Author Topic: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!  (Read 268258 times)

Bias Bus

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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #210 on: October 23, 2011, 03:51:17 PM »
Remember when I said I was going to write on Dreams next? Yeah, I lied.


Creation of the Universe

The beginning of the known universe is something that can be tracked back literally trillions upon trillions of years into the past, at least this is what is known for our own universe anyway and the things that exist within it. In anycase, many go so far as to say that the universe began at the hands of the Goddess of All who, as her name suggests, created all things in this universe from her own power over absolute creation. The Goddess brought forth a vast pool of cosmic matter from her own body, and used it to create the stars, the planets and all other things in the known unvierse. Afterward, she created the first beings of life from "Akasha", letting them spread out within the cosmos and evolve upon their own voilation. During this time, the Goddess fell dormant, budding off countless avatars that spanned across space and cemented themselves as gods of those people and beings. Indeed, the one who is worshipped as 'God' on the mortal realm of Earth is only a mere avatar of what some would call the True God. Each of these avatars are directly linked to the Goddess via mentally and all share the same thought as their parent deity. They are but one mass collective of the Goddess' concious, a legion of her thought process given a task to watch over the many beings in the universe and give them guidance.

After the creation of the universe, several other deities came into form through the Goddess' work, all of them being come to be known as 'Elder Gods', or the gods who existed when the universe first began. They are immesurably old, but contain vast amounts of wisdom and knowledge concerning the universe and the concept or element they preside over. Many of these gods and goddess' reside on an otherworldly plane known as the Tengokusekai (or simply Tengoku/Heaven) and serve under the Goddess' avatar who lives at the highest point of Tengoku and is both the ruler of Tengoku and all life on the mortal worlds. The Elder Gods would come to spawn forth lesser gods that would take up other concepts and elements of the universe and would work to shape the mortal realm.

Below the known universe (known as the 'mortal universe') is where the Jigokusekai came into being, a world where the Goddess placed all of the dark energy that was dispersed upon the creation of the universe. This dark energy would soon become Devil Mana and would help in sparking the first forms of demonic life within the Jigokusekai and allowing it to evolve even further on. The Jigokusekai has no true supreme god, unlike the others.

On the nethermost reaches of the universe exists the Yomisekai (or Yomi no Kuni), a cavernous universe that was the 'trash bin' of the universe, the realm in which the 'old universe' was cast into and added to it's mass to create it. Indeed, this would only mean that the Yomisekai is in truth several dozen old universes that were 'scrapped' by the Goddess and the one in which we live in today is the 'new' universe created by her from a 'failed' or 'flawed' one that existed before. The Goddess of Death, Yomihime, resides in this realm and rules over the dead and the Yomijin.

Lower still, at the very bottom of our universe, is the Keigokusekai (or Keigoku) a world of hellish torture, punishment and where all damned souls go after they are judged in Diyu within Yomi. Keigoku was infact a section of the Jigokusekai that was so chaotic and lawless, the Goddess seperated it from it's parent universe and placed it underneath the Yomi no Kuni, where it now sits to this very day. The ruler of Keigoku is Oo-Enma, the warden of this infernal prison and the one who keeps all condemned prisoners in check and in chains.

- Truth of beyond our universe -

Due to how far back within the distant past the birth of the universe is, no mortal entity can comprehend the true means in which the universe came into being. While it is true that all things were created by the Goddess and with her work of Akasha, however, what isn't readily known is what lies beyond our known universe, beyond the realm of the Goddess. There have been many theories stating on what exists beyond our universe and if there is any form of existance, then who or what resides there. In truth, where our universe ends...another one begins. Indeed, beyond our known cosmos there exists a neighboring universe, that very same universe having it's own 'Goddess of All' that created all things within it. However, the number of universes don't exactly stop at just that adjacent one...there are many different cosmic realms neighboring our own, each one having a different set up but all having on Goddess/God of All that created it. Beyond all of these univereses exist one immense sea of cosmic energies beyond mortal understanding, this being the sea in which even the Goddess' and Gods are born from, this 'sea' called the "Gigabyss of Birth". Upon the birth of a new Goddess/God, a piece of the abyss is sealed within the body of the newly created entity to which they bring this out in the form of 'Akasha' once the creation of their universe begins.

