little is generally a terrible thing to do. Of course, this goes both ways as it's pretty stupid to march into somewhere flooded with blind fans and say IoSYS sucks, because regardless of being able to argue well, you're going to get bombarded with hate, and stupid hate, at that.

Once again, it's really just a matter of both sides knowing when to yield, but unfortunately, the weeaboo side as a whole won't stop, ever, and there are always a few haters who are just too stubborn to let it go. Actually, this reminds me of another stupid argument. A few think that when two sides are fighting it out and such, it's a good idea to try and break it up. Now not only is that stupid and will never work, they decide to slap in a "we should all just take it easy". Noting that you used such a phrase to try and break up the argument, you obviously don't have any material yourself, and are likely going to be sucked in as well. The addition of a meme is never a good idea, especially when attempting to calm the blaze.

Everyone sucks and I'm not going to space my paragraphs.


Oh and this:
Quote from: Drake
This bugs me because the songs they choose to put into a PV become the most popular because they're catchy, regardless of them being good or not. That's what attracts people, and I applaud the circle for being able to market their music in such a ridiculously explosive way. But when you actually hear the entire albums, most of it sucks very badly.

Quoted for attention, as I listened to IOSYS arrangement albums myself (WHAT?!) to listen to their other songs aswell and they indeed horribly suck. While there are plenty of other groups who have better arrangements (C-Clay / Sync rate etc) which have MORE songs that are enjoyable to listen.


  • *
Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2009, 06:41:01 AM »
Another thing is that I think they realize which songs are more popular than others. Back when they released EBU, they had no PV for Nekoromancer. As it obviously became the only good track in that album, they realized this and have made one for C76.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Easy Mode

Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2009, 11:30:57 AM »
To be quite honest with you, tl;dr.
I don't hate IOSYS, but I'm not jwhfkslhfkshhdf over them, either. :/
I like a few of their songs, love a couple, but everything else is bleh. Bloom was amazing, though.

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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2009, 11:36:42 AM »
I can say the same of what Drake said with Demetori and Crow's Claw.
Both sides of the fandom are stupid and retarded/.

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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2009, 11:56:26 AM »
IOSYS as a group produce a few very catchy songs, which is fine enough. Hell, I remember when I showed up here for the first time a couple of years back people were praising things like Marisa Stole the Precious Thing as a massive boost for the fanbase. Then of course we start getting the people who never played the actual games and showed up for the music and the kawaii~.

I have no right to dismiss IOSYS musically, because when they do get it right they get it REALLY right. We shouldn't get mad at IOSYS themselves for attracting the casuals, we should get mad at the casuals themselves. And yes, I do use the word 'casuals' as an insult in this respect - how would people feel if you started posting on, say, a Phoenix Wright board having never actually PLAYED any of the games, with no idea how the plot went or who the characters were just because you thought the Objection music was really cool? That's sort of the level of casual we're getting here.

In short; don't hate the group. Hate the BAKAs as they seem to enjoy referring to themselves as. >_>


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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2009, 01:43:21 PM »
Don't hate IOSYS? When they make movies like Utsuho workout (whatever the hell it is called) you are just asking for it.


Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2009, 01:53:55 PM »
Meh, I'm not gonna say much as I can see this isn't going to end well.

I don't particularly like IOSYS as a whole. I only like a couple of their song (Flower of the Sun? No one can deny that). Their flashes are entertaining to watch, but I believe that's the only reason why they're getting so much attention. Their music is obviously hit-and-miss, but the hit's are usually the big ones.

Now, my opinion is totally subjective (except for FotS, that's a fact). I have a friend who's into their cutesy music that they make. I'll let him be. Can't blame IOSYS for their crappy fanbase.

I can say the same of what Drake said with Demetori and Crow's Claw.
Both sides of the fandom are stupid and retarded/.


Subjective comment about those two groups. Personally, I love them for their guiter riffs. It's alright if you don't like them.

I could say the same for techno and all other music genres.

Don't hate IOSYS? When they make movies like Utsuho workout (whatever the hell it is called) you are just asking for it.

Really? I like it. But I'm not gonna argue. I can see why others might dislike it =/.


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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2009, 01:59:39 PM »
IOSYS song quality breakdown...

