Author Topic: The White Rose of Chireiden  (Read 137181 times)


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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #90 on: December 01, 2009, 12:57:17 AM »
I sense super serious stuff is about to go down.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #91 on: December 01, 2009, 05:03:18 AM »
I sense super serious stuff is about to go down.
I dunno about you guys but I'm with Koishi on this one, fuck Shinki and her goons :V


Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #92 on: December 01, 2009, 02:55:31 PM »
I dunno about you guys but I'm with Koishi on this one, fuck Shinki and her goons :V

I like Shinki, but Koishi even more <3

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #93 on: December 02, 2009, 09:08:55 AM »
Holy shit, that was the best part yet. And considering this is the best fic on the forum, thats saying something.

Seian Verian

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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #94 on: December 07, 2009, 07:42:43 PM »
This is amazing. Not sure why I didn't comment earlier, but yeah, I'd just like to say that I think this is incredibly amazing and I'm really looking forward to what else happens~


  • Apparently pre-Yamatrend
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #95 on: December 08, 2009, 12:20:43 AM »
This is amazing. Not sure why I didn't comment earlier, but yeah, I'd just like to say that I think this is incredibly amazing and I'm really looking forward to what else happens~

Each time one of you posts late, i get my hopes up thinking a new chapter has been released...  >:(
<%convider> with the nose on top it looks like a lovecraftian sam fisher

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #96 on: December 09, 2009, 07:58:48 PM »
Holy shit, that was the best part yet. And considering this is the best fic on the forum, thats saying something.

Are you crazy, there's still so much improvement I can do I agree with the above statement and anyone who says otherwise is getting banned.

And each time one of you posts late, I don't get confused as to whether or not there was an update. :P But I won't deny it; it always feels good to see this on the first page of Fanworks.

Anyway, I shall now take my own "Wednesday updates" notice to mean "updates on Wednesdays, not necessarily consistent from week to week". This update is a short one, because AAAGGHGHGAGHAGGHHHH finals week, which has managed to delay me for a full seven days, but no longer, I say!

Koishi had always liked animals. They made for great conversation partners, and they were so cute in the clothes she dressed them up in. If she had had her way, she would have had an enormous menagerie of them.

As it stood, she had only one pet, a yatagarasu. A hell raven. Utsuho Reiuzi, who she had herself rescued from her own colony. Utsuho's family had been wiped out by a freak lava wave that had swept up onto the sides of the Hell of Blazing Fires. Utsuho was homeless and without a family-- and in a society like the yatagarasu youkai, she would have been better off dead than orphaned. Koishi had been the one to save her, along with her sister, Satori.

The season that passed after that was filled with jokes, hugs, and laughter. Utsuho was the perfect companion for Koishi; Okuu, as Koishi called her, was brash, impulsive, and laughed herself silly at the idea of playing pranks on the satori nobles. Koishi wasn't as reckless, but she was always in the mood to cause mischief. Together, they were the little terrors of the Palazzo degli Spiriti della Terra.

They were fast friends, Utsuho and Koishi. Utsuho grew healthy on the diet of the Palace, which included a mass amount of tubers, roots, some fruits imported from the surface, and a decent amount of fish. Okuu reviled chicken and other bird meats, which was understandable. She also had a massive sweet tooth, so a fair amount of their pranks involved sneaking down to the palace kitchens and robbing chocolate, strawberries, and anything else sweet they could think of from the pantry.

Koishi got to split the dividends, and whenever they pulled off a successful raid, Koishi and Utsuho hightailed it upstairs, pretending to hide in closets, when in fact they made their way to the residential apartments of the satori nobles, heading straight to Satori and Koishi's room, where they indulged in their mono-, di-, and polysaccharine pleasures.

Koishi was always sure to share with her sister, even though Satori had never really had a taste for candy. Koishi always offered it, regardless.

It was after one of those successful heists that one day, Utsuho careened down the halls of the Palace of the Earth Spirits, Koishi close behind. Clenched in her right hand, she held a cloth bag, stuffed to the brim with candy. Somehow, neither of them had noticed that the bag had been ripped until after they had filled it, and so Koishi followed after her pet, picking up the loose sugary treats that fell from it.

The girls ran abreast of each other, and spared a few moments' glance to grin and laugh. They were panting, running quickly, though the sound behind them of someone giving chase had all but died out. But it was more fun to run as if the ground behind them were on fire.

Utsuho dashed up the sixth floor stairs, up to the seventh, where the Komeiji family had their quarters. Their parents were at court, and Satori usually stayed behind, sewing or reading a book in the room she shared with Koishi. Swinging around on the rail as soon as she reached the top, she ran over to the Komeijis' door and threw it open. Behind her, Koishi dove in, closing the door in her wake.

The two disheveled girls stood there for a moment, panting heavily, slumped over as they caught their breath. Utsuho was the first to recover, and after a few seconds, Koishi also got enough energy back to look up and grin at her pet.

?Aww.... yeah... we did... excellent!? Koishi cheered, offering her hand for a high-five. Utsuho slapped her hand, and Koishi took it back, wincing slightly.

?Heck yes!? Utsuho agreed, and just then they both heard the sound of a door opening.

?My, my,? Satori laughed, leaning in the doorway, covering her mouth with a hand. ?Another triumphant thievery session??

?I prefer to call it 'liberating',? Koishi said, sticking her tongue out at her sister, who opened her door wide and motioned for the two to come in. Utsuho hoisted the bag of sweets over her shoulder and walked in, Koishi coming after her.

