Author Topic: You Know You're Addicted To Touhou When ... Vol. 8 Imperishable Night Edition  (Read 221816 times)

you know you're addicted to touhou when you have two porcelain dolls named Shanghai and Hourai. true story. I have dolls named that


  • The Strongest!
  • and the Dumbest!
I was watching a top 10 video on YouTube and there was a particular line they said that completely took me by surprise. 

The line was, "Evil Jet Lee wants to kill the multiverses Jet Lees, so that he can become the Strongest Jet Lee".
Also, the fact that this line is said on the number 9 spot of the top 10 makes me think it was intentional.
Here is the video, if anyone wants to see it:
The line comes around 1:57 in the video.
Normal 1cc: IN,EoSD,MoF,PCB,LoLK-P(403 Retries(Hope to Improve))
Extra Clear:PCB
ISC: All Stages Clear !


  • Seg Fault
When while playing dodgeball, you immediately start comparing dodging dodgeballs to weaving through danmaku patterns. (and then end up the last member of your team still standing...)
And when someone on my team said "you have the best chance" to the shortest person on the team, I was tempted to say "Only because her hitbox is smaller..."

My friends forced me to play a FPS today, which I usually don't like to play, but they did it so they could all stick me on the opposite team and barrage me with bullets. There was about 5 people all firing at me at the same time insanely rapidly, and I was able to dodge the carnage and get out untouched. As I ran away, I screamed at them, "DANMAKU SKILLS! I'VE GOT DANMAKU SKILLS! YOU CAN'T KILL A TOUHOU PLAYER WITH BULLETS! SEE YA LATER SUCKERS!"
A beautiful soulgrudge this cosmic was surely authored by the constellations.


  • Love Sign
  • Master Spark
My friends forced me to play a FPS today, which I usually don't like to play, but they did it so they could all stick me on the opposite team and barrage me with bullets. There was about 5 people all firing at me at the same time insanely rapidly, and I was able to dodge the carnage and get out untouched. As I ran away, I screamed at them, "DANMAKU SKILLS! I'VE GOT DANMAKU SKILLS! YOU CAN'T KILL A TOUHOU PLAYER WITH BULLETS! SEE YA LATER SUCKERS!"
But what FPS? Was it one that uses projectiles or hitscans? If it was Team Fortress 2 then you can actually get out of most gunfights unscaved, it is mostly either getting involved in way to many of them or explosions that kills you in this game. If it was Call Of Duty then you got really lucky.

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness


  • <Temporary Title>
  • <Temporary Text>
My friends forced me to play a FPS today, which I usually don't like to play, but they did it so they could all stick me on the opposite team and barrage me with bullets. There was about 5 people all firing at me at the same time insanely rapidly, and I was able to dodge the carnage and get out untouched. As I ran away, I screamed at them, "DANMAKU SKILLS! I'VE GOT DANMAKU SKILLS! YOU CAN'T KILL A TOUHOU PLAYER WITH BULLETS! SEE YA LATER SUCKERS!"

>Forced me to play an FPS
>My friends
>Forced to play a video game
>Still calling them friends

While I praise your accomplishment, I question the quality of friends that force you to play simply for the emotional benefit of winning against someone who clearly doesn't enjoy it if they have to be >forced.
My profile picture is whimsy until I feel like adding something else.


When you stream dodgeball patterns. Successfully. (Thankfully, no curved trajectories.)


  • Love Sign
  • Master Spark
>Forced me to play an FPS
>My friends
>Forced to play a video game
>Still calling them friends

While I praise your accomplishment, I question the quality of friends that force you to play simply for the emotional benefit of winning against someone who clearly doesn't enjoy it if they have to be >forced.
Maybe he said "forced" as in "persuaded". But even then, yeah, if they threw him on the other team just to have the gratification of crushing a lesser opponent, then that is a dick move. I occasionally play COD with my friend who is clearly way less skilled than me, but we play it because he agrees to play it, and we still have a great time doing it. Hell, just because he is less skilled doesn't mean he can't put up a fight.

