Author Topic: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)  (Read 73282 times)

?lice Bl?ckb?rn

  • The real Alice Blackbarn!
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Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Day 6)
« Reply #750 on: February 26, 2010, 12:07:42 AM »
@K4U: ...


Why would you do that. Why. Seriously, why.

Is it too much to ask for everyone to goddamn stop trying to quickhammer in this game? Between that and the premature challenges I honestly have to wonder if a good chunk of MoTK's playerbase has temporarily gone more insane than myself, which is a truly rare occurence otherwise.

And yes, could we get a mod in here, please?

Ninja Edible: ...sigh.
"Oh, great. Another game where I get screwed by Kilga." ~ Carthrat


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Day 6)
« Reply #751 on: February 26, 2010, 12:10:55 AM »
Welp. :|


  • i am not witty
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Day 6)
« Reply #752 on: February 26, 2010, 12:48:10 AM »
Motherfucker... I spent like 4 hours yesterday rereading UK instead of doing my homework for this shit?

Also: I'm like an hour late cuz I lost my ID and spent the last hour looking for it. I still can't find it. Life is more important than this. Ans now I'm busy again... be back in... I don't when. Later tonight.

Note: Swearing not directed at anyone specific...


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Day 6)
« Reply #753 on: February 26, 2010, 06:54:28 AM »
Dioxygen Diflouride

Don't change your name during a game, Sodium.


Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Day 6)
« Reply #754 on: February 26, 2010, 10:52:49 AM »
Midnight in the city.

Neon lights crisscrossed the streets, promising sex, food, and entertainment of all kinds, but few were succumbing to the siren's lure of a Friday evening. The only ones who hadn't heard the rumors are those who wouldn't leave their homes anyway, but there were few who didn't see their wisdom.

Mysterious deaths. Gas explosions. Missing persons. Men driven mad, having seen things they could not comprehend. In such an environment, only the insane or careless would go out.

Yet Yuuki Nao was neither. In the most dangerous part of town, where thugs would take your wallet and your health (if falling scaffolding didn't get you first), she calmly talked on her phone, entirely unconcerned.

"Yeah. The boy's dorm. It's all set, as long as tonight goes smoothly. Kikukawa, you know your part?"

"Yes, Yuuki-san. After the strike, Mikoto-chan and I will... will take care of it." The voice on the other end quavered. Nao wanted to slap it.

"Oi. Don't go having second thoughts now. You know this has to happen. And you know nobody can forgive you. Not even your precious Haruka-chan, if she found out. So say it. Say what you're doing."

The voice on the other line was silent for a long moment. When it spoke again, it was firm. "Yes. Mikoto-chan and I will kill the last three. We can do it."

"That's my sempai. Well, hopefully- wait, looks like I've got company." Light footsteps made their way towards Nao, hidden by an enroaching gloom.

"Thank you, Yuuki-san. Honestly, I was having doubts," spoke a saccharine voice, perhaps more suited to entertaining guests than staring down a criminal.

"Yes, that was your mistake," replies Nao, turning about with a smirk. "President-san, you have a job that forces you to analyze, and re-analyze, don't you? So even if you had a hunch, you wouldn't act on it immediately."

Shizuru stepped into the alley, a dark shadow hanging over her. She wore a rumpled uniform, messy from days without sleep. "I don't think that's a character flaw. After all, if you had thought this through some more, I'm sure you would've done things differently. For instance-"

With a crimson flash, a naginata of gleaming rubies appeared in her hands.

"-I would not still be here?" finishes Nao, folding her arms.

"No, not that. You would have asked me to join you," replies Shizuru, thrusting the naginata forward. "I don't need to wonder why you worked together in the first place. It was Sugiura-sensei's doing, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, that teacher knew from the start there was no hope," replies Nao. "I don't know how she convinced Kuga, but in the end, they came to me. That Mikoto is as easy to convince as a five-year-old, and Kikukawa... heh. I need to thank her sometime. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have figured out how to beat you today."

"It's nice to be so confident. But isn't this backwards? Thanks to you, I know I need to defeat Kikukawa-san once we're finished." She advanced one step.

