Author Topic: Dolphin Rider Koishi - The End  (Read 315336 times)


  • Crossover loving
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #330 on: January 26, 2012, 10:41:45 PM »
I'm so glad that you decided to continue this! Komachi is quite clever and untrusting in this chapter. I am now looking forward for the next chapter
So I'm a newbie that can't socialize directly and can hide my emotions, so what?


  • *
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #331 on: January 26, 2012, 11:17:49 PM »
she was captured by morichika's goons, of course she was untrusting

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #332 on: January 27, 2012, 09:02:50 PM »
?I swear, I leave you three alone for five damn minutes...?

The front door of the safehouse could not be opened fast enough. Momiji had seen fit to chew the Sirens out the moment she heard the window shatter. Sakuya was still muttering to herself as Momiji undid the locks, cursing about how she?d let her guard down.

?As if you were much better,? Mokou yelled as they ran through the doorway. ?Pulling Sango-san outta the room ?just in case she saw something?? You knew she was gonna be suspicious of us!?

?It?s called being cautious.?

?And leaving three teenagers to keep watch over the prisoner is what you call cautious?? Sango chimed in. Koishi wondered how strongly Sango actually felt on the matter, or whether she was looking for any excuse to call Momiji out.

?We can worry about this later,? Koishi said with a hint of discomfort. ?We need to find her now, okay??

Momiji nodded, grumbling. Sango pouted a little, but likewise kept quiet. Koishi had to take her by the hand and pull her along as they stepped out onto the main street.

The faceless masses of the public stood in front of them as they stepped out on to the streets. Koishi couldn?t recognise anyone here, and definitely not the Lily. Her blood cooled to freezing.

?She?ll be heading to the district court,? Sakuya said with a sigh. ?Looking for some sort of protection from the higher-ups.?

It made sense. Where else would she go? She probably thought that Morichika had figured her out. That raised Koishi?s spirits for a moment, until she realised the obvious conclusion.

If they give her witness protection, we?ll never get the answers we need...!

By now the Lily definitely had the lead. It was a fool?s errand, but charging towards the district court was better than sitting around and waiting for her to escape.

They ran for at least ten minutes, pushing aside pedestrians all the way. Sango held Koishi by the hand, leading her along, and Momiji did the same with Sakuya. Mokou was fit enough to keep up on her own.


Even before they made it to the court, Koishi could hear it. The sound of chanting, dozens of voices calling out at once. She saw them on the way over - a mass of people, waving signs and calling for a mistrial. They had formed a picket line, and a small group of suit-wearing officials were grumbling at the side about being unable to get to work.

Koishi couldn?t make out anything they were saying - all of their calls were drowned out by the woman at the front of the crowd, her voice blaring through a megaphone. Given that she had a pedestal all to herself, she had to be the organiser of the protest.

Wait. Is that...?

The dark blue dress had seemed familiar, and as they came closer Koishi managed to place it. She?d seen it in history class during the brief moments when she wasn?t feeding answers to Sango. Sure enough, as they came to the side of the crowd, she placed the owner of the dress.


Professor Keine Kamishirasawa seemed to be doing her best to kill off the credibility of the mob she?d brought together, yelling at the top of her lungs in the direction of the court.

?Judge Eiki Shiki of the District Court of Gensouto! We demand an investigation into the case of The People vs. Rinnosuke Morichika! Your employees are in that criminal?s pockets, and you know it!?

There was a clamour of cries in agreement from the crowd behind her. Keine went red in the face, working her lungs to their physical limit. Koishi had to grab at her ears for her own safety as she walked past.

?Morichika stands to get away with embezzling of funds, drug racketeering, illegal gambling, even so far as murder! What did Layla Prismriver do to deserve her fate? Why are you letting Morichika walk away an innocent man when his guilt is plain as day?!?

She wondered if this protest would get anywhere. Words only got so far, and the court hadn?t budged on their sentence in the last few days. She put her attention back to the court, and how to get around the picket line. Maybe there was a back entrance-

?Don?t think you can hide! We have the proof we need, right here!?

Koishi was sure she felt her heart fall out of her chest somewhere during that sentence. She turned around. Keine was holding up a phone in her hand. She couldn?t have-

?Respectable journalist Aya Shameimaru has produced her latest revelation from her inside source! She has cold, hard evidence of transactions between Morichika and a member of Gensouto?s forensics team! Can you hear me in there, Goro Ogawa? Your secret?s out!?

The crowd?s cheering grew louder. Koishi could see the police growing restless at the sight. Without even thinking, she stopped in place, Sango vainly tugging at her arm.

?Eh? Koishi-san...??

Koishi?s eyes flew around the crowd. One group was moving about, someone pushing through their ranks. When at last they came clear at the other side - amongst boos from the crowd - Koishi gasped.

The Red Lily was still in sight.


Sango reached out for her, but she was too late. Koishi flew into the crowd, trying to squeeze her way past the protesting masses. She was smaller than the Lily, so she?d have an easier time of it.

Within a few seconds she was lost in the middle of the protest, struggling to break open a route. What she?d gained in size she lost in strength, and the picket line refused to budge.

In the distance, she heard the sound of wood shattering.

Then all hell broke loose.

The crowd began to scream, and Koishi was pushed to and fro along with them. Officers moved in, marching in time as they brandished tonfas.

?You are all under arrest for breaching of the peace, and assaulting an officer of the law!? their leader shouted with a voice that almost matched Keine?s megaphone. ?Surrender quietly, and no harm will be done!?

The protestors were anything but quiet. Dozens of voices rose up from the crowd - some confused, others terrified, others still furious. No-one knew what was going on, but as the tonfas came down the confusion turned into outright panic.

Keine had lost any semblance of authority, yelling at the officers trying to climb the pedestal as she kicked them away. ?YOU WILL NOT TAKE US!? she yelled at no-one in particular. ?WE STAND FOR FREEDOM, JUSTICE, AND THE RIGHTS OF THE COMMON PEOPLE!?

Koishi was trapped in the middle of it all, still trying to make it past the picket line. The Red Lily was out of sight now, but if she got inside the court maybe she could still track her down-


Something cracked against the back of her head, and her world burst into stars. She reached back, feeling something warm and sticking against her fingers. Turning around, she saw an officer raising his tonfa, ready to strike her again.

He was pushed aside as someone grabbed Koishi by the arm and hauled her out.

?This is too much!? Sango yelled. ?We need to get outta here!?

Officers turned in her direction, yelling obscenities. They grabbed at her, trying to pull her back in, but Sango?s grip was stronger. One of the officers went for her instead, his tonfa set to come down on the dolphin?s head.

Koishi was just conscious enough to see Sango send a foot backwards between his legs.

?Official business, phwee! Can?t hang around!?

The officer fell without a word, still gripping at Sango as he fell. Koishi heard the tear of fabric as Sango?s jacket came apart under his grip, then the dolphin?s panicked footsteps as she led Koishi away. Koishi stumbled along with her, eyes falling in and out of focus, the whole world sounding muted.

Keine pointed in her direction - no, not hers, Sango?s. Koishi?s head fell backwards, and she saw that Sango?s fin was in plain sight.

?E-Everyone!? Keine screamed above the madness. ?There?s a monster over there, hauling someone away!?

No-one listened, and soon enough Keine was hauled off of her podium to join in the cacophony. Koishi?s eyes grew misty, the first droplets of rain falling onto her face. She felt tired, her eyes closing of their own accord.

?K-Koishi-san! Don?t you dare pass out on me now! Koishi-sa-?


When Koishi?s eyes opened again, she had no idea where she was.


Her head throbbed. Her arms were stiff as she reached towards the source of the pain. A bandage had been rolled around her head, but it was warm and damp along the length of her wound.

Moments later, a light shone in her eye. On instinct, she jerked away.

?Hold still.?

A hand gripped at her head, holding it in place. Someone hovered above her, but her vision was still too blurry to make out who. The voice rang a vague bell, but her brain was full of mist right now.

?No obvious signs of a concussion. Can you stand??

Koishi nodded. She could stand. Probably. The figure pulled away as she rose to her feet. Her first steps were clumsy, but after a minute she had found her bearings.


The rush of blood to the head helped nothing. She?d taken a heavy injury, and she was probably lucky to get away with a little dizziness. Her eyes came into focus, and she found a familiar figure standing over her.


Iku Nagae looked down on her with a hard frown, shivering in the cold. The rain had soaked through the nurse?s dress, the change in weather catching her off guard. Looking down on herself, Koishi found a baggy jacket thrown over her to protect her from the rain.

?Ah, sorry,? Koishi said, pulling the jacket off and handing it back. Iku nodded in thanks as she pulled it back on, wrapping her arms around herself.

?It?s not a problem. Fixing injuries is what I do, after all. Just count yourself lucky your friends ran into me when they did, or you?d be waking up in a hospital ward right about now.?

Koishi nodded, but her attention fell mostly into recollection. What had happened? The Lily had escaped, they?d chased her, the protest had stopped them, and then her mind went blank. All she remembered was struggling and someone smacking her hard.

She?d put it together later. Or someone would explain. Either would work.

?Thank you, Nagae-san.?

?Seriously, just call me Iku,? the nurse responded, patting Koishi on the shoulder. Her face turned grave for a moment. ?I?m not going to ask you where you got that injury, but if we can arrange an appointment during school hours that?d be wonderful.?

She didn?t even bring up the fact that Koishi had been skipping class to work at the Bunbunmaru. She just patted at her shoulder, smiled, then made her way out.

Out of where? Koishi wondered. It hadn?t come to her to look at her surroundings. Gritty black walls stood on both sides of her. A back alley, then, somewhere where Iku could work her art in quiet. And behind her-


Sango almost bowled her over as she leapt towards her, hugging her for dear life.

? a dummy! A big, lousy dummy!? she bawled, almost choking Koishi in her grip. ?Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? I thought you were dead!?

Koishi reached around, patting at Sango?s back. She was wearing Sakuya?s sweater, and her fin was out of sight again. She remembered the look of horror on Keine?s face when she?d seen Sango?s true form. Hopefully the teacher would write it off as a hallucination brought on by the panic of the riot.

?You awake?? Mokou came forward from behind Sango, with Momiji and Sakuya following suit. The two Sirens looked concerned, and even Momiji looked worried for Koishi?s safety. The look vanished a moment later, though, and she was back to the stern wolf that Koishi recognised.

?Are you fit to fight??

Koishi nodded. ?Do I need to hop on one leg to prove it??

