Author Topic: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."  (Read 48628 times)

Alfred F. Jones

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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid,113.0.html was the previous thread, but it hasn't been posted in since 2010, so we might as well make a new one.

This thread is to catch all the plot bunnies you may have bouncing around in your head. Even if you know it won't go anywhere, just write down the premise of your idea and post it here!

I should probably also clarify that this thread is primarily for just ideas you're not serious about writing, to differentiate it from the writing workshop. That one is for "I'm having trouble writing this chapter, what do you think?" and this one is for "So I was taking a shower this morning and just came up with x."

Idea: Marisa is known to have piles upon piles of junk in her house. But in DS EX-5, Hatate says that her house is super empty. Either the Tengu have even more cluttered houses than Marisa (which is saying something) or Marisa went through and cleaned it. If the former, then I could see a comedy in which Aya forces Hatate to get out of her damn house so Momizi can clean it because it smells like something died in there. If the latter, then I'd like to see a fic dealing with all the interesting things Marisa came across as she cleaned house.

Joveus Molai

  • Bear the Word, and the Word will bear you.
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Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2012, 01:06:29 AM »
A list of story ideas I'd been kicking around:

1) By some stroke of luck (or someone's machinations), Reimu massive amount of money, enough to more than set her for life. What does she do with it? How does everyone else (especially Marisa and Kasen) react?

2) This one I got from a discussion on the IRC: It's winter, and Cirno and the rest of Team 9 are out testing out some ice skates they'd bought/stolen. However, the ice fairy isn't one for much gracefulness, so she keeps tripping and falling and eventually goes home sulking. How does she get out of her bad mood? Does she overcome her inability to ice skate?

3) Reisen feels quite lonely in Eitentei--she's having trouble connecting with the Lunarians, and she finds the Earth Rabbits too flighty to get along with. She can contact the moon, but she can still feel the physical distance between her and her fellow moon rabbits gnawing away at her. Noting this, Eirin subtly gets her student to try and make friends with some of Gensokyo's residents, but Reisen's innate distrust of Earth-dwellers gets in the way...


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Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2012, 12:40:36 PM »
Has Patchouli's Laboratory been done before? It's perfect, but I've never been able to flesh it out. Maybe a parody of a specific episode?


  • excuse me
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2012, 03:11:01 PM »
Reimu was in massive danger from being killed from an angry group of extremely experienced faires. Yuaki quickly takes her death and Reimu gets depressed that Yukari has died. A month later Yukari appears out of nowhere and claims that a 'fake Yukari' from a parallel universe took her death.


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Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2012, 03:26:06 PM »
Has Patchouli's Laboratory been done before? It's perfect, but I've never been able to flesh it out. Maybe a parody of a specific episode?

Maybe the episode where Dexter ends up locking himself out of his own laboratory while trying to figure out how DeeDee keeps getting in?

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2012, 04:03:32 AM »
Mokou is possessed by a sudden urge to enter Gensoukyo's super secret nest building contest.

Bishamonten thinks Shou's klutz image is hurting faith generation and sends her across Gensoukyo to beat people up.

Joveus Molai

  • Bear the Word, and the Word will bear you.
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Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2012, 01:50:55 PM »
Bishamonten thinks Shou's klutz image is hurting faith generation and sends her across Gensoukyo to beat people up.

Fist of the Rising Star?  :wat:

"Omae wa Shou shindeiru."


  • Munch-Munch Demon
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2012, 12:36:55 PM »
Some ideas of mine:
Miko discovers that Rinnosuke has the Kusanagi. This could go in any direction, but preferably includes Kourin trying to bluff his way out and failing horribly.

Sanae meets Kaguya and goes into fangirl mode, asking her inane questions and refusing to leave her alone. Kaguya tries to get rid of her with Impossible Requests, but Sanae's power is miracles so she accomplishes each one instantly. And then Kaguya treating her like a suitor causes her to level up into yandere mode. :V

"The power to eat sweets and not get fat" isn't the only power of the Yin-Yang Orbs that has a combat use. There is no mentioned limit on what kind of cat it can turn into, and producing the smell of something means it must also be producing small amounts of that something.

