Author Topic: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Completed]  (Read 265457 times)


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #270 on: December 27, 2011, 07:48:38 PM »
Character animations will take up over 300mb if you redo them completely. So let's just say, no :V


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #271 on: December 27, 2011, 08:13:51 PM »
If you find someoene with enough spare time let them do it :U


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #272 on: December 27, 2011, 08:16:22 PM »
That person will need to keep up to the pace I work at and also know how to insert the animations in the mod because I'm not subjecting my connection to uploading anything bigger than 100mb.

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #273 on: December 27, 2011, 09:13:57 PM »
i thought pure flandre tree was gonna be hard.... i was wrong


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #274 on: December 27, 2011, 11:31:36 PM »
i thought pure flandre tree was gonna be hard.... i was wrong
Yeah everything hits you automatically when you're running anyway so 0 defense isn't as extreme as it sounds. In return you do like 400% damage though :]

I picked up a Cirno Kensei and took her through act 1, she feels pretty well balanced and ironically one of the more technical characters. Frost Columns is a good core skill, although I never really liked how assassins needed two buttons for fighting so they can release the charge, but I can't really complain about the effectiveness!

Icicle Machine Gun is a cute skill, nice for tagging enemies with slow in early game. I'd like to try pumping points in it to see how it does as a main skill, but I suspect it probably needs something like a hitbox size increase as it gains level to remain viable.

Sword Freezer and Cold Divinity are bugged though. Sword Freezer's retaliation missiles do 0 damage (I noticed this when enemies weren't being slowed by the missiles hitting them which would be their primary utility), and Cold Divinity's bonus isn't being added to your defense (the skill tree icon shows the correct value, but it doesn't show up on the character screen).

I like Yorihime's skills the most out of all the core characters I've seen so far; I can see myself using them on any Kensei besides Momiji or maybe Tenshi (since she's more of a caster). Amaterasu is painfully expensive but that's the price you pay for convenience I guess. Amaterasu should have some kind of visual effect so you know when it runs out, btw.

The Purity damage on the auras seems really out of whack. With 100 Purity, fire does 25~33 (29 average), cold does 6~12 (9 average), and lightning does 0~100 (50 average). I guess the cold one being a lot worse makes sense since you're probably using it for the slow (or with Cold Divinity), but fire should only do slightly less than lightning.

Anyway, Andariel dropped a Buster Sword so I'm going to go tear the shit out of the rest of the game and see how cool Perfect Freeze is :V

So I'm into Act 3 now and despite the fact that this Buster Sword does about three times as much damage as any other rare Watermelon Sword I've found, around the Arcane Sanctuary I started noticing that it was starting to take some time to kill stuff again. Still, nothing can really hurt me...I think enemies need to scale with less HP but a lot more damage.

On the subject of Perfect Freeze. Perfect Freeze gives you the chance to cause a frost nova with any of your attacks. Including Perfect Freeze.

What happens when you use it is that it starts a chain reaction where every enemy it hits will cause another nova, and the screen will lock up for a moment while that 3 damage nova pings infinitely between everything on screen, and when you regain control all but one or two enemies die simultaneously and explode in a pile of ice shards.

This is a pretty terrible bug but it's also pretty fucking rad at the same time. I'm the strongest!
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 05:12:05 AM by Stuffman »


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #275 on: December 28, 2011, 07:38:58 AM »
Perfect Freeze is a chain frost nova. The one you cast will proc another one off the enemy when it hits. First version of the skill made it infinitely chaining, which was awesomely dumb. It only chains once and it would appear that nobody can handle how badass of a skill it is :V

Sword Freezer will be fixed for the next update. Cold Divinity and all other passives that boost your anything based on a stat that you can change with equipment is not bugged. What happens is that D2 doesn't update it until you put a skillpoint in the skill, save and exit or an update on your character's details like levelling up. There's no workaround for it unfortunately. What I want to do eventually is get rid of all passive skills as they are always filler when modding.

My rough guideline to elemental damages is fire as par, cold as a quarter of fire, lightning as one and a half of fire, poison in total (after duration) just a bit more than lightning.

