Author Topic: Third Eye In Pure Waters  (Read 51169 times)

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #30 on: August 27, 2009, 07:34:57 AM »
Every time someone gets to that lake, someone is in danger of drowning. Every single time!

Keep it up. =p
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?


  • Charismatic grizzly bear
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Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #31 on: August 27, 2009, 07:21:24 PM »
OKUU NOOOOO~~ How will we power our NUCLUEAR BIDETS now?
Wotters gonna' wot


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #32 on: August 28, 2009, 12:42:20 AM »
WARNING: This author most likely Fails Biology Forever. If at any time you feel things are getting ridiculous, recite the MST3K mantra. (TVTropes, BEWARE)



This wasn't what was supposed to happen. She'd jumped into the water just like Satori-sama had, but instead of floating back up she was just sinking. Had she done something wrong?


Her leg hit the bottom of the lake first, pulling the rest of her body down with it. She was vaguely aware that maybe it would have been a good idea to start at the other edge.

But's so beautiful down here.

The waters were once again pristine, fish of all different colours making their way through them. A few stragglers from a nearby school swam up to her, looking her in the eyes. She reached out to touch one, so she could softly run her fingers across it-


Oops, wrong hand.

She hadn't hit it hard, but the control rod was heavy enough to leave the fish seeing stars. Its friends quickly took the hint and darted away, leaving the raven by herself.


She gurgled out a little groan, taking a few steps to try and find another set of fish to examine. She made a mental note to be a little more careful this time-

Tap, tap.

A poke on her shoulder. Utsuho turned around, seeing a desperate-looking Satori pointing upwards.

That was enough to remind her of something that should really have been pretty obvious.

...Oh, crap! I need to breathe!

Utsuho tried to jump upwards, flailing with her arms and legs. She sank back downwards quickly, her only reward being tired limbs. Satori wrapped her arms around her and tried to lift her to the surface, but she was even weaker physically than Utsuho was, so she achieved about as much.


Utsuho gave a nervous gurgle, already feeling her cheeks bulge. Satori, knowing she wasn't going to get anywhere alone, rose back to the surface and called on aid.

"Sango-san! Where are you!?"


The name rang a bell in Utsuho's small brain. She remembered Satori-sama mentioning some sort of 'doll fin' youkai she'd met here that went by that name.

But...what's that fish thing swimming next to her? It doesn't look like a doll.

"Sango-san, one of my pets is down there! I need your help lifting her up!"

The fish thing nodded, phasing into a humanoid form. Apparently this was the girl Sango who Satori-sama had befriended after all.

"Wow...that's a pretty lifelike doll. How did she do it?"

Utsuho muttered to herself, unable to keep thoughts like that in her head. She pondered the question, wondering if it was magic or -

...Wait. What did I just do?

Looking up at the newly formed stream of bubbles, Utsuho realised that her little monologue had just spent the last of her air.


She didn't have anything left in her lungs to shout with, but sound came out anyway. For some reason her body didn't seem to care about the air, just letting it go without a care in the world. Wasn't there meant to be some sort of reflex to stop that!?

Satori and Sango dove down with lightning speed, afraid that Utsuho had already drowned. They both grabbed her around the waist and started to heave.


Even with all their effort, they were only able to lift her maybe a few inches. Utsuho, naturally, was reduced to panic.

"Satori-sama, what's going to happen to me!? I'm out of air, I'm drowning, I'm-"


Silence. Both girls stopped trying to carry Utsuho upwards, letting her fall back down to the lakebed. They were looking at her with expressions of awe, unable to believe what she'd just done.

She was...talking.

"...wait, no I'm not. This isn't what drowning's meant to feel like. Unyuu?"

Utsuho felt weird. She wasn't breathing, that was for sure, but it didn't hurt or anything. She put her arm to her chest to check if it was rising.

"Crap, wrong arm again. Better swi-"

Utsuho cut herself off, looking down the rod she had just pulled up to her chest. She could make out a faint glowing somewhere deep within.


Breathing is just a way for creatures to turn food into energy. If another method was available that didn't need air, logically a creature could survive without needing to breathe.