While someone is visiting Reimu, Genji shows up and starts complaining about how Reimu should respect her elders, he taught her everything she knows, etc. He then starts telling stories about their early adventures, most of which go something like:
Genji: "And her hair! Red, like the fires of hell! As Reimu turned to me for guidance, fear in h-"
Marisa: "Uh, gramps? I'm right here. And blonde."
Genji: "Not now, Chiyuri, I'll get to your part. Now where was I? Ah yes. Fires of hell!"
(this is my headcanon explanation for any PC-98/Windows discrepancies)

Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2012, 06:37:34 PM »
I have several ideas about crossover or fusion stories involving Touhou Project. I admit I want to apply rule circle nine to my favourite stories or films as much as possible  (If it exist there's probably a Touhou version of it).

1. Touhou Project X Familiar of Zero  in which Patchouli is summoned by Louise.

Basic premise: Louise summoned Patchouli into Halkeginia. Instead of the usual disorientation when someone who is summoned by Louise appeared in the middle of students Patchouli is fully aware of her surroundings and makes no attempt to hide the fact that she is a capable magician. She casts a translation spell on herself, erected a magic protection around her the moment Louise tried to cast the familiar binding spell and foiling Louise?s attempt to bind Patchouli to her. When she knows about commoners and nobles of this world, Patchouli do not hesitate to show them what magic she is capable of. Of course this makes Louise?s friend give her mixed evaluation of her magic abilities. In one hand she succeeds in summoning a powerful mage but in the other hand Louise cannot bind her to become her familiar.

Despite Louise?s apparent failure to make Patchouli a familiar, she wants to stay to study the magic of this realm which is based on a slightly different elemental system than what she usually uses. After Patchouli knows about Louise?s reputation she decided to tutor her because she knows that a failure cannot possibly open a portal to another world. Patchouli?s motivation to teach Louise is to study what kind of magic she's capable of and if her magic is connected to the mysterious void element. Additionally, Patchouli has studied the portal before she leaves to Halkeginia and has given Koakuma a communication device so that Patchouli can stay in touch with SDM and eventually open a portal by herself to receive supplies. When Louise begins to gather some friends, Patchouli agrees to teach them her brand of magic so Louise does not have the monopoly on advanced magic and knowledge. I would like to see the possible consequences of all of Louise?s friends getting advanced magic from Patchouli earlier in the story and how this will make a difference from the canon storyline. Maybe a bigger difference would result in Patchouli introducing a different magic system to the school than what was accepted by the church.

2. Kamen Rider Den-O influenced Touhou story (Kamen Rider Gens-O ?)

In which the role of Ryotaro Nogami is replaced by an ordinary human from the human village. This human is friendly with Reimu and her youkai friends. If the human is male he may have a crush on Reimu. Like Ryotaro, this human is capable of remaining conscious during possession and can eject the possessing youkai if she wants. The role of the Owner is replaced by Yukari, Naomi is replaced by Ran, and the Imagins (both protagonist and antagonist) are replaced by youkais (not limited from Gensokyo) although I want to see what happens if the four -taros are replaced with the four devas of the mountain. Alternatively, there is a suggestion on Danbooru that Suika replaces Momotaros, Murasa replaces Urataros, Yuugi replaces Kintaros, and Reisen replaces Ryuutaros.  Then I guess Aya can replace Sieg.

