Author Topic: Frame of the Undying Fortitude (finished)  (Read 82641 times)

An Odd Sea Slug

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Frame of the Undying Fortitude (finished)
« on: April 21, 2009, 06:01:46 AM »
This story, is dramatic Mahou Shoujo story. The plot is preparing, please read warmly until its conclusion. Many minds will gather, and many will clash. What will happen to our dear world when moonlight and flame are forced to clash once more?

Odda C. presents to you?

?A fanwork based on the game series known as Touhou?

Frame of the Undying Fortitude

Why dawdle any longer? Let us begin?


[First Spell]

A cool moonlit night covers Gensokyo during this late hour. Some are idle, resting within their homes awaiting the day. Others are up and about, each with their own reason, be it innocent or otherwise. Cool, calm winds accentuate the perfect, unpolluted air. So calm is it, that not even the wind makes noise. Truly a quiet night probably good for drinking a strong beverage outside your home if you?re the late night type. One would think this peace would last throughout the night, but this is Gensokyo. Something is bound to happen here, disturbing the peace, the perpetrator heedless of whether it is night or not?

?Hey, what?chya writing there Wriggle? Are you to tell me you keep some kind of Journal nowadays??

The boyish Night Bug (or rather, firefly) was snapped out of her deep thoughts by the energetic voice of the Grilled Lamprey stand?s proprietor. She turned to her Night Sparrow friend as she unconsciously fiddled with one of her black antennae, clad in a simple white, long sleeved shirt, and baggy blue, knee high pants. She had simple, short green hair and innocent blue eyes. On her back was a black cape (red on the inside). She had on brown shoes, with frilly ankle high socks.

She was perched atop one of the Lamprey stand?s stools, while the other girl stood behind the desk, talking to Wriggle as she cooked.

?Ehh? Well maybe in a small sense Mystia. It is just that I decided not too long ago to keep all my random musings in a record of some sort.? explained Wriggle with a small smile on her face along with a small blush. ?Pay no mind. Other people will likely be bored by reading what?s in here.?

The Night bird merely smiled cheerfully.

?Don?t be so quick to write yourself off like that Wriggle! There are plenty of curious people who would be very interested in something of that nature!?

Mystia, like Wriggle, was a Youkai. But she was a bird Youkai rather than an insect Youkai. A white apron currently covered her elaborate frilly dress, colored in subdued dark reds, and pinks, with many ribbon-like bird ornaments going from the neckline all the way to the bottom. The sleeves of the dress were as white as a pearl, with black rings near the shoulders. She had on leggings that matched the color of her dress along with black shoes with tiny wings on them. On her back was a pair of wings that just so happened to match the color of her dress, though they had purple along the tops. Her eyes were grey, had pointy owl-like ears, and wore a bowl shaped hat (matching her dress) with little wings on top.

?You think so?? Sages, wanderers, and artists perhaps? But in some sense, you have a greater talent for writing this sort of stuff than I do.?

Wriggle leaned back to stretch a bit, lifting her skinny arms into the air.

?Maybe, maybe not. Which of the two of us really know?? said Mystia, before perking up with an idea. ?Why not write songs with your writings? There is plenty of material, and it could be quite a bit of fun!?

Wriggle very nearly fell out of her chair at the notion, but quickly recovered and settled back in. She was blushing slightly.

?I? ?I can?t sing as well as you can Mystia??

?Nonsense! Anyone can sing if they really put their will into it, even if they don?t sound good. I think you personally have a fairly decent voice yourself! And even if you?re unwilling to sing, I will gladly sing them! Besides, singing about random musings may make it easier to lure in humans to attack. They tend to be quite interested in such things, almost as much as Youkai.?

?Is that so? Tell me, do you really believe my works can be turned into good songs, or are your words mere encouragement??

Mystia just sighed, but still held her smile.

?You?re far too modest Wriggle. Really you are. Why not just do something for fun, even if you?re not very good at it? Surely someone will be impressed? Peoples tastes vary as much as the cloud shapes in the sky.?

?Or perhaps like the different foods you serve.? responded Wriggle.

?The only way to get better at something is practice until you can do it well. That?s why I sing my heart out, even when I?m not using my music to lure humans.?

?Just put my heart and will into it eh???

Just then, they both sensed the presence of someone approaching.

?Putting your heart into all you do eh? That?s a good mantra to live by, a good way to survive life?s tides.? said another female voice.

?Who goes there?? asks Wriggle, as the figure emerges from the shadows.

She was a woman looking to be in her twenties (as apposed to early teens for Mystia and Wriggle) of average height (making her taller than Mystia or Wriggle). In addition, she had dark brown eyes, with very long black hair, along with a pink shirt with many white bows, and a long, dark burgundy skirt decorated in yellow with bamboo and flower shapes. The sleeves of her dress seemed to exceed the length of her arms as well. She walked toward the red lantern lamprey stand with a rather gentle smile on her face.

Even so, Mystia was silent. Her smile disappeared as she eyed the on comer with suspicion. It was normal for Mystia to distrust humans (especially since most distrusted her), but this human was far more mysterious. Not only that but she was a Lunarian, a human from the moon (or rather, that?s what Mystia thought they were).

The famous immortal princess of Eientei, Kaguya Houraisan? thought the night bird.

?The Princess of Eientei all alone in a place like this??? asked Wriggle.

?I was feeling restless, so I decided to take an evening walk.? responded Kaguya calmly with a warm smile as she sat down.

?Aren?t you pretty far from your home here??? asked Mystia, raising an eyebrow.

?It matters not. I can fly quite quickly. Besides, I was interested in sampling your cuisine here. I read an article about it in that Tengu?s paper recently.? explained the princess as she put her right sleeve to her mouth. ?I?ve only seldom had any sort of fish during my time in Gensokyo, so now I?m curious as to the taste of this lamprey? I hear it?s good for the eyes as well.?

Eh? Is my night-blindness ability working on her?? thought Mystia.

?Uhh? You heard correctly. I-in fact, the lamprey from here is the best in the entire world!? boasting Mystia.

?Then I shall have the pleasure of proving whether or not it?s true.? giggled Kaguya.

Mystia suddenly pointed her spatula at the princess as she put on a very confident smile.

?My cooking skills will soon by well known among the Eientei inhabitants!?

Wriggle only looked back and forth at the two, wondering what Kaguya would think of Mystia?s cooking?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 04:44:34 AM by Odda C. »

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2009, 06:02:28 AM »
In mere moments Mystia was over the grill, preparing Kaguya?s late night snack. Wriggle (who was on Kaguya?s left) had one arm on the table, supporting her head as the boyish looking girl slowly drifted back into her deep thoughts. However?

?Wriggle Nightbug?? asked Kaguya suddenly.

Wriggle was startled, but not visibly so. She calmly turned her head toward the princess.

?That is my name. Do you wish to ask me something??

?I would say ?I wish to show you something.? Not too long ago, I discovered something very interesting. That interesting something lies within this nice little book I discovered not long ago?? said Kaguya as she pulled out a small brown leather book.

?What is that you wish to show me?? asked Wriggle curiously, straightening up.

It was a book containing all sorts of odd poems. Kaguya turned to a certain page and began reading.

?It goes like this:

When the stone is set, and the moon is high?
People shall rest, none shall die.

When the mind is set, and the heart is bold?
Many forbidden tails be told.

Many may unlock the secret, many may not?
But only one shall awaken the sleeper, like boiling water in a pot!

When the song is sung, and the fireflies dance?
The one who seals shall break many a romance.

And the one who unseals the sealer shall put one she sees forever in a cold trance.
That then shall be the very last dance.

Is the music ready? Are the dancers in place?
Sing and shout! Feel a peaceful feeling with grace!

Mystia was too focused on her cooking to pay attention, and Wriggle appeared understandably confused.

?Errr? I didn?t understand that at all?! It really doesn?t make any sense??

?It is mysterious isn?t it?? But that is what makes it interesting? Or rather, that was what made it interesting?? giggled the princess.

?Wait? Do you mean to tell me you have deciphered that blather?!? said Wriggle, surprised.

Kaguya merely smiled slyly at Wriggle, causing her to lean back slightly, then look away after a few seconds. It was silent for a few short moments, sans Mystia?s grilling. It was Mystia who broke the short lived silence.

?Orrrrrrrrrder up!? she announced as she layed Kaguya?s food in front of her.

?Hm? Looks simply succulent! Let us see if tasting is the same as looking?? said the princess eagerly.

As the princess tried Mystia?s lamprey Wriggle kept her in her peripheral vision. Her mind was hard at work in an attempt to figure out what that prophecy/riddle/poem/whatever was trying to say. In particular, she couldn?t get the lines involving ?dancing fireflies? out of her head. Wriggle hoped it didn?t mean something involving her. Kaguya?s appearance here at this late hour was suspicious enough, and that recital made her even more suspicious.

Besides? ?Wriggle couldn?t dance.

And as for the singing part? Mystia was a singer who was constantly singing no matter what. If there was ever a music lover in Gensokyo, it was her. Even so, it was hard if not impossible to find any reason that would make Mystia have anything at all to do with this. And really, Kaguya?s presence was too convient. Or was it? Now Wriggle was worried for a different reason. She wasn?t becoming some sort of absolutist cynic was she?? Perhaps she simply thought too much of this situation?

?Positively delicious! It would seem you are as good as the paper says you are!? exclaimed Kaguya after finishing off the lamprey rather quickly.

?As I have said to you!? said Mystia confidently, the bird?s large ego satisfied.

?Kaguya-sama?? began Wriggle. ?If you don?t mind my asking? What is it that you discovered in the texts you have just read to me???

Kaguya was silent for a few seconds, never breaking her smile. She slowly looked up at the sky dreamily.

?Something that will change my life. Something dear to me.? she spoke in a manner that made her seem she was in a moment of ecstasy.


?Now then? I?d like to enlist the talents of you two both.? she then announced, suddenly coming back to Earth.

?Huh? If you want to hire me for cooking or singing, please take one of the pamphlets to your left Kaguya-sama. All the information is there.? said Mystia, pointing at a small stack while wearing a confident smile. ?I?m not cheap though!?

?Hold on? You mean you?d like us to come to Eientei??? asked Wriggle, raising any eyebrow.

?Come with me, yes? But not quite to Eientei. I want you two to accompany me to a very special place. You will not find a place were your talents will be more appreciated than anywhere else in Gensokyo? ?no? ?the world!?

Somewhere other than Eientei...? Where could she possibly?? thinks Wriggle to herself.

The bliss caused by ego inflation was quick to fade, Mystia becoming suspicious toward Kaguya again.

?Hold on? Is there some kind of festival or something?? asked Mystia.

?Well? In a sense. I can ensure that there will be a celebration.? said Kaguya calmly.

Wriggle decided she?d heard enough.

?I?m sorry, but I think I will be passing. I?m sure there are others you can ask who are more talented than I am.?

The insect Youkai got up and bowed to Kaguya as she spoke, clearly with an intention to leave.

?I should be going? Sayonara.? she turned around and began walking away.

Kaguya began getting up as well, her smile becoming... ?darker.

?Wha?? Hey! You?re not leaving until you pay up! The rent doesn?t pay itself ya know!? said Mystia, a little peeved.

?You do well to hide your fear of me, Nightbug.? said Kaguya.

Wriggle suddenly stopped moving. She didn?t turn around, but if she did she would?ve revealed a very shocked expression. Still she said nothing, not even a whimper.

Mystia raised an eyebrow.

?Hm?? Hey, what?s going on? Stop speaking nonsense and pay your due!? demanded Mystia.

?You no longer require money, song bird. I need you as well.? said a now evilly smiling Kaguya.

Now Wriggle slowly turned her head around. If one looked closely, they could see the androgynous insect girl shivering a bit.

?Huh?? What are you? ?talking about??? said Mystia, extending her green, sharp nails out of instinct.

Kaguya closed her eyes and sighed.

?Sad really? I really thought that I could convince the two of you to come the seal willingly? But now it seems I must bring you forcefully.? said Kaguya before giggling a bit.

?MYSTIA!? shouted Wriggle as she turned all the way around.

Mystia put up a defensive fighting stance, but in only an instant, she found herself being held up into the air by the neck, courtesy Kaguya?s iron right hand grip.

?Gah?! Ah??!? gasped a confused and helpless Mystia.

I? ?I never saw her move?! thought the shocked Wriggle, frozen in fear.

Kaguya only smiled all the more maliciously, almost as if she fed off the fear of her two victims.

?It is quite too bad? Your food is quite delicious.?

Mystia only shivered in fear as she held on to Kaguya?s right arm. The princess held up her left arm, building blue colored magical energy in her left hand? ...and putting it right at Mystia?s face.

?Now Mystia Lorelei? ?become my puppet!?

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 06:03:11 AM »
The next thing Mystia saw was a bright flash? The entire lamprey stand exploded into pieces as Kaguya unleashed her attack!

?MYSTIAAAAAA? cried Wriggle.

After the princess emerged from the smoke and fire, the insect rushed in to attack her, only to be knocked down to the ground by a swift strike from the back of Kaguya?s right hand.

?You need not exert yourself. Your friend lives. I need the two of you alive after all. Because of that, I used one of my? ?gentler attacks.? said Kaguya, standing over Wriggle while holding her chin with her left arm, and supporting that arm with her right.

Wriggle only looked up at Kaguya, paying no heed to the green blood trickling down her mouth, or the sharp pain in her right cheek. She only had eyes for escape. Just then, she heard coughing coming from the smoldering spot where Mystia?s stand used to be. Wriggle quickly looked over, and then dove head first into the slowly clearing smoke. She ran out with an injured Mystia in her arms. She quickly hid behind a large tree, wondering what to do. Kaguya was no doubt following?

Mystia?s dress was tattered in many places. Her hat was even missing.


?Mystia??! Mystia, tell me you?re okay!? whispered Wriggle.

Mystia slowly opened her eyes. Her expression gave off signs that her entire body was currently racked with pain.

?Wri? Wriggle?? Wh-whats happening?? Why is? Why is she trying to capture us??? asked Mystia, still shocked by what had just happened.

?I haven?t a clue as to why?? admitted Wriggle. And I haven?t any idea as how to escape either?

Just then, Wriggle saw several splinters fly past her? Kaguya was some distance from the tree, holding her arms out as she unleashed crescent shaped blades of energy at the tree, slowly cutting it away. Surely she had enough power to do away with the tree in one blow however? Either she was being extra careful or?

She?s toying with us? thought Wriggle.

?Come now you two? You will not have to suffer more than have already. Just come with me and it will all be over!? said Kaguya almost playfully.

Wriggle merely looked back, knowing that she?d have no choice but to move soon. There wasn?t anyway for her to take on Kaguya in combat, especially without Mystia. What was she to do??

Just then, Wriggle felt movement in her arms? She was shocked to find Mystia climbing out of her grasp. What was she doing?! Did she plan to take on Kaguya herself?!

?Mystia please! Save your strength!? pleaded Wriggle.

?No? No human has ever caught me like that before? And I certainly won?t let myself be taken by one either? ?not without fighting back first??

It looked tough, but the night bird managed to remain stable. She gritted her teeth fiercely. Her pride was just as injured as her body. Furthermore, she was not about to go down without a fight, no matter how hopeless that fight was.

?My? My entire body feels as if it has been pierced with many sharp needles? But I don?t care! I?ll gladly die before I go anywhere with her, or any filthy human!?

?Mystia?? said Wriggle, feeling mixed emotions over the injured night bird?s resolve.

But then, in only a moment, Kaguya was standing in front of the two surprised girls with a vicious smile.

?You can forget about death. I have no intention of letting you die before my plan is complete. So??

She put her face into theirs.

??Just. Give. Up.?

Mystia?s face contorted with a mix of deep fear, and vengeful anger as her grey eyes met Kaguya?s cold and unnerving dark brown ones.

?N? N? NO!? shouted Mystia taking a swipe a Kaguya with her right claws.

Kaguya leaned only just enough to avoid the swipe before holding out her left hand and blowing her away with sheer magical force. Mystia shrieked as she was sent through several trees and ended up tumbling on to more open ground.

?You?ll pay for this?!? said Wriggle weakly as she took a right hook to Kaguya.

The princess merely caught Wriggle?s fist, sending her own right one deep into the bug girl?s stomach with great force. Wriggle gasped as she experienced the same fate as Mystia, joining her on the ground. Despite the strength of the princess? attacks, both girls were determined to keep going? They both slowly stood up?

?Mystia? ?are? ?you alright?? gasped Wriggle, holding her stomach as she stood up.

?I?ll be fine? For now, this human shall pay!? grunted Mystia, wiping crimson blood from her mouth.

The night bird shot off into the sky as she pulled out a strange card? A spellcard!

?Night Sparrow! Midnight Chorus Master!? she shouted.

The card began glowing? Now Kaguya?s vision quickly turned pitch black. She couldn?t even see her hand in front of her face! But she merely smiled. Large green energy balls of very great numbers began flying out at her, but of course she couldn?t see them. Even so, her senses and ability to manipulate instances (the same ability she used to move somewhere in the blink of an eye earlier) allowed her to dodge daftly. She was like a moonlit blur of subdued colors of night!

?This will get old quickly. It is a good thing I practiced that spell before hand?? she spoke to herself.

She finally dissipated her smile as she concentrated, chanting special words with corresponding hand signs. But even then, she dodged swarms of green energy balls effortlessly.

How can this be?! How has she lasted this long against this attack?! This is one of my best spell cards! thinks Mystia to herself.

Kaguya soon finishes her spell. In an instant, her night blindness has completely vanished! Mystia gasps in horror at this seemingly impossible turn for the worse.

?Now it is my turn.? says Kaguya calmly.

She swings her right arm upward at Mystia, sending a large whip of pure energy dead into the Youkai bird?s stomach.


Mystia ends up falling back to the ground. The blow also disrupts the remaining effects of he spell card, allowing Kaguya to cease her evasion. But as this is happening, Wriggle is making use of her special ability- her ability to summon poisonous insects at will!

?This will stop you?! Prepare yourself, human!? threatened Wriggle.

Kaguya merely smiled, awaiting Wriggle?s attack. Mystia slowly staggered back toward her friend, quickly realizing what she was doing.

Wait? Doesn?t she know about??!

?Wriggle wait?!? pleaded Mystia.

?GO!? shouted Wriggle, swinging her hand at Kaguya.

Hundreds? ?perhaps thousands of poisonous insects swarmed around Kaguya, quickly covering her body! But Kaguya merely looked on casually.

?There?s enough poison within this insect force to strike down three humans!? boasted Wriggle. ?Surely you will not survive this night!?

?Wriggle, that won?t work!?

Wriggle looks back at Mystia, confused.

?What do you speak of?? You talk as if??

All of a sudden there was a bright flash of light from where Kaguya was standing? When it faded, the two youkai could see Kaguya standing without a scratch, some of the grass around her burnt. All the insects had been vaporized!

?Your friend is correct you know?? began Kaguya, smiling sweetly.

Wriggle just stood in shock and disbelief.

?Aww, do not say you hadn?t any knowledge of my immortality?? giggled Kaguya.

?Immor? ?tality??? asked Wriggle.

?That?s right? No matter how much we injure her or how much poison we inject into her? ?she will never die.? explains Mystia with a dark tone.

?No way? Then what are to do?!? asked Wriggle, almost panicking.

?All we can do is to perhaps injure her until she can?t fight anymore, and then escape while we have the chance to. I would say ?run? but that is not a viable option anymore.? explains Mystia.

?But as it stands, you don?t stand much of a chance in even accomplishing that now do you?? asks Kaguya before laughing. ?Dear children, all you had to do was surrender. Such stubbornness has merely lengthened your suffering. Now waste no more time??

Kaguya suddenly shot out her left arm, sending an energy whip crashing into Wriggle?s stomach. Wriggle cried out in pain as she was sent tumbling into the nearby bushes. Mystia watched helplessly.

?Accept your fate!? commanded Kaguya.

Wriggle tried to stagger back up, but failed, coughing up green blood from her mouth.
Mystia gritted her teeth and held up her claws at Kaguya, but not before watching Wriggle struggle for a few seconds. Kaguya merely stood with the same sweet yet unnerving smile as before.

The angered Mystia shrieked loudly as she charged at Kaguya, swiping at her with her claws. Kaguya however dodged without fail with each blow. Two front swipes? Two short jumps backward. A rising vertical strike? Side stepped. A tackle attempt? A mere turn with a back step.

Nothing Mystia did connected, slowing with each blow. Kaguya held her right arm to her mouth.

?Heh heh heh? Is this all you have left? You haven?t enough strength to use spell cards or danmaku at this point. I?m I correct?? asked Kaguya.

(Danmaku: Japanese word for ?curtain fire?.)

Kaguya took to the skies, with Mystia in close pursuit. Kaguya had to dodge more blows while in the air. Before long she moved behind Mystia in an instant, sending a white magic bolt slamming into Mystia?s right wing, sending her crashing to the ground with a sickening snap.

?Ah?! My wing?!? thought Mystia out loud as she staggered into a half-stand, wincing heavily from the pain.

The princess side stepped one last attack, a desperate tackle. The night bird fell to her knees exhausted, too tired to continue her assault.

?Oh my? My first attack on you really did some damage on you, didn?t it? Never the less, your persistence makes me believe I withheld too much power when I used it on you.?

?Wriggle Sign??


Kaguya dissipated her smile as she turned to face Wriggle.

?Night Bug Storm!? shouted the firefly girl, as she held up a spell card.

Wriggle was surrounded by a white light as a flat spiral made from numerous small white energy balls began appearing in the sky. The spiral span counter clockwise as it increased in size. It soon stopped spinning, the balls becoming larger and flying at Kaguya at a great speed. There had to be hundreds to be sure.

?Lets see how you handle this!? shouts Wriggle.

?Hm? Pathetic. It seems your danmaku isn?t all that strong either?? comments the princess.

Kaguya quickly spins around, swinging her arms to send out an intense magic force, Wriggle?s bullets thrown away like simple paper balls, much to Wriggle's shock. Clenching her teeth, the nightbug immediately drew another spell card.

?Lamp Sign! Firefly Phenomenon!? shouted Wriggle as the card vanished.

A green aura surrounded Wriggle as she pointed both her outstretched arms at Kaguya, and opened her palms. Hundreds, perhaps thousands of small blue energy spheres flew out at the princess. Accompanying them were hundreds upon hundreds of green, diamond shaped bolts of death that spread out from Wriggle?s body, engulfing the battlefield (except of course where Mystia was).

?Impressive?? commented Kaguya.

Kaguya kindly stepped of the path of the blue spheres while playfully, yet carefully dodging the green diamonds. In fact she moved almost as if she was frolicking in a park, or dancing. Her dodges were graceful and precise. Clearly this spell card was far too easy for her skill level. At best, the bullets were only able to graze her. Not a single shot landed. After a few minutes?

?I believe that is quite enough?? said Kaguya more to herself.

Kaguya held her arms out, and sent swarms of spherical projectiles of many colors out at Wriggle. Many were intercepted by the insect girl?s own shots but?

Wriggle looked up? A feeling of terror fell over her as she saw that large swarm above her? She never even saw it until now?

Mystia did not turn around, remaining completely catatonic. Even during the loud explosion, she remained silent and still with a fear frozen facial expression. Even during the sounds of Wriggle screaming in agony as Kaguya mercilessly attacked her while laughing in sadistic revelry was not enough to make her turn around for even a short glance. Even when Wriggle was thrown past her, bleeding and clothes torn? even then she didn?t even so much as move her eyes. This is because she knew that this perhaps the end. Her time? Both their times were over. Kaguya would be able to do what she intended with them.


Wriggle was only able to sit up a slight bit, one eye barely open.

?Damn?!? she muttered.

Kaguya sighed in relief.

?Finally? Now I can take you without fail.?

?No? I don?t?? mumbled Mystia.

The princess swung her arms forward, six chains emerging from her large sleeves, three for each. Unable to dodge, the two Youkai girls found themselves wrapped up in the odd, bronze colored magic chains. Kaguya slowly began rising into the air as the chains retracted, pulling her victims closer?

Wriggle struggled against the chains desperately, trying to grab anything she could use to resist Kaguya.

?No?!? she half-shouted as she felt herself leaving the ground.

By now, Mystia?s eyes were tightly shut, tears pouring out from them.

I don?t want to go?! thought the helpless night bird.

Kaguya was smiling evilly as her catch drew closer? But suddenly, a strange blue object flew in front of her, stopping right at her face? Kaguya seemed to recognize the projectile.


The beginnings of a surprised expression began forming on her face just as a loud explosion with a white flash engulfed the battlefield?
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 08:45:04 AM by Oddasseus the Indestructable »

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2009, 06:03:54 AM »
The chains were broken, sending Mystia and Wriggle back down to the ground. But instead of the usual painful landings with thuds, they were carried gently back to the ground? ?by flames??

Kaguya slowly fell back to the ground as well, seeming paralyzed.

?Hourai bomb? Meant to incapacitate immortals like myself? But who??? Kaguya interrupted her own sentence as she looked upward to her right to find? ?You?! Mokou!?

Kaguya saw a girl appearing to be in her mid to late teens if not early twenties in the sky above her. She had red eyes along with ankle length hair of a light blue color. Her hair was tied with what appeared to be a large red and white paper charm on top of her head along with many smaller charms tied throughout her hair in a similar manner. She had on (baggy) dark red overalls with similar paper charm decorations stuck on randomly. Her shoes looked similar to boots. She had on a brownish white shirt that looked as if it were exposed to fire with brown tightening belts near the shoulders.

She had on a slight smile, but one could see just a smidgen of contempt behind it as she looked at Kaguya.

?What is this now Kaguya? Have you reduced yourself to harassing young Youkai children? I thought someone of your stature would be at far too high a caliber for something barbaric like that? Nothing like a good little Hourai bomb of your own servant?s creation to set you straight, wouldn?t you say?? said Mokou somewhat snobbishly in a gruff, sandpapery voice.

Kaguya was down on one knee, her movements stiff. It would have appeared however that she was already recovering?

?My business with them isn?t the same as my business with you. I WILL take them along with me whether or not you approve!? responded Kaguya, smiling a bit as well.

?Hmph?? Mokou looked back at the two young Youkai she?d just rescued. ?You two had better head on out of here. Unlike you two, she was affected by the bomb since it only works on people like her and me. But the effects won?t last long, and even now she?s dangerous. Once she recovers, I won?t be able to protect you.?

Mokou then looked back at Kaguya, taking a fighting stance as if she were trained in martial arts. Wriggle and Mystia suddenly felt their bodies regaining strength, along with some of their pain leaving. They checked themselves, looked at each other, then helped each other get up.

?I?m unsure of what you did to make her hate you so much, but now you can just leave her for me to handle. I?ll give you some of my energy along with four bombs. Use them wisely and you may yet escape. Now hurry up!?

?Wait! Who are you?? asked Wriggle.

?I?m just a health nut that runs a Yakitori stand! And now, a health nut who is seriously gonna kick the princess of Eientei?s ass!?

Wriggle found the answer a little strange, but at least she and Mystia knew the face of their rescuer. Wriggle picked up four coin-like objects with blue stars decorating them. These were the magical bombs that she and Mystia could use to defend themselves in case they were attacked while escaping Kaguya?s clutches. Mystia was all the more bewildered by the events. She was silent, turning to look at Mokou, but not saying anything. It was Wriggle who spoke up as the two of them limped as quickly as they could away from the battlefield, and into the nearby forest.

?Thank you.? spoke the nightbug before looking back to what was in front of her with Mystia following suit.

By now, Kaguya had managed to stand up, albeit in a very crooked postion. An aura of blue and white energy surrounded her.

?Surely you realize they will not get far? My dear Inabas are sure to catch them. They move with much speed and agility. Even with bombs, the chances that they have are small? ?assuming of course they have any chances at all!? boasted Kaguya.

Mokou began building orange colored magical energy in her hands. She was creating fire?

?Don?t think so lowly of the potency of my bombs Kaguya? Your rabbit troops will be in for a most unpleasant surprise. So what is about those two that made you attack them anyway??

?I?d say ?I am simply out exterminating pests? or ?they attacked me first? but considering what you saw, I know you?d doubt both explanations. Alas, my real reason shall remain unknown to you.? said Kaguya calmly.

?Then it seems I will just have to beat it outta ya!? exclaims Mokou.

?In due time dear Mokou. Before hand though a question of my own. How is it that you were able to come into possession of one of Eirin?s inventions??

?That is for me to know, and for scum like you to never find out!?

?Is that so?? I see no further reason for delay then. Now let us decide this latest destined battle between our cursed souls!?

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2009, 06:04:48 AM »

An hour passes?

The Forest of Magic is well known as one of Gensokyo?s most dangerous and mysterious areas. It is said that people who wander into this forest are doomed to get hopelessly lost and subsequently attacked by beast-like Youkai or the strange, man-eating plants. The area is a breeding ground for malicious spirits along with deranged criminals. As a result, the area is filled with evil and is generally vile and repulsive.

However, two girls: Marisa Kirisame, a human, and Alice Margatroid, a Youkai that looks like (and at one time was) a human- have managed to live in this dangerous place without fail. On this night, even now at this late hour, the two girls are together, studying magic well into the night?s old hours. But it would seem that they were about to be finished for the night?

At the moment, you could still see lights (likely due to magic) on inside of the somewhat dilapidated, smallish, vine covered house. The inside of the house was? ?to say the least? ?a pigsty. It would seem the owner had a penchant for collecting many strange items, and no talent what so ever for cleaning or keeping organized. One had to wonder how one could move in such a mess. Scrolls, books, maps, jars, chairs, clothing? ?all strewed about carelessly! How could anyone inside possibly move with so much clutter?!