This sea and everything beyond it is all swirling within endlessly within the 'Golden Womb' the inside of an even greater being that was responsible for not only the creation of the sea of birth and the goddess'/gods of all...but all of reality itself. To this day no one knows of this being's existance or the name of which it is called (or if it even has one). We are blissfully unaware of the truly expansive universe in which we live, blind to the fact that beyond the being we consider an absolute being...there exists one many times greater and immeasurably more powerful in the beyond...
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"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #211 on: October 27, 2011, 12:49:19 AM »
OKAY HERE'S THE PLAN, or, theshim's NaNoWriMo project, ideally.

The premise, in short, is taking a medieval-age world, with nobles and peasants and holy wars and the other bajillon things the age entails, and dropping magic on it.  This is an utterly massive undertaking, as it requires full world-building in advance and then taking everything and deciding how the advent of magic affects it all.  In many areas, warlords develop who claim the right to territory with their magic backing them up.  However, this is far, far too massive and impossible to handle within the confines of NaNoWriMo, so I'm aiming for a very small piece of the proverbial pie. 

The story is going to focus on one character, a blacksmith's apprentice named Derrick Talen.  As the story dawns, he is cut loose by his master, who declares him unfit for the business.  Derrick goes drinking, is nearly run over by a cart and killed, and is saved only by the sudden awakening of his magical talent, which he unconsciously draws upon to give him a burst of speed to duck out of the way of the cart.  Derrick, along with a lifelong friend, begin to try to puzzle out this new mysterious power - what it is, and how it works.  In the meantime, cut off from income, Derrick takes to stealing to eat, and due to a misunderstanding begins to develop his powers to aid him, developing spells for concealment, trickery, illusion and enchantment.  Derrick's rise to power brings him into conflict with the local guild of thieves, while the nobility begins to crack down on thievery after some high-profile thefts, and it becomes a struggle to remain secret while developing his powers and gaining notoriety.  At the same time, his newfound wealth brings him into the social circles of the elite, even as disturbing rumors begin to circulate from around the world.  Worst of all, it turns out Derrick isn't the only mage in town, and soon the capital city faces treachery and destruction from all sides - and Derrick may end up being the only thing standing between the world and ruin.

That's just book one of a much larger project.  It's going to be a mostly over-the-shoulder third person perspective - from Derrick's viewpoint, but not in first person, which I find restrictive.  I'm planning on setting up most of the major characters and villains for at least the next book in this one, though as of now the tentative thought process is "Book One: The City", "Book Two: The Continent", and "Book Three: Existence".  Book One - this project - will be Derrick's and mostly Derrick's alone (I'm going to have to curb that instinct of making every single character I introduce into a main character), Book Two will expand to cover the larger threat of the warlords and outright anarchy, with Derrick as part of a larger group, and Book Three will cover discoveries of the true nature of magic and their world, and the subsequent struggle to prevent the many ways the world can go to hell.

These are dependent on the nature of magic, something which I subscribe to the Sanderson school of thought - magic should be well thought out and internally consistent.  This world, such as it is, will use a brand I'll refer to as Soulmagic.

IN THE BEGINNING (because if I'm going to figure out how this works, I may as well go all the way back) there was the All-Father.  The All-Father created children, those the world would call gods.  The gods created the world, but were divided as to how to create it.  Some wanted to create only simple creatures.  Others, creatures of choice and power that would nearly rival themselves.  Debates ranged long and loud (if such a term can be applied) before a consensus was reached.  The world would be created, and given to humans, but the humans would have to prove themselves worthy before being granted greater gifts.  The decision was reached that the test would be numbers; if humans could develop far enough that they could conquer disease through innovation and war through diplomacy, the gods would grant them magic, that they would continue to ascend.  So thought the gods of good.  But the All-Father created his children in balance, and there were gods of wickedness and evil as well.  They saw that the advent of magic would prove a chaotic time, a time when the mettle of humanity would be tested and many would succumb to baser desires, and so they too supported this plan.