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness

When you can name the characters by Zun portraits alone. XD

Give it a try! Its interesting to see how many you can recognize.

While I praise your accomplishment, I question the quality of friends that force you to play simply for the emotional benefit of winning against someone who clearly doesn't enjoy it if they have to be >forced.

Believe me, I'm plotting revenge. It shall be glorious. Glorious.

I'm thinking, filling lockers with confetti?
A beautiful soulgrudge this cosmic was surely authored by the constellations.


  • Do ya wanna get pichuun~'d? Huh!?
  • A guy who is bad at touhou but tries. :)
You know you're addicted when...

You make Touhou references to your friends that they don't get
When you hear music playing and ask yourself "Is that Touhou?"
You dream about Touhou
You have a folder dedicated just to the games


    • My Let's Plays!
CBS messed up an article about my college, failing to get one of our professor's names. Even better, when confronted with the correct name, we got this nugget of unrepentant fucktardation:

Quote from: CBS Local
"We have our sources, it is [Wrong Name]. Please check the facts before posting."

One of the people IN MY CLASS WITH THIS PROFESSOR had volunteered the correct name, and they said that to him.

This was followed by:
Quote from: Another Student In The Class
"Actually, it is [Correct Name] - I think we would know our own professor's name."
SLAM! Cirno Broadcasting Service Local, anyone?!
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:

I saw a magazine in a Barnes and Noble display that had a tag article about "Drinking Extreme Beer in Japan."  I immediately assumed they were drinking with ZUN.


  • A fairy pichuu'ed me.
Well.... this is what I'm listening to for last 40 minutes


  • Not your usual oni.
  • Captured by spirits.
I found 3 Touhou Doom WADs. They are known as Basement, Garden, and Tower (most creative names ever 2014).

Basement is, what you probably would expect, Flandre's basement, though it's not even close to big. You fight Flandre, and you are supplied with Super Shotguns, BFG9000s, Chainguns, Soulspheres, Megaspheres, and a crap-ton of ammo. You might think it's hard, and it somewhat is. In reality, all Flandre does is shoot powerful plasma projectiles at you (which are very easy to dodge), and instakills you on melee. She's also pretty darn fast, so have fun hitting her with BFGs. The room isn't very detailed, and there's supposed to be a mirror but it seems to glitch out and gives me a Hall Of Mirrors effect. Not the most exciting battle I've experienced.

Garden is Yuuka's garden... if you consider a maze a garden. Yuuka's "house" is a shack with a BFG9000, Blue Armor, Soulsphere, and Megasphere. You also get a Super Shotgun (which you WILL need) and a Chaingun (which is pretty much useless, Yuuka's painchance (how often an enemy reacts to pain) is REALLY low). Now onto Yuuka herself... She's slow. Probably slower than a normal Doom Zombie. She has a huge amount of health, and when she attacks, she throws 3 BFG9000 projectiles at you, which is pretty much an instakill, even with full 200 health and 200 armor. Yuuka can go into the maze, but it really makes her a lot less threatening since you have many walls to hide behind. If she was faster (say near as fast as a Pinky Demon or something), then running around in the maze with Yuuka would be pretty scary. This battle could've had potential.

Tower is where you fight Alice. This battle is pretty damn hard if you don't conserve ammo. There's a platform in the middle of the room that raises down, and the platform has a BFG9000 and some ammo on it. You also get a Super Shotgun and a Chaingun. There's also only two Megaspheres, and you will need them. Alice can fly, spawn dolls (which are 10 times more annoying than Lost Souls, these things throw projectiles at you and use a strong melee attack), and she has a considerably low amount of health. This map gives you virtually no cover at all, so you'll be running. A lot. It's pretty funny when the dolls actually start to fight each other, and even fight Alice (talk about bad parenting). If Alice actually attacked instead of spawning dolls everywhere, she would be a pretty reasonable boss character.