"Hey, you want to know something fun?" asks Nao, still nonchalant. "Sugiura and Kuga couldn't take it. They just couldn't stand killing others so they could survive. So they threw their lives away, as if they had nothing to live for. Hey, president-san, what do you think of that?"

"It would explain your behaviour, Yuuki-san. Not just presenting yourself to me, but your entire life." Shizuru paused, and a smile that would be motherly in other circumstances played across her lives. "Playing cops and robbers in the streets. Turning everyone away, all for.. what was it, again? A living corpse? Poor thing..."

Nao's lips twitched in a snarl. She turned about to face Shizuru head on, hands on hips. "Yeah, it's better to fight for a living corpse than an actual corpse, isn't it? And at least mine's family. Since Kuga isn't related to you, that makes you... the same as Kikukawa, doesn't it? Poor thing... you know the really sad thing?"

Nao seemed to be advancing without moving her feet. There wasn't any sense of danger about her. Judging by the way Hime gained their powers, Nao should be one of the weakest. So Shizuru didn't understand her fear.

"Kuga always talked about you," replies Nao, suppressing a giggle. "'That Shizuru makes me sick.' 'I hate the way she looks at me when she thinks I'm not paying attention.' 'I heard her mention my name in her sleep once. Disgusting!' You knew Natsuki was straight as an arrow, right? What, you think the way that outfit showed off her ass, she wore it for fun? No way. She's been getting it on since she was like fifteen. With guys, of course."

Nao was very close now. Shizuru couldn't feel the spear in her hands. "She despised you. I think even if you weren't a HiME, she'd have wanted to take you out sometime. So, you know, your reason to fight in the first place was pretty hopeless. But don't you think it's funny? You and Kikukawa are both raging dykes, so I figure you two both missed out on something special, being in the council like that."

There was a wet sucking sound, and Shizuru looked down. Nao's arm was through her body, in a way that should not be possible.

"Ah. So it was hopeless," she replied, closing her eyes for the last time.

Nao withdrew her bloody arm, and reached for her still-operational phone. "I hate you, Nao-san," murmured Kikukawa. "Is that really the truth? We should have-"

"Don't be a retard, Kikukawa. Kuga had no goddamn clue. Neither did I until yesterday. You think I'm stupid enough to go up against that witch just with force? Hime win or die from their feelings, not skills or anything like that."

A flash of light screamed from the sky into somewhere on the island; there was a dull roar, and flames leapt from the impact.

"So. You still have something to do, right?"


Uncertain Kitten, aka Fujino Shizuru, Student Council President, had her heart stopped by Yuuki Nao!

Roukanken, aka Okuzaki Akira, Town Secret Ninja was blown up by offshore missiles!

Yuuki Nao (Kiro), Kikukawa Yukino (Alice), and Minagi Mikoto (Kitten4U) cleaned up three bonus heads in the end game! Scum win at 5.99 heads!

When I get home, I'll post all setup details and some commentary. Excuse my blatant Nao fanboyism. (I do not share her views on most topics. <_<) Until then, apologies for the somewhat-broken setup.

Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #755 on: February 26, 2010, 11:20:12 AM »
Balanced setup or not, town did a lot to fuck themselves over here.

I personally have learned a valuable lesson: signing up for two mafia games at once while working forty hours a week = fucking stupid. Trying to keep up with both was excruciating; when Chaore was pressing me for information just before my death I couldn't really answer because my brain was just mush by that point.


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #756 on: February 26, 2010, 12:07:38 PM »
That confirms who you are, then, I s'pose, in that game.

Well uh, that was certainly an 'interesting' game.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #757 on: February 26, 2010, 01:36:24 PM »
And where the hell is K4U? She's been horribly inactive this game, and even there she hasn't helped. This doesn't read like she usually does.

Don't think Alice is much better in that regard. Then again, this game is weird in that lurkers are less likely to be scum because they need to get out there and win showdowns, so...
*munches on his own hat*


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #758 on: February 26, 2010, 01:40:13 PM »
 :V Told you it made sense for them to aim for "scum>town, town>amt(heads_needed+1)".