?That?ll be fine. You have the OK from the nurse, so you should survive.?

Silence hung among the party for a while. They were well aware their target had escaped, but no-one knew quite what to say about it. Koishi was the one to finally break the silence.

?So...what happened back there, exactly??

?One of the protestors took it a step too far,? Mokou answered, hands in her pockets and eyes on the ground. ?Smacked a cop in the head with a signboard, and it all went to hell from there.?

Koishi nodded. She?d figured as much. It happened with this sort of protest - one man let his emotions get the better of him, and suddenly everyone involved was a criminal.

?I?m not so sure it was that simple.?

All eyes turned to Sakuya, who had placed her hand on her chin in contemplation. Her other hand fiddled with one of her braids. She had only been wearing a simple shirt under her sweater, but the cold didn't seem to reach her.

?I caught a look at the man Mokou-san was talking about. Up until he attacked, he looked perfectly docile. He wasn?t even taking part in the chanting.?

Sakuya didn?t complete her line of reasoning, letting everyone else fill in the gap for themselves. When Koishi made the realisation, she couldn?t help but let it out.

?You think he was a plant??

?Indeed,? Sakuya answered, smiling all the while. ?The force needed an excuse to get rid of the protestors, so they added a plain-clothes cop to their number who crossed the line.?

?But that?s kind of dirty,? Mokou said, biting her lip. ?Isn?t Judge Shiki supposed to be one of the good guys? I didn?t figure she would be the sort to resort to that.?

The crowd nodded along with her. Something was wrong. They were all willing to agree with that. But Koishi?s thoughts went a step or two further. A thought came to her, lodging itself into her mind until she couldn?t stop thinking about it.

Maybe they hadn?t been the only ones to figure out the Red Lily. Could the Black Claw had discovered her too?

What if they?d already infiltrated the court?


What the hell was that?

Komachi slammed the front door of the district court behind her, its metallic clang echoing throughout the entrance hall. The dying sounds of the protest fell silent along with it.

Up until those last few moments, it had been an ordinary case of angry middle-class citizens employing their right to free speech. But just as she was closing the door, the entire thing had collapsed into chaos after one protestor took the law into his own hands.

The thought left her uneasy as she made her way to the Head Judge?s office. She had to talk to Eiki now, before Morichika?s goons managed to track her down.

The lawyers she passed by on the way looked as nervous as she was. Half a dozen of them were walking in the opposite direction, muttering to one another about how Eiki?s state was such a shame and it shouldn?t have come to this. Immediately Komachi assumed the worst - Morichika had struck back in the most dramatic way possible. She burst into a run, afraid that all she would find in the room was a frigid corpse.

When she pulled open the door to find Eiki sitting at her desk, the relief nearly brought her to her knees.

?Ah, Komachi,? Eiki said, cheerier than Komachi had seen her in recent days. ?Take a seat.?

Komachi nodded, stepping into the room, but she couldn?t help but feel like something was brushing her the wrong way as she entered. It wasn?t one large thing, but a combination of several tiny quirks. The empty bottle of Remy Martin lying on her table. The papers lying scattered across the desk of a peerless neat freak. The way Eiki leaned forward and backward in her chair, eyes bouncing about the room with a childish impatience.

Something didn?t fit.

?I thought it was your day off today, Komachi,? Eiki said, her eyes never meeting Komachi?s. Her smile had shifted from relaxing to offputting. ?What are you doing in court? Did you leave something in the office??

Alright, Komachi told herself. This is it. Maybe Eiki wasn?t in the most stable mood, but if she didn?t say it now she might not live long enough to get another chance.

?Eiki,? she started, slowly as she built up the courage. ?I?ve got something to tell you-?

?You?re the Red Lily? I?m well aware of that.?

Komachi felt her stomach shrink to the size of a pea.

? did you...?

Eiki?s eyes fell on her, and immediately Komachi wished they hadn?t. Something was missing from her eyes - a glint of life, a vital spark was absent from her expression. It was like she?d put on a mask that refused to stop smiling all the time.

?Let?s just say a little birdie told me.?

At that moment, a hand fell onto Komachi?s shoulder. She shuddered as she looked up to its owner. A young woman in a silver jacket was looking down on her, with a stronger killing intent than any thug Komachi had ever come across. The tan made her hard to place - Middle Eastern, maybe? - but she recognised the look of a trained killer.

?You?ve been rather naughty, haven?t you?? Eiki dropped the cheerful guise, and Komachi found her stern expression more comforting than her smile. ?You?ve been leaking some very sensitive information to the public. We have laws against that.?

Komachi grit her teeth. Eiki wasn?t listening. She had hoped the judge would see the sense behind what she?d done, but all she?d got for her efforts was more venom. Nevertheless, she kept trying - she knew Eiki would understand if she thought about it.

?What else was I supposed to do? Sit there and let scumbags like Morichika walk away??

Eiki clasped her hands together, pouting like an infant. The judge Komachi knew wouldn?t be caught dead doing that.

?Komachi, Morichika?s case pains me as much as it does you, but you have to understand that the law is the law! You can?t just break the rules to suit your needs.?

?You don?t have a right to say that,? Komachi spat back. This wasn?t Eiki. It couldn?t be. ?I saw what you did outside. You dropped a plant into the crowd, didn?t yo-?

Before she could finish the sentence, the woman in the jacket grabbed her by the back of the head and slammed her face into the desk.


A small line of blood trickled from her nose, ruining the mahogany finish of the desk. She looked up at Eiki, eyes filled with scorn.

That scorn turned to dread when she saw the woman pull a gun from the desk and point it at her head.

?The law is the exception that proves the rule,? she said, with absolute authority in her voice. ?I break the rules so no-one else has to. Those folks outside were stopping hard-working employees getting into work. That?s illegal, you know.?

Komachi looked up at the woman she?d served under for months now. Apart from the twisted look on her face, every little detail was exactly as she remembered it.

Had Eiki lost it? Had the Morichika case been the last push, the final step that drove her over the edge? Komachi would have almost pitied her if she wasn?t set to blow her brains out.

She heard the woman in the jacket step to one side, so the bullet wouldn?t go through Komachi?s head and into her.

?I?ll give you thirty seconds to contemplate your failings before I deal with you.?

She had to think. She?d made it out of one hopeless scenario already, so why couldn?t she do it again? Admittedly, this one involved a lot more firepower than the three punks earlier had been carrying, but there had to be a way out.

Hastily, a plan took form in her head. It was risky and haphazard, but it was better than dying.

Her foot rose up, stamping down on her captor?s foot. For some reason she wasn?t wearing shoes - or even socks - so Komachi?s kick slammed down at full force. The woman howled in pain, letting go of her head.

She saw Eiki?s finger pull the trigger in slow motion as she fired. Her head swung to the side, away from the woman in the silver jacket, as she rolled away. The bullet slid across her face, drawing a line in blood across her cheek.

As she got to her feet, she saw Eiki?s gun already pointing at her again. The door was too far away. She?d never make it in time.

Komachi fell to her knees, sliding forward and putting all of her strength into shoving the desk forward. Eiki was bowled over by her own furniture, the gun jerking in another direction as it fired. The bullet managed to lodge itself in the shoulder of the woman in the silver jacket, and she stumbled backwards in pain as she clutched her wound.

Fate wasn?t going to give her another chance like this. Komachi ran for the door, dashing through the corridors and away from Eiki. She should have taken the hint when she saw her workmates avoiding her. The judge had lost her mind, and learning that Komachi was the Lily hadn?t helped matters at all.

She was sure they would chase after her. She needed to lose them, and once again an idea burst into her head. She avoided both the front entrance and the back entrance, instead making her way to the small kitchen used for lunchtime breaks between cases. Most importantly, the kitchen had a chute they chucked all of their waste out of.

It wasn?t the cleanest option, but it was the safest.

She burst into the kitchen too quickly for anyone to stop, knocking someone?s lunch to the floor in the process. She punched the chute open and dived in soon afterwards, barely fitting inside. The smell was abominable as she slid down the slope, the whole world dank and dark.

When she came out on the other side, it was waist deep in a garbage tip.


Komachi pulled herself out, peeling off various pieces of trash that had stuck to her suit. They wouldn?t think to follow her down here.

Her body felt heavy, and as she fell from the tip she found it too difficult to pull herself upright. Now that she was out of immediate danger, fatigue was starting to kick in. She needed a minute to catch her breath before she could get back to running. As long as no-one saw her before then, she would be okay.

When she saw the gang of high-schoolers from earlier walk past, she pulled her head back with a sigh.

I knew my luck was gonna run out eventually...


  • *
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #333 on: January 27, 2012, 09:39:52 PM »
I absolutely love the way you're writing very distinct traits to every new character. It's fantastic. Komachi is probably my favorite character thus far, Sakuya barely behind.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #334 on: January 30, 2012, 04:08:16 AM »
( A little late, but whatever )

When I saw that this had updated, I spilled my porridge, kissed the monitor, and read the newest sections while rice gruel dripped onto my lap.  :)


  • Maru~ Maru~
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #335 on: January 30, 2012, 09:07:19 AM »
Dangit Rou you almost made me miss my bus. That's what I get for checking PSL in the morning I guess.
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • Crossover loving
  • 2012 above will happen
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #336 on: January 30, 2012, 10:30:52 PM »
As always, another enjoyable chapter. I look forward to the next chapter. And hopefully, Komachi doesn't shoot Koishi~
So I'm a newbie that can't socialize directly and can hide my emotions, so what?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #337 on: January 31, 2012, 09:09:33 PM »

Koishi?s eyes had been wandering. They had just started the trip away from the court to decide on their plan of action, so it wasn?t like she had anything better to do. As she?d looked at the tip, she saw something stirring at the side of the garbage pile.

The sight nearly knocked her eyes out of her sockets. She grabbed Sango by the sleeve, hauling her back in.

?What is it? Don?t tell me you need to use the bathroom.?

Koishi didn?t say anything. She just pointed at the figure sitting next to the garbage tip.

Though she was covered in a good bit of waste now, there was no doubting the figure of the Red Lily.

?What exactly are you two stopping for?? Momiji asked, her words almost sounding like a growl. ?We need to get back to the sa-? As she pulled her head around, she saw the Lily as well. ?Huh. So the piece of trash ended up where she belonged.?

Koishi was already running towards her, holding out a hand. ?What happened? Are you hurt??

It was a needless question. Blood was tricking down her cheek, as well as her nose. As the Lily looked up into Koishi?s eyes, she tried to sniff up some of the blood to save face.

