Author Topic: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.6 released!  (Read 185652 times)


  • Seg Fault
Hello MotK. This is my second attempt at making a Touhou RPG using RPGmaker VX Ace:

Team ⑨ Mystical Quest

What is this? It's a Touhou RPG with an FBS (Frontal-view Battle System). The FBS reminds me of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest so that's what the game's name is derived from. Sadly, the only FBS for RPGmaker that is an exact emulation of Mystic Quest's BS is not available to the public, so I'm using a battle system called Lune FBS instead (If I find a better FBS, I will replace Lune.).

The story is that the Three Mischievous Fairies kidnap Daiyousei and Cirno assembles Team ⑨ to get her back. After confronting the trio in the Forbidden Section of the SDM Library, Sunny Milk accidentally unleashes a powerful youkai by the name of Ōgonsekai no Daisanji (If google is correct, this translates roughly to "catastrophe from Utopia" though I wouldn't trust google 100%), who kidnaps Daiyousei and enslaves the Three Fairies. Somehow it all comes down to Team ⑨ to save Gensokyo from Daisanji's evil plan.

The story will be broken up into six chapters.

The entire story, save for three of the final major sidequests and postgame, is playable as of the current build

Alpha v.1 Chapter 0.5
Alpha v.2 Chapter 1 - Incompatible with save files from Alpha v.1 due to the bestiary.
Alpha v.2.1 Chapter 1 - Compatible with save files from Alpha v.2, copy your save files from the older version into the new folder and you're good to go!
Alpha v.3 Chapter 1.5 - Compatible with save files from Alpha v.2.1, but note that doing so can cause up to two bugs to occur. If you must import an old file, do it with characters less than level 10.
Alpha v.4.0 - Chapter 2.5 -  Compatible with previous save files, but, like before, some bugs might occur if you do. If you must import an old file, do it with characters less than level 17, and make sure it's from BEFORE defeating Elis!
Alpha v.4.1 - Chapter 2.5 - see above
Alpha v.4.2 - Chapter 2.5 - see above
Alpha v.5 - Chapter 4 - Previous save files are INCOMPATIBLE with this version. Don't even try.
Alpha v.6 - Endgame (Part 1) - Compatible with Alpha v.5 save files, but as before, some bugs may occur if you do.
Alpha v.6.1 - Endgame (Part 1) - Identical to the above version, but it fixes an annoying bug involving one of the cutscenes.

-The main section of Chapter 5 and 95% of Cirno's Sidequest was added.
-Chapter 6 added.
-Bad ending 2 added.
-Minimum requirements for good ending added.
-Good ending added. (Duh.)
-Final Boss and True Final Boss added.
-Kanako and Suwako's bestiary music has been corrected.
-Gale Cavern (and Excalipoor) is now inaccessible until after clearing the Sealed Abyss.
-Zuh now enters battle with a Killing Machine and a Chaotic Wisp.
-Chapter 3 Superboss is now fixed.
-Legion Core now counters wind.
-That cave at the bottom right of Lower Youkai Mountain actually leads somewhere now.
-The Death Mask has been moved to the SDM's second floor, and a new MIAB now takes its place on the first floor.
-Excalibur has been buffed.
-All Liquid Metal Slimes on Lower Youkai Mountain were removed.
-Some disreperancies in the bestiary were corrected.
-Northern Gensokyo is now accessible. (Most of it is only reachable in chapter 5, though.)
-An optional, "impossible" fight added.