To enact the plan, the gods created the Vault of Souls.  Protected by a divine spiritual barrier, the Vault would contain all the essence of life that would become people - all the souls of man, in a form of nearly pure energy.  The Vault was created to allow the souls to be released for birth, and returned upon death.  Built into the barrier was the contingency - when a billion humans would finally exist together, the Vault would begin to degrade, ever so slightly, in carefully measured steps.  This would not release the souls - indeed, the souls, in their pure form, would not leave the Vault on their own even if they could - but it would make the spiritual barrier of the Vault permeable, in the slightest of amounts.  Thus, those humans with the ability to draw upon magic - a genetic ability that until this point was meaningless - would be able, through force of will and study, to draw out power from the Vault of Souls and use it as magic.

However, knowledge of the creation has long been lost to mankind.  The gods themselves took no part in the world after the creation and finalization of the Vault of Souls, and the tale, though imparted to the first humans, quickly faded into obscurity, myth, and eventually nothingness.  The religions that have arisen are corruptions of the gods, or complete inventions by mankind, and the knowledge of the Vault is unknown.  Magic itself is reserved for fairy tales, ghost stories, and the occasional charlatan or con man.  In short: magic is literally unknown, and Derrick is one of the very first to suddenly be gifted with a power he doesn't comprehend or understand.  These books are going to be as much sociological as they are high fantasy - it's the story of a man and a world where all the rules suddenly change overnight.

A few other assorted notes I've got kicking around in my head:
- The formation of a Magekiller ground, basically a SpecOps division of magically talented people formed by the kingdom to keep it safe.  Becomes increasingly important as stories go on.  Derrick may find himself recruited at some point.
- Generally, souls within the Vault are purified and returned to their original forms.  A strong-willed person may leave an imprint on his soul.  Powerful enough, and it may give the soul some degree of awareness, even within the Vault.  Such a soul, if drawn out by magic, may be able to possess the caster briefly, or otherwise affect the magic used.
- Magic draws upon the energy that becomes souls.  Given the state of the barrier, this usually means only a fraction of the soul's strength is drawn through.  A vile brand of magic may draw instead upon souls already incarnated, ripping them from the bodies of others.  This bypasses the barrier and provides a comparatively massive amount of energy, though the magic used to accomplish this depends heavily on the will of both the caster and the target.  It is also evil beyond belief, and marks the user with a terrible curse, but some may consider the wrath of the gods a price worth paying.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #212 on: November 06, 2011, 04:38:55 PM »
What is this?


This is a story of the past, a story of my own. It is something I hold close to my heart. I was too afraid to share this story because I knew it was self-serving and made in a way that only I could enjoy. But now, a year later, I fear I may begin to forget this story I poured my heart and soul into. That is why I now write this outline. How detailed I will get will depend on the story, but note that this is only an outline; Above all else, I simply don?t have the endurance to write a story this long. Still, I want to share this, if only with a few people. Now, behold the story that never made the transition from ink to paper, mind to computer.

The beginning

The story begins with, well, me. I am my own main character. This is the part that you just kind of have to accept if you want to read my story: This is a self-insert story, and yes, a lot of it revolves around me. I?m often not the character of focus, especially later on, but the majority of the story is told from my perspective. We got that out of the way? Okay.

Well, as most inserts go, in reality Donut (I dislike seeing my real name in print, so I?ll call him Donut) isn?t really much like me at all. He is impulsive, emotional, and much more bold than myself. Certainly no ideal figure, but whatever. His past is also quite different, but we?ll get to that later.

Donut is about twenty three at the beginning of the story. He has a minimalistic sense of dress, trying to blend into society, trying to fade away?  He has been drifting through society for the past seven years, refusing any close contacts. Several years ago he made his way to Japan, and is now more or less fluent in the language (acceptable break from reality, I realize I?m tripping all sorts of self-insert flags already, but I think I can be granted this one). Since he never sticks in one spot for long, he is poor and often lives the ?outside life.?

Anyway, Donut?s aimless wandering through life brings him to a late autumn day, 2007. He?s currently residing in Kyoto, a city known for its spirituality and tranquility.

