Author Topic: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy  (Read 105028 times)


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« on: March 02, 2016, 08:43:45 AM »
>You are Daiyousei, a unique fairy living at Misty Lake.

>You used to be regarded as, if anything, a regular fairy a few years ago. But your life changed when you encountered Reimu and Marisa during the unusual Red Mist. Since then, because of how well you defended Misty Lake against them, you have been looked up to and respected by the fairies of the area, as if you were their leader. You begun to make a comfortable amount of friends thanks to the incident, and you've become much better than your old shy and reclusive self.

>For a while now, you've noticed that the amount of fairies at Misty Lake has been dropping steadily. You don't really know the cause, and you haven't asked for help yet either. It's up to you to find and deal with the problem since unfortunately, no one else really cares a lot about fairies.

>You are outside of your house at Misty Lake. It's early morning; pretty warm. The menacing red mansion looms in the distance, opposite of the rest of the area. Aside from worrying about the population, today seems like another fine day.



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2016, 09:21:28 AM »
O.o New quest, fresh in the morning.

>Do we have any clues to start at ?
>Search for Cirno or Lily.
>Ponder our relation with Cirno and other friends.
>Have we ever come close to the Mansion or in ?
>"Yawn.... such a nice day, time to get things done !"
>Fly around.
>How likely is that the gap lady is responsible for this ? :V
>Cast Haste on Miniking

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2016, 09:54:13 AM »
>What kind of current events have gone down lately that we know of?
>Friends and Enemies?


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2016, 10:26:20 AM »
O.o New quest, fresh in the morning.

>Do we have any clues to start at ?
>The most likely causes would be Reimu and Marisa, or the red mansion across from here. But that's just speculating, as there is no evidence to where they go, when they go, or even how. One minute, they're fighting or talking, and the next, they're gone without a trace.
>You have only your clothes with you, consisting of your usual blue dress. It's nothing special.
>The other few possessions you have rest in your treehouse, currently behind you.
>Search for Cirno or Lily.
>You look around for Cirno first. She's sitting with her feet in the lake, next to her igloo. Her house is a bit away from the rest of the trees as well as your house.
>You don't know where Lily lives, but she's usually seen flying about. You check the skies and spot her approaching the area.
>Ponder our relation with Cirno and other friends.
>Friends and Enemies?
>After the incident, you made friends with Cirno. She, in turn, later introduced you to her new friends. Mystia Lorelei, Wriggle Nightbug, and Rumia. They're all youkai, not fairies, so it was a bit hard to open up to them at first. Mystia, the night sparrow, is undoubtedly the smartest of them, while also the busiest. Wriggle has more time on her hands, but has a thing about insects. Rumia isn't the brightest, and often follows Cirno blindly. You all make up Team 9, named by Cirno. Your usual meeting point has been decided as your house, being the most convenient of the four.

>Ah, Cirno. You and her had some fantastic times together. Both good and bad. You stuck with her when odds were huge, like that one time she was almost eaten by the giant toad in the lake. Sadly, those times didn't last, as during one of your usual games of hide and seek, Cirno disappeared without telling you. You checked her house for her, but it was trashed. Things just got worse from there, as the fairies started fighting each other relentlessly. Many called it the Fairy Wars. After beating you way through lots of fairies, you found Cirno and tried to talk to her, but she acted like she never knew who you were! You fought to try and get her to remember, but ended up losing. Later that same day, you saw her fighting with 3 other fairies, and enlisted the help of Lily White to challenge her again afterwards. The attempt ended in a failure as well, and you left home after the war begun to die down. You decided to talk with her again, thinking she was just having a rough day, but instead saw her playing games and pranking with the same 3 fairies she fought earlier. The fact that she forgot about you and befriended her apparent enemies had devastated you. You've rarely hung out with her since then, especially since she's changed so much, power-wise as well...

>You are good friends with Lily White as well. She's nice, and it's a wonder why no one has taken the time to befriend her.
>Letty could be considered a friend as well. She's really mature. You think she enjoys your presence, while she clearly only barely tolerates Cirno's.

