Author Topic: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime  (Read 15807 times)


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2013, 07:18:01 PM »
Now I'm curious about what the other guys do.

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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #31 on: August 02, 2013, 07:55:33 PM »
Now I'm curious about what the other guys do.
Well as of episode 4, we have an answer for Utsutsu.

Meanwhile I feel like the entire idea I thought was the premise is about to get turned on its head. My guess right now is that Berg-Katze is setting up the world to become dependent on GALAX and then use it as a weapon against them.

Also damn OD is badass, he didn't even do anything but I wanna find out what happened to him.


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2013, 01:34:52 AM »
Jou you fool that's like 12 death flags atleast

That one's on OD and Pai though. I have no idea why in the world they played extremely dumb (yes, an alien is behind it, Jou saw it), If it's dangerous tell them or they may engage again like Jou is about to and die and just.

Bad Panda. Bad. No Bamboo.


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2013, 09:02:34 AM »
Jou you fool that's like 12 death flags atleast

That one's on OD and Pai though. I have no idea why in the world they played extremely dumb (yes, an alien is behind it, Jou saw it), If it's dangerous tell them or they may engage again like Jou is about to and die and just.

Bad Panda. Bad. No Bamboo.
I'm thinking they just did that because they figured an order along the lines of 'DO NOT ENGAGE' was clear enough, and since the problem is clearly personal for both of them they wanted to deal with it themselves. But nope.jpg

Berg-Katze said the world would go up in a big red blaze. Jou's Gatchaman form has power over fire. Does anyone else have the same suspicions I do?
« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 09:05:51 AM by Roukasagihime »


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2013, 02:25:36 PM »
Yeah this episode raised a lot of questions.
Almost an uncomfortable amount, since Pai and OD were just baiting the audience in their conversation. "Yeah, I lost a friend too." You too clearly know each other, are you about to tell me that you havn't been through this before? Stop being so cryptic and talk. Other then that, Pai seems REALLY worried but the story hasn't shown me enough to be worried with him. It's a little frustrating being told that this is a big deal and then being told what this is.

Anyway, I love how the Crowd's heads work like Niconico douga with text scrolling across their face.

The world going up in a big red blaze, and Joe's control of fire is interesting but I feel like nobody reacted at all, which makes me wonder if there might be some kind of detail in the translation. I expect better from my anime then blatant wordplay. Stretch theory time. I mentioned how Joe's power seemed underwhelming compared to the other two but maybe fire is somehow special in this universe, and in the Gatchaman organization, ie there is time, space and fire, with time and space existing independently but fire being the embodiment of all action within time and space. If something like that were the case then the big red blaze could be significant but not necessarily reference Joe. It does sound like a stretch though.

Can someone explain what the Crowds ultimately did? They helped a bit in the rescue effort but is that it?

I agree with Roukasagihime. Pai just thought Joe would be obedient. I expect this group has never dealt with an threat this massive, so he didn't really know what to expect.

It sounds like OD actually can transform but just chooses not to. That's good because it means there's another transformation to look forward to. We still have 2 strange faces in the opening. The big yellow thing probably has something to do with Pai since it looks to have his big head and appears after his face, maybe that's his transformation. That leaves the hooded thing, which if you follow the pattern for the other faces probably belongs to Utsu(whatever her name is). Oh well, it'll be interesting either way.


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #36 on: August 03, 2013, 03:26:08 PM »
To the above:

I've heard an interesting theory about how the crowds' purpose is to ensure that GALAX's predictions come true. It makes a lot of sense.

There's a few frames in the beginning of the OP which show everyone in the group and their transformations. Pai transforms into the yellow thing. OD and Utsutsu don't transform. The rest is known.

The OP foreshadows a few things, like Utsutsu's duplication power and, well, there's a chaotic scene with OD which is probably meant to show what happens if he does transform.

The hooded thing remains a mystery. JJ? The Villain had some transformation (I assume - it wasn't clear) and he too had the power to bring out NOTEs.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 03:29:07 PM by BT »


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #37 on: August 03, 2013, 03:59:26 PM »
To the above:

I've heard an interesting theory about how the crowds' purpose is to ensure that GALAX's predictions come true. It makes a lot of sense.

There's a few frames in the beginning of the OP which show everyone in the group and their transformations. Pai transforms into the yellow thing. OD and Utsutsu don't transform. The rest is known.

The OP foreshadows a few things, like Utsutsu's duplication power and, well, there's a chaotic scene with OD which is probably meant to show what happens if he does transform.

The hooded thing remains a mystery. JJ? The Villain had some transformation (I assume - it wasn't clear) and he too had the power to bring out NOTEs.
Is GalaX in the prediction making business. When did GalaX predict that those people in the car would be ok? Also, something that may be of importance, which may have been forgotten, the guy who ultimately went into the cable car was one of the hundred.

I remember Utsutsu's dupication power was actually shown in, like, episode 1 or 2. While she's tending to a garden she just is on the screen twice. I just thought it was some surreal thing to do with her being "dreamy".