?My best friend just tried to shoot me in the head. And yes, I?m hurt. Thanks for askin?.?

She tried to pull herself to her feet on her own, refusing Koishi?s assistance. She made it about halfway up before her legs buckled.

?Yeah...I think I?m in a pretty bad state, now that ya mention it.?

Koishi brought her arm closer. ?Please. We want to help you.?

?Help me?? The Lily couldn?t help but chuckle at that. ?Yeah, that?s why you cornered me in a back alley, knocked me out, hauled me away to your little safehouse and started interrogatin? me. Is that what kids call helpin? nowadays??

She wasn?t buying it. Koishi grit her teeth. ?But-?

A hand fell on her shoulder, and looking up she saw Momiji stare down at her. The wolf wore a small smile.

?No worries. I?ve got this.?

She turned to the Lily, her expression utterly blank.

?Given your injuries and your desperate escape plan, I assume someone in the court is trying to kill you. As I see it, you have two options - you come with us and maybe we?re going to kill you, or you stay here and whoever tried shooting you earlier is definitely going to finish the job.?

The Lily looked up at Momiji, her eyes struggling to focus. Another laugh came out of her, but this one was slower, more strained.

?Well, when you put it that way, I don?t have much of a choice, do I??

At last she took Koishi?s hand, and the Siren helped her to her feet. She took the Lily?s arm and pulled it around her shoulder, with Momiji doing the same on her side. The pair hauled her back out onto the street, where the rest of the party was looking on with shock.

? that...?? Mokou stuttered, pointing uselessly at the Lily. Sakuya chuckled at their good fortune, while Sango simply frowned as she turned her attention to Momiji.

?I could?ve done that, you know.?

Momiji didn?t even answer her.

?Let?s get her back to the safehouse. She probably needs some first aid.?

The wolf sniffed at the air, and jerked her head away from the Red Lily.

?And a bath wouldn?t hurt, either.?


As Koishi made it to the safehouse, she saw the fragments of glass still littering the side street. No-one had reported the broken window, which was good. Police presence would only make this harder.

Momiji pulled the key from her pocket and opened the door, bringing the Lily in behind her. Her eyes fall on the couch, before she sniffed at the Lily and decided otherwise. She took the Lily off of Koishi?s hands, leading her into the bathroom.

?Someone grab me a change of clothes from the bedroom next door,? she yelled. Mokou was closest, so she stepped into the bedroom and brought out an outfit. Koishi couldn?t help but notice that it was the same white shirt and red jeans that Momiji was wearing right now.

?Um, Momiji-san, is that all you wear?? Koishi asked. Momiji tilted her head.

?I don?t see any reason to vary my wardrobe. I?m used to fur, and clothes make a poor replacement for it.?

With that, she stepped inside the bathroom again. She returned a few minutes later, locking the door behind her. ?I?ve treated the wounds. She?s fine, mostly, just exhausted. She?s taking a quick bath to wash the scent off.?

No-one was willing to argue with that idea. They?d all had a smell of the Lily on the way over, and it was an experience they?d chosen to forget.

?Doesn?t someone need to watch her?? Mokou asked. ?I mean, she broke out of here once. She might do it again.?

?That?s unlikely,? Sakuya answered, twirling a braid around her finger. ?If what she said about being attacked in the court is true, then she doesn?t have anywhere to run.?

Koishi felt something tremble in her chest. The idea that had been plaguing her mind all this time was coming to fruition. The Lily had been attacked by her own employer, the woman she trusted most in the world.

There was only one good explanation for this.

?I think the Black Claw may have got to Judge Shiki,? she declared to the room.

No-one responded, but at the same time no-one objected. It added up - the Lily was threatening Morichika, who had connections with the Black Claw. Shiki had shifted from by-the-book judge to chronic rule-breaker overnight. She?d even tried to murder her own best friend. The symptoms were in plain sight, and the diagnosis was Mindcoil.

?So what?s our course of action?? Mokou slammed a fist into her palm. Her legs shook, like she was fighting the urge to run outside and beat down some thugs this instant. ?The judge is dirty, so how do we clean her up??

Momiji answered with a sigh. ?We might have other problems. If the Claw is willing to attack the Red Lily, we can?t rule out the chance they?ll target anyone connected to the Lily. That includes the Bunbunmaru.?

Koishi hadn?t even thought of that. Aya was probably sitting around the office, laughing at how her story had made headline news. She would have no idea how deep a hole she had managed to dig for herself.

?I propose we split up into teams. One group will head to the court to deal with the judge. Komeiji, you?ll be in charge of that team.?

Koishi nodded. She was the only one who could eliminate a Mindcoil, so naturally responsibility would fall to her.

?I?ll head the other team,? Momiji said, pointing to herself. ?We?ll head back to the Bunbunmaru and watch to see if anyone makes any moves on Aya. And if they do...? The wolf?s eyes glinted. ?I?ve got a trick or two up my sleeve, so to speak.?

?What about the Lily?? Sango asked. ?We can?t just leave her here.?

?That I don?t have an answer to,? Momiji said with a shrug. ?It?s too dangerous to bring her along, but we can?t just leave her for the Claw to finish off.?

Koishi thought the problem over for a moment. Was it fair for them to make that choice for her? No, it's not, she decided.

?Let?s just ask the Lily herself," she said at last. "It?s her best friend we?re fighting, so it?s only fair.?

Everyone nodded along with that. It was the best answer to a difficult question.

For half an hour, everyone?s eyes were locked on the bathroom door, waiting for the Lily to emerge. Mokou lay across the couch and did sit-ups to pass the time. Sakuya managed to unearth a deck of cards Momiji had lying around and started to practice her trick shuffles. Sango challenged Momiji to a rock-paper-scissors contest. It had started as a first-to-three, but the score was currently sitting at 75-74 to Momiji. As Sango declared that the contest was now first-to-one-hundred-and-fifty-one, the door finally creaked open.

The Red Lily stumbled out into the room, wearing the clothes that Momiji had lent her. The pants were too baggy, but the shirt wasn?t baggy enough. Her hair hung down her back, and she held one of her baubles in her hand. Mokou remembered she had bagged the other one, pulling it out of her pocket and throwing it at her.

?Thanks,? the Lily muttered, not sounding thankful at all. ?I was wonderin? where I left that.?

She stepped out into the centre of the room, everyone else making room for her. She slumped onto the floor, crossing her legs and looking out the remnants of the window. It was as if she was examining a painting behind the broken frame, but all anyone else could see was a moss-ridden wall.

?She knew.? Her words sounded more like a confirmation to herself than to anyone else. ?I dunno who told her, but she knew who I was.? She began to tie her hair up, the baubles holding her hair in two pigtails. No-one dared to interrupt her.

?Eiki was a great woman. She had her problems, but she was the best damn judge Gensouto?s ever had. Hell, I?m even gonna say she was the best judge in the country. I never, ever disagreed with her rulings.?

She was missing the informal dialect she had been sharing with them before. It had been a facade as well, Koishi thought to herself.

?But in the end, the system did her in. She took on one too many slimeballs who threw the rulebook right in her face. The law made her, and it broke her as well. The greatest judge I ever met, and now she?s preaching justice with a bullet to the head. Makes you think, doesn?t it??

No-one could speak their suspicions. What were they supposed to do? Tell the Lily that the judge was probably possessed by some sort of brain parasite? There was no way the Lily would ever buy that.

?So, why did you do it?? Koishi asked, giving the Lily the excuse she needed to keep talking. ?Why?d you become the Red Lily??

The Lily took a long time to answer. She leaned backwards, apparently bored with the wall, instead looking up towards the ceiling.

?I was a prosecutor once. Hottest little piece?a justice to come out of the academy in years. The court had a lot of hope pinned on me. They wanted me to move mountains and change Gensouto forever.

?But no-one really does, do they? I ran into the same wall Eiki ran into - bastards who know every loophole in the system, every work-around. They say the strength of the lawyer rests in the weakness of the law, and these assholes proved it every step of the way.?

She pressed her face down into her knees. When she brought it back up, her eyes were red and misty.

?I couldn?t take it. I couldn?t just sit there and let those monsters get away with it all. So I did what I had to. Maybe I had to step outside the law myself, but was there any other way??

?Yes,? Sakuya answered, ?and maybe you?d have found it if you weren?t such a quitter.?

The Lily jerked her head about, looking at Sakuya with a look of utter scorn. ?The hell do you think you?re saying to me, kid??

?I said you?re a quitter,? Sakuya repeated, without a hint of emotion on her face. ?You ran away because you couldn?t win every battle. If the laws are that weak, why didn?t you petition to have them tightened??

?Because it was too late by then,? the Lily stammered, eyes never moving away from Sakuya. They smouldered with a new-born rage. ?What good is a stronger law when the criminal is already free??

?Means you?ll get ?em next time.? Mokou butted into the conversation, sitting up on the couch and looking down on the Lily. ?Besides, if you have to break the law to get things done, doesn?t that make you as bad as the folks you?re trying to lock away??

?It?s different!? the Lily yelled.

?No,? Sakuya said, her blank expression giving way to disdain. ?It?s breaking the same law that you were supposed to protect. You?re a quitter and a hypocrite.?

The Lily froze, eyes wide open as the first few traces of tears slid down her cheek. It was the look of someone who was facing a fact they didn?t want to admit. Koishi had seen it more than once since this whole affair had started.

Mokou and Sakuya looked towards her, nodding. Koishi nodded back. They had opened the Lily up, but they knew Koishi was the best at being gentle about it. She sat down in front of the Lily, meeting her eye-to-eye.

?Red Lily-san...?

?Komachi,? the Lily gasped. ?Call me Komachi.?

?Komachi-san. What my friends are saying may be true, but it?s only true in the past. You walked away from being a lawyer, right? You weren?t disbarred or anything.?

Komachi shook her head.

?So what?s stopping you from going back to it??

No answer.

?I?ve seen you in action, Komachi-san. You?re smarter than you want people to think you are. In a matter of months you?ve managed to become one of the most feared figures in the underworld. Why can?t you do the same again, but legally this time??

Komachi?s mouth bobbed open and shut, but words failed to come out. Koishi took her hand, looking her head-on with a brilliant smile.

?Don?t sink to their level, Komachi-san. You?re better than this. Stronger than this. I believe in you.?

Komachi could barely see for the tears in her eyes. Her hand grabbed at Koishi?s, squeezing hard enough that Koishi thought she would break something. She moaned, her voice low and mournful, like all of the feelings welling up inside her were being expelled at once. All the while Koishi held her hand, squeezing back in support.