>Your current enemies include Reimu and Marisa, and maybe those 3 fairies Cirno seems to have abandoned you for. Are they really the ones at fault for that though?
>Have we ever come close to the Mansion or in ?
>You've gone close to it whenever Cirno decides to enter it, but you've never dared to venture inside. That place is scary. Every time Cirno tried to go inside, she reappeared right next to you, instantly. The guard at the gate is also a strong youkai. Thankfully, she's friendly, and doesn't mind it when fairies gather to watch her in her pass times. The only people you've seen in the mansion were a maid, Reimu and Marisa, and Cirno. There was also a red haired devil who left the mansion for a few minutes a while back. It happened when Cirno and a bunch of fairies, as well as figures from the mansion left to various places in Gensokyo. Something about fights and 'really-gen'.
>"Yawn.... such a nice day, time to get things done !"
>Fly around.
>You stretch and take to the air. Lily sees you and flies up to you.
"Daiyousei, It's Spring again!"
>How likely is that the gap lady is responsible for this ? :V
>The what? You've never heard of such a person.
>What kind of current events have gone down lately that we know of?
>There were "incidents", but you've only really witnessed a couple. They include the Red Mist incident, and the Fairy Wars. You heard Cirno talk about a daidarabotchi before too. You heard about fights for popularity and that everyone would be going around Gensokyo to watch them, but you decided to stay at Misty Lake during that time.
>More current however, is the new status of Rumia. After the meeting that was held yesterday, you learned that she apparently lives in the mansion across the lake now. It was too late to ask more about it, but next time you see her, you should consider it.
Quest Added: Hotel Rumia; Rumia mentioned that she lives in that menacing mansion now. You should ask her more about it when you get the chance, and maybe request a tour.
>Aside from flight and being immortal because you're a fairy, you have the ability to WARP decent distances. Like Cirno's cold and Lily White's spring...ness, you consider this to be your specialty, if anything. Your skilled enough to warp mid battle, no sweat.
>You and a bunch of other fairies have started using a fireball type of danmaku, in order to counter Cirno during the fairy wars, as she was clearly the biggest target, dominating everyone else. The fire danmaku can't be frozen by her.
>You are smarter than almost every fairy you know, and even a few youkai. You can even read and write! (It definitely isn't the result of you and Cirno sometimes stealing from humans) Though it takes a long while and it's much better to just look at pictures and draw them. You believe that you're retaining your knowledge well by avoiding situations where you could die; like the ones all the other fairies idiotically get into. People may mean this when they say you're shy. Because you tend to stray from dangerous situations however, you haven't been able to get much stronger than normal.
>You have no spell cards, which is embarrassing, considering that Rumia and Cirno both have some.
>Cast Haste on Miniking
Miniking is afflicted with Haste and starts to write the replies immediately after he see's them. This turns the game into a 1:1 since no one has time to post anything.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 10:29:35 AM by Miniking »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2016, 10:59:21 AM »
>Do we know about any interesting people or things living in the lake itself?
>Can we warp through or around solid objects, or just empty air?


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2016, 01:32:57 PM »
>Do we know about any interesting people or things living in the lake itself?
>The first thing that comes to mind is the giant frog. It dislikes Cirno because she's freezing other frogs who are helpless against her. It's attacked her from time to time, but the attacks seemingly stopped ever since the fairy wars. It either left or doesn't come out anymore.
>There's also the mermaid who lives in the lake. You don't know much about her, other than how she is sometimes visited by a black haired lady with long nails and animal ears, and a youkai who could detach her head and move it around on its own.
>Can we warp through or around solid objects, or just empty air?
>You can. You can even warp into solid objects, but this is the worst idea ever, as if it isn't hollow, you'll be crushed by the object in an instant, feeling incredible pain all in one second. Fights have never been as painful as that...

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2016, 01:56:48 PM »
>Let's go to the lake and try to find that mermaid.
>And also take stock of the faeries around there, it'd be a problem if we lost more.