In the opening, every character appears followed by a transformation, the hooded figure appears after Utsutsu and is followed by OD. If we continue the pattern from the previous few (and if you even think Pai falls into this pattern) wouldn't it be logical to think Utsutsu transforms into the hooded figure?

So, shit, I just realized that Berg-Katze pulled a soul out of Rui, in the form of a Crowd in the same way that JJ pulled a soul out of Hajime in the form of a Notebook. That was just a dream of Rui's but... you know... storytelling and what not. It really makes me think that Gatchaman and Crowds are just two sides of the same coin.

Also, Rui said she doesn't believe Gatchaman exist, right?


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #38 on: August 10, 2013, 12:31:57 AM »
Probably the most boring episode to date, not that that's saying too much.
Lots of talking, the nature and structure of the hundred is revealed and Rui seems to begin a break down. Oh, and Joe didn't die, nice.

here, have this Utsutsu gif I found on MAL

One really cool thing that I havn't seen anyone mention is these two people:
That first one looks a lot like hajime, right? Seems odd. Family conflict could be cool though.


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #39 on: August 10, 2013, 11:41:00 PM »

Otherwise fairly boring episode.

Everyone around Rui is stupid, Rui is stupid, errything's goin' down.


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #40 on: August 11, 2013, 04:43:05 AM »

Otherwise fairly boring episode.

Everyone around Rui is stupid, Rui is stupid, errything's goin' down.
Oh no, expand. Why do you think these things?


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #41 on: August 11, 2013, 06:51:43 AM »
Oh no, expand. Why do you think these things?

...sure? My opinion is silly though I unno why you want it.

Hajime is dumb because the plot demands it but...seriously. She knew the amnesia effect was already on, knew someone else was using super powers to help, and basically is playing way to hard on 'I'M A HERO MUST HELP'. Not to mention she -uses the amnesia effect anyone so how would she even really help anyone-. It's just throwing everything away, revealing her cards to someone they know nothing about to... probably not help, all with Sugane going NO YOU IDIOT.

Rui's compatriots are dumb because jesus fucking christ you are acting like -children- with your reaction to Rui's reveal. You started conspiring against him USING HIS OWN FUCKING PROGRAM THAT HE MANAGES. You expected to get -anything- done by throwing a hissy fit towards him with no control over his power. Seriously your rebellion was beyond pointless. If they had a plan to control the crowds or something, maybe you'd be worth shit but no. You just throw a hissy fit and get your access revoked. BIG PLAYS.

On top of that... You panicked over the ability to not use crowds -for reasons that could have been perfectly valid, and suddenly jumped to backstabbing Rui-. You are being stupid paranoid IDIOTS who just want credit. Normally, CROWDS DEVOURS YOU FOR BEING AN IDIOT. On top of that what is even with Usawhatever's logic? KILL PEOPLE CHANGE THE WORLD GET CREDIT! Never the fucking mind you're condoning murder and trying to usurp governmental power, you power-hungry son of a bitch, You're bottom feeding scum who just wants to fight over who gets the credit for saving the world. Hell, You even want credit for the power of... Acting as a conduit or something for Rui's power. I don't think you realize how pointless you are in the grand scheme of crowds and how Rui really could do whatever the fuck he wants. You useless, dumb, and someone I hope is a one-off. I don't even know what your kid showing up means but I hope nothing.

Rui is also an idiot because you're believing in a humanity that will be completely selfless.

Really that's all I need to say about his ideals.

But... In seriousness, he's not understanding the basics of reality, he's extremely idealist and Usawhatever is atleast right on that. He really believes humanity can act selfless and kind to eachother! And hell, from what he's seen Galax is making giant strides to that. At the same time this is dumb because in reality you need to look out for yourself before others. He doesn't understand that being completely selfless like he wants means disregarding yourself- something that does not lead to high survival rates, very happy or successful lives, or generally a functioning society. What he wants is good, but is not a society that you can create and sustain. And he's trying to do this through helping people- which will not in reality, change the attitude of those who don't follow this mindset, bad eggs will persist. He wants stupid change and he wants it without sacrifice which is impossible.

Also he trusted the alien. Which is also dumb.

Oh and now he's going to find Hajime which is probably much like the kind of person he wants, and then they're going to bang proceed to have some kind of friendship which will make the fight against his eventual insane breakdown ~*~traumatic~*~. Really the two are going to meet.

That's going to shape where the series goes by a lot.


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #42 on: August 11, 2013, 03:33:45 PM »

Regarding Hajime's transformation, take into account the incomplete information they're working on. There's a bad Gatchaman screwing things up, and then someone shows up who is clearly a Gatchaman. She has no idea what CROWDS is and therefore no guarantee that everyone involved is going to survive. Add that to her earlier dissatisfaction with the Gatchaman's 'let the bad guy kill everyone' strategy and I can totally understand where she's coming from.