When she finally let go, Komachi was gasping for breath. She pulled herself up, sniffling and rubbing at her nose.

?Damn kids...why?d you have to go and make me feel bad? I was almost done convincing myself I was a superhero or somethin?.?

Koishi had never realised how tall Komachi was when she was standing straight. She even had a few inches over Mokou when she wasn?t slumping forward.

?To be honest, they?ve been askin? me to come back for months now. They wanted me to take the Morichika case, too...maybe if I?d got the facts straight then, I wouldn?t have ended up in this mess in the first place.?

Her voice gained strength with every word. She rubbed away the last few tears on her face.

?But fine. When all of this crap is taken care of, I?ll get right back to it. I?ll shine off my badge, get my suit ironed, and walk back into that court like nothing?s wrong. And this time, I?m gonna stick to it until those bastards serve the time they deserve.?

Everyone was nodding along, cheering Komachi on without words. Koishi let go of her hand, pulling away now that Komachi seemed ready to stand on her own.

When she saw what was sitting in Komachi?s hand, she almost fell over.

?Ah, that?s-?

Komachi tilted her head, looking down at her own hand.

Sitting in her palm was an indigo-coloured jewel in the shape of a teardrop.

?Phweee!?? Sango gripped her head to keep it from falling off. ?The Red Lily is a Siren?!?

?Siren?? Komachi stared at her, scratching her head. ?What the hell is a Si-?

She cut herself short as she turned abruptly towards Mokou. ?Hey, wasn?t your hair black all of five minutes ago!??

Koishi blinked, sliding her glasses away. She?d been wearing them since work began, and she?d only kept hold of them during the riot thanks to a stroke of luck.

As she looked again, she saw Komachi?s hair flare up to a brilliant red, and her eyes had darkened to match it. She seemed to jump to and fro even when she was standing still, never keeping to one place. When she stepped towards Mokou, she made one step - and the distance between the two shrank to bring them right next to each other.

She had wondered how Komachi had managed to move so quickly earlier. She?d brushed past them like they weren?t there. At first she?d figured that the Lily was just athletic, but that wasn?t the whole truth.

She can control...distance?

Komachi turned over to Sakuya, still as puzzled as before. ?And you! You were Blondie! Did somethin? in my mind snap just there?!?

This wasn?t part of the plan. No-one had been ready for the Red Lily to become the newest member of their team. Koishi was the first to react, putting a hand on Komachi?s shoulder. It took a good bit of stretching.

?Komachi-san, I think we owe you an explanation...?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2012, 07:44:57 AM by Inohara MasaRou »


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #338 on: January 31, 2012, 10:21:51 PM »
She's going for distance
She's going for speeeeed



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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #339 on: January 31, 2012, 10:25:31 PM »
I would have preferred Scythe Woman, I think.  :3


Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #340 on: February 01, 2012, 04:30:22 AM »
Heartstrings make wonderful guitars, don't they Koishi?  :derp:


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #341 on: February 01, 2012, 04:45:07 AM »
Why didn't Sango pick up that Komachi was a Siren? She did 'phwee' within range of Komachi, I think, didn't she?


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #342 on: February 01, 2012, 06:36:00 AM »
Why didn't Sango pick up that Komachi was a Siren? She did 'phwee' within range of Komachi, I think, didn't she?

Likely in the presence of three other confirmed and active Sirens. Probably got a distorted reason, or maybe it was an exasperated phwee instead of a sonar phwee.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #343 on: February 01, 2012, 07:42:24 AM »
Why didn't Sango pick up that Komachi was a Siren? She did 'phwee' within range of Komachi, I think, didn't she?
I very deliberately avoided that for the most part, but I think I made a slip-up in this update with the "Don't tell me you need to use the bathroom" line. The only other time Sango phwees is during the protest when Komachi's already made it into the court and she's distracted by the whole 'Koishi bleeding from the head' thing. Anyway, thanks for the heads up; I'll fix that.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #344 on: February 01, 2012, 12:12:09 PM »
I wondered how many ways Komachi would get verified as a Siren, but considering her age, it was hard for me to guess anything but an emotional release. I just never thought that it would be by attacking her beliefs and then cheering her up.

So I should ask a question so that I benefit from this: wasn't that kind of roundabout, i.e. unraveling it by questions? tl;dr I don't get why you didn't approach it more directly.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #345 on: February 01, 2012, 02:43:42 PM »
So I should ask a question so that I benefit from this: wasn't that kind of roundabout, i.e. unraveling it by questions? tl;dr I don't get why you didn't approach it more directly.
I don't think that initially they planned to do anything. They only wanted to know "Do you want to come with us to take care of Eiki?" but felt that after all she'd been through she had the right to speak her mind. It was only when Komachi started going into the Red Lily stuff that Sakuya decided 'yeah, this woman needs a talking to'. Then Mokou jumped in, and they tried to open her up a bit. Both of them knew from experience that Koishi was the best at helping people come to terms with these things, so they stopped to let her finish the job.

At least, that was the plan. Hopefully it didn't come across as too heavy-handed.


  • Crossover loving
  • 2012 above will happen
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #346 on: February 01, 2012, 11:58:15 PM »
Let's see,
Koishi - TH 11 SA
Mokou - TH 8 IN
Sakuya - TH 6
Komachi - TH 9

So far my theory is that a single boss from each touhou game would be brought here. But then again I could be wrong. Another wonderfully made chapter~
But with Komachi's ability being dragged here, I have to wonder. Does it only affect 'her' distance, or could she change the other siren's distances?
So I'm a newbie that can't socialize directly and can hide my emotions, so what?


Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #347 on: February 02, 2012, 04:23:57 AM »
Huh. Makes me wonder if Sanae or someone might show up as a Sailor Scout Siren. But considering how Reimu's a lawyer and Nitori is the boss of the Pearl... Whatever, whatever happens, it'll be awesome. On a side note, will Shinki ever show up? Will Marisa make an appearance? I wonder, I wonder...  :wat:


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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #348 on: February 02, 2012, 01:53:32 PM »
If he goes with MoF it better be Suwako.

Frog woman must exist.


Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #349 on: February 03, 2012, 04:26:08 AM »
Frog woman does exist, but she might be involved with the Pearl or the Claw already; after all, Suwa-mama does have a froggy theme going on. Frog = Aquatic animal ( I know it's an amphibian but worth a shot ) = Water = .....

I can't wait to see how all of this unfolds...

Silent Harmony

  • Everybody needs the Pharmarcy
  • Justice never dies!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #350 on: February 03, 2012, 06:44:55 AM »
Komachi is a siren

*Ahem* Blatant fanboying aside, I admit I had heavy suspicions. Still, this is the first "adult" to be made a siren, and a rarity in the "magical girl" genre (for obvious reasons). I'm also interested in the limits of her ability. Is it just herself, or does it affects others? What's the range? The limits?

I'm a little surprised at how easily she accepted the girls this time. It's like as soon as she took a bath all doubt suddenly vanished. I assume we can blame it on the shock of being shot at point-blank (by her best friend no less); there is no reason for Rinnosuke's goons to capture her after that rather than kill her on the spot.  My guess anyways.

About the mission, I'm guessing Komachi will certainly join Koishi in saving Eiki, and I'd assume where Koishi goes Sango goes. So I'm guessing it's Mokou, Sakuya, and Momiji protecting Aya.

Enjoying the story as always Rou.

1CC List (all shmups)
League of Legends / Harmony11(#1694)


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #351 on: February 03, 2012, 04:36:13 PM »
So I'm guessing it's Mokou, Sakuya, and Momiji protecting Aya.

Enjoying the story as always Rou.

Oh, good point. THAT would be impressive to see - the more brawly Sirens (and Momiji) in action together. Hoboy :D


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #352 on: February 04, 2012, 06:52:08 AM »
She can control...distance?



  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #353 on: February 04, 2012, 07:58:04 PM »
There wasn?t enough time for everyone to hang around, so the team split up into two groups. Momiji, Mokou and Sakuya headed for the Bunbunmaru, while Koishi and Sango got Komachi up to speed before taking on the judge. Momiji had given them a spare Ring of Breath as they?d left, and Komachi had put it on without really knowing why she had to.

Komachi was skeptical to start, but the sight of the general populace served a big part in convincing her. For a few minutes she did little beyond pointing out the curious hair colours of passers-by. After the twentieth teenage boy with bright blue hair, the point had been made.

From that point on, she was surprisingly receptive of the facts. The hunt for the Teardrops, the War of Catalysm, even the idea of having her own powers. Koishi explained what she had seen Komachi do, and the lawyer nodded along with it.

?Yeah, I was wonderin? how I did that. I mean, no matter how fast you are, you?ve got no right dodgin? a bullet from point-blank range.?

When they were a block away from the court, the conversation shifted to a darker tone.

?So, Eiki,? Komachi started, turning to Koishi with trembling eyes. ?You can fix her, right??

Koishi frowned. ?I can remove the mindcoil, but I can?t erase what she?s done. If the truth about that protest comes to light-?

?Yeah, I get it.? Komachi nodded, like she?d been expecting that answer to begin with. ?She?ll be kicked outta court faster than you can say ?miscarriage of justice?.?

Koishi couldn?t say that particularly quickly, but she got the point. Komachi took a moment to steel herself before she started walking towards the court.

?How?re we getting in?? Sango asked. ?I?m gonna assume they won?t just let you through the front door.?

?Fire escape,? Komachi answered. ?They probably haven?t thought of that. It?s locked, see.?

She led Koishi and Sango around the side of the building. The police had dispersed by now, but there was no promise that the security inside would be willing to let people just waltz by. The fire escape was thankfully unmanned, and Komachi led the trio as they made their way up.

?She had someone else with her,? Komachi said as she climbed the steps, stepping quietly to avoid being overheard. ?Some tanned chick wearing a buncha silver.?

?I?ll take care of her,? Sango answered, more serious than Koishi had seen her in a while. Sango had explained the whole shark issue to her a while ago, but she?d never realised how seriously she was taking it.

When they reached the second floor of the fire escape, Komachi shuffled through her keys. Koishi counted at least two dozen of them on her ring. With only a moment?s thought, she pulled out one and placed it in the lock. The door opened with a satisfying click.

?Working right under the head judge has some nice benefits,? she said with a wink.

The judge?s office was on the other side of this floor. They had made it past most of the guards on the bottom floor, but there was no guarantee that these floors were safe either. The trio stepped carefully, hanging to every wall and keeping as quiet as they could.