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #276 on: December 28, 2011, 07:42:25 AM »
On the subject of Perfect Freeze. Perfect Freeze gives you the chance to cause a frost nova with any of your attacks. Including Perfect Freeze.

What happens when you use it is that it starts a chain reaction where every enemy it hits will cause another nova, and the screen will lock up for a moment while that 3 damage nova pings infinitely between everything on screen, and when you regain control all but one or two enemies die simultaneously and explode in a pile of ice shards.

This is a pretty terrible bug but it's also pretty fucking rad at the same time. I'm the strongest!

That sounds absolutely awesome!

Chen is now in Act 1 Phantasm and things got have gotten progressively easier from Normal mode through Lunatic, against Normal Reimu I had to move out of the lightning attack, against Lunatic Reimu the lifesteal outhealed the damage. Flight of Idaten is great, just click something and the bouncing lightning takes out everything in the room. I would not have wanted to play this melee character as a hardcore though, mobs deals good damage in Phantasm, even with high resistances. Although some would probably be negated if the item defense bug was fixed. Shouldn't spending stats in lives and bombs make a bigger difference?

I was excited about finding the X tier Nue trident and the N tier Tewi Hammer, even if they are pointless for the Chen build. From all the uniques I've found so far it seems the unique nekomata claws are the strongest weapons in the game. N tier has over 1000 weapon damage, would P tier have around 3000 weapon damage?? Grudge bow could probably be pretty strong too, only had the N tier and it had 400 max damage I think.
"you never know, you may have the best strats in the world" - Zil

Immortal Momiji!


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #277 on: December 28, 2011, 07:53:05 AM »
Life and manasteal is getting nerfed. If nerfing isn't enough, it needs to be accessible only on special items :<

Captain Infinity

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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #278 on: December 28, 2011, 09:38:54 AM »



This is also relevant in showing how good Pesco is at this:

« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 01:52:06 PM by ? »


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #279 on: December 28, 2011, 05:34:23 PM »
Perfect Freeze is a chain frost nova. The one you cast will proc another one off the enemy when it hits. First version of the skill made it infinitely chaining, which was awesomely dumb. It only chains once and it would appear that nobody can handle how badass of a skill it is :V

I'm pretty sure it's still doing it infinitely. I can use level 1 Perfect Freeze on a group of Bramble Hulks and kill them all in one shot, while my ridiculously overpowered sword only lops off about 25% of their HP per hit. Like I said, the screen locks up until all enemies are dead (or too far from each other to hit with novas), which suggests infinite loop.

EDIT: Okay I figured it out. It keeps going as long as there's at least three enemies in range of each other. I assume the logic goes like:
Cirno does PF -> PF bounces off enemy 1 (PF1) -> PF1 bounces off enemy 2 (PF2) and remembers that it came from enemy 1, so it doesn't bounce again when it hits enemy 1.

However if you have three enemies then it can go:
Cirno does PF -> PF bounces off enemy 1 (PF1) -> PF1 bounces off enemy 2 (PF2) -> PF2 bounces off enemy 3 (PF3) -> PF3 bounces off enemy 1 again which starts the whole cycle over.

A couple options:
- make it count how many bounces it's done and put a hard limit on that (Lightning Fury style)
- make it so each enemy can only bounce Perfect Freeze once regardless of how many times it's hit
- rework it so only the nova launched by Cirno causes bounces
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 05:55:51 PM by Stuffman »


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #280 on: December 28, 2011, 07:18:54 PM »
Each enemy that gets hit by Cirno's PF will release one of their own and it ends there. What might be happening is more than one piece of Cirno's PF hits and then it procs more than one off the same enemy. Adding a NextDelay will fix that.

Edit: I fixed it :V
Current Perfect Freeze
-Initial nova
-Hit enemy, proc nova per hit, multiple hits per single nova because no NextDelay.
-Hit a wall/level barrier, proc nova per hit.
-Initial nova runs out of range, proc nova, 64 more novas if absolutely nothing hit.