  • Reimu is always welcome on /d/
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #759 on: February 26, 2010, 01:41:40 PM »
Bwahahah I can't believe we won that. Alice is my new Mafia god.


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #760 on: February 26, 2010, 02:00:58 PM »
Was your suicide planned, Tom?


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #761 on: February 26, 2010, 02:15:00 PM »
Can't believe?

Alex actually made TWO PEOPLE SERIOUSLY CONSIDER HIM BEING SCUM. After what happened D2. I...don't really think you guys were EVER hard-pressed for victory. Frankly, I'd be more surprised if you lost.

I'll toss apropos to Alice and K4U. I only considered once or twice the idea of you two being scum, and dropped it because it simply didn't seem to match up. Well done.

:V Told you it made sense for them to aim for "scum>town, town>amt(heads_needed+1)".

Oh Definitely. Why do you think I was pressing to find scum hard enough to put my life on the line? We could not win this game by doing anything other than finding scum.


Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #762 on: February 26, 2010, 02:23:54 PM »
You are Kazahana Mashiro, Town Crippled Principle!!

As the one who was responsible for bringing all the Hime together in the first place, you can't help but feel accountable for their fates. No, now might be the right time! After three hundred years, can you fight destiny and create a world that isn't formed from the blood of innocents? Well, if it's possible, it'll only come about through iron-clad teamwork.

You can send a secret message of 100 words or less to someone at any time during play. At gamestart, you can only do this once, but every time you win a duel, you gain an extra use! PM the mod to use this power, naming your target and typing your message.

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if they fail to get the required number of kills by the end of the game.

You are Minagi Mikoto, Scum Catgirl Bruiser!

At long last, you found onii-san on the isle of Fuka. And all the training you've done, all the hard work, it will definately pay off now! You are an excellent Hime. Miroku is an excellent sword. And the world which your brother will create is also excellent. Even if it means defeating Mai and the others, you can do this. It's not like you're alone. Nao (Kiro), Midori (Ciato), and Yukino (Alice) are all going to help you bring about your brother's new utopia...

By eating curry bread and embarkening on a destructive rampage throughout the school grounds, you have the power to cause a brief riot. Instead of a duel, the day will be resolved as a general lynch, where anyone can vote for anyone and the person who gains the most votes wins. In such a lynch, whoever hammers (or is the effective hammerer in case of timeout) is considered the 'winner'.

You can only use this power during the pre-challenge phase of each day; once a challenge has been declared, you can't instigate a riot. You can, however, declare ahead of time that you wish to cause a riot the next day.

You can use this ability once. Every time you win a challenge, you can use it an additional time. PM the mod to use this power.

You win when the scum collectively win five duels. Even if scum outnumber town, they still lose if there aren't enough townies left to win five times.

(Dread Thomas)
You are Kuga Natsuki, Town Hot Biker Chick!

Only an idiot would listen to all this festival bullshit. It's all a plan by the First District to turn you against one another! Of course, there are some idiots who'd definately try and slaughter everyone else. It's not a sin to defend yourself against that whilst looking for another solution.

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if they fail to get the required number of kills by the end of the game.

Actually DT was scum, as you know. I changed this last-minute during the pregame for balance purposes.

You are Kikukawa Yukino, Scum Wallflower!

"If you don't help us, who knows what will happen to Haruka-chan~"

The messages just never stopped, and what they had to say was always the same. And the worst thing about it is that even without them, you probably would've chosen this path anyway. There's no way out of the festival, it's impossible! And without allies you can really trust, you know you'd be defeated just like that! You're just joining the winning team. Midori (Ciato), Nao (Kiro) and Mikoto (Kitten4u) can surely be trusted. Right?

You can send a secret message of 100 words or less to someone at any time during play. You can only do this once, but every time you win a duel, you gain an extra use of this power! PM the mod to use this power, naming your target and typing your message.

You win when the scum collectively win five duels. Even if scum outnumber town, they still lose if there aren't enough townies left to win five times.

You are Sugiura Midori, Scum Adventurer Archeologist!

All your research has indicated that it's impossible for the festival to be resolved any other way apart from a brutal brawl. To say this tears your heart up is an understatement, and you've been hitting the drink pretty strongly.