Youkai and supernatural beings started to appear in the outside world and causing problems. Some of Gensokyo's youkai also disappeared. Yukari asked the human villager to solve this incident by returning the youkai into Gensokyo or if it is a new youkai, apprehend them and place them in the Gensou Liner (Yukari's train). To help in solving the incident Yukari give the human a special belt and a Suica train pass. By wearing the belt then swiping the pass in front of the belt and letting one or more of the trusted youkai to posses her the human can transform into Kamen Rider and use the powers of the youkai that possessed her. The cause of this incident is unknown and like previous incidents the ultimate goal is to find who or what is responsible and make it stop; if possible using Gensokyo way.  I admit that I don't know all the important details of this story. Beside the perpetrator/cause, I am not sure I can give satisfactory justification behind why this time the five usual incident solvers cannot get involved , why Yukari needs a train to pass through her gap dimension and why the protagonist youkais need to possess a human instead of battling the antagonist youkais themselves.

My own ideas about these things are that most youkais that cause incidents in the outside world do not come from Gensokyo but from some other place/planes of existence/dimensions/reality. The missing youkai from Gensokyo has been captured and studied  by the unknown perpetrator and even brainwashed to cause trouble to humans in the outside world. Since youkai alone can be controlled by the mysterious enemy, combining youkai and human abilities behind the protection of Kamen Rider armor and enhanced magitech significantly increased the chance to defeat these new enemies.  In addition, the new youkais are not bound by spellcard rules so extra power and defense is a must. As to why the five incident solvers are not involved, I think that most if not all of them will repulse the idea of being possessed by youkai. Secondly, it may be better if they patrol Gensokyo, guarding against the enemy's attempt to recruit more Gensokyo youkai. Reimu is going to be needed to monitor Hakurei Barrier and Yukari is going to monitor any border breach from inside her gap dimension, using the train as a magitech observation platform and as containment for captured youkai to interrogate them. When Reimu knows about this arrangement, she demands to be on the Gensou Liner to be able to check up on her friends (the human as well as the youkais that Yukari recruits) so I think Reimu is replacing Hana's role.   With this setup, it is possible for the Gensou Liner to stop not only in the outside world but also other alien places/times/planes of existence etc, that are dangerous to both human and youkai.

I don't know who can replace Yuuto, Deneb and the Zero Liner, Airi Nogami and the two frequent visitors to Milk Dipper cafe. Finally, I just want to mention that I do not like the usual motive used for many of the Touhou crossovers I have read: Yukari is bored and mess with boundaries between series to make things more entertaining for herself.  So I hope if anyone is interested in turning this idea into a fanfic, they don't make it so it turns out that Yukari is the one behind it after all.

The first episode of Kamen Rider Den-O can be watched here ( I hope this will give some ideas of what Kamen Rider Den-O  is about to those that have never watched Den-O before.


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2012, 01:36:59 AM »
2) This one I got from a discussion on the IRC: It's winter, and Cirno and the rest of Team 9 are out testing out some ice skates they'd bought/stolen. However, the ice fairy isn't one for much gracefulness, so she keeps tripping and falling and eventually goes home sulking. How does she get out of her bad mood? Does she overcome her inability to ice skate?

I think I know where this one came from.  Don't remember exactly when it was, but I pitched an idea on the IRC that featured Cirno learning how to figure skate then creating spellcards based around figure skating techniques, all from finding a book on the topic.  I even had a little intro typed up, but this isn't a project I plan on pursuing anytime soon.
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.


  • Master of the lurk
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Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2012, 01:53:30 AM »
I don't really have any serious ideas, but I do have some silly ones. I guess they can be serious if you wanted them to be...?

Yukari, Eirin, and the Moriya Shrine gods decide to be more direct in their manipulation. Everyone in Gensokyo is assigned a chess piece and a ridiculous game of 3-way chess starts. Chess piece rebellions may or may not happen.

Reimu decides that the spellcard rules will be replaced by rock-paper-scissors matches. Satori proceeds to take over Gensokyo.

Alice, Hina, and Medicine hold a "characters associated with dolls" meeting. Medicine repeatedly tries to assasinate Alice and assume leadership, but is constantly stopped by Hina emitting bad luck.

Rinnosuke attempts to be more successful in business by starting a stock market in Gensokyo. Even Tewi's luck cannot guarantee success.