Here's a video showing off these 3 WADs, download links for them are in the description:

You know, I kinda feel like seeing how strong some of these characters are against other very powerful Doom Monsters. Cyberdemons versus Alice, anyone? Maybe even seeing how long they can last fighting the Icon of Sin? Possibilities are near endless.


  • The Strongest!
  • and the Dumbest!
I was watching a video and it had a part in it that reminded me of Ran going suppatenko.
Video: (Skip to 3:11 if you want to see the part)

Also, I remember playing catch with friends one day and I started naming some of my throws like they were spell cards.
Normal 1cc: IN,EoSD,MoF,PCB,LoLK-P(403 Retries(Hope to Improve))
Extra Clear:PCB
ISC: All Stages Clear !

Just the other day at the mall, I saw this exact video playing on one of the televisions at the electronics store.

Needless to say, I had to do a double take to make sure.


    • My Let's Plays!

^ That is all.

I lied.

When playing dodgeball, you have a bit of a tendency to want to... graze... the ball. This...really doesn't work.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2014, 03:09:49 AM by Cybeast710 »
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:


  • Seg Fault
When you google "SFM touhou" and the entire first page of results is Touhou-related videos you made...
(I think this also means that not many people put touhous in SFM videos anymore...)

I thought I saw "Udon" on a car's license plate today and immediately thought of Reisen.  Note the thing didn't even spell out "Udon" In l33t was just close enough to make my mind go addled...


  • The Strongest!
  • and the Dumbest!

^ That is all.
Oh God! I can't stop laughing! :V
First, I was like :wat:
then I was like  :o
and then I was like :getdown: and  :]

Normal 1cc: IN,EoSD,MoF,PCB,LoLK-P(403 Retries(Hope to Improve))
Extra Clear:PCB
ISC: All Stages Clear !

One of my little sister's markers is called Merry Berry.


  • The Strongest!
  • and the Dumbest!
Me and my friend were playing Brawl Minus yesterday for most of the day. At one point, he started doing boss battles on Intense, but he accidently selected Normal. He said that it was fine, but I wanted him to play on intense, so I said," No! You need to play on Lunatic!" I said that a couple more times before I realized what my mistake was and corrected it.
Later in the day, he was explaining his strategy for Petey Piranha.
He said, " So what I do is that I jump through the cage while Petey is coming down from a jump so it doesn't hurt me."
The very first thing out of my mouth," So, it is basically like Honest Mans Death." and then I had to explain what Honest Mans Death was.
Normal 1cc: IN,EoSD,MoF,PCB,LoLK-P(403 Retries(Hope to Improve))
Extra Clear:PCB
ISC: All Stages Clear !


  • Jack of all trades
  • Cultured Tastes Since 1994
You know you're addicted to Touhou when you're watching Kill La Kill and you still think it's Seija from time to time.  Even if it's just for a second, it counts.

I went to a restaurant called Shanghai Lil's today. You can probably discern my first thoughts.


When 'Sol Badguy' becomes synonymous with 'Mokou'.
"Wha...wha...whazzat? Whazzat? You just wanna play a game that doesn't have six metrosexual Jonas Brothers in it? Well FUUUUUUUCK YOU! This is what you get, fuck you! Square Enix: Because fuck you guys!" -JonTron
"The lessons bronies shared with us about loyalty, friendship, fame, obsession, transcendental idealism, rectal prolapse, and erotic plush toy construction shall not be soon forgotten." -Alex Barry


  • Serendipitous Youkai
  • *
  • i post while naked
    • My Tumblr
When 'Sol Badguy' becomes synonymous with 'Mokou'.

Tumblr (sometimes NSFW) | PM for Facebook

Abraham Lincoln

  • Mendelssohn for President 2016
  • Make Bach Great Again!
When you find yourself trying to pick out Touhou music in this

I hear Drunk as I Like, Little Princess, and Lullaby of a Deserted Hell.

When ads use Touhou to lure you in.

When you start installing Touhou mods into SSBB.