But time doesn't stop for any woman. Eventually, you're going to have to get off your ass and defeat most of the other Hime. IT's not strictly necessary for all everyone to be defeated. A few of the girls seemed like they'd be able to stomach this whole deal, and you've teamed up with Nao (Kiro), Yukino (Alice) and Mikoto (Kitten4u) in order to save the world, by doing whatever is necessary.

You win when the scum collectively win five duels. Even if scum outnumber town, they still lose if there aren't enough townies left to win five times.

Scumchat is located in #scottishschoolgirls on, password/key is JULIA.

You are Higurashi Akane, Town Fast-Food Cook!

Life is tough as a grunt employee at Linden Baum, and it's even tougher as a Hime. And now it looks like everyone's going to fight one another! Someone's already started! It's pretty scary, and you're not sure Kazuya would still like you if he knew what you were willing to do... no, you don't need to go so far. As long as you root out the bad eggs in the group, everything will be fine, right?

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if they fail to get the required number of kills by the end of the game.

You are Yuuki Nao, Scum Jailbait Vigilante!

If life has taught you anything, it's that the only person who's going to really look out for you is yourself, and that you should always expect the worst. Obviously, this festival has been going on for hundreds of years. Obviously, nobody in the past was able to circumvent it. And obviously, the only way you're going to get through this is to win straightforwardly! You already took out that snivelling Tokiha brat, and you've teamed up with some others who seem to think along your lines for now. Midori (Ciato), Mikoto (Kitten4u) and Yukino (Alice) are on your team, and you're prepared to do whatever you have to in order to win!

You're not exactly sure why this remote control was left lying outside your room one night, but it seems to link to some offshore missile launcher. You've got one shot, and some post-it note on the back, written just for you, seemed to say that whoever is giving you this help will give you more missiles if you win battles.

Once per day, before the challenge phase, you can order a missile strike that will blow up any one Hime. You can pre-emptively queue up a shot during the challenge phase that will immediately take place as the day commences. You gain an additional shot for each fight you win. Note that townies killed in this way do not count to your victory tally. PM the mod to use your power.

You win when the scum collectively win five duels. Even if scum outnumber town, they still lose if there aren't enough townies left to win five times.

Scumchat is located in #scottishschoolgirls on, password/key is JULIA.

You are Himeno Fumi, Town Perfect and Elegant Maid!

As the vice-principal of Fuka Academy, you have taken it upon yourself to protect the children. After all, you're a HiME too. It's not as though the festival doesn't concern you. Even if Mashiro-sama has turned to the dark side, you won't relent. They're all just too young...

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if they fail to get the required number of kills by the end of the game.

You are Okuzaki Akira, Town Secret Ninja!

Those fiends, killing both the Tokiha siblings like that! You don't know who they are, but they're going to pay! Alright, so everyone knows you're a ninja, and you can't really count on your training in stealth and misdirection to help you all that much here. You're just going to have to do this the old-fashioned way.

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if they fail to get the required number of kills by the end of the game.

You are Munakata Shiho, Town Shrine Maiden!

Onii-chan is all yours now that that Tokiha bitch is out the way! But fighting is scary... and you don't want to. Weren't there legends about this back in the shrine? About the Ikusahime, who would pointlessly kill one another as part of some celebration? No, you won't go through with that! You'll stop the killers instead!

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if they fail to get the required number of kills by the end of the game.

You are Fujino Shizuru, Town Student Council President!

This won't do at all. Certainly, you would be willing to consider doing almost anything to protect your precious person. And certainly, a way out of this festival doesn't seem obvious. But can't all of this be worked out over a cup of tea and some peaceful discussion? There's a limit to how soon you can give into atrocities, you know.

Surely your experience in politics will help you out with this trial, however.

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if they fail to get the required number of kills by the end of the game.

You are Alyssa Searrs, Town Choirgirl!

It seems that communication has been cut with Father, and you haven't seen Miyu in days. It's completely impossible to know who you can trust anymore, and as far as you know, no backup is coming to get you. Yet this festival is continuing regardless, and soon the time will come to make some hard choices.