New Perfect Freeze
-Initial nova
-Hit enemy, spawn a delay missile that hits the enemy to then proc secondary nova. Only 1 hit per single nova because NextDelay added.
-Hit a wall/level barrier, proc nova per hit.
-Initial nova runs out of range, nothing happens.

This removes the lockup because of 64 novas taking place at the same time. 64 novas is 4096 missiles on screen at a time :V
« Last Edit: December 28, 2011, 07:46:34 PM by Pesco »


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #281 on: December 29, 2011, 04:16:05 AM »
Alright here is the playtest report on my Tenshi Kensei.

Tenshi quickly gains the means for outstanding damage output, but only at the cost of her entire blue orb. While she can quickly destroy any large threat, she has a large number of logistics problems that make her very inflexible and slow to progress in the game, and thus not much fun.

One of Tenshi's problems is that she is not very self-sufficient because she doesn't have any kind of cheap damage output for taking out regular mobs efficiently, her skills are very all-or-nothing. Unfortunately, her buy-in drawback, -30% graze, gives her terrible synergy with all three of her other skill trees because all of them have armor with graze requirements. Dumping tons of points into graze means she cannot afford to buy bombs to feed her voracious need for mana.

Her first skill, Sword of Rapture, comes in at level 6 but that's okay because of how powerful it starts off. Keeping this skill leveled means you can pretty much instantly melt anything right in front of you, and may or may not wipe out anything behind it depending on how the flames flow. The problem with this skill is the prohibitively huge mana cost. Unless you put points in bombs and keep Sword of Rapture underleveled to keep the MP cost down, you'll only be able to afford casting this spell on groups of stronger enemies (usually uniques+minions). I often found myself casting it two or three times to get through a fierce fight, causing my mana to go from full to zero, and having to chug another two mana potions to get it back up.

Tenshi's future skill lineup doesn't do much to solve her mana problems. She's the only character I've played so far where I needed to have two columns of mana potions on her belt.

Sword of Unletting Soil strikes me as kind of pointless. It strikes roughly the same area as Sword of Rapture but slower and much less reliably. (The druid version of this spell isn't much good either, really.) It is also made fully obsolete by Violent Motherland.

World Creation Press has an impressive stun time but poor damage for its cost. Unfortunately this doesn't do much good for Tenshi since she doesn't have the attack power to follow through on the stun; it would work great in hybrid Youmu or Flandre builds though. Also quite expensive, and again hits the same range as Sword of Rapture. Addendum: World Creation Press has a control quirk, it won't shoot unless you right click on an enemy. It should shoot in the direction you right clicked, like other ranged skills. You can hold shift to aim it but that's annoying :V

Violent Motherland is a pretty cool skill and basically what Sword of Unletting Soil should be. It does excellent damage at a reasonable cost provided you're not in a hurry to kill anyone in particular. Now, Violent Motherland is on a cast delay which locks out all her other fire skills while it's going (which is probably a good thing), but interestingly it does not prevent you from using World Creation Press (since that is from a different Druid skill tree)! If Tenshi had the means to put out some damage with her sword, a Violent Motherland + World Creation Press strategy would make a great centerpiece strategy for her.

I don't intend to play up to level 30 but I think Scarlet Weather Rhapsody - I'm assuming it's Armageddon - is probably redundant with Violent Motherland since they are both cast-delay AOE damage over time. Armageddon's primary purpose was to give werewolf/werebear something to cast.

My recommendations for Tenshi are as follows:
- Change the -30% graze to something else to make her more friendly with Yorihime/Youmu/Flan equips. It should still be some kind of significant disadvantage to account for the power that Tenshi's nukes bring to the table.
- Reduce damage of Sword of Rapture by 1/3, cut mana cost in half. I'm okay with her being mana-hungry but right now is waaay too much, she should at least be able to cast it five or six times from full.
- Change Sword of Unletting Soil into some sort of cheap-ish swordy skill so Tenshi can fight, and therefore use World Creation Press and Violent Motherland better. (She'll never be able to afford Yorihime's buff.)
- Make World Creation Press either somewhat cheaper or somewhat more damaging. Might be fun to experiment with making it shorter range but with a full circle area (like a stomp), making her more in-your-face.
- Change Scarlet Weather Rhapsody into something else. Probably a bigger nuke than Sword of Rapture (should still be on Violent Motherland's cast delay though).