But Satori stopped her at the door. ?Sorella bella, why do you care so little about your appearance??

Koishi blinked. ?What do you mean??

Satori frowned in distaste, reaching over to run her hand through her sister's hair. She didn't get far before she encountered a tangle. ?Your hair, it's really messed up...?

?Cosa vuole... do you want to play with it??

Her older sister smiled. ?I'd love to comb it.?

?Aww. Thanks, Satorin.? Koishi took hold of Satori's hand and smiled up at her. Satori returned the smile, reaching with her other hand to ruffle Koishi's hair a bit as she closed the door behind them.

Utsuho had already run in and hopped onto Satori and Koishi's giant bed, bouncing up and down as she emptied the contents of the bag of goodies onto the purple bedsheets. She had already begun to organize them according to sugar content when Satori and Koishi closed the door, and she looked up at them with a ready smile. ?Koishi, we got a good haul this time!?

Koishi returned the smile. ?Awesome work! Remember, I like citrus flavors, so keep those aside for me!?

?Sure thing,? Utsuho laughed as she continued organizing.

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #97 on: December 09, 2009, 08:00:06 PM »
I wish I had one...

It was like a whisper in the back of Koishi's mind, but it wasn't one of her thoughts. She turned to Satori, who seemingly hadn't noticed Koishi overhearing her. But the older satori wasn't about to explain her thoughts, and instead she looked away from Utsuho sitting on the bed to her sister. ?Come on, Koishi, let's get your hair combed.?

Koishi nodded, wondering what flavor candy Satori wanted.

Satori sat her down on a chair and pulled out a comb. Pulling Koishi's heart headband out of the way, she sprayed Koishi's tangled hair with some water and got to work. Satori was very good at what she did, and Koishi was able to sit and relax while her sister ran her hands through her hair behind her.

I... I really wish... I had one...

Again. But somehow, Satori hadn't noticed that her thoughts had reached Koishi. Her younger sister bit her lip and thought. Satori seemed to like strawberry flavored things, so perhaps she could get Utsuho to set aside a cache of strawberry candi--

I want one like Utsuho...

?Eh?? Koishi muttered. But Satori was off in her own little world as she combed her hair. She didn't even seem to notice that she was letting her mind slip...

I want a pet too...

It took a few moments for that to register in Koishi's head. Then she finally figured it out. Utsuho and Koishi were so close, close enough that Satori probably felt a bit neglected by her sister.

So she wanted a pet, eh...?

A slow smile formed on Koishi's face as she thought of a plan.

?All righty! Done! Koishi, here's your share!?

Koishi was jolted out of her thoughts as a sack of candy, about half the original amount, landed in her lap.

?I even used some division when I split them up!? Utsuho grinned at her, then fell back onto the pillows, stretching out her arms and her wings and tossing some chocolates into her mouth.

?Ah?? Satori asked, also startled back into her mind as Koishi let out a slight ?oof?. Koishi opened up the sack and pulled out a few candies, all of which had been bitten in half. ?Division, eh??

Satori chuckled and set to putting Koishi's hair up in a ponytail. Koishi smiled; she hadn't let it slip to her sister what she was planning. It was going to be so great~


Before Eiki had even sat down, they had their first argument.

?I will not sign any sort of treaty in the presence of that girl,? Shinki snapped, pointing at Satori, who jumped back a few inches, startled.

Eiki didn't even bat an eyelash. ?She stays, or no treaty is signed at all.?

?That sounds wonderful, actually,? Shinki growled. Sara and Yuki winced, and shot pleading glances at Eiki, who just looked down, pulled out her chair, and took a seat.

?Shinki, now is not the time to delay matters,? she said, a faint note of irritation in her tone. ?I will not have open war between us again.?

?I absolutely refuse to agree to anything if a satori is around,? the goddess of Makai shot back, again shooting a glare over at the satori in question.

?She stays. There's no negotiating that point,? Eiki replied firmly. ?And besides...? a slow smile crept across her face. ?A satori won't tell me anything useful about your thoughts... Unless you're lying, that is.?

?I've just about had it with you already,? Shinki scowled, getting up from her seat.

She would have probably stormed off if Sara hadn't picked that very moment to say, ?but where's Yumeko??

Eiki froze. Shinki looked confused-- then she looked angry. ?What's with that reaction, Eiki Shiki? ... where is Yumeko??

?... eh,? Eiki stammered, looking away.

?... it's not like you to torture prisoners of war, Eiki,? Shinki said in a low voice.

?It's not like that...? the shinigami put her hand on her forehead and leaned on it, wincing. ?Please, Shinki, sit down... we can discuss that when we get to it.?

Shinki paused, then sat back down on her bench. ?So be it, then.?

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #98 on: December 09, 2009, 08:01:24 PM »
?Sumire, Komachi.? Eiki raised her other hand in the air and waved the two captains over. Sumire placed a small rolled-up scroll on the table, turning it so Shinki could see. Komachi took her seat as Eiki's adjutant, right next to her.

?That will be the peace treaty,? the general of Higan explained as Shinki picked up the document and scanned it. ?The only clause that you absolutely must agree with is the first one. The rest can be negotiated.?

