Author Topic: Touhou Grand Theft Auto  (Read 286529 times)


  • Servant of Pandora
Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #510 on: August 29, 2011, 01:02:22 PM »
Hey, I did this a while ago and only JUST realized that I forgot to share it! It was one of my first plane/Touhou creations so its not perfect, but here it is!

The Extra 300S "BAKA"

And the download link:



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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #511 on: August 30, 2011, 12:24:30 AM »
Figured I'd throw a post in here to just double confirm a few things...

Links in the opening post: Are they up-to-date? Last edit was January, so I'm just making sure.

How is the radio advertisement project coming on? Hearing the full 2 minute version of PowerBullet, along with your Mannosuke 3D, would have to warrant a special prize. ;)

I can't really help much, but I at least wanted to get that first question out of the way with. Oh, and thanks, btw, for actually suggesting that idea in the first place. ^^


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #512 on: August 30, 2011, 12:52:05 AM »
Very sorry for lack of update here, uni has started for me so free time is heavily cut. Next time I won't give out tentative release dates for the simple reason of not having to disappoint once said dates pass - in other words, it'll move to a 'when it's done' schedule.

Hey, I did this a while ago and only JUST realized that I forgot to share it! It was one of my first plane/Touhou creations so its not perfect, but here it is!

The Extra 300S "BAKA"
Hahaha, Baka Airlines! :V

This makes me want to re-consider re-adding the Hinacopter back in (it is in Squid's version but right now removed in mine).

Links in the opening post: Are they up-to-date? Last edit was January, so I'm just making sure.
MegaUpload links are up-to-date but the torrent is dead. To make management easier next versions will be in a new thread, and this one will be left for vestigial purposes.

Also v1.61 will not require a previous install of Squidtentacle's versions (1.0, 1.5) to run, due to significant changes in the main GTA model files. (you still need GTA: SA US v1.0 to run it fully though)

How is the radio advertisement project coming on? Hearing the full 2 minute version of PowerBullet, along with your Mannosuke 3D, would have to warrant a special prize. ;)
The radio commercials work well, but I intend to add them in on a later version along with a full radio replacement. Sadly my new DIY desktop where all my music is stored is quickly dying like a dog. My laptop, where I do Touhou GTA stuff, is fine however, albeit quite slow for 3D tasks.

I can't really help much, but I at least wanted to get that first question out of the way with. Oh, and thanks, btw, for actually suggesting that idea in the first place. ^^
Not a problem on both accounts! :D Even small help, such as character suggestions (Strafe) and testing (Flinix), is appreciated! ^^
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 12:55:47 AM by SD50 Rainbow Synthesisis »
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  • Too moe for ZUN
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #513 on: September 21, 2011, 09:41:33 PM »
Keep this thread going, baka baka baka! Or at least start a new thread with link. Let me know the status and what not.  Keep it alive. Nom nom nom. That is all
Still using Windows XP in the year 2050
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #514 on: September 22, 2011, 09:49:10 PM »
Keep this thread going, baka baka baka! Or at least start a new thread with link. Let me know the status and what not.  Keep it alive. Nom nom nom. That is all
Well, back to work. :V
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  • Servant of Pandora
Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #515 on: September 24, 2011, 04:07:26 AM »
Sorry, I've been off making youtube vids to show people how to make san andreas mods. Just been waiting to see what will develop with all the work going on. I'll dig through my mod files and post up some more stuff in the next day.


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #516 on: September 24, 2011, 04:10:48 AM »
In the meantime, my DIY desktop crashed itself yet again so my work will be limited.

EDIT: TH13 models already?
Hell, I'm adding these as well. :D
...that is, if I can find download links to them and get their passwords (if they're there) ><
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 05:15:50 PM by CHEN Guerilla Warmongers »
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Rin Kaenbyou

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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #517 on: September 25, 2011, 12:30:01 AM »
But no seeds in the torrent ;_;
Atte: Orin, the most awesome cat (and catgirl)  you ever seen baby!

I love my master Satori, she's so warm and kind... and when I am in her bed with her, she does **** and **** with my precious body... Ahhhh... This feels too good, nyaaaa~
Wait! what are you thinking, pervert? she scratches my chin and pets my back, y-you baka!


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #518 on: September 25, 2011, 12:33:10 AM »
But no seeds in the torrent ;_;
Torrent's been dead for ages.
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #519 on: November 01, 2011, 08:14:56 AM »
Canst Thou give the list of arrangements on the radio?
like, Radio Los Santos = Demetori, etc.
A wandering Russian newbie.

Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #520 on: November 01, 2011, 02:56:45 PM »
Oh man almost forgot this thread existed!
Any news or progress on the project? Still eagerly awaiting any kind of update, this is basically the reason I own San Andreas!


