Author Topic: Eastern Interference in Salvation [Touhou x Puella Magi Madoka Magica Quest]  (Read 81767 times)


  • Moon Tiara Magic
>"Perhaps we can take turns. You can have it for tonight, regardless."
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Seg Fault
>"Perhaps we can take turns. You can have it for tonight, regardless."
>"Alright," Sanae nods.

>You move the futon to a spot with a bit more privacy as Sanae makes her way to the bedroom. After making your bed, you take off your shirt, leaving you in a skirt and bra. It feels nice to have your tentacles free after being compressed to your body all day. You then remove your shoes and slip underneath the covers.


>You awaken feeling well-rested.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 08:56:48 PM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • Seg Fault
//Just a reminder that this isn't a closed game and if any of you lurkers out there have the urge to join in, you are both welcome and encouraged to do so at any point. Especially when the game is this young.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
>Look around. Is Sanae still asleep?


  • Seg Fault
>Look around. Is Sanae still asleep?
>You look around, you are in a windowless room in the back of the apartment. Your modified longsleeve shirt is folded up neatly near the futon, next to your shoes. Right where you left them.

>You are unsure. Sanae went to the bedroom upstairs, while you are currently in a secluded room on the lower level, lying on a futon.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2017, 03:06:07 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • Moon Tiara Magic
>Dress ourselves and check on Sanae at least, then.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Seg Fault
>Dress ourselves and check on Sanae at least, then.
>You get dressed and leave the room...

>Not finding her anywhere else, you head upstairs. The bedroom door is closed.


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
>Do we have daily ablutions or some sort of hygiene maintenance?
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


  • Seg Fault
>Do we have daily ablutions or some sort of hygiene maintenance?
>Hygiene-wise, you do bathe on occasion. Though, you will shower sometimes if you need to cleanse yourself quickly.
>Usually, in the mornings you would also quickly brush your hair, as well as your sister's if she happens to be with you during your morning routine.

>On a normal day, said routine generally boils down to "Get up. Bathe/Shower if needed. Get dressed. Fix hair if needed. Eat. Feed and spend time with pets."


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
//Pets - maybe we should see if we can acquire a pet?  Might be useful to have someone watching the apartment while we're out and about.  There might be a stray or abandoned animal we could take in.

>How good are we at cooking?
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


  • Seg Fault
>How good are we at cooking?
>You're the second best cook in your "family". Only Rin "Orin" Kaenbyou is better than you.

>Of course, you must admit that this rank is only because you and Orin are the only ones capable of cooking in the family: Koishi doesn't know how and likely won't ever desire to learn in her... current state... While Utsuho has been banned from using the kitchen ever since the infamous "Rice Incident".

>Look at the time.
>>If it's still early morning, go to the kitchen and try to cook something up for breakfast.


  • Seg Fault
>Look at the time.
>>If it's still early morning, go to the kitchen and try to cook something up for breakfast.
>You locate the nearest clock and determine that it's 10:19 AM.
>You're not sure if this still counts as "early morning", but you suppose you should cook some breakfast anyway.

>You head to the kitchen and begin cooking a rather basic meal involving rice and eggs.
>When you are almost finished cooking, you hear the footsteps of somebody lazily coming down the stairs.

>Stay put and finish cooking.


  • Seg Fault
>Stay put and finish cooking.
>You continue.
>"Good morning, Satori..." you hear Sanae yawn as you finish.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
>"Perfect timing."
>Is it tasking or resource consuming to read minds, or is it just like raising an arm or blinking?


  • Seg Fault
>"Perfect timing."
>Is it tasking or resource consuming to read minds, or is it just like raising an arm or blinking?
>Reading a mind is like second nature to you. However, it does require that you third eye can see someone unobstructed. Darkness isn't an issue, but physical objects blocking the view are. For instance, even though you can read minds through the shirt fabric, it does, in fact, impair the range at which you can read someone's thoughts.
>"What's for breakfast?" Sanae asks as you hear her take a seat in the living/dining room.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Just noticed I misspelled Taxing as tasking...
>"Eggs and rice. Nothing grandiose."


  • Seg Fault
Just noticed I misspelled Taxing as tasking...
>"Eggs and rice. Nothing grandiose."
>"Ah, okay."


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
>Summary of previous day.


  • Seg Fault
>Summary of previous day.
>After Yukari threw the two of you into this world, Sanae suggested the two of you looked around for a mall or clothing store to use when the two of you got money. As the two of you headed downtown, you soon found a mall. A mysterious figure bumped into you along the way, handing you an envelope containing money and a letter from Yukari.
>Inside the mall, the two of you purchased a single change of clothes each: You bought a red longsleeve shirt with a chest pocket that sits above where your third eye is, as well as some plain black shoes, while Sanae bought an orange longsleeve shirt with a blue skirt, as well as her own pair of shoes. After changing your outfits, you noticed Kyubey observing the two of you, but he got away before you could read him.
>You then bought a sewing kit at the mall and cut out the back of your shirt pocket, which allows your eye to sit comfortably concealed, as well as read people through the fabric within a certain range. After meeting up with Sanae, the two of you left seeking a place to live, catching a few more glances of Kyubey along the way.