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Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2016, 02:15:08 PM »
> When Lily isn't looking, check chest for usual growths. Gotta make sure we're in condition to retain our title of Big Fairy should a challenger appear!
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2016, 03:57:46 PM »
> When Lily isn't looking, check chest for usual growths. Gotta make sure we're in condition to retain our title of Big Fairy should a challenger appear!
> Making sure that Lily isn't paying attention, you grasp your breasts and feel them for any unnatural changes, and any changes in general. You don't feel anything different. You're just as you have been yesterday and the day before. Your chest in question is larger than most, even those who have a bit more than a flat chest. Of all your friends, your's are the largest (except Letty. You still haven't reached her.) They're still smaller than those of the guard of the mansion, but she's a Youkai.
>Let's go to the lake and try to find that mermaid.
> You fly over the lake and look for the mermaid. She's leaning over the edge of the lake, opposite of where Cirno is, and is splashing the water with her tail.
>And also take stock of the faeries around there, it'd be a problem if we lost more.
> There's about 20 or so fairies around right now, but that's because most others are probably still asleep. Last time you really checked, there were about 130 or so fairies Give or take.


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2016, 04:00:41 PM »
>You can have one hundred thirties? Holy crap!
>Wave to Lily, and head toward the Mermaid.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2016, 05:34:21 PM »
>You can have one hundred thirties? Holy crap!
> It's really amazing. First you learned about the -teens, then twenties and thirties. It was really hard. Hundreds weren't as hard though, because most of them were pronounced similarly. But there's this one that's like one hundred zero, or ten ten or something. The actual word is 'sand something'...maybe.
>Wave to Lily, and head toward the Mermaid.
> You wave to Lily as she continues along her path. She waves back before she begins to shoot danmaku and shout: "SPRING IS HERE!!" A few fairies get nailed by the danmaku, while others fly away from Lily in annoyance. There's the usual few that try to fight her in vain.
> You fly down to the mermaid. Surprisingly, she hasn't dove back underwater yet. That's her usual response when fairies try to approach her. She has stopped splashing in the water though.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2016, 05:37:55 PM »
>Wait so how did Team Oddball (9) end up then, since Cirno doesn't remember us ?
>Do we know the names of the 3 fairies that Cirno started hanging out with ?
>Do we know why is Rumia living there ? Is she a maid now ?
>"Um, hi there, what is your name ? I am Daiyousei and this is Lily"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2016, 05:42:33 PM »
>Gesture toward wherever Lily is at the moment.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2016, 06:26:17 PM »
>Wait so how did Team Oddball ⑨ end up then, since Cirno doesn't remember us ?
> Cirno introduced you to Mystia, Wriggle and Rumia a while after the Red Mist incident. She also came up with the name some time before the Fairy Wars started, which is when she forgot about you.
>Do we know the names of the 3 fairies that Cirno started hanging out with ?
> You do not. You however have asked around for a trio of fairies, and found out that they were apparently the most notorious pranksters. They make up a group called the Three fairies of Light. You could ask Cirno about them, but that would be awkward...maybe another time.
>Do we know why is Rumia living there ? Is she a maid now ?
> You didn't get the chance to ask, and you haven't seen her in an outfit other than her usual one.
>"Um, hi there, what is your name ? I am Daiyousei and this is Lily"
> As you finish your sentence, you point to Lily in the distance, still spreading spring.
>"Wakasagihime. I think everyone knows that fairy though. So um, you aren't here to fight, right? I've always seen you with Cirno, and you don't seem to fight as much as everyone else. Why?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2016, 06:47:08 PM »
>"That's not important! What's important is this: Are you kidnapping faeries? It's kind of a big deal."


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2016, 07:25:14 PM »
>"That's not important! What's important is this: Are you kidnapping faeries? It's kind of a big deal."
>Wakasagihime practically jumps in response to your question.
>"Kidnapping fairies? That's stupid." A shock seemingly runs through her as she realizes what she just said, or rather, who she just said it to.
>"I-I mean, sorry, it's not stupid. It's just that no one really has a use for fairies. No offense. Well, except for those at the Scarlet Devil mansion, but I don't think that's kidn..."

>The mermaid's voice fades out as soon as you hear that the mansion's residents are responsible for this. Of course it had to be that dreadful place. How in the world are you going to save them from there?

>Quest Added: The Scarlet Devil Mansion. The mermaid; Wakasagihime, has told you that the Scarlet Devil Mansion is the only place with a use for fairies. If she's right, then the residents must be the ones responsible for the declining population.