-In the Miasma Field, it displays the EXP you would have received instead of the actual modified amount for that area.
-Using Enshroud on anyone who isn't named Rumia will cause a message saying "<Party Member> took no damage!" before applying the Enshroud effect. The same applies to using Ice Armor on anyone who isn't named Cirno.
-If you import a save file, be sure to import one from BEFORE you defeated Elis and left the Ruins of Vina. Otherwise you will have some serious cutscene bugs if you try to return to Gensokyo/re-enter Makai from Gensokyo. (No longer applicable to current version)
-There may be a tiling error here or there on the larger maps, please report any obvious ones.
-Minor graphical glitches occur with K.O'ed party members. They do not affect gameplay and will be worked out in a later version.
Goliath Doll 2.0
's Bestiary entry states that you killed 0. (According to the game, this is technically true, since
Raging Goliath
is a separate entity.)
-When fighting YuugenMagan, if you defeat one of the eyes before every party member has taken their turn, and you have more than one party member targeting the eye, then the rest of the party members will attack the dead eye and do no damage. 
-If you imported a save file from Alpha 3 from after you defeat Elis, certain cutscenes will NOT work. (No longer applicable to current version)
-If you imported an old save file, then certain monsters will show up in the bestiary which aren't supposed to be in there. (For example, YuugenMagan's eyes.) (No longer applicable to current version)
-Single target enemy healing spells will all target the same enemy.
-If a boss is killed by something it can counter, it will use its counter attack immediately after dying, potentially causing a Kaizo Trap, depending on the boss.
-Humorously, Cagnazzo can counter himself.
-If the party members are not lined up behind Cirno, or are not behind the portal, for the final cutscene of chapter 4, the game will freeze because it won't be able to finish the cutscene properly.
-If you import a save file from after killing Pazuzu, Excalipoor/Excalibur becomes unobtainable. (Unless of course, you already have it. :P)
-Revival spells cast by enemies no longer work for some reason. I'm still trying to figure out which script is causing this. (This was actually present in some of the older versions, but I forgot to address it until now.)
-Because of the above bug a certain late game boss can be made easier.
-If Cirno does not survive the Chapter 3 endboss, the game will immediately trigger a game over when starting Chapter 4
-Triggering a fight in the arena causes the party to stop gaining XP.
-Faulty collisions in Nameless Hill and Muenzuka.
-If the battle against Namazu is initiated with Wriggle dead, the post-battle cutscene will result in a game-over.

-The dialogue may sound weird or out of character in certain areas. Sorry.  :(
-Some areas, such as the Garden of the Sun and the Bamboo Forest of the Lost, are currently using placeholder tilesets due to me being unable to find any suitable tilesets for them on the internet.
-There are two type of encounter systems, contact with overworld enemies and random encounters in specified areas. The general rule of thumb is that if there's denser vegetation, there will be random encounters.
-Some face graphics, such as Rumia, Wriggle, and Mystia's are currently placeholders and will be replaced when I can find better ones.
-All human NPC's that aren't named Touhou characters use stock RPG Maker characters as placeholders. Thus, they look quite weird compared to the Touhou characters. The same is true of Daisanji, the antagonist.
-The inn in Mayohiga is a parody of the traditional inns in RPG games. The only real purpose of the structure is to house a save point and recovery spring.
-Byakuren can teach the party skills at certain points in the game.
-None of the the sprites or music are my own and I do not claim ownership for any of them. All credit should go to the original creators.

Tips/Secrets (Read at own risk):
-Upon returning to the SDM after Mayohiga, if you learned heal from Koakuma, you can talk to her again to learn Fire. This is your only opportunity to learn it.
-Relating to the above, you can one-hit Raging Goliath with Fire. Be aware that this will still set off the Kaizo Trap, so make sure you have lots of hp left.
-You can annoy Rinnosuke by repeatedly selecting "leave" when speaking to him.
-Go ahead. Open the door in the SDM basement. I DARE YOU!
-Once you enter Makai, try backtracking into Gensokyo a bit. Perhaps you'll get something helpful if you look in the right place.
-The ways to access the two completely optional areas of Makai are based off of NES era cheats.
-Use all of your consumable items (Yes, this means your Elixirs and Megalixirs too.) BEFORE starting Chapter 4 (Preferably during Chapter 3's final battle.). You'll see why. (Don't worry though, you'll get more!)
-Related to the above, do not take the contents of the chest in the SDM basement unless you either A. have cleared chapter 4, or B. are confident enough that you can defeat Flandre before starting Chapter 4.
-Bring Excalipoor to a certain area of the Abyss to upgrade it.

Some of the locations on the map are currently inaccessible, these locations are:
-90% of the Underground



Script Credits:
Raizen844 - Lune FBS
Hime - Permanent States
     - Untargetable States
DoubleX - RMVXA Unison Skills/Items
Shadowmaster - Fantasy Bestiary
bgillisp - Slip Damage Change Script
Yanfly - Weapon Attack Replace
Neon Black - State Graphics, Skill Costs
Galv - Follower jump snippet
Soulpour777 - Doom State
"Maker Systems - RPG Maker Source" - Save File Doctor

Please let me know if you encounter any of the following:
-An undiscovered bug or glitch.
-Tiling errors on larger maps.
-spelling/grammar errors. (Tell me which cutscene/NPC and what line.)
-cutscene flaws. (There's a couple in this version I already found and are going to be fixed in the next)
-Out of character dialogue. (Tell me which cutscene/NPC and what line. If you can suggest an improvement that would be helpful and I will credit you if I use it.)
-Dialogue that does not flow well. (See above)
-Redundant Dialogue. (See above)
-Game breakers.