Utsuho, practically a walking nuclear reactor, was a perfect example of this. It was producing far more energy from her food than simple breathing did, allowing her to go for potentially hours without air if necessary. (Of course, it helped that since absorbing the Yatagarasu her dinners were now laced with plutonium - half because she thought it tasted good, and half because it stopped Orin from stealing her share.)

"...Uh...sorry for the worry, Satori-sama. Looks like I'm fine..."

Realising what was going on, Satori facepalmed hard. Sango rolled her eyes, turning to Satori with a face that asked 'is this some sort of joke?'

"Um, I think I'll just walk over to the other side of the lake and get myself out. Sorry again for the tro- hey, Satori-sama, why are you looking at me like that? I didn't mean to scare you, I just-"



"Satori-sama! What happened to Okuu!? Is she okay?!"

"...She'll be fine. Her cheek might be a little red for a while, though."


I spent a while trying to come up with a valid way for Okuu to actually swim, but there's only so far I can possibly screw with the laws of physics. Now, biology...


  • *
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #33 on: August 28, 2009, 12:57:30 AM »
You fail at biology >:O

But yeah I lol'ed.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #34 on: August 28, 2009, 12:59:02 AM »
Damn, Satori can slap hard underwater! =p

And somehow I get the feeling that Utsuho is a walking slapstick comedy now. =p
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #35 on: August 28, 2009, 01:05:55 AM »
I prefer the following explanation:

Utsuho is too stupid to drown.

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #36 on: August 28, 2009, 01:09:18 AM »
I prefer the following explanation:

Utsuho is too stupid to drown.

*Mega Man music starts playing.*
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #37 on: August 28, 2009, 01:11:32 AM »
Um ... which Mega Man music? (Or is that a reference to Bob and George?)

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #38 on: August 28, 2009, 01:13:45 AM »
Um ... which Mega Man music? (Or is that a reference to Bob and George?)

Yes it whichever you feel like. I tend to like the Wily Stage 2 theme from MM2...buuuut that is off topic. =p

*Is thinking about Storm Eagle's theme now actually...*
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #39 on: August 28, 2009, 01:18:17 AM »
in b4 the forbidden template.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #40 on: August 28, 2009, 01:18:35 AM »
You fail at biology >:O
stfu D:<

And somehow I get the feeling that Utsuho is a walking slapstick comedy now. =p
Well yeah, she is sort of bird-brained, but I'll probably turn that down a little later on...

I prefer the following explanation:

Utsuho is too stupid to drown.

Um ... which Mega Man music? (Or is that a reference to Bob and George?)
I hear Splash Woman, but then again MM9 was the only game in the series I really played. >_>

in b4 the forbidden template.
- Magic
- Kanako's shady new drug spell
- Suwako is fooling around again

Nine West

  • Shrine maidens? Evil spirits? Magicians?
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  • How wonderful!
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #41 on: August 28, 2009, 01:19:37 AM »

*Insert 'You Fail' quote here*

Amusing as ever.

Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #42 on: August 28, 2009, 02:28:27 AM »


Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #43 on: August 28, 2009, 06:20:18 PM »
You know, this doesn't fail biology too badly.  The uber amounts of radiation Okuu gets exposed to can speed up the adaptation process by promoting cell mutation, thus allowing her body to use nuclear energy as its primary energy source instead of oxidization of carbohydrates.

Either that, or I have just failed biology forever too.


  • *
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #44 on: August 28, 2009, 06:29:55 PM »
Well yeah, but that could also mean SUPER-DEVELOPING CANCER

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #45 on: August 28, 2009, 06:50:18 PM »
Utsuho, stop smacking people with your third leg.

Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #46 on: August 28, 2009, 09:56:14 PM »
I think the main problem is more chemistry than biology - the breakup of glucose to release ATP relies on the presense of O2, otherwise it becomes fermentation and produces lactic acid. For Utsuho to not need air, she would either have to be capable of using the energy released by her nuclear fusion to fuel her cells rather than ATP or she would have to deal with massive lactic acid buildup. Of course, this doesn't matter as Touhou completely ignores science anyways in order to prevent Utsuho, a living fusion reactor, from completely vaporizing herself.
You know, this doesn't fail biology too badly.  The uber amounts of radiation Okuu gets exposed to can speed up the adaptation process by promoting cell mutation, thus allowing her body to use nuclear energy as its primary energy source instead of oxidization of carbohydrates.