>"...not really a big deal. There are still a lot of fairies everywhere else in Gensokyo anyways. They also still outnumber the amount of Youkai at Misty Lake too." Wakasagihime finishes.



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #16 on: March 02, 2016, 08:08:59 PM »
>"That's pretty mean of you to say that. But i'll forgive you, however i dunno about Lily here."
>"Also, who is that girl with the weird ears and long nails and that youkai that can take her head off ?"
>"Well, thanks for the info anyways, miss !"
>Let's finish 2 quests with one stone !
>"Okay, cmon Lily, let's go see Rumia !"
>Fly to Mansion.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #17 on: March 02, 2016, 08:20:03 PM »
(I'll probably jump into this when I see an opportunity. Provided none of you mind, of course.)


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2016, 09:06:25 PM »
(I'll probably jump into this when I see an opportunity. Provided none of you mind, of course.)
Not at all. ^^ Now go do more Maribel please :3 , i want to know why of Keine's beserk status.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2016, 09:28:03 PM »
>"That's pretty mean of you to say that. But i'll forgive you, however i dunno about Lily here."
>"I'm sure she doesn't mind..."
>"Also, who is that girl with the weird ears and long nails and that youkai that can take her head off ?"
>"Oh, they're just my friends."
>You expected her to give you names or at least talk a bit more about them, but she didn't. It isn't really your business anyways.
>"Well, thanks for the info anyways, miss !"
>Let's finish 2 quests with one stone !
>"Okay, cmon Lily, let's go see Rumia !"
>Fly to Mansion.
>"Sure...?" Wakasakakarot Wakasagihime replies.
>"Okay!" Lily shouts from afar, before she starts to follow you to the mansion's gate.
Player 2: Press Start to play as Lily White!
>The mermaid returns to playfully splashing the water with her tail when the two of you are far enough from her.

>You and Lily arrive above the gate of the "Scarlet Devil Mansion" The gate guard youkai is down at the gate, doing her exercises.

(I'll probably jump into this when I see an opportunity. Provided none of you mind, of course.)
//I have been waiting to start something like this since a few of the other quests died. It would be an insult not to join. Okay, maybe not really, but the more the merrier. Pun intended.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2016, 09:42:43 PM »
//I have been waiting to start something like this since a few of the other quests died. It would be an insult not to join. Okay, maybe not really, but the more the merrier. Pun intended.

Oh, OH! Merry, Maribel..... *Critical Hit*

>Go to the gate guard lady.
>"Excuse me Miss, sorry for interrupting, but we would like to visit our friend Rumia, she said that she was living here now, so could you let us in ? We promise not to cause trouble."
>Await answer anxiously.
>Pet evil_nazgul.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2016, 09:57:54 PM »
>Go to the gate guard lady.
>"Excuse me Miss, sorry for interrupting, but we would like to visit our friend Rumia, she said that she was living here now, so could you let us in ? We promise not to cause trouble."
>Await answer anxiously.
>"Oh, you're friends of Rumia? Sure, I can take you to her. Come on." The gate guard says and leads your duo towards the mansion doors.
> As she opens the doors, you're treated to the sight of massive hallways with subtle decorations. They not too distracting, but they still manage to make the halls look better.
>The gate guard motions for you to follow.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2016, 10:22:09 PM »
>Follow the Chinawoman
>How often have we been to the mansion in the past? Is this our first time here?
>Look around.
>How smart are we compared to other fairies?


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2016, 10:35:09 PM »
>How often have we been to the mansion in the past? Is this our first time here?

It is the first time that you have came inside, you never sneaked in with Cirno because you were afraid (and with some reason).

>How smart are we compared to other fairies?

You are considerably more smart than most fairies, being able to even read and write with some effort, although you still prefer images, you think this is a result of not doing too many dangerous action like other fairies do.
What do you mean by why am i the parser ? I'm not, i am the helper, not only do i participate, but i also help clarify info.

>Examine Guard Lady.
>"Oh right, i haven't introduced ourselves, i am Daiyousei and my friend here is Lily, and what about your name, miss ?"