Maybe I?ll find some beauty in this place?
Donut has always looked for a place he feel he can find feeling in again. Since his daaaark and depreeeeeessing past, he hasn?t ever found it. Well, he certainly doesn?t have the budget to leave Japan for a while yet, so he may as well relax.

After about a month in this city though, it seems it wasn?t doing it for Donut either. Even as he flew to the tops of shrines and overlooked the prestine metropolis, Donut couldn?t feel like he belonged here. He never felt he belonged in this world (don?t we all though?). He sighed and decided he would leave for the country tomorrow, but first he needed a place to rest. Taking to the air, he eventually found a decrepit old shrine hidden just outside the city in some hills. As he touched down, he found some shrine offerings, meaning he had dinner that night!

Donut holed himself up into the shrine and stretched to take a nap. He knew it was sacrilegious and at the very least disrespectful, but hey, this is the life he chose.

I do hope that nothing finds me here?


Donut wakes up in the middle of the night. He?s never been one for sleep, so he stretches and decides to look around his newest home. It was a new moon though, so even with his eyes (which he was always proud of), he couldn?t really take in the scenery. Still though?when he concentrated, he felt like something was there. He couldn?t quite place his finger on it?it was like something was keeping him there, but at the same time was keeping him out. It sent a tingling feeling through his fingers. He tried to ignore it as a normal tingling feeling, but as the minutes and even hours wore on, Donut found himself entirely preoccupied with this feeling. He reached out into air, feeling as though there was something to grasp.

?What am I doing. This is stupid??

Donut turned to go back to the shrine to rest ? morning was only a few hours away ? But upon turning back to the shrine he felt the feeling surging. Once he noticed it, he couldn?t turn away. This feeling?it felt like something was here. Some?boundary. He felt the structure of the shrine and felt it even stronger. What was this? Why?

He grit his teeth and held his hand out. He would like to say he was never a spiritual person, but after what he?s experienced he couldn?t really deny there was supernaturalness in the world. And if this was one of those things?

He had to find it!

?There!? He finally grasped it. What ?it? was he wasn?t sure, but he felt it; this presence was now in his hands. Not willing to let it get away, Donut held on tight. It did not struggle. In fact, now that he grasped it, it seemed willing to part. Holding back his exhaustion, he brought his other hand to the force and pulled. Even though he was doing something utterly ridiculous all this time, he recoiled in shock when he realized a hole had just been opened. Beyond this hole in the air a swirling purple mass lay. Donut shivered, but he felt?like he needed to see what was through here. It?s not like he had much to live for anyway. Taking one last look at the world behind him, he hopped through the hole he opened in reality.

Meanwhile, a woman awoke from her slumber. She felt it; something had been disturbed in the barrier. She couldn?t just leave it alone, so she dressed herself and set out to take a look?

First encounter

This is the only arc that was written retroactively, by the way. It is loosely based on my initial experience, where my goal was to beat every extra boss available at the time (excluding Suwako). So, sorry if this is extra sketchy. I swear it gets more coherent later on Anyway, ahem?


Almost as soon as he did it, Donut regretted his decision to go through that gap.

I?m falling?

He couldn?t tell up from down, left from right. The swirling purple mass was driving him mad. He thought he couldn?t take it anymore, when ?

It suddenly ended. Suddenly, the horrific mass was gone, and Donut regained his composure.

?But, where am I???

He had a feeling he wasn?t in Kyoto anymore (Toto). The shrine was nowhere in sight. Instead there were?

Clear blue skies?

Rolling green hills?

Beautiful trees who shed their brilliantly colored leaves onto the ground.

It was breathtaking for Donut. He certainly had seen this kind of scenery before, but never before did it all feel so?tranquil. He began walking around in awe, forgetting his confusion. In the distance, he thought he saw a village. What could be there, he wondered?

Amid his lost thoughts, a young girl trotted up to him.

?Heya!? Donut turned around.

?Oh, uh, hello.? Awkward silence. The girl had red hair ? and not the kind you normally see. She was wearing a green shirt and yellow shorts. She was holding a baton too for some reason? Odd fashion sense?but then again he?s not one to talk. Finally the girl broke the silence.

?So, what?cha doin???

?Aah? Umm, I..seem to have gotten lost.? Donut didn?t notice, but at those words a small smile crept onto the girls? lips.