I look forward to your feedback and support.

RPG Maker forums version of this thread:
NOTE: Due to different posting regulations on that forum, the above thread will be updated less frequently than this one.

This thread will always be up-to-date.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 07:34:59 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2014, 05:06:41 PM »
Wow. :V
A whole month and no attention.  xD

I find that hilarious.

I guess this is tragic proof of how very few members are in RaNGE at any given time...
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 05:14:16 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2014, 12:30:50 AM »
I honestly haven't noticed this... I'm going to download this and see what it's like so far.
(I'll post feed back asap.)


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2014, 12:54:59 AM »
Decided to record a couple of videos:  :V (Definite spoilers here.)
Final Boss of Chapter 0.5, the current demo:
The Three Mischievous Fairies
A preview of what's to come in the next version :)

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2014, 03:43:25 PM »
Got around to playing the alpha and I liked it even if it was kinda short anyway looking forward to the future chapters


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2014, 07:37:06 PM »
Got around to playing the alpha and I liked it even if it was kinda short anyway looking forward to the future chapters

Glad you liked it!  :)

Did you happen to find anything that obviously needs work/improvement during your playthrough by chance? (i.e. glitches, bugs, spelling/grammar errors, cutscene flaws, out of character dialogue/dialogue that doesn't flow as well, exploits, game breakers, etc.)

Also, out of curiosity, what parts of the current version did you like the most? Were there any parts you disliked? (...Aaaaand now I'm starting to sound like a survey... xD)


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2014, 10:54:27 PM »
Did you happen to find anything that obviously needs work/improvement during your playthrough by chance? (i.e. glitches, bugs, spelling/grammar errors, cutscene flaws, out of character dialogue/dialogue that doesn't flow as well, exploits, game breakers, etc.)
I feel like the bamboo forest can be really unnecessarily difficult for the 2nd area. I mean 3/4 v 2 low levels is kind of mean. Otherwise I enjoyed it.

I also did a video of the final boss of this version
You can see it here
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 12:12:43 AM by PhantomSong »


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2014, 12:43:23 AM »
I feel like the bamboo forest can be really unnecessarily difficult for the 2nd area. I mean 3/4 v 2 low levels is kind of mean. Otherwise I enjoyed it.

What do you mean by the 2nd area? Are you referring to the large random-encounter-fest area that takes up 75% of the map?

EDIT: Also, which enemies in particular are you having trouble with?

Also, I'm glad you enjoyed the game so far.  :)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 12:50:25 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2014, 01:02:22 AM »
What do you mean by the 2nd area? Are you referring to the large random-encounter-fest area that takes up 75% of the map?

EDIT: Also, which enemies in particular are you having trouble with?

Also, I'm glad you enjoyed the game so far.  :)
I'd say the combo of petite kedamas and a fairy can be somewhat overwhelming
Also, is it possible for you to change text speed? Because slightly fast text would be fantastic.

Here's a playlist of all the boss fights

Also I noticed in the Yukari thing, she can become weak to fire... but no one has fire moves? I'd like to recommend a move for Cirno that'd you'd get around level 7ish
Frost Burn :
a Fire Elemental attack.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 02:15:42 AM by PhantomSong »


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2014, 03:39:03 AM »
Frost Burn :
a Fire Elemental attack.

Funny you should say that, because before I made Yukari I gave Cirno a spell called "Freezer Burn" that she learns at level 8. It's still an ice-elemental attack but it has a chance of inflicting a status condition called "Burn".
However, Yukari's still only vulnerable to it if the barrier shifts to ice.

Besides, I was planning on fire being the only thing you can't hit Yukari with.
(Though, perhaps I'll add in a character that can teach a basic fire spell to one of the party members,
since the next version is going to have Koakuma teach "Heal" to a party member of your choosing anyways...

And here's some useless trivia about the Yukari boss that will be in the next version:
There are three other elements that Yukari can shift her weakness to that aren't featured in the video, Wind (which Mystia can hit), Light (Which only Wriggle's flash can hit), and an element called Sap (which governs spells that steal HP or MP from a target, and Rumia will be able to learn a Sap spell at lvl 8 in the next version).