Since you haven't received orders to do so, you don't think you really want to work to take out the rest of the Hime. For now you'll try and find the murderers yourself.

You have the power to cause a brief riot. Instead of a duel, the day will be resolved as a general lynch, where anyone can vote for anyone and the person who gains the most votes wins. In such a lynch, whoever hammers (or is the effective hammerer in case of timeout) is considered the 'winner'.

You can only use this power during the pre-challenge phase of each day; once a challenge has been declared, you can't instigate a riot. You can, however, declare ahead of time that you wish to cause a riot the next day.

You can use this ability once. Every time you win a challenge, you can use it an additional time.

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if they fail to get the required number of kills by the end of the game.

You are Sanada Yukariko, Town Lovestruck Nun!

God has spoken! No matter what trials you must face, He will provide! And He would not like it at all if you were to attack innocent children, simply under the degree of those who are clearly agents of Satan! Through Faith you will Conquer All Adversaries! Through Faith, you will uproot these Agents of Sin!

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if they fail to get the required number of kills by the end of the game.

You are Senou Aoi, Town Ordinary Schoolgirl!

Or so you'd like people to think. The truth is, you're a product of a top-secret special forces project. From childhood, you've been trained in the use of every weapon known to man; fists, guns, knives, swords, tanks, jets...

You were planted in Fuka to keep an eye on supernatural incidences, but somewhere along the way your mask became reality, and now you want nothing more than to be an ordinary schoolgirl once again. Unfortuantely, it seems that things are coming to a head, and now you'll have to stand by your friends...

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if they fail to get the required number of kills by the end of the game.

You are Harada Chie, Town Photographer!

Ever since that incident in the Australian Outback last year, your camera has developed unusual powers. It's not something you like to talk about much, but perhaps those legends had some basis in fact- when you look through the lens, sometimes you don't see a clear image, but everything in strange shades of blue and green. And when you press the shutter, it unleashes poltergeists upon your foes!

Maybe it was meant to be, because all the supernatural events around here demand more than just a reporter. They demand someone who can take action. And you're just the girl to do it.

Your keen eye for human nature allows you to pick out whether someone is a murderous scumbag or an upstanding student. You can investigate one player at any time, once during the game, and figure out their alignment. Every time you win a duel, you gain an additional use of this ability. You can't use it twice in one day, however. PM your investigations to the mod to use them.

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if they fail to get the required number of kills by the end of the game.

You are Miyu Greer, Town Killer Cyborg!

Rebooting completed.

Instructions: Incoming apolcalyptic event classified as a class-4. Prevent at all costs. However, preservation of Hime life is considered a secondary goal. Golden Millenium cannot be brought about without their power. Conversion to our cause can happen after this battle is completed.

Possibility that Alyssa has been compromised by unknown agents. Exercise caution in all dealings. Good luck, Miyu.

You win when all the scum are eliminated, or if it is impossible for them to get the requisite number of kills by the end of the game.


Day 2 - Tag Battle
Day 3 - Empty
Day 4 - Nobody in previous fights may fight
Day 5 - Empty
Day 6 - Bauble Drops from the Heavens (+1 power (scum can share) or +1 vote for the powerless)
Day 7 - Empty
Day 8 - Scum choose a challenge at their whim
Day 9 - Empty
Day 10 - If anyone hasn't fought, they must fight, otherwise game continues normally.
Remaining Days: Empty

The 'Hime Star is High in the Sky!' messages were just me screwing with y'all.


Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #763 on: February 26, 2010, 02:24:52 PM »
oh god

why'd that happen

screw it it's readable


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #764 on: February 26, 2010, 02:30:53 PM »

So Kiro queued up a shot for his victory? That... Well eh. :V

I have to ask. Given we had no idea if Framers DID exist- Why the Zero Charge on the cop, when the missiles apparently came with a charge.


Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #765 on: February 26, 2010, 02:39:42 PM »
Town MVP: Alex. Seriously. Uh. Obvious.
Scum MVP: Hard to actually pick someone out of scum, but prooooobably Alice.
Townie I felt most sympathetic for: Roukanken.
Scum I felt most sympathetic for: Ciato.