?Oh? It?s not easy getting lost in Gensokyo.? The little girl giggled.

?Yeah, I, well, it?s kinda hard to explain. I fell, and suddenly I was here. I was at a shrine before, you see?? Another flicker across the girl?s eyes.

?Ah hah, I see. Then you must be new, human. In that case, welcome to Gensokyo!? She threw up her arms like it was a surprise party. Donut couldn?t exactly say it wasn?t appropriate.

?Gensokyo?? Geez, I really aren?t in Kyoto anymore? Uuh, it?s a very pretty place, isn?t it?? He felt his face grow red, sounding like a child.

The red-haired girl nodded with a grin on her face. ?I?m Orange. I?ll be your guide through this land!? ?Orange?? Well, whatever. Donut was just glad to finally have a guide.

?Thank goodness. So, what is this place? How do I get back?? They began walking together.

?Well, this is a land for youkai. You probably know them as evil spirits, but that?s such a slanderous name.?

Actually I didn?t know? Somehow Donut felt like he could easily go along with this.

?So, erm, this Gensokyo, it has humans too, right??

?That?s right. You can see that village from here, can?t you? That?s where most of the humans live.?

?Huh?? He felt compelled to keep walking with this girl.

After some small talk, the two approached an uphill.

?So, Orange was it? What are these youkai? You make them so other-worldly.? At this, Orange burst out laughing.

?Other-worldly? Human, you are in another world! Gensokyo is not part of your reality! I don?t know how you fell in here, but you gotta learn fast if you wanna survive here.? Donut felt somewhat insulted all of a sudden and got a sullen expression on his face.

?Alright, fine then. This Gensokyo?s not my world, I can even almost believe that because I fell through a portal. But, back to what I said before-?

?About youkai?? Suddenly the girl?s tone changed. She began twirling her baton through her fingers nonchalantly.

?Well, there?s a certain rule here in Gensokyo. If you are a youkai, you get to live a life of fun and excitement. Almost nothing can challenge you, much less the humans.?

Donut blinked, and kept silent.

?The humans, on the other hand, live in that village in fear. Most of them don?t stand a chance against a youkai, and fight back whenever they do.?

?Erm, why. Youkai are just evil spirits, aren?t they??

Orange pouted. ?Didn?t I tell you that was a bad name for us? Come on, pay attention!?

Donut stammered.

I should probably not upset the girl who?s my guide?

?Sorry, I?m sorry, okay? So um, why are the youkai and humans always fighting? Is there some civil war? This place is too pretty to be war-torn?? Orange giggled softly.

?Well, let?s leave it at that. You don?t need to know everything.? Orange ran ahead to the top of the hill.

?W-wait! Where should I go?? Donut reached his hand out.

?To the village, dummy! Oh, but if you want to leave this land, you should head to the shrine you were talking about. It?s not far from here, I reckon.?

Leave. Leave this place? Donut wouldn?t dream of it. This place, even though he just got here, it felt so?different from everywhere he had been up until now. For the first time, he wanted to explore, get to know a place. This?land of youkai and humans.

?A-alright, so the village. I think I can get there, so I guess this is where we part ways. See ya Orange, and than-?

?Oh, leaving so soon??

?Eeh?? Donut looked back to the top of the hill. Orange was facing away from him, twirling her baton from finger to finger.

?Hee hee, you really aren?t the brightest person, are you human? You really think you can just leave here like that?

For the first time, Donut picked up on how she referred to him. He thought it was just because he never introduced himself.

?U-um, sorry. It?s a bit late, but my name?s Donut. I?m sorry for not introducing myself sooner.? He bowed, but the height difference made it look ridiculous.

An awkward silence. Crap, did he screw up again? He never was very good with people.

?Then, Donut, I will tell you one last thing. Youkai desire humans. They are a delicacy, you could say.?

She turned around, an innocent smile on her face.

?O-oh? Is that so??? Donut?s eyes widened and he slowly started backing away.

?Sometimes we can get along, but, you know, sometimes we get hungry??

She continued to twirl the baton from hand to hand.

Donut gulped as he finally began understanding his position.

