> Continue observing.
> "Um..." Renko speaks.
> Yukari waves lightly from within.
> "May I have a moment to talk?"
> "Yukari?" Renko asks.
> "Um, I guess." Maribel says.
> "Thank you, just a second first, please." The gap closes.
>One last check to see what's going on
>If things seem fine or... those uncomfortable activities... are happening, warp only our life energy into notedai and demanifest.
>Think about wondering what the hell is going on and hope the cops don't attribute it to us because it's not us!
>On a new sheet, write the words: THIS IS NOT ME! as fast as we can and warp it to them safely, preferably where one can grab it.
>"It was nice that you came to visit."
>Prepare, but do not cast, a blessing to reincarnate the cops with fairy traits inside Gensokyo (if and only if contact is lost with Copbug) and assess its cost
> The two are watching something, it seems.
> You warp out and demanifest.
> Your host starts to seem a bit panicked.
> You quickly write and send a note.
> But you do not seem able to send it.
> "I-I think we're fall-"
> There's an impact, and you lose consciousness.
> The voice does not answer.
> You prepare...
> It's still not ready...
> "We can work something out, okay?"
> Smile a bit.
> "I know we can."
> Prepare and cast a spell on Yamame that makes it so she can swallow anything whole, no matter how large it is.
> (T) Why not give it a try, then? You might just find that you like it. And I'll help you out, of course!
> Luna sighs.
> You prepare and cast.
> "I don't think I want to..."
> Check.
> Gently let Hourai go.
> How does she looks?
> Look at Alice with a sad face.
> Check.
> "W-Well... It would still be better if we go outside."
> Are the fairies walking?
> Everyone is quiet.
> You let Hourai go.
> She's looking at Shanghai. She doesn't look too upset.
> "Shang Shanghai. (I won't tell.)" Shanghai speaks to Hourai.
> Alice shrugs.
> You've reached your destination.
> They're still watching.