Either that, or I have just failed biology forever too.
Sorry, but considering the vast amount of radiation damage, each cell would undergo massive amounts of change independently, with the number of deleterious mutations roughly equivalent to the number of beneficial mutations. However, Utsuho seems to use fusion (non-radioactive) more than fission (radioactive), so its hard to determine if there would be much radioactivity released. Of course, as I said above, none of this matters.

The story itself is good, and I found a good deal of it, especially this last update, to be amusing, but my interest in science compelled me to write the above.


  • uHHH,
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Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #47 on: August 28, 2009, 10:00:51 PM »
WARNING: This author most likely Fails Biology Forever.

simply put:

this is Gensokyo.

fuck biology.

Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #48 on: August 28, 2009, 11:27:18 PM »



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Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #49 on: August 28, 2009, 11:40:31 PM »


A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #50 on: August 29, 2009, 02:01:50 AM »
After Okuu's little display, Orin was more than willing to take Satori's advice and start over at a more shallow segment of the lake. She slowly walked in, getting deeper and deeper, until the water was up to her neck. It was a feeling she wasn't used to, and right now wasn't very comfortable with.

"So this is your first time too, huh? Least you seem to have a lot more sense than your boss does, I guess."

Sango was waiting for her further in the water, that fin on the back of her neck bringing a strange sensation of hunger to the cat. She restrained it, drooling slightly as she responded.

"W-well, I'm a cat at heart. We're not very good around water by nature..."

Orin's tails swung side to side beneath the water, her way of secretly venting her fear. Sango held her arms open, ready to accept her.

"Trust me. Satori-chan did, and it worked out fine for her."

Orin gulped, tying her tails up around themselves. She took one last step forward, letting Sango hold her under her arms for support.

"Alright. Now, first of all, I'm gonna teach you how to tread water. When I let go, I want you to start kicking your legs and swinging your arms at your sides. Think you can do that?"

Orin nodded, feeling somewhat comforted by Sango's professionalism.

"...Okay. I think I'm re-"

Sango's hands moved away.


No warning!?

Without a cue to prepare herself, Orin slipped under the water without a chance to follow the instructions she'd been given. Above her she could make out Sango muttering to herself.

"Hm, maybe that was a little over the top..."

If she wasn't underwater, Orin would have screamed something along the lines of 'DAMN STRAIGHT'. As was, though, she had to keep her lungs as full as possible - she wasn't Okuu, after all, with her own energy source attached to her chest.


Orin's attention was drawn to the wildlife swimming around her. She'd never actually seen a fish before as anything other than a rare treat, and now they were surrounding her by the dozens. Her tails stood on end as her mouth started to water.

...I can't believe's like an all-you-can-eat buffet down here!

There was no way they would miss one tiny little fish down here, surely. Orin reached out to one of the smaller ones to take as a starter, her stomach growling in anticipation-


Someone had grabbed her from behind. Turning, she realised that Sango had come down to save her, pulling her up and away from her snack. Her hand remained stretched out, still desperately grabbing at the fish as she reached the surface.

"Sorry about that. I kinda overdid it."

Sango apologised for her rashness, unaware that she was being totally ignored. Orin had realised a possibility she'd never considered before, given her knowledge of the lakes underground. This one was almost a living larder, with all sorts of bite-sized goodies just waiting to be tasted.

So if I learn to swim, I can-

"...You're not mad at me, are you?"

Orin almost spun on the spot, pulling an instant 180 and turning to Sango with a new enthusiastic smile on her face.

"No, not at all! In fact, after that, I want to do this more than ever!"

She hoped that Sango couldn't hear her stomach rumbing. The dolphin youkai smirked.

" now you've seen the masterpiece of Sango Tororetsu, you're all fired up. I know, I do that to people, don't be shy about it. How can you not love such clear water?"

"Uh...yeah...doing it for the water...sure, that'll do."

"...Do I want to know why you're licking your lips?"

