Author Topic: Flandre and the world outside  (Read 50543 times)

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #90 on: August 21, 2010, 08:50:58 PM »
Rut-roh, shit just got reeeeeeeeeeal~

Also I liked the Star Wars fairy.


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #91 on: August 21, 2010, 09:05:06 PM »
Darth Reimu?

(It's probably going to end up being a different red-white, though.)


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #92 on: August 21, 2010, 11:25:46 PM »


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #93 on: August 21, 2010, 11:37:55 PM »
Also I liked the Star Wars fairy.


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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #94 on: August 23, 2010, 04:20:26 PM »
Also I liked the Star Wars fairy.

4th :3

Also, Darth Reimu sounds pretty awesome... what would that make Marisa?

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #95 on: August 23, 2010, 05:17:13 PM »
Palpatine? Or maybe the other way around?


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #96 on: August 23, 2010, 11:23:20 PM »
Palpatine = Yukari.


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #97 on: August 27, 2010, 02:52:34 PM »

Remilia eventually loosens her grip after a while, and seems considerably more relaxed when she sends Flandre down to the basement. Still, she hugs her and tells her not to go up, no matter what. Flandre's left worried and confused. Remilia doesn't hug her very often, what's this now? Isn't she coming back? Was she just that happy to see Flandre safe?

?Get some sleep, Flandre dear. And don't come up, whatever you do. Goodnight.?

Goodnight, Remilia. Please come back OK.
The door closes on Flandre, leaving her confused and sorta worried. Remilia will fix this, right? Remilia's the oldest, so she'll take care of Flandre, won't she? She always has. Yeah, she will. She will, she will. Flandre keeps telling herself that while pulling on her nightgown. She tries to think of
something else, when suddenly she hears brash, determined footsteps on the floor directly above her.

?Isn't it about time you showed yourself? Young lady!??
Young lady? She hopes they're not looking for her. They don't have any reason to, but what if they've killed- No, no, no. It can't be like that. She pulls the blanket around herself and listens harder.

?A hawk does not show its claws... ?
Ah, what a relief. Her sister's dainty, lady-like steps leave a faint ghost of an echo as she walks.

?You seem to have swapped your brains for 'em, ze.?
A third voice lacking footsteps calls out. It's a girl, but this one seems a tad less organized.

?Was that maid really human!??
It's the first voice. Now that she thinks about it, it does sound very cool and a little short of emotion. Ah, Sakuya! Hopefully, she's managed to tire the two voices out a notch. Sakuya is very good at fighting. Flandre's experienced that first hand when they were out traveling through the countryside, and Sakuya fought off several highwaymen. She's a little reassured as she remembers Sakuya's cool pose, knifes gliding through the air like little birds.

?Are you the murderer?? Her sister asks, somewhat indifferently.
It takes Flandre a moment to register this statement. Who's died? It can't be-

It can't possibly be Sakuya, can it!?

Well, it can't be Patchouli, or Koa, or what if it is?
After she just got to know about Sakuya and all...

It's hard not be worried when you're nine years old and can't help your only sister in the whole world fight some people intent on destroying your lives for no reason whatsoever.

She grabs teddy and hugs him so tight the sawdust might come out. The voices are still talking, but she's too scared to listen, and she wishes someone like her mother would comfort her, only mother is not here and hasn't been for a very long time. It's a wonder Flandre even remembers her, and she hasn't been able to fully recall what her face looks like for many years.

She bunches up to the pillow as close as possible and pretends as hard as she can that it really is mother, and she's still gonna grow up someday, and automobiles won't be invented for another two or three or five hundred years. It's awfully hard to sleep with the echoes of bullets being shot just above your head, but somehow, the peaceful sound of an Erhu reaches her ears from some place faraway. No, the Erhu is there because she needs it, probably. Maybe, just maybe, someone is playing it for her sake.

China's face pops up in her mind, she's not the same as mother but she'll have to do for now, Flandre thinks, and somehow manages to reach dreamland through a gloomy and slow-moving maze of bullets.
The next morning is very bright.
Well, she can see the sun coming in through the basement window, and she's a little afraid that it might engulf the room, rendering her unable to get out of bed(Ok, so it only happened once, and Remilia had the mirror taken away almost intermediately, but still..), and teddy's fallen onto the floor, too.

She walks up to get him, before she notices that there are no clothes waiting for her-Oh, right. Yesterday, and Sakuya is..

