Author Topic: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)  (Read 60911 times)


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #120 on: January 28, 2010, 07:34:01 AM »
Congratulation to the winner :)

Special Menu - Seven Sorbets
   Very neat gimmick, lots of variety in the patterns, but still felt simplistic and predictable (and oddly familiar...). Not only that but most people would cry over the difficulty on all modes :V


Look like Freeze Mint did well :3
I've to try harder and harder on both pattern and difficulty adjustment.....
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 07:35:34 AM by Nimble »


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #121 on: January 28, 2010, 08:12:08 AM »
First Place:
   Excellent! I think some of the patterns lasted a bit too long, and it would've been better at 90 seconds instead of 120, but damn this is great. Great job on all the effects, I love the creativity of everything, especially the background.

Hurrah! I got first place! :D

Congratulations to the other winners and honorable mentions!

Thanks Naut for judging all of our entries too.

I actually didn't plan to include a green phase at first, but with just three different attacks, those 120 seconds went by really slowly, that's when I got the green phase idea. XD


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #122 on: January 28, 2010, 08:59:49 AM »
Thaws is the first to place in two contests~

I probably won't get around to playing them til this weekend, but nice work everyone. I've put the results in the main sticky.


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #123 on: January 28, 2010, 09:21:13 AM »
Third Place:
Contest Entry: Five Star Over Suwa Lake
   Superb, despite the fact it was kinda boring to play. I don't know how you could've improved, honestly... Maybe the star gimmick wore off too quickly everytime you started a new pattern. Something like "Oh neato, something new. Okay, next". Either way, it was still creative and entertaining the first run through. Nice entry.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay third !
I was aiming the 3rd place, it's true !
It's my first entry to a constest and I know that there is something that is wrong with the card...., very wrong, like Naut say, it's yet boring, why did I decide to make 5 patterns anyway, the "star curtain" (violet) was long and meh. the red part is actually the main idea, I think it's a pretty gimmick but it's either bullshit or trivial. Anyway, I am still super proud of me happy to get the 3rd place.

Congrats to the winners ^^
[21:16] <redacted> dgbarca makes great work
[21:16] <redacted> i hope he'll make a full game once


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #124 on: January 28, 2010, 09:34:01 AM »
Congratulations to Thaws. Now I am curious about the scripts. Movieh want please.


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #125 on: January 28, 2010, 10:15:12 AM »
Yukari's Border of Road and Tunnel
   That's a lot of blue! Some variety to spice it up, and probably making the lower difficulties easier would've raised the enjoyability of this script considerably.

Well, at least it's somehow positive :V This was actually an experiment to see if I could make something more or less presentable in a short amount of time (this took 3-4 hrs, still a long time though :() Thanks for the tips. Will keep variety and difficulty more in mind when making survival spell cards from now on.

Congrats to the winners and thanks to Naut for judging! ;D

Now I am curious about the scripts. Movieh want please.
I concur!
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry


Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #126 on: January 28, 2010, 11:50:04 AM »
Sink Sign "Caught in the Eye of a Storm"
   This was a cool concept and it fit Murasa really well, but I felt like it was too basic (in terms of what you're actually doing, not just spicing up). Much like her actual survival card, it's a shame that it's so simple, monotonous and boring :<

I actually had a WAY better idea, but my scripting skills are rock bottom...

Well, at least I got the "It's a Murasa card" part right.


Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #127 on: January 28, 2010, 12:41:55 PM »
Quote from: Naut
Gamecubic's maze-like survival spellcard
Best danmaku of all entries.
I never would have guessed my simple spirals (+ timed shots) made in a morning would rank that high.

My biggest problems were the necessity of memorization,
A puzzle/maze spellcard will probably always rely on memorization, so I guess this was intended.

the lack of anything other than danmaku
was because I didn't want other layers of additive effects hiding bullets. And the bullets were already shiny @w@ I had to change the bg to entirely black all the time because some places in the default spell background made the bullets harder to see... Hope this didn't affect filesize too much (lol 1x1 png file :V)

(though I didn't let this affect my judgement so much, since the danmaku was badass)
Thanks :)

as well as how cruel that third phase is... :<
It is cruel. I could never find a pattern on normal...

Loved it anyway
Once again, thanks :D

Also, congratulations to all the winners, honorable mentions, and other entries.


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #128 on: January 28, 2010, 01:43:09 PM »
Second place, yay!  ;D

Also, conglaturation to Thaws for his very deserved first place.

Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #129 on: January 28, 2010, 02:44:16 PM »
aww i didnt win :(
better chances next time, i guess.

Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #130 on: January 28, 2010, 02:46:47 PM »
Awesome Scripts, Congrads to Thaws for winning, I was ROFL when I first played your script. Congrats to 2nd, 3rd, and honorable mentions, good job!


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #131 on: January 28, 2010, 03:20:37 PM »
Meiling's Punishment
   Disqualified due to :V :V :V :V

Awwww. :V
Also, I'm the only brofister in this contest? How surprising.
<WorkingKeine> when i get home i just go to the ps3 and beat people up in blazblue with a loli
<Azure> Keine: Danmakufu helper by day, violent loli by night.

AweStriker Nova

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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #132 on: January 28, 2010, 07:32:44 PM »
Assault Wall "Geisterwand"
   This could've been great, but turned out really repetitive and annoying. It lasted far too long without much change, and the yellow bullets aggravated me just because they didnt do anything (even if this was what you were going for). Maybe if you had the card build up more, where different types of familiars would be thrown into the mix as you progress through the card, eventually ending up to a slough of exceptionally different, difficult familiar patterns all over the place, instead of the same ones that you had from the beginning...

Well, not expecting to win paid off. :V

Although Naut has a point (and a typo, not that that matters) there... the "final" version used by the actual boss will have some changes. (First and foremost: speeds up more quickly. Second: Add a couple things to the attack pattern. Third: Change some of the familiar patterns.)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 07:37:22 PM by AweStriker Nova »


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« Reply #133 on: January 28, 2010, 09:08:10 PM »
NovaRaven's : Cross-Franchise "Mac Virus"
   Oh God this was awesome! The difficulty scaled really quickly, and I didn't know what to do without my L or R shield! Even though I was completely overwhelmed by the awesome, I couldn't help but feel disappointed that the computer didn't tell me how many friendship points I earned at the end... And the Dragon was rediculusly hard due to overlapping attacks. I really liked this though, good job!

Yeahh... Didn't put in the useless stat boosts mostly because I didn't know what the hell to upgrade.
And the Dragon was too hard, I admit, for the level of the rest of the enemies. I'll have that fixed in the next release of it, AND GIVE IT MORE TIME! GAWD THAT WAS NUTS TO FIT THE FIVE FORMS UNDER! and the whole thing will be part of another boss. Just not telling which one. Oh, and I'll have the me-attack-you-attack thing going, too. :V

But yay on Honourable Mention, and congrats to the others! Now, I'm going back to finishing the Seven Force.
Mah arts! :3