"Probably not~"



Utsuho sat at the lake's edge, watching as Orin's training suddenly took on a whole new level of fervour. She picked up a pebble at her side and skipped it, taking care not to hit anybody.

"Feeling alright?"

Satori walked up behind her, taking a little break after another few lengths. Utsuho couldn't bring herself to turn around.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"It's not good to lie, you know."

Satori's third eye saw through the bluff with ease. Utsuho sighed, realising it was a bad idea to try and lie to Satori-sama in the first place.

"...I just feel left out, that's all. You guys are having so much fun, and I'm stuck up here, doing nothing."

She threw another rock into the lake, managing four or five bounces before it sank. Satori took a seat beside her, smiling in the hope of passing it on.

"Come on, don't be like that. There are plenty of things down there you can see that we can't, aren't there? You aren't going to see any of it moping around up here."

Utsuho felt a hand on her back.

"Have fun~."

She turned one last time to her master, still smiling, as she was pushed forward. It was only a mild shove, but it was enough to send her over the edge.



"Sorry, Okuu, but as your master I'm forbidding you from not having a good time here."


"Unyuu...That was mean, Satori-sama..."

Utsuho pouted as she sank once again to the bottom of the lake. At least her swimsuit was seeing some good use.


"Well, I'm down here now...might as well make the most of it."

She walked slowly across the lake bottom, hoping that some of the fish would be willing to give her a second chance. She could make out Orin and Sango at the surface, Orin being taught how to kick while Sango held her arms in place. Even from here, Utsuho could make out an ambitious glint in her friend's eyes as she looked down at the schools of fish beneath her.

"She didn't have breakfast this morning, now that I think about it..."

She strolled along, practically forgetting she was underwater. The fish came strolling back to her, their seven-second memories resetting and forgetting the previous accident. She held a hand out - the right one this time - and carefully stroked the scales on the closest fish.

"Aw, it's so cute..."

Utsuho possessed none of Orin's carnivorous instincts, more keen on just playing with the fish than eating them. They seemed to enjoy it, making no attempt to stay away from her this time.

"Y'know, maybe this is kind of fun...but I still wish that I could swim like everyone else."

She frowned again, looking at the rock stuck on her leg. It was half the reason that she was stuck like this, the other half being this freaking rod on her a-


An idea popped into Utsuho's mind, taking a few seconds to process properly. When at last it came out, a new grin popped onto her face.

"Ufufufu...wait until they see this..."


I wish I could draw some pictures to go along with these, but my art is abysmal at best. -_-;


  • *
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #51 on: August 29, 2009, 02:08:53 AM »
Too bad I know exactly what's coming, I wish I didn't so I could be like "YEAH".

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #52 on: August 29, 2009, 02:09:19 AM »
For some reason I am reminded of mafia and concrete shoes.

You need to add in a scene with Mystia fishing for stock for her unagi stand!

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #53 on: August 29, 2009, 02:37:23 AM »
I sense awesome/terribleness upcoming.

Also, tsk tsk, no manners Rin, no manners. Tsk tsk tsk.

Here's hoping for more. =)
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #54 on: August 29, 2009, 05:07:03 AM »
Keikakunyu doori?


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #55 on: August 29, 2009, 11:03:58 PM »
"Come on, just make it to the edge and you're done!"

Orin was splashing around far more than she needed to as she took on Sango's traditional last test - a full length of the lake. It wasn't that her technique was poor - if she focused she was actually a pretty decent swimmer - but excitement made it hard for her to stay calm like she needed to. After this she was free to do whatever she wanted - including taking a dive into the lake and helping herself to the local delicacies.

Just a little more...

She was tiring herself out with all this unnecessary splashing, but the end was in sight. She rose for another breath, seeing the edge just a few strokes away. Her head went under again, and she could see the wildlife passing beneath her. She never got tired of it - she could almost hear their little squeaky voices saying 'Eat me, Orin! Eat me!'

Soon, little ones...very soon...

Her hand felt solid stone, and she surfaced immediately. Looking down on her was a proud Sango, giving her one last pat on the back.

"Nice work. Not quite up their with Satori-chan yet, but you're getting there."

Wow, thanks for the vote of support.