?'Article 1, wherein the belligerents, Higan and Makai, establish an unconditional cease-fire and progress to sign this treaty. Article 1 obliges the belligerents to lay down their arms and negotiate other details of peace, assuring that no force shall be used for the duration of time set out in the treaty' and shall not be able to back out of it until terms are settled, and so on... this is just a preparation article, Eiki.?

Eiki nodded. ?Do you agree to the terms set in that article??

?It's just a mandate to begin peace negotiations,? Shinki said. ?So yes.?

?Sumire, fetch the lady Shinki a pen, please.?

?Right away,? Sumire said, turning away and looking through her supplies, eventually producing an ink container and feather pen. She handed them to Shinki, who undid the cork of the container, dipped in the tip of the pen, and signed her name to the bottom of the first article. She handed the pen and ink to Eiki, who did the same.

?We've signed our names to this,? Eiki said as she finished her signature with a flourish. ?Now we won't get back up again until we've pounded out all the details of this treaty.?

Shinki shrugged. ?It's worth it, so long as you'll tell me where Yumeko is.?

Eiki closed her eyes so they wouldn't betray any emotion. ?Fair enough. Anyway, the first terms of any peace agreement. Article Two. Sumire, please.?

The fairy captain produced the second article and placed it down on the table where Shinki could read it. Shinki glanced over it, then handed it to Sara, who read it in a hurry.

?We will withdraw our forces from Chireiden as quick as we can?? Sara asked, looking up.

?Preferably within the next twenty-four hours,? Eiki specified.

?And... we won't have to rebuild anything??

?Not a bit. Effectively, for your complete, peaceful withdrawal, you won't be held responsible for the damages you have caused.?

?Hey,? Yuugi interrupted, leaning over on Eiki's shoulder. ?What the hell is that all about??

?Yeah,? Parsee joined in, glaring daggers at Sara. ?How dare they leave without setting things right!?

?If you must know,? Eiki said, ?Higan shall be lending its support to rebuild the city. I would have figured that you would prefer Shinki withdraw at once, but if you really insist, I suppose Makai's army can be drafted into the reconstruction of Chireiden.?

?Hey!? Yuki snapped, but she was shushed by Sara.

?Err... when you put it that way...? Parsee trailed off.

?Well, all we need to rebuild the city is a couple of good strong oni!? Yuugi grinned, rubbing her hands together in anticipation. ?I gotta call Suika down here, she's great with stoneworkin'!?

?It would probably be best if Makai left, yes,? Satori added in a quiet voice. Shinki shot her a nasty look for a moment, then went back to staring at Eiki's face.

?In that case, then the original terms of the article hold. An immediate, peaceable withdrawal of your troops with no hostility from us, in exchange for no assistance in the reconstruction of the city of Chireiden. Is that agreeable, Lady Shinki??

Shinki sighed and nodded. ?Sara, go prepare for departure.?

?Right away, ma'am,? Sara said, saluting and dashing off as Shinki picked up the pen and signed to the second article.

Eiki signed it as well and handed off the scroll to Komachi, then glanced at Sumire. ?The third article, if you please.?

The fairy captain placed a third scroll in front of Shinki, who unrolled it and looked it over. ?When did you guys have time to write these, anyway?? she asked, a hint of a smile on her face.

?Komachi did the first two on the way here,? Eiki replied, returning the smile. ?I thought writing them in advance would be premature, but she kept them quiet.?

?You have good handwriting,? Shinki complimented the general, who accepted it with a nod. ?Hmm. This is just an assurance that we won't invade again, is it??

Eiki nodded. ?It is also an acknowledgement of the sovereignty of Lady Komeiji Satori and Lady Komeiji Koishi as the last remaining satori royals, and therefore officially recognizes them as Queens of Chireiden.?

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #99 on: December 09, 2009, 08:03:57 PM »
?Huh? What?!? Satori exclaimed, looking panic-stricken. Utsuho, who had had her arms crossed the entire time, also stammered something out and looked at Eiki. Orin did the same.

?It says that the lands of the dominion of Chireiden are no longer under the control of the Empire of Makai, and that an intrusion on its land shall be regarded as a violation of the sovereign rights of the newly formed state of Chireiden. The country in question is now an independent state, with total autonomy over its own affairs, without having to answer to a foreign throne.? Eiki turned slowly in her seat to regard them. ?Isn't that exactly why this war began??

?Y-yes, but--? Satori mumbled, putting a hand to her forehead. ?Me? Ruling Chireiden?!?

?Yay!? Kisume raised her hands up into the air. Yamame, who stood at her eye-level from where Kisume was hanging on Yuugi's arm, ruffled her hair.

?Autonomy!? Parsee's face lit up. ?Now we can actually rule ourselves, can't we? We won't have anything to do with the abovegrounders at all!?

?What do you think, Satori-sama?? Orin asked, in an uncharacteristically quiet tone.

?I-- I don't know what to say... it's too much to think about,? Satori said, holding onto the kasha's arm. ?I never dreamed that I would be granted such power...?

?Lady Shinki, are you going to give up Chireiden?? Yuki asked, standing by her Empress' side.

Shinki sighed and picked up her pen. ?We lost, remember?? In a few deft movements, she signed the scroll and pushed it back towards Eiki. ?There. Chireiden is now officially independent from Makai.?

Parsee, Yuugi, and Satori all leaned over Eiki's shoulders to watch as the general signed her name to the paper as well.

?Shall I take that, Eiki-sama?? Komachi asked, reaching for the scroll.