Sango was the first to hear it.

?Koishi-san, listen.?

Koishi did as she was told, taking a moment to focus on her surroundings. She picked it up - faint, slow breathing coming from the next corridor. It sounded strained, like with every breath the owner of the voice was fighting the urge to scream.

She poked her head around the corner. The shark girl, Jozu, was standing between them and the door to the judge?s office. Her eyes fell onto Jozu?s shoulder right away - blood had soaked right through her jacket, and she was still gripping at the wound with her other hand.

?Oh, right.? Komachi chuckled. ?That?s my fault.?

Rather than congratulating her for getting rid of a problem, Sango rewarded Komachi with a stern glare. The ex-Red Lily stepped back.

?Isn?t that a good thing, Sango-san?? Koishi asked. ?Now she?s not a problem.?

?I know, but...? Sango put her forehead against the wall, gritting her teeth. She stepped out into the corridor. Koishi was too slow to grab her as she stepped out into the open.

Jozu looked up to her, forcing a grin. Her teeth were terribly sharp.

?You again. I?m afraid...something has come up. I?m a little preoccupied right now.?

She winced. That bullet wound probably hurt like hell. Sango took a deep breath, then pointed her thumb down the corridor.

?Get outta here. Come back when you?re ready to fight.?

Jozu?s eyes widened in surprise at first, but slowly a look of gratitude rose to her face. She nodded, stumbling past Sango and towards the entrance.

?You gonna get out okay?? Sango asked.

?I presume you and your friends will give me enough of a distraction,? Jozu answered.

With that she was gone, walking down the corridor with a hand still pressed against her shoulder. Koishi didn?t move until the shark was out of sight.

?Well, that was sorta dumb, wasn?t it?? Komachi said, still looking in the direction Jozu had fled. ?Couldn?t you have just taken her prisoner or somethin???

Sango shook her head. ?She?s not like the rest of the Claw. She plays fair, and she deserves better than that.?

Komachi shrugged. Given the mad world she?d been flung into in the last half hour, she was willing to leave a lot of questions unasked.

As they stepped towards the door, they found Eiki?s voice much easier to make out than her bodyguard?s.

?What do you mean she?s not at home? I want you to make a full scan of the perimeter right now. Leave no stone unturned, no lead unfollowed. If you don?t come back with Komachi, you may as well sign yourself up for unemployment. I want her head on a goddamn platter, you hear me?!?

The sheer anger charging through her voice was a far cry from the well-spoken woman Koishi had seen on the news. Komachi seemed to deflate just from the sound of it, looking to Koishi for a sign to step in.

Koishi nodded.

When the trio stepped into the room, they found Eiki standing at the distant wall. Her desk had been tipped, and a broken bottle lay across the floor. Glass shards had dug into Eiki?s legs, but she paid them no mind.

There was a gun in her hand.

She turned as the door creaked open, hanging up the phone and throwing it away. It crashed into the wall, falling to pieces.

?Ah, there you are!? Eiki grinned, with a smile Koishi had never seen on a sane human being. ?So you?ve turned yourself in. Good to see that some of my influence has rubbed off on you.?

Koishi recognised the symptoms - more than anything, the lack of any sort of light in her eyes. Her guess had been dead-on.

?Eiki, listen to me,? Komachi said, stepping out into the room. ?You?re very sick right now, and this girl is going to help you...?

?Sick? Sick?!? The gun was raised, pointed right at Komachi?s head. ?Oh, but I?m the only one who isn?t sick! I?m the one helping you, Komachi. Why don?t you understand that??

Komachi?s voice dropped to a cool fury.

?Eiki. Put the gun down, right now.?

Eiki answered by pulling the trigger.

It happened too quickly for Koishi?s eyes to follow. Komachi had taken a small step to the left, and suddenly she had crossed half of the room. The bullet lodged itself harmlessly in the wall behind her.


Eiki turned and fired at her again. This time Komachi moved forward, and by the time Eiki was lining up the third shot Komachi was inches away from her. With a smack at the wrist, she knocked the gun from the judge?s hand.

?It?s over, Eiki. It?s all over.?

Eiki?s eyes jumped between Komachi and the gun. It was kicked away before she could grab it. She stepped backwards, putting her back to the window, as a wicked laugh began to heave out from her chest.

?Over? wrong, Komachi.?

She flicked the window open, the wind blowing into the room. They were on the second story, and there was no balcony.

By the time Komachi realised Eiki was falling backwards, it was already too late.

?It?s only just begun!?

Koishi could only watch in shock as Eiki tipped backwards, throwing herself out of the window behind her. What was she doing? None of the Mindcoil victims had ever tried to kill themselves before.

When she saw a golden key in the judge?s hand, she understood.


Komachi screamed as she leaped towards the window, but even with her newfound speed she wasn?t fast enough. She turned away, unable to bring herself to watch the judge turned into a fine paste on the ground.

Koishi had no such concern, pulling her head out and looking down. She caught the moment when Eiki plunged the key into her own chest, twisting just over where her heart was.

She stopped in midair as the key shone gold. The gold gave way to black, and Eiki was consumed in an orb of darkness. Komachi mustered up the nerve to look down at her, and the sight stunned her into silence.

When the orb began to break apart, Eiki kept herself aloft with her newfound wings.

She came up to the window, wings flapping behind her like she?d had them all her life. Both of them were perfectly kept, one black and the other white. She wore the long, dark-blue robe of a judge, but dozens of golden medals were scattered across it. Her hair was a brilliant green, running long on one side of her face but short on the other. Her dark blue eyes looked down on Komachi with a hint of pride.

?Shall we take this elsewhere??

She clicked her fingers, and in an instant all four of them disappeared.


When Koishi?s eyes came back into focus, a cloud was passing by her face.

Her head spun, and as she looked down the feeling only grew worse. A transparent floor was all that stood between her and a long plummet to earth. She pulled her head away from the sight, looking around the room instead.

She stood behind a defendant?s bench, with Komachi and Sango alongside her. The benches were made of marble, a brilliant white flooding Koishi?s vision. There were no walls, no ceiling, no prosecutor, and no defense attorney.

There was only the judge, standing tall at her bench, a gavel in her hand.

?Welcome to the court of utopia. This is where I, the Judge of Paradise, will carry out your sentences.?

Komachi was already leaping over the bench, but stopped halfway when she saw that there was no floor on the other side. She stood on the bench, looking up at Eiki with a growl.

?You stand accused of crimes too numerous to count, but beyond all of them you have committed the gravest of sins - acting against me, the one true holder of the law.?

Eiki raised her gavel, her eyes brimming with righteous indignation.

?None of you shall ascend this day. Your vile souls will pave the depths of Hell!?

As she slammed her gavel down on the bench, Koishi felt the floor give way.

?Watch out!?

Sango grabbed Koishi by the hand, hauling her up onto the bench before her rider began to fall. Komachi stayed in place, staring down Eiki without a hint of fear.

Eiki frowned. ?So you refuse even to go along with my sentence? I had hoped to end this painlessly, but if you force my hand I have no choice but to serve as judge, jury...?

She rose up into the air, soaring above the court. Her gavel extended, growing to become a full-blown quarterstaff. It started white at one end but darkened to black at the other.

?And executioner!?

She swooped down, bringing the staff towards Komachi?s head. The lawyer ducked faster than her reflexes should have allowed, and Eiki flew above her as her attack struck nothing.

?Alright, time to see if you?ve been makin? stuff up,? Komachi muttered, pulling out her Teardrop. Koishi nodded, pulling out her own and demonstrating.

?Wherever evil forces be,
On the land or in the sea,
All who sin should cower and flee
From Dolphin Rider Koishi!?

For all of her chanting and her transforming, Koishi had to admit she was in a rough position. The chant talked about enemies on land and at sea, but it didn?t mention anything about the air.

?Sango-san, you can?t swim in the sky, right?? she asked as the trident emerged in her hand.

?Phwee? Why would I be able to do that??

It was worth asking.

By then, Eiki was heading down for another swoop. Koishi brought her trident up to block the attack coming her way, looking to Komachi.

?Your turn, Komachi-san!?

Komachi took a moment to grimace at Koishi?s outfit, but eventually lifted her own Teardrop into the air.

?Death and life have their determined appointments.?

The Teardrop shone at first, but a purple mist seeped out of it, surrounding Komachi and covering her from view.

?I am the ferryman, the Lady of the Sanzu River.?

With the sound of a gunshot, the mist dispersed. The figure within was definitely Komachi, but there was a new devilish glint in her eye. A long black coat hung over her, with a white tank-top and worn jeans underneath. Her belt was covered in pouches, with a coin emblem in the centre. But most impressive of all was the gun she was wielding - with the size of a shotgun but the shape of a revolver, she pointed it into the air. The barrel smouldered as the last hints of mist faded away.

?I?m the Red Lily. Death is my business, and business is pleasure.?

She didn?t skip a beat when Eiki came down on her again. She brought the gun up to meet her, cocking it in one hand.

?Titanic, fire!?

As she pulled the trigger, the blast was strong enough that Koishi almost lost her balance on the bench. A bullet plowed through the air at breakneck speed, aimed straight at one of Eiki?s wings. Feathers burst out in all directions as it made contact, Eiki?s swoop breaking to the side at the last minute.

Komachi smirked as she blew the smoke away from the tip of her gun. There hadn't been an ounce of recoil.

?Whoa...? Koishi looked on in awe. ?Komachi-san, you?re really getting into this.?

Komachi shrugged. ?Well, being Eiki?s assistant gave me a lotta downtime, and I kinda have a thing for Westerns...?

Eiki?s left wing had lost some of its strength, and she could no longer fly at full speed. She pulled back, stepping onto the judge?s bench and holding her staff above her head.

?Is there no end to your foolishness? Accept your punishment with dignity!? She threw it towards the witness bench, spinning as it flew. Koishi leapt to the side, flinging herself onto the defense attorney?s bench. Sango landed beside her, teeth grit as she looked up at the judge.

?There?s no way I can hit her from that distance!? the dolphin groaned.

Koishi raised her trident. ?That?s my job.? She pointed it at Eiki, balls of light forming at the tips. Eiki looked down at her, raising a single eyebrow.

?Iruka Beam!?

The laser burst outward, aiming for Eiki?s other wing. The judge jumped to the side, well out of the way of the attack. Koishi grimaced - the Iruka Beam wasn?t made to curve. Eiki looked down at her with a hint of smugness.