Sango, unaware that she'd accidentally insulted Orin, jumped into the water with a smirk. Satori took her place, clapping softly to celebrate her pet's success.

"Well done, Orin. You look pretty proud of youself."

Orin nodded, spraying herself with drips from her soaking hair.

"You bet I am! Now I get to dive for real and-"

Orin suddenly cut herself short, relatively certain that she'd already said too much. It wouldn't have worked on most people anyway given the look of terror that had jumped onto her face, but Satori heard the tail end of that sentence loud and clear. She stared at Orin with an awkward expression, knowing what she was thinking but not how to feel about it.

"...I see. Well, just...try not to gorge yourself."

In the end, she opted for neutrality, giving Orin her blessing but also a warning. The cat nodded, already looking forward to her first real swim-


Just before Orin took her first trip into the depths below, she heard a voice in the distance. Utsuho was calling out to her, hoping to get the attention of Satori and Sango as well.

"Nyaa...always at the worst time..."


"A race?"

Utsuho nodded.

"Yeah. Is that a bad idea or something?"

Satori, Orin and Sango looked at each other awkwardly. They were fine with the idea of a race, yes, but the problem was with Utsuho.

"But Okuu," started Orin, "Isn't that sort of unfair on you?"

The raven shrugged.

"Eh, I'll figure something out."

Sango and Orin looked at her blankly, but Satori's eyes widened slightly. Apparently she was well aware of exactly what Utsuho was planning, and from the smile that rose to her face she seemed fine with it.

"That's a good idea. Don't you two think it'd be fun?"

Orin was still skeptical, but as she saw her master agree she decided that whatever Utsuho was planning couldn't possibly be that bad if she was fine with it. Sango crossed her arms, laughing out loud as she saw that everyone else was up for a race.

"Ha ha ha ha! You guys realise that you don't have a chance, right? I mean come on, I'm a freaking dolphin. No offense, but those arms and legs of yours are sorta...crappy when it comes to swimming."

As the teacher of all three of them (well, both of them that could actually swim) Sango had a good deal of confidence in herself. Satori was the one to come forward with a wry smile.

"Oh, I wouldn't be so sure. One of us could have a secret weapon you don't know about yet, right?"

Unyu...way to kill off the mystery, Satori-sama...


The rules were agreed on quickly - one journey across the lake, first one to touch the far edge wins. The four competitors stood at the edge of the water, ready to jump in at Utsuho's call (as Sango put it, 'it's not like an unfair lead is going to help her much').

Satori stretched her arms, warming herself up for the competition. Orin was quietly reminding herself not to take a detour into a nearby school of fish. Sango was already paddling in the water, entirely confident that she was going to wipe the floor with the competition. Utsuho simply looked out into the water, making no preparations in the slightest.

"No hard feelings, guys. This is gonna be kinda one-sided."

Sango let off one last semi-honest apology as everyone took their positions. Utsuho, for some reason, stood further away from the edge than the rest, leading Sango to wonder if she was going for another run-in.

"OK, get ready..."

"You can say that again," quipped Satori.


Three of them dove into the water at once, but only two surfaced. A single grey fin hung above the water, blasting across the lake with ease. Satori followed behind, unable to keep up despite all her practice, and Orin trailed further still thanks to her non-existent technique.

Despite this, Utsuho continued to stand at the edge of the lake. Sango glimpsed her idling as she broke further away from the pack.

Well, at least she isn't fooling herself into thinking she has a chance...

Halfway there already, and Sango was still gaining distance. Behind her confidence she felt sort of guilty for her opponents, and most of all for the raven who'd insisted on it when she was easily the worst swimmer of them all...


And of course, trailing in last place was Okuu, who hadn't so much as placed a foot in the water yet. She looked out to estimate the progress of the other competitors.

"Hmm...Sango's about halfway. Better do it now."

She turned her back to the lake, pointing her Third Leg slightly upward but aiming at nothing. With her other hand, she pulled out a card and began to chant.

"Black Sun, grant me your blessing and annihilate the enemy before me!"

The control rod began to spin rapidly, making a loud whirring as it charged up. It began to produce a blinding light far stronger than the one underwater, so she took care not to look into it.