?... nah,? Eiki said, turning to Satori. ?Perhaps you'd like to hold on to it??

?Oh, yes, please!? Satori exclaimed, taking the scroll-- and her official right to the throne of Chireiden-- in her hands. Parsee, Yuugi, Yamame, and Kisume, as the resistance members, crowded around Satori and out of the tent, reading the terms of the agreement and getting huge grins on their faces.

?Congratulations, Satori!? Yuugi cheered, picking up the small satori girl and throwing her into the air. Satori yelped with surprise, then began laughing as Orin joined in.

?So, you promise you'll respect Chireiden's independence?? Eiki asked.

?I just signed it, didn't I?? Shinki grinned.

Satori heard something through her Third Eye going through Shinki's mind, but that was quickly forgotten as her new subjects celebrated her ascension and threw her up in the air again.

To her credit, Eiki remained professional, waving Sumire over again. ?Article Four concerns prisoners of war. Both belligerents shall freely return prisoners of war to their respective commanders, without having been tortured, abused, et cetera... but that would probably apply to a longer conflict, I guess.?

She handed it over to Shinki, who read it, with Yuki hovering over her shoulder.

?Where's Mai?? she asked, looking up at Eiki. ?The other magician, the one who fell out of the sky. Blue hair, white dress...??

?Mai? Oh, we saved her, but she's still passed out,? the general replied. ?Sumire, would you??

Her subordinate nodded. ?All of the prisoners of war were corralled into a small prison tent we set up. Captain Tsubaki tells me that a few of them were injured, but they've been tended to.?

?And I don't... think we have more than a few prisoners,? Yuki said, tapping a finger against her chin. ?It's not like we had enough time to mistreat them or anything, either.?

?You don't really need very long to mistreat someone,? Eiki said quietly.

--but not quietly enough that Shinki didn't hear her, sitting across from her. She stopped her pen just short of writing her signature and looked up. ?What is that supposed to mean??

The general looked at the table. ?... it could be taken as just an abstraction.?

?... hiding something, Eiki? I can't believe it from someone like you.? Shinki said.

?I did nothing to Yumeko! No one in Higan touched her!? The general shot back, giving away a bit too much information.

Shinki's eyes went wide.

?What... what have you done to Yumeko?!? She demanded, throwing her pen onto the table.

Eiki just sank further down, her shoulders sagging. ?I... we did nothing. No one ordered it...?

?WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO YUMEKO?!? Shinki snapped, getting to her feet and balling up her fists.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #100 on: December 09, 2009, 08:04:57 PM »
?You won't get to see a single prisoner if you don't sign that paper,? Komachi threatened as Eiki covered her face with a hand.

?I'll only sign it if you give me Yumeko's... Yumeko's body.?

Eiki looked up; she could swear that Shinki's eyes were shining with tears. At least this was almost good news.

?No need for that, Yumeko is still alive. And I promise you that she, along with the other prisoners shall be released without any physical harm on them.?

?... physical?? Shinki snapped again, this time getting up from her seat. ?I demand to see Yumeko immediately! I refuse to sign anything further until I do!?

?Ah--? Eiki stammered, but she was beaten to the punch by Komachi, who pulled out the first scroll.

?Remember this, Shinki? You signed that you wouldn't get up from this table until terms of peace are settled. Sorry, but you're going nowhere.?

Shinki hissed. ?Regardless, I demand to see Yumeko, or you are not getting my signature!?

Eiki was about to say something, but Komachi stopped her by putting her hand on her boss' arm. ?We can bring Yumeko, but you won't see her until you sign the whole thing. She's technically a prisoner of war, so we don't need to hand her over until the peace is settled.?

?You...? Shinki's arms were trembling, and she fixed the two of them with a hateful glare. Eiki looked down, but Komachi met her gaze, not losing her cool for a moment.

?Lady Shinki...? Yuki tugged on Shinki's robe from behind, trying to pull her down. But Shinki was still glaring at Komachi with pure, unadulterated hatred. Her hands were white from her nails digging into her palm and cutting off circulation.

Komachi did not flinch. ?Look, do you want to see Yumeko or not? 'cause if you don't, you can always keep standing there like that.?

Shinki's eyes widened for a moment before she continued boring a hole into Komachi with her glare. But Komachi didn't waver, and met Shinki with an even stare, until finally the demon goddess backed down and took her seat, clenching her fists even more tightly.

?I... hate you for this,? she choked out. ?You, Eiki, Komachi, Higan, and these stupid underground youkai, I hate you all!? She hissed, her barely restrained anger practically coming off of her in waves.

Eiki winced, but Komachi still didn't move a facial muscle. ?Sumire,? she called, and the pale fairy in question brought over another scroll. ?This is the last article, Shinki,? Komachi stated, taking charge. ?Basically says that you accept responsibility for this war, and that if you decide to start messing with Chireiden again, that Higan gets to come down here and kick your ass and stuff, so sign it already.?

She shoved the article towards Shinki, who looked down on it as if it were the embodiment of all she hated in the universe.

?I won't sign anything unless I see Yumeko!? She declared, throwing the article back at Komachi's face.

?You're not going to see a damn thi--?

?I WANT TO SEE YUMEKO!? She screamed, jumping up and slamming her wings snapping open. They were too wide and tall for the tent to contain. The poles holding it up fell over, and the tent fell uselessly on top of the peace negotiators, save Shinki, who snarled and tore it apart with her bare hands.