I'd say the combo of petite kedamas and a fairy can be somewhat overwhelming

I checked the Bamboo forest's encounter listings and that particular formation is not coded to appear in there.
Are you mistaking the Bamboo forest for the Youkai Forest? Because if you are that clarifies a lot of things.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 04:02:47 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2014, 04:08:20 AM »
Yeah, Youkai Forest, the second area :v
Edit: I see where I done goofed xD
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 04:10:57 AM by PhantomSong »


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2014, 04:19:34 AM »
Yeah, Youkai Forest, the second area :v
Edit: I see where I done goofed xD


Anyways, I just tweaked the random encounters for that area. In the next version encountering that particular formation will be as frequent as encountering two common fairies in Youkai Forest (which is low).


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2014, 04:32:39 PM »
Another preview:  :)
One of the two optional bosses that will be featured in the next version.
The optional bosses are slightly tougher than normal bosses and defeating them gets you some goodies. (As shown at the end of the video)

Also, yay, custom animations!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 04:45:50 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2014, 10:17:22 PM »
I suggest probably some better dialogue.. XD
"Found Pads!"
Mystia: "What would a maid be doing with these?"
Cirno: "Ew... They're still warm."
Rumia: "Yuck!"
Sakuya: "Hey! Who's there?!"
Wriggle: "Crap! It's the maid!"
Sakuya: "Oh, it's the fairy and her friends... what's that behind your back..."
Cirno: "N-not any pads or anything!"
Rumia: "Great job, Cirno."
Sakuya: "Well you now know my secret. Now I can't let you live."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2014, 10:21:54 PM »
I suggest probably some better dialogue.. XD
"Found Pads!"
Mystia: "What would a maid be doing with these?"
Cirno: "Ew... They're still warm."
Rumia: "Yuck!"
Sakuya: "Hey! Who's there?!"
Wriggle: "Crap! It's the maid!"
Sakuya: "Oh, it's the fairy and her friends... what's that behind your back..."
Cirno: "N-not any pads or anything!"
Rumia: "Great job, Cirno."
Sakuya: "Well you now know my secret. Now I can't let you live."

I think I'll actually put this in! (If it's alright with you.) :P XD

(And yes, you can equip them... Since I know somebody is bound to ask eventually... They increase your defense stat by a tiny bit...)
« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 10:32:51 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2014, 11:04:06 PM »
I think I'll actually put this in! (If it's alright with you.) :P XD
Sure. I don't mind.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2014, 10:09:42 PM »
A small update:

Chapter 1 is nearing completion and should have a playable demo up within the next week or so.
EDIT: Progress on Chapter 1 is ahead of schedule, expect a demo within the next three days!!

So to celebrate I'm uploading one last preview before the demo is complete:
This is going to be the penultimate boss of Chapter 1, so definite spoilers ahead.

I'm also planning on adding in a Bestiary when Chapter 1 comes out. Tell me what you think of this idea!
« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 03:34:04 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG)
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2014, 04:58:54 AM »
Chapter 1 is complete!! :D

Download: Alpha v.2 Chapter 1

-Chapter one of the storyline is finished (Duh!)
-First Meiling cutscene was tweaked.
-The frequency of randomly encountering the formation of 2 Petit Kedamas with a Flower Fairy was decreased in Youkai Forest.
-Rinnosuke bug fixed.
-Fadeout transitions were added for when Rumia and Wriggle join the party, in the previous version there was an abrupt jumping of the character's sprite to a new location.
-Two optional bosses have been added. You get nice stuff if you beat them! Try to find them!
-Most of southern Gensokyo is now accessible. (Youkai Mountain, Sanzu River, Eientei, the underground, and Higan are still inaccessible)

-The game has a bestiary now!
   -Lets you look at stats, weaknesses, and possible drops of enemies and bosses.
   -Entries 35 - 148 are unused and are only there to prevent crashes for when I add new enemies and bosses in later versions.
   -fill entries 1 - 34 to complete chapter 1's bestiary!

-The "Formation" option in the menu has been disabled. It is now impossible to have anyone but Cirno be the party leader.
-Star Sapphire was made harder (higher chance of casting both "heal" and "anticipate".), as a consequence,the battle against the 3 fairies has also increased in difficulty.
-Four combination attacks were added! The combos are learned when the component skills of the combo are learned by the participants
-two optional spells were added, taught by the same NPC.