  • Servant of Pandora
Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #521 on: November 04, 2011, 02:46:56 PM »
Its still an ongoing project. It'll just take a bit more time. When I did my first GTA/Touhou convrsion, it took me 2 years to complete. Keep in mind though that I was doing it by myself and converted EVERYTHING from the maps to the GUI's and EVERYTHING in between. Called it G.T.A. (Gensokyo terrifying Alteration) at first but the few people I shared it with (on a japan board with Ryosuke and Kon) started calling it GTA Gensokyo. Because of legal nasties with sharing rockstar's EXE files, I cannot offer to share my personal conversion. I have shared many of my mods, but for my conversion you HAVE to have the modded EXE that i built  using a decompiled renderware 3 engine source.  I can tell you though that in depth modding on this game is a pain in the butt thats hard to believe unless your doing it first hand. EVERY little idea usually results in tons of research into the games structure system to find out how to make it work. Then you wind up spending even more time wondering why its not working correctly. Then ultimately you end up having to SETTLE for something in between your vision and what the game will allow. Its a very rewarding feeling when you get things to just WORK in one of these mods. Plus, for every significant change you make, you usually have to test play through at least SOME of the game to make sure that missions will still work properly. It will take a bit more time but the new version will be out before too long hopefully.


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #522 on: November 04, 2011, 04:24:38 PM »
Still working on it. The worst part is that I have to watch every cutscene again to see what gets changed and what doesn't, and fix the latter before testing yet again.
Modding this game is a real bitch. It also pays off very well.

Unlike Fox's mod, the upcoming one won't need a modded EXE, just a US 1.0 one.

And hey, this mod is why I own GTA: SA on PC as well. :V (I had the PS2 version at the time)

Canst Thou give the list of arrangements on the radio?
like, Radio Los Santos = Demetori, etc.
Yeah, sure. This will be valid for the next version (and the text is changed to reflect that):
Quote from: Squidtentacle (in readme)
There's O-Life Japan (PlayBack FM), Black Night Funeral (KRose), Concealed the Conclusion (KDST), dBu music (Bounce FM), EastNewSound (SFUR), Demetori (Radio Los Santos), C-CLAYS (Radio X), Liz Triangle (CSR), Hobby Atelier Carrot Wine (K-Jah), WAVE (Master Sounds), and TAMusic (WCTR). Of course, there's also the user track station, where you can put any songs you'd like.

I plan to change all of them though to be sorted mostly be genre, with a few notorious circles in their own channel. I have to test and see what the limitations of the radio stream file are, for I intend to put a lot more songs overall.

Also, while I put in Fox's pedestrians, I'm sifting through to find a place to put down a few TH13 models :V

OFFTOPIC EDIT: Wow, someone's already doing this for GTA IV, fantastic work. Except that 90% of our systems won't be able to run it :V
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 10:51:03 AM by あややや Newspapers Conglomerate »
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  • Too moe for ZUN
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #523 on: November 08, 2011, 05:52:38 AM »
OFFTOPIC EDIT: Wow, someone's already doing this for GTA IV, fantastic work. Except that 90% of our systems won't be able to run it :V

I've heard that GTA IV was extremely hard to mod due to Microsoft's/Rockstar's move to stop modding; now to see this, that's something else! That page is now saved as a bookmark for later viewing XD (sleepy time for me right now). If the recreation works well, I think I'll be dedicating some hardware for it.

Also, for EP, still awaiting status on when testing procedure will begin. Flinix, out
Still using Windows XP in the year 2050
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  • Servant of Pandora
Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #524 on: November 12, 2011, 10:15:47 PM »
I've heard that GTA IV was extremely hard to mod due to Microsoft's/Rockstar's move to stop modding; now to see this, that's something else! That page is now saved as a bookmark for later viewing XD (sleepy time for me right now). If the recreation works well, I think I'll be dedicating some hardware for it.

Rockstar has never truly 'supported' modding, but made no attempt to stop it either. Given their awareness of it though, they did implement file size checks to prevent using mods because of potential cheating in IV's online play. IV being the first to officially offer such. They later implemented a different means of preventing cheating caused by some mods and subsequently released later patches (1.3 and up) which no longer perform file size checks. Modding can continue. During online play however, many mods will not appear/work for other players unless they have it as well. As for the link posted from the garage, thats an ongoing project by Nfield. Creating ASI versions of cleo scripts re-tuned to work with IV's fx files. Some of those models are mine converted from SA with no boost in poly count/spec shading yet. I personally have been remaking phone themes and signs/billboards etc for IV which can also be found on gtagarage. Beyond that, I am reserving any further Gta/touhou modding for when V comes out. It has already been confirmed to be back in los santos and surrounding areas. No word yet on rather or not it will include san fierro and Venturas, but if it does, I will be re-doing my original Touhou conversion on it. So I didnt want to get caught up in IV personally.