She sighs and then remembers the large fight that went on. She hopes Remilia won, she really does. What if she, too..? No, no, no. It can't be like that. It simply can't. Flandre will have to go up and look. And then she'll find sister there, won't she? She will, right?


Sigh. She'll just have to see what's happened for herself. Deep breath, and walk out. It's a little strange to just wear her nightgown, but it'll just have to do, since she hasn't got a closet or some sort of place to store her clothes.

Upstairs is actually kinda warm. It's very quiet, too- The maids aren't bustling around as usual, and she can't hear any of Koa's awful morning whistling(Patchouli usually has breakfast in the library). She fears the worst for a few moments before picking herself up. She has to think positive! Remilia's not the kind of person to lose like that. And surely, nobody knows about Patchouli in the library, right? That's right. It's impossible, isn't it?

She stops just outside the kitchen door. Where does she recognize that smell from...?

Why, it's porridge. Not good porridge, either. It's the ?Super-elegant-we-don't-have-a-maid-right-now? porridge, the one and only dish Remilia knows how to cook. And boy, is it terrible..

Well, at least it's a good sign. Flandre perks up and opens the door, only to see her sister dressed in a nightgown, just like she is. Not only that, the nightgowns also stained and oh my, is she standing on a wooden crate?
?Good morning, Remilia!?
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #98 on: August 27, 2010, 05:17:59 PM »
The cuteness of this story is becoming extremly dangerous. I'm really curious as to what went on/the aftermath.

Kinzo the Astro Curious

  • One small step for Desu; One giant leap for touhou-kind!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #99 on: August 27, 2010, 05:41:17 PM »
What Odda said. I read a while ago, but I couldnt think of the words. Its like the calm after the storm here.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #100 on: August 27, 2010, 07:01:23 PM »
Congratulations. I now have diabetes.

Really want to see what happens next.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #101 on: August 27, 2010, 09:22:02 PM »
Meeep. ^^;


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #102 on: August 27, 2010, 09:49:34 PM »
^-^ great story. I am honestly left a bit confused on what to think. The Flan-chan thoughts make me fear the worst about Sakuya and the others, but at the same time, Remilia cooking makes me think that Sakuya was just to tired and Remilia is just filling in. Plus, her cooking means she's ok.


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #103 on: August 28, 2010, 02:07:38 AM »
I think I'll just leave



OH DAMMIT I watched the entire thing myself now I'm crying
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 02:10:56 AM by Esuprisefex »


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #104 on: September 02, 2010, 03:45:36 PM »
She turns her head slowly, as if she were undead(Technically she is). Flandre half-expects her to turn it 180 degrees, why, her face even looks like one of the undead. Did an undead take her place, or is she just really really cranky? Flandre hopes for the latter.
?Good morning.? Remilia answers in a dis amused tone. She's got large, black rings under her eyes, and her stare could pierce right through a kitten.

Should she wait until her undead sister has returned to the living? Since she's cooking, it must mean they don't have a maid anymore. Flandre sighs.

Sakuya's been around for a while. It's hard to think of ?home? without picturing Sakuya, she belongs in whatever home they live in for the time being along with the teddy and the large funeral wagon(Remilia's preferred carriage). It's been a bit hard to belive, but she really has been a kid, too. Or, rather, she's a human being. Flandre used to have the suspicion that the perfect maid was really a very sophisticated piece of automata.

?Make yourself usefull.?
Remilia walks over to her and gives her a cup marked ?Sakuya? in small dark letters. Right. She won't be needing this anymore, will she? It's hot and filled with tea. Actually, it looks more like water mixed with hot water with some tea leaves thrown in as an afterthought, but then again, Remilia made it.

The chef, who's currently pouring the  must have noticed her confused expression.
?That's not for you. Carry it. I can't find a tray.?

Uh, hasn't she always said this is the servants job...

A thought suddendly strikes her; What if the people last night conquered the mansion? Are they servants now? It's just a thought, but it's a scary one. And she hasn't seen any evidence to prove otherwise yet. Either way, she can't ask Remilia. She's scary at this time of the day.

?Get going.? Oh, right. She's probably supposed to be the tweeny-maid, then.

The corridors are mostly empty, save for the occasional fairy-gunk lying here and there. She takes care not to trip, lest she meets Remilia's wrath. They stop in front of a door marked ?servants quarters?. Right, of course. This is where they'll be eating from now on, isn't it...