Behind the back tent flap, she could see Utsuho a few meters away, returning from Higan's encampment, Yumeko in her arms.

?YUMEKO!? The goddess cried out, running past Yuugi, Satori, and the rest of the Chireidenites to her beloved maid. Reaching Utsuho, she stood at her full height, meeting Utsuho in the eye. She was a little bit taller than Utsuho, but Utsuho didn't seem intimidated at all.

?Ca... Can you let me carry her?? Shinki asked.

Satori wasn't there to see Shinki's expression; she wasn't the one holding Yumeko in her embrace. But Utsuho's mind was clear, even from this distance; the look on Shinki's eyes was so desperate, so natural, that Satori instantaneously made the connection between that look and the way a mother looks at an injured child after a stranger brings them home to their parents.

It was strange; she felt no sorrow for Shinki. Shinki had killed her family, her father, and the rest of the satori race. She felt no sorrow for Yumeko, either. But... she wasn't emotionless. Seeing Shinki's face, she was reminded of how much she would like to see her mother looking at her that way, how much she wished she could have a mother look at her that way, or look at her any way, ever again...

This was the first time she had felt something even resembling pity for Shinki.

Utsuho's reaction was no less emotional, either. Satori saw Utsuho's mind struggling with the fog of hazy memories, but she could make out the face of a kind, dark-haired woman smiling down at her. It had to be Utsuho's own mother, long dead. The flashes of pain confirmed that Utsuho had also made the connection, that she wasn't the only one who had seen something good in the demon goddess.

Utsuho swallowed hard and after a long pause, she nodded and handed Yumeko over to Shinki's outstretched arms.

Then she began to walk away, and had advanced several meters before Satori, Utsuho, and everyone else in the city heard Shinki's scream, at which point she took off running.

I have my psych final exam tomorrow AAAGGHGHGAGHAGGHHHH please kill me now


Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #101 on: December 09, 2009, 08:41:28 PM »
Oh man...

...that was excellent. Great stuff. Awesome as usual Ruro.

And I feel your pain Ruro. TWO ESSAYS AND A PROJECT FOR NEXT WEEK ;_;


  • The Black Knight.
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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #102 on: December 09, 2009, 08:55:12 PM »
Yes an update!

Poor Shinki ;_;


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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #103 on: December 10, 2009, 01:13:24 AM »
Oh snap.

Koishi had sure as hell be as far away as possible from the negotiations right now.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #104 on: December 10, 2009, 01:15:36 AM »
'oman i sent my maid in to kill people and she got busted up woe is me'.

Cry some more, seriously now, goddess of hell.

Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #105 on: December 10, 2009, 01:26:19 AM »
Oh dear.

Hmm. I sense a complete villain-breakdown when Alice breaks it to her that she wants out of this.

Dorian White

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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #106 on: December 10, 2009, 02:33:09 AM »
I'm speechless,
seriously I can not even hope to described how awesome that story is.
at least not in English
Bella gerant alii, tu felix Gensokyo nube. Nam quae Mars aliis, dat tibi diva Venus.


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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #107 on: December 10, 2009, 03:07:44 AM »
Oh wow.  Bad stuff is going to be happening soon.
<%convider> with the nose on top it looks like a lovecraftian sam fisher

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #108 on: December 10, 2009, 07:02:54 AM »
Take two and call me speechless. That was an iron hitter.

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #109 on: December 10, 2009, 12:38:25 PM »
First time in your story that has made me feel bad for Shinki. ;_;


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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #110 on: December 10, 2009, 09:14:16 PM »
I don't feel bad for Shinki, but for the first time I felt like Eiki was being stupid.

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #111 on: December 18, 2009, 01:21:19 AM »
Sorry for delaying this chapter (by a day). The masterpiece that is Kara no Kyoukai 7 has been occupying my brain for the past few days, to the exclusion of almost everything else. (As a bit of a spoiler, I think THAT scene killed my legs fetish dead. Oh god that was horrifying.) That, and I somehow found time to fangirl over Yuki Kajiura, but everyone does that, so. In any case, here goes some more Satori Eye Z!


?Koishi, what are we doi--?

?Shh! Don't call me that name around here!? Koishi hissed, shushing Utsuho's beak. ?As far as anyone knows, we're just travelers passing through Chireiden!?

?Gah,? Utsuho muttered, ruffling her wings. ?Can I talk at all??

?Best not to,? Koishi replied as she pushed her way through a surge in the crowd. ?Right now, you're just a pet crow-- oh, pardon me-- not a yatagarasu. Don't want to-- excuse me, please-- arouse suspicions.?

?But aren't you talking to me in the marketplace?? Utsuho asked, perched on Koishi's shoulder.

?It's busy here!? Koishi grunted as she shoved past a burly youkai with red skin. ?Get a move on, you guys!? She hollered as well as any other ordinary citizen would, and with her ragged old dark green coat on, she did look just like any other ordinary person.

Finally, she pushed her way through and took refuge next to a food cart, bending over to catch her breath. ?Man... that was hard,? she said, rubbing her temples. ?All those people around me thinking and yelling and everything...?

?I don't get it. Can't you satori help reading other people's minds?? The hellcrow's beak bobbed by Koishi's ear.

?No, we can't. We don't have a choice. Our Third Eyes can't help but pick up on everyone's thoughts.?

?That sounds... inconvenient.?