?Not so fast!?

Komachi called out from the other side of the room, where she?d taken refuge on the prosecutor?s bench. Koishi saw her reach forward, clasping at the air with her fist, then pulling it to the right.

In time with her movements, Koishi?s beam bent to the side.


Eiki leaped over the beam, but it clipped at her wing on the way over. She landed hard, more of her feathers fluttering down to earth. Koishi looked to Komachi, as surprised as the judge was.

?What was that??

?Hell if I know,? Komachi answered. ?All I know is that it worked.?

Eiki rose to her feet again, livid at the two Sirens. Her staff returned to her, and as soon as she had a grasp on it she smacked the tip into the bench.

The marble began to darken and crumble, and before long the bench was falling to the earth below.

?Court is dismissed!?

Now Koishi began to really worry. If Eiki could destroy the benches just by touching them, she couldn?t let the judge come close. She brought the trident up again, ready to swipe at Eiki when she came down.

The judge had taken to the air again after destroying her own foothold. Komachi?s gun was primed to bring her down, and she lined up the shot as Eiki swooped down towards the defendant?s bench.


The bullet came charging out, but this time Eiki was out of the way. The shot flew right past her - and right towards Koishi.

?Watch it!?

Komachi clasped her fist shut, and at her will the bullet stopped in midair. She flung it to the side, sending it careening into the distance.

?Sorry!? she yelled across the benches. ?This thing is hard to aim.?

Koishi wasn?t exactly comforted by the claim. She felt her pulse quicken as Eiki?s staff tapped at the empty bench, and another foothold fell away.

The judge turned towards them with a blank stare and a wicked grin. Her wings flapped out of time with one another.

?So which of the infidels wants to be executed first?!?

She sent the staff spinning through the air towards the prosecutor?s bench. Komachi primed herself, readying the Titanic to shoot it out of the sky.

It broke to the side at the last minute, catching Sango square in the chest.


The dolphin lost her balance on the marble bench as the staff slammed into her. It knocked her backwards, off of the bench and down towards the distant earth.


Koishi?s scream went unanswered. Sango fell out of sight within seconds, nothing coming between her and a grisly end.

Koishi held an arm out where Sango had been. The world grew misty as tears came to her eyes. All the while, Eiki was laughing maniacally about how the sinner had finally been judged.

The sorrow overwhelmed her, filling her up until there was no room left. What remained spilled out, taking the form of anger instead.

She looked up towards Eiki, a new fire blazing in her eyes. Things had just got personal.

The staff was her way in. As it flew back towards Eiki it tapped at the bench, taking Koishi?s foothold apart. She leaped forward as the marble crumbled, grabbing for the staff twirling through the air. She caught it in one hand, spinning around along with it, never letting her eyes drift to the monumental drop beneath her.

Eiki gasped. She hadn?t seen this coming. She tried to fly out of the way, but the staff did its job and returned to its master. Koishi wrapped her arms around the judge?s waist, holding on for dear life.

?Now, Komachi-san!?

She?d managed to weigh the judge down. Now Komachi had all the time she needed to line up her final shot. She cocked the Titanic, aiming it at the stronger wing of the two.

The bullet pierced the wing cleanly, sending another spray of feathers flying about. Eiki winced in pain as the shot struck her, her wings flapping madly to keep her in the air. If she didn?t have Koishi clinging onto her, she might have managed it, too.

?N-No! I?m...I?m falling!?

Eiki dropped the staff, waving her arms about in a desperate attempt to keep herself airborne, but her wings could no longer supply the power they needed. She began to spiral downwards, Koishi still holding onto her.

?Komachi-san, get on!?

Eiki was their ticket to a safe landing. Komachi nodded, leaping off the last bench of her own free will. She reached terminal velocity quickly, while Eiki was still trying to cushion her fall. Komachi grabbed the judge by the wings, holding her down and stopping her last attempt at resistance. She was reduced to babbling about justice and retribution, but her words fell on deaf ears.

A dot came into view beneath them.


Koishi made out her partner?s form, still flailing about as she fell helplessly to earth. She leaned Eiki down against her will, trying to pick up speed.

Sango came no closer, but the ground did.


There wasn?t anything she could do, she realised. Sango was going to die, and she could only watch it happen. She turned about, looking to Komachi for any sort of help.

She saw the lawyer staring at Sango with the utmost focus.

?W...What are you...??

Komachi didn?t answer. The winds battered her face, but her eyes never shifted. She raised one hand above her head, gritting her teeth. Only her flimsy grip on Eiki was keeping her from falling to her own death.

?To hell with terminal velocity!?

As she brought her hand down, Eiki picked up speed that she physically shouldn?t have had. She yelled as the city came closer and closer, and Sango began to grow in their vision.

Komachi was manipulating the distance between them and Sango. From the beads of sweat dripping down her face it was no simple task, but she barely blinked as she continued her work. Sango was the size of Koishi?s pinky, then her hand, then her arm, until finally they had managed to catch up with her.


Sango?s face was wet. She had been crying the whole way down. She reached an arm out towards Koishi, kicking through the air to bring herself closer. Koishi stretched out as far as she could manage, grimacing as she pushed her muscles as far as they were willing to go.

Her pain was rewarded with Sango?s fingers sliding along hers, until finally their hands linked. Immediately she pulled the dolphin in, wrapping an arm around her to be safe. She squeezed the dolphin, embracing her as tightly as she could with her spare hand. Sango wrapped her arms around Koishi?s waist, almost choking the life out of her.

?Time to pull this bird up!?

Komachi brought her arm back down and pulled backwards, bringing Eiki parallel to the ground. The wind billowed beneath her wings with such force that feathers were snapping off, but their descent was slowing down. All they had to do now was find a place to land.

The sea was the easy answer, and it was a big enough target that they had no need to worry about missing.

Koishi clung on with her spare hand as Komachi brought them down towards the water. The judge?s wings were a shadow of their former selves, the last few feathers falling away as they came to the surface of the water. Koishi tensed, and as the sea slammed into her face she became aware this was an excellent move.

She twirled around under the water, needing a moment to get her bearings. As soon as she?d figured out which way was up, she looked around for the others. Eiki was closest to her, hanging limp in the water. The crash must have knocked her out. Tiny bubbles slipped out of her mouth as she started to sink down towards the seabed.


Koishi wrapped her arms around the judge, trying to lift her to the surface. Eiki was heavier than she looked, and Koishi couldn?t lift her up at any great speed.

When Komachi came from the other side and did her share of the lifting, they made it to the surface in a matter of seconds.

?Haah, hah...?

As Koishi broke the surface with Eiki in tow, she took a moment to catch her breath. She looked up at the sky, at the clouds fluttering carelessly above her. It was hard to think that she?d been up there all of five minutes ago, and harder still to think that she had survived the descent.


Sango was hugging her by the waist, trembling and shivering.

?U-Uuuu...I?m pretty sure that?s a solid reason for a fear of heights...?

Koishi reached back with one hand and patted the dolphin on the head. For a moment Koishi thought she had lost her, but Komachi had managed to do the impossible and save her from becoming a dolphin pancake.

?How?s she looking, Komachi-san?? she asked.

Komachi put her ear beside Eiki?s mouth, nodding. ?She?s breathing, but we?d better get her to shore fast. We?re all gonna catch a cold otherwise.?

?Oh, I can help with that!? Sango?s face lit up as she dipped under the water. Shifting into her dolphin form, she slid underneath Eiki and started pulling her along, giving Koishi and Komachi a burst of speed at the same time.

Komachi started. ?Huh. So she really is a dolphin.?

Koishi stuck out her tongue. ?Didn?t she explain all of this earlier??

?Yeah, but...?

The complaint died in her throat. Komachi sighed, getting back to kicking.

?Well, I guess it isn?t the strangest thing I?ve seen today...?


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #354 on: February 04, 2012, 09:25:28 PM »
But most impressive of all was the gun she was wielding - with the size of a shotgun but the shape of a revolver, she pointed it into the air. The barrel smouldered as the last hints of mist faded away.


The Unlimited RR

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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #355 on: February 05, 2012, 04:30:19 AM »
Komachi with a spirit shotgun?

Dammit, now I imagine Komachi on a bike growling, "Look into my eyes...!  YOU ARE GUILTY!"

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #356 on: February 09, 2012, 12:44:59 AM »
Now we get aerial flights? That combines two classes of battles, I think. Air and Underwater.

So we get, Koishi's type of magic, Mokou's gauntlets, Sakuya's cards, and Komachi's guns. The next weapons would have to do with... possibly a sword and kicking shoes?

By the way, I love this fanfic


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #357 on: February 11, 2012, 10:09:49 PM »
Momiji wasn?t quite sure what to expect when she got to the Bunbunmaru.

She?d been on patrol when she wasn?t on duty, looking for Black Claw operatives and striking them down before they had a chance to cause any trouble. But she?d never taken on more than the run-of-the-mill foot soldiers, and she doubted the Claw would settle for that when it came to taking out a target like Aya.

?What about now?? Mokou asked, clutching her Teardrop in one hand. Momiji felt her blood pressure rise higher still.

?For the last time, no. You don?t transform until absolutely necessary. If either of you ended up seen by civilians, you?d give me a lot of cleaning up to do.?

Mokou frowned. She was going to ask the same question in about thirty seconds, like she had been doing for the last five minutes. Momiji considered running ahead just to get away from her, but leaving the phoenix on her own might make things even worse. She had to make sure Mokou knew exactly what she could and could not do.

?So here?s the plan. Aya?s probably going to have realised that she ruffled a few feathers with that report. She has a safehouse to hide in, so secret even I don?t know where it is. I want you two there for her as backup in case someone gets the drop on her. If she asks what?s going on, just say that you?re secret agents trying to protect her from Morichika. We?ll meet up at the school at sundown.?

Sakuya nodded in understanding. Mokou?s frown grew deeper. The plan probably didn?t include enough face-punching to entertain her.

?So what?re you gonna be doing?? Mokou asked. ?Don?t tell me you?re leaving the petty humans to take care of the hostage.?

Momiji winked.

?I?ll be watching from above.?

She turned away into a nearby alley, a cramped one with the walls only a few feet apart. Keeping her momentum she kicked against the left wall, propelling herself upwards. She kicked the right wall in the same manner, bouncing between the two and gradually gaining height. Within a minute she had climbed up to the roof, hauling herself up and looking down onto the street. The two Sirens were still looking down the alley, stunned.

Had they never seen a youkai before?