Remilia opens the door with her free hand, and strangely enough, it's just a single semi-large room.

Why, there are even a few posters for the opera on the walls, and a semi-large piano near the window. A large bookshelf sits in one corner, and there's a strange contraption that Patchouli's referred to as a ?radio?, only it looks kinda small. And there aren't any earphones attatched, either.

?Sakuya, we brought you breakfast.?

It's Sakuya! She's alive! Well, she doesn't look that healthy, since she's lying in bed and her hair isn't tied up. It just doesn't look like her without the braids, does it..

?Good morning, milady.? Her voice is weak and kinda hoarse.  On closer inspection, it looks more like a knocked-out oriental princess than a perfect maid, even though her nose is red and her eyes watery. She reminds Flandre of how her mom used to look when she told the Scarlet sisters to ?stay away, if you want mommy to feel better.? Maybe it's best not to talk to her right now.

?Hey, I'm not your lady today! You're sick, and we're friends, so I'm taking care of you, since the maids are out cold.? Remilia nearly explodes, but manages to keep her dignity in the end. Well, what little she has left of it, stained nightgown and all.

They seem to talk for a little while, though it's mostly Remilia scolding Sakuya for not taking care of her health, ?If you were sick you should have taken the day off! We all thought you died, y'know!?

Flandre's got a large load dropped off of her chest. Remilia is one of those people who just can't manage without a maid, so this explains it all. She still has no idea what happened last night, though she suspects the fairys will be gone for a little while longer, before they regenerate. Intrerrupting Remilia to ask about it at this point would be rude- She's got some manners left, after all, and Remilia's really not in the best of moods.

Someone knocks at the door. Her sister motions for her to open it, after receiving approval from Sakuya.
?Good mornin', Sakuya!?
It's Meiling, and she's carrying a basket in her hand. The basket does smell pretty good, and Flandre suspects she's got food tucked away in there.

Meiling stops as she notices Remilia, Flandre, and the expression on Remilia's face.
?Hello, mistress! Hiyas, Flandre!? She smiles even wider and waves. Boy, is Flandre glad to see her. ?China!?

Sakuya sighs. ?Oh, it's you.?

?Yeppers! Ah brought yas some food, too.? She smiles, oblivious to Sakuya's sarcasm and Remilia's glare.

There is silence for a few moments while Remilia contemplates the glue-like substance residing in a bowl, comparing the vomit-like smell to the nice, hot spicy eastern dish China's been making.

She looks like she might cry. Well, she's usually very good at hiding those kinds of feelings, only this whole morning has been a disaster, first waking up to find no clothes since the fairys haven't been able to wash, then having to deal with a sick maid who's pusing herself too hard, then making her stay in bed so her cold won't worsen, then go up to fail several recepies before resigning herself to the only dish she knows how to cook, and finally for once one single thing seems to go right only for China to come in with-

Sakuya breaks the silence before Remilia has the chance to break down.
?That's kind of you, Meiling, but my throat is weak and I don't think I would be able to stomach anything more solid than porrige.? She nods towards Remilia, who immediately smiles. ?However, I do know that the young mistresses are both very hungry and would probably cough benefit more from your cooking skills.?

Meiling shows a slightly confused expression before nodding.
?Alrighty, then. C'mon, I'll set the table.?

Remilia smiles even wider. Flandre quickly puts the tea on the bedstand before following her sister, who soon takes the lead over China. She's the young mistress of the house, after all.
Are, this took time. @.@ I've been sick., and I have school, so yeah.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #105 on: September 02, 2010, 04:59:15 PM »
D'awww. Poor Remilia, can't get anything to go right, today.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #106 on: September 02, 2010, 05:28:55 PM »

On a technical note, though, I would suggest using a spellchecker. Or you can do like I do and type it up in Word or something before copying it here. And the cough inserted in the middle of Sakuya's dialogue was a bit awkward.

Other than that, nicely done. I do wonder how she got a cold after being beaten up by Reimu and Marisa, but hopefully that'll be cleared up.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]

Kinzo the Astro Curious

  • One small step for Desu; One giant leap for touhou-kind!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #107 on: September 02, 2010, 05:42:00 PM »
So many unanswered questions!

I'm suprised she's ill, I expecting more beaten up. unless shes just ill from overexerting herself or something.


