Author Topic: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa: Secret Hard with a Vengeance  (Read 103703 times)

Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #240 on: December 24, 2011, 11:14:26 PM »
I opened mine :V
yes I opened it on the 24th, but that's how it's "traditionally" done in Germany


Touhou Ten Desires and a Touhou Artbook. (the artbook is just so AWESOME)
That's awesome, thank you very much :)

Sad that the CD cover got some flaws :(

ah and

Frohe Weihnachten to you all
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 12:36:43 AM by Dorakyura »

Rin Kagamine

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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #241 on: December 25, 2011, 12:12:38 AM »
Ja, don't forget that you need to be posting a picture of what you got!

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #242 on: December 25, 2011, 01:31:53 AM »
Okay, so my pretty big box has been sitting around for a while. Sort of built up a bit of hype over it; kept thinking to myself what it could possibly be. Having seen Dora and all that Touhou goodness, I was filled with such paru paru~
So here we go, opening the present to find...


[Kanjou is busy rebuilding...]

Okay, with that done with, the results!

... A QB bag. You got me a QB bag! New dartboard has been found; now I can kill the little [REDACTED] whenever I want! [May or may not hate QB to pieces.] Got a Hellgate book; got a figure too which isn't on screen. I've never seen/read any of Hellgate, so it's something new for me to take a peek at. Not entirely sure what the wire thing is supposed to be... but it's nice.

Onto the 2nd part...

Figurines! Lots of them! And of all the things to get figurines of, it's from Suzumiya; which has been a part of my anime life for some time. What's better is that it's only Kyon who isn't there; which I don't mind. Love the Mikuru bunny one; I remember eyeing that up for a while a couple of years back. Too bad the only Touhou product came in the form of a folder; but it gives me something to take with me to university instead of just a pile of papers... Though now it's a pile of papers hidden underneath an armpit. :P

Not pictured was this small red box that the figures came in; so a lovely little addition.

All in all, wow! My figurine collection has shot up rapidly! Thank you very much.

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #243 on: December 25, 2011, 03:30:44 AM »
well, I got mine out already since it is pass half a day into 25th
and I have a....

Jesus, this thing is like... WOAH
I pull it out put it on my bed and yooooooooooooooo
then I like, had to hang it on my door and took pictures of it and I was like yoooooooooooooooooooooo
It is like Jesus gave me his porno collection yoooooooooooooo
then I was like took pictures and calmed down from jumping up and down and I was like yooooooooooooooooooooooooo I need to watch the entire bitchin series one more time while snuggling this fantastic motherfucking gift like every episode like yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

okay enough of this shit, pictures slightly later from my Android.
Thank you mysterious superhuman from Nippon Teikoku, god if I knew it was you I would have asked for some really kinky ass pillow covers but alas those will never get pass customs, but this, this is one helluva awesome gift.

Thank you mysterious NIPPON SANTA.

is that a Hellgate London artbook? fucking sweet, I need scans or pics of that content yo.
I lurrrrvvvveeee Paladins/guardian/blademasters.

*sadly the best and only playable class is a guardian (armor buff and critical) and an engineer (heavy armor and long range)

These Touhou folders are all the rage here, but we have more Shana and Black Butler stuff because for some strange reason Malaysians love Black Butler, it is like, you ask them they know Naruto and Bleach and Black Butler... (Shonen Shonen Yaoi-ish Seinen) lol.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 03:35:32 AM by ♛ ストラトス »
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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #244 on: December 25, 2011, 05:20:00 AM »
Package opened.  I have no camera, and therefore there will not be pictures until I can procure one.

A very interesting gift!  A Yamaha MU50 Tone Generator.  Still twiddling with it; I've got it on and running but I've yet to figure out how to do much more than that.