?Oh, it's hell,? Koishi grinned. ?There's no way to stop it from reading everyone's minds, even if I want it to.?

?Can't you.... close your Third Eye?? Utsuho asked.

She shook her head. ?Not that I know of.?

?I mean, if Third Eyes work like normal eyes, then can't you make them blink, or just close them entirely??

?I guess,? the satori said, reaching beneath her coat to put her hand on her Third Eye. ?But god knows what would happen to a satori if they closed their Third Eye...?

?I'd kinda like a Third Eye,? Utsuho mused. ?But only if I could close it.?

?Hmm,? Koishi murmured as she continued to rub the skin of her Third Eye. Its texture was rubbery, but smooth; she'd seen other satori with veins crisscrossing their Third Eyes, but that only came with age. She was far too young for that.

She closed her eyes for a brief moment as she felt around herself with her Third Eye, actively seeking out the consciousness of the creatures around her. Her Third Eye spun in its socket, turning on Utsuho's mind, contained within the little crow on her shoulder, then turned outwards, listening in on the minds of passers-by, on the minds of the animals and insects crawling through the ground beneath her hand, to the mind of that person above her who just dropped something heav--

-- Oh dear.

?Whoops! Gotcha!?

Koishi opened her eyes to see a half-rotted corpse dangling in front of her, its decomposing eyes staring into her own. It had been brought to an abrupt halt after falling headfirst, so the sudden jerk upwards audibly dislocated the shoulder joint, and chunks of skin off the top of the head fell off, taking clumps of hair with them when they landed on Koishi's yukata.

?AAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!? Koishi screamed, backing away as fast as she could and wiping the chunks of flesh off of her clothes.

But the body was only there for a few seconds before it was quickly snatched back up and out of sight. She looked up, wondering where it had come from in the first place, and saw someone standing on the edge of the roof of the building she had been leaning against. Red hair and cat ears. It was a humanoid-form kasha.

The kasha grinned and threw a clumsy salute. ?Sorry about that, shayner maidel!? The voice was distinctly female, but not fully developed like an adult's voice. ?But don't make a tsimmes out of it!? She laughed and pulled over a cart, took hold of both of its handles, and zoomed off over the rooftops.

Koishi could swear that she saw a pale, decomposing arm dangling over the edge of the cart.

?A kasha!? Utsuho squawked, ruffling her wings. ?Don't usually see them around here!?

The satori put her hand over her heart, feeling it slow down from a panicked beat to a more normal rate. She had to remember, just because she could read the minds of conscious creatures, it didn't mean that she could read the minds of inanimate things, like dead bodies.

?A kasha?? Koishi asked.

?Yeah, one of those cat people things,? Utsuho clarified. ?They run around the underground collecting dead bodies to throw into the Hell of Blazing Fires.?

?So... the Hell of Blazing Fires really needs to be fed like that??

Utsuho's head bobbed up and down. ?And more importantly, we need to get rid of the dead bodies in Chireiden. Mostly from the ghetto, where all the kasha live.?

Koishi looked at her, raising an eyebrow. ?How do you know all of this and I don't??

The hellcrow ruffled her wings. ?We use dead bodies' clothes to warm yatagarasu nests. Can't do that if the kasha keep taking the bodies... we just talk about it all day.?

?Hmm... the ghetto?? Koishi asked.

?Yes, the kasha neighborhood. In fact... it should be over there.? Utsuho pointed with her wing, down an alleyway.

Koishi looked. It wasn't very far. ?I've never been there... I never even knew it existed, I thought it was just a rumor in the palace...?

?Wanna check it out?? The hellcrow suggested, her voice betraying her interest.

?Sure, why not?? Koishi got up and dusted off the bottom of her jacket and her dress. ?I wonder... would Satori like one of these for a pet??

Utsuho scoffed. ?Can't you get her something like a tsurube-otoshi? They're cuter.?

?Well, I've got to think of being a good servant too. She doesn't just want a pet, you know,? Koishi responded, the words echoing around her a bit as she walked down the deserted alley. ?Aren't tsurube-otoshi those cute little bucket youkai??

?They are. I'd bet Satori would like that!? Utsuho replied.

?Sure, we'll check them out after we're done here,? Koishi said, nearing the end of the alley. ?Now come on and stay quiet. We're just normal travelers, remember??

Utsuho squawked. ?Yep yep~?

The satori grinned and walked out of the alley, entering the kasha ghetto for the first time ever.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #112 on: December 18, 2009, 01:22:27 AM »
She looked up, down, around, down the street and back up, and she was amazed at how she had never managed to see this place before today, not even from the highest windows of the Palace. It was like a miniature world within Chireiden itself. This had to be the outdoor market, with kasha selling and buying food at the stalls up and down the street. Beyond the low-roofed buildings, she could see much higher complexes, weak wooden houses stacked on top of one another. They looked dilapidated and worn, at best, and above them ran dozens of kasha, all carrying carts covered with pieces of cloth, all of them headed to the Hell of Blazing Fires.

She realized that she had just come from the marketplace. Turning around, she looked at the other end of the alley, and saw vendors going back and forth there as well. But no one was coming over here.

?That's strange,? she said aloud. ?Why are there merchants over there and over here? Wouldn't it make sense to just have one big market??

?Because we're outcasts, bissel shiksa.?

?Eh?!? Koishi felt a hand on her head, ruffling her hair, along with the sound of Utsuho squawking right by her ear. She lurched forward and turned around to see who it was.