Apparently these two girls could? Both appeared to be in their mid to late teens. One was on the floor, reading a very large sized book while holding a small, red clothed, blonde haired humanoid doll with a large red bow. She was a short haired blonde, clad in a blue and white dress with black trend along the shoulder area, along with pink ribbons around the waist and neckline. She had on black boots and a red ribbon in her hair. Her eyes were a light blue color, and her skin looked a bit on the pale side, indicating a lack of sunlight exposure.

The other girl sat on a desk, checking on various notes and formulas. She was clad in a short sleeved black and white witch?s outfit with a white apron over it, complete with black shoes with white socks. Her blonde hair was semi-long and quite messy looking, though she did have a braid on the side, complete with a red ribbon. Her skin tone was healthier looking than that of the girl sitting on the floor, and her eyes were golden in color.

She stretched out her arms upward before letting out a small yawn.

?Oh man? What time is it??? she asked.

?Isn?t it odd for Marisa to ask for the time when she stays up this late so frequently?? asks the girl on the ground. ?I?d think you?d be used to it by now. You stay up this late often, but??

Now it was this girl?s turn to have a yawn, a rather long and wide one at that.

??I stay up like this only on rare occasions.?

?Are you sure you?re a Youkai? Since you rarely need sleep, should you really be so tired Alice??

?I haven?t been one long. My habits of old die hard? But in any case, we?d do well to rest for the night. We?ll be better able to study the interesting magic formulas you found after a good rest.? said Alice, slowly standing up.

?Meh? Guess you?re right. Welp? ?time for bed!?

Just then, both girls were surprised by the sound of a VERY close by explosion outside the house. Alice shrieked as she whipped around to the direction of the front door, her doll flying beside her using fairy-like wings. The entire house was shaken, causing many items to crash onto the floor.

?What the hell was that?!? said Marisa as she got up.

?Are asking that of me?! Don?t speak about it to someone who doesn?t know, go outside and look!? half-yelled Alice in response, looking a tad flustered.

Marisa grabbed a bamboo stick broom made with straw, along with a ridiculously large black witch?s hat with a large white ribbon on it. She put the hat on her head.

?Why not come outside with me and find out what it is? Surely you wouldn?t leave a friend to fight off potential intruders alone, would you?? asked Marisa teasingly with a sly smile.

?O-o-of course not! I was gonna follow you of course! Now hurry up and open the door!? chattered Alice, obviously putting up a front.

Like I?m gonna fall for that fake courage... Wish she?d just admit that she?s just a scardy cat already? thinks the black and white witch Marisa. Anyways?!

Marisa suddenly burst out of the front door of her house with the nervous looking Alice behind her. Alice was holding a locked black book. Marisa wasted no time making her demands known to whoever was doing the blasting.

?HEY! The hells goin? on out here?!? she shouted, apparently not much for subtlety.

As Marisa looks around eagerly, Alice (with her better vision from being a Youkai) spots two figures approaching from the front. Two Youkai, both injured with tattered clothing, looking quite exhausted. They were an insect and a night bird? Yes, Wriggle and Mystia had been chased all the way to the Forest of Magic!

?Look!? says Alice to Marisa, pointing to the two.

?The hell? Are you two the ones responsible for that blast just a moment ago?? questions Marisa, hands on her hips.

?F-forgive us?? begins an out of breath Wriggle, stopping and putting her hands on her knees as she leaned down. ?It is I that was responsible, but we had to protect ourselves??

?Wriggle what are? ?you doing?! She?s a human! She can? ?exterminate us? ?if she so? ?desires!? warns an also out of breath Mystia, having to stop between words to breath.

?We haven?t a choice Mystia. We? ?need help. Even if they?re the end of us, they?re our best shot.? said Wriggle somewhat solemnly.

?Nah, you guys haven?t given me a reason to get rid of ya yet.? says Marisa rather happily. ?Though if ya damage the house, you?re gonna owe me some serious cash, ze!?

?Marisa, be serious! Can?t you see they?re hurt?? chides Alice a little angrily.

The book wielding girl and her doll walk up to Wriggle and Mystia, Alice holding Wriggle by the shoulders.

?Who is it that?s chasing you? Is it a red-white miko by any chance?? she asks calmly.

?Not the maiden of the shrine, but the princess of the mansion known as Eientei.? explains Wriggle, who?d caught some breath, but still looking thoroughly exhausted. ?We were saved by a crimson eyed person with blue hair and strange clothes.?

?You were attacked by Kaguya Houraisan, and defended by Fujiwara no Mokou?? asks Alice.

?That is? ?her name??

?Indeed it is.?

?Huh? For a minute, I thought it was that spoiled brat of a vampire?? says Marisa, a hand holding her chin.

?The one named Kaguya brutally attacked us, then sent her army of rabbits and Youkai rabbits after us.? began the fatigued Mystia in a fatigued tone. ?We have? ?no? ?clue as to? ?why??

With that, Mystia finally gives in to her exhaustion and collapses, but is caught by the quickly reacting Marisa.

?Whoa there! You?d better save your strength?? suggested Marisa. Wait, why do I suddenly care about these two?? This isn?t my fight!

Wriggle continued the explanation, looking dazed, probably not even noticing the fact that Mystia had just passed out.

?She said? ?that she ?required our talents?. We know not? ?what she meant exactly. Her army of rabbits? ?have pursued us relentlessly for well over? ?an hour??

Wriggle then collapsed into Alice?s arms.

?Please? ?help? ?us. We don?t? ?want to be? ?taken??

That was all Wriggle was able to get out before losing consciousness.

?Over an hour?!? says a genuinely surprised Marisa. ?Man, she must REALLY need them for something! But insects and sparrows taste really bad, so surely there is something other than that? I?d be lying if I didn?t say I was suddenly interested in what?s going on here.?

?As I am.? responds Alice. ?These are fellow Youkai? I am obligated to help.?

Just then, the two girls heard faint voices in the distance? They both could?ve sworn they heard something along the lines of ?Over here! I think they went this way!?

?Those voices? Gotta be the Inaba army?? says Marisa. ?Man, didn?t think I?d have to fight ?em again so soon??

?No Marisa, I will handle them all myself.? said Alice, much to the surprise of Marisa. ?Dolls!?

Three dolls similar to the one flying by Alice (excepted in black dresses rather than red ones) materialized out of thin air.

?Help Marisa get these two inside! Marisa, turn out the lights once you?re back in!? commands Alice.

Man?! I guess Alice has a little bravery in her after all? Gotta get it to come out more though! thinks Marisa as she carries Mystia inside.

The three dolls grab Wriggle and ?surprisingly enough- are able to pull her inside! Alice waits outside alone, awaiting the approaching rabbit army, book tucked under her left arm, and her right placed squarely on her hip. Surely enough, they finally arrive. Many small, young, human-looking girls with fluffy white rabbit ears, red eyes and pink dresses. All of them had different hair styles, but shared a black hair color. There were at least sixty or so of them.

?Well now, what is it that we have here?!? begins Alice in an unusually threatening sounding tone. ?Aren?t you the same pests that went around raiding my garden for vegetables a few weeks ago? Profiting from labor you did not do? Oh wait? You are! How dare you intrude here!?

Oh? Payback, of course? Alice always did have a hard time letting go of grudges? thinks Marisa (who has her ear to the door).

?Ehh?! But this is not even the same place where you lived before!? says one of the bunny girls.

?And it?s currently not where I live! I?m only here for this night! But since you pests are here, I?m going to give you all a very good lesson! Right now, before you can attack my garden again!? exclaims Alice.

The bunny girls all looked at each other, with slight hints of nervousness. Feigning retreat however, and determined to complete their mission for their Mistress Kaguya, they all continued to stare down Alice.

?Hey, we?re not leaving right now! We do not have time for you now, so move out of the way!?

?Force me to if you are indeed so powerful!?

With that, Alice snaps her free hand?s fingers, summoning seven of her black-dressed dolls. They all wield magenta energy swords. They move in at a surprisingly high speed, and strike at seven of the rabbits. The bunny girls let out surprisingly cute squeals as they fall to the ground (unconscious rather than killed? Odd?).

?How dare you! Inabas? ?CHAAAAARGE!!!?

Alice raises her hand into the air, summoning orange clothed, bow and arrow wielding dolls. The archer dolls fire their weapons at the charging rabbit warriors, somehow firing several shots at once in the form of dull yellow energy arrows. The shots hit their targets, blowing more Inabas back.

One rabbit jumps high into the air, trying to land on Alice, but Alice jumps away. After that rabbit lands, the back of her head finds a hammer being smashed into courtesy of another doll. One bunny attempts to tackle Alice, but a swift spin kick sends it flying away.

Next, Alice holds out her book, creating myriads of yellow and orange death orbs that crash into the bunny army, damaging them further. Some eight rabbits remain standing as a result.

Go Alice! thinks Marisa.

?Damn you! Someday, the Inaba army of Eientei will triumph over you! M-maybe not today or tomorrow, but definitely some day! J-just you wait!? shouts the lead bunny, sniffling a bit, her eyes tearing.

?Retreat! Carry out the injured! Evacuate!? commands another bunny.

It only takes seconds for the rabbits to collect their fallen forces.

?By the way, you seemed to be in pursuit of something?? begins Alice.

?That?s none of your business!?

?A firefly and a bird, correct? I?ll tell you where they are under one condition??

The listening Marisa smiled a little nervously.

She?s not about to sell them out is she??!

?Why should we believe you?!? shouts an Inaba.

?Because you lost them, and I?m your only lead right?? says Alice, smiling confidently.

The bunnies hesitated for a few seconds.

?Name your terms, seven colored Youkai!?

?You are to never venture into my garden again! If you fail to do so I?ll be much harder on you next time we meet! Are we at an understanding??

?Very well! An understanding is reached!?

?Off to my left? Your right! That is where they are headed next! Hurry and catch them! Find them before I do if you want them alive!? warns Alice.

?Carry off the injured! All personal still able to fight, with me!?

And with that, the Inabas retreat. Alice smiles triumphantly as she watches them leave before turning around and going into Marisa?s darkened house? ?promptly falling to her knees and sighing with relief upon closing the door.

?Ooo? I can?t believe I did that?? sighs Alice.

?That was pretty kick ass of you Alice! You must be really passionate of that garden of yours?? begins Marisa. ?Wait? I have never seen a garden at your house before??

?It is there. And yes, I AM passionate about it. So don?t YOU go stealing anything!? warns Alice. How is it she of all people never noticed??

Marisa only chuckles a bit. Despite the darkness, Alice notices that Marisa had begun patching up Wriggle and Mystia.

?How are they?? she asked.

?They?re okay. I need you to help me with the bandages though. After that, we hit the sack. We need our rest if we?re gonna solve this latest mystery aren?t we?? says Marisa enthusiastically with a wink.

Alice seems to blush a bit, before looking away (it?s too dark to see this blushing however).

?You are correct.? she says as she gets up.


An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2009, 06:05:44 AM »
?GRAAAGH! Dammit, where could it have gone??!? yells a fatigued, asthmatic female voice.

The voice was inside a large library? What a great library! The vastness of this place is so great, it would be quite difficult to properly describe. Located underneath the great mansion in the mountains, this dimly lit magical library was the final word on where to find all the data on anything you desired, from magic to dating advice, to ancient stories.

This was Voile, the great library of Gensokyo.

But on this night, all was not well. The normally quite library was quite noisy this night. But what was causing such an uproar? It was impossible to tell with all the chaos around. Fairies dressed like maids flew to and fro like raging bees, carrying books and rummaging madly through the vast collections of the library. The panic was so great, that many books ended up on the floor, creating a massive mess.

?Out of all the books I could?ve allowed to slip from my grasp? NO EXCUSE AT ALL!? yelled the enraged female again.

The voice belonged to a somewhat short Youkai girl that looked to be somewhere in her teens. Her skin was quite pale, maybe more so than Alice?s. Her clothes consisted of rather loose looking purple night gown-like attire with purple shoes, and a poofy purple hat complete with a cresent moon decoration on the left side. Her hair ?tied into semi-long ponytails that hung over her shoulders using red and yellow ribbons- was purple was well. Even her eyes were purple! Her clothes also consisted of many ribbons, all red or yellow in color. The ribbons gave off faint magical aura?s almost as if they were feeding ?perhaps even amplifying- her power?

?Miss Patchouli, please?!? pleaded her assistant.

A familiar with brown, semi long hair, brown eyes, and bat-like wings on her back with two smaller ones coming out of her head. She was clad in a black and white dress with white sleeves, and was carrying several books as she desperately pleaded for her Mistress to calm down.

The purple clad Patchouli, took out her rage on a nearby standing shelf- sending a destructive blast of yellow energy at it. A hole was blown into it, in addition to it beginning to fall. Thankfully, a good number of fairy maids saw what their Mistress was doing, and caught the shelf before it could fall and cause a devastating domino effect.

The winged, book carrying girl put a hand on her Mistresses shoulder.

?I beg you Miss Patchouli, please calm yourself! It isn?t good for your health if you become too worked up!?

?Ko? Koakuma?? wheezes Patchouli, who is now having a hard time breathing. ?You?re? ?right??

Patchouli slowly returns to the ground, sitting at one of the many tables of the library. She then took a few moments to calm herself down so she could breath more easily.

?Koakuma? I?m going to tell you something of utmost importance. Listen to my instruction carefully, as if your life depended on it.? spoke Patchouli in a calmer and lighter, but still dead serious tone.

?Of course Miss Patchouli.? responded Koakuma.

?I should have told you this earlier? The book we search for is a book containing many dark secrets. For the simple, it is a series of indecipherable riddles that are foolish. For the intelligent, they are the collected knowledge of secrets that could very well shake Gensokyo. If we don?t find it, I? ?all of us? ?all of Gensokyo could be endangered. The secrets come in the form of poems and songs that can either benefit Gensokyo, or cause great harm should it fall into the wrong hands.? explained Patchouli.

?I?ve worked my hardest to find the requested volume, but after searching every last corner of this library, and the mansion we have failed to locate it.? replied Koakuma regrettably.

?I promise to reward you for your diligence at a later time Koakuma. Now tell me, is it true that the library was raided by the rabbits of Eientei last night??

?That is true Miss Patchouli. What is also true is that the one named Marisa Kirisame broke into our library yet again a few hours later, and made off with more of your texts.?

?That means it could be in the hands of either Eientei?s princess, or the black white witch??

Patchouli stared dead into her assistant?s eyes.

?Listen to me closely! You are to send out the maids. Have them target the annoying black white along with the mansion of Eientei. I do not care what you must do, just retrieve the book from whomever it is that has it!? ordered Patchouli.

?Forgive my hesitation Miss Patchouli, but such an operation would require a great number of warrior maids from the mansion. The young mistress and head maid surely would not be ple-?

?I don?t give a damn about what that spoiled blood sucking brat or her useless lapdog think! If they are displeased, I will gladly deal with them myself! You have your instructions Koakuma!? interrupted Patchouli in a darker tone.

?Of course Miss Patchouli. I?ll engrave your directives into my very heart!?

Koakuma bowed to her mistress, then quickly flew off to begin her mission.

I have never once seen Miss Patchouli so serious throughout all the time I have served her! It would seem this book is far more important than any other in the library? Failure will not be accepted! Surely, I must complete my task as if my life depended on it!

This is Gensokyo. Many strange things happen here. Nothing is in harmony for long here.

?What?ll happen if someone with a dark heart figures out the texts??? asks Patchouli to herself as she puts her hands together, and toward her mouth. ?Unacceptable??

It is quite clear now. A new phantasm has begun?

[Spell Break]

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2009, 06:07:55 AM »
[Second Spell]

A welcoming sun rose on a brand new day throughout Gensokyo. The singing of many crickets was gradually replaced by the chirping of morning birds. People stepped out of their homes while still clad in sleeping wear to welcome the newly formed day, anticipating what life would bring them. It would seem as if history itself had already forgotten the struggles of the previous late night?

Inside a fairly large, wooden, dimly sunlit bedroom, we can see a man appearing to be in his mid to late twenties sitting of the left side of a large bed, clad in nothing but blue and white striped boxer shorts. He was a 6? 2?, well built, muscular man with short silver hair that got particularly thick between the eyes, and stuck upward in one particular place. His eyes were an odd golden color, not too dissimilar from that of Marisa.

He silently yawned a bit before doing just a small hint of stretching. He then looked to a very small drawer on the side of the bed, to find his small glasses with semi-circular lenses lying next to a very strange, hat-like object that looked like a building of some sort. The object had a somewhat large red ribbon on top of it, in addition to having red glyphs on the front. It looked sort of like an elaborate bento box?

The man grabbed his glasses and slipped them on, before yawning a bit again and musing to himself.

?Mourning already?? Slept right through my proverbial watch. I was supposed to open up shop at least fifteen minutes ago by my estimate??

Now came the sound of a female voice.


The man looked back, seeing a woman appearing in her early to mid twenties, with long silver hair with light blue highlights. She was still sleepily under the white bed covers, with only her head, her right arm (which was over the covers) and a small part of her bare back visible.

?Keine? Are you awake already?? asked the man.

?Hmhm? Good mourning to you Rinnosuke.? said Keine drowsily.

?It would seem I slept in just a bit. I?m heading out now to open the shop. Is not today your day off from giving lessons at the school??

?Indeed it is.?

?Ah? You just rest yourself then.?

The man named Rinnosuke leaned back and gave Keine a soft kiss on the cheek.

?See you later.? said Rinnosuke with a slight smile.

?Take care.?

With that, the man got up grabbed some elaborated multi colored clothing and left the room. The woman named Keine adjusted her position slightly. It was quite comfy bed? She felt herself returning to a state of peaceful slumber. This morning would allow sleeping in since she had the day off from her job as the Human Village?s school teacher, the most famous teacher in Gensokyo? Or would it??

Her brown eyes suddenly snapped open as she realized something that she was supposed to do this day? She sat up, covering herself with the bed sheets.

?That?s right? I am to spend today with Mokou.?

She was looking forward to sleeping in, but she did not want to take any chances of being late. She always did like being prompt.

?Guess it can?t be helped??

With that, she emerged from the bed and walked to the door, whilst covering herself with the bed sheets, yawning somewhat loudly as she went.


The sun was now fully up over a crystal clear sky over the ancient bamboo forest of Gensokyo. All the dangers of night were past, leaving one free to frolic inside it until either nightfall, or the content of one?s heart.

Keine walked on a laid down trail in the forest, now clad in a blue, short sleeved dress with eye-like patterns at the bottom. The dress also had a small red ribbon below the neck. Her hair had been fixed up as well, two thin parts of going over her shoulders, no different than Kaguya?s style aside from the shorter length. The odd, hat-like object on Rinnosuke?s drawer was indeed a hat. Keine now wore it on her head, somehow keeping it on without it falling off (which one would think would happen?). She had on brown shoes with ankle long white socks, and was carrying a white bag.

An odd thing happened as she walked. Every now and then she would wince as if in pain, then massage her lower back?

??Sore?? she would then whisper to herself.

It wasn?t long before she reached the river bank where she could see Mokou ?the same eternally young girl that saved Wriggle and Mystia from Kaguya the previous night- lying the ground while fiddling with a piece of grass in her right arm. By chance, the blue haired girl peered to the left to see Keine waving to her happily. She sat up, smiled, and returned the wave.

Keine walked over somewhat quickly and sat right down on her knees, as if eager to do so.

?How are you today, Mokou?? asked the silver haired one.

?Hm? Same old, same old. I?m still hangin? around here doin? my usual routine. My martial arts trainin? ya know?? responded Mokou, now sitting all the way up and facing Keine.

?Of course. It would not surprise me one bit if you were just as diligent as you ever were.?

?Gotta keep strong if ya wanna survive on your own out here!? said Mokou, flexing a muscle.

?Ah, that reminds of something I wanted to ask you: have you been eating well??

?Wha??! Hey, there?s plenty of good food around here! I can find anything I desire here, as you well know??

?My apologies Mokou? I just worry about you is all. You live out here on your own.?

Mokou blushed a bit, and turned away a bit.

?Hey? You? ?really don?t have to worry about me, Keine? It?s not like I?ll??

Mokou was surprised to see Keine giggling a bit.

?H-hey, what the hells so funny, huh?!? demanded Mokou holding up a fist.

?Forgive me Mokou. I know it isn?t my place to ask such things of you, but sometimes you naturally get worried for someone when you care very much for them, you know??

?Whoa? You ain?t gonna get all mushy and use the ?L? word are ya??? asked Mokou cautiously with a very nervous look.

?Fear not, you know I won?t. You really hate that.? laughed Keine before letting out a wide yawn.

Mokou calmed down a bit, and crossed her arms, looking at the yawning Keine closer.

?Err? You get enough sleep last night??? asked Mokou.

?Oh? I was up a little late last night?? said Keine innocently, tilting her head. ?T?was one of those nights where you have trouble getting to sleep? How about you??

?Hm? I actually didn?t have any trouble sleeping actually. It came quite easily as a matter a fact?? replied Mokou, scratching the side of her head with her left arm.

?Highly productive last night, I see?? observed Keine.

?Ah, you know how I can be? I work hard.?

A few moments of complete silence followed. Keine, though still looking a bit tired maintained her warm smile.

?You were fighting with her again weren?t you?? she asked.

?Nothing ever escapes you, does it??? said Mokou, smiling a bit while scratching the back of her head.

?I am among the wisest in Gensokyo. Not much can escape me.? reminded Keine.

Mokou knew that was the truth. She knew that Keine was a Were-hakutaku and not a full human (though currently, she is in human form). As the wisest of the half-beasts, she uses her knowledge and keen judgment to teach at the school, advise rulers, and even fairly judge matters. She could tell whether or not Mokou was recently in a fight from a mile away. It pained her to see the Mokou and Kaguya fight so much since she treasures humans and think they should be protected at any cost. Mokou can be very defensive at times, and even hard to deal with at certain moments, but Keine was most understanding, remaining calm, even in the times when Mokou demanded that she left her alone, threatening her with pain if she didn?t comply.

Basically, she was a good friend. Mokou only wished that she could be around forever?

?Well then, shall we eat?? came Keine?s voice suddenly.

?Uh, wha?? said Mokou, snapped out of her thoughts. ?Umm, yeah! I?m sta-?!?

Mokou stopped herself, and began blushing heavily, holding a very embarrassed expression. Crap!

?I see. You really weren?t getting enough to eat lately as I thought.? said the smiling Keine, tilting her head again.

Me and my big trap! thought Mokou, crossing her arms. ?Okay so it?s been a little hard to find food around here without approaching the nearby villages??

?You?re pretty worn out as well. I knew it from the moment I saw you today?? continued Keine.

Ohhh no? Make her stop? Make her stop?!

?Stiff, slower than usual movements likely do to soreness, lowered concentration, freshly mended clothes, the fact that you acted as if you wished to hide something from me, and of course??

Keine stopped, and pointed her right finger at Mokou?s torso. Mokou instinctively looked down at her stomach. And wouldn?t ya know it, as if on cue?


??you have quite the active appetite.?

Mokou held her stomach with her right hand, slowly looking back up embarrassingly at the still smiling Keine. She watched as Keine opened the bag she had been carrying with her, revealing a white lacquer bento box with a blue top. Mokou accepted it with a shy ?thank you? and opened it, revealing a very tasty looking spread that consisted of traditional Japanese sea food (including sushi), along with rice balls and Wasabi sauce.

?But why only one? You gotta eat too, don?t y-??

Mokou stopped herself mid-sentence, watching as Keine happily removed her large, elaborate hat, and set it upon the ground in front of her. She then actually opened the hat, revealing a spread for herself! Naturally, Mokou stared at the sight with a very prominent ?WHAT THE HELL?!? expression on her face.

Keine just looked at Moukou innocently.

?What?? she asked.

?No, um, nah, ah, ner, er, nothing?? stuttered Mokou, moving her red eyes left and right rapidly.

After a few minutes of eating, Keine and Mokou had both finished, Keine putting her weird hat back together, and placing it on her head again. Mokou waited few minutes, seeming to think about something?

?I wonder? Keine, there something peculiar that I must ask you??

?What do you wish to ask??

?Do you know? Anything involving fireflies and night sparrows???

?Uhh? I understand not of what you mean?? replied the understandably confused Keine.

?Ah? Nevermind?? said Mokou suddenly. I?m probably thinking too much of this. Kaguya was probably just using them for sport. Either way, one who is an enemy of Kaguya is the friend and ally of myself.

She decided to change the subject.

?So how are things going with Rinnos- UWAAAAAAH?!?

Mokou was once again dumbfounded as Keine had once again taken off her hat and opened it? ?revealing to now be a portable make up set, complete with mirror. Keine once again looked at Mokou, raising an eyebrow.

?What?? asked the teacher innocently.

Mokou just grumbled to herself, whilst face palming in disbelief.

?Nothing?? sighed Mokou.

Keine began applying a specific powder to a greeting card, one meant for Rinnosuke judging by what was written on it. Mokou?s face had an expression of ?What is it that you?re doing???, but she didn?t ask. But this didn?t stop Keine from answering, apparently knowing what Mokou would be thinking.

?I?ve noticed that Rinnosuke really takes much delight with this specific fragrance. He said it?s ?like the freshly bloomed flowers in Paris on a spring day.? I did some research and realized that ?Paris? is a large city of the outer world, said to hold the power of ultimate romance.? she explained.

?I see, it pleases him. Keine Kamishir- No? Keine Morichika. Ah, I?m still having trouble remembering, apparently not quite used to it even now. It must be a weird, perhaps difficult transition? Being married and all?? mused Mokou.

?It wasn?t as difficult as I thought it was going to be, but it was still pretty tough at first. But now things are going fairly smoothly. Its really great living with Rinnosuke. One can never have too many companions? Speaking of which??

Keine put back on her hat, then briefly got up and sat back down right next to Mokou.

?Mokou, I can?t thank you enough for being there on my wedding day. Even if I only saw your actual face for but a fleeting moment, it really made me happy. The flowers were quite beautiful.?

?Um?? Mokou puffed her cheeks a slight bit whilst blushing and looking away a bit. ?Your? ?welcome, Keine.?

?That?s the thing that makes you as likable as you are Mokou.?

Mokou glanced back at Keine, raising an eyebrow.

?Despite your limitless amount of time in life, and all the abuse that you went through because of it, and all the countless battles with Kaguya? ?you continue to be a nice person to people, although you even now have trouble trusting them.? spoke Keine warmly.

?But you are one I trust, right??? inquired Mokou, now looking at Keine normally.

?But aren?t I the only exception?? inquired Keine back, smiling.

?Hm? You are??

?Mokou? There are more people other than myself that will understand you out there somewhere. Even when Gensokyo is at its grimmest, a good soul can still be found somewhere. But you must look for yourself if you want to find them. And when you do look, you must look with great effort.? encouraged Keine. ?And above all else? ?stay who you are.?

?Who I am???

Mokou held up her open right hand and looked at it.

?Please? ?no matter what happens? ?will you please stay the nice, likable person you currently are?? asked Keine.

Mokou closed her fist, and smiled to Keine.

?If I can do nothing else, I?ll do just that! I?ll do it for you Keine!?

?Hm? Thank you Mokou.? said Keine happily. You?ll never know how much that means to me?

?You?re welcome Keine.?

Keine giggled a bit before gazing at the sunny Gensokyo sky like Mokou was doing, letting the calm wind blow against them.

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2009, 06:08:54 AM »

Slowly, the girl?s eyes opened, the blurry image of a wooden ceiling greeting her. The room was sunlit and warm. Clearly it was daytime, perhaps early morning. As her senses slowly returned to her, she realized that she in some kind of house?

The boyish night bug sat up in the futon she?d been laying in. She realized that she was in pajamas, and under blanket covers. She checked herself, realizing that she had bandages wrapped around various parts of her body including her head. Someone had cleaned, and dressed her wounds. It wasn?t long before she was seeing clearly again, though she still appeared somewhat tired.

Where am I??

Looking around, she could see that the house was quite a mess. She saw the two girls from last night as well, still clad in the same clothes as when she and her friend first met with them. So they had chosen to save them? The seven colored doll user was sleeping with her head down on the desk to her right, while the black white witch slept on the bed directly to her left. The witch laid in a rather sloppy fashion with most of the covers kicked off of herself at some point. She snored loudly in the most peculiar way as well?

?ZZZZZZZZZzzzeeeeehhh? ZZZZZZZZZzzzeeeeehhh??

It was actually cute in its own way? ?even though it was a little weird as well. Upon looking directly to her right, and downward, the night bug could see her night sparrow friend. Relief swept over her entire being as she realized the night bird had survived her injuries as well. Although thoroughly bandaged up as well, she was sleeping peacefully and quietly. One thing of interest however was the odd device applied to her broken right wing. The insect had seen them on humans before, but only now realized why they where used over regular bandages. It was made from some hard looking material along with a wooden frame.

Out of curiousity, the girl looked behind herself. She found the ruined clothes of herself, and her friend lying folded upon a chair. Both sets of garments were marked with blood, dirt, and grass stains, along burn marks from magical attacks that landed directly. Many holes and tears could be seen as well, all evidence of the battle last night. The insect girl needn?t look at the ruined garments, or her dressed injuries to be reminded of last night?s battle however, as the memories were still fresh in her mind? That dastardly princess would no doubt come for them again? She HAD to figure out why! But she didn?t even know how to begin to solve this mystery?

She sighed silently to herself, resigning herself to the fact that there was little she could do to change the situation at the moment. Since she didn?t want to wake anyone, and needed to let her injuries heal, she decided to kill just a bit of time by writing her thoughts? Wait?