I'll also note that the sender conspicuously omitted their name. >:(

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #245 on: December 25, 2011, 05:33:33 AM »
Well, we have a tech thread to help with its use and whatnot, and MIDI equipment tends to be discussed often there. So it shouldn't be too much of a problem (and a lot faster than reading that dense-ass manual :V)

And we wonder who sent that...*looks at synths on desk :derp:*
« Last Edit: December 25, 2011, 05:37:08 AM by 大諏訪子 Gang Empire »
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #246 on: December 25, 2011, 07:02:57 AM »
I won't be able to post what I got for a couple of days at least, since I was a derp and left my gift at my apartment when I went home for the holidays. :derp:
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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #247 on: December 25, 2011, 07:30:06 AM »
Suika has a new beverage!

Thanks, mysterious North Carolinian benefactor!


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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #248 on: December 25, 2011, 07:40:13 AM »
Local honey whoo, great stuff right there! (and no, I didn't send that :V)
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


The ⑨th Zentillion

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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #249 on: December 25, 2011, 08:53:14 AM »
Twas about two weeks ago that I received

a package from Japan. According to the Customs notes, it included three toys, two CDs and a book. And so I began to wait.

And then, at 12:02 am, I opened the package and looked inside, and, within:

An Udonge figurine! Yeah~! Oh, hey, I can see her panties. >_>;;

A figurine of Eva-06 from Rebuild of Eva, sweeet...

A Sanae figurine with interchangeable parts for poses and expressions and such. I'm not going to remove her from her box juuust yet. Unlike Udonge she has bloomers on underneath.

A copy of the Midnight Express album (Woot, Flandre on the front, Rumia on the back!), also got a separate CD with backups for it.

An album with Youmu on the cover, sadly I don't know the album's name because it's not written in English.

And, lastly...


Life of Maid vol. 3! YESSS!! I don't know if I'll ever take it out of the foil, considering the translations for the 4komas are already on Danbooru.

All, in all, awesome, awesome, awesome.  THANK YOU~ :*
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.


Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #250 on: December 25, 2011, 10:24:14 AM »
Damn Zent, that's some haul! Someone here must really like you.

I got a sweet Gurren Lagann patch, and a jar each of apple butter and apricot butter. In the card, the sender wrote a patch-and-butter-themed verse to Libera Me from Hell. Pictures forthcoming later today.

The sender withheld his/her name, but my expert detective skills indicate a very high likelihood of it being either MJP or triangles -- leaning toward MJP. Either way, thank you very much, mysterious gift-giver! Your generosity and lyrical talent are greatly appreciated.


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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #251 on: December 25, 2011, 01:40:40 PM »

So, as I said, the package came a few days ago, to my laboratory (probably because they couldn't find me at the dormitory).

So today I open it, and first there is a mysterious bunch of green plastic foam...

Oh what is that? An even more mysterious gear-looking thing...

And here it is, a heart made out of gears!
Absolutely amazing! I thought it was kind of being too picky/hopeful when I said in my sign-up that I would  like something kitsch that was also steampunk-ish. But that was simply perfect. It's already placed in the "decorative mess" of my room's desk. Thank you, Massachusetts person!


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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #252 on: December 25, 2011, 01:42:05 PM »
Oh boy it's Christmas o'clock :toot:

My package was from Germany!  Let's take a look inside the very-well secured box!

They're individually wrapped!  Yay more fun to open!

First off, a closeup of legit German choco-santa mmmmmm....
pulling a Mami because MJP can't aim the cameraphone  :derp:

Let's open the smallest one first

A Rammstein CD!
triangles: Look they're Beach Boys how happy!
MJP: They're not The Beach Boys.

Next up, the other CDish looking thing

Another German music CD!  I don't know the band but it looked like a rock/metal band (my favorite type of musics!) and I'm listening to it right now.
triangles: This is cool music!  I have no idea what they're saying.
MJP: Probably "kill all the Jews."
triangles: You're a terrible person.

Finally the larger soft package...

A scarf!  It's nice and warm nifty!
I am 2 for 3 on getting scarves for MotK secret santa :V
But I love scarves so it's a-ok!

My Secret Santa already revealed himself to me, so thanks Dorakyura  :D

Menorah Jams, Pham

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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #253 on: December 25, 2011, 01:47:07 PM »
We wish you a MANLY Christmas
We wish you a MANLY Christmas
We wish you a MANLY Christmas
and a moe New Year~

Secret Santa, you rule.  Mostly because you completely confounded the Union, NJ post office.  The redelivery slip I got showed "Country of origin: foreign."  US education system: is our children learning?