?Don?t you two have a job to do?? she yelled. The Sirens flinched, and started running towards the Bunbunmaru again. Momiji shadowed them, jumping from rooftop to rooftop with leaps that humans could only dream of.

There was no sign of a Black Claw presence on the ground, and the two humans made it to the Bunbunmaru without much trouble. Momiji had expected as much. The Claw would want to deal with this carefully. They wanted Aya to disappear without a trace, or she?d just become a martyr.

That was why she?d chosen to check the rooftops. It was the covert route that most people wouldn?t think of guarding. It?d take an agent with impressive speed and skill to make the leaps, but Momiji didn?t doubt that the Claw had that sort of operative in the wings. She kept her eyes locked on the roofs around her, looking for anyone else taking the same route she was.

A dot prancing about in the distance caught her eye. She matched its movement, but didn?t let it lure her away from her objective. It could be a distraction, Momiji thought to herself. Only when Momiji made the final leap, landing on the roof of the Bunbunmaru offices, did she see the dot come closer.

The creature leapt across the roofs with the grace of a fox. A cloak shielded it from view, but Momiji could see a pair of stiff-looking greaves on its feet. She winced. If it could make jumps like that while it was weighed down with armour, this was shaping to be a difficult fight.

And a fight was exactly what she was going to get. The target had spotted her, and it was blazing across the roofs with an obvious intent to kill. Momiji raised her arms forward, whispering a mantra in a tongue no human understood.

Cold steel formed in her hands. In her left, an ornate metal shield with a maple leaf engraved on it. In her right, a wide-edged sword that curved to a beautiful tip. Other youkai opted for more modern or magical fighting styles, but Momiji was a sucker for tradition.

The assassin made the final jump towards the Bunbunmaru, one arm emerging from underneath the cloak. It held a silver saber with a sleek blade no thicker than Momiji?s pinky. It charged forward, thrusting at Momiji?s chest. The wolf swung her shield across, deflecting the blow and letting her opponent?s momentum carry her forward.

She rolled gracefully, making it to her feet before Momiji could capitalise. Her hood had fallen, revealing the face of a young woman. Momiji could tell no more than that - she wore a winged helmet that would have suited a valkyrie, and a domino mask covered most of her face from view. That was curious - for all the subtlety, Claw agents usually didn?t go this far out of their way to hide their identities.

The girl saw no reason to recover her hood, going on the attack again. Her thrusts never erred from their target, and Momiji was forced on the defensive. Blow after blow clattered against her shield, but her opponent never gave her any opening for a counterattack. Momiji maintained her defense, waiting for her enemy to make a mistake.

She attempted to sidestep as the assailant pulled her saber back, hoping her foe would swing at thin air. Much to Momiji?s frustration her opponent never took the bait - in fact, she stepped almost in time with Momiji, not even giving her a chance to recover.

The wolf was forced into a battle of attrition. In an instant where she wasn?t fighting for her life, she looked down onto the streets. Aya was making her way out of the building, Mokou and Sakuya at her sides. She felt a new strength build inside her as she came back to the fight. She didn?t have to win, she just needed to buy Aya the time she needed.

It was anything but simple. Her opponent?s thrusts all came in with deadly force, and a slip-up on Momiji?s part would be instantly fatal. She had some narrow escapes where her enemy?s saber scraped against the rim of her shield. Her wig had fallen away a long time ago, her wolf ears perked as she focused all her attention on the bout.

She heard her opponent panting, growing short of breath. Momiji grinned. She?d weathered the storm, and soon it would be her turn to strike. She maintained her defensive, batting away strikes until her enemy?s fatigue got the better of her.

Her foe pulled her arm back a little slower than usual, and Momiji could see her face turning red behind the mask. This was as good an opening as any. She swung her sword around, ready to slice the agent clean in two.

By the time her sword had finished its arc, the girl was already on the floor, sweeping Momiji off her feet with a kick.

A feint?!

Momiji was falling. She brought her arms in to shield her chest, waiting for her opponent to go for a coup de grace, but instead she heard the sound of frantic footsteps. The enemy was running away.


Momiji leaped to her feet, scanning the rooftop. No sign of the attacker. She must have jumped down into the streets so Momiji wouldn?t see her leaving.

The wolf grit her teeth. She had been so close, and letting her guard down once had cost her the fight. Maybe she hadn?t lost, but she definitely hadn?t won.

At least Aya had escaped. Even if there was a trace of where she?d gone, the agent would be too busy fleeing to follow it. Momiji had done her job.

She was just going to have to worry about a rogue agent on the streets. One with a damn good sword arm, and reflexes to match. She picked her wig off the floor, shielding her ears from view. She slid down a drainpipe after dismissing her weapons, making her way back to rendezvous with her boss.

She wondered if the judge had been dealt with yet. Or maybe she?d managed to kill off the three agents Momiji had sent to take care of her.

Momiji really hoped that wasn?t the case. Kawashiro wouldn?t stand for it.


It was a five minute swim to the beach, and thankfully there was no-one in sight. The sun was setting as evening drew close, and the waters were far too cold for a casual swim. Koishi?s chattering teeth reminded her of this fact every few seconds.

All of them were soaked through when they stepped onto the sand, but Komachi had it worst of all. She?d discarded her coat at some point, and her shirt clung too tightly to her chest. Koishi couldn?t look at her without jealousy seeping into her mind. She looked down at her own chest, a flat surface from top to bottom. Even Sango was better endowed than she was.

?Kid, are you gonna help me out or just keep oglin? me??

Komachi?s voice snapped with impatience, knocking Koishi to her senses. Eiki had been laid down on the beach, unconscious but still breathing. The wings had been burnt away in the landing, leaving Eiki looking just like she had been before she?d used the Black Key.

Koishi came towards her, sitting in the sand next to the fallen judge. She turned to Komachi, her face ashen.

?Alright, I?ll warn you now. Out here it?s going to look like I?ve passed out, but I?ll basically be inside her head and getting rid of the parasite.?

Komachi nodded. She stayed only inches from Eiki?s body, and Koishi saw her biting her lip and fidgeting. She pulled a smile.

?It?s fine, I?ve done this a couple of times before. I?m sure I?ll be okay.?

She reached down to her chest, her hand gripping at her third eye. She pointed it at Eiki?s body, pulling its eyelids open, and welcomed the familiar sensation of her consciousness drifting from her body.

Her eyes opened, and saw nothing.


Her legs kicked at air - no, not air. She could swim in it. But it was unlike anything she?d experienced before. In the distance, all she could see in all directions was an impenetrable wall of black.

Pulsing, throbbing black.

N-No way...

The mindcoil had consumed everything. She swam towards the wall, set to tear the creature away, but no matter how far she swam she never seemed any closer to her goal. Was she even moving? She couldn?t tell.

A figure in the distance caught her attention. This one she was able to approach, and as she had come to expect it was Eiki herself. She hung limp in the water, in a long-cut black suit, with a veil over her face. It was an outfit for mourning.

But mourning what?

She put a hand on Eiki?s shoulder, shaking her awake. Eiki?s eyes fluttered open, and she turned to Koishi with a look of dread.

?What did you do that for? I didn?t want to come back.?

She forced her eyes shut, curling up into a ball and turning away. Koishi?s brow furrowed.

?Shiki-san, where are we??

?Where else?? Eiki held her hands outward. ?This is me.?

Koishi looked in the same direction that Eiki was, seeing nothing but the ominous black walls in the distance.

?Fitting, isn?t it?? Eiki laughed, but from the sound she made she may as well have been crying. ?Empty, vacuous, and rotten to the core.?

This had been inside her all along, Koishi thought to herself. The Mindcoil could only prey on an idea that was already there. Here, it had picked up on Eiki?s feelings for herself.

?Shiki-san, that?s not true,? Koishi answered, shifting about to face Eiki head on. ?You?re the head judge of Gensouto. You?ve put hundreds, maybe thousands of criminals behind bars.?

Eiki turned to her, her face twisting to a look of fury in an instant.

?And what about the ones that got away? Rinnosuke Morichika - how many more are going to suffer at his hands thanks to me? I was supposed to put him away, but I let him walk.?

She grabbed at her hair, pulling at it so fiercely Koishi expected her to rip it right off her head.

?What about Layla? She was just a little girl, she didn?t know what she was getting into...what about her family? They were calling on me to get their sister justice, but I let them down. And now he?s going to keep on ruining peoples? lives because I couldn?t get him a guilty verdict.?

Her anger passed as quickly as it had emerged, and she fell backwards again. She stared upwards with eyes that looked barely alive.

?I was an idiot. I should have known that Morichika would try to buy out everyone involved in the case. If I?d given them protection, kept the evidence locked away, it all could have there won?t be any salvation for Layla. I may as well have killed her myself. I?m an accomplice in the crime. If a real judge had been taking the case, there wouldn?t have been any room for doubt.?

This all sounded familiar to Koishi. It rang with a tone she could imagine coming from her own voice. It reminded her of what she had been like before she?d met Sango, before all of this Siren nonsense had started.

She didn?t realise how much she hated that voice until now.

?So please, leave me alone,? Eiki muttered, closing her eyes. ?I have no right to judge the lives of others. It?s best I simply rot away rather than causing any more tro-?

The sound of Koishi?s palm slapping against Eiki?s face echoed throughout the water. The judge twirled about, grabbing her cheek, her face flaring red where Koishi had smacked her.

?Stop and listen to yourself for a moment,? Koishi said, her voice stronger and angrier than she?d intended. ?You?re just like Komachi-san was. You?re running away because you think your job is too hard.?

Eiki trembled, tears rising to her face. Her voice was fearful, like a prisoner begging her captor for forgiveness.

?You couldn?t understand! Do you know how it feels to let a criminal loose on the streets?! My crimes outweigh my virtues a hundred fold!?

?Not your crimes,? Koishi whispered. ?Your only crime is being human.?

?Isn?t that bad enough?? Eiki stretched her arms out to the walls again. ?After all, if it isn?t white, it?s black. If you?re not a saint, you?re a sinner. If you?re not a hero, you?re a villain. When you?re a judge, everything falls to one absolute or the other - guilty or not guilty.?

Koishi grit her teeth. Eiki had seemed like such a well-balanced woman on television. She?d never imagined that a monster like this had been growing inside her all along. Force wasn't the answer here, but she knew what had worked up until now.

She embraced Eiki, hugging her with all her might.

?Eh?? Eiki froze in place, taken aback by the gesture. Koishi knew this was her chance.