?I should have expected you'd follow me.? It was the kasha girl from before. She took her hand off of Koishi's head and ran it through her own red bangs. Her hair was braided in the back, probably so it wouldn't get in the way of her job.

Speaking of... Koishi made a point of looking down at the kasha girl's cart. There was a dirty blue blanket stuffed in it, along with rather dark red stains on the sides of the cart, but there was nothing alive or dead in there.

?It's empty, I tossed him into the Fires a short while ago.? She grinned. ?I'm one of the fastest body-finders and carriers in Chireiden!?

?Body-finder?? Koishi asked.

?Yeah! Everyone says we have a special ability to find bodies or something, but I think that it's just narrishkeit, and it's that our noses really are that good.? She shrugged. ?Not that these bodies don't shtunk to high heaven.?

?They do??

?Well, yeah!? the girl objected. ?They smell awful! But the Fires burn so good with them! And it works, because we want to get rid of these stinky bodies, and the Fires need us to take care of the-- Ah! I'm such a shlemiel for talking to people I don't even know! Who are you, anyway?? She interrupted her own tirade and pointed at Koishi. ?Are you a hashihime or something??

?One of the bridge guardians? No,? Koishi replied. ?I'm just a traveler from Makai.?

?Makai? With that yatagarasu?? The girl jabbed a finger at the hellcrow, and Utsuho squawked again and nearly fell off her perch, but dug her claws into Koishi's shoulder just in time to keep her balance.

?It's a pet,? Koishi objected. ?Not a yatagarasu...?

?Without a Makai accent? No way. You're from here, all right. Who are you? Are you a really weird Oni or something??

The girl was asking too many questions. Koishi backed off. ?Listen, I don't want any trouble...?

?Trouble?? the girl asked, but at that point, a single thought from her brain resounded in Koishi's Third Eye: ?She might be one of those saboteurs they said were going to come today! I need to capture her and bring her in for questioning!?

?I'm not a saboteur!? Koishi yelled, and the girl flinched.

?I never sai--? The girl's eyes widened, but her thoughts spoke louder than her voice ever could. ?Wait a momen--?

?Utsuho!? the satori said, and within a moment, Utsuho had shed her hellcrow form and taken her formidable humanoid form. In one season, she hadn't managed to grow much taller than she had been as a toddler, but she had gained a lot of strength, and taking Koishi's hand, she pulled her up and into the sky, just as the girl's thoughts behind her put together the dots.

?A satori...? The kasha said, but she didn't need to bother, as Utsuho quickly pulled Koishi up over the buildings and out of sight.

At the same time, they didn't go very far. Utsuho's transformation had been mostly for the surprise, and she still wasn't strong enough or big enough to carry Koishi for very long distances. The yatagarasu set her master down on top of the nearest building, then dropped to the ground herself, landing on her knees.

?That... was close,? Utsuho said. ?Was it something in her thoughts??

?Yes,? Koishi replied, putting her hand over her heart again to hear its pounding. ?She said she was going to capture us... because we were saboteurs or something.?

?Capture us?!? the yatagarasu flinched.

?Yes,? Koishi replied, getting to her feet. ?And then she would have seen this.? She threw the left side of her coat over her shoulder, exposing her Third Eye. ?Not that she didn't figure it out anyway.?

?At least we got out of that place,? Utsuho assured her, taking a deep breath, just as Koishi's head went up.

?I just remembered! We've been out here for a while now! We need to go back to the Palazzo before anyone notices we're gone!?

?Gah!? Utsuho said, slapping her forehead. ?Can we walk??

?There's no time! We took too long to get out here!? Utsuho bent over in front of Koishi. ?Climb on, we'll try to get there as fast as we can!?

?Right,? Koishi said, clambering onto Utsuho's back and hugging her around the middle, being sure to not hold down her wings. Utsuho took a short running start and took off, her developing wings beating the air as fast as she could manage.

The Palazzo...

Koishi's head jerked up. That had been a thought, not audible, and it wasn't from Utsuho's mind. She looked down, just in time to remember how high and how far kasha could leap above buildings.

The kasha girl was standing, behind a small chimney where she had managed to evade Koishi's notice, looking up at them. She winked at Koishi, but before the satori could manage some kind of response, Utsuho had flown too far away.


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #113 on: December 18, 2009, 01:25:14 AM »
Next to Shinki's scream, the sound of cloth tearing went relatively unnoticed. A flash of silver-- in two strokes, the gleaming scythe cut through the roof of the tent, and Eiki stood there, turning in the direction of the scream.

Her face went pale, and she leapt over the wreckage of the tent and ran past the citizens of Chireiden, who were standing, their faces horrified. Utsuho was coming this way. Eiki stopped her, grabbing her by the shoulders. ?Where's Yumeko? Weren't you supposed to take care of her?!?

?Yumeko is...? Utsuho looked away, and Eiki's eyes widened.

She let go of Utsuho's shoulders and ran over to Shinki. She couldn't see just what it was Shinki was carrying, since Shinki's back was turned to her, but she could make out an arm dangling to Shinki's left, and a pair of legs on the right, along with a red dress--

>... Oh, no.

?Shinki,? Eiki said as she got closer to the demon empress. ?Shinki, I...?

?Who did this?? she asked in a low voice.

?Higan didn't touch her,? the general stammered, wondering just what was going through Shinki's mind. ?We didn't do anything. She wasn't tortured, we did--?