Day 2. Yeah, I think that was a terrible clusterfuck for scum. It was blatantly obvious that Tom was scum, the strategy was really quite transparent. I feel, however, that lynching Alex and Ciato would've been the smarter move, since it would've been quite hard at that stage to know which of them is scummy on the outside (could've been trying to set up Tom vs. Ciato for Tom victory and +1head!)  Kilga was pretty much clear though, dunno why town persisted in killing Tom.

Civility: This is mafia, and I have in the past hold that pretty much anything short of blatant ad hominem goes. I have myself used angry ranting and rage to great effect on either side- though the effect was not always what I intended. However the fact that this game caused people to quit rather than play.. well. Bard is a pretty okay guy. I don't think I'll be as lenient in the future.

Obviously, forum rules must be respected and I'm not about to gainsay Edible over that either. Should listen to that guy.

The actual effectiveness of such play- that is, extremely forceful intimidation tactics to make things happen... well. I've been in a position very similar to UK's in the past, where I pretty much forced town to lynch me at LYLO after such displays. Town simply cannot stand to get pushed around like that- if one person slides on it, several can, and then you're pretty screwed. Furthermore, if you're too forceful they'll stop caring about winning and start just wanting to lynch you on principle.

Unless you are 100% sure- and face it, as a vanilla townie you're not- resorting to such extremes to get the point across is only going to bite you in the ass. Insulting people also generally fails to get them thinking the way you want.


I am a bit disappointed at how the setup turned out. I figured a maxim of the game would be 'scum must actively seek heads', but the conditions I specified for endgame let them pretty much play it out like normal mafia- lurk a lot. In fact because of the way challenges work it was probably even easier. I think that next time I try this, I really will institute a time limit- and likely not use a unilateral challenge scheme either.

Game was... actually I think there was a good shot for either side to win, primarily through cheap role-based tactics or a town steamroller. It was very swingy; cop and scumvig are very strong in this setup.

Vig was given a free charge, unlike cop, because cop can win the game by himself while vig cannot (and scum needed anti-steamroller stuff.)


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
  • *
  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #766 on: February 26, 2010, 02:44:01 PM »
Vig was given a free charge, unlike cop, because cop can win the game by himself while vig cannot (and scum needed anti-steamroller stuff.)

False. Blatantly.

We could not expect a Town read to be completely accurate, and finding ONE scum does not stop the other 4 from dodging you. Not to mention we can't actually trust a role claim. A cop can't win the game by himself.

Town MVP: Alex. Seriously. Uh. Obvious.

The fuck did Alex actually do?


Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #767 on: February 26, 2010, 02:46:31 PM »
@Chaore: More than just about anyone else in town? It is pretty much undeniable he forced Ciato and Tom into outing themselves; Tom himself told me Alex pressured him into that move. He was consistently reasonable in the face of some pretty crazy town behavior.

You don't need to find scum as cop in this setup. You find town and let him kill everyone.


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
  • *
  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #768 on: February 26, 2010, 02:57:00 PM »
Wouldn't actually work, Given how this end game went, its perfectly possible for scum to win on the clean up. At that, the Vig could take out the town and then we're back to start. And the cop can't be trusted without being taken out.

You do, pretty much, need to find scum to win as town. Scum needs a bit of tactics, but not  a lot if you get a kill or two. Especially with a 5 team. One kill per person lost.

As for MVP Alex... No, That was Tom being an idiot. There was time to wiggle out that Tom CHOSE to forsake. There was never a guarantee that the challenge would be agreed on. Tom gave the two of them away, not Alex. So yes, It is actually deniable. Tom made a quick and very bad decision. Alex just caused him to make it.

As for reasonable, he actually had people thinking he was scum. That should say something about how he played. Not that anyone was any better in this regard.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #769 on: February 26, 2010, 02:58:26 PM »
Game was... actually I think there was a good shot for either side to win, primarily through cheap role-based tactics or a town steamroller.

Didn't I nom Rou on Day 1? Of course nobody listens to confirmed players.

Now the not so nice stuff.
If Edible wants to hand out any punishment for offensive players, I'll support it. As I had said, just about everyone is guilty to some extent of incivility. The game can be played without excessive swearing and needless antagonization. I don't doubt Edible will have much to say on this.


Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #770 on: February 26, 2010, 02:58:56 PM »
Townie forcing scum to make a bad decision? Sounds pretty valuable to me.

The only player who seemed to have nobody considering him as scum during endgame was Alice. <_<


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #771 on: February 26, 2010, 03:00:23 PM »
Townie I felt most sympathetic for: Roukanken.
Uh, yay?

Okay, first question. Did Jam ever mention that her power was exactly the same as K4U's?

Also, I think Carth overrated the cop in terms of brokenness a little. 'Hey guys I found an innocent and- oh, he's just been blown up. Damn. Guess I need to win another challenge...'

And in terms of civility I'm willing to say that this was uncalled for. I apologise for exploding like that.
Really, though, I think I'm coming to realise that games where that level of aggression is flying around just aren't fun. Knowing that accusing certain people will get all sorts of insults thrown at you means your opinions are going to be skewed one way or the other (depending on whether this scares or annoys you), and in general it just gets people mad. Hence why I'm taking a break from MotK Mafia for a while so things can cool down. -_-;

Didn't I nom Rou on Day 1? Of course nobody listens to confirmed players.
People gave me too much credit by saying I could abuse my meta. I haven't been scum on MotK for over a year. :(


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #772 on: February 26, 2010, 03:02:33 PM »
If you take a break, you won't get a chance to roll scum and be obv for us to catch you :V


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #773 on: February 26, 2010, 03:04:10 PM »
If you take a break, you won't get a chance to roll scum and be obv for us to catch you :V
And yet my sanity will be all the better for it. I've already asked Kilga to stop me from signing up for any more games here. >_>


Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #774 on: February 26, 2010, 03:04:37 PM »
It's quite possible I did overrate the cop, admittedly.

During my early drafts of the setup I was scratching my head to figure out how to make the game.. well.. winnable for scum. By the time everything was locked in, I had a mindset of 'scum are probably going to lose, so here are all these advantages that might help them put up a fight!'

And we can all see how that went.


Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #775 on: February 26, 2010, 03:05:21 PM »
As an aside, I was sympathetic to Rou because despite the fact that he didn't really do anything horribly bad or brilliantly sharp, he still managed to get people reading all sorts of things into him based on what the people around him were doing. Very odd. <_<


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #776 on: February 26, 2010, 03:06:24 PM »
The only player who seemed to have nobody considering him as scum during endgame was Alice. <_<

False. Everyone had a suspicion or two. Other people looked worse.

He didn't force Tom to make a bad decision, he just CAUSED it. I stress Tom didn't need to make that choice. It was an error on his part, not a masterful play by Alex. I'd like that added to the record, really.

Didn't I nom Rou on Day 1? Of course nobody listens to confirmed players.

UK sure does. She kept that in mind the entire game.

Hell, She managed to read up on Kefit after I suggested it, too. Not that it was a GOOD suggestion...

Okay, first question. Did Jam ever mention that her power was exactly the same as K4U's?

No. Alice didn't mention his power was Bard's, Either. I assume for the same reason.

Also, I'm going to say I agree with you here. This game was terrible in regards of player actions. Is it ALWAYS like this?

Ninja Carth: Yeah. I thought that was the trick? 'Scum actually have a good chance to win, suckers.'


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #777 on: February 26, 2010, 03:07:38 PM »
And yet my sanity will be all the better for it. I've already asked Kilga to stop me from signing up for any more games here. >_>

So you don't ask me. I'LL REMEMBER THAT!!



Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #778 on: February 26, 2010, 03:12:22 PM »
I don't think it was a brilliant piece of Holmesque deduction or anything, but there's something to be said for being able to get people to see the obvious. <_<


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Himelander Mafia Thread (Over! Scum Win!)
« Reply #779 on: February 26, 2010, 03:13:23 PM »
If it means anything, I might end up playing the anonymous round, but only because it means I get to play a game where taking the slightest step out of my meta DOESN'T get me lynched. Honestly, we need more anonymous rounds on this board. Just look at RPGDL - Suwako's onto the right idea, IMO.