The book?! Did it survive the battle??!

Alarmed, the youkai girl hurriedly, yet silently rose from the futon, turning around and rummaging through her tattered clothes. There was great relief when she found the book in one piece. Crumpled, and now tainted with green blood stains, but her book of thoughts had somehow survived, along with the pen she had been using. Another sigh of relief followed this discovery. Settling back into her futon, she opened to a blank page, and began writing her most recent thoughts?

I begin my thoughts today with a bit of a heavy mind? Last night was a dreadful night wrought with dire combat. As I wrote earlier entries of this book during the previous night while at the lamprey stand owned by my friend Mystia, I found myself approached by the Princess of Eientei, Kaguya Houraison. She showed me a strange poem that I believe went something like this:

When the stone is set and the moon is high?
People shall rest, none shall die.

When the mind is set and the heart is bold?
Many forbidden tails be told.

Many may unlock the secret, many may not?
But only one shall awaken the sleeper, like boiling water in a pot!

When the song is sung, and the fireflies dance?
The one who seals shall break many a romance.

And the one who unseals the sealer shall put one she sees forever in a cold trance.
That then shall be the very last dance.

Is the music ready? Are the dancers in place?
Sing and shout! Feel a peaceful feeling with grace!

One line that strikes me is this one:

When the song is sung, and the fireflies dance?

Kaguya attacked us without mercy in order to weaken us, and take us away with her. I believe this line may have something to do with her reasoning for attacking us. Even so, the poem does not really give any clues to what it refers to.

The girl briefly put the pen to her mouth before beginning again.

Surely it involves Mystia if it refers to singing and dancing. Those are two of the things she absolutely enjoys most, but especially singing. It there weren?t music in the world, there?d be no Mystia. Our battle with Kaguya was a difficult one, and was very quickly apparent that we were no match for her. It was only the intervention of a one, Mokou of the Fujiwara clan (human) and her gifts of vitality and bombs that allowed us to escape.

We now have been taken in by the two magicians living Gensokyo?s dreaded forest of magic: Marisa Kirisame (human), and Alice Margatroid (youkai). I?ve heard things about these two, but my first in person meeting with them was last night- such an unfavorable way to meet them? It?ll no doubt pain Mystia?s heart to realize she has been saved by a human. Do to something that happened to her past ?something I?ll refrain from writing here- she is very distrusting of humans. However, she often exacerbates her own situation. She uses the mesmerizing powers of her songs, along with her ability to cause night-blindness to lure humans away either to prank them, or to hunt them when she does not need to do so. Her situation isn?t going to get any better with such actions. I really wish she would refrain from such behaviour, because she will only hurt herself in the end. Oh? And she has quite a bit of an ego, so her pain will be worse still when she awakens?

Now the night bug clutched her book and pen tightly as a pained look entered her face.

Alas, we would not be in such a situation if we were stronger? Perhaps I could?ve even protected Mystia? But I simply lacked the power I needed at that crucial moment. Still, I fought as hard as I could. Kaguya repeatedly told us to surrender, but I denied her. Surrendering was pointless. We would probably be tortured in any case. Does one take pain and torture immediately during a critical moment, or wait till later, waiting for the inevitable? Still, I wish I was stronger? Kaguya and her rabbits will try again. And next time, we may not be able to escape?

The girl finally finished, and closed her book. She wondered very much what was awaiting her and her friend in the near future?

Another fifteen minutes passed?

The girl now heard rustling to her right. The night bird was finally waking up. She groggily rubbed her eyes as she peered upon her friend.


Wriggle Nightbug smiled to her companion as she looked back.

?Good morning, Mystia.?

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2009, 06:09:40 AM »
?We live?? Where???

Mystia stopped herself as she groggily remembers the events of last night. A bitter expression entered her tired face.

?I? We? ?were saved by humans? Weren?t we??

Wriggle shook her head before pointing at the sleeping Alice.

?Look at her carefully. Do you not sense her magical wavelength?? asked Wriggle.

Mystia hesitated for a moment before partly sitting up and taking a look at Alice. She focused hard on her for a few minutes.

?Oh? Yes, now I can see it too. Her wavelengths are that of a youkai.? she observed.

?You see? There is a fellow youkai here you can perhaps trust, Mystia.? pointed out Wriggle.

?But? A human and a youkai together??

?Tis not the first time you encountered such a pair. Why are you still bothered by such a notion?? asked Wriggle curiously.

?I?m unsure? It just seems? ?odd to me?? answered Mystia, sitting all the way up while looking downward.

Mystia waited a minute or two before changing he answer.

?Humans and youkai are always fighting each other, right? Youkai feed upon humans, and humans protect themselves by exterminating youkai. So how is it that humans and youkai can also live and work together peacefully at the same time, should they desire?? asked Mystia.

Wriggle turned away from Mystia for a second to think, before smiling warmly at her.

?Love.? she answered simply.


?The putting aside of all hatred and differences, the helping of those who may have wronged you or are lower than you? Its love. At least I think so.? explained Wriggle.

?Love between humans and youkai?? Are you saying these two who rescued us are together as they are because of love...?? asked Mystia, not sure of what she was feeling.

Wriggle closed her eyes.

?Love is patient, peaceful, kind, understanding, humble, holds no grudges, forgets past mistakes? It can even end wars, reconcile feuding couples, mend broken friendships? Love is an odd thing, but so wonderful as well.? explained the night bug.

Wriggle opened her eyes to find Mystia blushing a slight bit. Wriggle had explained love in the manner she did due to knowing something more about Mystia? As she explained, she remembered that Mystia lived a fairly lonely life, save for her. The only thing that Wriggle knew that Mystia ?loved? for certain was singing. For her there was perhaps nothing else? But there was a very substantial difference between loving ?something? and ?someone.? This begged a question? One the now blushing and nervous looking Wriggle thought she should bring up? But before she could utter a word, it was brought up for her!

?Wriggle?? Do you? Do you love me??? asked Mystia nervously, unable to look at Wriggle, who?d broken out into a cold sweat immediately.

?Gwa?! I-I-I-I? ?uhh?!?

By now, both their faces were redder than the reddest of tomatoes. The two stammered mindlessly, speaking over each other!

?Y-y-you see W-Wriggle? I-I?m asking this of you b-b-because?!?

?W-w-w-wait Mystia?! I-I-I was? ?going to? ?y-y-you know? a-ask??

?Hold on?! ?I was wondering if? ?you? Wait, what??

?Y-you s-see, I-I-I also going to see if? Who??

The two girls looked at each other with very wide eyes to compliment their red faces. The stare down continued for nearly ten seconds before both girls looked away, and downward.

?Um? L-l-l-let?s forget it for now?? suggested Wriggle awkwardly.

?Y-yeah! We?ll speak about it again later!? replied Mystia.

An awkward silence followed?

Dammit Wriggle, what are you doing?! You completely botched that! thought the night bug to herself.


I have to try again! I have to ask Mystia this question! No more failure! Do or die! resolved the shy night bug in her head.

What is this?! Cowardice is unbecoming of someone of my ability! I must do this now! resolved the shy night sparrow in her head.

With fire in their eyes, the two swiftly turned to face each other again?


??nnnn, do you love me???

The two girls nearly leaped out of their own skin as they suddenly found themselves covering one another?s mouths, reddened faces and surprised looks galore! They almost immediately realized what they were doing, looking down at one another?s arms. They quickly covered their own mouths, as they now sat next to each other.

??Ooohhhhhh, yeah? I love you too, Reimu??

As it turns out, the source of the voice none other than Marisa, who was sleep talking dreamily with a very wide smile. With their mouths still covered, Wriggle and Mystia briefly glanced at each other, then back at Marisa. The witch was also starting to change positions frequently.

?Ohh? Oh, yes? Yes? Uhhhhhh? Ohhh Reimu, you?re so WONderful!?

What the??! What was she dreaming about?? Wriggle and Mystia slowly uncovered their mouths giggling uneasily while looking VERY nervous. However, Marisa?s feelings seemed to change the longer it went on?

?Hunh?? H-hey, watch that? No? Cut it ou-OW! Hey, cut it out Reimu! That really hurts! Stop it with the Gohei already?!?

?WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH?!?!? shouted the two youkai girls.

Wriggle and Mystia now found themselves covering the mouth of Marisa, not wanting to hear any more. However, their action? ?ended up causing her to opening her golden eyes.

?Ah?!? yelped the two youkai before returning to the floor, certain they?d been spotted.

Marisa waited a few seconds before letting out a wide yawn, whilst stretching out her arms. She then sat up, turning her head towards Mystia and Wriggle slowly. The two were sweating buckets now, still looking nervous and giggling uneasily as Marisa groggily starred at them?

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2009, 06:15:10 AM »
?Oh man? Morning already??? said Marisa rather casually before yawning a bit, and getting off the bed and streching. ?I see you two made it through the night!?

The dumbfounded Wriggle and Mystia only nodded in response while giving Marisa an ?Okaaaayyy??? expression.

Hold on? Did she really sleep through all that?? thought Wriggle to herself.

?Heeeey? Ain?t ya gonna say somethin??? said Marisa, raising an eyebrow.

?Uhh? What is there to say?? said Wriggle, scratching the back of her head.

?Maybe ?good morning, how?d ya sleep?? The usual old fair as always, ya know??

?My apologies. It would seem the blows to my head have caused me to forget my manners. Y-yes, that is it!?

?Whatever?? shrugged Marisa.

Whether Marisa knew it was a lie or not was unclear. She simply got up, went over to the still sleeping Alice? Wriggle and Mystia instinctively covered their ears. Marisa looked at them again.

?Why the ears??? she asked puzzled.

?Wait? Do you not intend to put your mouth to her ear and yell ?wake the hell up??? asked Wriggle.

?Naah? Not today. Besides, I know something that actually works better?? answered Marisa with a wide, sharp toothed smile.

?Uhh??? wondered Mystia.

Marisa put her mouth to Alice?s ear?


?NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!? hollered Alice as she was jolted awake, her arms in the air.

Wriggle and Mystia were most glad that they chose to keep their ears covered? Several of Alice?s weapon wielding dolls frantically flew into the room to see what was wrong, but soon figured out what happened, staring at Marisa angrily.

All that racket we made, and THAT is what woke her up?! She could even sleep through my loudest singing, couldn?t she?! thought Mystia.

?MARISA WHAT THE HELL??!? demanded Alice.

?I need ya to get your ass outta that chair. We need to change their bandages, and do somethin? for breakfast, ze.? explained Marisa frankly.

?Who said anything about YOU being my personal alarm clock?! I was going to have my dolls awaken me at a specific time!? chided Alice as she rose from the chair.

Marisa just looked at Alice strangely, raising an eyebrow.

?Are you sure you?re a Youkai??

?It shouldn?t at all surprise me that you have the gall to ask me something like that after perpetrating such actions!?

?I have the gall to do a great deal of things. Tell me, would YOU have the gall to do the same to me as I?ve done to you?? asked Marisa with an evil smile.

?You know full well I would, and I do!?

?Maybe one day? Not today though, ze!?

?You?re saying I?m a coward, aren?t you?? asked Alice, now looking truly angry.

?So nice to see Alice?s brain working! It brings so much joy to my heart!? spoke Marisa sarcastically, cupping her hands melodramatically below her neck.


Alice looked around, and stopped an odd object she could use? She grabbed an odd, orange colored wooden stick with a red, semi-dome shaped ending that looked like it was made from a soft material, possibly rubber (it was a plunger) that happened to be in her arm range.

?Bleh, so that?s where I hid that weird hat I fou- whoa?!?

Marisa was interrupted as Alice leapt at her, slamming her to the ground, and shoving the plunger into her face! The plunger naturally stuck to Marisa?s face, the witch finding herself struggling to get both it, and Alice off. Alice on the other hand kept pulling and pushing the device, causing Marisa?s face to be sucked!

?Mmmmmpphh! Mmph, eph, mmph!?

?I knew this would work the moment I saw it! According to the Kourindou description, you use this device to clean the malicious words out of bad mouthed people like you!? gloated Alice.

(Kourindou- The store of many unique goods owned by Rinnosuke Morichika. It primarily sells items from our world- the outside world. Rinnosuke has the ability to instantly know the name of items, but his descriptions of them are always woefully incorrect. Apparently, Alice didn?t catch the name of this particular item.)

As the two wrestled on the ground, Wriggle and Mystia glanced at each other, fearing more and more for their own personal safety (and sanity) with each passing moment? They hadn?t noticed, but the dolls were watching the ?battle? right by them as well. Eventually, Alice pulled so hard, that the plunger?s handle detached from the cup, sending her wobbling backwards in surprise (causing her to raise her arms up high as well)! Marisa wasted no time removing the cup, revealing a very evil looking sharp toothed smile (along with a temporary facial ring). With lightening speed, Marisa lunged at Alice, pinning her against the desk as she administered armpit tickle torture!

?WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! C-C-CUT THAT OUT!? begged the uncontrollably laughing Alice.

?Say it?!? ordered the still smiling Marisa.


?Say it?!? said Marisa again, adding power to her ?attack?, almost sending Alice to the ground.


Marisa finally relented, satisfied. Wriggle and Mystia didn?t notice, but the dolls looked quite sad that their Mistress ?lost? the ?fight?. Alice continued laughing for a few minutes after the tickling ended, her face VERY red and drenched with sweat.

?Alright, I?ll just??

?W-wait?? gasped Alice as she struggled to calm herself down. ?Th-this makes us even! We need a tie breaker!?

?A whaaaaaaa??? groaned Wriggle and Mystia at the same time, raising eyebrows.

?Hm, you?re right? Name the game!? said an eager Marisa.

?Rock, Paper, Scissors! Best three out of four!? said Alice, finally standing straight up.

?You?re on!?

Wriggle and Mystia just quietly watched, never having even heard of this game.


Alice had scissors, while Marisa had rock.

?Rock beats scissors!? smiled Marisa.

?There are still two rounds left!? reminded Alice eagerly.

?Then let?s do it!?

The second round began in earnest?


Alice had rock, while Marisa had paper.

?Paper beats rock!? smiled Marisa.

?O-o-o-one more time!? stammered Alice nervously.

The final round?


Alice had paper, while Marisa had scissors. Alice stared at her hand in disbelief.


?And, scissors beats paper! You?re really losing your touch Alice! Soooo predictable?? sighed Marisa with a triumphant smile.

The two spent the next few minutes staring each other down with aggressive looks, Marisa looking evil, devious and confident, and Alice looking flabbergasted.

Wriggle and Mystia glanced at each other and whispered.

?Do you think they always do this??? asks Mystia.

?I?m unsure of that, but I do know that I?m questioning whether or not we should stay he-??

Now Marisa and Alice were suddenly arm in arm!

?Friends forever!? they said at the same time, smiling happily.

Wriggle and Mystia just stared silently.

?Hm?? Oh, this is just something we do to keep each other in check!? explained the smiling Marisa. ?Helps me keep the doll humping child next to me on the level!?

?In return, I can make sure this back-stabbing b***h of a witch stays out of trouble, and stop her from stealing my stuff!? added Alice, also with an oddly happy smile.

?Whaaatever you say?? says Wriggle.

?Alright, that?s enough playing around.? announced Marisa, much to the relief of Wriggle and Mystia.

The witch girl suddenly began walking up to the two of them.

?Time to change those bandages of yours??

Wriggle almost immediately noticed the crouched down Marisa going to change Mystia?s bandages first.


Mystia rather quickly back away from Marisa, swiping her left arm at the witch (not hitting) while letting out a hiss.

?D-d-don?t touch me, human!? ordered the visibly nervous night bird.

?H-hey, what is this?! I try to help you out, and this is how you repay me?? pouted Marisa, standing back up and placing her hands on her hips.

Alice put a hand to her pale head depressively.

?Not surprising? She doesn?t trust us. Considering what happened to her last night, I cannot say that my mind wouldn?t be in similar state?? mused the doll maker.

?Y-you can touch me? But n-not her!? spoke up Mystia to Alice, pointing at Marisa.

?Mystia?!? began Wriggle, a little angry before Marisa got up and turned to leave.

?Pscht. Suit yourself? Guess I?m making breakfast?? said Marisa, closing her eyes and walking out of the room. ?Racist bird-brain??

Alice watched Marisa leave before sighing, and walking up to Mystia, sitting down on her knees, and starting to unravel her old bandages.

?Um? You know, Marisa really isn?t all that bad of a person, and??

Alice was stopped by sharp, dark looks emanating from both of her fellow youkai.

?Oookay, she has severe character issues!? said Alice, smiling nervously as a very large sweatdrop rolled down the side of her head.

The two returned to calmer expressions. Alice quickly returned to a more serious expression.

?But? When you really get to know her, she is a very interesting companion, quite loyal as well! Can?t believe I just said that??

?But what you say is odd? Weren?t you two arguing quite a bit just now??? asked Mystia.

?Oh, that?s just something we normally do. All friends will do it eventually.? explained Alice.

?All friends?? But Wriggle and I have known each other as friends for sometime and have not argued over anything at all.? said Mystia.

?Well as said, it eventually happens. When it does is merely a matter of time. And whether the friends stay together after such an argument may perhaps depend on whether or not they were really close to begin with, or perhaps the very reason why they argued. You say you two have known each other for sometime. I?ll tell you that nothing will happen early on, but it will in time.? explained Alice.

?Huh?? said Mystia.

?But you and Marisa seem to argue quite fervently? Yet you remain friends??

?What I just explained applies to us? Quite a bit!? said Alice, smiling uneasily at the irony of the last sentence. ?I really don?t want to admit this? Please don?t tell anyone? Marisa and I fight quite often. However, the frequency of fights in a group of friends varies like the shapes of mourning clouds, really.?

Working carefully, yet fast, Alice finally finished unraveling Mystia?s bandages. She was handed a fresh roll by a flying doll dressed in a western style nurse uniform complete with a white hat with a red cross. Alice now began applying the new bandages.

?So then? Would you say Marisa was good or bad?? asked Wriggle.

Alice her words carefully.

?Don?t we all have our flaws?? We?re all bad in someway, whether human or youkai. The thing is to not to let the bad part come through when possible.? answered Alice.

?That sounds hard?? says Mystia.

?And it truly is. But when something is hard, one must work harder!? Alice spaced out for a second, realizing something. ?Oh? That is something Marisa once said to me, during a bad time in my life not long ago... Quite ironic, no??

?Very much so.? chuckled a smiling Wriggle a bit.

Alice chuckled back before noticing the silent Mystia, clutching her futon?s sheets, looking downward as if thinking deeply about something. Alice hesitated, but had an odd feeling that she should say something more?

?I believe what I am trying to say is that, not all humans are bad.? spoke Alice.

?And not all youkai are good?? admitted Mystia, remembering her own wrong actions against humans in the past without looking at Alice.

?Um? Yes? ?this is correct.? said Alice before hesitating briefly. ?Tell me: what would you have done if I were a bad youkai??

Mystia was silent for a few seconds.

?I honestly do not know.? she finally said.

?That?s why you should be careful before saying who?s right or who?s wrong, or if a particular race is better than another.? responded Alice, her eyes closed. ?I know that from personal experience??

Alice finally finished bandaging the night bird. Wriggle listened to every word carefully. Was this not something she was writing about earlier?? The night bug only wished that Mystia didn?t have to learn this lesson after such a harsh battle however? Maybe now Mystia could learn to be more trusting??

?Well? All finished! Now your turn.? said Alice shifting over to Wriggle before realizing something. ?Ah?! We never had proper introductions!?

Wriggle and Mystia goinked in surprise, realizing the same thing.

?How silly of me! You may call me Wriggle Nightbug. I know it?s a funny name, but it suits me well, don?t you think?? introduced Wriggle, smiling.

?Um? I?m Mystia Lorelei. Pleased to meet you.? said Mystia, looking upward in a somewhat shy manner.

Alice smiled as she stood up and put a hand below her neck.

?I?m Alice Margatroid. It is a pleasure to meet you both. Now we have introduced ourselves properly.?

?And that is indeed a good thing.? said Wriggle, smiling warmly.

Just then, Marisa happened by, carrying her broomstick and going out the front door.

?Hey! I?m Marisa Kirisame! Don?t ya forget it, ze!? said the girl with a wide smile before walking out the door (the mark from the plunger was already gone?).

?Um? Where are you going??? asked Alice.

Marisa turned back again, holding the same smile as before.

?To get breakfast!? she said simply as she stepped out the door.

The three youkai girls sit still for a few seconds, staring at the door as it closed before Alice turned back to face her new friends.

?You two don?t think?? she began.

??that she left to get breakfast for only herself?? added Wriggle.

??without taking us along??? finished Mystia.

Within seconds, the new bandages Wriggle needed were forgotten as all three of them opened the door to have a look outside. Alice?s head poked out first? Then Wriggle?s under hers? Then Mystia under hers! They all simultaneously looked to the right? Then to the left? ?and found Marisa (who was not too far away) carefully positioning empty tofu buckets underneath specific spots underneath a nearby fairly large tree with scuff marks on the side, as if it were hit hard by something repeatedly? Marisa referenced a sheet of paper she had with her as she finished her positioning.

?Hm? Alright, if my calculations are correct, then they?re all in the right place.? said Marisa with a smile. ?Only thing to do now??

?What?? began Alice.

??is?? added Wriggle.

??she doing??? finished Mystia.

They got their answer as Marisa picked up her broomstick?


?and smashed the broom end right into the tree?s scuff mark. Amazingly enough, the broom didn?t break! But was even more amazing is that oranges began falling like rain into the buckets! Within seconds, all nine of the buckets around the tree were completely filled with oranges! Not a single one fell to the ground!

Alice, Wriggle, and Mystia all gawked at the sight as Marisa picked up one bucket with her right arm, and put her left hand on her hip.

?Heh, heh! Marisa Kirisame does it again!? exclaimed the witch before turning around.

Upon spotting the other three girls, Marisa blinked awkwardly a few times. The other girls followed suit.

?What?? asked Marisa.

?Uhh?? began Alice.

??ehh?? added Wriggle.

??Nothing?? finished Mystia.

Marisa simply tilted her head while raising an eyebrow, wondering what they were staring at?
« Last Edit: June 14, 2009, 11:03:23 PM by Odda C. »

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2009, 06:17:23 AM »

A few minutes later, the group of four was in Marisa?s kitchen chowing down on the freshly peeled oranges. Wriggle?s bandages had finally been changed, and everyone?s stomachs no longer emanated with the sounds of hungry growling. Mystia returned to her futon, while Alice sat about knitting the dresses of her two fellow youkai (with help from her dolls). Wriggle eventually stepped into Marisa?s kitchen while still snacking on an orange, to find the black witch herself cleaning some dishes while wearing a rag over her hair. She seemed sort of like she desired to ask Marisa something?

?Excuse me? Marisa-sama??? asked the firefly girl, a serious and somewhat solemn expression on her face.

?Hm? Yeah kid? Ya need somethin??? answered Marisa.

?Well? This may sound a bit strange? But I have come to a realization: Mystia wouldn?t have been so badly hurt had I been able to battle against our enemy better??

?Wishin? you were more powerful huh? I?ve been there before??

?Indeed. The events of last night reminded me of my own mortality, along with Mystia?s. If there is any chance at all I can protect her, then I?d like nothing better to have it!? said Wriggle, with a determined look.

?But what do you want me to do? Wait? Unless?? said Marisa, looking off to the side with an uneasy smile.

?I know time is of the essence, and it is surely untactful of me to ask such a thing, but is there anything at all you could teach me?? begged Wriggle. ?Surely there is something you could teach in just a short time?!?

Marisa put her left hand on her hip and her right hand on her chin inquisitively.

?Well? I do believe there is one thing I could teach you? There?s just a very small issue though that you?ll have to be tight lipped about, ze??

?If it is a secret that I must keep, then I shall keep it.? promised Wriggle.

Marisa leaned close to Wriggle?s head and whispered.

?Okay? I will teach you something I think you could learn very quickly to become stronger? Just don?t tell the shrine maiden. She won?t be very happy with me if she were to get word that I?m training a youkai that has a history of attacking humans.?

?But of course.?
acknowledged Wriggle, nodding her head quickly.

?Also, if I find out that some of my knowledge was used to attack a human? Let?s just say I won?t be to happy, okay?? said Marisa, smiling.

?Very well. I?ll keep that in mind next time I challenge a human or vice-versa.?

?Excellent! Just follow me.? said Marisa, as she took off her rag, redid her braid, and toward the front door.

?Oh, thank you Marisa-Senpai! You have my gratitude for this favor!? said Wriggle thankfully and happily with a bow before following Marisa.

?Hey, just call me Marisa. That alone will be fine.?

?If you wish.?


It wasn?t long until Marisa (who had put her hat back on) had led Wriggle behind her house, into a very small clearing surrounded by trees. The ground was littered with bushes, twigs, and of course, grass. But there was also signs of magic being used in the form of burn spots on the ground, and damaged tree trunks throughout. In front of her, Wriggle could see several tree trunks, along with the magic charred remains of humanoid shapes made from burlap and straw. Several however still stood, handing via sticks that were stuck into the ground with their ?arms? spread out.

?Now then, are you ready?? asked Marisa, as she turned to face Wriggle.

?I am.? nodded the night bug.

Marisa nodded her head in acknowledgement, then raised her right index finger into the air while closing her eyes.

?Laser cannon? ?is not difficult.? she began.

Wriggle was silent, not sure of how to respond. Marisa answered by cupping her hands forward in front of her.

?Take your arms like this.? said the black witch simply.

?Um?? muttered Wriggle as she did as she was told. ?Okay??

?Concentrate your mind??

Wriggle nodded in acknowledgement, now with a determined and focused look on her face. She briefly closed her eyes as she took a deep breath and cleared her mind.

?Mutter the spell tenderly? Think ?Laser Cannon?.?

?Laser cannon?? whispered Wriggle.

Small, green, barely noticeable specks of energy began building up in Wriggle?s cuffed hands, though whether or not she was aware of the building power was unclear. Marisa stepped out of the way, and pointed meaningfully at one of the still standing target practice dummies.

?Aim at someone you don?t like?? instructed the witch.

Wriggle found the command a tad strange as the straw and burlap dummy wasn?t a ?someone?? Still, she obeyed without hesitation and adjusted herself so that she aimed at the dummy.

?Now, unleash your annihilation of love!? half-shouted Marisa.

Now that command did garner a bit of hesitation from Wriggle.

?Unleash your annihilation of love??? Did that mean to fi-


Before she could finish her thought, Wriggle found herself falling flat on her butt as a green blast of energy erupted from her hands! She blinked a few times, and found the dummy she?d been aiming at almost totally disintegrated, in addition to a large hole blown into the tree behind it as if the laser went cleanly through! Wriggle blinked a few more times as she realized she was successful, though she could?ve dealt without the surprise?

?You underestimated the intensity, ze! We gotta work on your balance, but otherwise, good job!? said Marisa cheerfully, giving a thumbs up.

?Th? Thank you.? said Wriggle as she regained her clarity. ?Was it really I who unleashed that blast???

?It isn?t difficult as I said.? reminded Marisa. ?You?ve already basically mastered it. Just remember what I told you, and keep your balance.?

?I see? It really wasn?t difficult like you said.? replied Wriggle, smiling a slight bit as she stood up.

?Cool. You might get another chance to use that soon? Time to go!? announced Marisa cheerfully.

?Time to go? What do you mean?? asked Wriggle with a questioning look on her face.

?You and your friend are mostly healed already since your youkai right? Further more, the Inaba army will be back here soon.? explained Marisa, walking past Wriggle in order to get back to the house.

?In other words you want to move to another place of hiding??

?Nah. I wanna find out more about what?s going on here, so I?ve decided we?re gonna head to the red mansion library for information!?

Wriggle had a shocked look on her face accompanied by a nervous smile.

?Th-th-there?? But that place is scary looking?? expressed Wriggle.

?It?s not really all that scary. Besides, we gotta go there if we wanna figure out what Eientei wants with you and stop it.?

Wriggle slowly followed Marisa, looking downward.

?If that is truly what I must do, then do I have a choice???

?Ya wanna protect your friend right??

?Alright, alright, I?ll follow you. But why move in the day time??? questioned Wriggle.

?You?re thinking ?we?ll be spotted more easily? aren?t you? Well with the Eientei rabbits it doesn?t really matter. Youkai rabbits are just like that.? explained Marisa.

?And to think that only night bugs and night birds were the only youkai that could travel well at night? Am I really so ignorant?? asked Wriggle more to herself.

Meanwhile, Marisa stepped into the house.

?Yo, Alice! It?s time to go!? announced the black witch.

?At this moment?! But their injuries haven?t healed!? protested Alice.

?They?ve healed mostly. You should know that they won?t need those bandages much longer. Other than that, we gotta move. It won?t be too much longer until those rabbits regroup ze.? said Marisa, with a wink, her smile never really fading. ?Still don?t know how fast you can heal huh? Man, I guess you aren?t a youkai after all!?

?Hey, I?m coming! Don?t pester people!? chided Alice as she hurriedly sat up and grabbed her large book.

?Hurry up then, slow-poke!? goaded Marisa further, smiling evilly.

Wriggle chuckled depressively with an uneasy smile as she put her right hand through her teal hear.

We have these two for bodyguards?? she thought more to herself as she walked to meet Mystia, who was still sitting on her now folded futon. ?Mystia??

?Huh? Oh, hi Wriggle. I didn?t expect you back so quickly.? said the night bird, not looking up.

?Heh, heh? Laser was not difficult?? chuckled Wriggle.