As for Rui - yes, he's ridiculously idealistic, and I think that's the point. That's why Berg-Katze targeted him and gave him the power of GALAX - because it knew that eventually Rui's idealism would cave in on itself as the Hundred give in to human nature. Umeda is clearly not a two-bit thug, given that right after he threatens Rui he goes right back to being a proper father to his kid. He's a man who's had to sit back in silence while his boss hands around stupid orders and teases him with cool-ass powers that he can't use. He can't claim any credit for his work, he's had to risk his life several times over, and the only other people he can talk to about it are the rest of the Hundred - who, again, he can only contact through GALAX.

This frustration is borne from the fact that Rui has forbidden the use of CROWDS - we know why (Berg-Katze is fucking with his head) but not even the Hundred are aware of the reason. From where they're standing what Rui is doing is a blatant power grab, emphasising that in the end he's the only one who can really control GALAX in blatant contrast to his claims of a world of equality. Basically Rui looks like a blatant hypocrite and his followers are losing faith in him.


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #43 on: August 17, 2013, 12:52:25 AM »

Hey Rui.

Evil psycho alien? Or have you forgotten in the span of one episode?

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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #44 on: August 27, 2013, 07:42:28 AM »
So. Episode 7.

Holy shit Katze. The everything that he does. From the way he effortlessly wipes out CROWDS to beating the crap out of Rui. I cringed watching Rui just get whipped over and over like that. Then the way that Katze mocks Joe's special attacks (and rips out his NOTE) to how he mimics the way that Hijime talks and it's just wooooaaaaah.
That said, Hijime is really something, managing to pull information from Katze like that. They're almost alike, except one of them doesn't want to destroy the planet.



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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #45 on: August 30, 2013, 08:30:21 PM »
>6.5 minutes in
Sometimes I just don't know.

Looks like we got our fated kiss finally.

I really like how this anime handles things, in general. Thought I'd make note of that.

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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #46 on: September 01, 2013, 04:38:42 AM »
I think Rui genuinely believes the Psycho alien just needs some human emotions to turn into a good guy...
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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #47 on: September 07, 2013, 04:16:09 AM »
The robot is starting to have doubts. So is he brainwashing it or shutting it down?

One more thing. The panda man sucks. He made me sad.

EDIT: Anyone still watching this. I thought the latest episode was pretty fun. Katse is amazing.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 05:59:25 PM by hyorinryu »

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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #48 on: September 16, 2013, 10:21:04 PM »
Still watching.
Seeing more and more Biiiiiirdo, go! is always amusing.
That said, the panda grew a pair of balls there wasn't any "I'm gloomy" from Utsutsu this time around.
Character development!


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #49 on: September 28, 2013, 10:50:48 PM »
So that was the final episode right?

It was kinda weird, with the whole Katse being bound to Hajime's tie with little explanation. I mean I can guess but still. Everything seemed too easy tbh. Considering the hype behind Katse, it was disappointing that he was 1v1ed by OD.

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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #50 on: September 29, 2013, 12:13:45 AM »
Katze presumedly made a pact of honor with Hajime if it is over in the Gatcha's favor (which it did, miraculously) that he will honor his 'date' with Hajime. At least I think this is what's happened. As for OD's OP henshin seriously I wanna watch that again and again until some crazy ass propmaker brings this out on stage. It is so awesome man... all them LEDs man....
I think personally it has dropped the ball at the last possible moment, regardless of attempt, it was great show overall. I think one of the great problems is that there simply wasn't enough fighting as previous Gatchaman series have explored. (or its ancestors), not much is known why the numbers and the precipice exist, or why JJ chooses them. In fact, I think the only way to tell the story would be to read... about it all... you know, how OD's planet was destroyed, which one of the stars did he come from, etc etc etc... is Berg Katze the only one of his kind?

It leaves many unexplained cliffs, and one may need to wonder if a season 2 is plausible. Production value remains high throughout, something that only Kyo Ani has commanded in the last 5 years, but this one show took the fight to KA's front porch. Beautiful.

I can't help of course, to say the note course of action and the political message in the show is quite profound - leaders only get attacked when they are weak and vulnerable, and even when they make decisions they can be attacked, so there is never a right answer never a right moment, only that when things change, you can change with it, and in the PM's personality at first, the profound human behavior to just turn the other way is reminiscent of many past real life PMs and their policies and many leaders of the world. It is this notion to not expect heroes to save the day, when humans can do so much more if we just sat down and think things through before firing guns.

That. or I am babbling.
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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #51 on: September 30, 2013, 05:22:43 AM »
I'm just assuming a MESS took Katze captive and is just chilling out as the red scarf.
I mean, they had to have appeared for some reason, right?


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Re: Gatchaman Crowds - this time they really will save anime
« Reply #52 on: October 13, 2013, 02:47:29 PM »
Why does Berg get punished by moterboating boobs. I wanna moterboat boobs.