?Shiki-san. You?re not perfect, but that doesn?t mean you?re broken. You can?t let every mistake wear you down.?

The judge started to struggle against her grip. She didn?t like what she was hearing, but Koishi wasn?t going to give her a choice. Around them, the walls began to quake and groan.

?Learn from your mistakes, then let them go. Once you?ve learned all you can from the past, you need to get back to the present.?

The Mindcoil howled. She was getting through to her. One more good push would do it. She looked up to Eiki with a smile, in spite of the judge?s look of distress.

?I talked to a friend about this, actually. She used to be a lawyer, but she?s been out of it for a while. She told me that you were a great woman - not just that, but the best judge Gensouto?s ever seen. You don?t think she?s lying, do you??

Eiki?s struggling reached its peak, but Koishi refused to let her go. Here, deep down in Eiki?s mind, she could make a difference. She could rid her of her demons and help her start again.

Koishi placed her hands on Eiki?s shoulders, looking her straight in the eye.

?Shiki-san. How do you plead??

The judge grit her teeth, trying to hold the words in, trying to break away. Koishi held her down, pulling the veil from her face. She wasn?t running away from this.


The first sounds to come from Eiki were quiet, and not even words. With every whisper the walls flared out, screaming with a thousand voices.


Koishi could almost feel the tension building up inside the woman. It grew stronger and stronger, flooding Eiki until she could no longer hold it back. She screamed, her voice echoing across the water.


As the sound struck the walls they shattered like shards of glass. The Mindcoil yelled with a million voices, the cacophony forcing Koishi to cover her ears. As the fragments struck the floor, they crumbled into dust as an unseen wind carried them away.

Eiki had gone limp in Koishi?s hands, the sheer force of what she?d done driving the life right out of her. Koishi let her go, and she sank backwards with her eyes locked on the ceiling.

A smile rose to her face.

?Look at that," she said, pointing upwards.

Koishi turned towards the ceiling. Now that the wall of black had fallen away, she could see a brilliant light show surrounding her. Colours of every shade and every brightness assaulted her. There was no white or black, but every colour in between flooded her senses.

She felt Eiki?s hand clutching at hers.

?It?s beautiful, isn?t it?? the judge asked, her eyes red and dry.

Koishi felt her body growing heavy. Her job was done here. She squeezed back as the world slowly faded away.

?Yes, it?s beautiful...and it?s all yours.?



Koishi always found coming back to her body a little disorienting. Going from the fantastic world of the subconscious back into the mundane realm of the living brought its fair share of disappointment.

?Morning, Koishi-san.?

Sango was already helping her to her feet, giving her room to get her bearings. Komachi looked up at her, her expression as nervous as it had been before Koishi had drifted away.

?You did it, right?? It sounded more like a plea than a question. Koishi leaned down, pulling up one of Eiki?s eyelids.

A bright blue eye looked back at her.

?Yeah, it worked,? Koishi answered with a sigh of relief. ?She?ll wake up in a couple of hours, but she won?t remember a thi-?

Komachi was hugging her before she could finish her sentence.

?Dammit, kid, you?re a lifesaver. I was scared I?d lost her, but-?

Komachi only realised she was squeezing too hard when Koishi went blue in the face.

?Oh, uh, sorry. Just really, really excited, is all.?

Koishi caught her breath, falling backwards onto the sand. She felt good. Saving someone who should have been beyond redemption did that to her.

?So what?re you gonna do now, Komachi-san?? Sango asked. ?We?ll need to get hold of you and arrange a meeting with the boss.?

Komachi nodded, but she?d already hauled Eiki onto her shoulder.

?Can it wait a few days? I?ve got some personal stuff to sort out now.?

?Don?t see why not,? Sango answered. ?Just watch out. The Black Claw might try to target Judge Shiki again.?

Komachi smirked. ?Why do you think I?m taking her home with me??

Koishi watched her go, back straight and shoulders propped. Compared to the laid-back lawyer she?d seen on TV, she looked like she?d been reborn. It was a sight that brought an uncontrollable smile to Koishi?s face.

She looked up to the sky, the sun setting in the distance. Dozens of shades filled the air, from the darkest reds to the brightest yellows. It was a hundred times more beautiful than a wall of white could ever be.


?That?s, uh...? Nitori scratched her head as Momiji finished her report. ?That wasn?t what I was ready to hear, actually.?

Nitori had been ready for a lot to go wrong in the operation, but the last thing she?d expected was for the Red Lily to be a Siren. She spun around in her chair, needing a moment to bring herself to her senses.

?What about Shameimaru?? she asked.

?Safe,? Momiji answered, with visible relief. ?But the agent I fought on the rooftop managed to escape.? She growled, looking away with a scowl on her face.

She had always been prideful, Nitori thought to herself. A brilliant operative, but one with a habit of letting her prejudices get the better of her. She had never quite accepted Nitori as her superior, and she?d accepted the post at the Bunbunmaru only after a good deal of suggestion.

In that regard, maybe this operation had turned out well for her. The defeat would burrow through her outer shell, working its way into her thoughts. It would put down her pride and help her focus on the greater good that all of them were fighting for.

?Ma?am, may I make a request??

Momiji?s expression was evasive, still not looking Nitori in the eye. That was a first. Normally, Momiji would be glaring straight at her in an attempt to scare her into agreement.

?Shoot,? Nitori answered, leaning backwards in her chair.

?Shameimaru may have retreated to a safehouse, but I doubt that will be the end of the Bunbunmaru. She?ll keep producing articles and rooting out the low-lifes, and it?s possible that Morichika or the Black Claw will make another attack on her.?

The wolf bowed forward, almost bringing her face down onto Nitori?s desk.

?I?d like to be reassigned to the permanent protection of Aya Shameimaru.?

Nitori couldn?t hide her gasp. This just kept getting more and more surprising. She?d hoped Momiji would learn some humility, but she hadn?t expected it to happen this quickly.

?Momiji, you aren?t...? She found it hard to speak, having trouble believing what she was about to suggest. ?You aren?t getting attached to a human, are you??

Momiji?s tail stood on end, and she creaked back upward with a defiant look on her face.

?Of course not! Well, I mean, her enthusiasm is certainly impressive, but that?s irrelevant. I just want to do my job in full.?

She was staring out the window, arms crossed and tail flapping behind her. That said more than enough.

Nitori smiled, leaning forward and nodding.

?Very well. You start your new position first thing tomorrow morning.?

Momiji?s face lit up for a moment. ?Ah, thank-? She caught herself halfway through the sentence, clearing her throat and regaining her composure before starting again. ?I mean, thank you, ma?am. I appreciate this.?

I know you do, Nitori thought to herself with a smirk. You appreciate it more than you?re willing to tell me.

She would have to keep an eye on the wolf, she decided. This promised to be interesting.



Eiki?s thoughts were hazy as she came to. The last 24 hours had blended together in her memory, none of it sticking out. She remembered a phone call, the Lily, a black dress - and nothing else. Her body ached, and she pulled herself up to try and make some sense of things.

She quickly realised this wasn?t her house. She was lying on the couch in an unfamiliar living room.

?Morning,? Komachi yelled from the kitchen next door. ?Want me to get you some coffee??

Now that she mentioned it, Eiki did feel awfully cold. She looked down on herself, feeling her clothes clinging to her skin. She was soaked through. How had that happened? She couldn?t remember, and that frustrated her.

?That?d be great, thanks,? she answered. She looked around the room while she waited on Komachi to come through. She had a humble enough abode, well below her pay grade. The only sign of luxury was the television - a 40-inch behemoth with a surround sound system. Mountains of DVDs stood at each side of it, with titles like Last Of The Wild West, The Space Cowboy, and A Fistful Of Yen. Komachi had mentioned once or twice that she?d taken a fancy for Westerns recently, but Eiki had never realised it was to this extent.

Eventually, Komachi returned with two cups. She handed one to Eiki as the judge sat upright. The coffee was strong and dark, and it brushed away the last hints of dizziness in her mind.

?You feeling okay?? Komachi asked. For some reason, hearing her ask that made Eiki?s heart shiver. She felt like she owed Komachi for something, but she couldn?t put it to words. She gave up on it, deciding to deal with more important matters instead.

?Komachi, how did I get here??

The blank space in her memory was too frustrating to let slip. Komachi?s expression darkened, and immediately Eiki knew that she'd forgotten something terribly important.

?It?s a long story,? Komachi started. ?It was the Morichika case that started it, I think. It sorta pushed you over the edge. Like, even worse than you usually are when you lose a case.?

Eiki?s heart sank. What had she done? She sat in silence, listening with a bowed head as Komachi continued.

?You were sick. Very sick. You did a lot of...scary things. Then, when it all got too much...?

Komachi paused, struggling to speak. Eiki urged her on with desperate eyes.

?I caught you walking out into the ocean with rocks in your pockets. If I hadn't pulled you out...well, you'd probably be dead.?

Eiki couldn?t put a word to the emotion that flooded her. Shame? Regret? Guilt? It was all of these, and more. She bowed her head down, ready for the world to swallow her.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist.

?It?s gonna be okay, Eiki. I?m gonna talk to the court and see if I can get you some off time. You need a nice, long break before you come back to work.?

She didn?t realise she was leaning into the hug until her face brushed against Komachi?s. She made no attempt to change this fact.

?But what?s going to happen to the court when I?m gone? What if there?s another big case, and I?m not there??

Komachi ruffled her by the hair. She was a head taller than Eiki and it felt almost unfair sometimes.

?No worries, boss. I?ll cover it for you.?

Eiki gasped. ?You mean...?

Komachi smirked.

?Yeah. I think it?s time both of us stopped running away, don?t you??

Eiki just blinked to start with. She knew. Of course she did. She?d been there when Eiki was at her worst. And now she was here to pull her out of it.

Eiki hugged her back, pushing her face into Komachi?s chest so she wouldn?t be seen crying. Now she remembered why she felt she owed Komachi. She couldn?t have asked for a better friend.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #358 on: February 11, 2012, 10:29:13 PM »
Beautiful. Simply Beautiful.
If I knew some fitting music, I'd link 'em with appropriate pointers to specific parts.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Cystral Dragon

  • [Prince of Nothing]
  • Hey you noticed me!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi (The Return!)
« Reply #359 on: February 11, 2012, 10:51:43 PM »
WMG:Masked Woman is Hatate/Youmu/Any sword wielding character/Ran/Batman/Sango/Robin/The World

Anyways I like how you handled the Mind Coil.
Well I should've made it Prince of Void.