Mystia looked up at the smiling Wriggle, and raised an eyebrow.


?Ehh, never mind. Are you ready to go??

?I? It?s? It?s weird? Traveling in the day like this??

?It?ll be fine if we move quickly.?

?I guess so?? said Mystia, looking downward with an uncertain look.

Wriggle stopped smiling, and raised an eyebrow with a concerned look on her face. The silence (barring the noise made by Alice and Marisa as they argued outside while in preparation to leave) lasting for a nearly half a minute.

?Mystia?? What?s the matter?? spoke up Wriggle.

Another few seconds?

?Wriggle? ?I?m? ? ?scared.? admitted Mystia in a low tone.

Wriggle smiled warmly as she very slowly kneeled down, and gave Mystia a gentle hug.

?I?m scared too, Mystia.?

Mystia slowly returned the embrace.

?I?m scared too.? repeated Wriggle. ?But??

?But what?? asked Mystia.

?If we just stay close together and support each other, we can get through this. Don?t you think so??

Another few seconds?

?Yes? You?re right, Wriggle.?

Wriggle let go of Mystia, and stood up.

?Well then? Should we be going?? asked a smiling Wriggle as she reached out a hand.

Mystia looked up.

?Yeah!? said the night bird with a smile as she took Wriggle?s hand.

The night bug helped her friend get up. After that, they walked together out the door of Marisa?s house.

?Man, ?bout time you two! Da-ze?? said Marisa (now holding her broomstick) as she closed the door then stretched out her back.

?I apologize for the delay.? said Wriggle sincerely.

?As do I.? added Mystia.

?Huh? Well, I guess we?d better be off then. The scarlet devil Mansion?? asked Alice.

?That?s right! I bet we can sort this out there?? said Marisa inquisitively.

?We?re walking to make it harder for them to spot us, right?? asked Mystia.

?Yep! Don?t worry about a thing! Your under the close watch of Marisa Kirisame!? boasted the black witch with a wide smile and a wink.

Is that a good thing?? thought Alice in mind as she sighed with a weary smile.

The journey of the four girls began in earnest. They marched toward what could only be their destinies?

[Spell Break]
« Last Edit: June 14, 2009, 11:04:13 PM by Odda C. »

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2009, 06:18:14 AM »
[Third Spell]

?Oh boy, it looks like Reisen slept in again! If I don?t hurry and wake her, she?ll be late!? chanted a young looking girl as she strolled down the wooden hallway of a Japanese style mansion.

The girl looked no older than ten, and was clad in a somewhat frilly night gown-like pink dress while barefooted. She had on a carrot necklace on her neck, had red eyes. Her hair was black and shoulder length. Finally, on the top of her head were floppy, thick rabbit ears.

It was worth noting that she also carried a large hammer behind her back?

She turned to a door, and slid it open? Inside this apparent, simple in design bedroom, a futon with a humanoid figure apparently under the covers was present.

?Oohhh, Reisen honeyyy! It?s time to get outta beeeed!? cooed the rabbit girl playfully as she walked over to the futon, standing in front of it.

Her innocent smile suddenly became mischievous and sharp toothed, like that of Marisa.

?Wake up sleepy head! Good morrrrniiiing??

She lifted up the hammer?


?and brought down HARD were the occupant of the futon?s head would be. The girl expected either a jolt, or a loud cry of pain and irritation. Oh, such things were always so much fun to do to Reisen?! However, the rabbit heard not a sound, not even any movement. She blinked in confusion as she stared at the sight?

?Wha? What?s???

The girl suddenly felt an object pressed against her head? A nervous expression, complete with an uneasy smile appeared on her face.

?Good morning Tewi.? spoke a female voice behind the short bunny girl. ?What?s the hammer for??

?Uhh, recreational purposes! I was, uh? ?pounding termites! Yeah, th-that?s it!? blabbered the rabbit girl.

?We got rid of all the termites last month thanks to that new batch of insecticide, remember? You aren?t lying to me, are you??? asked the voice suspiciously.

?And why would I lie?! Ha? ?ha? ?ha??

?Mmm, real funny? Do you know what I?m holding to your head Tewi?? asked the voice.

?W-w-w-w-w-w-wait? I-i-i-i-it isn?t th-th-th-that, is it??? asked bunny girl Tewi nervously, now sweating profusely.

?Oh it is? And if I decide you are indeed lying, it?ll cause every last strand of your hair to fall out like it did before. Now be truthful. Are you lying?? asked the voice.

?N-n-n-neeeh, y-y-ye, NO! I MEAN YES! I MEAN NO! I MEAN I DON?T KNOW!? responded Tewi while shaking nervously, apparently not sure if she wanted to speak the truth or lie.

?Hm? I shall take this as a no. You forfeit your hair.?


Tewi panicked, dropping the hammer running out the door as if she were greased lightening!

?Hm? No way she?ll find a way past that counter, yes?? happily spoke the voice.

As it turns out, the object was nothing more than the index finger attached to a hand that had been folded to look like a pretend gun. The hand belonged to another bunny girl, older looking than Tewi, looking in her mid or late teens. She had ankle long purple hair, with rabbit ears on top of her head. But her ears were much longer than Tewi?s, thinner and crinkly as well. Each ear also had a shirt button attached as well? Odd? The red eyed girl was clad in sleepwear.

?Her antics are so bothersome? Oh well, time to get dressed!? said the rather cute girl with a smile.

After carefully scanning her room for anything that could be used to watch her, she closed the door to the room, and changed into a white shirt with a red necktie, and a short beige skirt. She put on a black business suit over the shirt. The suit had a crescent moon pin on the neck line, and a name tag reading ?Reisen Udongein Inaba? above the breast area, both on the left side. Finally, she put on brown shoes with semi-long black socks.

After she finished putting on her day wear, and doing her grooming, she opened her room?s back door and looked up into the partly cloudy sky.

?Hm? Another fine day, at Eientei?? thought Reisen out loud.


?Let?s see? Relish Force is to be positioned on the southwest side, Onion Force on the north? Where should Turnip Force go??? questioned a young looking woman as she sat outside somewhere on the mansion grounds, writing something onto a scroll with a brush. ?Perhaps they should back up Lettuce team? Hm??

She looked to be in her twenties, and was clad in a red and blue short sleeved dress with elaborate, constellation patterns on it, complete with a matching nurses? hat with a red cross on it. Her silver hair was tied into an odd knee long ponytail that swirled down like ice cream on a cone at the back. Her brown eyes looked up from the work nestled comfortably in her lap as she heard the familiar voice of the approaching Reisen.

?Mistress Eirin? Are you over hear somewhere??

?I?m here, Udonge.? called nurse Eirin, her face not giving any particular emotion.

Reisen walked out from the corner on Eirin?s left.

?Ah, so here you are. But? Why have you gone back to the shorter nickname?? I asked you not to do that, Mistress?? said Reisen.

?Why not the shorter nickname? ?Udonge? sounds cuter that ?Udongein? to my ears.? said the nurse with a slight smile.

Reisen sighed.

?You?d prefer Zayaku? That wouldn?t be too bad?? said Eirin inquisitively, unconsciously looking away from Reisen in thought.

?That?s even worse! I?d prefer ?Udongein? if I must really be called by a ridiculous nickname.? sighed Reisen.

?You find it ridiculous? Just what part?? asked Eirin innocently with a head tilt.

?The whole thing! Wait? We?ve said these things before!? said Reisen, putting her fists up and bending her knees.

?Really? I?m having a bit of trouble recalling? Let?s talk about this another time.? said Eirin, now with a very happy smile.

A few moments of silence pass as Reisen stares at her master with a twitching left eyebrow.

?You enjoy doing this to me on purpose, don?t you??? asked the irritated bunny girl.

?Whatever are you talking about? Why would my memory fade so quickly if I?m the Brain of the Moon?? asked Eirin with a smile.

?Oh, never mind?? sighed Reisen, knowing she?d have to be the victim of Eirin?s playing for awhile longer? ?Moving on from that, how is the operation going??

?Tewi isn?t moving as fast as I would prefer. I also think she has too many groups searching for the ones we need, and not enough helping to build the dome.? answered Eirin.

?I see? I guess I could try and talk to her about it, but even when she has her heart set on something, she isn?t able to completely put off her prankster tendencies.?

?Ah? She had prankster tendencies this morning??

?That?s pretty much right. She came to wake me up??

Eirin chuckled.

?Even now she doesn?t hesitate. Pretty soon she?ll have even more time to add to the already ridiculous amount of time she has to play. That is, if we?re successful of course.?

Reisen sat down next to the left of her mistress, then peeked over.

?About that Sensei?? she began.

?Hm??? muttered Eirin.

?I know that if this works? ?then I won?t have to fight ?the rival of the princess? anymore? But even so, is this right??

Eirin looked at Reisen strangely.

??Is this right??? I?m afraid I don?t fully understand, Udonge. This will put an end to one of our long standing troubles. Are you saying that this isn?t quite what you want??

Reisen just looked off into space, her head slightly low.

?That isn?t? I mean? We?ve never gone this far before? To hurt others while attempting to hurt one individual. Plus all the suffering we?d potentially cause to those not even involved??

?I know you have doubts Reisen? But that is why this operation is to be discreet as possible. Even in her current state, the princess knows that this could damage Eientei if too many get involved. The risks outweigh the benefits in her mind however. It is the same in my mind as well. But what of you, Udonge?? asked Eirin.

?But to do something so cruel? Is this really what people like us should do?? Perhaps we were better off doing the old w-?

Reisen immediately halted her tongue, knowing she would be reprimanded for such speech. She quickly got up to leave.

?Mistress? I? ?I?m going out for a bit. Just to? ?get some air.? said Reisen, beginning to walk off.

?Reisen?? spoke Eirin.

Her mistress just used her true name. It was rare for Reisen to be called by her true name by her mistress. There even times of battle, where her mistress continued using that nick name? She was truly serious to be using her real one now.

The purple haired bunny girl turned around to face her mistress. Eirin didn?t move, still merely sitting.

?I?ll understand if you want to be scarce during the operation?s climax? But you must know that I can?t just leave the princess to herself? Not after what I?ve done? But even so, I ask you to think this over. Think about our future if all goes well.? said Eirin, before closing her eyes.

Reisen almost immediately turned back around, and took to the sky.

?I will Mistress. I will wait just little longer before making my decision however.?

It wasn?t long until Reisen had flown off. Eirin watched until her student had vanished from sight before sighing, her current thoughts and emotions no longer clear?

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #12 on: April 21, 2009, 06:19:02 AM »

It wasn?t too long until Eirin had finished her previous task, and reentered the mansion. The room she wandered into was littered with scrolls, and large boxes and crates that were labeled: ?Yakogoro Labs.?  The dimly lit room also had smaller, elaborately labeled boxes and pill bottles, almost as if they were professionally sold medicines that you could buy at a store? A were labeled as being ?Kochoumugan.?

Eirin set the scroll she was holding onto a table, knowing one of the youkai rabbits would pick it up later. She then stepped out into the large wooden hallway of the Japanese style castle, intending to head to Kaguya?s room to check on her. Mid-way down however, she stopped suddenly just beyond a junction, and shifted her eyes to the left? Did she sense someone, or something?

She heard the footsteps of someone approaching her position. So she did sense someone? But she was perfectly calm as she awaited her ?guest.?

Out from the corner stepped a young looking (perhaps early twenties) woman, clad in a white and dark blue French maid uniform, complete with a white bonnet on her head. The collar of the short sleeved dress had red trend, and a black ribbon was located right below the neck. Her short, silver hair was tied into two braids that reached just below her neck on each side of her head. Each braid was tied with a green ribbon. She wore semi-high heeled dark blue shoes, along with matching straps just above the ankles that made X shapes when looked at from the front. Her eyes were a dark blue color.

But the most suspicious feature was the silver hair?

?Ah? Greetings Sakuya. You?ve come for the librarian?s medicine, haven?t you?? greeted Eirin with a smile, while holding her elbows in her arms.

?I do this as part of my duty. It wouldn?t be right to not come here unless I did it in a timely manner.? replied Sakuya, also with a smile.

?A perfect, elegant, and dutiful maid indeed. I can remember you being dutiful like this in the old days as well??

?Again with this, ?I know you from before? banter? It should not be possible for you to know me since I have only just turned twenty-three. I haven?t any memories of a previous life.? spoke Sakuya calmly with a relaxed expression.

?The only memories you have are those of your Mistress?? said Eirin with a slight sigh.

?My memories are my own. You have no knowledge of my memories.? said Sakuya, doing well to hold back her slight irritation.

?I?m puzzled as to whether you can?t remember, or choose not to remember. But all the same??

?I told you? I?m the only one with knowledge of my memories!? repeated Sakuya in a suddenly sharper tone, her smile vanishing. ?Now don?t we have other manners???

?Very well? Please follow me.? said Eirin, calm as ever as she turned around.

Sakuya sighed as they reached the room Eirin was just in mere moments before. Eirin went inside, while Sakuya waited outside at the door. The maid noticed that the nurse was a much less organized than usual? Eirin began searching through a box on the rather messy desk.

?Let?s see now? Eye drops, flu shots, aspirin, Ritalin, suppositories? Ah, here is Patchouli-sama?s medicine!? said Eirin, pulling out an orange bottle with a white cap.

?I must admit to admiring your ability to stay on top of things, even when you?re swamped with work as you are now?? mentioned Sakuya.

Eirin walked up to the maid.

?Well I am a pharmacist who runs a store. It?s important to keep up on work no matter what. But what you see here is an incomplete process of reorganization.? explained Eirin with a happy smile as she handed the bottle to Sakuya.

?But couldn?t have the rabbits do this for you?? In fact, I have seen only a few of them here today?? replied Sakuya.

?They have run off to accomplish tasks for the princess most likely. They should return soon.?

?Whatever you say?? said Sakuya, putting the bottle into her pocket. All the more suspicious?

?Do come back soon Sakuya.? said Eirin.

?I thank you again for your service. Until next time, Sayonara.? said Sakuya with a bow, before walking off.

?Take care.? said Eirin, also with a bow. I wonder if she suspects anything? She likely does? After all, the store has been closed for two weeks, and she was quick to notice that the rabbits were missing? Maybe I should ?dispose of her??? No, that wouldn?t be prudent now. We?ve drawn enough attention from the Scarlet Devil Mansion already.

Eirin turned halfway around?

In any case, it would be wise to hurry? Patchouli may have sent her to find the missing book. That would be most troublesome?

Now Eirin had turned all the way around?

I should get back to?

It lasted only a moment, but Eirin could have swore she saw the room turn monochrome in color? Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her back, like if something was piercing it!


Eirin shrieked as she was pinned to the ground by none other than Sakuya, who was now holding her arms behind her back, while pinning her down with her right foot. A throwing knife was stuck into Eirin?s back, blood leaking from the wound.

?You fool, you have underestimated just how shrewd Ms. Patchouli and I can both be! You knew perfectly well we suspected you were up to something, didn?t you? Stealing a single item from the vast canyons of knowledge that make up Voile and nothing else? Did you really think we would just think of it as a prank of the rabbit leader? I even gave you a clear shot for you to take care of me, and you hesitated! Now you will tell me just what is happening involving that book!? ordered Sakuya, calm, yet with a highly displeased tone.

Sakuya partially picked Eirin off the wooden ground, then slammed her back down again.

?And while you?re at it, you shall tell me why you?re so fond of my history!?

Eirin was silent, only angering Sakuya.

?Don?t be silent with me! Answer!? demanded Sakuya, now yelling a little bit.

?That will not be necessary of me, dear Sakuya.? said Eirin calmly, though with a pained voice.

?What?! What in the world are you?!?

?Have I not told you?? It was I who invented the Luna Dial that you use to halt time and surprise your foes. Did you not think I could recognize it and implement a contingency plan?? asked Eirin.

Sakuya tightened her grip on her red and blue captive.

?You are completely trapped! What sort of plan could you possibly hope to accomplish as you are now?!?

Eirin was silent. Instead of answering? ?she smiled. Suddenly, she kicked out her right leg, throwing out a coin like object with a blue star on it. Sakuya spotted it, just as Eirin pressed it with her right foot?

Alarmed, Sakuya jumped away from Eirin, shielding her eyes from the bright flash that came with the bomb explosion. Sakuya took flight, moving backwards at a high speed as several arrows came speeding toward her from out of the thick smoke. Moving with quick reflexes and surprisingly elegant movements, Sakuya was just able to dodge the arrows. The projectiles only grazed her at best.

Reaching under her skirt to a garter on her right leg with her left hand, Sakuya pulled out several throwing knives, holding them at the ready. Eirin dashed out of the smoke, missing the knife in her back, and now brandishing a bow with an arrow at the ready.

Her smile was gone?

The nurse fired the arrow, which split off into several open being fired. Sakuya threw her knives to shoot them down. As she reached for more, Eirin was firing magically generated arrows at an amazingly rapid rate of speed, forcing Sakuya to sway to and fro to avoid being hit. Clicking her tongue, Sakuya allowed Eirin to get just a tad closer, then threw her knives at Eirin.


The nurse put up her left hand, creating a blue flash that shattered the knives on contact. She then flew in at Sakuya at an astonishing speed. Sakuya quickly drew more knives, only to have them kicked away by Eirin via a high kick! Visibly surprised, Sakuya tries to move back, but Eirin sends her left foot crashing into Sakuya?s torso sending her reeling. The maid somehow recovers, and staggers onto the ground, somehow not falling down. Eirin however does a spinning kick with her right leg into Sakuya?s gut sending her flying the remaining length of the hallway into the wall with a gasp!

Sakuya, now with a desperate look, attempts to pull out what appears to be a golden pocket watch with her left hand?

?Oh no you don?t!? says Eirin, throwing her bow ahead of herself and pulling out a spellcard.

Oddly, she slams the card into the wall?

?Stealth Shinobi: Hidden Floor Arrow!?

A golden energy arrow suddenly bursts forth from the ground at Sakuya?s right hand!


Caught completely by surprise, the maid finds her tool for time freezing knocked square out of her hand! Eirin then does a spin move as she moves forward to collect her bow? Even while it was still in the air, that same left hand of Sakuya?s is shot through with a well aimed arrow from Eirin, pinning the maid to the wall! What speed?!

Sakuya?s agony was only added to as Eirin finished the job by shooting through her right forearm, and both of her upper legs, further pinning her to that wall. Eirin simply stopped and waited while Sakuya cried out in agony?


Eirin walked up to her attacker? The hunter had become the hunted. Sakuya?s breathing was most heavy, her face drenched with sweat, her wounds spilling blood onto the once pristine hall.

?Tis a shame Sakuya? You should have left when you had the chance. This makes you the one who missed an opportunity now, does it??

Eirin caressed Sakuya?s chin with her left hand for about ten seconds.

?GET YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM ME!? demanded Sakuya in a rough, gravely voice.

Almost as if she was obeying, Eirin backed off? ?while loading another arrow into her bow.

?Since you threatened Eientei, I can no longer let you live. Perhaps you?ll find the truths you desire in the next life?? said Eirin, her face devoid of emotion.

She leveled the arrow at Sakuya?s neck?

?Die, Sakuya Izayoi.?

The maid glanced at her impending death silently? When something unexpected happened! Sakuya screamed in agony once again as she suddenly started to build up magical energy! Alarmed, Eirin fired the arrow, only to have it knocked away by the waves of energy building around Sakuya.

Shock filled the nurses? face as she saw Sakuya do the unthinkable? She actually snapped the arrows holding her arms to the wall, and ripped out the arrows in her legs! It was as if she was completely oblivious to the pain! She reached into her right pocket, pulling out a spellcard!

?WOUND SIGN: INSCRIBBLED SOUL!? yelled Sakuya as she charged her opponent.

The shocked Eirin put her hand up in defense, but to no avail? Sakuya?s eyes now gleamed a red color as she riddled both Eirin, and the hallway with thousands upon thousands of slashes. Blood, flesh and splinters were sent flying every which way as if a hundred butchers in a single row went to work all at once?

Sakuya then slumped over to the side, leaning against the wall, letting Eirin?s shredded corpse fall to the floor. Clad in a severely tattered red and blue dress, Eirin?s slash laden corpse now lay in a quickly expanding pool of her own blood, shocked eyes still open?

Panting heavily, Sakuya glances back at Eirin?s remains as she struggled to calm down.

Dammit! What I?m to do now?! Wait? Her special medicines?!

Doing her best to fight the pain, Sakuya began the long crawl back to the room the medicines were stored, her eyes returning to their original blue color?

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #13 on: April 21, 2009, 06:20:35 AM »

Meanwhile, in a rather large clearing within the bamboo forest surrounding Eientei, many, possibly hundreds of youkai rabbits began to gather in front of a small, wooden stage. Inexplicably enough, the stage had a large American flag with a carrot put up on its back that all who sat in front of the stage could see. It was as though an old fashioned military style briefing was to begin?

Reisen flew overhead and caught sight of the gathering. She raised her eyebrow as she slowed down and decided to drop in.

?What in the world?? How much time was this here exactly?? asked the girl to herself.


?TROOOOOOOPS! ATTENTIOOOOOONNN!? came Tewi?s voice over what sounded like a megaphone.

The other rabbit girls quickly stopped their playing around and began sitting in perfect rows, much to Reisen?s surprise. Tewi suddenly jumped up from behind the stage, landing on the front with a graceful flip now clad in black shoes with white socks, and a green army helmet with holes for her rabbit ears.

?Is everyone accounted for? Okay, let?s begin!? announced the small bunny girl without a megaphone.

The sensitive hearing of the youkai girls, combined with the fact that they were now quietly sitting relatively close to the stage meant that they could now hear what Tewi was saying clearly in any case.

?Tewi? What are you doing?? asked Reisen, leaping onto the stage and approaching Tewi?s left.

?Ah, Reisen! You?re just in time for the strategy discussion!? said Tewi cheerfully as she faced the other rabbit girl.

?Strategy discussion? You were about to finally reveal what you were going to do about the Scarlet Devil Mansion Maid Army, along with the capturing of the subjects without informing Mistress Eirin, or myself??

?Mistress Eirin already knows of my strategy, and is busy deciding troop movements for her half of the army.? said Tewi innocently.

?But that still does not explain why I haven?t been told of this, Tewi?? pointed out Reisen as she put her hands on her hips and bent over to put her face closer to Tewi?s.

Tewi just smiled nervously, as Reisen?s shadow blocked the sunlight to her face.

?I was going to tell you? Eventually??

?Long after the meeting?s conclusion I presume? Or perhaps you forgot? Or maybe you were going to bring me in an objectionable way? Yeah, that last one sounds about right?? said Reisen.

?D-don?t be silly Reisen! Th-th-the reason you weren?t told? Um, you see??

As Tewi stammered on in an ill-fated attempt to find an excuse for leaving Reisen out, three more youkai rabbits jumped up to the stage, each carrying an item: one carried some rope, one carried a roll of duct tape along with a bottle of chloroform, and the last one carried an empty, folded up burlap sack.

?Captain! Target was not in her room, usa! We have aborted mission!?

Reisen noticed the three, and raised an eyebrow.

?Tewi? What ?target? are they referring to??? asked Reisen suspiciously, pointing to the three behind her.

Tewi turned around, giving the three a frantic eye signal to leave, whilst wearing a frantic expression. However?

?Captain, why would we retreat when the target stands in front of you?? asked the middle duct tape wielding rabbit.

?What was that now??? said Reisen, folding her right hand into a gun shape and putting her right index finger on the back of Tewi?s turned head.

Tewi sweated profusely as her mouth became a perfect upside down triangular shape, and looked to the left and right frantically.

?I-I-I-I-I have absolutely no idea what they?re talking about! Really, what are you two speaking of??

?Captain? You asked us to knock her unconscious, tie her up, stuff in this sack, then drag her here.? said the rabbit innocently.

Reisen pressed in her finger further.

?Ow, ow! I-I-I was talking about another rabbit girl that just happens to resemble Reisen! I?d neeeeever had such a thing done to my dear Reisen! Really!? rambled Tewi, still trying to fake innocence.

?I see. You really wouldn?t??? asks Reisen, with an eyebrow still raised, but removing her finger.

The smaller rabbit girl turned around clasped her hands in front of herself.

?Of course not! Do I look like I would do anything wrong??? asks Tewi with a sharp toothed smile that reeked of faked innocence.

?Yes.? said Reisen rather bluntly.

?So mean! You?re hurting my feelings Reisen!? cried Tewi.

?Somehow I?m not too sure about that...? said Reisen indifferently.

?Please stop Reisen! You?re making me sad!?

?Once again??

?I?m sensitive you know!?

?Oh really???


?Not really.?

?Not really?!?


?Why not?!? asked Tewi looking like she was about to cry.

?Because I can?t believe you Tewi. You?re a jokester and a pathological lair whose insatiable urge to trick people often causes you to do annoying things to people, even when you should be working on something important. Namely, our strategy session.?

Tewi just stared at Reisen, and Reisen stared back. The exchange continued silently for about a minute. The three gear wielding girls behind Tewi shrugged and left the stage. The girls on the ground just waited quietly.

Tewi suddenly put her left fist up into the air.

?Well then, shall we start our discussion?!? she said excitedly.

?Shouldn?t you apologize for so many lies??? sighed Reisen in a disappointed down hunching over a bit with her head down.

?But I never lied!?

?You never learn do you?! By saying ?I never lied?, you in fact HAVE lied!? argued Reisen.

?Which means I don?t lie. I?m glad you see my point! Now let me tell you my ultimate plan!? spoke Tewi happily.

Reisen sighed deeply while putting a palm to her face.
?Alright, alright, just hurry and tell me the plan already.?

Tewi nodded her head twice with a curvy bunny smile before snapping her fingers. By seemingly nothing at all, the flag was pulled upward and away, revealing a ridiculously large chart of? ?somewhere in outer space?? The chart had dotted lines, X?s for locations, and what appeared to be moons with letters on them. The other bunny girls (save for Reisen) applauded Tewi?s ?display.?

Tewi pulled out a very large stick (read: pool cue), and began pointing out various things on the chart whilst explaining them to her.

?It?s a full proof plan, Reisen old friend! First off, we take off from Earth where we travel approximately 20,000 lightyears to this point??

Tewi pointed to that point.

??where we then detour over this way??

Tewi made a motion as if she were drawing a very small hill, tracing one of the lines.

??swing around this moon??

The stick made a circle across said moon before going upward.

??then proceed another 40,000 lightyears to THIS point??

The stick went to THAT point as well.

??before finally shifting to the left, and thusly reaching the fabled Planet X!?

Tewi pointed over to a moon with a large X on it, and tapped it. She then put the stick back into her right hand, and supported it with her left, looking very proud.

I have GOT to stop letting her watch so many Saturday morning cartoons? thought Reisen in her mind. ?Tewi? ?aren?t you thinking of something else???

Another minute long pause ensued. Tewi kept the same expression as before, but her face turned a little red, and the sweat began to return.

?Buh! Huh! Buh huh huh huh huh huh huh!? began Tewi before turning away from Reisen and snapping her fingers with a miserable look on her face. ?I forgot? That?s next week?s mission??

The chart detached from the wall, flipped over, and attached again. The other rabbits (save for Reisen) clapped again in amazement of Tewi?s supposed ability. The flipped over chart revealed the area around Eientei for the next few hundred miles. It showed mostly forests, lakes, and mountains. Over the spot where Eientei would be was a box with an arrow pointing to the mansion, and saying ?You are here.? There were several yellow circles, and one red circle, all on specific parts.

?See that sign Reisen?? said Tewi, tapping the ?you are here? sign.

?My eyes are still working Tewi.?

?We?re located here.?

Reisen rolled her red eyes.

?According to our Message Butterflies??

?Message Butterflies??? interrupts Reisen out of reflex.

?Oh? I didn?t tell you?? asked Tewi innocently.

?Of course not!? said Reisen, clearly annoyed that Tewi failed to inform her about these ?Message Butterflies.?

?Ah? They are in fact, the latest invention from Yagokoro-Sensei! With these, we were able to spot the targets heading in the general direction of the lake in the mountains. But because they have so little power, they don?t last long. We couldn?t get anything more.?

Just then, a purple butterfly with red and blue wings fluttered by, and landed on Tewi?s outstretched free hand.

?Mistress Eirin made these? Hm? Okay, so what?s your general plan for capturing them?? asked Reisen, sitting up straight while keeping her hands on her hips.

Tewi somehow managed to further widen her already wide smile.

?It?s a full proof plan! See the yellow circles? They symbolize the points where my bunny squads will ambush them.? explained the small bunny girl.

?But what if that fails??

?That where you come in, Reisen Bunny!?

I don?t appreciate her calling me that? thought Reisen in her head, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. ?And just how is it that I come in??

?You lure them to the red circle, where we spring our trap!? said Tewi with a head tilt.

?Your trap? Well I?ll just do what I have to do.? said Reisen in an oddly indifferent tone.

?What?s with that?? said Tewi as she raised an eyebrow in a questioning expression.

?Nothing. I?ll just do it.? replied Reisen with minimal emotion.

?Alrighty then! Inabas!? called Tewi.

The American Flag from before was returned to its former place as Tewi began pacing back and forth like an army general. She then stopped at the middle of the stage, facing the other rabbit girls. Reisen put her hands behind her back, and backed away a little.

?Gentlemen!? called Tewi.

All the other rabbit girls stared at Tewi with raised eyebrows for a few seconds before looking at each other. It didn?t take long for Tewi to realize her mistake and correct herself.

?Ahh?! Ladies! Today will be the Inaba Army?s day of Glory!?

Oh, brother? thought Reisen.