Anyway, so I had this glorious overstuffed envelope of absolute goodness!

Ignore my half-opened eyes, this was the first thing I did when I woke up, jerks :V

My little Kami Nomi compilation can't possibly be this legitimate R2 release!
(jk jk, for realz, I loved Kami Nomi, now I can watch it forever!)

A double poster!  A key visual from Nanoha Movie the 1st and an animu I don't recognize.  All I know is that the nonrecognized one involves animu girl butt, so now it's just a matter of choosing which one to display prominently in our bedroom, within triangles' sight.
Both of them

A hachimaki!  (That's a HEADBAND for all you fools who are unfamiliar with the great and ancient culture of glorious Nippon)
I put on my Serious Concentration Face for this one because I'm 99.99999999 (repeating decimal)% sure that it says "Manly Handsome Hebraic Badass of the West with Large Khram" but that .00000000000000000000001 % chance exists that it really means "study hard" or "work hard" or "honor your ancestors hard" or just "party hard."












"Make a straight flush with me and become a World Series of Poker magical girl!"

QB playing cards.  Fuck year.  Homerun is the Ace of Spades.  Nuff said. 




??..(?(?????. ?~/???)
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♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #254 on: December 25, 2011, 04:36:50 PM »

So there is this package right like arrive while I was at work and was dropped off nicely for me
Like from japan...
I had a choice of either Nietz or...someone else, maybe Vic, but then he is not in Japan anymore so... so, maybe Forza too. awesome.

Anyway, I like strait opened it and voila

Whoah that's one soft asssss Madoka pillow dakimakura right... it has to be but...

Omg it is a towel, just like the package says! Many thanks for this secret Santa dude, I really really love this gift like nothing else...

Lastly let me show you my door adorned with this beast of a towel. Why would my door need a towel? Well, I can always use it as a bed sheet but... you know.

ΔΔΔΔΔ~please give me a few minutes to get back home so I can edit this post tablet posting pics suck .
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 02:45:12 AM by ♛ ストラトス »
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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #255 on: December 25, 2011, 05:11:53 PM »

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16

Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #256 on: December 25, 2011, 09:37:28 PM »
Another German music CD!  I don't know the band but it looked like a rock/metal band (my favorite type of musics!) and I'm listening to it right now.
Let me enlighten you: You now own a CD from one of the most popular and successful, if not *the* most successful and popular German rock bands. Which also shows Dora has good taste in music.
Just don't go translating the band name, it's kinda silly :V


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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #257 on: December 25, 2011, 10:09:56 PM »
Lessee what I get from New Jersey-land!

lemme tell you right now i have never heard this before despite how glaringly obvious it should have been said long ago

Inside are packets of hot chocolate and homemade gingerbread cookies that are just really delicious. They're all broken, but that doesn't affect the taste lolol

And aaaaa it's a towel (as described on the box) with what looks like a hand-knitted Nazrin pattern! Fantastic!

I'm guessing it's Triangles because of the whole NJ and cookies and knitting thing, but whoever you are, thank you very much!

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #258 on: December 26, 2011, 12:06:20 AM »
* EP was at first a bit disappointed in the lack of package, briefly checks e-mail

...wait, what's this, I've supposedly recieved gifts on Steam?
...Rou sent Cthulhu Saves the World (from the little rock-paper-scissors game here), and someone (onions) has delivered Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Bastion! Except that I never received the gift notices, oddly, even though I was online at the time - Steam must have been having issues or something. I had to ask Rou to send his again, and replied to onions via e-mail to do the same (and sent a friend invite).

Apparently instead of a physical package I get software gifts, but they look quite fun and I'll definitely be playing those after repairing my Win7 install.

Many thanks!

EDIT: Oh, here's the little message (same for both gifts) that he sent me (part was censored out as it alluded to address):

« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 12:14:49 AM by 大諏訪子 Gang Empire »
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #259 on: December 26, 2011, 01:13:19 AM »
I think my SS was Jana just because of the name on my package.

Which is pretty funny since I sent HIM stuff last year!
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 01:15:06 AM by N-Forza »

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #260 on: December 26, 2011, 03:41:54 AM »

A double poster!  A key visual from Nanoha Movie the 1st and an animu I don't recognize.  All I know is that the nonrecognized one involves animu girl butt, so now it's just a matter of choosing which one to display prominently in our bedroom, within triangles' sight.
Both of them
If the one on the left is the unrecognized one, that's from Nanoha too; it's a picture of the Wolkenritter from A's/Nanoha Movie the 2nd A's/StrikerS. And that's Reinforce Zwei being indecent in the picture. Nice haul. :p


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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #261 on: December 26, 2011, 03:43:34 AM »
I think my SS was Jana just because of the name on my package.

Which is pretty funny since I sent HIM stuff last year!

I'm glad you noticed!

And I'm glad you enjoyed the turtles. I did a little research online to find something that they didn't make in Japan.


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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #262 on: December 26, 2011, 03:46:25 AM »
I received a metric fuckton of tasty-lookin' snacks!  Pictures will arrive later.

Thank you mysterious superhuman from Nippon Teikoku, god if I knew it was you I would have asked for some really kinky ass pillow covers but alas those will never get pass customs, but this, this is one helluva awesome gift.

Thank you mysterious NIPPON SANTA.

dohoho i trix u

Glad you enjoyed it.

Rin Kagamine

  • 核融合炉にさ / 飛び込んでみたい と思う
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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #263 on: December 26, 2011, 03:55:51 AM »
Hey everyone that hasn't posted what you got: do it or else! >=|

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #264 on: December 26, 2011, 04:45:16 AM »
oMG it was Edible? Arrrghh I didn't know it was possible to send with fake addresses.. damn it, OK, next year I will do this if so to minus omg obvious AF living in M'sia.

But hey 'Foreign is fine too because it is the 21st century and Malaysia is still not on the map, won't the prime minister be disappointed to learn about that...
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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #265 on: December 26, 2011, 07:38:25 AM »
At the NaritA airport right now! I'll open it as soon as I get home.
I also have a package to send to my person because the first one was a true piece of crap. Happy late Christmas!

Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #266 on: December 26, 2011, 08:06:23 AM »
You know, I've pretty much read through all my books, I wonder if I'll get anything good for Christmas....
YES, the first three Discworld books following the City Watch.
Guards! Guards!, Men at Arms, and Feet of Clay all by Terry Pratchett.
I've heard a lot about the Discworld series and am quite excited to sink my teeth into them.

Merry Christmas, Shim, I hope you're enjoying Hanukkah!
(Isn't it nice when we don't have to be politically correct?)


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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #267 on: December 26, 2011, 09:57:27 AM »
The post office will need the tracking number and where it's sent from to check if it's sitting in customs or somewhere for me.

Edit: Even though it hasn't arrived yet, I can still mindhax who sent to me.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2011, 03:05:45 PM by Pesco »


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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #268 on: December 26, 2011, 03:26:35 PM »
oMG it was Edible? Arrrghh I didn't know it was possible to send with fake addresses.. damn it, OK, next year I will do this if so to minus omg obvious AF living in M'sia.

I asked a friend of mine in Japan to send it to you. 8)


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Re: Secret's Secret Secret Secret: Secret Secret with a Secret
« Reply #269 on: December 26, 2011, 06:49:28 PM »
And aaaaa it's a towel (as described on the box) with what looks like a hand-knitted Nazrin pattern! Fantastic!


I sent the package late since I, uh, goofed a bit partway through and didn't finish stitching it until the 11th.  Then according to the tracking info it took a week to go the whopping 20 miles from my town to New York City before going to Canadaland.   I could have walked it there faster ::)  So sorry for the stress of waiting till the last minute! 

I think my SS was Jana just because of the name on my package.

Which is pretty funny since I sent HIM stuff last year!

And then didn't you and MJP also have a tradeoff for the 1st and 2nd years?  Japan conspiracy!