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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #525 on: November 12, 2011, 10:58:56 PM »
I've heard that GTA IV was extremely hard to mod due to Microsoft's/Rockstar's move to stop modding; now to see this, that's something else! That page is now saved as a bookmark for later viewing XD (sleepy time for me right now). If the recreation works well, I think I'll be dedicating some hardware for it.
Hehe. Well, Rockstar is a bit ambiguous when it comes to mods - opposes their use in online play, but tried to put them in (it programmed the ability to write your own missions, albeit heavily limited, in SA). GTA IV is, though, easier to mod than LA Noire, which alas uses a completely different proprietary engine. (fortunately Max Payne 3 will use RAGE, same as GTA IV and RDR)

Well, if you do, feel free to consult that technology thread I run in the Cafe part of the forums. :D

Also, for EP, still awaiting status on when testing procedure will begin. Flinix, out
Current status: testing on my systems, but uni work is in the way. Have to finish a large paper, then I'll get back to this.

As for the link posted from the garage, thats an ongoing project by Nfield. Creating ASI versions of cleo scripts re-tuned to work with IV's fx files. Some of those models are mine converted from SA with no boost in poly count/spec shading yet. I personally have been remaking phone themes and signs/billboards etc for IV which can also be found on gtagarage.
I'd go and mod this, but:
(1) GTA: SA already has the tools and resources for a total conversion
(2) I'd prefer using GTA IV's engine to the fullest, including the models
(3) I'm busy with GTA: SA's engine :V

Beyond that, I am reserving any further Gta/touhou modding for when V comes out. It has already been confirmed to be back in los santos and surrounding areas. No word yet on rather or not it will include san fierro and Venturas, but if it does, I will be re-doing my original Touhou conversion on it. So I didnt want to get caught up in IV personally.
I'd kill if it has Fierro and Venturas., a GTA:SA next-generation project would likely come up, from which TGTA:SA can be remade..., I'm thinking too far :V
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  • Too moe for ZUN
  • それは私、Flinixです
Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #526 on: November 13, 2011, 05:27:27 PM », I'm thinking too far :V

No you're not. [Just kidding, this stuff can be a lot of work I imagine.]
Still using Windows XP in the year 2050
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #527 on: November 13, 2011, 05:56:12 PM »
So I messed up pretty bad.
Ingame, I was pretty far along, I already had the garage in San Fierro, killed a certain traitor, blew up the coke factory, got the car wishlist, killed a certain pimp, and rode the monster truck, to give you an idea.
I went to save immediately after completing the lastest mission before the mission complete respect+ cash+ screen disappeared. The problem is, the game crashed midway through saving and when i reloaded, it gave me THE SAVEGAME IS CORRUPTED. Please check your save directory. I tried previous save files but the same message appeared. A little before this incident, textures during cutscreen stopped working and actual characters such as CJ, the garage employees, Kendl, Catalina, and Cesar were displayed. This has never happened before. (Additionally, I'm not sure if this is only on my game or others' too, but whenever I use nondirectional laser and turn it off while holding a weapon, the spell is still used even if it is off and results in the automatic death of Carl, regardless of his health.)
Previous save files work in the unmodded version of the game, but nothing works when I play the modded version. I attempted hacking the .exe changing the save directory and copying the saves over, but that didn't work either
As much as I'm anticipating the new version, I really don't want to start everything over again. Any help?


  • Servant of Pandora
Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #528 on: November 13, 2011, 06:05:05 PM »
Its just a weird preference for me. I was a truck driver a few years ago and got to go to NY for a delivery upstate and a pickup in manhatten. I think old 'nice place to visit but....' expression applies for me. May have been because of trying to get around there with a 53 foot trailer, but, I just DO NOT like big cramped cities. Needless to say my least favorite part of san andreas is being in Los Santos. Fierro for some reason does not bother me. Biggest thing I loved about SA was all the stuff in between the cities. Probably why I live where I do now in the middle of a desert. But yeah, its a lot of work modding these so I prefer to do it to a game has a lot of areas that I like. I changed most of the cities in my mod, but I didn't remove them. Trying to do this with IV would be more trouble than I would want. I have added some large grassy/hilly/forest islands outside of the city. I spend most of my time running around there lol. So if V has these areas, I will most likely turn my future TGTA modding attention to it.


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #529 on: November 13, 2011, 09:12:29 PM »
@StarBowBreak: Usually spellcard scripts are best activated and deactivated when the fists/brass knuckles are active. Well, to my experience anyway. I did get that far and didn't face any issues, however.

Perhaps the modded gta3.img got corrupted?