?The upcoming operation will be difficult. It will test the limits of your strength and ability. Some of you may not return from this mission, but you?ll at least enter the afterlife knowing you did so for the cause of our Princess Kaguya! Now let us go forth, and put an end to the conflict between the Princess and her rival, once and for all! Are you with me Inabas??

The Inabas all raised the fists and cheered in response. Reisen didn?t seem to pay attention, appearing to be in deep thought?

?Reisen? I?ll understand if you want to be scarce during the operation?s climax? But you must know that I can?t just leave the princess to herself? Not after what I?ve done? But even so, I ask you to think this over. Think about our future if all goes well.?

Not ever leaving the Princess? Our future? Is fate really so cruel, Mistress Eirin?

She was snapped out of her thoughts by the voice of Tewi.

?Hey Reisen, why aren?t you cheering with us??

?Huh? O-oh, I guess I was thinking about something else.?

?C?mon, look more excited! You?re as eager to complete this task as anyone of us, aren?t you??


?Yeah?? C?mon Reisen, are you with us or against us??

Reisen had a moment of hesitation?

?Um? I? ?I?m? ?I?m with you. D-don?t worry about it.?

?Sheesh, did you eat a bad carrot or something?? asked Tewi with a head tilt.

Just then, another butterfly flutters by for a bit before landing on Tewi?s shoulder.

?Oh??? mumbles Tewi as she apparently listens to its (silent?) message. ?Inabas! The fairy maids of Scarlet Devil Mansion are moving toward our territory! Move out and defend!?

The youkai rabbits loudly acknowledge the order before getting up and running away from the stage to take their posts.

?Remember Reisen, we?ll be counting on you in case anything goes wrong okay?? asked Tewi before flying off.

?Yeah...? said Reisen as she blankly watched Tewi leave.

She just stood for a few seconds with another blank expression before flying up to leave herself?

[Spell Break]

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #14 on: April 21, 2009, 06:21:55 AM »
[Fourth Spell]

The day was now in full swing. The sun was all the way up, and the sky hardly had a single cloud in it. A slight wind blew through the forest?s edge, with moderately warm air. A perfect day, or so it seemed?

The four girls- Marisa, Alice, Mystia, and Wriggle emerged from the forest?s edge, stepping into the vast grasslands of Gensokyo. It was something they rather would?ve avoided, but in order to get to the mansion, there was no other choice?

?If we move quickly enough, we may yet avoid the Inaba Army.? claimed Marisa with a smile.

Alice turned toward Mystia, while continuing to walk.

?How is your wing?? asked the doll carrying girl.

?It feels better now, though I still doubt I can fly with it.? responds Mystia.

?If we need to fly, I?ll make a little room on my broomstick, okay?? says Marisa as she briefly faced Mystia, giving a thumbs up.

?Um? Thank you?? said Mystia, not properly looking back at Marisa.

Wriggle looked over to Mystia (when she couldn?t see her looking of course) with a sad expression for a few moments.


?I still don?t think this is a wise thing to do Marisa.? said a concerned Alice.

?Well it?s too late now, so you?ll just have to go with it.? replied Marisa.

They soon came to a rather large lake that was over looked by tiny forests, and a range of large mountains. The path that led to the mansion seemed well enough?

?Its rather quite here? I thought we would?ve seen a few fairies around by now.? commented Alice.

?This path takes into some thick trees located nearby? If I were settin? a trap, I?d put one there, ze.? said Marisa.

?Well then, what would you do?? asks Alice.

Marisa turns around with an evil sharp toothed smile on her face.

?I?m really glad you asked that Alice!? says Marisa.

Alice, with a nervous expression on her face slowly steps back.

?A-ah, M-Marisa???


On the other side of the lake, a young looking fairy girl with large, spiky wings that looked like they were made of ice could be seen. She had a green bow, and ice blue hair with aqua eyes. She had on a one piece aqua blue dress skirt with white, spike like trend along the bottom edges. She wore a light pink, short sleeved blouse under the dress, with a tiny red ribbon below the collar. Unlike other fairies, she was human sized as well.

?Aww? Why can?t I find any good frogs to freeze around here? It really shouldn?t be like this at this time of day.? complained the fairy in her high pitched, but not quite annoying voice. ?This isn?t any good at all! Its becoming boring around here! Makes me wish it were winter??

A few seconds after she said that, she saw a flash out the corner of her eye.


Being a simple minded fairy, she immediately grew curious and flew over to the light source?


Meanwhile, Marisa was holding up an unusually large golden coin, Japanese in design, seeming to be freshly waxed. She seemed to be shining it in a certain direction.

?So? ?what exactly is this latest brilliant plan of yours Marisa?? asked Alice skeptically.

?Watch and learn dear Alice, watch and learn?? said Marisa confidently.

?Um?? muttered Wriggle as she watched, along with Mystia.

It wasn?t too long before the quartet could see a blue fairy girl flying overhead, drawn to the gleaming light. Upon spotting the devilishly smiling Marisa, the fairy?s face turned to an expression of anger.

?Ah, Cirno! Just in time?? called Marisa.

Err? What could she want with that idiot ice fairy?? thought Wriggle to herself.

?Hey you! Why were you of all people shining that light just now?? asked Cirno (pronounced Cheer-no) in a peeved tone. ?You didn?t do that to make fun of me did you??

?Naah. I actually just came to challenge you. I figured a curious flash would be the best way to get your attention.? said Marisa with a wink.

The short tempered Cirno landed in front of Marisa, walking up to her with her fists up.

?Challenge me so you can humiliate me? I outta freeze you right at this moment for saying something like that!? said the angry ice fairy.

?Tis not a danmaku fight I?m looking for per say?? began Marisa, waving the coin a bit. ?But a small race. Whaddya say??

?If you want to race against me, you?ll be sorry! I?m faster than any fairy around here!? said Cirno confidently, but still with rashness in her voice.

Wriggle, Alice and Mystia all continued to understandably look on skeptically.

?I?ll take that as acceptance. Very well? I?m going to through this coin into the trees up ahead. The first one to retrieve the coin and bring it back to this spot to show these three will be the victor.? finishes Marisa.

?Hmph! Finding a mere coin huh? I?ll make you wish you?d never thought up this little game of yours, human! This will make up for my past failures against you ten fold!? exclaimed Cirno.

?Okaaaaay?? Marisa leaned her arm back to throw the coin? ?Three? Two? One??

Cirno took a starting position like that of a runner, pointing herself in the direction of the coin.


Marisa hurled the coin into a surprisingly far distance. As she did so, Cirno took off at full speed in the direction of the coin? She of course didn?t run after it herself. Now she put an ear out into the direction that Cirno ran?

?Umm? What are you do-?

Alice was interrupted.

?Shh! Listen closely?? said Marisa.

Alice stood dumbfounded, wondering what Marisa?s big plan was? Wriggle and Mystia looked at each other for a bit, then listened out themselves? Two minutes later?


?Ah, I was right! We?ll go this way then.? said Marisa, turning and walking past the three youkai.

?I get it? You wanted to see if there were any traps set up, and used her?? said Alice with a grumpy expression.

?And you know it would work because she?s a total idiot, with an attitude problem.? added Wriggle.

?You guys win the prize ze!? exclaimed Marisa happily.

?What? ?would that be exactly??? asked Mystia.

?More time with me! Now let?s go!?

Sighing, the three youkai followed their ?leader.?

?I?m mean, what did you guys expect? She?s a total nine-ball!? finishes Marisa.

Wriggle raised an eyebrow.

?What in the world is a ?nine-ball????

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #15 on: April 21, 2009, 06:22:57 AM »

A few moments earlier?

?Argh, where is that thing? A human certainly couldn?t have thrown it that far?? grumbled Cirno as she searched for the golden coin as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, up in the trees?

?Commander! Possible target spotted!?

?Engage target immediately!?

?Yes ma?am!?

Without warning, a whole bunch of red lights dotted Cirno?s body?

?Huh?? What are these things? Do I have that human disease again? What was it, Pigeon Dots??


Soon after that, Cirno found herself hanging upside down from a tree branch, in large and thick, cocoon like wrappings.

?What?s going on here?! Let me down!? demanded the fairy girl, feeling the blood rush to her head.

Just then a large number of Inaba Army members, many of whom wielding wooden swords and sticks jumped out of the bushes, stampeding toward her.

?We got you! Now tell us everything you know!? said an Inaba that was wearing sunglasses.

?I can?t tell you anything if I don?t know what you want!?

?We see past your lies fairy! Now tell us where the human and her three youkai companions are going!?

?I don?t know what they were doing here or even care about them! Now let me down so I can finish the race!? squealed Cirno.

One of the bunnies hit Cirno in the side, sending her swinging.

?Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!?

?What race??

?I have to find the coin before the black does!? explained Cirno.

?The ?black?? You must be talking about the witch!?

?Yes, that?s her! Now let me down!?

?You can?t tell us what to do! We?re the ones that caught you!?

The rabbits began wailing on Cirno again, sending her on dizzying bobs and weaves.

?WAAAAAAAAH!!!? yelled the ice fairy.

?Ma?am! We should find that coin first! If we do, we can ambush the black-white!? suggested another rabbit.

?Good thinking trooper! You three with sticks! Continue pressing the ice fairy for information! Everyone else with me!? ordered the sunglasses clad commander.


?Wha??! How dare you! When I get out of this, every last one of you is going on i- OW!

Cirno was interrupted as she was whacked repeatedly by the bunnies.

?OW, OW, OW! You?ll pay for this! You?re all nine-balls!? vowed Cirno.

The bunnies stopped.

?What?s a nine-ball?? asked one.

?Beats me?? shrugged the other.

?Whatever, lets keep beating her with sticks.? said the third.

?Maybe candy will fall out!? exclaimed the first.

?Candy?! I don?t have can- OW, OW, OW, OW, OW, OW, OW!? yelped Cirno.


?By now, they think that we?re heading to that stupid coin. Whatever Kaguya is up to, she really shouldn?t have left it to such inept rabbits, ze!? laughed Marisa, mocking the Inaba?s behind their back.

?I must admit that your plan was? ?clever. And? ?interesting.? said Wriggle uneasily. If amoral and primitive? If nothing else?

?Why thank you!? said Marisa.

What an odd human? thought Mystia to herself.

?So typical of you Marisa? You?re prone to doing things like that quite a bit.? said Alice.

?If it keeps us safe, and enemies off our backs, it?s perfectly fine.? explained Marisa happily.

?Fine, just don?t ever think of doing that to me.? sighed Alice, putting a hand to her head.

?Ahh, don?t worry I have a strict policy against doing that to friends.?

?And yet you steal from them, and mooch from them? Just like you intend to do at that mansion.?

?We?re just hangin? out for awhile, don?t worry.? explained Marisa with a thumbs up.

?I?m sure we are?? said Alice, rolling her eyes skeptically.

A few more minutes of walking, and the four girls could see a small black ?cloud? of some sort in the distance?

?Head?s up!? warned Alice, seeing them first.

?What?s that?? thought Mystia out loud.

?Hmm? Wondering when they would show up?? snickered Marisa with a deviant smile.

?Ahh?! Those are in fact?? began Alice.

??the fairy maids of the Scarlet Devil Mansion!? finished Wriggle.

?Complete with that flying devil of Patchouli?s.? added Marisa. Even though I didn?t exactly want them to show up this soon? Then again, it won?t matter too much if we make it quick. Besides, I need a good fight...

They were the fairies of Scarlet Devil Mansion. Clad in French maid uniforms, and varying in size from that of a standard fairy to a full human. They all carried weapons in the form of? ?household cleaning appliances. Hundreds, upon hundreds approached the four heroines who prepared to stay their ground. Leading them was Patchouli?s assistant, Koakuma, flying with her large black wings.

?Mystia get behind me!? said Wriggle as she covered the night bird.

Koakuma halted, the fairies doing the same as they looked at the group.

?Marisa Kirisame! We have come ask you about a certain book you may have stolen from us!? announced Koakuma.

?Wow? Need I remind you I only borrow books from your Mistress? Even with her crappy health, she?ll long outlive me, so she can have them back then. Also, why is she only sending forces against me after all this time?? responded Marisa.

Yeah? That?s a good question? thought Alice, raising an eyebrow.

?There is a particular book! It is imperative that we have it back!? explained Koakuma.

?What is it? Did I steal your Mistresses personal diary or something?? teased Marisa.

?This is no joke, black witch! If you won?t give me a straight answer, then I?ll force if from you!?

Koakuma raised her hand? The maids held their tools at the ready?

?ATTACK!? shouted Koakuma as she brought her hand down at high speed.

The maids began charging the quartet at high speed! Reacting almost instantaneously, Alice held out her left arm at the maids. Several dolls materialized with bows and arrows, firing yellow shots into the maids. Many yelped as they were shot down.

Marisa, smiling evilly as pure usual, summoned several green spherical familiars that floated around her. From these familiars came very thin red energy beams that tore through a good number of the maids, causing some to explode into fairy dust.

Meanwhile, some of the fairy maids fired at Wriggle and Mystia, both of whom dodged. Two flew in at Mystia, but the bird quickly slashed them away with her claws, shattering their weapons. Wriggle flip jumped into the hair, landing on a fairy?s head, and sending her face first into the ground. After that, the two stood back to back.

?I still can?t fly Wriggle.? said Mystia.

?I?ll take care of it then. I know I?m not at full strength, but?? responded Wriggle as she pulled out a spellcard. ?Butterfly Sign!?

Wriggle felt her body surge with power as her bandages disintegrate.

?Butterfly Storm!?

The card flew into the air above the two animal youkai, exploding into a storm of yellow, red, blue, and green danmaku. The magic bullets struck at maids from all sides, bringing many down. Despite still feeling weak from the ordeal with Kaguya, Mystia isn?t about to sit around and not help (her ego depended on it!). She pulled out a card of her own?

I?ll have to use a weaker one for now? she thought to herself. ?Vocal Sign ~ ?Howl of the Horned Owl!??

Mystia threw the card into the air, letting it explode into swarms of red and blue spearhead-like bullets that added to Wriggle?s attack. The energy flowing in her body blew off her bandages as well.

At some point, Alice took to the air, surrounded by dolls. She continued using the dolls to bring down maid after maid, while dodging their own attacks, be they physical or otherwise. One maid managed to slip past Alice?s assault, coming at her from behind. But her attempt ended when a doll came from nowhere, and stuck a sword right through the right side of her head. She promptly fell into dust. Alice dodged magic bullets and kunai thrown by a few more maids before having her archer dolls take care of them.

Marisa annihilated several maids with thin white beams shot from familiars, causing Koakuma to cover her eyes. When she uncovered them, the black dressed devil saw the black dressed witch on her broomstick, zooming toward her with an evil smile on her face at a rather high speed. Koakuma immediately darted backwards while materializing familiars of her own on her sides. The familiars -elaborate white circles- fired thin white laser beams of their own at Marisa while Koakuma herself added in white bullets. The blonde haired girl however zoomed and weaved through the beams and projectiles, lowering her head when necessary. She put a hand to her hat to keep it on as she sped past Koakuma and her assault.

Marisa was clearly faster than Koakuma. She got some distance before swinging around, speeding at Koakuma like a fighter jet. The winged girl?s face began to sweat a bit as she darted away from the green blasts that Marisa fired at her like machine guns. She sped away up into the sky frantically as Marisa continued her pursuit whilst firing green projectiles out of her hands. It wasn?t long until Koakuma had enough. There was only so long she could keep this up due to her inferior speed after all.

She drew a spellcard?

?Clairvoyant Sign!? she shouted, the spellcard beginning to glow.

?Oh??? muttered Marisa, seeming curious.

?Walk of Many Saints!?

As the card vanished, Koakuma began emitting a green colored aura around her body. She briefly held her arms out to the sides and up diagonally before holding them straight up. Thick green and grey clouds formed above her open palms. Finally, she through her arms straight out at Marisa.

The clouds transformed into a devastating number of dark green and light grey bullets that sped at Marisa like sine waves and circles. Additionally, some bullets weaved in with each other, making dodging more difficult. None the less, Marisa found a way through, letting bullets graze her with mild stinging as she just narrowly inched by them.

Koakuma tried to move backwards, but moving quickly wasn?t possible with this card out. A look of near panic came upon her face as Marisa got in closer while summoning two more familiars to join the two already out. The four familiars tailed behind her. As Marisa fired her usual green shots, the familiars fired small white bullets as well.

Unable to defend herself, Koakuma was pelted with numerous magic bullets. This disrupted her spell, the bullets it generated quickly falling apart into yellow energy, and then into nothing. Koakuma backed off, coughing while holding her left shoulder. Her dress was tattered in places.

?All bark and no bite as usual, eh Koakuma? If ya can?t back up what leaves your mouth, then your mouth shouldn?t open.? taunted Marisa. ?Now it?s time I showed you a spellcard attack.?

Marisa pulled out a spellcard of her own.


Oddly enough, Marisa slapped the card to the side of her broom? The card glowed bright blue, filling the broom with energy.

?Blazing Star!?

Suddenly, to Koakuma?s surprise Marisa shot forward at an unbelievable speed whilst surrounded by a magical blue aura that made her look like a shooting star, many blue stars falling behind the witch! Before Koakuma knew it, the tip of the broom was plunged dead into her stomach, knocking her away at a high speed with a gasp! She fell limply as a few drips of blood escaped her mouth. This went on for a few seconds before she recovered and stopped herself, holding her stomach and looking at Marisa.

Blast? I can?t do a thing against a power this much stronger than mine? thought Koakuma to herself. Forgive me Ms. Patchouli. I?ve failed you.

Marisa then flew over to Koakuma, sitting on her broom rather casually.

?Now if it isn?t too much trouble, would you mind telling me about the book you?re after?? she said with a now more pleasant smile.

Koakuma blinked, hesitating, unsure of what to make of Marisa?s casualness.

?C?mon, you lost. The loser has to tell that which the winner wants to hear.? said Marisa.

Koakuma swallowed, then spoke.

?If you say so? The book we search for is one filled with many odd riddles, poems and tales.? explained Koakuma.

?Why didn?t ya say so? Hmm?? Marisa paused to think, putting a hand to her chin. ?Naah, don?t think I?d have something like that. I?m only interested in spells ya know.?

?Nhh? Are you sure?? said Koakuma depressively.

Marisa merely shrugged. Koakuma then took on a more determined expression.

Wait? We still have Eientei left? In fact, the others are position by now? thought Koakuma to herself. ?All maids pull back! Full retreat!?

The remaining maids obeyed, flying away from Wriggle, Mystia, and Alice. Some of the survivors were carrying out injured. It wasn?t long until the SDM servants had retreated, and Marisa along with Alice returned to the ground by Wriggle and Mystia.

?Sheesh, not even a ?goodbye? or ?thank you?? Man, what?s this world coming too?? asked Marisa, looking into the sky.

?Are you two alright?? asks Alice to Mystia and Wriggle.

?I?m okay. They didn?t even lay a finger on me.? said Mystia in a way that was halfway unemotional and halfway boastfully.

?I seem to be doing alright myself. I don?t think I even opened any wounds.? said Wriggle checking herself.

Marisa then walked up to Wriggle, who looked up questioningly. Marisa gave Wriggle a thumbs up and a wink.

?You did good there kid! Nice job!? said Marisa.

Wriggle blinked for a few seconds, then smiled back with a small blush.

?Thanks Marisa.? she replied. And I was even able to protect Mystia?

?Hm? Well thanks to that little fight, we?ve lost some time we couldn?t afford to lose. Let?s hurry up to the mansion already.? said Marisa.

?Huh?! But weren?t we fighting maids from the very mansion mere moments ago?!? asked the shocked Alice.

?I second that!? adds Mystia with a slightly angry expression.

?They?re not heading back there? To the mansion I mean.? said Marisa vaguely.

?What do you mean?? asks Wriggle.

?I noticed they were heading the wrong way?? said Marisa as she turned around? ?and dropped her smile. ?They?re in fact heading somewhere else??

Marisa began to wonder what was going on seriously now. The time for playing may have just ended? Wriggle recognized the direction of where they were going after a few seconds herself.


Those maids and their devil leader were heading straight for Eientei.

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2009, 06:24:07 AM »

Leaping from tree branch to tree branch like a ninja, Tewi hurried over to where the other rabbits were. Stopping at a certain tree, she leapt to its top just in time to see defenses prepared and final preparations made in anticipation of the oncoming SDM maid onslaught. The other youkai rabbits were leaping to and fro, hurrying to get their last minute tasks out of the way. Tewi heard a voice above her.

?Ma?am!? called another rabbit girl.

Tewi looked upward just in time to see another rabbit girl falling slowly from the sky, carrying another Message Butterfly in her hand.

?Report, usa!? commanded Tewi.

?Defenses are prepared, and most of the troops are in place! We?re ready to launch operation, usa!? reported the bunny girl.

?Excellent work! Use the butterflies to keep me apprised!?

?Yes ma?am!?

The girl then handed Tewi the butterfly for her first report. Tewi put it to her ear, apparently ?listening? to it?

?Rats, they?re not heading for any of the ambush spots at all! Did something happen???

That?s when the voice of Reisen came from behind?


?Oh? Reisen Bunny?? said Tewi, turning around.

?Don?t worry about that. I?ll lure them to the capture zone. You just concentrate on defending the mansion.? said Reisen with a serious look.

?Then I will defend it! Good luck Reisen! Be safe!? called Tewi.

?I will! Thank you!? called Reisen back as she flew off?


There were hundreds, seemingly thousands of them? Fairies dressed like French maids closed in on the forest that hid the mansion known as Eientei. As they did, their winged leader pulled back so that she could oversee the inevitable battle.

?Go fourth and strike! Don?t hold anything back! Break through that forest along with everything else! We won?t stop until we?ve searched every last hidden corner of Eientei!? yelled Koakuma.

Many Inabas hid in trees and bushes, watching the oncoming maid army. Many looked scared, others looked determined, while others still looked confident.

?Steady? Be ready on my command. We?ll hit them with every ounce of strength we can muster!? said the apparent leader of these front line rabbits.

The maids picked speed, fully intent of breaking through to Eientei. The rabbits waited?


They drew closer and closer, holding their usual primitive weapons...


At that moment, hundreds upon hundreds of Inabas leapt out of the trees above the maids, surprising them with astonishing speed! They leapt a very great distance away from the trees to reach the maids, indicating use of flight power. Many maids were able to move back, but many more were jumped onto, sent into the ground. Some maids attempted to help each other by coming to the ground themselves.

But this is what the bunny girls wanted?

?Ground forces, attack! Charge!?

More Inabas poured out from the bushes, firing magic bullets, as well as attacking with wooden swords, kendo sticks, and small tree branches! They came charging and yelling toward the maids, running at an incredibly high speed. The maids hesitated for a bit, then charged forward, themselves.

In mere seconds, the meadow became a violent battlefield.

On the ground, maids and humanoid rabbits battled with primitive, makeshift weapons in the form of cleaning appliances and wooden swords. In the air, maids and humanoid rabbits flew around like rabid bees as they fired massive amounts of shots in a full blown danmaku battle made for the clouds. Many maids yelped as they were shot down, but many Inabas were felled as well.

Some maids pulled back, taking to the sky while firing large yellow spheres of energy. Many of the youkai rabbits were forced to scatter and pull back to avoid the spheres. Upon contact with the ground, the spheres exploded violently! Inabas that were too close at the time of the explosions were hurled through the air, crashing hard onto the ground.

Meanwhile, the larger maids took advantage of their size compared to the Inabas, using it to push them back, while smaller sized maids attacked from farther away using yellow danmaku bullets.

The rabbits had superior speed, but the maids were stronger. In addition, Koakuma had turned out to be a great tactician. Even though Tewi had carefully planned the initial defense, Koakuma was quickly adapting.

?Get forty more to the left! Hurry!? she shouted, pointing over to her left instinctively before turning to another maid. ?I want to deploy them. Tell them to attack.?

The maid nodded before flying away from the heated battle. Koakuma then turned her attention to several Inabas flying right toward her. They fired shots, but Koakuma was able to dodge.

?I won?t let you! Lady Patchouli is counting on me!? announced Koakuma.

Koakuma raised her arms straight up into the air, forming a large ball of energy. She pointed her arms, along with the energy ball at the incoming bunnies. The ball shot forward. The bunnies moved to avoid it when suddenly it exploded into a large number of Kunai! Taken by surprise, the rabbits were run through by multiple Kunai, falling to the ground.

?Keep up the attack! We?re getting through!? ordered Koakuma.

And she was right. The Inaba Army was being pushed back?

Twenty more Inabas ran out of the cover of bushes carrying spears. They spent a few moments running toward the battle that drew ever so closer to the forest before throwing off their spears. Thanks to their innate youkai strength, the spears were able to reach the battle?

One maid had just finished blasting two of her rabbit enemies. Seeing a glint, she looked into the air mere seconds before she was impaled by a spear, falling apart into dust before she could even utter the beginnings of a scream. But that wasn?t all? That same spear suddenly exploded into danmaku! Nearly a hundred yellow and silver bullets burst from the spear, ending the lives of many fairy maids around it.

The other spears had the same affect, some even exploding before they even reached the ground! With her warriors suddenly dropping like flies after gaining an advantage, Koakuma grew worried.

Where are they?! she thought to herself as she dodged a spear bullet barrage.

As if on cue, she got her answer in the form of throwing knives finding their way into the flesh of several frontline Inabas, who immediately fell over in pain. It was the work of blonde haired, red dressed versions of the fairy maids who were wielding and throwing knives!

?Finally? Back up the troops. Take out those spear throwers if you can.? ordered Koakuma.

The maids acknowledged the command in the form of swiftly taking down more Inabas. They were also able to knock away spears with their knife throwing, making it much easier for the remaining maids to dodge.

Excellent? These are the mansions best. They were trained by Sakuya herself! thought Koakuma.

Koakuma, needing to rest, lands on the ground just in time to meet several more maids carrying large scrolls. She turned to them.

?Get to work on those right away. We?ll need them to break through the canopy.?

The maids nodded, then opened the scrolls which immediately began charging with energy. The energy didn?t seem to be magic oddly enough?


Tewi watched the explosive fighting from afar with a telescope. She closed it as she moaned in frustration.

?Darn! Those new maids are ripping our forces apart! At this rate, we?ll lose for sure!?

Tewi jumped down from the tree she was in, landing on the darkening ground. The slow onset of dark clouds began to block out the sun, casting an eerie shadow upon the forest. After looking around for a few moments, Tewi ran in the direction of the mansion. She didn?t run far before she got to were she was going, finding what she was looking for?

A bright smile lifted her face.

?Great! Hurry up and use them!?


  • soujiko x yousuke is my otp
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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2009, 10:33:59 AM »
whoa man u resurrected this so soon?

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #18 on: April 21, 2009, 07:02:00 PM »

The battle raged on. Maids and rabbits clashed with each other head on, some resorting to fisticuffs. By now, the battlefield was littered with fairy dust, rabbit girl corpses, dropped weapons, holes from explosions, and fires from ignited grass.

Through the smoke, Koakuma charged into the battle, no longer harboring thoughts of her injuries. Grabbing a staff dropped by one of the Inabas she proceeded to fight her way through their ranks, unwilling to allow Eientei?s forces to hold her own troops back any longer. Two bunny girls, freshly off the kill of a fairy maid charge at her, ramming into her with a team head butt.

Koakuma gasped in pain as she staggered back. Using her wings she prevented herself from falling over, hitting away one Inaba with her right fist, then clasping her hands over her head, and bringing them down like a sledge hammer to knock down the second Inaba. Next, she fired more red energy balls that exploded into Kunai inside the Inaba ranks.

?Incoming! More spears!? a maid suddenly shouted.

Koakuma looked up to find more of the deadly spears. Some exploded into deadly danmaku in mid-air. However, many knives thrown by the elite maids hit the most of the bullets, making it easier to dodge the rest. Further more, thin laser beams hit the remaining spears, disintegrating them.

Koakuma looked back to find that the scrolls from before had taken flight, firing upon the Eientei rabbits from a distance! Patches of dead grass were present where the scrolls rested while still on the ground?

?Keep firing!? ordered Koakuma.

But one would get the feeling that they would do just that, even without orders. The maids manipulating the scrolls didn?t show even the smallest hint of mercy as they fired their thin purple laser beams at targets both on the ground, and in the air. One sword wielding Inaba took to the sky to get away from the ground battle, only to have a laser pierce her thigh. Too surprised to even let out the slightest gasp, she fell ?in severe pain- back to the ground.

Other scrolls began shooting off many yellow spheres as well, further decimating the Inaba forces. One soldier observing the battle from slightly farther away backed away fearfully before turning around and running back into the bushes.

?C-c-commander! We?re getting pushed back! We need reinforcements, usa!? she shouted frantically.

?Hold position! They?ll be here!? assured the commander.

Just then, a large number of yellow and silver bullets zipped towards the commander, she saw them, but was taken by surprise. Unable to dodge, they fell on her? The soldier rabbit had to watch helplessly as her commander disappeared in an explosion of magical energy.


Panicking, the youkai rabbit ran past where the commander?s remains would be into the forest. She didn?t look back.

?N-no?! I-it?s too much!?


Tewi paid no mind to the frightened looking Inaba that just ran past her. She figured that soldier had orders and was frantic to complete them. Shedding her odd helmet, she got to the edge of the forest just in time to see that the battle had drawn closer to the edge. Smoke obscured the view of the combatants.

?Inabas, hurry!? called Tewi, looking behind her.

Now an interesting sight appeared? Wooden carts ?each pulled by three Inabas- began emerging from the forest. They each had four massive wheels, along with odd, metal objects that could only be described as giant Yin Yang half-orbs with odd, thirteen foot long protrusions that faced forward. The Inabas rolled the carts closer to the fight at a surprisingly quick speed.