Also, the Celestial Sword seems to have a broken animation, the sword isn't visible on the sprite except for the in-town idle animation.

The Keystone graphic is great though :]
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 06:07:33 AM by Stuffman »


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #282 on: December 29, 2011, 11:02:43 AM »
Carry self to Phantasm Level First time in my life since I have played Diablo II!...

It seem like the Nightmare. My blade can't kill even the normal mobs so easy.
(Almost die 4 times with Aura Enchant+Spectral Hit. I become hate Cold Sign "Lingerie Cold" aura now!
Since "Cannot be frozen" gear can't help you with this)
Anyway, I'm still fine. thank for the good mod, Pesco.

This's a short-time Unique Idea from ...'s Pic

Pendulum [E] (Sense Crystal)

+ 20-30 to Dowsing
+ 5 to Light Radius
+ 45-60% Chance of finding Magic Item
+ 20-35% Chance to Block
All Resistance + 30-50
I don't get any idea for sig yet...


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #283 on: December 29, 2011, 03:42:52 PM »
Feedback is most welcome and with that, here's a preview of the new Sword of Unletting Soil attack for the next update.


Enemies caught in the attack are knocked back from the fissure path.

Edit: Now to address Stuffman's concerns.
Sword of Rapture - The damage and mana scaling can be tweaked without much hassle.
Sword of Unletting Soil - Got a remade as seen above
World Creation Press - I have an option of changing it to a similar skill and I could just leave it as is since it has use with the other skilltrees.
Violent Motherland - Youre happy with this one, so there's no need to mess with it outside of balancing.
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody - This is more different from Violent Motherland than you think. VM is a point and click DoT. SWR should be regarded as a buff. The spell is centered on you and rains the damage down in a radius, The center of the spell moves with you.

Tenshi is meant to be the caster build of Kensei. If you have mana problem, then I'm doing it right :V.

The character specialisation penalties are feeling more and more redundant and arbitrary as I go. Some of them can easily be negated with items (Hina/Tewi), while some are permanently going to hurt (Nue/Patchoulli). When you craft +skill items, there's a 50% chance that it'll give you a level of that character's tree opener skill. If that happens, you end up bearing 4 penalties instead of 2 or 3. I'm very undecided on whether to remove penalties altogether or rethink all of them carefully for proper balance.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 04:05:59 PM by Pesco »


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #284 on: December 29, 2011, 08:01:49 PM »
Alright cool, those changes look pretty solid to me.

Tenshi is meant to be the caster build of Kensei. If you have mana problem, then I'm doing it right :V.

Well the problem was mostly her dependency on Sword of Rapture so if that's getting rebalanced it probably won't be as annoying anymore.

The character specialisation penalties are feeling more and more redundant and arbitrary as I go. Some of them can easily be negated with items (Hina/Tewi), while some are permanently going to hurt (Nue/Patchoulli). When you craft +skill items, there's a 50% chance that it'll give you a level of that character's tree opener skill. If that happens, you end up bearing 4 penalties instead of 2 or 3. I'm very undecided on whether to remove penalties altogether or rethink all of them carefully for proper balance.
What you could do is just have some trees with penalties and others without. Basically, save penalties for the trees that bring powerful burst damage or easy crowd control stuff. The goal of penalties should be to provide complications for characters with otherwise simple playstyles. For instance, since Medicine isn't so great by herself and requires some creativity she doesn't need a penalty. Flan on the other hand is shaped by being a glass cannon and her big penalty should stay.

As for what the penalties should be, you can pretty much go any direction you want, but you should try to make sure they don't hurt synergy with the other trees since generalization is usually not very rewarding to begin with. (Unless for some reason two trees have unusually strong synergy, then you might want to nerf that on purpose, but I can't think of any examples where that would be desirable.)


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #285 on: December 30, 2011, 12:43:44 AM »
Okay I started a Sakuya Brawler run and got far enough to try Misdirection, but even though she gets The World at level 24 I don't feel like playing that far :V

Sakuya looks good on paper, but in practice she's a mess. It's mainly due to her skills not gaining any power at all as you put points into them.