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2016, 11:43:17 PM »
>Follow the Chinawoman
> You follow the Youkai strange clothing into the mansion. She starts to lead you down one of the halls.
>How often have we been to the mansion in the past? Is this our first time here?
> This is the first time you've ever been inside the mansion. It's not as scary as you previously perceived it to be, but maybe that's because the phenomenon that happens whenever Cirno or another fairy tries to enter didn't happened to you.
//Eh, Raf was pretty accurate.
>Look around.
> You let your eyes roam the mansion's interior. Aside from the decorations, there are the rare few windows here and there. There is also a multitude of rooms and other hallways, as if the mansion was larger on the inside than the outside.
> As the gate guard leads you around a turn, you see fairies flying through the halls and fixing the occasional decoration off to the side of the hall. They're wearing maid outfits. Are your companions being forced to do chores!?
>How smart are we compared to other fairies?
> You are much smarter than the lesser average fairy. You are also capable of reading and writing well, but not without considerable difficulty. If you were to take a sort of intelligence test, you would surprise onlookers with the comparison of your intelligence to other fairies. This is probably due to dying much less than a fairy normally does, possibly retaining more knowledge. If this is right, then that would mean Lily is a bit smarter than others, since other fairies don't want to fight her as much.
>Examine Guard Lady.
>"Oh right, i haven't introduced ourselves, i am Daiyousei and my friend here is Lily, and what about your name, miss ?"
> The youkai is wearing a strange outfit. It's a green dress, but the bottom is made like it's split or cut into three strips. Shouldn't she be embarrassed about the possibility of someone seeing her panties!? She has long red hair with two braids tied near the shoulders by ribbons. She has a green cap on with a star on it.
> "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself as well. My name is Hong-"
> "China!"
> The youkai is interrupted by the sound of someone behind you. It's the maid you've seen before near the mansion. Even so, you haven't seen her this close.
> "But Sakuya, you can't call me that when I'm not doing anything bad. It's Hong Meiling." The youkai complains.
> The maid points towards you and Lily.
> "Well, they're friends of Rumia, and they wanted to see her."
> "Yes, and I'm sure Marisa is a friend of Patchouli's." The maid; Sakuya, says sarcastically.
> "But they are. They promised not to do any harm too. I'm doing my job well Sakuya-san, honest!" Meiling pleads.
> "Alright, they can visit Rumia, as long as they don't cause any trouble."


  • Seg Fault
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2016, 11:48:05 PM »
You are much smarter than the lesser average fairy.
>Dai-yogi Bear

>Examine Chore-doers. Do we recognize any of them?


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2016, 12:10:52 AM »
>Dai-yogi Bear

>Examine Chore-doers. Do we recognize any of them?
> You do, somewhat. They're part of the group of fairies that started to sleep in the middle of the day, everyday, so they could be up all night and all day. You suppose it explains why they're up so early in the morning. You don't know them personally though.
> "Hey!" Lily shouts at Sakuya. "You're the human that kidnapped me before!"
> "Oh would you look at the time." Sakuya says, as she pulls out a watch.
> "I still want my apolo-CLICK"gy!"
> As Lily finishes her sentence, you and her are suddenly standing in a dimly lit room. It's not too dark to see, nor too bright. Rumia is on a bed, directly in front of you. She's sleeping, and looks just as adorable as she always does when asleep.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #27 on: March 03, 2016, 12:16:16 AM »
>Turn to Lily.
>"She kidnapped you!?"


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2016, 12:25:09 AM »
>Turn to Lily.
>"She kidnapped you!?"
> Your outburst startles something in the room, and you can hear flapping for a few seconds, before it stops.
>"Yeah. They tried to make me restore spring for them. I bet she knew it wouldn't work and just wanted to capture me for fun." Lily pouts.
> Rumia is still asleep.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy
« Reply #29 on: March 03, 2016, 12:37:39 AM »
>Hmm, should we wake her up ? I guess.
>Check the stuff we can see at the room.
>"Rumia ? Can you hear me ? Wake up."
>Examine Cute and not-so-smart Darkness Youkai Rumia.
>Did the fairy maids look sad or something while working ?
>How does the fairy respawn system work ?