A fairy maid in the air spotted the Inabas emerging from the forest, along with the strange devices they were dragging along. She immediately dropped to the ground, pointing in the general direction of the carts.


Koakuma, who was bandaging another maid, looked ahead?


?Hourai Tanks, take aim!? commanded Tewi, instinctively putting her right finger into the air.

The apparent ?Hourai Tanks? raised their protrusions (turrets) into the air while charging up with purple magical energy. An Inaba was on top of each one, charging the tanks with energy?


She leapt back as she saw several of her fellow rabbits fall to the ground after the vicious assault of the red maids. Several more of her comrades were thrown to the ground, crumpled to heaps in front of her. Mere seconds after that, one of the knife maids leaped at the girl with a slash, causing her to leap back further. The maid immediately jumped again, slashing once more before even landing. The rabbit girl raised her sword to defend, but it was cut in two as wooden swords are no match for sharp knives.

Once that happened she yelped a bit before falling on her behind. The maid stood over her, smiling evilly as she prepared to put an end to this troublesome rabbit?s life? She raised her hand into the air, the rabbit warrior looking away and putting her hands up in panic?

But death did not come?

Instead of finding her executioner when she looked up, the rabbit found the red maid jumping away from her with a panicked look on her face. Puzzled, the Inaba looked back? ?to see a brilliant purple light. The same light that had scared her would-be killer away. But instead of running away from it like her attacker did, she instead got up and ran toward it!


A few moments earlier?

?Fire!? yelled Tewi, bringing her arm down.

From their nozzles, the Hourai Tanks let out thick, purple lasers, firing them high into the air!


Koakuma and the maids watched the lasers as they fired into the air, seemingly without threat? They traveled diagonally into the sky for what seemed like an unnaturally long amount of time?

But without warning, the lasers exploded into nearly a hundred smaller ones each! They traveled so fast, that the SDM forces were taken by near-complete surprise!

?LOOK OUT!? shouted Koakuma as she flew backward as fast as she could.

She was forced to watch as a whole barrage of lasers fell on the maids she was with mere seconds ago, causing a very large annihilating explosion complete with thick black clouds of smoke. Looking around her, Koakuma could see what looked to be hundreds of other lasers slamming into her forces, causing more of the jolting explosions!

?What sort of weaponary??!?

Koakuma didn?t finish her sentence for she saw fairy dust falling around her? Looking into the sky, she could see the super-fast moving lasers tearing through her airborne forces as well! Mere seconds after that, she saw more heading her way!


She flew to the side, dodging both, the lasers and deadly explosion? ?only to find that several of them did NOT hit the ground and were now following her! They were homing lasers! Koakuma gasped, barely diving out of the way of the lasers that zipped passed her, ripping her already tattered dress. She heard more explosions around her, along with the shrieks of fairy maids that were being vaporized. Not bothering to look around her, Koakuma looked up?

?and leaped forward just in time to dodge them, sent flying by the subsequent explosion. Once she landed in the ground, she slid for a few yards, not moving after that.

More of the lasers slammed into the scrolls, burning them in magical cinders. Despite the relentlessness of these powerful new weapons, some thirty or so maids (including a few knife throwers) managed to break through toward the Hourai Tanks. Several maids opened fire with yellow spheres, smashing into the tanks and exploding them, causing the Inabas to scatter.

Some of the escaping Inabas found themselves hit by lasers and knives as they attacked. It would seem a few scrolls had survived as well. A few maids managed to get into the forest, fighting their way towards the manor.

Tewi was ready however. She picked up and threw a rock (rather than magic bullets) at a maid, hitting her right in the face. As she screamed and reached up to grab her bleeding nose, Tewi leaped forward and introduced the fairy to her best right hook. After Tewi took care of her, she could see other fairies being pounced upon by Inabas that were hiding in trees. After that, the remaining maids were sniped with danmaku and rocks.

?Good job everyone! Hold out a little longer!? ordered Tewi.


Ten maids leaped backwards in desperation in an attempted to escape the barrage, but to no avail. The explosion ripped through them, the hand of what was once an elite maid sent flying through the air. Even though several Hourai tanks were destroyed, the remaining ones kept attacking. The Inabas powering them began to look quite fatigued, but kept up their effort. By the same token, the remaining maids continued their assault.

Koakuma slowly stirred? Slowly she left her head up to see the carnage had moved just a little ahead of her now. The casualties of war surrounded her, filling her mind and sight with truly grizzly images. But she knew it could be much worse if she failed to retrieve that book? All this over a small book? That was how important this book was!

Her resolve very quickly returning, she tightened her fists, unwittingly grabbing dirt clumps in her hands. She slowly stood back up again, ready to complete her mission, once and for all!

?Miss Patchouli? I?ll complete this task for you, even if I must die!?

Charging her right arm with magical energy, she charged forward at the Inaba Army, ready to fight with all her remaining strength.



An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #19 on: April 21, 2009, 07:03:47 PM »
They heard faint rumbles in the distance behind them, and to the side?

?D-do you guys hear that??? asked Mystia, looking back.

?I do. Sounds like the party got started over there?? commented Marisa.

?It is good that we headed out when we did.? added Alice.

The four girls continued to move ahead, when they heard a larger boom, further raising concern. Turning their heads back, they saw lights ?danmaku- along with faint plumes of smoke.

?Ehh? Don?t tell me that?? began Marisa.

?Did you not expect it? Those maids are attacking Eientei.? said Wriggle.

?I didn?t think it would be quite like that? Attacking me I can understand, but invading that castle??? said Marisa.

?I don?t think we can leave anything up to chance now. We should hurry.? said a concerned Alice.

?She?s right.? added Wriggle in agreement.

?No objections here. The sooner I can get that Patchouli to tell me what the hells so special about this book she?s lookin? for the better!? said Marisa.

Wriggle and Alice flew low to the ground while Marisa sat on her broomstick.

?Hop on!? said Marisa to Mystia with a smile.

Wriggle watched silently as Mystia hesitated for a bit. The bird gulped before slowly and nervously approaching Marisa.

?Oi? You don?t trust me by now??? asked Marisa with a sigh but still smiling if a bit more sadly.


Mystia finally walked over after a little more hesitation. Marisa moved further up her broom to allow the nightbird room. Mystia slowly and carefully sat down, making sure she held on tight.

?O-okay?? she said.

?Let?s go!? said Marisa.

The four girls sped toward their destination, only vaguely aware of the danger ahead?


?Ow? OW!? yelped the Inaba as Tewi bandaged the wound on her right arm.

?Hold still. I can?t put it on as well if your fidgeting.? said Tewi.

The sounds of the battle could still be heard from behind Tewi, even though she had run back into the bamboo forest. Several Inabas from the mansion soon ran up to her.

?Ma?am, we?ve received a message! Reisen is about to engage the targets!?

?Already? Which tree are we observing that operation in?? asked Tewi.

?The thirty-third? ?no, thirty-fourth observation tree to the south. Hurry!?

?We?ll take over here!? said another Inaba.

?Thank you.? said Tewi as she ran off.

As she ran she could see a number of other Inabas heading to the forest?s edge, each carrying a weapon. Three more Hourai tanks were being dragged to the battlefield as well. A few minutes later, Tewi had reached the tree she was looking for. Rays of sun, impaired by the spring clouds, shone down on the land, casting an eerie gold and grey light. It began to feel humid as well.

Tewi now waited for the next Message Butterfly?


Something odd began happening? A forest was up ahead. But this forest was substantially bigger and taller than it should?ve been?

?Marisa?? Was that always there??? asked Alice, unfamiliar with the territory since she didn?t come here often.

?Not sure if it was quite like that? Damn, since I never fly this low, I can?t tell for sure.? replied Marisa.

?Huh? Haven?t we already been here already as well??? asked Wriggle, more to herself.

?Suddenly, I?m not too sure myself?? said Alice.

Despite their uncertainty, the girls flew closer to the forest. As they approached, the forest seemed to? ?move farther and farther away?

?What the hell?? asked Marisa to herself.

?Something isn?t??

Wriggle didn?t get to finish as the ground began cracking? Despite being in the air, the four girls could feel rumbling, and hear something emerging?

?LOOK OUT!? cried Mystia.

A large number of brown, seemingly gelatinous jaws attached to muddy, worm-like creatures broke out of the ground, attempting to chomp the four girls, all of whom barely evaded the attack!

?Oh, geez?? said the shaken Marisa.

Another brown jaw lashed out at Marisa at a frightening speed. The witch shot upward like a rocket, once more just avoiding becoming food for? ?something? Mystia nearly fell off, but held on none the less. Wriggle yelped as she barely avoided becoming food for three more jaws. Finally, one lashed its tongue at Alice, managing to wrap it around her ankle. Not willing to be chomped on, Alice quickly and frantically summons several dolls to cut the worm-like creature to bits.

?What in the world is it?!? asked Alice, fear in her voice.

Marisa swoops in, and blasts two of the heads with green blasts.

?Is it a youkai?? asks Mystia.

?I?ve never seen anything like this?? said Wriggle, also blasting several heads.

With that, some twenty-five new worms emerged from the ground, shooting above the girls in an attempt to come down upon them from above. Alice put her left arm up in surprise, but found herself being pulled out of the way by the combined forces of her dolls and Wriggle.

?Th-thanks?? she muttered.

The four girls dived downward, and away from the creatures. After they were at a relatively safe distance, the worms withdrew back into the ground. After that, more rumbling and shaking could be felt a something even larger emerged from the ground, a single entity? The four girls watched in awe as a huge beast, seemingly made from mud and dirt emerged from the ground!

It had wide, empty holes where eyes would be and an even wider hole farther down for what passed for a mouth. The monster was huge, easily towering over the girls, and having a much intimidating girth. It let out rocky groans as it emerged, and slowly slithered over to the girls.

Returning to the ground, Wriggle, Mystia, Marisa, and Alice backed away from the creature, attacks at the ready.

?Fire into the beast?s mouth!? yelled Marisa as she charged an attack.

Marisa materialized familiars. They fired green, crystal-like objects which could pass for Christmas trees to the untrained eye. They were added on top of Marisa?s powerful hand blasts. Wriggle opened fire with thin green beams. Alice materialized more bow and arrow dolls, having them aim their white and gold arrow shots at the mouth. Finally, Mystia fired red and blue arrow shots that moved in undulating patterns.

The blasts entered the mud beast?s mouth, causing it to cringe violently and rattle. It growled as it stopped moving, making the attack appear to work. Marisa dared to let a smile begin to from on her face, when all of a sudden, the creature formed a massive fist on it?s right side, and brought it down with great force upon the girls, letting out a vicious roar as it did so.

The four all jumped back, but were blown away from the sheer force of impact, ending up on their backs, skidding for a small distance.

?We?re not having an effect! What do we do now?? asked Wriggle as she stood up, clutching her left shoulder.

Alice and Mystia were silent, as they hadn?t any idea of what to do. Marisa stood up next, oddly smiling again. She pulled out a small, wooden, pentagram shaped object with a number of different kinds of crosses on it? She held it out in front of herself with her cupped hands.

?Only one thing to do in a situation like this!? said Marisa, the object she was holding glowing with rainbow colored power.

?What are y-??? asked Wriggle before being cut off.


Before Marisa could finish whatever attack she was attempting to use, the beast greatly shrank in size, and split into four faceless blobs!

?Huh?!? said Marisa, canceling her attack.

The blobs moved at an insane speed, circling the girls with an obvious intent to strike at any moment. All four of them stood back to back, waiting to defend themselves. Mystia was breathing somewhat heavy, not wanting to feel pain again? She had not mentally recovered from the torture she had to endure from Kaguya, and had to use all her will power to stop herself from panicking.

Meanwhile, Wriggle racked her brain in an attempt to come up with an escape. Flying was already exhausted as an option, as the beast would likely just use the fast moving worm attack again. Danmaku didn?t appear to have much effect, and physical attacks were out of the question? There had to be a weakness somewhere? Wriggle was sure as shootin? she wasn?t going to let end like this!

Suddenly, one of the blobs stopped for a moment, then rushed the girls!

?JUMP!? warned Alice.

Alice and the other three heeded the warning, Marisa taking flight with a single hand on her upward pointed broomstick, and the three youkai girls jumping with their innate strength, letting the offending blob bounce under them. Another blob leaped into the air after them, forcing them to scatter. Mystia flipped off her right hand as she returned to the ground, spinning around as she landed, just in time to find one of the blobs directly in front of her. Mystia jumped backward as the blob attempted to crush her. She instinctively tried to flap her wings, her still healing broken right one being racked with sharp pain as a result. She yelped as her back filled with sharp pain, looking at the blob again.

?Gah! I won?t let you kill me!? she shouted at the monster.

The blob tried to jump on her again, she leaped backwards, but it wouldn?t be enough?


The night bird suddenly found herself being grabbed, and rolled out of the way thanks to Wriggle, who was careful to make sure Mystia didn?t land on her wings. The blob bounced away without doing any damage. The two quickly stood up.

?Mystia, are you alri-?

Mystia suddenly pushed Wriggle out of the way, then leaped to the side herself, saving the both of them from a mud blob that tried to tackle them from behind. Mystia?s superior hearing allowed her to detect the danger. While on her stomach, Mystia spoke.

?Their so fast? Is there no way defeat them??? she said to herself.

?Surely there?s a way?? said Wriggle, unclear as to whether or not she was responding to Mystia.

The youkai insect?s antenna briefly touched each other as Wriggle closed her eyes and concentrated?

Come to me?

Meanwhile, Marisa and Alice continued battling the blobs themselves. Desperate, Alice flicked a hand through hair, materializing dolls that flew at the blob she was fighting. The dolls exploded on contact with the ground, but the blob zipped past them flawlessly! Marisa on the other hand went with the more straightforward approach of firing at the blobs rapidly. But even when she led her shots, she couldn?t hit them.

?Damn it all! They?re too freaking fast!? grumbled Marisa.

This isn?t good? thought Alice.

After a few more seconds of having her eyes closed (and dodging another blob attack), Wriggle snapped them open in realization.

?You can?t see them?! You mean? ?what we see? ?what we?re fighting is nothing at all??? said Wriggle, seemingly to herself.

Wriggle suddenly found herself staring down another blob. She gulped as it lunged toward her, but didn?t move?

?Wriggle, what are you doing?!? yelled the shocked Mystia.

But what was even more shocking? ?is that the blob totally passed through her!

?W? ?what?? stammered Mystia questioningly.

?I see now? Everything up till now? ?hasn?t been real. Someone is fooling our senses!? announces Wriggle.

Marisa looked back at Wriggle, first questioningly, then seeming intrigued? Alice was soon back toward the black witch, with both of them being circled by two blobs.

?Hold on? If she?s saying what I think she?s saying?? began Marisa before smiling. ?Heh? Should?ve known??

Alice began another attack, but Marisa grabbed her right arm.

?Marisa, what are you doing?! Let go!? chided Alice.

Marisa put a finger to her mouth and winked at Alice.

?Just wait?? said the witch.

The two blobs leaped up to attack? Screaming, Alice put up her grimoire holding left hand to defend? ?and nothing happened?

Yes, the two blobs had totally passed harmlessly through the both of them!

?Wh-what?? Just what is??? muttered Alice.

Marisa only smiled.

?Huh? It all makes sense now?? she said with her eyes closed.

?What is it you?re on about?? asked Alice questioningly.

?Don?t tell me you don?t remember? Something like this happened before, during that incident with the moon to be exact. The way we were getting lost just now, this monster? It was all her doing.? explained Marisa. ??Reisen??

?The rabbit girl who protected those immortals? But her illusionary powers weren?t that strong before?? said Alice.

?Apparently she did a goooood bit of training, ze.?

The blobs continued attacking, but there was no urgency from their prey any longer? Wriggle looked at the crater left by the mud beast?s earlier attack as she along with Mystia walked up to Marisa and Alice.

?That fist attack? I think it was actually a bomb of some sort?? said the insect girl. ?And my friends? ?they?re telling me that the illusionist lies that way.?

Wriggle pointed over to her right.

?Using your insect friends to find a weakness, and instead discovered the illusion eh? Pretty good.? said Marisa with a wink. ?Its fortunate that they don?t suffer the effects of her ability like we do. Wave manipulation? Huh??

?She can manipulate light waves and sound waves on top of her ability to induce lunacy in humans?? sighed Alice at the revelation.

Marisa then held out her right hand?

?Time to end this charade??

?and fired a white energy beam into the nearby forest.


An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2009, 07:04:51 PM »
She gasped as she sensed the beam coming? The purple haired rabbit girl leaped out of the way of the white energy beam that would?ve caused damage for sure had it hit.

So that is the end? I thought I could stall for more time than that? No choice, now I?ll have to face them directly?

Materializing an object that looked like one of the hand weapons of the outside world (a biretta pistol), Reisen prepared for round two?


Not long after Marisa fired her beam, everything began returning to normal. The trees were correct again, and the mud beasts disappeared without a trace. The ground even now appeared undamaged from the battle, save for the bomb crater.

?It figures she would be after us after awhile?? said Marisa, smiling while still looking I the direction she shot her beam. ?Guess I?m gonna have to do something about that??

?Wait, you just said ?I?m gonna have to do something about that? so? ?do you intend to battle her all by yourself?? asked Wriggle with concern.

?Yeah, why not?? asks Marisa casually.

?But her lunacy powers are likely stronger than before! She?ll drive you mad within moments!? said Alice with concern.

?That thing didn?t work on me then, and as much as she improved, I doubt that she can hypnotize me now. Besides, when we both fought her last, who was the one who ended up needing to be saved because she was able to trick her so easily?? asked Marisa.

Alice looked a bit embarrassed.

?That was?! That was me.? sighed the doll user.

?It?s settled then! I?m the only one who can take care of Reisen, so I?ll fight her. You three stay close, but noooot to close? Don?t wanna blast ya after all!?

With that, Marisa ran into the trees.

?Marisa, wait!? called Alice. Aww? Guess I?ll just protect these two?

?I wonder if she?ll be alright on her own?? wondered Wriggle.

?If you ask me, she?s playing a very dangerous game.? grumbled Mystia cynically.


Reisen carefully but quickly ran through several trees, her ears open to the inevitable counter attack. After all, they knew she?d just chase them if they tried to run now? Her senses were alert? Cleary someone was approaching.

Only one of them?? Oh well? Which way will she strike from?

Reisen carefully listened with her long, thin and stiff rabbit ears for any movement, or attack. It was quiet for now? Perhaps the enemy was approaching by air?? All she could pick up were the faint sounds of buzzing insects?

Ahh, I don?t hear anything? It looks like I?ll have to be prepared for an attack from anywhere?

And she was right. Reisen gritted her teeth as she leaped straight up into the air, narrowly dodging another white beam, courtesy of Marisa. The black witch suddenly burst out of some nearby bushes, attempting to whack Reisen dead in the head with the straw end of her broomstick!

Gasping, Reisen invoked her flight power, moving back to avoid the attack while taking the opportunity to look into Marisa?s eyes? Reisen?s eyes briefly flashed pink upon looking into Marisa?s golden ones. Marisa however only sneered as she landed safely on the ground.

Huh?! thought Reisen as she also returned to the ground.

?I guess that still doesn?t work on me, eh Reisen? Too bad, cause now it?s gonna be easy beatin? the crap outta ya!?

Reisen was silent for a few seconds.

?I don?t have time for insults. Let?s just get this over with!? said the rabbit girl, dead serious.

Marisa looked serious, but wouldn?t be able to think about it more as Reisen pointed her gun at the witch and fired a single shot. Marisa was quick to side step the yellow bullet that was oddly shaped like a suppository?

?Wow, I don?t think you were nearly this tense the last time? Are you guys really interested in those two children back there??

Reisen didn?t answer, materializing a second gun, and leaping toward Marisa. The black-white jumped far backward, and up into a large tree branch, dodging single shot fire from the purple haired rabbit. Reisen then leaped into the air herself, firing her guns at the same time.

But instead of two single shots came some forty at once, spreading out!

In response, Marisa back flipped off the tree branch while tucking her broom under her right arm. She cupped her hands in front of herself as she fell down, firing green blasts of her own. Some cancelled out the yellow bullets, while others got through, forcing Reisen to jump back.

Marisa took the opportunity to strike, pointing her broomstick forward, and speeding toward Reisen like a giant bullet. Once she was close enough, she executed a devastating spinning attack with her broom! Reisen however was able to back flip over the attack, the low amount of height she got allowing her to return to the ground mere seconds afterward.

With Marisa now vulnerable, Reisen zoomed in, and crashed her right knee into the witch girl?s stomach, causing her to gasp for air. Even as she felt all the air leave her lungs, Marisa could feel a right hook exploding across her left cheek, sending her flying backwards and into the ground.

Reisen pointed her guns forward, hoping she knocked out the witch girl. It was apparent that she didn?t find success. Marisa quickly got back up, wiping her mouth with her left arm. She put her arm down to reveal a mischievous smile before spitting out a bloodied, knocked out tooth.

?Heh, not bad Reisen! There?s just one small thing you didn?t factor??

Not waiting to find out what that was, Reisen fired another scattershot blast from her guns. Marisa spun her broom in front of herself like a staff, and ran through the danmaku, knocking all the bullets away! Surprised, Reisen found herself having to back flip in order to avoid a leg sweep with the broom?s straw half. Marisa then tried to send her left foot into Reisen?s stomach, but Reisen (who dematerialized her guns) deftly caught it, and flipped Marisa. The witch recovered and landed properly however.

Reisen ran over to Marisa, attempting to land a hard and high kick to the witches head with her right leg? And was shocked when Marisa blocked it like a professional martial artist by putting both arms to her left side!

??you?re not the only one studying martial arts!?

Marisa then grabbed Reisen?s ankle to restrain her, reaching out with her right hand to fire a green blast right in the rabbit?s torso! Yelling in pain, Reisen was sent flying backwards to her back. She quickly leaped up, holding the wound to her stomach.

?Now howabout you tell me what?s going on around here today?? asked Marisa in an oddly casual tone.

She speaking so childishly, but I think she?s actually serious right now? I?ve got to stall for more time? Get further away from here? thought Reisen. ?You?ll have to catch me first!?

Reisen then began jumping away.

?Bring it on!? called Marisa, giving chase.

All the while, a butterfly with a blue wing and a red wing sat on a tree near them?


Tewi received another Message Butterfly.

?Wh-what?! But that route takes them farther away from the ambush point! What?s Reisen thinking?!? said a dumbfounded Tewi.

?Perhaps something has gone wrong?? I wouldn?t worry though.? said another rabbit girl with a wink.

?What do you speak of??

?I trust her. Maybe there is a secret plan?? spoke the rabbit vaguely.

That very rabbit then put on a small red and blue necklace with a red cross on it?

?Wha??! You?re with Eirin?s half!? said a further dumbfounded Tewi.


Reisen jumped from tree branch to tree branch, trying to get away from Marisa, never looking back once.

C?mon, you four keep following me?

Of course, Marisa was the only one she knew for sure was giving chase.

This could?ve gone better if they?d all followed? At least then I?d know for sure?

Reisen continued moving away at a very great speed. But her senses picked up Marisa quickly catching up to her with a dastardly smile! Reisen was fast being a rabbit and all, but Marisa was even faster. The black witch didn?t need long to catch up?

Forced to turn around, Reisen materialized a very large metallic object that she held over her shoulder (a bazooka), and fired a very large purple energy ball from it. It exploded in a bright, annihilating flash as it sped toward a surprised looking Marisa. But Reisen would be shocked herself when Marisa would emerge from the smoke less than a foot away from her!

Reisen tried to dematerialize her strange weapon to defend herself, but it was too late? While still in mid-air, Marisa leapt off her broom, but held on with her right hand. She zoomed toward Reisen and planted the tip of the broom dead into Reisen?s torso? ?exactly were she?d been hurt by the magical blast from earlier. Reisen gasped as rabbit blood flew out of her mouth while she flew backwards from the attack. Reisen then slammed hard, back first into a nearby tree, bouncing right off of it.


Finally, the rabbit girl fell face first onto the ground. She slowly got up, holding her stomach with her right hand. Marisa held her broom to the side as she watched Reisen. She was back on the ground, and had a much more pleasant smile on.

?Not bad Reisen, but ya should?ve been a little more intense. Now then, mind tellin? me what?s goin? o-?

?I don?t answer to you.? interrupted Reisen rather plainly. ?I won?t tell you what I know, and I won?t surrender. But my plan obviously failed, so I?ll retreat for now.?

Reisen then turned around and flew away. Marisa looked at her as she flew away, puzzled. Why stop that quickly?? It was really weird? Marisa decided against any further pursuit as it was probably a trap, and not worth it. Instead, she returned to her friends who had followed the fight, and were waiting in a small clearing.

?Marisa, are you alright?? asked Wriggle.

?You kiddin? After an easy fight like that?? asked Marisa back.

?Easy?? But? ?she wasn?t all that weak last time? She could deal with you on an equal level anytime?? mused Alice with concern. ?This is becoming too strange??

?Uh?? Your sleeve?? pointed Mystia to Marisa?s left sleeve.

A small part of it had been reddened from wiping blood earlier.

?Oh, that?s nothin? she just got a lucky shot is all. We?d better get movin??? said Marisa.


Reisen stopped after a short time, dropping to her knees.

Did I get them far enough? I?m not certain I did?

Just then, Reisen could here something swooping to her right, going past her.

?Huh?!? she said alarmed, as she looked over. ?What was that??

?Don?t worry? It?s our backup plan!? said an Inaba as she walked out in front of Reisen.

Reisen looked a tad confused at first. But that?s when she saw the red and blue emblem the rabbit girl was wearing?

?But that?s?!?


A small group of Inabas, wearing the Eirin insignia had jumped out in front of the four girls.

?You guys don?t give up, do ya?? asked Marisa with a wry smile that hinted at hidden aggravation.

?Why so few of them?? Surely, there?d be more?? muttered Mystia.

That?s when the swooping objects appeared? Small, black, almost shadow-like circles large enough to surround any of the present girls. Two of them sped under the surprised Marisa and Alice, and before they could react?

?You lose!? said an Inaba confidently.

?the circles turned into purple magic seals, and began shooting purple stinging and numbing energy upward! Marisa and Alice hollered in pain as the energy shot through them.


?Oh no?!? said Wriggle in shock.

Mystia slowly backed away in fear? ?until she saw another circle positioning itself under Wriggle?


Wriggle, to her surprise, found herself being pushed to the ground. She turned her head to a screaming Mystia, who was now being engulfed with deadly energy! Another circle had activated where Mystia had been standing just a few seconds earlier?

?Mystia!? cried Wriggle as she got up and ran toward her friend.

She tried to grab Mystia to pull her out, only to be shocked and knocked back down to the ground.

?WRIGGLE, GO! PLEASE GET OUT OF HERE!? cried the nightbird over her pain.

?I won?t leave you?!? responded Wriggle.


Wriggle bit her lip as she got up, tightening her fists?


Meanwhile, Alice gritted her teeth hard as she looked over to the suffering Marisa. Fighting the intense pain, she put her book up and undid the strap locking it with her left hand?

The Inabas were shocked to find that Alice was suddenly surrounded in a golden aura of power! With her book open, her true power was revealed! Alice leaped out of her death circle, pushing Marisa away from her own. Several of he remaining dolls grabbed the witch?

?G? GET HER AWAY FROM HERE?!? shouted Alice over her pain as her aura disappeared just as quickly as it came. ?GO!?

The dolls were visibly reluctant to go, but did as they were told without hesitation. They dragged Marisa into the forest at a surprisingly high speed. Marisa wasn?t able to resist?

?A? Alice?? she muttered, when she realized she was being pulled away from her friend.

?Inabas, after them!? shouted an Inaba.

Wriggle, with her head down finally began turning to leave.

?Mystia, I promise that I?ll come back for you! I swear I will!? vowed Wriggle as tears rolled down her eyes.

The firefly youkai then turned around, following Marisa and the dolls?

[Spell Break]

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2009, 07:05:40 PM »
[Fifth Spell]

?Who are you?? asked an echoing, deep male voice.

?I am who I am. I?m just a simple human girl.? responded a feminine, slightly gravelly voice.

?Only a human like the rest indeed. However? ?you come here, and yet do not fear my appearance. All others have trembled at the mere sight? ?mere mention of my flames. And yet here you are, walking towards me as if you were in some sort of trance. Tell me girl, why do you seek me??

The girl, whose tattered robes only barely covered her legs slowly approached the figure?


?Power?? spoke the voice in an almost mocking manner. ?Power is it? Answer me, girl.?

?Yes? I need? ?power. I beg of you??

The being could now sense the girl?s pain? Her helplessness? Her soul was a tortured one? She had been running away for a long time. A very long time.

?Bewitching? Those no fear in your voice? No emotion in your eyes, no pride in your heart. I do not sense any ulterior motives on top of that. You are a broken being.? spoke the voice.

?I have long since forgotten how to feel fear... Happiness and joy elude me at every turn. I can seldom find a moment where I can enjoy such things? But now? ?even when I sleep? ?I only??

Now the creature saw into her red eyes? Desperate eyes that cried for help?

??I only feel pain.?

?I? ?see.? said the voice, lowering his tone. ?You are caused pain by those around you, are you not??

?Y-yes? They hunt me? Hurt me? Everywhere it?s the same? ?by humans, and youkai. I? ?have no place in this world.?

?Hmm? We bear the same curse? The world refuses to understand us, and therefore wants us gone. But they cannot do away with us no matter what they do, no matter how long they come after us. You however differ in me in one aspect??