In the winter, Cirno rolls a snowball down a snow-covered Youkai Mountain. Half of the mountains population is caught up in the resulting avalanche.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2012, 01:11:55 AM »
1. touhou restoration project
a government orginization is attempting to help the gods and youkai of gensokyo ragain some of their lost faith by sending in an advisore to help them orginize. only the advisore is slowly getting more and more pissed of at gensokyo residents because of their attitudes and the fact that he is slowly discovering that the loss of most of humanities belief in them was cause by either their own actions or inactions

2. touhou's persona
this one is a touhou/persona crossover. do to the supernatural disappearing from the outside world humanity had become more inclosed and much more dishonest with itself causeing more and more shadows to appear which is causeing more and more humans to die. because gensokyos exsistance needs the disbelief of humans in the outside world to maintain it's border the death of the humans in the outside world has begain to put gensokyo in danger. in order to protect gensokyo yukari has started a project to send people in gensokyo out into the outside world to help the humans to come to terms with their true selves and awaken their personas. I was thinking of a multi anime video game crossover thing branching into several slice of life animes such as the lucky star, both nichijou animes, Tonari no Kaibutsu, acchi koochi, and any other sol animes i can think of. it focus mostly on the ideas of persona 4 but has less to do with Izanami-no-Mikoto

3. everyday touhou: world shaker addition
a series of stories telling the actions of all of gensokyos major players as they face their first incident that has ever put the entire planet of earth in danger.

4 the aki sister's shrine and priest
after being dropped into gensokyo a young boy meets the aki sisters. feeling bad for them he decideds to build them a shrine that rivals the hakurai or moriya shrine and begins to help them build faith in hopes of restoreing their pride as goddesses and to help them gain so much faith that they'll even surpase kanako.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 02:08:17 AM by darkhero67 »


  • Munch-Munch Demon
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2012, 11:00:09 PM »
*remembers that other idea he had*

Shaman King X Touhou

Maribel and Renko are exploring an abandoned shrine said to be haunted, and get separated. Renko calls out for Maribel, only to find she's been cornered by delinquents who've decided to move in, led by the infamous Wooden Broom Marisa ("Who told ya y'could call me Mari?"). Renko gets beaten up a little, and falls through rotted floorboards into an underground chamber. While there she hears a voice coming from a weird orb that asks if she wants to help her friend, or something like that (it sounds kind of impatient). Naturally she says yes. Renko shows up to save Maribel with a serious expression. Marisa laughs, but then she holds up the Yin-Yang Orb and shouts some phrase; a ghostly image of PC-98 Reimu flows out of the orb and overlays itself on Renko, causing her to take on the appearance of Windows Reimu. Much ownage ensues.

Most of the other characters form similar teams of a Windows "human" and a PC-98 "spirit" with similar powers (eg. Cirno gets ice powers from channeling Mai), though Youmu can get away with a Myon-Youki. Rinnosuke+Genji serve as mentor figures early on. Maribel doesn't get a partner, but turns out to have information-gathering powers that are frequently vital when Renko fights more powerful opponents.

Yukari is the main villain, who uses Ran-in-monster-form as her partner and has a strange interest in Maribel. Her goals are mysterious, but are eventually revealed to be "gain control of the Dragon God and use its power to create a world of fantasy".
She succeeds, and the protagonists have to deal with the aftermath.

Later on, Marisa is possessed by Mima, who seeks vengeance on Reimu... but Reimu has no idea who she is. Turns out they're both softies deep down - Mima can't go through with killing someone, and the sword in Marisa's broom she kept threatening to use on people never existed.

Renko's first "upgrade" is learning how to use spell cards - powers which rely on the combined powers of the spirit and medium, rather than the spirit itself.

Eventually Marisa shows up in a Big Damn Heroes moment to save Renko from Yuuka, now channeling a reformed Mima through the Mini-Hakkero (which turns her hair from red to blonde). Turns out that despite her low spirit power Marisa is a genius at magic spells, and she's been cramming like crazy since her last appearance.