"...That's probably enough charging time. Explosion Sign [Giga Flare]!"

At her command the charging ceased, and a single massive bullet burst out of the rod with a gargantuan bang. It flew into the distance at lightning speed, flying above anything that it could possibly damage.

At this point, Newton's Third Law of Motion kicked in. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so all the force that had sent the bullet one way went into sending Utsuho the other. Needless to say, she hit the water pretty fast.

She could make out everyone turning around to see her: firstly Orin, who watched in amazement at her friend's ingenuity; then Satori, who simply smiled lightly as she was passed. Finally she caught a single glimpse of Sango as a dolphin, and even in this form Utsuho could make out the shock in her expression. Utsuho simply winked.

It worked! It really, really wo-wait, how do I stop?

Utsuho suddenly remembered that she had no way to stop herself. The lake's edge was approaching rapidly, and she showed no sign of slowing down. There wasn't even anything for her to grab onto, the local fish darting out of her path to avoid being roasted.

"...Aw, crap."


A chunk of the stone gave way as she crashed into it, still not quite enough to stop her. She collided with a pile of rocks lying against a lakebed wall, knocking up a considerable amount of dust. Sango, still in shock, waited for Orin and Satori to fill their lungs and catch up before venturing into the depths.

The dust had more or less cleared by the time they made it down, and they found rubble and debris were there had been rocks. Likewise, where they thought there'd been a wall there was a gaping opening - a forgotten cavern which Utsuho had forcefully reopened. She herself was lying in an Okuu-shaped hole in the ground.


The three of them together were able to pull her up to the surface and help her recover from the self-induced dizziness. Orin hugged her, amazed at the feat her friend had pulled off, while Satori's congratulations were somewhat more reserved as she dried herself off. Sango initially tried to argue that she hadn't technically hit a wall so it didn't count, but eventually she conceded and congratulated Utsuho on a (painful) victory.

"...So, what exactly did Okuu crash into?"

Orin asked the question as she held Utsuho in her arms. Sango shrugged.

"You want me to be honest? I have no idea. Never seen that place before..."

There was silence, each of the girls keeping their thoughts to themselves. At least, that would've been the case if there wasn't a mind-reader among them.

"Well, it seems you three are as interested in that cavern as I am."

That was enough for each of them to realise they weren't alone in their desire. The swimming and the race were already things of the past - a new adventure was open to them, and they were willing to embrace it with open arms.



And somehow, I feel like I've expanded from Extra into Phantasm. I just felt the race wasn't a satisfying way to end it, so...T_T

And now, in a risky move, Audience Participation Time!

Select Difficulty
Phantasm - Fly through the water

Select Pair
Satori Komeiji
Rin Kaenbyou
Utsuho Reiuji
Sango Tororetsu

I'm tempted to say 'Orin's going, who's tagging along?' because Satori and Utsuho basically got their own segments and it's her turn, but in the end I'll leave it up to you.

Nine West

  • Shrine maidens? Evil spirits? Magicians?
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  • How wonderful!
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #56 on: August 29, 2009, 11:36:34 PM »
"...That's probably enough charging time. Explosion Sign [Giga Flare]!"

At her command the charging ceased, and a single massive bullet burst out of the rod with a gargantuan bang. It flew into the distance at lightning speed, flying above anything that it could possibly damage.

At this point, Newton's Third Law of Motion kicked in. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so all the force that had sent the bullet one way went into sending Utsuho the other. Needless to say, she hit the water pretty fast.

Utsuho is secretly a Genius Ditz. I expected her to use
Atomic Fire "Uncontainable Nuclear Reaction Dive"
but then again, does that work underwater?

Also, Rin x Utsuho.

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #57 on: August 29, 2009, 11:45:39 PM »

I am very much reminded of looney toons now. =p

Hmm...I am a sucker for cat girls and nuclear powered that makes my vote obvious...but then again, as long as they appear I don't care if they are the focus. =p
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #58 on: August 30, 2009, 01:04:26 AM »
Um ... Orin and Sango, I suppose. |3


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Re: Third Eye In Pure Waters
« Reply #59 on: August 30, 2009, 02:30:31 AM »
Needs more Sango, at the very least.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -