Author Topic: Dolphin Rider Koishi - The End  (Read 315378 times)


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #390 on: May 24, 2012, 05:32:07 PM »
Which is the same thing I was saying.
then you should've spoiler'd it >:[


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #391 on: May 24, 2012, 06:22:15 PM »
Being deliberately vague is more fun.


  • I don't mean to be greedy...
  • ... but white rice is my favorite food.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #392 on: May 26, 2012, 05:16:30 AM »
I just remembered - Wonder how mindcoil-Yuyuko is going to turn out. I'm really anticipating the battle!


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #393 on: May 27, 2012, 07:58:58 PM »
“You’re sure this thing can’t go any faster?”

Sakuya folded her arms, trying to will the traffic ahead of her to push onward. There were almost half a dozen cars between them and the traffic lights, and no other lanes to shift across.

“I dunno if you realise, but there are other people on the road,” Komachi grumbled. Her hands were clamped to the wheel, fingers tapping out the theme to a song Sakuya didn’t recognise. “We’re a few blocks out, so if you’re that desperate you may as well walk.”

The road was full to the brim. Sakuya stared at it, then towards the door. She unfastened her seatbelt.

“Actually, that’s an excellent idea.”

Komachi jerked her head around. “Hey, you can’t just walk out! I don't wanna pick you off the tarmac!”

“It’s not like anyone's moving, is it?” Sakuya nudged the door open, slipping out into the motionless traffic. Several drivers blared their horns at her, but she paid them no mind. “I’ll meet you inside.”

Komachi looked set to complain, but now that Sakuya was out of the car it was too late to do much about it. She muttered something resembling a yes before closing the door behind her.

Sure enough, Sakuya’s trip to the sidewalk was perfectly safe. She slithered between cars, ignoring the profanities of the drivers as she stepped off of the road. From there, she broke into a sprint down the street, charging past pedestrians whenever her path was blocked.

She wasn’t sure what was driving her to this. Normally she’d be the sort to sit back and act refined in these situations, but something about this lead had lit a fuse in her chest. She refused to sit around and wait for a moment longer than she had to.

By the time the district court came into view, Sakuya could feel her lungs burning. She wasn’t particularly unfit, but she didn’t have the inhuman endurance that Mokou possessed. As she stepped in, she allowed herself to slow to a casual pace. No matter how desperate she was, running around a courthouse would attract undue attention.

She remembered the path to the archives, and most of the guards recognised her as she passed. Sometimes having a memorable look paid off for her.

“Wait, weren’t you with Onozuka-san?” one of the security staff asked.

Sakuya imagined Komachi stuck out in traffic, yelling obscenities at the traffic lights. She smirked.

“She’ll catch up.”

She spoke with enough authority that a guard on a low pay grade didn’t see fit to question her. Two minutes later, she had the archives to herself again. As soon as the guards were out of sight she began to open cabinets at random. The drawers weren’t labelled, and Komachi hadn’t bothered to explain the ordering system to her. In the end she settled for brute force.

“The adoption records should be around here somewhere...”

Sakuya fingered through the folders, looking for anything that resembled what she was looking for. She glanced down the room, seeing dozens of identical cabinets. Maybe she should have waited for Komachi after all.

After five minutes of scrambling through the records, the door heaved open behind her.

“I swear, sometimes I wonder if you’re tryin’ to get me fired.”

Komachi didn’t take her complaints any further than that. Sakuya was grateful for it. The time she spent complaining was time she could spend telling Sakuya where to look.

“You want the third cabinet on the left,” Komachi said, answering the question before Sakuya had time to ask it. “Saigyouji will probably be in the second drawer.”

Sakuya nodded, almost leaping across the room to get to the right cabinet. She pulled the drawer open, reading through the names as quickly as her eyes could process them. When she found the name Saigyouji among the list, she had to fight the urge to scream with joy.

“Got it.” She opted for something much more polite as she lifted the folder out and laid it onto the desk. It was a small, musty file, no more than a few pages long. Minimal coverage was what Yuyuko would have wanted if she was planning to cover it up.

This still didn’t answer the important question, though. Why would Yuyuko Saigyouji adopt a child? And if so, where had they gone? The answers were sitting in front of her, Sakuya thought to herself. She felt a pang of fear as she turned to the first page, wondering if she was about to uncover something best kept hidden.

“Let’s see...covering letter from the adoption agency, dated for the 23rd of April, ten years ago...”

Sakuya gasped. The pieces were coming together.

“What’s so special about the date?” Komachi asked, looming over Sakuya’s shoulder to peer at the letter.

Sakuya felt something well up in her throat. She struggled to get the words out.

“That was...a few days after Youki fell ill.”

Komachi sat in awkward silence for a moment. Sakuya shook herself and continued.

“About ten years ago, Youki was struck down with a serious illness. His mother was secretive about it, but that was how she was with everything. This was before he made a name for himself in kendo, so most people didn’t even know what he looked like. A month later, he recovered with no obvious side effects.”

“How is that relevant to-” Komachi cut herself off, staring off into the distance in awe. “Wait. So while Youki's being sick, Yuyuko adopts a kid?”

Sakuya nodded. She felt numb, barely noticing that she was digging her fingernails into her palms.

“Youki...isn’t Youki,” she said, more to herself than to Komachi. “The illness must have been more serious than Saigyouji wanted to admit. Too serious.” She needed to hold onto the desk for support as the line of thought reached its conclusion.

“Youki died ten years ago. The man I met - the man we thought was Youki - is his replacement.”

Komachi stood stone-faced behind her. She nodded in resigned understanding.

“If that’s true...why would the kid agree to it? I mean, having a new home is great and all, but why would they agree to become someone else?”

“I don’t know the answer to that question,” Sakuya answered. Her fingers gripped at the corner of the page. “But if I keep reading, I might find out.”

The next page was a wall of text. Sakuya skimmed through as quickly as she could, taking in everything that seemed relevant. She glazed over paragraphs covering the head of the establishment and the adoption agency he worked for.

These papers declare the owner, Yuyuko Saigyouji, to be a suitable carer. As of April 23rd, she is to be entrusted with the care of Youmu Konpaku, until such a date where the dependent can be expected to sustain herself-


Something stabbed at Sakuya’s chest. She read the line again.

As of April 23rd, she is to be entrusted with the care of Youmu Konpaku

Something in her mind was giving way. She leaned forward, burning the words into her eyes.

the care of Youmu Konpaku

Y o u m u   K o n p a k u

Sakuya heard it. She heard the sound of a wall falling apart inside her brain. A deluge of memories poured in from behind it, assaulting her senses.


She lost her balance, falling forwards onto the desk. She was home. School was over. The smell of her mother’s homemade dinner in floating through the air. No. Not home. The beach. Her first time eating ice cream. So cold her teeth hurt. No, the bus, off the road, mama wasn’t moving, why was nobody moving-

“Hey, kid! Speak to me!”

Komachi grabbed at her shoulder. That link to reality was enough to pull Sakuya out of her trance. Five years of her life had played in front of her eyes in the last five seconds. She felt painfully fragile as she pulled herself upright, ready to fall apart if so much as a breeze blew her the wrong way.

“...Sorry. I’m alright.”

“Like hell you are,” Komachi said. “You don’t fall over ‘cause you read a word the wrong way. What’s going on?”

“No time. Have to go.” Sakuya stumbled towards the door with the posture of a zombie. “Koishi-san. Backup. Remember?”

Komachi was mute as she followed Sakuya out of the courthouse. She gave nods to security officers that passed by, but otherwise Sakuya had stunned her into silence. Once or twice she walked into Sakuya as the maid’s steps grew erratic. Sakuya felt blank, empty, like the sudden rush of memory had washed out everything else inside her. Her head felt like an eggshell, and as she stepped into the car she could feel the brittle walls cracking. She grabbed her temples and fought back a scream.

She’d never felt this sort of hatred towards anyone in her life, not even Morichika. If she ever got her hands on Yuyuko Saigyouji, she wouldn’t be able to control herself.

“What the hell’s happening with you?” Komachi yelled as she threw the key into the ignition.

“Not important,” Sakuya whispered, barely able to hear herself over the throbbing in her skull. “Just go already. It doesn’t matter.”

Komachi’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “Alright, missy, I have had just about enough of you. You haul me out on my days off to help you out, and when you finally get somewhere suddenly I’m outta the loop? This started being my problem as soon as I had to put my ass on the line for it. When we get to Saigyouji’s place we are probably going to have to fight off a ton of those crazy youkai things, and I can’t have you grabbing your head and yelling every five minutes.

So you know what we’re doing?” Komachi folded her arms and leaned back in the driver’s seat. “We are going nowhere until you let me know what the hell you just figured out.”

Sakuya was tempted to shove a foot over and hit the gas pedal on Komachi’s behalf, but in the end the lawyer had a point. She’d be useless in a fight if these headaches didn’t go away. She took a moment to focus, leaning back in her chair as the energy faded from her body.

“I knew the name.”

Komachi leaned forward. “What?”

“The child. The one Yuyuko adopted. I recognised it. Well, I didn’t before, but...I remember now.”

The world grew misty as Sakuya felt the tears well up in her eyes.

“Youmu Konpaku...she’s my sister.”


Koishi sat at the foot of the tree. For once, the tree itself was at the back of her mind. She couldn’t look away from the spirit of Youki Saigyouji, who had taken a seiza pose to sit across from her. It must have been much easier when you were dead, Koishi thought to herself. No need to worry about pins and needles.

“Youki-san,” she started, voice shaking a little. Talking to the deceased was not her specialty. “How...are you?”

The ghost frowned. “You don’t need to be so sensitive, miss. I know what I am. I’ve had ten years to figure it out.”

Koishi gasped, bringing a hand forward as if to try pulling the words back out of the air. “Uh, sorry. I’m not really used to talking to, uh...ghosts.”

Youki wore a small smile. “I don’t think most people are. You’re the first person to see me, in fact. I was scared that everyone forgot who I was...” He looked away, his eyes wistful. Koishi wondered if ghosts could cry.

She had to know the truth, though. If anyone could tell her what was happening, it was him. She clenched her fists together as she took a deep breath.

“Youki-san...please. I need you to tell me what happened here.”

The spirit simply nodded. The question didn’t faze him in the slightest - if anything, it was as if he had expected it from the beginning. He spoke with a serene tone, like he was telling the story of someone else entirely.

“It all started ten years ago. I woke up late for my daily training, feeling feverish, and half an hour later I was bedridden. Illness wasn’t something I was used to, but this was a worse disease than anything I’d ever been through.

My mother...she was a wonderful woman, and she understood that a young boy could not stay sane with nothing but his room to keep him company. Not just that - I was homeschooled from birth, so I had little experience with children my own age. She told me about it a week after I fell ill - that I would be getting a sister, and it would be Youmu Konpaku.”

Koishi blinked. “Youmu...?”

“A family friend,” Youki answered. “You know that the Saigyouji family is active in the kendo circles, I assume? The Konpaku family is another smaller family with similar roots. They weren’t as wealthy, but they were talented - the younger sister, Youmu, was even better than me at her age. They were a force to be reckoned with, until...the accident.”

He slumped, like the memories were finally reaching him. “There was a girls’ invitational tournament off in the mountains. The rest of Youmu’s family traveled for it - she’d have gone too, but she’d come down with a cold that weeked. She wasn’t there for the accident - the bus they were driving slid off the road and crashed into the ocean. There was no immediate family to take her in, and my mother had always been close to the Konpaku family. I suppose the adoption worked out for all of us.”

Koishi could imagine the scene. It was a win-win situation for both children - Youmu had someone to live with after she’d lost her own family, and Youki could finally feel and act like a child.

But things hadn’t worked out.

“So what happened?” Koishi was almost scared to ask, but she had come too far to give up now. She had to find the truth, as ugly as it might have been. Now Youki was definitely feeling the weight of the situation, beginning to phase in and out of Koishi’s vision.

“For a few weeks, it was wonderful. Youmu opened up to me, and I had lots of fun with her. It was like I finally had a real sister. Then there came the day when I felt a little hotter than usual, and it started getting harder and harder to breathe...”

For a few moments, he vanished entirely, before jumping back into Koishi’s sight. He had jumped to the right, unable to keep his position stable as he jumped in and out of existence.

“By the time I understood what was going on, I was standing outside of my body. My mother was kneeling over my bed, shaking my head, screaming with a voice that I’ve done my best to forget. I tried to speak to her, to speak to Youmu, but no-one even knew I was there.”

Now he was on the verge of losing calm, jumping from left to right after every sentence. “After a few days, my mother...changed. I think...I meant a lot to her, and it was so out of the blue that she didn’t want to accept it. She had to replace me. And she had the perfect replacement.”

No. She didn’t... Koishi shook her head, her blood freezing in her veins. Youki gave a small nod.

“For a few weeks, Youmu didn’t play along. My mother started calling her Youki, dressing her in my clothes, teaching her my moves, telling her anecdotes she’d never been around to see. But that resistance only lasted so long. Eventually, Youmu took up the mantle, and she’s been living under my name ever since.”

His eyes misted up, but no tears fell from them. “And now my own mother doesn’t remember me. She doesn’t...she doesn’t...” His mouth opened, and for an instant Koishi heard the boy let out a pathetic whine at his own fate.

Then he came apart entirely. He vanished along with a gust of the passing wind, leaving Koishi alone among the cherry blossoms.


Koishi stood up, looking around for the young spirit. She stepped towards the tree, looking for any semblance of Youki. Had the emotions left him too panicked to maintain his form? She wouldn’t find out. There was no sign of him.

What she did notice was the dirt.

“Oh, god.”

She had been wondering why Youki only showed up here. As she looked at the ground, she could make out a small patch of dirt that stood out above the rest. It was a lighter colour than the dirt surrounding it - barely, but just enough for her to notice.

It was about the size of a young child.

“She...buried him here...”

Koishi felt something rising up in her throat. She fell to her knees and barely kept her stomach’s contents from being thrown to the floor. She made slow, deliberate steps down the staircase, holding a hand over her mouth the entire way.

She was in the presence of something abominable. All the time, she’d been in the presence of a girl who’d been forced to live a lie on the part of a woman who couldn’t cope with reality. Two tragedies had come together and become something that Koishi could barely imagine, let alone think about.

They had to know. Sango and Mokou had to know what was going on. Koishi wasn’t going to let this farce go on any longer. It was cruel on Youmu.

But more than that, it was cruel on the boy who’d been forced to watch as his mother forgot him.


By the time Komachi and Sakuya emerged from the courthouse, the evening rush hour had died down. Komachi had plenty of room to maneuver as she brought Old Rusty back onto the road, pushing its engine as hard as it could be pushed. This only came up to a mile or two above the speed limit, but every little bit helped.

Sakuya was recovering from her earlier stupor. She still murmured to herself, whispering stories of days gone by so her brain could process them in full. Komachi led her along, giving her a chance to get it off her chest as they went.

“So what IS your name?” Komachi asked. “I mean, your real one.”

Sakuya paused for a moment, like she was struggling to pull the answer to that question out of her head. After thirty seconds, the word seeped out of her mouth.

“Miyo,” she murmured. “Miyo Konpaku.” She nodded along with herself, smiling as the answer satisfied her. That was good. That was progress.

“And Youmu is your little sister, right?” Komachi kept her eyes on the road, only looking back to Sakuya when she stayed silent.

“Yes. Not by much. A year or so. At our age that was a big gap. I was always the trustworthy big sister that she depended on.” Sakuya laughed, rubbing at her eyes a little. “When she was just learning to speak she would call me Myon. The nickname stuck. I thought it was cute.”

For a minute or so she was quiet. Komachi thought of asking another question, but Sakuya’s look was determined as she watched the scenery pass by. It seemed like a poor idea to distract her until she was ready to talk, and until then Komachi focused her attention on the road. They would make it to the manor in fifteen minutes at this rate. Whether that would be fast enough was a question Komachi didn’t have the answer to.

Sakuya let out a sigh as an unspoken warning that she was about to speak.

“My family loved swordfighting, and they trained us in kendo from an early age. I was never able to get very far - I could handle form, but there was no real strength in my blows. Youmu, though - the sword came so naturally to her it may as well have been sewn to her arm. She was amazing to watch, even at that age. It’s good to know that she hasn’t lost her touch. She’s beating the men at their own game, even.”

The maid had wrapped her arms around herself, unable to find anything to hug inside the car. Every story she let out made her smile a little brighter. Komachi had to smile at that. Maybe Sakuya’s life had been bleak, and maybe it wouldn’t be the cleanest of reunions, but nothing could take away from the fact that Sakuya had finally found her family. And a sister, at that.

If she wasn’t at the wheel, Komachi would have probably gone back there and hugged her herself.


Komachi was so caught up in Sakuya’s reaction that she barely noticed the other car. It was a low-cut limousine, blasting out from behind them at break-neck pace. Komachi only had an instant to turn and catch a look at the driver.

Yuyuko Saigyouji clung to the wheel like a woman possessed, a look of sheer hatred blazing in her eyes. There was a passenger at her side, but it was an unfamiliar face that Komachi had no time to take in. Moments later the car was well ahead of them, swerving left and right between traffic as it cut a path towards the manor.

“Oh, shit.” Komachi tried to bring Old Rusty up a gear, but all she got for her efforts was a feeble splutter from the engine. She kicked the machine as a reward for its good work.

Sakuya stirred, like she’d been abruptly woken from a long sleep. “What’s going on?”

Komachi heard the vein popping out of her own forehead. “We just got overtaken by everyone’s favourite kidnapper.”

No sooner had the words left her mouth than she regretted them. Sakuya transformed in an instant, the cheerful daze giving way to the same hateful look that Yuyuko had been brandishing.


She muttered the word as an order rather than a request. Komachi began to feel uncomfortable in her own car.

“I’m going as fast as she can muster, but-”

“Your specialty is distance, isn’t it? Then work your magic.”

Sakuya’s words were emotionless, but Komachi could see the darkness in her eyes. She was planning to do something unforgivable to Yuyuko when they caught up with her. As much as that concerned Komachi, they couldn’t leave the rest of the Sirens without proper backup.

Well, if we’re busting out the big guns...

Komachi opened the glove compartment, pulling out a siren. Opening her window, she planted the device firmly on the roof of her car, taking care not to accidentally give the car a new sunroof. A cord ran down the siren, ending in a remote control with a single button on it. As Komachi pressed it, the siren let off the deafening wail of a police vehicle.

“I got this as a present for hauling in a big fish on my first case,” Komachi yelled. “I hope you realise that if anyone catches wind of this I’m probably gonna go to jail, right?”

“You’re a lawyer,” Sakuya answered, her voice still dangerously cold. “Making up excuses is how you make your living.”

Komachi was beginning to get a little frightened of Sakuya. She found herself unusually grateful that her job would keep them from crossing paths too often in the future.

“I’m gonna pretend that was a thank you. Now, let’s roll!”

Komachi reached into a pocket in her suit. Her fingers ran across a familiar smoothness as she lifted the Teardrop above her head.

“Death and life have their determined appointments...”


When Koishi stepped back into the dojo, the mood was as dark as when she had left. Mokou had transformed in her absence, practicing punch combos as flames flickered around her fists. Sango walked up and down the length of the room, murmuring something about “punching her in the nose”. Youki was seated where he had been before, eyes firmly closed as he seemed lost in meditation.

No, Koishi thought to herself. That was wrong. That wasn’t Youki. It had never been. The hard part was getting him to go along with that.

No-one paid much attention to Koishi when she stepped in. Sango stopped her pacing across the room, giving her a small wave. The dolphin still seemed lost in her anti-Jozu battle plans, getting back to her wandering moments later. A fight was imminent. No-one was in the mood for discussion.

Except Koishi.

“Youki-san,” she said, stepping towards the swordsman again. “We need to talk.”

Youki - at least that was what he called himself - opened his eyes in an instant. He was awake and aware within a second as he looked up at the Siren.

“I’ve already told you that I’m not saying anything.” His tone was accusatory, almost aggressive. “Don’t you have better things to do than poke through someone else’s private life?”

Koishi shook her head. She wasn’t going to let this travesty continue any longer.

“You don’t have to lie anymore, Youmu-san.”

The name was enough. The colour vanished from Youki’s face. Mokou and Sango turned around to see what had put the swordsman on edge.

“How...did you...” The words choked out of Youmu’s mouth. Koishi knelt down beside her, patting at her shoulder.

“Youki-san explained everything to me. I know what happened to you.”

“OK, hold up,” Mokou said, standing above Koishi and looking down on her with puzzled anger. “You’re trying to say this isn’t Youki Saigyouji?”

Koishi nodded. It was hard to get the words out - even thinking about it made her tremble - but even if it was painful, the truth had to be heard.

“We haven’t been talking to Youki Saigyouji from the beginning. We haven’t even been talking to a man. The real Youki-san died ten years ago.”

“Then how did you talk to him?” Sango asked, poking her head around from behind Mokou.

“I...” This was hard for Koishi to word. In the end it sounded almost too simple. “I met his spirit, I guess. He hasn’t passed on properly. I don’t think he can while his mother denies his death.”

Sango’s face crumpled, but Koishi was too busy to ask why. She turned back to the trembling swordsman. “It’s okay, Youmu-san. You don’t need to hide anymore.”

Youmu looked like she was struggling to keep herself from falling over. Her body shook uncontrollably, like it was set to explode. Koishi had seen this reaction before - slowly, but surely, Youmu was approaching the truth she had to face. Just a little longer, and she would be through the hardest part.

Koishi didn’t expect the trembling to stop so suddenly. And she certainly didn’t predict the laughter that followed.

“Heh...” Youmu’s voice rose half an octave, but it was painfully calm. “You may have good intentions, but you’re far too naive.”

“W-What?” Koishi shuffled backwards, caught entirely off guard. Wasn’t this the part where everything got better?

“I’ve had ten years to speak up,” Youmu continued, standing up and looking down on Koishi. “Do you think it’s simple to pretend you’re a man? All I had to do was bare my chest and the whole thing would have fallen apart. If it was that easy to stop being Youki, do you think I’d still be here if I didn’t want to be?”

She began to stride around the room, circling Koishi. “Think about it. If I go back to being Youmu, what does that make me? An orphan with a maniac for a caretaker and nothing resembling a family. No mama, no papa, no Miyo - I don’t want to go back to that again.”

More than anything, Youmu sounded distant. She was speaking about herself so impersonally Koishi almost thought she was talking about someone else.

“So you would have me drop the masquerade and return to my measly excuse for a life, and at the same time lose the affection of the one woman on this earth who still cares about me?” Youmu shoved her face in front of Koishi’s, so close their noses almost touched. “That’s what I mean when I say you’re naive. Some of us don’t get happy endings. Stop being a child.”

Koishi was motionless. She felt like she’d just been stabbed in the heart. Youmu stepped away, sitting where she had been before and retaking her meditative pose. She was silent up until the whirring of an engine caught everyone's attention.

“Cars at the front entrance, I believe," Youmu said, speaking with a man's voice once again. "If that’s the danger you’re speaking about, you’d best go do something about it.”

There was no answer from Koishi. She slowly rose to her feet, but her eyes were empty. Mokou grit her teeth, looking set to take control of the situation.

Koishi spoke before anyone else could step in.


She felt every eye in the room turn to her as she shook her head. She wouldn’t accept that. She couldn’t.

“Youmu-san. You can’t live your whole life wearing someone else’s face. Deep down you know you’re lying to yourself, and that’s hurting you more than the truth ever would.”

Youmu glared at her, but didn’t bother to respond. Either she was unimpressed, or she didn’t want to listen. Koishi kept speaking regardless.

“It’s the same with Yuyuko-san. For ten years, you’ve let her live out the delusion that her son’s still alive. Maybe she honestly doesn't remember, maybe she's hidden it from herself. But that can't last forever, and the longer you keep this up the worse it'll be for her when it all comes crashing down. You’re hurting her just like you’re hurting yourself.”

Koishi took a deep breath. She felt calmer than she expected to be. She’d grown used to this pressure over time. In the end, nothing was going to stop her from helping Youmu, whether she liked it or not.

“I’m not going to act like this will be painless, Youmu-san. It’s not a nice thing to come to terms with, but one day you’ll thank yourself for it. I promise.”

Youmu didn’t so much as budge. Koishi would have talked with her again, but there were more pressing matters to deal with. Koishi turned around to face Mokou and Sango, resuming her mantle as the unspoken leader.

“I’ll stay with Youmu-san and make sure no-one touches her. Mokou-san, you get out there and handle the resistance. Sakuya-san and Komachi-san are on their way, but you’ll have to hold them off until then. Sango-san, I assume you’ve got personal business to take care of, but if you finish early we could always use some more backup.”

Mokou smirked. “Leaving all the heavy lifting to me? Well, at least you’re honest about your limitations.”

Sango offered a salute. “I won’t come back until that shark’s had a plentiful helping of my fist in her face. Hold the fort until I’m back, alright?”

The trio nodded to each other before going their separate ways. Koishi remained behind, hanging next to the door, readying her trident to attack the first enemy to find their way here.

She looked back at Youmu, still lost in thought. The swordsman’s stance had softened a little. Maybe Koishi had made some progress with her, but it would be a slow grind.

If that’s what I have to go through, so be it. Koishi gripped the trident tightly, focusing on her duty. This girl’s been abandoned by everyone she's ever met. It's about time someone reached a hand out to her.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2012, 12:22:38 PM by Rouceanus Shenron »


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #394 on: May 27, 2012, 10:26:47 PM »

I was joking when I thought that Sakuya and Youmu were actually related. All I was going off of was the hair color. This story's just gonna get crazier and crazier and awesomer. If I was a man of the army I'd salute you. As I'm not, you'll have to make do with my insane crackpot theories.

*shifty eyes*

now to wait for the revelation that Rinnosuke is actually their great-grandfather
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #395 on: May 28, 2012, 02:34:32 AM »
*Reminds everyone that Youmu was one of my Siren predictions*

She and Sakuya being sisters wasn't too much of a surprise, either. Someone with a mysterious past finding something familiar about someone else? Red f***ing flag.

Anyways, good stuff.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #396 on: May 28, 2012, 05:39:50 AM »
An amnesiac recognizing an unknown person? A pretty big red flag.

An amnesiac Sakuya saying she has a sister? A red flag so huge it can be seen from the moon.

Still, I have absolutely no complaints about this developement. C:


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #397 on: May 28, 2012, 06:06:51 AM »
The plot congeals! \o/

Er, wait... thickens. That's the word.

* Esifex absently polishes off his 'Librarian' tag, whistles non-chalantly

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #398 on: May 28, 2012, 07:23:53 AM »
What an evil place for a cliffhanger, now I'm going to be checking for updates constantly, even though I know there's an update schedule!


  • catnapping
  • three dots connect to rectangles
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #399 on: May 28, 2012, 08:12:30 AM »
Great Read! Even though it took me 3 sleepless nights that I could have spent on studying (but who does that anyway?)
You seem to know the conventions of Japanese honorifics quite well, and the only part I cringed a little was when Kaguya called Mokou "Mokou-tan" *shiver*
Unless that was deliberate? It just feels... creepy
Other than that though, I've never been this excited over a fanfiction ever, keep it up!
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • I never talk to you
  • *
  • People say that I should
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #400 on: May 28, 2012, 08:33:30 AM »
I completely did not notice the part where Sakuya mentions a sister, so, um, yeah, I was surprised. This was awesome.


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #401 on: May 29, 2012, 04:40:05 AM »

I mean, like, wow.

It surprises me that there is atleast two people [You and the Gensokyo USA guy] in fanon communities that take one character's history and twist it up and down and all-a-frickin'-round. Seeing how crafted the machinations of the Saigyougi family that's hiding behind all the pretty foil that is Touhou into an almost mystery novel-worthy plot twistastic conspiracy of clusterfuck.

Also, typo;

As of April 23rd, she is to be entrusted with the care of Youmu Konpaku[/i]

Also also, even though this will never exist, I suddenly thought up of a weed smoker who is friends with a marine biologist and her sister.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #402 on: May 29, 2012, 05:40:06 PM »
It surprises me that there is atleast two people [You and the Gensokyo USA guy] in fanon communities that take one character's history and twist it up and down and all-a-frickin'-round. Seeing how crafted the machinations of the Saigyougi family that's hiding behind all the pretty foil that is Touhou into an almost mystery novel-worthy plot twistastic conspiracy of clusterfuck.

I don't quite think I get where you're coming from, here. That is also kind of hard to understand, too, broski.


  • Oriental
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #403 on: May 29, 2012, 06:10:59 PM »
I don't quite think I get where you're coming from, here. That is also kind of hard to understand, too, broski.

My interpretation is that he is complementing Rou's imagination, primarily the liberties that he took with the characters' respective pasts, as well as his story telling.


  • Crossover loving
  • 2012 above will happen
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #404 on: May 29, 2012, 09:42:49 PM »
That revelation.... was like a punch to the inside of my guts.
I never realized it. Its hard to find awesome authors like these right?
So I'm a newbie that can't socialize directly and can hide my emotions, so what?


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #405 on: May 30, 2012, 12:40:03 AM »
I never realized it. Its hard to find awesome authors like these right?

Pretty much, yeah, actually. If you think this is nice, go read some of Rou's other stuff, too. Rising Star is long enough to be its own novel.

Joveus Molai

  • Bear the Word, and the Word will bear you.
  • *
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #406 on: May 30, 2012, 01:12:48 AM »
Its hard to find awesome authors like these right?

You can try this TVtropes link, which is a repository for some of the better Touhou fics out there (though half or more of the recommended stuff on that page are doujin manga).

TakerFoxx's Imperfect Metamorphosis is pretty fun, if flawed. As Esifex said, you can also try more of Roukanken's stuff. Iced Fairy is also a skilled veteran Touhou writer--just look at the number of contests he's won!

Complements to Rou's plot twist there; changing the expected roles of characters threw me off,  at least, as to
what actually happened with Youmu.


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #407 on: May 30, 2012, 02:02:19 AM »
My interpretation is that he is complementing Rou's imagination, primarily the liberties that he took with the characters' respective pasts, as well as his story telling.

Yes, that is what i meant.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #408 on: May 30, 2012, 04:49:35 AM »
...I have three pages of this to catch up on.

It's like a three course meal, but in literary form. And tastier.


  • Oriental
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #409 on: May 30, 2012, 03:19:55 PM »
It's Wednesday!
Eagerly await the next installment.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #410 on: May 30, 2012, 05:44:16 PM »
Mokou stormed out to the entrance, seeing a single limousine parked outside the gate. The sight calmed her nerves a little - one car couldn?t hold that many youkai. Maybe this would be easier than she thought.

As she pulled open the front door she found two women standing at the gate, with a limousine behind them. Yuyuko was one of them, but Mokou needed only a cursory glance to see that she had changed. Her eyes were dark and empty, and her stance was so rigid Mokou almost expected her to explode. She was carrying a pair of ornate blades, probably supplied to her by the Claw.

Mokou didn?t recognise the other woman. She was shorter, with an winged helmet and a domino mask hiding her face. She wore a long violet dress, along with greaves and armoured gloves that didn?t seem to weigh her down. An immaculate silver saber hung at her waist. She showed no sign of using it, though - in fact, she showed no sign of attacking at all. She was swirling her hands about, murmuring in whispers Mokou couldn?t overhear from this distance.

Is this a trap?

Mokou lowered herself, raising her fists. She had to prepare herself for whatever the Claw was planning. She got her answer a few seconds later, when with a final incantation the masked assailant pulled her hands away. Space tore open where her hands had been, and a pale green hole emerged in front of her. Mokou could vaguely see the depths of the ocean on the other side of the portal.

Then the fishmen began to pour out.

Ohhh, boy.

Mokou had never fought one of these things before. They slumped towards the front door with primal rasps. She looked them over as they slithered closer.

Slow. Probably not that smart. Sharp claws, but those legs look awful weedy. Sweeps should work well.

She waited for a crowd to gather. She counted out six monsters emerging from the gap. They had barely pried the gate open, so they could only pass through in single file.

That made things easier.


Mokou charged, her golden wings pulling open behind her. She leaped forward, wings flapping for an extra burst of speed. She planted a drop kick on the first fishman?s chest. It fell backwards, landing on the youkai behind it. A chain reaction ensued, with each fishman being bowled over by the one in front of it.

?Wow.? Mokou gave the face-down monster a kick for good measure. It promptly exploded into a stream of fish, which phased into the ground as they were dismissed. ?You guys don?t hire your minions for their intellect, do you??

The fishmen rose to their feet, only to try the same tactic again. Mokou only had one opponent to deal with, and its form was sloppy at best. She ducked its swipes with little difficulty. When it dropped its guard, she threw a devastating straight that punched a hole in its chest.

Mokou felt almost disappointed by how easy this was. She?d been expecting an endless barrage of ravenous beasts. Instead it felt like she was wailing on a set of very scaly punching bags. They weren?t even smart enough to spread out-


The sound of the wooden gateway slicing apart made Mokou?s blood quake. As a chunk of the gate collapsed to the ground, Yuyuko sheated her blades. She took no time to appreciate her work, pointing towards the gaping hole in the doorway.

?All of you, into the manor. Bring me my son!?

The fishmen took the hint. They began to swarm in, two or three at a time.

That?s not so good.

Mokou backtracked as the group began to overwhelm her. She wasn?t the best when it came to crowd control. She started to abuse their weaknesses, going in for sweeps that floored anything near her. With the little time that bought her she tried to pick off the stragglers that had slipped past her. Most went down with a punch, but every so often one made it into the actual manor.

Dammit. Mokou got angrier with every creature that slipped by her. Here?s hoping Koishi-san can handle herself.

The stream of fishmen showed no sign of stopping. For every youkai that Mokou defeated, two more emerged from the portal. Gradually she let more and more slip past her. They started to catch onto her tactics, swiping at her legs when she went for yet another sweep. A claw darted across her skin just deep enough to hurt like hell. She had to pull back further, simply punching out everything in range. This wasn?t going to work out.

In the distance, Mokou could hear a siren. The police? That would take a lot of explaining. Maybe they?d just drive on by and ignore the monsters and magical girls on the doorstep? As unlikely as it was, that was their best option-


The battle went on hold as the sound of metal slamming against metal filled the air. The summoner turned around, the portal vanishing as her concentration was broken. From behind the mass of fishmen, Mokou could just about see the battered remains of a second car that had crashed into the limousine. Pillars of smoke wafted out from the bonnet as the driver pried her door open.

?Dammit, didn?t realise it?d be so hard to brake. Guess I?m walkin? to work for a while.?

Komachi turned her attention to Yuyuko. The noble stared her down without fear.

?Evening, Saigyouji-san. Sorry to barge in, but I have a friend who really wants to talk to you...?

Moments later Sakuya burst out of the other door. She pulled three cards from her trusty deck, flinging them at Yuyuko. The summoner leaped in the way of the attack, cutting the cards to pieces with a single swipe.

?Go,? she muttered to Yuyuko, pushing her into the crowd of fishmen. With that, time seemed to restart, and the fishmen roared in unison as they resumed the charge.

Mokou had to work not to be bowled over by the swarm. Again she punched out everything that got close. She tried to find Yuyuko amidst the masses, but by the time she saw her she was already at the entrance. Sakuya leaped through the gate, throwing half a dozen cards at the fishmen.

?GET DOWN!? she yelled, just in time for Mokou to react. The phoenix ducked as a barrage of knives flew into the crowd. The fishmen shrieked as they were impaled from all directions, collapsing and quickly sinking into the floor.

Mokou rose to her feet, brushing herself off. She grinned. ?Heh, about time you guys showed up. I was afraid you?d leave me to do all the work-?

Sakuya charged into the manor without even looking at her.

?Hey, wait up!? Mokou yelled. ?We could use some backup out he-?

?Don?t even bother.? Komachi had stepped through the gate amidst the chaos. She grabbed Mokou by the shoulder. ?Let?s just say she?s got some personal business with the old lady.?

Mokou would have asked more, but the summoner was regaining her focus again. The portal reopened, and once again the fishmen began to spew out.

?So it?s just you and me.? Mokou adjusted her gauntlets, the jewels on them flashing red for a moment. ?Tell me, Komachi-san, how good are you at dancing??

Komachi pulled her gun from inside her jacket. She pointed the juggernaut at the front of the crowd. Her finger curled around the trigger.

?I can handle myself, but I step on people?s shoes a lot. Think I might wanna sit back and watch from the sidelines...?


Sango heard Jozu?s footsteps lead her along as she stepped further into the manor. She soon found herself in an abandoned area of the house, perfect for avoiding the battle that was keeping everyone else occupied.

As Sango poked her head around the corridor, she saw Jozu waltzing along without a care in the world. This was the perfect chance for a surprise attack, Sango thought to herself. She had no intention of resorting to that, though. Against Jozu, she refused to fight dirty. Jozu had agreed to the same on her part.

?I?m over here,? Sango yelled. Jozu stopped in her tracks, turning about on the spot. She slowly began to approach Sango, cracking her knuckles as she went.

?A shame we don?t have any water to play around in,? Jozu said, shrugging her shoulders. ?It doesn?t matter. Superior fundamentals should win out.?

Sango nodded in agreement. If there?d been a pond or a lake nearby, they?d have settled their differences there. All the manor had was a measly little stream, so they had to make do with fighting on land.

?I wanna ask you a question before we start.? Sango opened her hand out, assuming the stance of Flowing Tide. ?Aren?t you scared of what your bosses will do if they find out you?re feeding us intel??

The words must have tickled Jozu, because she laughed at them. Sango got another glimpse of those brilliant, deadly teeth of hers as she clenched her fists. Her jacket fell to the floor, revealing the wetsuit beneath it.

?I don?t get scared, Tororetsu. If I piss off the higher-ups, then that just means more people waiting in line to fight me. I?m not here to stand for the Claw. I?m just here because I like the smell of blood.?

?A predator to the end, huh?? Sango loosened her shoulders a little. ?Honestly, your talent is wasted working as the Claw?s hitman. If you came over to the White Pearl, you?d have a lot more enemies to deal with.?

Everything Sango said only seemed to make Jozu laugh harder. There might not be a fight at all at this rate.

?So that?s your gambit, huh? Well, I can?t say I?m not interested, but I have one condition.?

Her voice dropped near the end of the sentence. Sango tensed herself again. ?What would that be??

?I?ll only work with you...? Jozu raced forward, a fist raised, her eyes glinting with excitement. "-if you can beat me!?

Sango deflected the first strike with ease. She surprised herself with her own speed. Training underwater had been the extra boost she needed. She returned her own strike, which Jozu nimbly sidestepped.

For the first few minutes, Sango made little attempt to attack. She focused on deflecting the blows that Jozu rained down on her. All the while she was reading Jozu?s stance, looking for weaknesses. She searched for an opening to capitalise on. All she would need was one over-extension, and Jozu would be eating splinters.

?I dunno what they taught you White Pearl saps, but you don?t win fights by blocking!? Jozu grew frustrated. Her punches became faster, but also more reckless. They were harder to dodge, but left her vulnerable after every strike.

Now Sango started to advance. She punished every mistake with a smack to the side or a clip on the arm. On their own they did little damage, but over time they started to add up. By the time Jozu noticed she was overexposed, her reflexes were slowing down.

Sango pressed the advantage, stepping forward and turning the momentum in her favour. Crashing Wave was a brilliant style for offense, but its defense was poor. Jozu blocked most of the oncoming strikes with her arms, which only served to tire her more. Her legs were mostly unused - she couldn?t have been used to kicks outside the water, Sango thought to herself.

She was doing it. She was beating Jozu. Sango could hardly believe it. Every strike brought her one step closer to victory, one step nearer to beating the youkai she?d had on her hit list since-


A fist slammed into Sango?s face, almost knocking her off her feet. She stumbled backwards, the smell of iron hanging in her nose.

?The fight isn't over 'til someone stops moving,? Jozu said, still stepping backwards. ?Didn?t the kappa ever tell you that?? She was fumbling at her belt for a vial containing a crimson liquid.

Sango gulped. Jozu had only been playing around up until now. This was the sign she was going to start fighting for real.

?I?m going to warn you, I won?t be in control of myself. If I do something I regret...? She placed two fingers on the cork on the top of the vial. ?You?ve been an entertaining opponent, Tororetsu.?

As she popped off the cork, Jozu pulled the vial to her nose and sniffed at it. Her eyes popped open, her pupils expanding until her eyes were sheer black. The vial dropped to the ground and shattered. The shark hunched forward, panting as she leaned on the wall for support.

Sango heard the gasps grow angrier and angrier. She saw the muscles in Jozu?s arms tighten. She could almost hear Jozu?s heart pumping as hard as it would go.

And she could imagine the higher functions of Jozu?s brain shutting down as sheer instinct took over.


Jozu let out a feral growl as she began to stomp towards Sango. She eyed the dolphin as if she was nothing more than her next meal. Sango resumed her stance, preparing herself for the barrage that was set to follow.


As Jozu brought down the first blow, she roared with an intensity that chilled Sango to the bone.


?Iruka Slash!?

Koishi cut an arc in the air as another fishman scrambled through the door. The monster came apart in an instant. That had been seven in the last minute. If Mokou couldn?t hold them off herself, the Claw?s numbers were greater than they?d anticipated.

She looked back at Youmu. The swordsman was still in her meditative stance, looking up for barely a moment when something stepped into the room. The only sign of concern she showed was the hand hanging over the hilt of her larger blade.

Koishi didn?t doubt her skill with a sword, but Youmu would only be able to go so far on human prowess alone. What would happen to her if Koishi was struck down?

Not important, Koishi thought to herself. I just have to keep going.

Another fishman screamed around the corner, leaping into the room with its arms splayed out. Koishi fired an Iruka Shot square into its head. The resulting spray of fish slithered down Koishi?s legs before being consumed by the ground.


In a brief pause, Koishi took the time to wipe her brow. She wasn?t tired yet, but she couldn?t help but feel this was the warm-up period. The Claw had to know by now that crowds of fishmen wouldn?t be enough to take down the Sirens. And there was still Yuyuko unaccounted for, and Sango seemed sure she was going to become a-

?Oh, Youkiii~!?

From the other side of the paper wall, Koishi caught a familiar silhouette. She leaped backwards on instinct. Moments later, a blade pierced through the wall, impaling the space she had once occupied.

?Ah, Komeiji-san?? Yuyuko peeped through the hole she?d made in the wall, one soulless eye poking into the room. ?I thought you?d be finished here. Or did you wait until I was back before you finished dinner??

She made three more swipes across the wall before kicking her way in. Koishi stepped back, brandishing her trident, standing between Yuyuko and her ?son? at all times. Yuyuko looked back at her with an ecstatic smile.

?I?m afraid I have to ask you to leave, Komeiji-san. I need to make some arrangements with my son.?

The blade she?d cut the wall down with still hung in her hand, its companion still in its sheath. Youmu awoke from her slumber at last, her eyes falling on Yuyuko with horror.

?Mother, what are you doing??

As soon as Youmu spoke up, Yuyuko turned to her, looking over Koishi?s shoulder. ?Ahhh, there you are! I?ve been making some arrangements with my new friends. They told me that they?d make you a champion with a little bit of training.? She motioned at the last few fish flopping about on the ground. ?Don?t they seem so nice to you??

Youmu?s face grew dark. ?Mother, you can?t trust them. They?re-?

?Slimy? Yes, of course, but that?s in their nature.? Yuyuko sounded ready to laugh at any moment. ?Come with me, Youki. I?m just trying to help you, that?s all. And that?s why-?

The sword whipped forward faster than Koishi could react. She broke to the side, but not quite fast enough. She fell back a step as she felt a wound open across her cheek. Yuyuko?s voice jumped from cheerful to utterly heartless.

?You shouldn?t be interfering in the family?s business, Komeiji-san.? A moment later, her cheer returned. ?Now, come on, Youki. Don?t you want to do well in the nationals this year??

She tried to step forward, but Koishi remained in her path. Yuyuko was leading her 'son' into a trap, and she wasn't even aware of it. If she gave Youmu over to the Black Claw, they'd kill her for certain. There was only one option here.

?...Youmu-san. Run.?

Youmu?s eyes widened. ?What? Koishi-san, I can?t-?

?Just do it!? Koishi yelled. ?Your mother?s sick right now. You can?t talk her out of this.?

Yuyuko let out the hearty chuckle of a noblewoman. ?Sick? Ohohoho! I?m anything but sick, Komeiji-san. I?m just doing what I can to be a good mother to my little boy.? She brought the blade forward again, pointing it at Koishi?s throat as her voice lost all emotion. ?And you?re proving to be a very bad influence on him.?

Koishi pulled the blade to the side with her trident. She looked back to Youmu, desperation written on her face.

?Please, Youmu-san. I?ll hold her off.?

Youmu?s eyes flickered with indecision for an instant, leaping between Yuyuko and the door. Finally she nodded, charging at the doorway only a few feet from Yuyuko.

?Youki, where are you going?!? Yuyuko brought her sword around to block Youmu as she passed by. Koishi caught the blade in her trident, deflecting it and knocking her back. Youmu made her escape, slipping out the door and sprinting down the corridor.

For an instant, Yuyuko looked heartbroken. She stared off into the distance at the quickly shrinking Youmu. When she turned back to Koishi, all that sorrow had transformed into rage.

? mean to poison my son with your insolence?!? She drew her second blade, swinging both swords over her head in a cross. Her screams echoed into the corridors beyond. ?I?ll tear you apart and hang you from the roof as an example!?

Koishi brought up the trident?s shaft to block the two swords that flew down at her. She already knew this fight was too much for her to handle alone.

But she could stall for long enough. That was all that mattered.


It was only when she was halfway down the corridor that Youmu realised she had no idea where she was trying to go. On instinct she?d been heading for the entrance, but presumably that was where the assault was coming from. The garden didn?t offer her a way out either - she could get lost in the forest, but it was fenced off so no-one could sneak in and damage the trees.

Even if she could leave, did she want to? Her mother was...Youmu didn?t know what it was, but she?d been struck down by a terrible affliction. Those dead eyes couldn?t belong to Yuyuko Saigyouji. Not the woman who?d raised her like a son for ten years.

She couldn?t leave her behind. Mother or not, Youmu owed her a grave debt. Surely she could make her mother listen to reason?

Your mother?s sick right now. You can?t talk her out of this.

Komeiji?s words rang true in her head. Youmu had seen it in her mother?s eyes. Something was missing. She wasn?t all there anymore. Whatever was in control of Yuyuko?s body was no longer her mother. She had no choice but to take Komeiji at her word. Her main priority right now was getting out of the manor alive.

This was much more difficult than she would have liked.

Youmu came to a stop as she saw a crowd gathering on the other side of the corridor. Half a dozen fishmen were fighting each other to lead the pack, all of them looking at Youmu with ravenous eyes. They were too fast for her to outrun, and even if they weren?t she only had dead-ends left to hide in.

Slowly, Youmu drew her swords. She was suddenly grateful that her mother had insisted on training with real steel at all times. Wooden weapons would have had even less effect. From what she?d seen of these beasts, she figured she could take on two or three easily enough. Anything beyond that, though...

Damn. I?m outmatched.

Youmu swiped at the closest creature, batting it away with a blade. The monsters flinched, but pulled back without any sign of slowing down. Youmu kept them at arm?s distance, but she could only hold back one at a time. On sheer numbers alone, she was pushed gradually backwards against the wall. The monsters' rasping tore at her ears as they became to surrounder her. She muttered a prayer to any god that happened to be listening.


Well, that wasn?t the answer she?d been looking for. A voice popped up from the opposite end of the corridor, and moments later a projectile flew through the crowd straight at Youmu. She blocked it with the blunt end of her sword on reactions alone.

For a brief instant, she saw a playing card attached to her blade. Then a sea of knives burst out of it, cutting the rest of the crowd to ribbons.

As she stood among a heaping pile of floundering fish, Youmu had to ask herself what on earth had just transpired.

?Honestly, that never gets old,? said the voice from before. A head poked out from behind a junction in the corridor. Youmu blanched at the sight of it. It was the goddamn lookalike tipping her hat as if this was a formal greeting. She waltzed over to Youmu, brushing off her vest and picking the knives out of the ground as she went. She stuffed them into a seemingly bottomless pouch at her side.

Youmu felt her heartrate jump. No. Not her. This was the last person she wanted to see right now. Just looking at her face brought back memories Youmu would have rather left forgotten. How could anyone look so much

?What, you aren?t even going to thank me?? The card shark continued to approach Youmu, reaching a hand out to ruffle at her hair. Youmu had a sword at her throat in an instant.

?Leave me alone.? Youmu felt her blood boil. Was this a joke? Was fate taunting her? This girl looked so much like Miyo it almost hurt to look at her. All Youmu could think of doing was scaring her away.

The girl frowned. ?I see you haven?t learned any manners while you were here. Didn?t Papa teach you that threatening people you don?t like helps no-one?

Youmu?s pulse stopped for a moment. A memory from a past life jumped in front of her eyes. A bully at school who had made fun of her for being short. He had ended up with a black eye. She had ended up on the wrong end of her father?s lectures.

He had used those exact words.

?...Who are you?? Youmu?s voice trembled. The possibility was so tempting she wanted to believe it, but common sense still held over her. Miyo had been dead for ten years.

Hadn?t she?

?You know, that?s a funny question.? The silver-haired girl shrugged her shoulders. Hadn?t she been blonde last time Youmu met her? ?Up until a few hours ago, I couldn?t give you a real answer.?

She smiled, brighter than Youmu thought possible with that pale expression. ?It took some reading to get myself up to speed. But in the end, there was no way I was ever going to forget you.?

The words caught Youmu off guard just long enough for the girl to step forward and embrace her. The sword clattered to the floor.


Those hands. Those warm, loving hands. She hadn?t felt softness like this in ten long years, but she would never forget where it came from.


The girl nodded, giving Youmu a little squeeze. ?Sorry I?m late, Youmu. I got a little derailed.?

This wasn?t happening. This wasn?t real. Youmu had been attacked by ravenous monsters and reunited with her long-lost sister all in one day. It was too terrible and too wonderful, both at the same time. It was completely, utterly impossible.

But even then, there was only so long she could fight ut. Even if there was no good reason to believe this was her sister, she wanted to. Every night for the last ten years she had wished that her family would come back to her. And now one of them finally had.

She felt Miyo?s tender embrace wear away her last shard of resistance.


Youmu wrapped her arms around her sister, letting the tears flow freely. She clung to Miyo for dear life, burying her face in her sister?s shoulder. She sobbed for almost a minute, crying until she had no tears left to shed.

?I?m sorry...I?m so sorry...? she gasped. All this time, Miyo must have been looking for her. Pretending to be someone else had made it that much harder. If she?d just been honest...

Miyo gave her a pat on the head. ?It?s alright, Youmu. I understand. You were young. You didn?t know what to do. Just promise me you won?t run away from yourself again, alright??

Youmu nodded, sniffling as she struggled to regain her composure. She had to be strong in front of her sister.

?Y-Yes. I promise, Miyo. From now on, I?m Youmu. Not Youki.? She murmured to herself to cement the fact. ?Not Youki...?

As she spoke the words, a surge of power roared through her like a jolt of electricity. She felt something forming in her hand.


Youmu pulled out of the hug, opening her hand. Resting in her palm was an emerald in the shape of a teardrop, identical in shape to the one Komeiji had been brandishing earlier. Was this the source of her power...?

?Welcome to the Sirens,? Miyo said, patting her on the shoulder. ?We?re glad to have you.?

Youmu looked down on the jewel with a feeling of pride. And I?m glad to be here, too.

The feeling passed when she remembered something very important. She gasped.

?No time. We need to hurry.? She grabbed her sword off the floor, sheathed it, and pulled Miyo along in the direction she had come from.

?Hey, where are you taking me?!? Miyo asked, making no attempt to resist.

?My mother is about to kill one of your friends.?

Miyo?s euphoria faded away. ?Ah. That...does sound like a good reason to hurry, yes.?


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #411 on: May 30, 2012, 10:11:05 PM »
Revelations? Check.

Dramatic battles? Check.

Cold-blooded vengance against the one who stole your sister? FUCK YEAH

In short, just about all I needed for an epic update.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #412 on: May 30, 2012, 10:15:40 PM »
Now this is when the fun starts!

I can't tell what I like the most: The battles with the fish monsters or the mindcoil removals.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #413 on: May 31, 2012, 02:02:35 AM »
Roukan, you magnificent troll, stop feeding off my anxiety with cliffhangers.

Although, if there's one thing I have to say about the recent developments in the story, it's Sakuya regaining her memories at the snap of a finger upon seeing Youmu's name. She did get a visual ID on Youmu beforehand, and I'm not exactly a fan of that thing, so I can't think of anything else that could go around it. I just feel ticked that it went that fast and that easy.

Oh yeah, I have a little something.

Troll Patchy forever.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • I never talk to you
  • *
  • People say that I should
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #414 on: May 31, 2012, 07:19:53 AM »
Yeah, the revelation method itself was a bit too... ordinary, but hey, the plot is great overall.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #415 on: May 31, 2012, 08:55:12 AM »
Sakuya had spent years searching, ended up giving up on it and just settling for taking care of the Scarlet sisters, and all this time it was literally as simple as going to a courthouse and checking some old adoption records. She literally tried too hard; I think that's a little character development for her. Sometimes you need to work smart, not hard.

Aya Squawkermaru

  • "You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war." - William Hearst
  • Relevant quote is relevant.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #416 on: May 31, 2012, 04:20:46 PM »
Sakuya had spent years searching, ended up giving up on it and just settling for taking care of the Scarlet sisters, and all this time it was literally as simple as going to a courthouse and checking some old adoption records. She literally tried too hard; I think that's a little character development for her. Sometimes you need to work smart, not hard.

In all fairness, if she had checked the records before this happened, she wouldn't have known what to look for. She knew jack-squat about her past.

Anyway, good update, though this arc does feel like it's going a bit too quickly. Maybe that's just me, but it's something to think about.


  • catnapping
  • three dots connect to rectangles
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #417 on: June 01, 2012, 08:17:35 AM »
I don't think there was enough internal turmoil shown, but then that's just me
Looks like Yuyu caught the kold
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #418 on: June 02, 2012, 04:37:00 AM »
Don't forget, too, that Sakuya has been busy with being a maid and caretaker for the Scarlets, thus occupying her time, and then suddenly, LAWYER FRIEND GET

And I don't have enough experience being reunited with long lost siblings that I'd been hoping against hope to find again to know exactly how quickly that should've taken for Youmu to understand.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 5 In Progress
« Reply #419 on: June 03, 2012, 07:43:36 PM »
That does it. When we?re done here, I?m not eating fish for a week.

Mokou felt the stench of sea water pour into her nostrils. She gagged a little as the monsters continued to rain down on her. She?d long since lost count of how many she?d taken down. However many it was, it wasn?t enough. Their numbers seemed endless.

Most of the enemy was focusing on her, but one or two snuck past to go for Komachi. The gunslinger smacked them away with the sheer weight of her revolver, but the deafening blasts it gave off every time she fired served as a better deterrent. Mokou had nearly been beheaded by a shot zooming past her ear; the fish she?d been brawling with was not as fortunate.

Mokou wasn?t sure how long she?d been fighting for. Five minutes? Ten? However long it was, they?d accomplished nothing. The summoner was still sending out wave after wave of fishmen through the portal. If they could reach her, they might be able to distract her long enough to close the gateway, but that meant charging through dozens of angry youkai. Mokou could fly over, but that would leave Komachi to deal with the whole horde. As a distance fighter, her odds were poor at best.

?This isn?t even fair...?

Mokou felt her arms growing heavy. Even a Siren had limits. Looking behind her, she saw Komachi counting her remaining bullets. She looked unhappy with the result.

It was at that moment Mokou came up with a brilliancy.

?Hey, Komachi-san. Looks like it?s time for plan B.?

?Eh?? Komachi wheezed out the question, looking almost as tired herself. ?What?s plan B, kid??

Mokou winked. ?I need you to shoot me.?

The look of confusion on Komachi?s face was worth it. Mokou had to smile as she took to the air, hanging a few feet above the fishmen. The closest ones clawed at her legs, but she was too high for most of them to reach.

?Trust me on this one!?

Komachi was conflicted for only a moment. There was no time to ask questions. She pointed the gun at the phoenix, finger primed on the trigger.

?This had better work, y?hear me? If you don?t block this...well, I guess you?ll be dead anyway, so either way I win!?

Mokou wasn?t going to pretend she knew what she was doing. This was a gambit at best, but it was better than getting worn down slowly by a barrage of fishmen.

She lifted her hand up in front of her, clenching it in a fist. She saw the hammer drop on the bullet before she heard the gunshot.

?Inferno Gauntlet, Counter Mode!?

The jewels on her glove flickered blue. The bullet careened towards her with enough force to take her arm off.

Against all common sense, she punched it.

Sparks burst from the fabric as her whole body shook under the strength of the attack. Her armband whipped at her arm, a feather forming within it in seconds. The jewels grew hotter, jumping from blue to purple to red.


As the last remnants of the bullet were absorbed, the jewels were flashing white and letting out smoke. Mokou?s whole hand was shaking, the heat becoming almost unbearable. It was spreading up her body, cooking her arm from the inside. There was more force in that shot than Mokou could absorb.

Of course, that was the plan.

?Inferno Gauntlet...?

The crowd had moved forward while she was in the air. Mokou now hung above the center of the pack. She gave one last swoop of her wings to gain a few more feet of height.

Then she fell.


As she struck the ground, Mokou could see a flicker of light emerge from the Inferno Gauntlet. An instant later, a brilliant white flame ripped her apart.


In all honesty, Mokou had expected dying to be a lot more dramatic than this.

The first time had been pretty rough, admittedly. All those icicles shoved into her hurt like hell. This time, though, she?d blown herself up so rapidly her body hadn?t even been able to process the pain.

From her point of view, the world simply seemed to jump. One moment, she was in the center of a swarm of fishmen - the next, she was lying in a smouldering crater. She had no recollection of what had happened in between because she hadn?t been around to experience it.

She didn?t have to look too hard to see the fruits of her effort, at least. The smoke hung in her nostrils as she clambered to her feet, grabbing the edge of the crater and pulling herself up. Every last fishman had been taken out in the attack, and the last of their number was slipping through the floor as Mokou brought her head up.

There was no sign of the summoner, though Mokou could see a girl-shaped dent in the limousine where she?d been standing. Nice blast radius, Mokou thought to herself. She must have escaped while Mokou was busy being dead.

?Well, look who?s back.?

A hand slapped onto Mokou?s shoulder from behind. Turning around, Mokou saw the grinning, ash-covered figure of Komachi. Her face was covered in small scrapes, and her coat was torn in several places.

?You could warned me you were gonna blow up,? Komachi said, her grip on Mokou?s shoulder tightening. ?The valkyrie ran for it after you went off. I?d have chased her, but you hit me pretty hard as well.?

Mokou frowned. ?Sorry. It was a heat of the moment thing. Besides, it was that or getting cut to bits by the mackerel monsters, so I?d like to think it worked out in the end.?

The lawyer gave her a wry smile. ?You?ve got a point there, kid. Besides, this?ll be a good excuse for me to take a nice long bath when I get home.? She turned Mokou around, shoving her towards the door. ?Now, go see if everyone else is holding up. I?m gonna need to catch my breath for a little longer.?

The urge to make a grandma joke was overwhelming, but Mokou managed to resist. She gave Komachi one last thumbs up before grabbing at the front door.

As she pushed it to the side, she heard it tear and come off the wall entirely.

?...Well, I guess we could always tell Saigyouji-san that the Claw did it.?



Koishi blocked the oncoming sword with the very edge of her trident. She felt the force behind the blow pass into her arms. Her nerves were on fire, but if she paused for a moment Yuyuko would strike her down.

Despite her age, Yuyuko was as good with a blade as Youmu was, if not better. She swung with grace and power that would have impressed warriors half her age. Every attack chained flawlessly into the next, leaving Koishi on a constant defensive. The Siren couldn?t make any distance for the Iruka Shot, and her opponent was smarter and faster than any fishman.

?Honestly, children these days are so impudent!? All the while, Yuyuko was laughing to herself. ?To think that I almost let my dearest Youki be drawn in by filth like you...!? Her expression was manic, but tears were running down her cheeks. Koishi couldn?t bear to look her in the eye.

I can?t take much more of this...!

Koishi?s muscles felt like lead. She could barely hold the trident, let alone block with it. Yuyuko made the most of her weakness, striking twice in quick succession. The first hit loosened Koishi?s grip on her weapon. The second knocked it clean out of her hands.


Koishi reached down for the trident, but soon found two blades forming a cross along her neck. Yuyuko pushed her backwards, trapping her against the wall. Koishi squirmed for a moment, but it was a futile gesture. The fight was over.

?So what have we learned today~?? Yuyuko asked in a sing-song tone. ?Isn?t it a good idea to listen to your elders when they tell you to leave? You could have avoided all of this, Komeiji-san, but I?m afraid you forced my hand-?

?Let her go, mother!?

The voice from the corridor caught both Koishi and Yuyuko by surprise. They turned to the doorway to find Youmu stepping in, a hand outstretched to beckon her mother away.

?Aaah, there you are!? Yuyuko kept her blades primed at Koishi?s throat, even as she looked away. Koishi still had no room to slip her head out of the deathtrap. All she could do was watch and pray for an opening.

But why did Youmu-san come back? I was trying to help her escape!

Youmu stepped forward, every movement uncertain. She stuttered on her words, speaking only with the utmost care. ?Mother, please. Komeiji-san deserves a second chance, doesn?t she? Surely it?s best for you to lead by example.?

What was this? Koishi raised an eyebrow as the swordsman tried to talk sense into Yuyuko. It became clearer when she made out a silhouette behind the door, shuffling at a deck of cards.


?Hmph.? Yuyuko?s expression hardened, her swords pushing a little further into Koishi?s neck. ?If I give her another chance to dig her claws into you, I can?t dare to imagine the consequences. This is for your own good, Youki.?

Everything happened at once. The swords beginning to slide down Koishi?s throat. Youmu reaching out and yelling at her mother.

And outside the room, Sakuya bringing the world to a halt.

Koishi was vaguely aware of the timestop. She was trapped as well, but still conscious. The world around her had faded into shades of grey, Yuyuko?s swords forever stuck at her neck. They?d drawn small slits along her skin, but the timestop had kicked in before they could hit anything important.


Youmu was aware as well, gazing in awe at the monotone world. Like Koishi, she was planted to the floor, frozen in place, only able to move her eyes. There was only one person who could act, and she was entering the room right now.

Sakuya began to stomp towards Yuyuko, a frightening aura hanging around her. Her eyes never moved away from the noble, burning with an anger Koishi had never seen on a sane human being. She watched as Sakuya grabbed Yuyuko by the neck, pulling her backwards without resistance. She opened Yuyuko?s hands, grabbed the swords and threw them to a distant corner of the room.

With that done, she pushed Yuyuko to the floor. She sat over her, trapping Yuyuko?s hands under her knees.

In the distance, Koishi heard the swinging of a pendulum as time started again. She fell forwards, grabbing at the marks on her throat and gasping in relief. Youmu stood in place, looking around without a clue what was going on.

?Ah-? But no-one was more surprised by this turn of events than Yuyuko. Sakuya?s weight held her down, and all she could do was struggle as the Siren pulled out a silver dagger from her pouch.

?Tell me, Saigyouji-san.? Sakuya?s voice was cold as steel as she held the knife over Yuyuko?s chest. ?Should I make this quick, or is it alright if I savour the moment a little??

Koishi let out a tiny gasp. She saw a familiar insanity lingering in Sakuya?s eyes. It was the look of a woman with no regard for human life. Koishi had always known Sakuya could take things too far, but-

?Miyo!? Youmu was the first one to react, dashing towards Sakuya and her victim. ?What do you think you?re doing?!?

Sakuya looked back with an almost cruel glare. ?Stay away, Youmu. I?m giving this monster exactly what she deserves.?

?But...but...? Youmu?s voice broke, shifting back to the higher voice she?d only shown Koishi briefly. ?She?s done nothing wrong, Miyo! Komeiji-san said she was sick!?

Yuyuko was motionless, eyes as empty as always. She may as well have already been dead. Koishi thought she made out her arm stirring under Sakuya, but she couldn?t tell from this distance.

?Sick?? Sakuya wore a broken smile. ?That?s a fitting term for the woman who made you live a lie for ten years.? She ran the blade along Yuyuko?s collarbone, cutting into the fabric of her kimono. ?Do you have any idea how long I spent looking for you, Youmu? You weren?t there when I needed you more than ever. I had to stumble around for a decade with no clue who I was. And it?s all thanks to her.?

Yuyuko refused to react, not even glancing in Sakuya?s direction. Sakuya grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head forward to meet her gaze.

?Miyo, that?s enough!? Youmu grabbed at Sakuya from behind, trying to pull her away. ?It?s not like that. You can't expect me to choose between the two of you!?

Koishi couldn?t sit at the side lines anymore. She approached the fighting Sirens, gulping before she spoke.

?She?s right, Sakuya-san. No matter what Saigyouji-san did, killing her isn't going to solve anythi-?

?SHUT UP!? Sakuya?s cry almost deafened Koishi with its intensity. Sheer rage ran across her face as she brought the knife inches away from Yuyuko?s eye. ?She wronged me. She?s the reason I?ve been so lost all these years. Why do I have to just let her get away with it??

Koishi flinched. Sakuya sounded beyond reasoning, and Koishi had no idea why. What was she supposed to do?

Thankfully, it was Youmu who intervened. She stopped trying to pry Sakuya off, and instead hugged her from behind.

?Miyo...she?s not a monster. Even before she...changed, she was the woman who took me in when I thought I'd lost everything. She was willing to take me in and love me like her own daughter. She wanted to give me a second chance...I know she changed after Youki died, but the woman I know is still in there somewhere. I owe her a debt I can never truly repay.?

Sakuya?s grip began to falter. She trembled as she pulled her knife to the side.

?And that?s why I can?t let you hurt her.? Youmu spoke with a sternness that felt alien coming from a girl her age. ?I don?t care if we aren?t related by blood. I love her, Miyo. Yuyuko Saigyouji is still my mother, and she always will be.?

She pulled Sakuya back again. ?Which a way, she?s your mother too.?

This time the maid barely resisted. Sakuya was clinging to the knife so tightly that the hilt nearly slapped. Youmu hugged her all the while, nuzzling at her cheek and whispering comforting words.

Koishi let out a sigh of relief. She slumped to the ground, her exertion catching up to her. Her eyes lazily fell on Yuyuko, still lying on the ground.

She was pulling a golden key from her pocket.

?Ohoho...? Yuyuko?s face lit up with a condescending smile. ?You seem to have forced me into a corner.?

The key dug into her chest like there was nothing there. Yuyuko?s grin only widened as she gave it a twist, unlocking her potential.

If Youmu hadn?t noticed the Black Key, she certainly noticed its side effects. There was a sudden flash before Yuyuko was consumed by the darkness within the key. Sakuya brandished the knife again, pushing Youmu backwards as she prepared to strike.

?It?s awfully cramped in here. Shall we take this outside??

The orb powered upwards, blowing a hole in the roof. Koishi shielded herself from the falling splinters before picking her trident off the floor.

?Come on. We?ve got to catch her before she goes too far.?

?But where is she going?? Sakuya asked, gradually coming back to her senses.

Koishi forced a smile. ?I have a pretty good idea.?


It was still seventy steps up the staircase to the garden, but it felt like a lot less at the speed Koishi was going.

?What makes you so sure she?s coming here?? Sakuya was right behind her, keeping her fedora in check as the winds grew more violent. Youmu stayed at her side, but Koishi knew the swordsman could have darted past them if she wanted to.

?She still wants to fight us,? Koishi replied. ?She wants an open space. Where else would she go??

The maid nodded in agreement. She was fumbling with her knives, trying to blunt the edges of some of them to use as weapons in the upcoming fight. Youmu?s words had hit home with her.

?Still, I didn?t know you two were sisters. Uh...Sakuya-san, should I call you Miyo now??

Sakuya shook her head. ?I?ve grown quite fond of Sakuya Izayoi, actually. I?d like to leave my real name reserved for someone special.?

Youmu didn?t even turn towards her sister. Koishi didn?t have to guess what she was thinking about. They?d given her a super-quick explanation of the Mindcoil on the way up, and it had only made Youmu more determined to get involved.

?Youmu-san...your mother is really dangerous now. We can probably handle this, so-?

?No.? One word, spoken with true determination. ?It?s my fault this ?Mindcoil? had something to prey on. I won?t sit back and let you clean up this mess for me.?

Koishi ended her protesting there. Nothing she said would change the swordsman?s mind right now. Koishi looked back up the staircase as the mighty centerpiece of the garden came into view.

Her guess had been on the mark. Yuyuko Saigyouji was sitting in front of the tree in a perfect seiza stance. Her kimono was now black with red markings along the sleeves. A pale pink butterfly was hanging on her shoulder, fluttering in time with her breath. She had no weapon, but still looked up with a proud smile as the Sirens climbed the last few steps.

?Isn?t it so much nicer out here?? she asked, in the tone most people would use to discuss the weather. ?The poets used to say there were bodies buried beneath the cherry blossoms. I consider it fitting, given the fate that is about to befall you.?

In spite of her pose, Yuyuko was letting off an immense pressure. Koishi could practically feel her knees buckling under Yuyuko?s glare. Another butterfly crawled up onto her other shoulder, glistening in the wind.

?So, do you think the two of you can defeat me? I?m not certain why you brought Youki along, but I think he can learn from this.?

Koishi made to step forward, but to her surprise someone came out from behind her and pushed her back.

?Actually,? Youmu said, holding Sakuya back on her other side, ?I?ll be fighting you myself.?

Yuyuko?s composure quickly came apart. Koishi and Sakuya both looked at the swordsman, stunned.

?Youmu-san, are you sure about this?? Koishi barely had to ask. She heard that same determination in Youmu?s voice. Perhaps this had been her plan all along.

Youmu took another step forward. The other Sirens didn?t follow.

?I will not dishonour my mother by challenging her to an unfair fight. I trust that you will both stay out of my affairs.?

She continued to stride onwards, reaching for her Teardrop.

?We can?t just let her do this,? Sakuya said, making to catch up with her sister. ?What if Saigyouji-?

Koishi grabbed Sakuya by the shoulder. The maid went tense for an instant, before going limp.

?It?s okay, Sakuya-san. This is her problem, right??

Begrudgingly, Sakuya offered a nod. Regardless, Koishi couldn?t help but notice she was clinging tightly to one of her daggers. Hopefully Youmu wouldn?t need the backup.

Youmu came to a stop in the centre of the courtyard, five paces away from Yuyuko. The noble rose to her feet, looking ready to burst out of her skin.

?Youki, what is the meaning of this? Step aside so I can deal with these troublemakers.?

The swordsman gulped. Koishi could see the nerves leaking out of her from here.

?Mother, I...? Youmu?s face scrunched up for a moment before the words flew out. ?I?m not your son.?

Yuyuko tilted her head. ?What on earth are you talking about??

?I?m not Youki Saigyouji. Your son died ten years ago. Don?t you remember??

Yuyuko?s expression was blank, like she hadn?t heard a word Youmu had said. Gradually, terror began to surface in her eyes.

?You?re...not my son??

Youmu nodded. Koishi let out a little gasp from the sidelines. Was Yuyuko responding? Was she actually taking this in?

Those hopes were quickly dashed as Yuyuko?s face twisted into a look of unholy fury.

?You...what have you done to Youki?!?

The ground shuddered as Yuyuko stepped off the ground, hanging in the air. The butterflies fluttered off her arms in opposite directions. They landed on the trees at her side, killing their roots with a single touch. In seconds both trees were a lifeless grey. The dead branches let their petals drift downwards, circling Yuyuko like a tornado.

?Mother!? Youmu shielded herself from the barrage of petals with one arm. ?Please, listen to me! Youki is de-?

?LIAR!? A voice screamed from within the vortex. ?You mean to fool me, don?t you?! And you even disguised yourself as my son to do it! You make me sick, do you understand?!?

Yuyuko stretched her arms outwards, and a wave of butterflies took form along her wingspan. As she whipped her arms forward, the glittering spirits flew in deadly arcs towards the Sirens. Fortunately, they could only fly straight; Youmu rolled to the side, Koishi ducked under hers, and Sakuya seemed to simply shift out of harm?s way.

Youmu grit her teeth. She fumbled at her pocket as she rose to her feet. ?You leave me no choice, mother. Forgive me...!?

She raised her Teardrop to the air as it sparkled with a dark green light. Her form grew blurry, like a camera out of focus, but her words were loud and clear.

?Like a blossom?s fall;
With grace and beauty till death.
So shall I battle.?

Youmu grew hazier and hazier, until Koishi could barely make out her shape. The sound of a sword being drawn resounded through the courtyard. A silver line cut through the haze that had once been Youmu, causing it to split in two.

On one side of the cut, Youmu stood ready with both blades drawn. A metal breastplate hung over her chest, grey with a white spirit emblem over her heart. Beneath it, she wore the same gi that Koishi had seen her perform in at the tournament, but the sleeves had been torn away from it. Ghost-shaped patterns ran along the outfit's hems. Like Sakuya, her hair was an almost glittering silver.

On the other side of the cut was another Youmu, though not as solid as the first. It was monochrome, and at times seemed to flicker out of view. It was a mirror image of the original, with everything flipped horizontally. Its swords pulsed with pale blue light.

The line faded away, and both Youmus held an arm out, crossing the blades in their off hands. The longer swords were pointed forward, at the swirling petals and the woman within them.

?We are body,? the two girls spoke in unison. ?We are mind. We are spirit. We are Konpaku.?

The petals finally broke away, forming an orderly shape behind Yuyuko. They took the form of a massive fan, with butterflies drawn into the fabric. Yuyuko herself was still floating in the air, spirits floating beneath her feet as butterflies swarmed around her.

?I don?t give a damn who you are. There?s only one thing that matters to me.?

The ground trembled again as Yuyuko stretched an arm towards Youmu. The butterflies on her fan shone violet, humming faintly.

?You are NOT! MY! SON!?

Yuyuko clicked her fingers. The lights on the fan burst forward, firing a barrage of lasers. Youmu dodged to the side, her clone rolling in the other direction.

The lasers fired again, targeting both Youmus. Butterflies emerged from the fan, strolling through the air towards their targets. They were deadly but slow, and the swordsmen carved a path through the onslaught with blistering speed. They struck at the fan, only for Yuyuko to float out of reach.

Youmu remained calm. Standing in Yuyuko?s blind spot, she lifted her katana upwards in time with her copy. It flashed green with power.

?Konpaku Secret Technique - Roukanken!?

The green flash extended along the blade, doubling its length in seconds. She held it with perfect balance, swiping at the fan again. Yuyuko was unprepared for the new attack, squirming as the fan was sliced on both sides. Two of the butterfly emblems were cut from the root, fading and dying before they hit the ground.

?Why, you-!? Yuyuko flinched as if she?d been struck herself. She floated further into the air, out of even Roukanken?s reach. The remaining emblems fired faster, and butterflies fell into the blind spot of Yuyuko?s attack pattern. Youmu leaped out, swerving left and right between the lasers, wincing as stray shots scraped along her arms.

Sakuya began to fiddle with a knife, her expression darkening as the battle continued. She had every reason to be concerned - Youmu had little way to make up the distance between her and her opponent. The lasers drew closer and closer, and Koishi saw the fear rise onto Youmu?s face as well.

She also saw the moment when that fear gave way to eagerness. An idea had jumped into Youmu?s head.

The fighter burst to the side, her shadow running in the opposite direction. She dashed straight for one of the dead trees from earlier, letting her momentum carry her up the wall. Her clone matched her movements, walking in thin air.

Yuyuko shook her head in disappointment before motioning with her arm. The lasers aimed at the roots of the tree, blasting a hole in it. The whole structure crumbled, the decay rising up to match the dashing swordsman. Youmu ran until there was no longer a tree to run on, leaping at the last minute. She brought Roukanken aloft, swinging to cut Yuyuko in half.

Yuyuko let out a small chuckle as she floated backwards. Youmu?s sword hit nothing.

As expected.

?Aaaah!? Yuyuko screamed in surprise as the shadow?s sword sliced into her back. The wound barely drew blood, but more pressingly her fan had been ripped in half. Her source of power gone, Yuyuko plummeted downwards with all the grace of a brick. She hit the paved courtyard with a slam, while Youmu barely made a sound as she hit the ground.

?You...? The noble shrugged off the blow, though she stumbled as she came back to her feet. Her kimono was covered in dirt and gashes from the fight. ?You mean to break me? Sever the bond between mother and son for your own selfish gains...??

Youmu was still for a moment. The clone walked across the courtyard, walking into her before it disappeared entirely. She sheathed her blades, holding out a hand.

?No. I mean to save you.?

Yuyuko stared at the offering for an instant before slapping the hand away. ?You mock me with your false gratitude. I won?t listen to a word you say until you give me back my son.?

Youmu sighed. She pulled out both blades, carefully laying them on the ground in front of Yuyuko.

?Very well, then. Shall we settle this honourably??

The swordsman stepped backwards, her fists clenching. The same two swords took form in her hands, pulsing with blue light. Of course she?d be able to make her own swords, Koishi thought to herself.

Yuyuko smiled wryly. ?I taught my son that conviction won battles. Having something to fight for was the edge when fighting an equal foe.? She picked the swords off the ground, wielding them flawlessly. ?Do you believe your conviction can match my love for my son??

Youmu matched her pose, nodding. Koishi saw the tears forming in her eyes.

The last of the cherry blossoms drifted to the ground as the wind died down. Both swordsmen gazed upon it as a silent witness to the fight. Youmu and Yuyuko stood poised to strike, neither moving from their spot. This would not be a drawn-out slugfest.

The blossom touched the earth, and both fighters charged in sync. The sound of clashing blades filled the air, and moments later the fight was over.

From Koishi?s viewpoint, it was difficult to tell who had won at first. The swordsmen stood back to back, arms outstretched at the ends of their swings. The branches rustled in the dying breaths of the wind.


Slowly, gradually, Yuyuko Saigyouji slumped forwards. Another cut joined the marks all across her kimono, this one barely scraping over her heart. She looked down on it, nodding to herself in understanding. Koishi knew what Yuyuko was thinking to herself.

It could have been deeper.

Youmu had won, but pulled back with the final blow. As Yuyuko was taking in the fact, she was oblivious to Youmu walking up behind her.

?It seems you taught me well.?

Youmu brought the blunt end of her katana into the side of Yuyuko?s head. The noble flopped to the side, knocked out instantly by the strike. Youmu caught her before her head could slam into the earth. Enough damage had already been done.

As Koishi and Sakuya approached the victor, Youmu wrapped her arms around her mother. She grit her teeth, muttering to herself.

?If only I?d told you sooner, we could have avoided all of this...?