-Dialogue may sound weird/out of character in some areas, Sorry! :(
-All human NPC's that aren't named Touhou characters use stock RPG Maker characters as placeholders. Thus, they look quite weird compared to the Touhou characters. The same is true of Daisanji, the antagonist.
-The inn in Mayohiga is a parody of the traditional inns in RPG games. The only real purpose of the structure is to house a save point and recovery spring.

Tips/Secrets (Read at own risk):
-Upon returning to the SDM after Mayohiga, if you learned heal from Koakuma, you can talk to her again to learn Fire. This is your only opportunity to learn it.
-Relating to the above, you can one-hit Raging Goliath with Fire. Be aware that this will still set off the Kaizo Trap, so make sure you have lots of hp left.

Known Bugs:
Goliath Doll 2.0
's Bestiary entry states that you killed 0. (According to the game, this is technically true, since
Raging Goliath
is a separate entity.)
-Combo attacks only show one character performing the casting animation. (Will be fixed as soon as I figure out how to combine the combo attack script with Lune without screwing both of them up.)
-The "Insect Lullaby" combo only shows half of its cost (it costs 30 MP and TP, not just 30 TP)
-If you somehow manage to defeat Meiling at the first encounter (or defeat the second encounter with an incomplete party), the game proceeds as if you have all four party members, despite missing members being absent.
-returning to the SDM after the Yukari battle makes it so that you can no longer access the Road of Liminality and Mayohiga.

Please let me know if you encounter any of the following:
-An undiscovered bug or glitch.
-spelling/grammar errors. (Tell me which cutscene/NPC and what line.)
-cutscene flaws. (There's a couple in this version I already found and are going to be fixed in the next)
-Out of character dialogue. (Tell me which cutscene/NPC and what line. If you can suggest an improvement that would be helpful and I will credit you if I use it.)
-Dialogue that does not flow well. (See above)
-Redundant Dialogue. (See above)
-Game breakers.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 06:35:39 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Chapter 1 Complete!
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2014, 09:56:34 AM »
Well, here is something that is not on the list.

Can you find two unusual things depicted here?

Well, yeah. You can beat Meiling with just Cirno and Rumia. It's not even that hard if Rumia is level 4 (for the Blind spell... and yes, that requires a bit of grinding) and you have enough Potions. And since, according to the plot, Team ⑨ lost to Meiling during their first encounter, you can beat Meiling twice. And since the plot dictates you'll enter the mansion after beating Meiling during the second encounter, you can sequence-break and enter the mansion with just two members.
But that's not the problem - on the contrary, I praise the sequence-breaks and similar stuff. The worse thing is, every following cutscene(and some other things) will unfold as if there are 4 members. Meaning - Wriggle and Mystia will say their lines even though they are far-far-away, they will appear during some cutscenes only to disappear right after them, they can learn the spells Koakuma gives you despite not being there...

Oh, and there's this line in the "after defeating Ran" cutscene - "Sound's good to me! What about you guys.". As far as I know, it should be "Sounds good to me! What about you guys?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.2.1
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2014, 05:54:02 PM »
Thank you for pointing out the Meiling problem. I'll probably upload a bugfix to remove the sequence break as soon as RPG maker stops giving me issues.

I'll also correct that punctuation error.

Alpha v.2.1 Chapter 1

-Removed Meiling sequence-break. It's now impossible to defeat Meiling unless you have a full party. (Do not attempt to defeat Meiling by level grinding Cirno and Rumia, as this will just lead to a waste of potions... It won't work anyways.)
-Fixed Road of Liminality bug.
-corrected a small punctuation error

Save files from Alpha v.2 appear to be compatible with the new version.
Just copy your save files from the old version and paste them into the new folder and you're good to go!
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 08:19:13 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.2.1
« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2014, 08:53:00 PM »

I was fighting some fairy maids in the mansion and this pops up after every 5th attack that connects.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.2.1
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2014, 08:55:51 PM »

I was fighting some fairy maids in the mansion and this pops up after every 5th attack that connects.

Sorry, I can't see the image (Most image host are blocked on my home network due to me having a younger sibling).
Could you please describe what's happening, use a different image host such as this one, or upload the image as an attachment?