The girl looked up?

?You cannot defend yourself in this world that has rejected you. I can tell by the pain in your heart that you have lived a long time. But in all that time, you have not been able to keep them from torturing you, persecuting you, taking advantage of you? So you came to me out of desperation, hoping I would pity you.?

The girl was silent. As she stood in front of the great flames?

?We are both one in the same. So I am willing to make a contract with you.?

The girl?s dead eyes brighten ever so slightly with new hope.

?I thank you.? she said, voice with more emotion.

?I ?the Great Phoenix? ?will give my power, strength and soul to you, a human who has no place in this world, so that you may defend yourself from those that hate you. Just know that every time you use my power, you will be answering to me for all you do. Also know that I am not God, and you are still a human. You can still die, and feel pain. Finally, you will need time to control this power.?

Suddenly, the flames moved in on the surprised girl, engulfing her! She disappeared in bright flames!

?Now then girl, becoming the Phoenix incarnate, and wield a power that can only be surpassed by God!?

The girl felt a great heat enter her body, as strength she had never felt before surged through her muscles. As her clothes burned away, she looked into the sky with a look of complete awe, not sure of what to think of all the power being given to her. She began screaming into the sky, her voice resembling that of the might phoenix?s proud roar?

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2009, 07:15:19 PM »

Mokou awoke from her slumber, perched upon the branch of a large tree near the human village.

?Must've dozed off? Ah?? she said absently to herself before leaping to the ground, hands in her pockets. ?It?s the same two dreams over and over again? Something just doesn?t feel right at the moment. I?m probably making too big a deal of this? I wonder what?s keeping Keine??

Mokou shrugged before walking forward, looking up into the darkening sky. Grey clouds were slowly blotting out the blue sky.

?Storm clouds today?? After such a nice day too? Something about these clouds are a tad strange though?? said Mokou with suspicion. ?Strange? ?yet familiar??

Now Mokou took on an expression of contempt as she continued staring at the dark clouds above her.

?There were clouds like this on that day as well?? she sighed.


?Father, hold on! I don?t want a new mother!? cried the young Mokou as she ran up to her father.

He was a man shielded from view thanks to the bright sun?s rays. All she could see was his reassuring smile.

?There there, Mokou. Be calm. Kaguya is a very sweet woman. You?ll enjoy having her around.? spoke the man reassuringly.

?N-no?! I don?t want a new mommy! And y-you?ll be gone a long time!? sobbed little Mokou. ?And what if you can?t even find what she requested??

?Don?t be silly, Mokou. I have good leads on the Robe of the Fire Rat. I will claim it on my own quickly, then come back to you with Kaguya by my side. Then we shall be a happy family once again.?

Young Mokou just stared at her departing father her eyes filling with more tears as her face twisted with sorrow. Without a word she ran toward her father who kneeled down, and held her in his arms. Mokou sobbed as she buried her face into her loving father?s chest.


?I?ll return home soon Mokou. Do you understand??

Mokou only sobbed a few more times, silent for several minutes before speaking.

?I? ?I understand.?

Mokou?s father ended the embrace, still smiling as he stood back up. Mokou stood in place, her fists at her sides, tightening. Tears continued rolling down the poor girls face.

Outside, a crackle of thunder could be heard. The sun was rather quickly blotted out by a sudden storm that began brewing quickly.

?I leave my best attendants to take care of you. Now don?t forget my promise??

He began to leave, waving to Mokou as he left.

?I?ll return to you soon Mokou. Until then? Farewell!?

She watched as he left, her sorrow only growing. Her father was leaving her in order to win the heart of a girl she didn?t even know, and there wasn?t a thing she could do. Wait? There WAS one thing? She could hope and pray that her father would indeed keep his promise and return to her someday soon. She continued staring out of that open paper and wood door as her father finally disappeared from view.

At that moment, the rain finally began to fall?


?Yeah? A day just like this one all those years ago. It?s been over a millennia since that time, and yet it remains fresh in my mind. Every hour of every day I have one question looming in the back of my mind??

Mokou then looked down toward the ground, bringing her balled fists to her sides. She took a stance not too dissimilar from the one she took when she still just a small, powerless child, watching her father leave her.

?Father?? she began in a quiet and somber tone. ?Why didn?t you keep your promise???

She continued tightening her fists for a few more seconds? ?before letting the tension die down. She looked ahead, toward the nearby village, determination in her eyes and resolve her voice.

?But? ?what?s past is past. But even so? It remains her fault. And so, she will feel all of my pain along with me. Kaguya??

?Fufufu? I heard my name?? came an all too familiar voice from behind. ?Surely you were not referring to me were you??

Shocked, Mokou turned around, forming flames in her hands.

?Kaguya?! Where are you?! Show your face you coward!? yelled Mokou, looking quickly for any sign of her sworn enemy.

?Always that undying hatred of me, that desire to see my demise? It?s always the same every time you become aware of even the slightest sign of my presence. Of course, it?s no different for me when it comes to you of course.? spoke Kaguya?s voice.

?What the hell are you going on about?! Show your face if you?re so confident!? called out Mokou.

?Now now? No need for such harsh tones at this time? I did not come here seeking our usual conflict??

A holographic image (magically generated of course) displaying Kaguya in a rather dark room. Kaguya had on a semi-playful smile that hid a more serious intent. But still, her tone was far too casual?

?Instead, I have a small proposal to you. No, more of an invitation if you will.?

Wait? What is??

?I?ve grown weary of our heated rivalry, so why not conclude it for all time?? asked Kaguya.

Mokou put out her flames as a dumbfounded look formed on her face.

?Don?t play around! You know that can?t happen! Neither of us can ever be killed!? pointed out Mokou.

?What if I told you I found a way? A way that bypasses our immortal coils??

?If something like that came from you, I?d find it hard to believe? Like I am now!?

?Then why not come and see with your own eyes?? asks Kaguya with a head tilt.

Mokou returned her hands to her pockets, looking away from her enemy.

?I don?t have time for this? Next time you appear, don?t make it into a big joke.?

?So you won?t believe me? But I think you?ll still come none the less??

Mokou silently continued to walk forward.

?Weren?t you? ?waiting for someone?? asks Kaguya.

The hologram was following?

?It isn?t your business.? stated Mokou matter of factly.

?But aren?t you wondering just why Keine is taking so long?? Do you even know how long you?ve been waiting??

Mokou stopped. Come to think of it, she had no idea how long she slept? She looked back at Kaguya, who appeared to be enjoying this moment?

?Fufufufufu? There is a very specific reason why she?s late.?

Mokou began turning all the way around, taking her hands out of her pockets.

?You wouldn?t have?? said Mokou, a hint of fear in her voice.

Kaguya merely closed her eyes while still smiling, raising her right arm to the side, and snapping her fingers? Mokou was shocked beyond belief when two youkai rabbit girls brought in a frightened looking Keine, arms behind her back, and a cloth covering her mouth.

Mokou?s eyes widened with shock as she saw the sight. Sweat began to form on her face.

?Can?t be?! You couldn?t have?!?


Sometime earlier?

?Aww, where did I put that thing??? muttered Keine to herself as she searched somewhere underneath Kourindou?s desk.

She shifted some jars over to find a box wrapped in a purple cloth. She took it with her as she stood up over the counter again. She sighed a small bit before smiling to herself.

?It seems I can hide things a bit too well. I can?t even find my own things, despite my constant house cleaning!?

But right after chuckling to herself at the irony, Keine heard a knock at the door?


She to the front door of the shop?

?I?m sorry, but we?re closed for the day. You?ll have to-?

Keine was silent when she opened the door to find? ?herself?! Yes, a second Keine that matched the appearance of the original perfectly! Startled, a confused Keine backed away?

?Wh-what??! Who???

The second Keine had a very happy closed eye expression on her face, tilting her head as the real Keine backed away? ?before her face twisted into that of a monstrosity, black, oily eyes, with golden snake-like irises, along with beastly, sharp looking teeth.

With a mix of fear and surprise present on her face, Keine ended up dropping the box as the clone stepped forward, crushing the box unwittingly in the process. Before Keine could so much as gasp, the beast lunged at her?


?Kaguya, how dare you?!? growled Mokou.

?It would seem I?m holding the cards now, dear rival?? spoke Kaguya with an eerily calm tone.

?You b***h! This is between only the two of us! Leave her out of it!? demanded Mokou, quite angry now.

?Now that I have her, I believe you haven?t any choice but to accept my invitation.? spoke Kaguya, covering her mouth her left sleeve. ?Now don?t be long? My patience will not hold long? ?and neither will her life.?

Keine looked at Mokou pleadingly as she attempted to speak, but her words were muffled out by the cloth around her mouth.

?You?ll find an Inaba with information nearby. I?ll be waiting? Until then my rival, ta t a!?

With that, the projection disappeared, a magically charged stone dropping to the ground. Mokou stared blankly into space, her face twisted into a look of bitter rage?

?K? ?Ka? ?Kaguya?!? she growled.


An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2009, 10:54:20 PM »
It wasn?t long before the librarian of Voile was at the Mansion?s massive front doors. Many Fairy maids were on the laying on stretchers on the ground, bandaged and moaning with pain. The less injured stood outside, waiting to get inside for further treatment.

Patchouli looked around ahead worriedly, quick to notice that there were significantly less fairy maids present than what she sent out?

It was a rather thick crowd, as maids that had stayed behind at the mansion attempted to properly treat the maids that had gone out to fight. Since it was emergency treatments, they had to use the massive mansion lobby, and managed to take up a good chunk of it. Patchy moved through the thickness, desperately trying to find her loyal servant...

?Where is???

Just then, Patchy heard coughing with a fairly familiar voice, coming from her right near the door. Disregarding her body?s poor health, Patchouli ran over to find two maids hauling a badly injured Koakuma inside on a stretcher. Her dress was severely ripped and torn, and bandages covered her forehead, some of it covering her right eye. She was continuously wincing in pain. She was set down on the ground after a strict verbal command from Patchouli.

?Koakuma!? called Patchouli as she kneeled worriedly at her servant?s side.

?M-m-mi? Miss? ?Patchou- Patchouli?? said Koakuma in a weak, pained voice before coughing again.

?Thank goodness you?re alive? Just save your strength. Don?t try to talk.? speaks Patchouli.

?I?m? ?I?m sorry? ?Ms. Patchouli? The mission you gave to me? ?was a total failure??

Koakuma coughed again, a little more severely now, much to the alarm of Patchouli.

?Koakuma, don?t talk anymore!?

It was unclear whether or not Koakuma registered the command, as she continued her report, fighting her pain from the previous battle.

?The- they? ?had a strange new weapon??

?S? Strange new weapon??? asked Patchouli out loud unconsciously.

?We fought hard, but it overwhelmed us in the end? Many of us didn?t make it back?? spoke Koakuma before painfully sitting up somewhat. ?Surely they have the book Ms. Patchouli! Please, you must? ?get some? ?help??

That was all Koakuma was able to get out before falling unconscious onto the stretcher. The two maids carrying her picked her back up, and carried her away after that. After another minute, Patchouli stands up, and puts her left thumb to her mouth?


Now standing on the roof of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Patchouli wonders what her next move should be. She knew time was of the essence if the Eientei residents had malicious intent (she?s not yet aware that Kaguya does, but she?s been given plenty of good reason to suspect her). Perhaps it was already too late? She had to wrestle control of the book from Kaguya and her minions at any cost before anything catastrophic happened.

I should?ve done away with that book completely when I had the chance?! Could Gensokyo?s very existence now be standing upon the edge of a knife, simply because my own petty curiousity?? I was a fool to ever keep such a thing intact? But what has been done, has been done, has it not?

Patchouli sighed to herself, a sound drowned out by another gust of wind.

But? I can send no more. Koakuma has paid dearly for my mistakes already. Remilia is still recovering from that strange virus that only attacks vampires? Flandre isn?t an option at all? No? I cannot send any of them any way! This is? This is way too delicate for them? Perhaps then, only I?

Patchouli?s thoughts were interrupted when she sensed a familiar presence joining her on the roof? Patchouli?s face oddly enough, shifted to one of contempt.

?Mmm? Sakuya.? says Patchouli.

Sakuya was wearing a long sleeved version of her previous outfit. Her left hand and upper legs were bandaged?

?Yes, Ms. Patchouli. It is whom you say it is.? replied the silver haired maid.

?It seems even you weren?t able to find the book either.? said Patchouli.

?No. I ran into? ?complications and had to make a retreat.?

?Did you see what, if anything that was out of place or unusual at least??

?You of course are aware that the pharmacy has been closed for an unusual amount of time. Adding to that, the number of rabbits guarding the mansion was decidedly low, even during our attack? Whatever is happening, it is certain that Eientei won?t be center stage.? explained Sakuya.

Patchouli turned around to look at the taller Sakuya, book still in hand.

?I see?? said Patchouli as she noticed the injuries on Sakuya. ?Those wounds??

?I ended up battling with Eirin, but I was able to get to her medical supplies and sneak out before any of the rabbits spotted me.? explained Sakuya non-chalantely. ?I took a small rest to recover, but now I?m ready to go back and-?

?No. There is no need from any further assistance from you.? said Patchouli matter-of-factly, closing her eyes.

?What??? asked Sakuya, puzzled.

?I thank you for your help, but the one who will go to stop them now is me.?

Sakuya looked even more shocked now.

?You cannot be serious?! With your health-?

?I?ve taken that into account. For this to be done correctly, it must be done by me.? interrupted Patchouli, not backing down.

Sakuya was a little angry now.

?How dare you?! Are you going to just disregard me due to one minor set back?? asked Sakuya.

?You have demonstrated enough for me. When in a den of rats, a cat must move quickly to catch her prey. But in your case, the rats were able to outsmart the cat, where they not? Your catness is far too low for such an important task!? replied Patchouli swinging her left arm to the side as she finished.

Sakuya began tightening her fists.

?You? Just because you?re the friend of the Mistress? That does not mean you can just talk to me like that, or throw me away like some unwanted toy!? growled Sakuya.

?You aren?t in fact a toy, but a cat who has lost all her claws!? shot back Patchouli. ?If you must prove yourself to me and your mistress so much, then show me in a battle of our wills!?

Sakuya twitched at that line? Her anger slowly gave way to a very small smile along with a chuckle.

?A danmaku battle? And at this time too?? she said before growing serious again. ?I will neither back down, nor show you mercy!?

?As expected. I just hope you haven?t forgotten our first feud?? said Patchouli in a calmer tone, narrowing her eyes.

?I can assure you, that this won?t be a repeat of the feast incident. This time, I will have victory over you! That shall be the proof you need!?

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2009, 10:56:02 PM »
They stood for several moments silently, as if waiting for a signal of some sort to appear, and tell them to begin their fight? Suddenly, the two women jumped off the roof, flying backwards away from each other at a high speed. Sakuya drew knives, three for each hand, while Patchouli opened her book.

If I fight carefully enough, I'll attain victory for sure. She's not as energetic as she was last time, in addition she won?t last long in such weather? mused Sakuya. All I have to do is wear her down.

Both girls maneuvered through the castle-like towers on the roof, each hiding behind one for cover. Both waited?

Why doesn?t she make a move? thought Patchouli to herself.

After no more than five seconds, both women zoomed out of they?re hiding places, zooming toward each other! Sakuya, through her knives at Patchouli so fast, they were like blurs of grey in the air!


Demonstrating a surprisingly fast speed, Patchouli barely dodged the knives, spinning around to dodge the last one while at the same time throwing her left arm into the air. From the roof beneath Sakuya came dagger shapped, diamond-like objects that the made had to avoid. The razor sharp objects then immediately turned around and came falling back down, but by then Sakuya was already charging toward Patchouli.

Patchouli meanwhile held her open book in front of herself, as she flew towards Sakuya as well. The two clashed, creating a small, purple energy field as they did so. The intensity shook the mansion roof somewhat, and caused the two fighters to bounce back. Recovering in mid-air, Patchouli gained altitude as she unleashed a volley of fire balls at her opponent. Sakuya weaved around the various Mansion towers, causing the fireballs to slam into various places on the roof with somewhat loud explosions.

Moving quickly, Sakuya flew in again, trying to get close, while Patchouli continued to retreat.

?I knew it. In your current state, you have no chance in close combat.?

With some sweat on her face, Patchouli summoned a strong blast of wind in an attempt to push Sakuya away. But as she did so, she felt something strange happen, swearing she could?ve seen everything go black and white for a moment? The purple haired librarian was shocked to find that some fifty knives were now heading toward her! Desperate, she quickly used a certain spell?

?Emergency Spell! Air Tornado!?

Patchouli?s body appeared to burst into several white cyclones that blew the knives all away, while ripping shingles from the mansion roof! Patchy quickly hid behind one of the remaining towers. Her breathing was somewhat heavy, and sweat lined her face?

It seems I?m not as strong now as I was last time? She fights so tenaciously, even with those injuries? But even so, is she really the one?

Not waiting for Sakuya, the Youkai magician silently summoned a barrage of gigantic hail stones?

Sakuya quickly put away the Lunar Dial, as she saw the barrage of hail stones coming out at her from the place where Patchouli was hiding. Weaving quickly yet carefully around the elaborate patterns at which they approached, the maid got a little closer, then pulled out a single knife.

?Amateur things like this will not defeat me!? exclaimed Sakuya.

Holding the knife by the hilt?s tip, Sakuya slashed the knife hard and swiftly in a horizontal direction. She had created a wave that almost instantly shattered the area where Patchouli had been hiding! But she was shocked to discover that only a blue sphere of magic remained, continuing to fire out hail stones!

Not expecting the attack to continue, the shocked Sakuya ends up being hit by several of the heavy stones before they began to thin out. She was about to curse herself when she sensed something above and behind her? She turns around to find Patchouli about to use a spellcard!

?The cat has dropped her guard?? stated Patchouli in a tired, yet contempt voice.

?Wha??! You shouldn?t be able to move so quickly?!? exclaimed the shocked Sakuya.

?Metal Sign?? began Patchouli, a yellow aura building around her.

With no time to stop the attack, Sakuya prepared herself by flying backwards, and crossing her arms?

?Metal Fatigue!?

Yellow spheres began bursting into five into coin-like patterns as they formed around Patchouli. Similar spheres of death headed toward Sakuya immediately as the coin-like ones formed and approached later. The thinning but still present hail storm from earlier only added to Sakuya?s problems, leaving her with virtually no way to dodge!

Clenching her teeth, the maid began throwing knives to and fro at the hail stones to shatter them, but it wasn?t enough?

?Hm? Today is a good day for this type of magic.? commented Patchouli to herself.

?Dammit! Wound Sign?? began Sakuya, her eyes turning red. ?Inscribbled Soul!?

In a move that shocked Patchouli, Sakuya dived toward the roof, and actually began cutting through it! Her entire body was cut up as knives shattered, and material was scattered? But every knife broken was instantly replaced? By the time the spheres reached Sakuya, she?d broken through!

Patchouli had a visibly surprised look on her face as her seemingly perfect attack failed before her eyes! The roof rattled with explosions as the spheres failed to find their original target.

Suddenly, another moment of monochrome? What little air that may have been left in Patchouli?s lungs came rushing out as Sakuya?s knee suddenly exploded into her torso!


Patchouli was sent flying backwards, somehow managing to hold on to her book. The effects of her spellcard were also cancelled from this. She managed to stop herself from flying too far, putting her free hand on her stomach.

But Sakuya was not done? Next, the maid flew in, and dropped her elbow dead center into the top of Patchouli?s head!


Patchouli dropped like a stone, crashing into the mansion roof with a loud crash, cracking part of the roof below her. She didn?t move after that. Panting, Sakuya dropped back down to the roof, some distance away from her opponent.

?Now maybe? ?you'll stop under estimating me?" Panted Sakuya.

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2009, 01:15:00 AM »

Keine is knocked to the floor as the clone?s right hook smashed into her jaw. Looking up at the unnerving creature, Keine quickly scrambled to a standing position whilst holding her pained jaw, crimson blood leaking from her mouth. The strange creature that had once been a perfect copy of her grimaced with cruelty, and a lust for blood, hissing lightly as it prepared to savagely attack its prey yet again.

Keine was just about backed into the wall. This was NOT a good position to be in. The creature now had the advantage. Keine had nowhere to run? All she could do was be on her guard, and watch carefully? Her face a mix of fear? ?and a determination to survive.

?If you?ve come for my life?? she began.

Suddenly, the creature pounced again. This time however, Keine was ready. Stepping quickly to the right, she grabbed the creature?s left arm and hurled it dead into the wall with a grunt! The clone crashed against the wall, shattering into? ?clumps of mud?

Keine was surprised, but judging by what she felt? ?and the brown goo now on her hands?

?It?s? Its mud!? she observed. ?I?ve never heard of such youkai. What???

Before she could question further, Keine?s Hakutaku hearing picked up something faint? More of the unnerving hissing just like the mud clone before?

??more?? said Keine to herself with a dejected look.

Keine shrieked as a hand suddenly reached through the wall she was facing, barely missing a grab on her as she instinctively jumped back. Keine could hear banging and tearing all around her as more mud clones of herself poured in, some from the open front door, others right through the walls. Others still emerged from the back room of the store. A few even attempted to get in from the roof?

Keine only narrowed her eyes as she calmed herself? They were all clearly after her. At least they didn?t think to attack the humans? Now at the center of the room, Keine prepared for the assault from the murderous creatures surrounding her, all growling and hissing. The creatures transformed their muddy hands into sharp claws.

One charged in. The half-human ducked under the swipe, then side stepped another from behind. She grabbed that same creature and head butted it right into one of the many store shelves. Keine turned around just in time to send her right fist dead into the ugly face of another of the despicable doppelgangers, sending it flying into another mud clone right behind it. Keine moved backward, grabbing the arm of a double attacking from the rear, and flinging it over her shoulder into another of the would-be assassins.

Another doppelganger formed magical energy in its right hand, charging forward, aiming the blast at Keine?s torso. The Hakutaku was ready, holding up both her hands and forming energy of her own. The two fighters clashed their energies, creating a small shock wave that vaporized the mud clone, and sent Keine flying with a shriek into the store desk.

Giving their target no time to recovering, the mud clones charge Keine again! Keine head butts one, grabs and slides one across the desk and into the wall, and kicks the last one in the chin. She then fires beam lasers at several more coming at her. More and more fell? But they only just seemed to keep coming?

They have me trapped? But I won?t give up?

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2009, 01:16:43 AM »

Patchouli staggered up to a crooked standing position, panting as she faced Sakuya. The maid had come down to the roof as well, standing over the seemingly defeated librarian.

?It?s clear that you?re too weak to battle me right now. Do you surrender?? asked Sakuya, a hand on her hip.

Patchouli was sweating heavily, struggling to catch a breath. She soon fell back down to one knee, shivering. But despite her strength she still spoke.

?Even when corned?? she began.

Sakuya narrowed her eyes.

?Does not? ?the cat? ?continue to resist? Yes?? spoke Patchouli wearily with some wheezing, slowly standing up. ?She bears her fangs? ?and stands up her fur, making herself look larger than she is? ?and screeches wildly??

?What is it you?re getting at?! Talking such nonsense won?t help you at all!? half yelled Sakuya.

Suddenly, there was a loud clap of thunder and a bright flash of lightening. Putting her free left hand below her neck, Patchouli looked at Sakuya with a clear intention to continue the battle in her violet eyes.

?I see? You refuse to comprehend? Fool, never underestimate a cornered cat? For you see??

Sakuya could swear that the wind around Patchouli was picking up? She quickly pulled out more knives, gritting her teeth.

?A cat is always ready to fight. And this particular cat??

Sakuya, threw her knives only to have them knocked away by strong wind gusts.

??has her trump card!?

Patchouli gasped like she was being resuscitated as air suddenly filled her lungs once more. Severe winds cracked the already battered roof around her as she breathed in hard. Sakuya covered herself from the winds with her arms.

?What is this?!? said the maid to herself.

The winds soon died down, with the now refreshed Patchouli standing straight up, book in her right hand.

?In all my time, my health has never particularly been good. Anemia and Asthma keep me from doing virtually all the things I wish to do, even though I am a Youkai. However, after the scarlet mist incident, I began developing spells that could help me overcome these flaws? That spell uses the powers of the air and the wind to expand my lungs, forcing my body to overcome its Asthma. From the start, you tried to lead me in a battle of attrition, hoping to weaken me until I succumbed to my weakness. But that plan was doomed from the start thanks to my spell. Your underestimation of my ability will now be your downfall, Sakuya? ?as well as my strength!? explained Patchouli with an odd mixture of determination and contempt in her voice.

Sakuya was silent for a few moments as she slowly put her arms down?

?Alright? I will admit it? I have underestimated you? You are indeed powerful and resourceful, even when your weakness catches up with you. But you have done the same as I. You have underestimated my ability as well!? replied Sakuya.

Reaching into her seemingly unending supply of throwing knives, Sakuya grabbed two more of the weapons then clashed them together by the hilt. The knives glowed with silver energy, causing Patchouli to raise an eyebrow. Sakuya grabbed the Knives by the hilts as energy extended from the blades. Sakuya had essentially formed two silver energy swords!

?And now I will show you my ability.? stated Sakuya firmly.

Sakuya held the swords in a horizontal X shape in front of herself, then quickly slashed them to the sides, sending some thirty-five knives at Patchouli! Patchouli jumped into the air to evade.

?Impressive?? admitted Patchouli as she switched her book to her left hand. ?Magic Blade! Extend, Power of Mighty Blade!?

Patchouli held out her right arm, as green energy surrounded it. Now Patchouli?s arm had appeared to be covered in a green, single sided energy blade!

Sakuya flew up to Patchy at high speed, swinging her left silver blade vertically at her purple opponent. Patchouli backed away from that slash, and another from the left blade. After subtlety dodging two more slashes, Patchouli let out a horizontal slash of her own. Sakuya blocked the green blade with her own silver ones. The two span around in the air as they continued gaining altitude.

Sakuya pushed Patchouli away before attempting a quick stab. Patchouli moved with a surprisingly quick speed, knocking that blade down, blocking the other then taking another slash, which Sakuya veered back to avoid. Sakuya then attacked again with Patchouli evading with a spinning tilt, making a wide horizontal slash that hit Sakuya in the left leg just below the garter with its tip. Sakuya winced as she pulled back?

Ignoring the pain, Sakuya quickly maneuvered behind Patchouli, as the Liberian attempted to cut down the maid with a long vertical slash. Sakuya slashed both her blades downward, sending a mess of high speed knives at Patchouli, who blocked the whole lot of them with a purple force field that looked as if it were some sort of magical symbol.

Undeterred, Sakuya charged at Patchouli, attempting to slam her swords into the Liberian. Patchouli blocked, causing Sakuya?s blades to bounce off. Patchouli did her own charge, but the result was the same as the two bounced away from each other. Grunting, Patchouli next attempted a continuous flurry of slashes at Sakuya, forcing the maid back down towards the mansion. Soon, Patchouli went in for another big vertical slash. This one was slower than the others however. Wasting no time, Sakuya ceases the opportunity, and flies past Patchouli, leaving a bleeding gash in her side. Patchouli grumbles in pain, turning around and facing Sakuya with a look of contempt.

Sakuya then pulled out a spellcard, silver energy flowing into her.

?Death sign: Bloody Corpse!?

Sakuya held her swords away from herself, pointing them downward as a giant seal briefly appeared behind Sakuya before vanishing, quickly being replaced by a fairly high number of much smaller ones. Each one then split into three knives that spread out and surrounded Patchouli.

?Hm? Air Sign?? began Patchouli, dissolving her blade and pulling out a spellcard of her own. ?Riveting Earthlight.?

Patchouli held the card up in her right hand toward the sky as an aura around her pulsed with green energy. The energy shot out of her arm, wrapping around her whole being like a blanket, creating a swirling mass of magical energy that batted away every last knife that slammed into it. After the knives were gone, Patchouli flew head first into Sakuya, attempting to ram the spinning mass into her.

The maid swung around to the right as the librarian flew past her. Seeing Patchouli?s attack dissipating, Sakuya charged in deep, swords at the ready. However, it turned out that Patchouli still had a way out! As the green energy faded, Patchouli threw it at Sakuya with a grunt, forcing the maid to block it with her swords in an X shape!

As her opponent recovered, Patchouli ?unexpectedly enough- reformed her earlier green arm blade and charging at Sakuya! The maid let out a surprised yelp as she moved backward, blocking one sharp downward slash, then having the sword in her right hand knocked clear into the air from the subsequent upward slash. Sakuya rose her left sword to defend, but Patchouli ?pouring a good amount of energy into her attack- was able to knock that away, forcing Sakuya to retreat to the Mansion roof.

The swords quickly lost the energy poured into them, taking the appearance of regular throwing knives again. Patchouli dissipated her own blade as well.

?Very good Patchouli, but I still have tricks of my own!? claimed Sakuya, drawing more knives, and filling them with silver energy.

With a good deal of strength used in the last exchange, Patchouli kept her distance from her, staying off the roof, and hovered at Sakuya?s level a small distance from the roof?s edge instead.

?I shall see through your tricks, cat.?

Patchouli raised her right arm into the air, generating six green circles that launched several sharp and jagged semi-cone shaped boulders at Sakuya. The maid flew backwards, throwing her knives at the boulders. The knives exploded on contact, creating smoke and dust as they destroyed the boulders. Sakuya flew right threw that toward Patchouli, who shielded herself from a swift kick with a force field before flying away then past the maid.