The group is briefly joined by the young dowser Nazrin, but she is so impressed by Shou that she ends up switching sides to Myouren Temple, who want to take the fight to Yukari directly. (I had this idea before Ten Desires can you tell)

Alice is the Faust equivalent, while Remilia stands in for Boris Tepes.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 11:37:02 PM by Prime32 »

Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2012, 01:27:16 PM »
I was about to use TARC for this, but I'm only listing the story. *shrug*

Gensokyo: Total War: Suika plots to overthrow Yukari's self-established position as master of Gensokyo. Things happen, and everyone gets caught in the ensuing wars.
  • Underground Campaign: Suika and Yuugi rally the oni and their allies to march on the world above, but Satori, who is simply following the exile agreement, refuses, leading the Oni Alliance to attack the resulting Chireiden Triumvirate: satori, kasha, and hell ravens. The latter manages to escape above before being utterly crushed under the weight of the oni and relay these events to Yukari.
  • Gensokyo Campaign: When the oni break out of the underground, all of Gensokyo is thrown into chaos, and the Spell Card Rules get quickly abandoned in favor of wiping Suika off the face of Gensokyo. The youkai then break off into factions, all wanting to take over Gensokyo, destroy the oni, or both:
    • Yakumo-Chireiden
    • Koumakan
    • Tengu-Moriya
    • Houjuu
    • Kitsune
    • Nekomata
    • Oni Alliance (oni, tsuchigumo, etc.)
    • Tanuki
    • Eientei-Usagi
    • Human Village (includes Reimu, Marisa, Alice, Youmu, Myouren Temple, and Mokou)
    • Kappa
    • Shinreibyou
    • Tsukumogami
    Nue joins in for no apparent reason other than to wreck both sides into pieces. Eventually, this boils down to three powers: Yakumo, Oni, and Houjuu. I haven't exactly decided how it will end, though.
  • Seasons' Campaign: Yuuka, the Aki sisters, and Letty decide once and for all, in Total War style, who the strongest one among them is. Cue fairies, immortality, and a Realm Divide which sics Yukari onto the dominant season. There is no Summer because it is the most boring of the four.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Retsim Reklats

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Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2012, 04:26:37 PM »
Crazy ideas :
1. The disappearance of Satsuki Rin is because she is the catalyst that balances the paradox between PC-98 and Windows era.
Canonically hard to be made, but worth a try.  Anyone?

2. The Prismriver sisters actually came from one poltergeist.
a poltergeist produced by a mentally unstable girl. She has been haunting a certain mansion for a very long time now
Kana Anaberal. She lost in PoDD and went back to the mansion, where Layla, yes Layla Prismriver then divided her into three personalities.

3. The relationship between PC-98 Yuuka and Elly.
I want to make a bit of Yuri story based from this.  :V Haha!

I mostly have ideas about the past of each character.


4. The Tengus and our curious shrine maiden from Moriya shrine talking about every character in Gensokyo and their story. Gossip, past, or what might they be. Kinninarimasu!  :D

"Gensokyo welcomes all."

Art by : SilentSysteme
Generations, Borders, and Illusion.
A tribute fanfic for Yukari Yakumo and Maribel Hearn

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2012, 02:57:43 AM »
Satori's addiction to cats spirals out of control, and she sends word to all the cats aboveground that Chireiden is ready to receive them. While Parsee, Yuugi, Yamame, and Kisume try to shore up the city's defenses against the massive feline hordes, Koishi, Rin, and Utsuho must stage an intervention.

"I can quit cats anytime I want!"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2012, 10:06:45 PM »
Upon hearing the saying, "Could God create a rock so large not even he can lift it?" Tenshi embarks on a quest to find the biggest rock and prove her might once and for all!

Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2012, 12:44:19 AM »
ok here some new ones I though off

1. All because of yu
Do to the sudden outbreak of the magic manjus called yukkuri in the outside world humans have started beleaveing in magic which is causeing the hakurai border to become weaker and is leading to more and more humans crossing the border. it's pretty much one of those you've got to be kidding me things, like finding out that thje supreme itellegence of the universe is a chicken or that all the different races of humans are just a bunch of different alien races thrown together on one planet.

2. Touhou's prototype
here's the basic story. alex mercer succeded in tearning every human into beings like himself. After one of the cooking teams latest venture into the outside world they return with a single human they thought they would eat only for the human to beat the crap out of them and than eat the in response. After that cetain people in gensokyo notice a sudden drop in human food supply(remilia, yukari, rumia, ect.) and report the sudden death of the cook teams to the hakurai shrine. after some investigating it is found out, that not only are outside humans impossiable to feed on now but their is also a outside world human stealing and eating youkai body parts to get their powers.

3. baka to touhou: perverted camara duo
what is kota from baka to test was dropped in gensokyo, what if he met aya, what if they formed an unholy aliance of pervertion.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2012, 06:05:51 PM »
In a fit of inspiration, Marisa invents the ball-point pen and is poised to revolutionize the way writing is done in Gensokyo forever! But on the eve of her triumph, Marisa runs afoul of the She Who Makes the Writing Brushes...

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2012, 05:29:49 PM »
Kogasa tries, unsuccessfully, to surprise Seiga on one of her visits to the Mausoleum. Seeing this pathetic excuse for a scarer, Seiga takes Kogasa under her wing to teach her how to really surprise people.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2012, 06:16:38 PM »
Patchouli discovers evolution when she finds that spells she had been using for years to kill bookworms have grown less and less effective in the past few months.


  • He who knew and lived.
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2012, 06:31:18 PM »
Alice and Marisa find out they're long lost sisters. No yuri.
World Domination, Baby!

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2012, 07:16:20 PM »
Mokou, tired of her feud, decides to leave gensokyo. She destroys the boundary between fantasy and reality to do it.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2012, 05:49:36 PM »
Fed up with Marisa's thefts making her job harder, Koakuma releases Zubats into Voile.  Some escape into the wilds.  Hilarity ensues.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #24 on: November 01, 2012, 01:41:49 AM »
Rumia asks for a hamburger, and reality unravels.

Your job is to determine why these events are related.

Joveus Molai

  • Bear the Word, and the Word will bear you.
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Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #25 on: November 01, 2012, 02:26:49 PM »
Rumia asks for a hamburger, and reality unravels.

Your job is to determine why these events are related.

Someone should make that the next Weekly Writing Challenge topic.  :3

On Topic: Remilia is feeling very bored, so with the help of Yukari, Patchouli decides to use her magic to make a giant maze filled with RPG monsters. This expands into a Gensokyo-wide tournament where a bunch of contestants (including Remilia) compete to beat the dungeon and the final boss first.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2012, 11:10:57 PM »
Where the hell does Okuu keep getting those eggs she boils!?


  • He who knew and lived.
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2012, 03:48:49 PM »
Where the hell does Okuu keep getting those eggs she boils!?

I want to say they're home grown......but I won't.
World Domination, Baby!

Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2012, 04:26:29 PM »
On Topic: Remilia is feeling very bored, so with the help of Yukari, Patchouli decides to use her magic to make a giant maze filled with RPG monsters. This expands into a Gensokyo-wide tournament where a bunch of contestants (including Remilia) compete to beat the dungeon and the final boss first.
This reminds me of an old British game show called Knightmare. I think this video is a decent enough summary for people who've never heard of it.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Ideas and Story Snippets - "I had this idea for a Touhou fanfic..."
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2012, 07:30:27 PM »
It's time for the yearly Chireiden Grand Prix, where the underground's fastest racers zoom around an underground track for the entertainment of everyone in the Ancient City. Rin "Hell's Traffic Accident" Kaenbyou defends her title against the new hotshot on the block, Reiuzi Utsuho, and her drag racer, the explosive and shockingly fast Yatagarasu. Who will win?

oh right and also bonus