She is 100% dependent on her knives for her damage output, and knives seem to be among the rarest (if not THE rarest) weapon in the game. Because all her skills are based purely on weapon damage and the majority of their damage increases come from her Time stat, she needs a very good knife that has both high Time and high damage modifiers. And if she wants to be good with Ludo Bile, she needs two! Furthermore, even if she had such a knife, she wouldn't be able to equip it until level 33.

Jack the Ludo Bile is a pretty good starter skill. It looks impressive at first, because her attack damage is basically tripled when she uses it. The entire damage multiplier comes from her Time stat though, which means this skill does not scale at all if you aren't upgrading her knives, which is not easy to do. Putting more than one point in this skill does more harm than good, because doing so increases the mana cost and only gives an attack rating boost in return, which she doesn't need. Sakuya needs to be able to spam this skill because it's going to be her source of damage against single targets for the entire game. (Note that the mana cost of Double Swing goes down when a Barb puts points in it.)

Phantasmic Killer is very disappointing at level 1. You'll use it more as you put points in it, but only because Sakuya has no other options. As the skill gained more density I was confounded by the lack of increase in damage, before I realized that only one knife can hit each enemy regardless of hitbox size. So basically this skill just hits a few enemies in front of you for less than your normal throw damage. When I saw the Time effect for this skill, I thought "Aha! It must gain another layer for every 100 Time." But no, it only adds one more measly knife to hit one more enemy :[

Most characters have a nuke that will wipe out the enemies in front of them with one or two casts, Sakuya needs to throw Phantasmic Killer seven or eight times to wipe out all the enemies in front of her. Again, the damage does not scale - it only hits more enemies.

Then we get to Luminous Ricochet. It adds 5% damage per level, but this is one knife compared to two from Ludo Bile, both of which have the Time bonus applied. So a level 20 Luminous Ricochet does less damage than a level 1 Ludo Bile. It doesn't miss, but who cares? At best you'll kill one weak enemy per throw, at 15 mana.

So basically, Ludo Bile and Phantasmic Killer at level 1 are all the damage potential she gets for the entire game outside of getting better knives or more Time.

Misdirection is cute and probably has some utility. The Time effect is kind of confusing though, is it supposed to be on a duration after she uses it like in DotS or is it just passive? It doesn't seem to be working at all right now. Intended as a 1 point skill at the moment?

Obviously I need to see it in action, but The World sounds like a powerful utility which gains a lot of effectiveness from a high Time stat. How does it work exactly, does it stun all enemies on the screen?

Recommendations for Sakuya:
- Don't have the mana cost on Ludo Bile go up if more points doesn't make it more damaging. It's okay if it doesn't gain more power if she can instead start using it more often, eventually becoming her standard attack like Double Swing does.
- Luminous Ricochet is currently worthless. There are a bunch of things you could do with it, for instance you could either up the damage A LOT (like make it 4x stronger, maybe add magic damage to it) to turn it into a priority target tool, or make it bounce around between enemies as a crowd-control option to suit its name.
- What you do with Phantasmic Killer depends on what you do with Luminous Ricochet. One or the other will be the boss killer; if this one is, it needs to be able to hit enemies with more than one knife. If this is the crowd control, it can just hit one knife per enemy but the damage needs to scale up. It doesn't need to be a nuke, it might be fun to have it be cheap like Ludo Bile since spamming knives is what Sakuya is all about. But it does need more oomph in its current state.
- Misdirection is fine at level 1, not sure what to do with it when you put points in it. It could get cheaper and get a longer duration on the attack speed boost or have some other kind of scaling buff after using it.
- Not sure how The World works, it's probably great but current Sakuya is too much of a wimp to do anything with it. What happens when other trees get their mitts on it?

If there's one good thing about Sakuya is that her knives are probably the best base weapon in the game. Great damage, high speed, and you can throw them! Kind of a pain in the ass that you can't buy them right away but it's not a big deal. You really should work on that cost formula some more though.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #286 on: December 30, 2011, 07:36:38 AM »
I played Sakuya up to Lunatic already and buffed her skills.