A hard slap to the face knocked Eiki backwards to the ground. Her helmet flew off and landed somewhere on the stone behind her. Her scythe landed next to her. The force of the blow was tremendous. She barely had enough time to gasp in pain before Shinki shoved her foot onto her chest.

?WHO DID THIS?!? Shinki screamed, tears streaming down her face.

Eiki swallowed hard. She didn't know what to do. All her composure was gone, and her mind felt like it had flown back up to Higan. Could she tell Shinki the truth, and tell her that it was Koishi Komeiji, one of the two remaining living satori of Chireiden, one of those that Shinki had vowed to kill, who had destroyed Yumeko? How was she supposed to get Shinki to leave peaceably like that?! But she couldn't lie to her, either! It was unethical, it was wrong, and Shinki would find out the truth eventually anyway... but... if Shinki had Koishi's name, she wouldn't stop hunting her until she killed her! But wasn't that an acceptable punishment for the crime Koishi had committed by essentially taking Yumeko's life? But in that case, wouldn't she just be handing Koishi over-- And how could anyone deserve death, even if they committed a grave sin-- how, why-- why had Koishi done that at all-- what was she supposed to do-- what could she say to her-- what could she say-- what could she say or do-- how could she reply?

?TELL ME!? The empress roared in her face, and Eiki couldn't help it. Tears sprang to her eyes.

?I-- I can't-- I can't say--? Eiki choked out, feeling her insides churning. Could she lie? Her ideals-- how could she keep to them in a situation like this-- how could she even consider handing Koishi over to win the peace? How else was she supposed to get Shinki away from here? Could she sacrifice one person to save many-- but how could she betray the cause of justice like that-- could she say anythi--

?WHO DID THIS TO YUMEKO?!? Shinki yelled again, and this time Eiki broke down entirely, sobbing.

?I... I can't...? she grit her teeth, wishing for a way to figure it out, but there was no time, if there wasn't an answer soon, Shinki would destroy everythi--

?I did.?

--Shinki would surely kill Koishi, or torture her, or imprison her forever, but maybe it would be worth it-- maybe with that sacrifice, Chireiden would be at peace-- but no, sacrificing even one life had to be wrong, had to be-- but how could she choose between saving one person and saving everybody--

?I am the one who did that to Yumeko.?

It took a few seconds for Eiki to register the loss of pressure on her chest. Shinki had taken her foot off of her chest, and indeed seemed to have suddenly forgotten all about Eiki. She was looking past Eiki, behind her, but she couldn't see who.

?... you?? Shinki whispered.

Eiki slowly rolled over onto her stomach, wincing. Her hand was dusty, so she wiped off her face with her sleeve and looked up at the speaker.

?Yes,? Utsuho said, stepping forward. ?I am the one who is responsible for this.?

Utsuho has claimed responsibility for Koishi's actions?! What will Shinki do? Will Eiki still be able to get Shinki to sit back down, sign the treaty, and get out of Chireiden? Find out next time on Satori Eye Z!

This chapter was sponsored by:
Kara no Kyoukai 7
The Red Badge of Courage
Winter Break and the end of finals week

On an unrelated note, I realize that this topic alone has basically kept track of my ranks here on MotK: Normal person --> Idiot Maiden --> Idiot Deity --> Speshul Membah --> Manliness --> Shrine Janitor --> Global Moderator. Hells yeah.


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #114 on: December 18, 2009, 01:38:41 AM »
Way to lose your composure, Eiki. >: You were doing fairly well too...

Now lets just hope Utsuho can keep her track record for not dying. :V


Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #115 on: December 18, 2009, 01:50:58 AM »
Man. Eiki crying? Thinking about's sad really.

Proves that no matter what there will be a situation where the bad decision is the only decision at times, and for someone like Siki, that's must be true hell for her.

Goddamn. You did really well Ruro.

Now to work on my fic (I'll most likely send in half of it tomorrow for you to proofread as I work on the other half).


  • Small medium at large.
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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #116 on: December 18, 2009, 02:00:19 AM »
Utsuho... What have you done?!

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #117 on: December 18, 2009, 03:15:29 AM »
Utsuho... What have you done?!
Proved shes the only one with balls left at this point.  :V

It was really almost distressing to see Eiki drop straight from 'JUSTICE' to 'oh man sorry D: plz don't kick my ass', However, Utsuho is probably currently siphoning all the awesome in a 200 mile radius at the moment, So its to be expected.

...then again, shes probably just going to give herself up. Still, score one for the yatagarasu.

Dorian White

  • The most handsome non-vampire diplomat you ever encountered ~
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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #118 on: December 18, 2009, 08:24:28 PM »
That is indeed a difficult situation, remind me a bit of
"die B?rgschaft"
but that's just my interpretation.
Bella gerant alii, tu felix Gensokyo nube. Nam quae Mars aliis, dat tibi diva Venus.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #119 on: December 18, 2009, 10:57:42 PM »
Proved shes the only one with balls left at this point.  :V

It was really almost distressing to see Eiki drop straight from 'JUSTICE' to 'oh man sorry D: plz don't kick my ass', However, Utsuho is probably currently siphoning all the awesome in a 200 mile radius at the moment, So its to be expected.

...then again, shes probably just going to give herself up. Still, score one for the yatagarasu.
True, but I'll be sad if Utsuho gets killed off. ;-;

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.