>After renting an apartment, you were visited by the same figure from earlier, who introduces herself as a Magical Girl named Oriko Mikuni, who is currently acting as Yukari's agent. You learned that she technically isn't supposed to be alive and that apparently a raven-haired magical girl kills her near the beginning of every loop. You also learned that she can see into the future. She filled you in on what she's seen in her first visions and the basics of the Magical Girl system. You know that the witch that you're supposed to stop at the end of the loop apparently spawns from a pink-haired magical girl, and that the same raven-haired girl that kills Oriko is present at the time the witch is born.

>You then, following Oriko's advice, left at a specific time in hopes of encountering another magical girl. It was then you encountered something called a "familiar" and were saved by the girl in question. The girl introduced herself as Mami Tomoe, and it was then that Kyubey directly approached you and introduced himself. The four of you then went back to Mami's apartment -- which coincidentally happens to be two doors down from your own -- where you enjoyed tea and learned about the Magical Girl system from Mami and Kyubey's perspective, taking care not to reveal what you've already learned from Oriko. During this time, Kyubey attempted to offer you a contract once, but did not seem to be actively pushing anything. You both refused.

>In the end Mami offered you an invitation to join her on a witch hunt, and you agreed to meet up with her after she returned home from school today.

>Misc skills/powers that we have that could be useful in our adventure?
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
>(including nonmagical abilities of ours which are better than the average person's)
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


  • Seg Fault
>Misc skills/powers that we have that could be useful in our adventure?
>(including nonmagical abilities of ours which are better than the average person's)
>In addition to mind reading, you are capable of inducing hypnosis. However, this requires direct, unobstructed eye contact with your third eye, so it won't work through fabric. Once you have put someone in a hypnotic trance, you can either use suggestion to make them think/say exactly what you want, or, more commonly, you can induce amnesia.

>You are also capable of "awakening trauma" by bringing memories to the surface. This requires that your third eye can read someone, and you are either touching them or making direct eye contact with them. This is important for one of your offensive abilities.

>You are able to mimic most magic almost perfectly, however, you do have to make some compromises or substitutions if the magic requires an ability you are incapable of doing. The easiest way for you to copy something is to awaken trauma within someone, and then copy the magic you see within their hearts and minds. You can also mimic magic that someone is consciously using if you had to.

>Once you've mimicked an attack, you can opt to store it in a type of special spellcard of your design: The "Recollection" Spellcard. Not only does this convert an otherwise lethal attack into a non-lethal spell like what you'd see in Gensokyo, but you can either decide to keep the card (As you have done in the past with Terrible Souvenir), or wipe it blank for re-use. It's quite versatile.

>Speaking of these, you did bring Terrible Souvenir, as well as four blank Recollection cards with you.

>There's also flight, but you haven't tested to see if it works here or not. Plus it'll probably draw attention in public...

>As far as non-magical abilities go: As a youkai, you have increased strength and durability compared to a human. However, the strength difference is only minor, considering you're not one of the more physically adept species like an Oni...


  • Moon Tiara Magic
>So if we hypnotize someone, we can make them forget it happened after, and keep our third eye secret?
>Can we awaken trauma during hypnosis?
>After making sure there's nothing in any visible windows (like kyubey) staring at us, try to float in the air for a moment, just to make sure whether or not we can.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Seg Fault
>So if we hypnotize someone, we can make them forget it happened after, and keep our third eye secret?
>Can we awaken trauma during hypnosis?
>You could.
>Yes, but the effect would be more intense. Normally when you awaken trauma, the subject doesn't notice the memory until you either use an attack from it, or will it to the front of their thoughts. Under hypnosis they will likely "relive" the memory and all the trauma associated with it.

>After making sure there's nothing in any visible windows (like kyubey) staring at us, try to float in the air for a moment, just to make sure whether or not we can.
>You check for windows and Kyubey, and finding the coast clear, you float a few inches off the ground. It takes slightly more effort to maintain than in Gensokyo, but it seems like it's possible.

>You realize you should probably take the food to the table before it gets cold...


  • Moon Tiara Magic
>"And breakfast is served."
>Let's eat!
>Does Awakening Trauma require direct -third- eye contact, or just eye contact? Does it take long for us to do enough to copy an attack, e.g. could we pull it off while having a conversation with someone and maintaining eye contact?
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Seg Fault
>"And breakfast is served."
>Let's eat!
>You bring breakfast to the table and have a seat. Sanae grabs her bowl and begins to dig in.

>Does Awakening Trauma require direct -third- eye contact, or just eye contact? Does it take long for us to do enough to copy an attack, e.g. could we pull it off while having a conversation with someone and maintaining eye contact?
>Unlike hypnosis, your third eye does not need to make direct, unobstructed, eye contact to awaken trauma. However, you still need it to read someone in order to extract information from the memory. Making normal eye contact for a few seconds is enough. Alternatively, physically touching their forehead can also work, though doing it through touch will automatically bring the memory to the front of their thoughts.

>Attack copying is almost instantaneous, however you would need several seconds to figure out the details of it, especially if it has elements you can't replicate exactly.

>"So... what's the game plan for today?" Sanae asks between bites, We have some time to kill until Mami gets home... Maybe that Oriko girl will show up later too...


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
>"We should think of a reason we left home and moved here.  Unless people in this world move around all the time?"

//I don't know if Satori knows about "jobs" and "school"
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


  • Seg Fault
>"We should think of a reason we left home and moved here.  Unless people in this world move around all the time?"

//I don't know if Satori knows about "jobs" and "school"
>"Good idea. Who knows when someone's going to ask about that." Hmm... let's see... Maybe we could say we came from a neighboring city or town to look for jobs or something...