Sorry for triple posting... well... no one's replying here :V... Not good with words so the descriptions and the story telling will suck...
So here's basically the first portion of the story I'm thinking of for the RPG:
Stuff that have been coded already
Nazrin, Yamame and Wriggle all wind out in the same cave for different reasons... once they found each other, they decided to find a way out together, but they had to fight Parsee on the way out... (Fight with parsee is a party battle, also known as choose which character you want to use, but the wondering around portion is for each character)
*insert video of it here*****************************************
Stuff that haven't been coded yet
They get out of the cave, but see something like a portal for a split second.
The 3 go their separate ways outside the cave, and try to find help on what that was, etc. Nazrin goes to Makai and gets Murasa and Byakuren to help, but stays there with Shou. Yamame goes to the Palace of Earth Spirits and tries to get Satori to help, but she doesn't wanna help, so Koishi goes instead, but gets help from someone (haven't decided yet) from Moriya Shrine, while Yamame returns to her tunnel with Kisume. Wriggle goes to Eientei and gets Eirin and Reisen to help, but doesn't go with them. (this part is a 3-way choice... you choose to follow one of the 3 characters and have 1-2 scenarios with them going to the place they go to)
Then, the pair of the character you chose goes to Hakurei Shrine (another "party" scenario). When they get there, they find the other 2 pairs with Reimu. They talk and decide to go and find the reason for that portal, etc. Reimu says "This is another Unprecedented Serious Affair."
END OF CHAPTER 1 (Current Party: Reimu, Murasa, Byakuren, Koishi, person from Moriya Shrine, Eirin, Reisen)
Stuff I don't know where to put yet, but will probably be included in this thing
-Might include Aya stopping the party from leaving hakurei shrine cause she needs something for her newspaper... then Marisa sees this and joins the party later on... If she does join the party, she would be included in the list of party groups in the next 3 ideas...
-Party finds Satori somewhere... she shares an emo story about loneliness and says something like "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE"... Player fights her using only either Reimu, Koishi or the person from Moriya Shrine (cause the other 2 pairs say something like, "this isn't our fight")... I wanna try to song-sync this fight (probably a single survival card) with a sad-ish song... After that, Koishi leaves the party and accompanies Satori back to the Palace of Earth Spirits...
-Party finds Ichirin unable to calm down an enraged Unzan... (SUPER BROFIST FIGHT) Player fights her using only either Reimu, Murasa or Byakuren (like the fight with satori... it's not the others' fight)... After this, Murasa offers to bring Ichirin back to Makai via the Holy Palanquin, but Byakuren decides to be the one who Ichirin brings back (quote: "You will do more good here than in Makai, I will take Ichirin back, don't worry... Make me proud Murasa."), and Byakuren fades away with Ichirin
-Party finds Kaguya beat beaten up by Mokou/Keine... Player fights with Reimu/Eirin/Reisen (not the others' fight)... Kaguya shouts "Help Me, Eirin!"... after the fight, Eirin leaves with Kaguya for Eientei...
-Party finds the character the player chose at the start in trouble and saves her... She then joins the party (so that the choice there won't just affect the gameplay by a teeny-tiny bit...)
-Ideas and suggestions are appreciated

Anyone interested in helping out for any of my projects can pm me :3