Satori Komeji entered her secret basement head quarters and activated the communicator. Donning the headphones, she began speaking...
"Satori to Koishi, come in. This motherbird to Blue Canary, over?"
"No motherbird, I do not read you. Please switch frequencies, over."
"I cannot hear you Blue Canary, there is too much radio static. I'm going to try different frequencies, do you read me?"
"Negative Motherbird. Switching to sonar so I can read you, do you read me?"
"Yes, I read you but I cannot read you. You cannot read me either, over?"
"Rodger that. Do you copy?"
"You don't read me."
"I don't read you."
"I don't read you."
"You do not copy."
"I cannot read you."
"I see you've been playing Super Mario Sunshine, over."
"Negative, we had a small danmaku leak, but I'm fine, we're fine, we're all fine, thank you. Do you copy?"
"I do not copy over, for I cannot hear you. I do not understand a word you're saying to me, over?"
"I'm glad you cannot hear me, because I hate you and you stress me and make me emotionally unstable, over?"
"Rodger that. And for the record, Yukari Yakumo is right behind you with a terrible smile, a cloth and a bottle of chloroform, over?"
"I co- *HMMMMPH* *fjodwijre*"
"I do not copy, over? Blue Canary to Motherbird over? I do not read you. Come in Motherbird."
"SAKUYA! I NEED KETCHUP!!!" yelled Remilia.
"OOOOOOOHHHHHH SH****************T!!!" yelled Sakuya.
Thats when Daiyousei appeared out of nowhere.
"Sup dawg, I heard ya like red things, so I put a cow ripper machine in your basement so you can watch that Bonesaw guy kick MegaMan's butt, hurr hurr."
"Cow ripper machine?" asked Remilia.
Meanwhile in the basement...
"OOOOOOH! OOOH! Uunnnnnnh~~! Huh! Huh... Huh... Ahhhhhh~" moaned Keine after being placed in the machine. "Ohhhh gooood, don't stop~ Don't stop~ Unhhh~~!"
A few minutes later...
"Yes ma'am its working. She's perfectly red." informed Meiling.
"Awesome" said Remilia.
"The only problem is that we wrecked Flandre's room to get it in there."
"Well I'm sure she won't mind being forced out of her ro-"
Thats when Flandre sprung up from behind Remilia.
"THE FIRST VICTIM OF THE VAMPIRE APOCALYPSE SAYS WHAT?!" said the younger vampire with a most definitely insane look.
"What?" asked a confused Remi.
"Oh f-" said Meiling with a facepalm.
And then the Scarlet Devil Mansion exploded.
Sakuya (who was coming home with the ketchup) stood in utter shock as Flandre flew up to her from the smoke.
And then Flandre ^$*@ed Sakuya.
And then Hakugyoukoru exploded.
"WHAT! THE! FFFFFFFFFFF!!!" shouted the ghost of Yuyuko's ghost of the ghost named Yuyuko.
"Finally, my work for today is done! I wonder whats on televisi-"
But Reisen Udongien Inaba was interrupted by a manly voice behind her...
"The only thing worth watching is the news." he said in a manly way.
Reisen was shocked, and instantly frightened, turning around to see a ridiculously large, muscular man in an expensive looking sleeveless blue leather jacket with matching pants and a red shirt underneath, long brown boots and two enormous shoulder pads, leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed with a stone faced expression.
"Wh-wh-wh..." stammered Reisen. "ITS KENSHIROOOOOOOOO!!!"
Kenshiro continued staring at the comparatively tiny moon rabbit.
"Hokuto Shin Ken is invincible." he said.
"What?" she asked.
"Hokuto Shin Ken is invincible. Not even danmaku can stop it."
"Not even danmaku?!"
"Correct. Now turn on the TV."
"Y-y-yes sir!" stammered Reisen, obediently doing just that.
"Sit down." ordered Kenshiro.
Reisen began sitting down...
"Don't move, you're already sitting down." said Kenshiro.
Reisen froze in place.
"S-sir...?" asked Reisen nervously. "H-h-h-how can I be sitting when I'm sta-"
"You're already sitting down." repeated Kenshiro.
"Okay." said Reisen, trembling.
"This program is boring. Stand up and get the remote."
"O-o-okay..." stammered Reisen.