5% - good ~ awesome
10% - ok ~ good
35% - mediocre ~ ok
25% - bad ~ mediocre

Although the last category is probably that way intentionally. The more I think about it, the more I believe IOSYS are epic touhou trolls;
They always have 1~2 good songs on each album, half of which get videos which get spammed around the net and then attract tons of people eager to hear more of that. Then these people buy the albums and encounter massive ear rape.

Also, the only thing worse than people who generalize are hypocrites.  :V

Btw, afaik the Okuu workout video was done by someone who usually isn't affiliated to IoSYS.
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

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Hououin Kyouma

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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2009, 02:02:33 PM »
Yeah, it was done by Urushi (who is currently my 2nd fav artist/animator)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 02:05:00 PM by 天使 »
"DUMBASS!" "I'd hit it" "Bear-sona~!" "Critical hits to the nads!" "What you're really asking is... "Will you please beat the **** out of me, Kanji?" "...I Gotta pee." ''Everydays great at your Junes~'' "You calling me a loser?"

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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2009, 04:03:12 PM »
Miko's voice is one of the sexiest things ever. Period.

But enough about that. The one IOSYS album I ever bothered to download... ...was utterly terrible. The only song I liked on it was (lol) border of extacy and maybe one other song. Yes, its a hit and miss circle. The problem is that it doesn't hit very often, and is mostly miss. Most of there good songs are the ones with Flash videos and some such.

In other words, IOSYS is terribly, terribly overrated.


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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2009, 04:06:17 PM »
The song (Okuu's Gym) was pretty much made for the PV though; regardless who did it it doesn't really matter.

Note that even when some fans buy the albums, the fact that they get ear rape doesn't stop them from blindly wanking over it, sometimes. Which sucks. Although there aren't too many examples considering most of these people only watch PVs...

Really, just for something a bit more complicated. Is it really right to say that you can't just insult their musical tastes because of objectivity? Really, I don't think so. Because they don't actually delve into a lot of their music, and even in the case they just love everything, they clearly don't even have a right to say they're a fan of the group. Just blindly going along with everything the group churns out, it's hard to say if anyone actually genuinely, purely likes most of their music. Even if they did somehow, as there's near no one who is the same, it's likely that they would be called upon for it. And as such, calling on objectivity sounds more like a defense mechanism than something that you could actually argue with.

In Gpop's case, he likes the stuff that A-F was mocking. His musical tastes are different, and even if it's true that both sides can be stupid when it comes to hardcore metal, he can defend his tastes and his opinion. In the case of blind IoSYS fans, it's really a matter of them using their opinion as a copout, rather than an argument, and I can say that it really does warrant them being insulted for their opinion towards IoSYS.

Also IoSYS goodness.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2009, 04:28:52 PM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2009, 04:16:57 PM »
I agree with most of your points and the observations that others have made in this thread. But what annoys me the most is that on their albums (I downloaded alot of them to listen) is that the instrumental tracks aren't even proper arrangements usually, they are just the same song with different instruments which defeats the point of an arrangement to me. That is an irritating point for me. But they do have some good/great songs but very few (usually the ones without dog-whistle voices for me at least >_>.)

Also your original post made my eyes bleed from the wall of text, space it please.

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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2009, 04:28:36 PM »
The only good arranger in IOSYS is ARM and the only good arranger in Neutral is nazz-can.


Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2009, 06:25:07 PM », is IOSYS really able to invoke this much rage?  ???

Ah well, my opinion on IOSYS - it doesn't matter, at all. The way music works for me is that I will listen to whatever I like. It doesn't matter if it's IOSYS or whatever, it doesn't matter if it's part of an album or all of it - if it sounds good to me and can invoke a feeling on me, it goes on my iPod and chances are it stays there and will be listened to for a very long time. I don't care about the fans or the haters, or the claims that it's overrated or whatever - in regards to that, I know it all to well because have to deal with it a lot as a Halo fan - at the end of the day, I find it's a lot easier just to go 'screw 'em all' and just go back to listening to the songs I enjoy.

It just so happens that it includes a few tracks by IOSYS. Not all of them, just the ones I like.


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Re: IoSYS rant. Fans and Haters alike. No one is safe.
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2009, 10:38:23 PM »
Last year I got both Gossun Remix CDs.  Duely disappointed. T-T

Not to say all IOSYS stuff is bad, especially if memetards are paying it too much attention.  Okuu's Nuclear Fusion Dojo = win.