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #108 on: September 03, 2010, 01:53:23 AM »
Sakuya only lost cause she was sick, couldn't you tell?


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #109 on: October 02, 2010, 07:02:49 PM »
Why is this topic dead? :'(


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #110 on: October 03, 2010, 01:19:47 AM »
Holy cow... I just hope that it's something like writers block or that Wriggle is just busy, and not something worse :ohdear:

Come on Flan-chan~ :D


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #111 on: October 10, 2010, 03:58:54 PM »

On a technical note, though, I would suggest using a spellchecker. Or you can do like I do and type it up in Word or something before copying it here. And the cough inserted in the middle of Sakuya's dialogue was a bit awkward.

Other than that, nicely done. I do wonder how she got a cold after being beaten up by Reimu and Marisa, but hopefully that'll be cleared up.

Well, I am using OpenOffice'sword program, but I guess a few errors slip thorugh.. ^^;; And, yeah, I'm aware about the coughing. I just don't know how to write it any other way.

Thanks for the critique! And, well, I guess she just overworked herself while in a fragile state, and ended up faintingorsomething like that.

Holy cow... I just hope that it's something like writers block or that Wriggle is just busy, and not something worse :ohdear:

Come on Flan-chan~ :D

Don't worry. ^^ I'm just busy with school, bu I hope to continue this fanfic when I have time. :)
(..And I hope ou guys are OK with one hinted-at backround pairing)
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #112 on: October 10, 2010, 06:17:48 PM »
(..And I hope ou guys are OK with one hinted-at backround pairing)

FlanxMeiling, OTP


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #113 on: October 11, 2010, 10:41:09 PM »
FlanxMeiling, OTP

With how awesome she is being as is, it would be more accurate to say FlanxSDM OTP :D

Whatever OTP means :V


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #114 on: October 12, 2010, 12:30:24 AM »
With how awesome she is being as is, it would be more accurate to say FlanxSDM OTP :D

Whatever OTP means :V

OTP= One True Pairing

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #115 on: October 16, 2010, 08:44:16 AM »

It's a little weird, eating breakfast like this again, just Flandre and Remilia in the kitchen. They don't even have Meiling with them, since she's taking over Sakuya's duties today and has to clean up the entiere mess, at least until the maids get back.

It's not like they can't use the dining-hall, but Remilia just wouldn't have it. ?No, no, no. We're not even properly dressed, the maids might respawn and I'd hate for them to see us like this.? Frankly, Flandre wouldn't mind it if she was seen in her nightgown(It's got a very cute bunny embroidered on the skirt), but whatever her sister says, goes. Ah, well. She doesn't mind the kitchen, either.

Remilia looks up from her plate. She's still grumpy, but Flandre's not so stupid as to point that out right now.

?What??`Flandre answers, trying to sound as un-annoying as possible. The last thing she'd want to do is put her sister into a temper, since that's always ended with tears for long.

?About yesterday. You're wondering, aren't you??
It seems Remilia just wants this to be over with so she can go do big-sister-things and make Flandre leave her alone for a while. She usually does when she's using this weird, not-yet-uncranky tone.

?Y-yeah.? Flandre has to admit, she is curious, and maybe a little excited, too.

?Well, I was going to take you on a picnic.? Yeah, Flandre is a little disappointed, now that she thinks about it. ?Only the weather sucked, so I cast a spell to fix that.? Remilia can do magic? Cool!  ?And then some shitty police-maiden or something had to but in and ruin it all, 'cause apparently this place runs on the same rules as Bedlam house..? Flandre's heard of Bedlam house. If you were bad, you could get sent there, and it was really awful, her friends said, and Beth should know 'cause her brother worked there.

The smaller vampire, who still has absolutely no idea what's going on, feels a little uneasy right now. Remilia is still a little scary, though probably, hopefully harmless.

?You may leave the table.?
Flandre usually never has to ask her sister about that kind of thing, but her older sister's crass tone strongly implies that Flandre should leave her alone right now, and she couldn't agree more.

She hops up and dashes for the library. Maybe Patchouli's in a good mood today, and maybe the police or whatever left her alone, though she hasn't seen Koa, so that might not be very likely.

The hallway leading towards the locked girl's secret room looks pretty smashed up. It's like a big Tyrannosaurus Rex ran on a rampage through the hall, possibly being chased by five hundred horses or something along those lines.