Misdirection's attack speed bonus has the same problem as with all other passives based on an easily changeable stat, it only updates when there's a major change to the character.

The World freezes all enemies. Including bosses, champions and uniques. The duration on the skill is the amount of time the unit is frozen for. If you kill them while frozen, they'll shatter. Once the frozen duration ends, they'll either resume what they're doing OR stay idle. The enemies that stay idle will recover if they enter hit recovery or if you proc an effect to change their state. Some enemies recover from being idle by themselves without needing to change states. It's a really fitting ultimate skill, but it trivialises the act bosses because of the secondary effect.


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #287 on: December 30, 2011, 02:49:52 PM »
I played Sakuya up to Lunatic already and buffed her skills.
I wish I had known that before I typed up that giant wall of text :V

Which trees haven't been given a try yet? I was going through that list you had a few pages back and started a Shizuha last night.

The World freezes all enemies. Including bosses, champions and uniques. The duration on the skill is the amount of time the unit is frozen for. If you kill them while frozen, they'll shatter. Once the frozen duration ends, they'll either resume what they're doing OR stay idle. The enemies that stay idle will recover if they enter hit recovery or if you proc an effect to change their state. Some enemies recover from being idle by themselves without needing to change states. It's a really fitting ultimate skill, but it trivialises the act bosses because of the secondary effect.
Whoa that's pretty cool alright. I'd say make the bosses immune to it, though, it'll be useful in enough other places that she won't need it. Plus Misdirection becomes about a hundred times more useful against bosses to make up for it.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #288 on: December 30, 2011, 03:15:11 PM »
I don't know how to prevent bosses from becoming dumb after The World. They don't seem to ever enter hit recovery. The only other thing I can think of trying is to make them slowed by 99%.

I think Aya, Shiz, and Nitori are the only ones in this version that haven't been played in depth. Next update will have new girls to get tested after their bunch of skill remakes and whatnot.

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #289 on: December 30, 2011, 05:03:04 PM »
I can't wait for the next version, this mod is so addicting and awesome.
"you never know, you may have the best strats in the world" - Zil

Immortal Momiji!


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #290 on: December 30, 2011, 06:12:05 PM »
Next version should be up in a couple of days. Or hours.

Meiling's awesomeness needs to be seen in full size
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 09:05:39 PM by Pesco »


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.65 released]
« Reply #291 on: December 30, 2011, 09:11:58 PM »
Shiz is pretty sound in concept but needs some work. Right now she's a slow starter since all her useful stuff comes in all at once at levels 18-24, but she should be pretty consistent once she has it. It looks like an optimal Shiz will be very demanding to play though, since she needs to use Minoriko's damage aura which locks out the right mouse button for regular use.

Lost Windrow is kinda tricky and fun to use but only in wide open spaces where you can easily lead enemies through the poison trail. Even in that case, the damage output isn't impressive and it's hard to poison enemies that don't move much, mainly ranged attackers. Poison Javelin was never meant to be used long term, so I can't see anyone putting more than a few points here in early game. It needs some kind of perk to make it worth focusing; it doesn't need to be Plague Javelin outright, but it would be nice if it did something at the point of impact, or maybe just condensed the damage over fewer seconds (1.5 second duration per level increase instead of 2), or maybe the shot could have piercing, or something like that.

The Autumn Sky and a Maiden's Sleep...ehh I'm sure it's helpful, it's just situational and not very interesting :V I might be taking it for granted since nothing in Act 1/2 can hurt you right now so I'm not really thinking about defense.

Falling Leaves of Madness looks like it'll be her core skill but the scripting need to be tightened up a lot. It's kind of awkward the way it always shoots southeast, and for such a long distance. Also the leaves should flow randomly instead of in waves with big gaps between them; right now if you're in an enclosed area, tons of leaves will get lost hitting walls or little solid objects while a good number could otherwise flow if they were randomly placed.