Reisen slowly and nervously began walking to the remote.
"I said stand up." ordered Kenshiro.
"B-but I'm already standing!" yelped Reisen pleadingly.
"No, you're sitting. Now stand up." ordered Kenshiro.
Reisen begins lowering herself to sit...
"Stand faster." says Kenshiro.
Reisen drops to her butt, her nervousness ever increasing.
"Now walk to the remote and grab it."
Gulping with tears beginning to well up in her eyes, Reisen butt-drags herself over to the table and reaches up, grabbing the remote. She then returns to her prior position, butt-dragging herself back. Her butt ached somewhat from this...
"Good. Now sit down in front of the TV and change to the anime channel." orders Kenshiro.
"Y-y-yes sir." sniffles Reisen as she changes the channel while standing up.
'YOU WA SHOCK!' blares out of the speakers, as the first OP of a certain classic manly martial arts anime from the 80's played, signaling the start of that show.
"You deserve an award." said Kenshiro, walking somewhere.
He returned with a bag of potato chips.
"You look hungry." he said before throwing the bag down in front of her. "Have some potato chips."
Reisen gulped again, taking it as an order. She tore open the bag... ...revealing packaging nuts rather than chips with a note inside. She took out and read it...
You have already eaten the potato chips.Reisen could no longer stop herself from crying. She was about to lose all hope. She couldn't run away from the practitioner of Hokuto Shin Ken... Running would only mean being killed. And being killed meant that she would die. She did not want to die. So the only way to not die was to not be killed and therefore, obey Kenshiro. Oddly, he was silent for a few minutes until the door slid open...
"Ahh, hello there Reisen! What are-"
It was the familiar voice of Eirin... A voice that promptly stopped itself upon realizing that Kenshiro is in the room.
"Whats wrong Eirin?" asked Kaguya who had been accompanying Eirin.
Kenshiro hit the foreheads of the two women with his index fingers!
"Wha... Who are you?! What are you doing?!" asked Kaguya in shock.
"You are already dead." replied Kenshiro.
Reisen looked on in shock as her two mistresses contorted grotesquely before both exploding into a billion bloody chunks. The moon rabbit screamed out in terror, obviously traumatized by what had just happened to her mistresses (and forgetting that Kaguya would be able to resurrect herself in a few hours).
As if on cue, Mokou then came by.
"Yo Kaguya! Where the hell is my money?! Ya owe me ya know!"
Thats when Mokou walked into the room, shocked at the gore, along with the large, handsome man in an expensive looking leather coat.
"N-n-NO! Mokou, RUN!" shouted out Reisen.
It was too late... Kenshiro screamed out as his muscles bulked up exponentially, destroying his own upper body in the process! He then began assaulting the surprised Mokou!
"I have struck your hidden pressure points. In three seconds, you will die."
Mokou then contorted in shock before her body exploded violently!
"NOOOOOOOO!" yelled out Reisen.
"And now to forge them into the ultimate amalgamation." announced Kenshiro.
He began molding the remains of the three other women into a ball of flesh... ...which suddenly began glowing green... Just then with a flash, an all new woman was formed, having the features of the prior three women in addition to being clad in a dominatrix outfit!
"AAAHAHAHAHA!" she laughed out loud. "Finally, thanks to Kenshiro I'm free! The Sado-monarchy of Masochism shall rise again after 10,000 years! Now who shall be my first victim...?"
The shirtless Kenshiro pointed at the cowering Reisen.
"She will be your first victim." he said.
"N-no! Please...! I don't wanna get tied u-"
Kenshiro cut Reisen off.
"You are already in bondage."
And suddenly, Reisen was in suspension hog tie bondage, unable to move a muscle!
"Wh-what?! H-how...?!"
"And you are already gagged."
And suddenly, a blue ballgag was wrapped over Reisen's open mouth, reducing her words to mere mumbles! The chimera woman cackled as she pulled a slapping rod out of nowhere and approached Reisen...
"Now I must find... ...Yuria." said Kenshiro as he left.
Whipping sounds and rabbit screams could be heard around Eientei.
And then the Hakurei Shrine exploded. Reimu would never have any donations again. Then again, she was too dead to worry about them, as she had been killed. People die when they are killed. A dead person can't be alive.