She remembers a friend who's names escapes her, who used to play ?Skeleton-Dinosuars-coming-to-life-and-killing-the-museum? with her. It's really been a while since she played pretend with someone, hasn't it?

?Gao, Grrr!? She growls as she puts one heavy foot in front of the other and puts her hands close to her body, like a Celeophysis. Sadly, it's not that much fun without anyone to play with, she realizes as the wall just won't turn into scenery, and the (smashed)potted plants don't exactly make a great jungle.

The door looks scorched, to say the least. Actually, it looks like someone just tried burning it up before kicking it in, and the fact that it's still on it's hinges is a wonder to say the least.

She opens the door. It's not like knocking would accomplish anything, seeing as the library is so big.
?Hello, I'm here-Woah!?

A book just narrowly misses her head as it flies past. It's not that weird to her anymore- She's grown used to the fact that Patchouli is the kind of magician you'd read about in storybooks- But she didn't expect to see the library in this sort of condition.

The large, majestic bookcases seem to have fallen, and the room(for some reason, it's illuminated for once) seems sort of empty without them. Piles and piles of books are constantly being re-piled and relocated, floating and turning corners on their own, and in the center of it all, on top of a small tower of books, stands Patchouli, only it doesn't look like Patchouli.

?Winggardium Leviosa! Levitera thill tik w?rldslig plats!?
With one sweeping gesture, a large row of blue books sails over to one bookshelf, replacing a bunch  of red book that quickly change places with a green-blue pile. The magician looks like a noble hero who's setting everything back into it's rightful place, no, not hero, the correct word would probably be godess or demi-god, and whoever did this to her small but perfect world is going to pay very dearly.


But Patchouli doesn't notice her. She seems too absorbed in her work to notice her young pupil, who's admiring the spectacle with curiosity and excitement. Koa comes running up to her through the debris, taking care to duck and occasionally jump over books.

?Oh, good afternoon!? She sighs exasperatedly. Her cheeks are really red and puffy, as if she's been running a lot.

?Hi.? Flandre answers, still mesmerized by the magician's display of her craft.

?Sorry, Patchouli's a little busy, so she can't teach you right now..? Koa puts a finger to her lips. ?I guess I could entertain you for a while, from what I've seen it seems she got to the rest of the mansion, too, so I guess everyone else is busy cleaning up..?

?Who's she?? Is it one of those people from yesterday?

?Min sv?vare ?r full med ?lar!?
Patchouli's voice is kinda loud.

?Eh, well..? Koa's voice trails off. She motions for Flandre to follow her as they walk away from the center of the library, towards a small area enclosed by means of bookshelves where a low table and some furniture await them. The chairs look really fluffy- Flandre nearly jumps into one. Koa is a little more lady-like.

?About yesterday, yes..? A faint blush appears on her cheeks as she sits down.

?Well, a witch darted in, and demanded to know about the moon and why it was red. And then we fought for about one hour until Patchouli was defeated and demanded she have tea here, since they for some reason seem to share a hobby.? She nods towards a pile of old magic books. ?And then her friend busted in and rescued her or something like that, and as for whatever happened upstairs, I have no idea but I hope you're not to blame.?
Ah, so it was a witch who also wondered about the moon, and her friend came to rescue her- Hey! This finally makes sense! After all, it would be a little weird of there were only magicians like Patchouli here, and they are pretty rich after all, so of course people would wonder.
Don't worry, I'll be writing about the Ex-boss-Flandre incident, too. :) I just hope I can do the epic fight scene justice.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #116 on: October 16, 2010, 09:35:26 PM »
Further evidencing the fact that Reimu is a giant-ass bitch.  :V

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #117 on: October 17, 2010, 03:53:16 AM »
Yeah, Reimu's a bluh-bluh-huge-bitch for trying to stop Remilia from perpetually covering the land in a red mist that would prevent sunlight from etc. Points of view, dudebro. ;)

But yeah, glad to see the next part of this!

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #118 on: October 17, 2010, 05:40:17 AM »
You do an amazing job giving the characters their personalities. This is one of the best fan fictions I've ever seen.

Kinzo the Astro Curious

  • One small step for Desu; One giant leap for touhou-kind!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #119 on: October 18, 2010, 12:47:16 AM »
Winggardium Leviosa!


Sensing quite a busted broken prides here. Glad to see this continue!