Eight Million of the Red Leaf God and Falling Blast are so obviously intertwined in purpose that I questioned if they really needed to be two separate skills, until I notice Eight Million's Leaves bonus is passive open wounds. Fuck yeah. I know you're not a fan of passives but Shiz packing both of these will be pretty awesome to play.

The way I see a Shizuha build working is focusing either Lost Windrow or Falling Leaves of Madness and dropping a few of them at the start of a fight for damage over time, then switching Minoriko's damage aura on to attack and finish the enemies off. Shiz is unarguably dependent on Minoriko for solid damage, which works from a flavor standpoint.

About her equips: For a character that relies on weapon damage, why is the base damage on her leaf blade so low? It should be higher, like Sakuya's knives. Also, am I missing something or is Shizuha missing a second personal armor type? I've only spotted the Autumn Boots, so it looks like we need a Leaf Dress (Minoriko uses hat and gloves, and the less slots they overlap the better).
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 09:17:06 PM by Stuffman »


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.66 released]
« Reply #292 on: December 30, 2011, 10:52:22 PM »
Ver 0.66 - 8993kb - 31-12-2011

Monster scaling increased.
Drop rates adjusted slightly.
Power and Graze influence on weapon damage increased.
Monster skill levels bonus for Lunatic and Phantasm increased.
Life and mana leech effects halved accross all difficulties.
Certain enemies renamed, treat these as spoiler material.
Wording on +stat modifiers adjusted.
Life and mana per levelup readjusted.
Life/mana per Lives/Bombs readjusted.

Oni Brawler
Strange Art "Misdirection" mana cost per level fixed.
Speed Sign "Luminous Ricochet" mana cost decreased, weapon damage component and damage scaling

Buriallusion "Phantasmic Killer" mana cost decreased and NextDelay removed.
Illusion Ghost "Jack the Ludo Bile" mana cost decreased, attack rating scaling increased and

damage scaling removed.
Night Parade of One Million Demons" remade.

Voile Fairy
Everlasting "Phoenix's Tail" duration scaling reduced and cooldown added.
Immortal "Fire Bird -Flying Phoenix-" damage description redone and damage increased.
Confusion "Into Delirium" confusion state changed to charmed state.

Spirit Hermit
Wilted Path "Lost Windrow" weapon component damage increased and poison damage rescaled.

Youkai Hunter
Flowery Sign "Mountain Breaker" remade and level requirement increased.
Rabbit Sign "Great Fortune Crest" remade.
Runaway Rabbit "Fluster Escape" remade.
Rabbit Sign "Inaba's Elemental Rabbit" remade.
Owing Sign "Vulnerary of Ohnamuji-sama" remade.
"Ancient Duper" remade.
Treasure "Gold Rush" prerequisite skill reference fixed.

Phantom Kensei
Amaterasu Oomikamki buff overlay added and mana cost rescaled.
Ice Sign "Sword Freezer" damage effect fixed and damage increased.
Freeze Sign "Perfect Freeze" damage and graphical effects fixed.
Non-perception "Sword of Rapture" mana cost scaling reduced.
Earth Sign "Sword of Unletting Soil" remade.
Heaven & Earth "Violent Motherland" mana scaling and cost reduced.

Human Miko
Divine Spear "Spear the Gungnir" damage increased.
Critical "Heart Break" changed to a physical fire attack.
Scarlet Sign "Red the Nightless Castle" mana cost changed to life cost and damage increased.
Curse of the Heavens "Apollo 13" remade.

Kasha Warlock
Curse Sign "Shanghai Doll" summoning crash fixed.
Curse Sign "Hourai Doll" summoning crash fixed.
Youkai "Blazing Wheel" skill info expanded and corrected.
Blazing Wheel hitpoints, damage and attack rating reduced.
Death "Higan Retour" synergy effect changed to Open Wounds.
Poor Fate "Short Life Expectancy" description corrected.
Miasma Sign "Filled Miasma" damage corrected.
Miasma Sign "Filled Miasma" and Miasma "Unexplained Fever" icons swapped.