@Fox: LS is boring indeed. Though I love large cramped cities, I like the countryside between them even more, which really felt far too small in SA (and on an off-note was one of my favourite aspects about Just Cause 2, even if it took forever to get anywhere).
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Luna Scarlet

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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #530 on: November 15, 2011, 04:18:09 PM »

Just wanna say thank you for the person who shared the links and upgrades...
and I just wanna asked...
What band, singer, artist, etc., that have been used in this game...
I like the music during "Life's a beach" mission... ^^
Or atleast any download links for the music on that mission is appreciated...
Many tnx... ^^

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Touhou GTA - What is this I don't even ~
« Reply #531 on: November 29, 2011, 11:50:26 AM »
Wait, wait, wait, what is going on here?!

Take a look.
NOTE: Screenshots were taken in various times of development and may not be the same in the full release.

Finally finished going through all the cutscenes and models there (yes that should mostly conclude the testing session), now it's on to the much simpler pedestrian replacements and readme (oh, and some gameplay screenshots)!
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 11:52:13 AM by ロケット Copy/Fax Machines »
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #532 on: November 29, 2011, 02:23:48 PM »
Wait, wait, wait, what is going on here?!

Take a look.
NOTE: Screenshots were taken in various times of development and may not be the same in the full release.

Looks nice, EP. Is that the version you are working on?

I wonder, could you share a bit details on your version in that case? (Like, will there be different avatar sets like in the version in the original post, etc.)


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #533 on: November 29, 2011, 02:46:18 PM »
To answer your questions:
1) Yes, this is the version I'm working on to supersede Squid's mod.
2) Sure. I'll probably put up the readme (for the sake of answering possible questions) before sticking up the main files. Still writing it though ><
3) There won't be any different avatar versions for the time being. Reasons for that:
 - Reducing download size (all those extra gta3.imgs were far too much)
 - Difficulty of maintaining the mod across several different variations (I mod one file, I've to repeat manually for the rest)
 - Getting a full set for just one cast was hard enough; I'll let others suggest different ones

I just thought of a solution that will use another smaller IMG file to hold just the models for cutscenes and main characters, and have that invoked on startup. But I'd rather release this sooner, and usually the skin switching script should do unless seeing other characters as supporting cast is priority.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 02:56:38 PM by ロケット Copy/Fax Machines »
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #534 on: November 29, 2011, 03:05:06 PM »
Thank you for the quick reply, EP.

I?m a bit upset that there won?t be different avatar sets, if truth be told, but maybe you would them later, when you have too much free time on your hands.. ehehe, I?ll keep dreaming.

I have another quick question, if you don?t mind: will changing PC?s avatar change your avatar for cutscenes as well, or will cutscenes remain unaffected, like it was in the original post?s version?


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #535 on: November 29, 2011, 05:02:14 PM »
All cutscene models  are changed for this version.

However, if you're talking about changing the skin and then loading cutscenes, then no. The models for cutscenes are invoked in other files, and can't be switched on the fly.
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #536 on: November 29, 2011, 05:21:47 PM »
I see. Thank you for answering.


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #537 on: November 29, 2011, 07:06:37 PM »
Hm, another option for the character modifications would be to modify the IMG but have the changes distributed in a patch format such as PPF or UPS. But I'm not entirely sure how these work for a mod of this game.
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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #538 on: November 29, 2011, 08:06:05 PM »
Well, I can?t really help with this, since I don?t know a single thing about modding.

But from a player?s point of view, it would certainly be nice to be able to at least choose between several different characters as a player?s avatar, both during the gameplay and cutscene (personally, I find it rather weird when my character suddenly looks different when gameplay shifts to a cutscene; and CJ?s voice makes it hard enough to suspend disbelief as it is ^_^;; ).

Not sure how hard it is to make several different scenarios with different player avatars at least (I am most interested in being able to play as Sanae, but I guess it would be fair if all main player characters from Windows games: Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Sanae and Youmu are represented). It would be really nice if you could create different scenarios like that, providing it won?t be too much trouble, and unless you think of a different way of allowing changing player?s avatar for cutscenes, of course.


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Re: Touhou Grand Theft Auto
« Reply #539 on: November 29, 2011, 08:40:17 PM »
Hm, I have a solution for this! This shouldn't take terribly long, though I'll need to test it regardless.
(namely, use my aforementioned method of creating a new IMG, then putting any skin changes from there in skin.img).

Come to think of it, though, a reversed-role version (where Sanae is CJ and Reimu is Tenpenny; so on and so forth) sounds like a good idea. Not THAT hard to do either! ^^

Not as sure about the other versions you listed, though. I'd probably have to modify more of the gangs and characters.

Chances are, though, that the Sanae cutscene version will arrive on an incremental update. Right now I'm focused on the core mod and defaults.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 10:01:02 PM by ロケット Copy/Fax Machines »
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