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.2.1
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2014, 09:19:31 PM »
Sorry, I can't see the image (Most image host are blocked on my home network due to me having a younger sibling).
Could you please describe what's happening, use a different image host such as this one, or upload the image as an attachment?
bluh... that sucks, especially because imgur is popular... Uh sure. (I would post via, but I delete very often.)


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.2.1
« Reply #23 on: July 29, 2014, 09:22:48 PM »
Okay, I think I see what the problem is.
Did you drag a save file from Alpha v.1 into either of the new versions, or is this a completely new save file?

If you dragged an old save file from Alpha v.1 into the new versions, the problem is caused by the bestiary script trying to update with an enemy that, according to the script, previously didn't exist. that's why I said that save files from Alpha v.1 were incompatible with the other versions. I advise starting a new save file if this is the case.

If the problem is on a new save file, then I don't know what the problem is since this problem shouldn't occur in the newer versions if you're using a new file.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 12:33:13 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.2.1
« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2014, 12:46:21 AM »
Okay, I think I see what the problem is.
Did you drag a save file from Alpha v.1 into either of the new versions, or is this a completely new save file?

If you dragged an old save file from Alpha v.1 into the new versions, the problem is caused by the bestiary script trying to update with an enemy that, according to the script, previously didn't exist. that's why I said that save files from Alpha v.1 were incompatible with the other versions. I advise starting a new save file if this is the case.

If the problem is on a new save file, then I don't know what the problem is since this problem shouldn't occur in the newer versions if you're using a new file.
I'm pretty sure I'm using a v.2 save, but question is why does it happen in battle.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.2.1
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2014, 01:23:59 AM »
It's tracking how many of an enemy you kill. So it causes errors when the enemy dies (Which is roughly the fifth hit for a fairy maid with non-overleveled characters.) the calcuation happens right before the death animation.
I still suggest trying a new save file, if that doesn't work, I'll update with another bugfix (since the bestiary script I'm using literally just updated to a new version).

Also, it's the very first fairy maid you "kill" that causes the problem, right? I'm just making sure.
Also, did you ever open the bestiary prior to fighting the maids?


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.2.1
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2014, 03:55:35 AM »
After a short hiatus, work on this project has resumed.
To celebrate, here's a first look at the currently-in-development Chapter 2:

Note: The version of the area seen in the video is not final and is very likely to be subject to change (For instance, I already decided to decrease the speed of the enemies on the overworld.)


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.2.1
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2014, 12:22:49 AM »
Hey everyone, I have an idea for this game that I would like some outside input on:

So I'm planning on having a segment of the upcoming chapter 2 (The Makai chapter) have two possible routes, one route involves Team ⑨ crossing an area of Makai where its miasma is more concentrated than normal. Entering this area will cause the team to begin experiencing the miasma's effects (Based on the description of it from the Touhou Wiki, I'm thinking of HP slowly ticking away, at the same time doubling the team's Magic Attack stat (or EXP rate, if it isn't OP).), which makes this area difficult to pass through.

Alternatively, the team could pass through a cave that bypasses the area. This route is slightly easier and lacks the status effect.
This is the part where I would like some inputs, as I have two ideas for this alternate route that I'm considering:
1. At the end of the cave the team encounters the Three Fairies, who cause a cave-in. This forces the team to backtrack and take the other route. However, on the way back, they encounter a boss
(I'm thinking Kikuri (despite it not technically being from Makai...))
and upon defeating this boss they receive an item that makes the first route easier.

2. The bypass works as intended, allowing the team to skip the "miasma area" (I haven't yet decided on a name.). However, this causes the team to miss any items, unique enemy drops, and bosses that may be present in there.

So let me know what you think about this!
Which option sounds better/more fun gameplay-wise?
If there's anything else about this idea that you have problems with or that you like, let me know!

Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.2.1
« Reply #28 on: August 29, 2014, 09:41:28 PM »
I believe that option 1 is the best option plot-wise.

PS, Since the
Youkai Mountain
is in the game, will
Sanae Kochiya and the Moriya Shrine
play a role in the game later?


  • Seg Fault
Re: Team ⑨ Mystical Quest - (Touhou RPG) - Alpha v.2.1
« Reply #29 on: August 29, 2014, 10:23:32 PM »
PS, Since the
Youkai Mountain
is in the game, will
Sanae Kochiya and the Moriya Shrine
play a role in the game later?

Maaaaaybe... :P