The librarian turned around, moving left in a circle while following a rainbow?s worth of different colored orb shaped projectiles at Sakuya. The maid did the same thing, tossing many, many knives from her seemingly unending supply. Once the faster Sakuya managed to maneuver behind Patchouli, the purple haired youkai dropped down to the roof, but not before firing a giant bubble at Sakuya.

The maid knew the seemingly harmless bubble was actually quite dangerous and made an extra effort to dodge it. She then went down to the roof in pursuit of Patchouli. The librarian now had her left hand on the tattered roof, forming a magic circle around herself.

?That small break in the action afforded by my bubble was all I needed??

?Got you!? called out Sakuya as she charged Patchouli on foot.

But then suddenly, a giant rock spire shot out of the roof! Sakuya watched the quickly rising rock, beyond shocked seeing as it missed her by less than two inches! Although surprised, Sakuya felt the roof beneath her cracking, jumping backwards to avoid a second sharp spire. This time she continued flying back, more energized knives at the ready. A third spire crashed out of the roof vertically to intercept her, forcing her to drop head first towards the ground to avoid it!

From the roof, Patchouli momentarily let her hand off the roof to throw a number of glowing green seed like objects similar to fireflies that disappeared into the building?

?You fool, you?ll destroy the mansion, and your precious Voile with such a reckless attack!? yelled Sakuya.

?My aim is careful not to damage anything of importance in my library. You have more to be concerned about than such minor damage?? replied Patchouli, Sakuya somehow hearing her low, monotone voice (sound amplification?). ?Furthermore??

The wall in front of Sakuya cracked? Another spiral ?this one horizontal- rushed toward Sakuya, forcing her to jump.

?I may not have your strong body? But I have a strong mind. A mind that has allowed me to create such powerful spells from the elements themselves!? announced Patchouli.

As Sakuya attempted to fly back to the roof, the tip of the latest spire burst open, several tentacle-like vines reaching out to grab the maid. Dumbfounded, Sakuya turned around to face them, cutting several with her knives before picking up some distance, and pulling out a single knife. She energized this knife into an energy sword exactly like the ones before. Sakuya then slammed the bottom of the knife into her right palm, then thrusted her right arm at the tentacles, firing the sword like a cannon into their center. The whole lot of them were blown to smithereens?

But before the smoke could even clear, seemingly hundreds of tiny white, hail like bullets flew out at the surprised Sakuya! Gasping, Sakuya weaved and dodging through the mess of projectiles, while dodging more large hailstones thrown by Patchouli from behind. The white bullets dissolved before hitting Patchouli.

?What the hell is this?!? half yelled Sakuya.

?This is an ultimate power Sakuya. The end result of hard work and pain staking research. Yes, I have succeeded in combining the power of Danmaku with the versatility of nature. This is something even your elegant style of battle cannot defeat. With this, nature has become my ultimate weapon!? explained Patchouli in an authoritative tone.

Sakuya gritted her teeth as she took several shots and began falling down, but she caught herself with her flight power. She was about to get some payback, only to see the other two spires explode into a mess of yellow bullets that went every possible direction at every possible angle save for downward! Sakuya barely managed to get under the unguided attack by crouching under it.

She stood up, panting? Only to see Patchouli right in front of her, blue energy charged in her left arm!

?And this??

Patchouli slammed her fist into Sakuya?s stomach sending her screaming backwards into one of the less damaged mansion towers, cracking it on impact.

??concludes our duel!? finished Patchouli, sweating and panting at this point.

?N-no? I can still??

Suddenly, hundreds of small green vines burst out of the wall behind Sakuya, wrapping around her lithe limbs and torso tightly!

?What?!? yelled Sakuya, struggling futilely against the sudden bind.

Patchouli collected herself, tucking her book back under her right arm.

?I hereby lower your catness from a level of twelve, to a level of four. I think this demonstration should end here.? said Patchouli semi-casually.

?Y-you fool?! The residents of Eientei just as capable as you are! If you go yourse-??

Sakuya was interrupted several larger tentacles burst out of the wall and grabbed her, bounding her arms tightly to her body, and putting her legs together. The tentacles weren?t vines, but an oddly green material that appeared organic? The maid could not move anymore, only struggle.

?If anything happens to me, then you may come to finish what I shall start. But for now, I and ONLY I will handle this.? spoke Patchouli.

Sakuya struggled with her hopeless bind, desperate to get out. Sweat mounted on her face as she growled and thrashed violently against the bonds.

?You?ll live to regret this?? warned Sakuya in a hard voice.

?I may. But I won?t know unless I leave now. But if that?s finished? ?lights out!?

Patchouli flew up to Sakuya, putting both hands on her book. With great strength, she whacked the maid right on the head, knocking her right out! Patchouli took a few moments to stare at the bound and unconscious Sakuya before wordlessly flying off into the stormy looking skies. Another rumble of thunder could be heard?

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2009, 01:18:12 AM »


Keine let out a shout as she put four more of the strange mud creatures to rest, only to see more pour into the tattered shop known as Kourindou. Keine was sweating with her dress torn in several places during the bid for her life. One creature quickly stretched out its left arm, hand wide open, grabbing Keine?s raised right arm.

?Let go!? demanded Keine before destroying the creature?s arm with her left fist.

That doppelganger reeled back, hissing with pain and hatred at Keine, as more stepped forward in its place. They all jumped at Keine at once. Keine was able to hit several back before being caught from behind with a painful claw swipe to the back that left four bleeding gashes. The tormented tutor knocked the offender in the face with her left elbow before grabbing one of the doppelgangers in front of herself, and head butting it with great force into two more. The three of them crashed into one of the few still standing shelves, knocking it down and sending all manner of otherworldly items to the floor.

Not even a second after that last attack however, Keine found a muddy fist digging deep into her stomach, causing a hard pain and a gasp. The Were-Hakutaku used a small magic blast to send it away before barely dodging a couple of claw swipes from the left, kicking the offending beast away. Unfortunately, one enemy was able to get behind and fiercely tackle Keine to the floor. All of the other creatures began piling on top of the struggling Keine.

She couldn?t move anymore? All the light had disappeared, and the air was thinning out fast. She knew something had to be done fast. Some to save her, or perhaps grabbing one of her spellcards, anything? For at this rate? ?she was going to die. And she realized this.

The creatures soon felt all movement and struggling stop. Surprisingly enough, they didn?t drop their guard, instead waiting to see if Keine had truly suffocated under their weight? They still emitted their characteristic grotesque sounds.

Barely a minute had passed, and Keine was already sweating bullets and was becoming hard pressing for air. However?

I do not want to die here? I? I cannot give up?!

?Remarkable Half-beast??


The clones stopping their unnerving sounds looking at the spot where they had pinned down Keine? Suddenly, blue streaks of magical light began appearing from where Keine was? They felt their bodies give way as they struggled to contain Keine?s attack!

?Rising Light of Truthful Virtue!?

All of the tacklers were blown off and away from Keine as she stood up screaming, emitting a brilliantly blue and powerful beam of light that shot straight up into the air with sparkling resonance! The creatures jumped back as the counter attack (its diameter not that much larger than Keine?s body) blew a large hole in the roof. A glassy looking magic circle was under Keine for the duration of the attack.

Keine immediately noticed that the enemies were already regrouping to attack her again, looking quite aggravated as well? ?and that her hat was missing. One of the surviving creatures had managed to grab it off her head as she stood back up again. She stared boldly into the face of her attackers, her eyes like those of someone with an iron will, and undying determination to succeed.

?You will not claim my life. Not without great effort. This I promise you.? she spoke.

All of the creatures rushed her with great anger, only to have Keine fly straight through the hole at high speed! The were-Hakutaku suddenly found herself wet as it had begun raining outside. The mud creatures however were quick to pour out of the shop and follow her, joining her in the stormy skies above the Human Village. It was apparent that the rain doing nothing to impair them, or further liquidize their bodies in any way.

?Do your worst to me, but I won?t let you lay a finger on anyone here. This is my declaration to you?? said Keine as she pulled out a spellcard. ?I hereby declare that I will defeat you! Declaration!?

Keine raised the card into the air as the area seemed to (further) darken for a moment? The clones could?ve sworn they saw a very large projection of Keine in the sky for a few seconds? Soon, the normal amount of light returned as Keine?s strength began increasing, the building power accompanied by a vibrant blue aura! Keine then pulled out another spellcard, even as the doppelgangers that surrounded her charged in!

?Spiritual Birth: First Pyramid!?

Keine?s spellcard vanished as a bubble of energy, colored in an odd purple, surrounded the teacher. Any clone that touched the bubble ended up shattering into a million pieces! Even so, they continued moving in? However, Keine?s card hadn?t shown its full power just yet. The bubble suddenly burst into hundreds of smaller, blue colored orb shaped bullets! The deadly orbs had an effect on the enemies no different than someone opening fire with a machine gun on a large group of people.

Many, many of the clones ?sometimes as many as twenty at once- fell to the ground, shattered to pieces. Along with the blue bullet orbs, came larger purple orbs, traveling in rows of three. They instantly vaporized the limbs of any mud monster foolish enough to touch them, or too slow to avoid them.

One enraged beast zoomed at Keine during the attack, swiping with its sharp right claws. Keine moved out of the way, punching the creature in the back of the head for swift destruction. Several more charged at Keine from above, forcing her to drop both, her spell card, and her flight. As she plummeted to the ground, the teacher stretched out her open palm right hand firing several long blue laser beams at the doppelgangers, annihilating them.

Reactivating her flight power, the half-beast straightened out and flew backwards as she fired more beams, destroying more of her clones. She quickly turned around just in time to meet another hissing creature, firing large red orbs at it from up close, inadvertently destroying other ones as well. Despite her efforts however, they continued to come? Keine felt that her power up wasn?t going to last too much longer, probably only another minute or so.

The teacher pulled back to avoid a muddy whip from another attacker, blasting it to nothing. Four more then struck from all directions, but with her increased power and speed, Keine was able to fly straight up in the nick of time to avoid them. She lifted her right arm into the air, creating a bright white sphere of energy. She pointed it at the monsters as it exploded into nearly a hundred small white orb shaped bullets that ripped through the monsters like concentrated machine gun fire. Now complete with numerous extra holes, many of the beasts fell to the ground vanquished.

Next, Keine held out her arms to her sides, firing many white thin laser beams that homed in on the retreating doppelgangers, dropping more of them one by one. This continued until Keine had dropped some fifty of the hissing beasts.

But yet they kept on coming?

Keine was tired. She was panting, sweat all over her face. She only had about ten seconds left of her power up left as well.


She gritted her teeth, knowing that this couldn?t happen? If she failed, what would become of the humans??


She felt herself very slowly dropping to the ground. She exerted nearly every last drop of energy fighting these would-be assassins that were hell bent on terrorizing her.


For every one I shoot down, five more take the fallen one?s place. There simply isn?t an end to them?

Keine still continued to see them even now? Hundreds? Just how many left were there?!


I guess there isn?t much choice now? This will have to be my last attack!


Keine spread her arms out, a magical circle appearing behind her as she built up energy for her last attack?


?Last Word??

A spellcard briefly appeared in front of Keine before vanishing almost as quickly as it came. Her power build up was enormous?


?Emperor of the East!?

Even they still had Keine surrounded, the mud creatures halted their approach at this unexpected last attack?



The flash of light that came from Keine was so strong that the doppelgangers actually had to shield themselves! Keine could no longer be seen in the brilliant white flash that had resulted! Hordes of red and blue laser beams, accompanied by similar colored orbs of destruction. There was so much hostile fire, and so much blinding light, that the creatures hadn?t a hope of dodging a single shot.


The brightness shown like a star above the human village. It was ending as quickly as it begun, but to anyone watching it feel like an eternity. The annihilation of Keine?s enemies was quite evident, even in the brilliant light as doppelgangers either fell smoking to the ground, or simply vanished in the light.

It was a three-hundred and sixty degree attack? Or at least it would be, but Keine refrained from making too much of the attack go downward seeing as she did not wish harm to the village.


Almost as quickly as it appeared, the light vanished. Also missing was the army of animated mud look-alikes of Keine. Only the were-Hakutaku herself remained.


And that was it. Keine?s spell was finished, her strength exhausted. With virtually no enemies left around her show lowered herself to the ground, falling on her knees, panting heavily with an exhausted look on her face.

Who? What were they? Why is it they came after me, and not the rest of the vi-

Keine?s thought was interrupted by a faint, but unmistakable sound? The same hideous hissing that had been haunting her for? She didn?t know how long. Her head was turned toward the ground, sweat dripping from her forehead? Her eyes widened as she heard them approaching?

This couldn?t be?! Even after all that, more remained?! Perhaps then this was it? Keine was left with little to give? And even though she was right in the middle of the village, no humans came to try and help her. Soon, only one thing crossed Keine?s mind, one question?


An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #28 on: April 22, 2009, 01:19:00 AM »
Keine had no answer. All she could do was wonder why her time of living on this plain of existence would end now in such a disagreeable manner? Slowly, she dared to look up? Several of the doppelgangers slowly approached their target with insane smiles and unnerving hissing, walking like mindless zombies. To her, they were a wall, a moving wall of death that threatened to envelop her, and make her just another particle of dust in the cogs of history. A history she would never be able to reverse? The look of despair in eyes was prevalent as she realized all of this.

But suddenly, something came? The air Keine breathed was suddenly hot! She sensed a presence. A familiar one at that. Just then, her attackers were enveloped in bright and hot flash of orange and crimson! Their forms melted away into nothing before Keine?s surprised eyes! Before she could even look to see where it had came from, she heard another noise behind herself. Looking back, she found that fireballs where falling onto more mud creatures she hadn?t even detected that were coming up from behind!

Finally, Keine looked into the sky to see the one that had saved her, the one responsible for the flames. A light blue haired girl in overalls with fiery red bird like wings? It was none other than Mokou. The girl?s great rage was visible as she watched the pathetic doubles of her friend Keine burn.

??! M-Mo- ?

Before Keine could call out the name of her friend, Mokou dissipated her wings of fire, and came down to the ground, just in time to punch away a doppelganger that attempted to pounce on Keine. In a flash, another monster near Keine found it self crushed by Mokou?s left elbow, with another one near it getting kick high into the sky then blasted with a fireball right afterward! Mokou then leaped into the air, using her flight ability to cross over several roof tops, and land right in front in another of the surviving doppelgangers.

The creature looked up at the flaming girl, attempting to claw her down in desperation almost immediately. Mokou very quickly lifted her arms, and brought them down HARD on the creature?s shoulders detaching them from its near-liquid body. Next, she fired a large ball of flame at the creature, sending it like a deadly speeding bowling ball into twelve more doppelgangers where it exploded, annihilating the creatures. Oddly, the flames still didn?t set any buildings or plant life on fire.

Now she simply walked up to them, or rather it. This creature appeared to be the last one alive at this point, the sole survivor of the failed attempt on Keine?s life. As it?s slowly drying form crawled forward out of desperation. It slowly looked up its head as it heard the none too pleased Mokou walking up to it. It seemed to be clutching a rather familiar, blue colored, bento-like object?

Mokou stopped upon closing the distance between the ugly mud-ball and herself, staring down at it with much contempt. She bent down, and took on of the hat?s corners with just her index finger and thumb? The creature looked on in fearful uncertainty, hissing rather lowly at Mokou.

?I don?t think this is yours?? she told the creature in a very dark and quiet voice, her fiery eyes like that of a demon.

And with that, she quickly pulled the hat away? ?along with the mud creature?s right arm. It cried out in pain as it smoked, and slowly burned away into nothing?
Satisfied, Mokou (who rather non-chalantly let the muddy arm fall off Keine?s hat) let out a brief sigh and returned to Keine just in time to see that several humans living in the village had finally come out to see what was wrong. Many of them were adults, wielding make shift weapons mostly in the form simple gardening tolls. Mokou kept her admittedly less than appreciative thoughts about them and how late they were to herself. Walking up to Keine from behind, she began speaking?

?You alright, Keine??

The were-Hakutaku looked back at her fiery friend.

?I?ve been better, but I think I?ll be fine now.? said Keine with a smile.

Mokou calmed down, allowing for a small smile as she handed Keine her slightly muddy hat.

?This is yours.? said Mokou.

?Thank you. It seems my life wasn?t the only thing you saved.? said Keine with a brief happy smile before darkening her expression. ?Mokou? You wouldn?t happen to know what??

?They were sent by the lady who resides at the house of eternity.? said Mokou rather flatly, yet darkly.

Keine allowed a slightly shocked expression on her face.

?Kaguya of the moon?? But unless I unknowingly committed some sort of offense against her, the only reason she would come after me is??

?To get to me.?

?Hmm? But she?s never gone this far before??

?Well she?s more serious now than last time. There was something? ?different about her the other night.? said Mokou, looking low to the side.


Keine looked at Mokou, wondering what her fire slinging friend could mean.

?This plan of hers almost worked. She faked your kidnapping with one of those despicable mud things. I was actually moving away from here until I remembered something??

?And what was that?? asked Keine.
Mokou then looked at Keine with a wide and sly smile.

?You?re just too damn tough! There was no way you were gonna let Kaguya get her filthy mitts on you just like that! Besides it just felt weird that you could get taken to Eientei behind my back like that.?

Keine chuckled a bit at the complement.

?I?m quite flattered Mokou. But for all you knew, she did get the better of me in any case.?

?Well I had some help from the rabbit controlling the magic stone that allowed Kaguya to speak her threats to me without leaving Eientei.? began Mokou, putting her hands in her pockets.

?You had help? Mokou, you didn?t??

?Of course not. I?m rough sure, but at to be at that barbaric level? Besides, with those rabbits, a little bribery goes a long way.? said Mokou, pulling out carrot sticks from her right pocket.

?I see?? nodded Keine. ?Well, she certainly has your attention??

?Guess so?? replied Mokou in a darker voice, while taking a bite from one of the carrot sticks.

?Morichika-san! Morichika-san, over here!? called a male voice from afar.

Keine and Mokou looked to their left, and surely enough found Rinnosuke running towards them. The silver haired man, knelt down and placed his hands on his wife?s shoulders.

?My God, Keine are you alright?? asked the man worriedly.

?Our friend Mokou saved the day, so I?m alright.? said Keine, smiling reassuringly.

Without looking at the two, Mokou turned around and began walking away, a very dark look on her face. Mere seconds after she attempted to leave however, she felt a hand on her right shoulder.

?Don?t try to stop me Keine. I?m going to settle this with Kaguya once and for all.? spoke the fiery girl in a low tone.

?Not like this?? began Keine. ?Kaguya is baiting you for something very dangerous, I can feel it. Please give me some time and??

?No?! I?m going Keine. If she wants to fight so bad, then I?ll gladly oblige her.?

?I know you?re angry for what she did to me, but you can?t let that get in the way of your better judgement.? stated Keine matter of factly.

?I don?t give a damn! I?m going right this second, and you will not-?

Right then, Keine span Mokou around, and crashed her diamond forehead right into the immortal girls face, much to the shock of he on looking villagers. Mokou was sent flying several yards before falling to the ground with a brief skid. Mokou just lay in the muddy ground, dumbfounded at what just happened. She looked at Keine silently.

Keine put her hands on her hips as she spoke with a hard look on her face.

?She dragged me into this Mokou, so whether you like it or not, it?s now my fight as well as yours! At the very least, allow me to analyze this situation. And I will not take no for an answer!? stated Keine in a scolding voice before going into a gentler tone with a softer facial expression. ?Mokou? Don?t be so selfish. Don?t you realize I?m worried about you and want to help, even if it?s a slight bit??

Mokou clenched her fists as she slowly stood up again. A few moments of silence pass? The villagers look onward silently at the scene before them. Finally, Mokou made up her mind?

?F-fine? We do it your way. But you stay out after that!? said Mokou reluctantly.

?It is agreed then. Let?s head off to the house.?

??okay?? said Mokou.

Before following Keine and Rinnosuke, Mokou looked into the darkened sky, thinking only one thing to herself?

You?ve gone too far this time Kaguya? Way too far!

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Frame of the Undying Fortitude
« Reply #29 on: April 22, 2009, 01:19:47 AM »

Meanwhile, in a nearly blackened room within the halls of Eientei, Kaguya sat in front of a strange mirror that showed one of the Earth rabbits saluting to her before the image went blank, returning the mirror to a simple device that showed the calmly smiling Kaguya?s extravagant face once more. A hall light shown into the dark room as Reisen opened the door.


?You may come in Inaba. Please sit down and tell me your report.? spoke Kaguya, before Reisen could even begin to ask.

Reisen was a tad hesitant, but quickly walked in and sat on her knees behind Kaguya, a small distance away.

?Mistress?? began Reisen with a sense of slight uncertainty present on her face. ??we have successfully repelled the force sent against us by the Scarlet Devil Mansion. The prisoners were sent over to the mountain as you requested as well.?

?Very good.? said Kaguya without turning around to face her servant.

?What of the plan to lure Mokou into the trap?? asked Reisen.

?That plan will be delayed unfortunately. But it really matters not?? said Kaguya rather casually, stretching out her arms. ?While it is true that I was counting on her usual thoughtless hotheadedness, I also knew she could figure out the truth somehow. Even so, she will come to us??

Reisen put her balled up hands on top of her knees as a small bit of sweat formed on her face.

?Mistress I know it really isn?t my place to ask, but? ?was doing it in this manner really the wisest thing? We?ve drawn quite a bit of attention to ourselves already?? spoke Reisen with a concerned yet nervous voice.

Kaguya put her arms in her sleeves, giggling a bit before speaking again.

?Silly girl, Mokou would?ve come in either case. There was simply no chance that she would take an offer to ?settle our differences for all time? seriously. You see Inaba, I had no choice but to attack her proverbial heart you see. It was the only way our little plan had any chance of working. If anyone outside views us with suspicion, I?ll simply use a few tall tails I have prepared ahead of time. By the time people do ask questions, Mokou will be? ?gone. Silenced? Silenced forever?!? explained Kaguya in a soft, unnerving voice.

??for something to silence an immortal? How much??


Reisen flinched a bit, startled by the strange laughter suddenly coming from her princess.

?What a silly girl you are Inaba? You needn?t know the bloody details of the power we are to unleash upon Mokou. All you need to do worry about is whether or not you complete the tasks I give to you to do. If you play your part, it?ll be as if nothing happened.? explained Kaguya, suddenly calm again.

The princess slowly removed her arms from her sleeves.

?We only need the girl who rules the insects. Her capture will be swift if the other pests are adaquetly distracted, and if all at Eientei play their roles. It?s real easy. Be a good servant and serve me as diligently as you always have. Our victory over Mokou is assured through that. Will you do such a thing Inaba?? asked Kaguya, in an oddly playful voice.

Reisen hesitated. Words wanted to escape her mouth, but all that came was a barely audible crack.

?Inaba.? spoke up Kaguya in a sharp tone that startled Reisen. ?What is your answer??

?Y-yes. Yes, I will serve my mistress.? finally spoke the bunny girl.

?Should you have to die for her, then will you give up your life?? asks Kaguya.

?Of course? ?my mistress. I would go to the ends of the very Earth!? replies Reisen, not at all convincing due to her uncertainty.

Kaguya was silent for a few moments, not even moving in the slightest bit. Reisen leaned forward a slight bit, wondering why her princess wouldn?t respond.

?Mi? Mistress???

?Fufufufufu?? chuckled Kaguya. ?I??

?Y-y-you??? Reisen dared to ask.

?I thank you Inaba. Truly and deeply, I thank you.?

Reisen was about to lean forward further when suddenly, Kaguya shot her head backward to look at her servant. Her eyes had taken on what appeared to be a perfectly circular shape, glassy with out any shine what so ever. A wide and vicious smile decorated the lower half of her face. Reisen was frightened at the truly ghoulish appearance of her mistress, a sight that very nearly made her heart jump right out of her youkai body!

?Very soon now Inaba! Soon we will have peace and prosperity right here in Eientei! I will reward your diligence? No? Why wait?? spoke Kaguya in a ghastly voice as she crawled toward Reisen.

Scared to death, Reisen began back away from her insane princess.


?Why this hesitation? You should be most proud Inaba? You have been so good to me? You?ve shown more kindness and respect than I deserve? ?and you quite the hard worker. Alas, I can never fully repay you, or any of the inabas for that matter, even though my time is unlimited? Fufufufufu??

The princess suddenly pounced on Reisen, pinning her to the ground. Reisen resists, but Kaguya?s physical strength is unexpectedly greater than her own!

?Mistress, please stop this?!? pleaded Reisen desperately.

?Now now Inaba?? said Kaguya as she began tearing off Reisen?s outer shirt. ?Please except this wonderful gift I am giving to you. A reward for your excellent work??

?NO! What are you doing?!? shrieked Reisen, sweat drenching her face.

Reisen tried to scream, but Kaguya cupped her left hand over her servant?s mouth. Reisen grabbed and tugged at her mistress? arms, desperate to get out of this calamity? Kaguya put her forhead on Reisen?s as she continued forcefully removing the Moon rabbit?s shirt, still speaking with that same soft, overly subdued voice.

??and after it is all over, I will reward you far greater than this. It will be? ?an eternity? ?of grand happiness for the residents of Eientei.?


?Just relax??

But just then, one of the Earth rabbits slid the door to a fully open state, bathing the room with light. Kaguya snapped her head over to the little pink dressed girl.

?Mistress! We need you to help us sort out a few things.? spoke the girl before looking closer at the sight, and tilting her head. ?Oh? Are you playing with Reisen right now??

Kaguya?s voice suddenly returned to normal, as did her face.

?Ah, I was. Oh goodness, it would seem I lost track of the time! What a silly thing to do, wouldn?t you say Inaba?? asked Kaguya in a cheerful voice.

The small rabbit girl smiled happily.

?Pretty silly, but playing is really fun! I?ll tell everyone you?re coming.? spoke the girl before walking off.

With great fear in her eyes, Reisen tried to reach out her pinned down left arm at the departing rabbit, muffled words futily attempting to exit her covered mouth as she struggled in Kaguya?s grip. The princess rather slowly turned her head forward to look at Reisen, still wearing that unnerving happy smile. She began speaking in her ghastly, demonic voice once more.

?My, how unfortunate? I?ll have to delay your reward for now Inaba.? spoke the princess as she slowly got off of Reisen and stood up. ?Even so, I?ll be sure to reward you in full at a later time. Until then, I expect you to keep up your hard work.?

Reisen merely sat up, not saying anything at all, holding her tattered shirt together. Kaguya staggered rather oddly as she got up, having to stifle a few odd giggles as well.

?Find the insect? Yes? Until then? Until then? Yes? Fufufufufu??

Kaguya spent a moment babbling to herself as she finally walked out of the door. With a look of deathly shock and confusion on her face, Reisen slumped back against the side wall, trying desperately to contemplate what had just happened.

?Why??? she asked herself in a very quiet voice.

With that, Reisen began remembering the recent things that had transpired because of this plan, how it all started because of a simple legend Eirin had found out about? A plan to be rid of the princess? rival for all time... A plan that has claimed the lives of many Earth rabbits, a plan that has tarnished Eientei?s image? ?a plan that left Reisen questioning whether or not she would survive.

?Why??? she spoke to herself again in a louder voice. ?Why all of this?? Why is?? What is happening to us???

However after this shocking betrayal, Reisen began wondering just what the true cost of all this was? Come to think of it, her master had been acting unusually for a bit of time now? Reisen thought it was simple stress from planning the mission, or perhaps the effect of having more frequent fights with Mokou. Perhaps she was even helping her other Mistress Eirin test out some new medicine.

But now she knew it wasn?t any of this at all? This had become obsession? No, something that had surpassed even that! She was just fine mere weeks ago... Reisen grasped her head in her hands as she continued her pained contemplation. Was it all so worth it? This pain, this sacrifice? And just what would Kaguya do if this plan succeeded?? Was Reisen?s life in danger? What else would happen to her??

?What is this feeling? What a dark feeling? I felt it the moment I entered this room? No, before then! It?s so cold? ?and heavy?? said the girl to herself in a shakey voice.

Reisen slumped to the ground, her elbows resting on the wooden floor.

?Something about this isn?t right at all?! Are we really doing something we shouldn?t??? she asked herself, thinking the question over very carefully despite her perhaps irrational fear. ?It is? It is almost as if some sort of divine force is telling me something? Warning me of a potential cataclysm? But I? I can?t just so freely voice my fear? Not after they rescued me after I fled??

Reisen?s thoughts were interrupted as images of death flashed through her mind? She saw old memories? Memories of friends being slaughtered in that terrible war on the moon so many years ago? All the horrors she witnessed?

The rabbit girl shook her head rather violently as she forcefully blocked the memories out.

?Will that happen again?? Is that what you?re trying to tell me?? I know I?ve done things to delay the plan already, but to outright go against them??  These people? ?they are??

Now Reisen flashed back to happier times? Times she had after coming to Eientei, and subsequently, into the service of Kaguya Houraisan and Eirin Yagokoro. Times of laughter and fun with no worries of the moon, its affairs or any of its wars. Even Mokou was forgotten in those times? Reisen was told left and right that she would have more times like that than ever before if she did what she was told. But everytime she thought of this, thoughts of everything she knew ?along with herself- disappearing into a dreadful darkness also appeared. This was just like ?back then.? She experienced something similar back then on the moon all that time ago? And now perhaps it was potentially happening all over again?


She was silent for a few more minutes before sitting up, and slumping back against the wall again. Tears poured down her face, which suddenly had a calm expression of deep thought.

?Someone? Anyone? Lift me out of this hell. I don?t know how to proceed? So please tell me? What should I do?? spoke Reisen to herself. ?What should I do??

[Spell Break]