Flower Parasol changed to one-handed.
Kappa Pistol attack speed increased.
Autumn Leaf attack speed increased.
Tengu Fan attack speed increased.
Autumn Leaf and Throwing Knives damage and requirements swapped.
Gamble chances adjusted to increase chance of rares and reduce chance of sets.
Selling price of runes and gems reduced.
Armour requirements reduced.
47 defense armour bug fixed.
Kick damages corrected.
Socket limits readjusted.
Automagic level requirements reduced.
Sake and Mist automagic spawns corrected.
Runewords updated and renamed for current item types.
Character stat mod spawn chances reduced.


Link for Ver 0.66

Save files should safely carry over. If it crashes, restart D2 and maybe it'll be fine again. I had a lot of crashes when testing changes that shouldn't have caused any. They all went away after a restart of D2. If it persists, then revert to save your items and you'll just have to start over. Character buildups got changed quite a bit, so it's fine really.

If you had armour that only gave 47 base defense, now it will give 2047 base defense. Get rid of those and play a fair game. No more free unsocketing. There are no shortcut recipes that I forgot to disable this time.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 11:34:36 PM by Pesco »

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.66 released]
« Reply #293 on: December 31, 2011, 03:22:56 AM »
Nooooooooo, no moar free unsocketing ?_?


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.66 released]
« Reply #294 on: December 31, 2011, 05:33:44 AM »
Ah... End of the Old Runewords ages... :ohdear:
I have too much about it since I have Silence+Delirium+Chain of Honor once in my DiabloII playing life! :D
It's time to play the fair game now. :V
(You already remove "shortcut" Token of Absolute Recipe or not?)
And I find that Yamame skilltree don't lock Alice's skilltree, It lock only Yuyuko's skilltree.
I don't get any idea for sig yet...


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.66 released]
« Reply #295 on: December 31, 2011, 07:43:48 PM »
Man monsters sure got buffed a lot, /players 8 is pretty rough now. Act 2 is gonna be tough :V

Item changes are good. Glad I can equip stuff easier and that jewelry is useful now.

Bugs so far:
- Medicine's Gassing Garden's HP degeneration effect from Suzuran isn't working. (She really needs that!)
- Murasa's Sinker Ghost is only doing the magic damage, not the cold damage.

Also, is the Anchor Murasa's only item at the moment?


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.66 released]
« Reply #296 on: December 31, 2011, 07:50:36 PM »
HP degen only takes effect once a monster has been hit/injured.

There's like really no visible way for me to see if the cold missile on Sinker Ghost is hitting at all. I might just remake the skill.

Minamitsu has Anchor weapon and Sailor Outfit armour.


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    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.66 released]
« Reply #297 on: January 01, 2012, 12:52:20 AM »
Messed around a tiny bit.

Nitori has very little variety: shoot things, or use the lightning attack.  Minoriko and Shizuha provide some nice complements, but she doesn't do a whole lot.

Something appears to be severely busted with the Hunter; even without adjusting the players I couldn't hit enemies in the Den of Evil.  ???

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.66 released]
« Reply #298 on: January 01, 2012, 12:54:07 AM »
Not enough graze


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Re: Diablo2:Lord of Maidens - Touhou mod [Ver 0.66 released]
« Reply #299 on: January 01, 2012, 02:46:25 AM »
Pesco, I find some bug again.
The Chain Lightning from Infinity Unique Voulge seem to be deal no damage.
(I'm wonder that the Conviction Aura do nothing, too)
(Maybe the oskill aren't edit it level and effect yet?)

And I just got some ideal for oskill name

Chain Lightning = Cloud Realm "The Thunder Court in the Sea of Abstruse Clouds"
Slow Missiles = Time Sign "Private Square"
Cleansing = Enlightenment Sword "Rise From Delusion"
Vigor = Wind Sign "Tengu Limited Special"
Salvation = Five Elements "Philosopher's Sphears"
Holy Fire = Exalted Person "St.German's Advice"
Blessed Aim = Soul Cutting Sword "Ascension to Nirvana"
Holy Shock = Thunder Sign "Residence of the Thunder God"
Psychic Hammer = Boundary "Expanded Boundary"
Conviction = Ominous Clouds "Heian Dark Clouds"
I don't get any idea for sig yet...