?S-so, Orange. About that shrine you were talking ab-?

?I think the time for questions is over human. It looks like you?re going to die here. What a pity; it was kind of fun. Now, hold still??

Orange tossed the baton into the air and jumped. To Donut?s shock, she did not come down. Floating in mid-air, she caught the spinning baton and thrust it in Donut?s direction. Donut began breathing heavily.

Shoot, it?s not just me? Then I?m not alone in ? w-wait, what am I thinking?! This was no time to be happy.

Donut turned around and began running down the hill. He didn?t even reach the foot before a cluster of balls hit the ground in front of him, stopping him cold.

?Wha-wha is this?!? Donut lifted his head to see Orange right above him. Out of her baton rained down more bullets. Donut didn?t know what the deal was, but he was not intent on finding out what happened if those hit him. He ducked the bullets; good thing he was so good at dodgeball back in school.

Another barrage of bullets rained down upon him, this time coming at an arc. Donut went with his gut and dived to his left. Bad move; he was still on the hill. Even so, his instinct paid off and the bullets seared into the grass around him. Clumsily getting to his feet, Donut tried to plan an escape.

?Geez, I told you to stand still! Don?t make this harder than it is!? Donut couldn?t believe it; Orange wasn?t taking him seriously at all. Is this just a game to her?!

Then more bullets came, this time much more focused around him. Donut judged from the formation that he wouldn?t be able to turn back, and left or right was out of the question. He took a step forward, when he saw that was cut off too ? it was a complete circle around him. She must be trapping him so she can finish him off.

Donut gritted his teeth. He wasn?t going to let it end like this, not when he just found someplace interesting!

Then, I gotta take the only way out. And it?s THERE! Donut bolted down the hill.

?Ha ha, you fool!? Orange concentrated more bullets to the front, and reared into a diving position. Donut saw the bullets raining down in front of him, but he wasn?t concerned with those. He balled his fists and began concentrating.

Remember how it was that one time?remember how it felt!

Just a few meters from the bullets. Orange dived.

?It?s over human!?

?Yes, over YOU!? Donut leapt into the air. Orange stopped herself before she crashed into the ground and gaped in disbelief.


Donut flew above her. He was a bit unsteady, but he held himself in the air well enough. Spinning his body around, he positioned himself above Orange with his arms folded. He did not look happy.

?H-human, you?I thought you were from the outside world! This isn?t possible, you can?t fly!?

?You said it yourself Orange; you got to learn fast in Gensokyo.?

Orange puffed her cheeks and flew up to his level. It looks like this was just the beginning.

What followed was a protracted dance. Donut did his best to dodge Orange?s assault. It was intimidating, but even as clumsy as he was in the air he could avoid them well enough. The problem was he couldn?t do the same. He was trying to figure it out in between dodges, but he couldn?t even comprehend what she was firing.

Finally, Donut?s luck ran out. Getting his left turn mixed up with his right, Donut got a line of bullets straight to the ribs.

?A-aah!? Pain. This?hurt. It seems it wasn?t lethal, but he felt weaker.

This isn?t good?I gotta get away.

That was out of the question though as long as Orange was still after him. Donut panted in exhaustion; he was already running out of energy. Damn it, he has to end this quickly!

Alright, come on. We can do this. She does it like it?s no thing, so concentrate! Think with your hands?!

Donut flew up high to avoid the next wave of Orange?s straight-line assault. He tensed up his hands. They began quivering. As hard as he tried, all he succeeded in doing was cramping up his wrists.

?Grr, this isn?t working?maybe if I think with my head instead??

Orange sneered. ?Come on, is running all you can do? And here I thought you?d put up a fight.? She gripped her baton with both hands; she seemed to be charging up.

Donut snarled. He couldn?t take this condescending attitude anymore! Donut concentrated as hard as he could. He felt this energy coursing through him that let him float in the air?the energy that kept him alive. The energy that drove him to continue living!

Donut wasn?t entirely sure what he did, but he tapped into it. He held out his hands and pushed forward with a shout. A barrage of bullets erupted from his hands at lightning speed. Orange stopped what she was doing and opened her eyes wide.

?H-hey, what ? AAH!? Orange did not react quick enough, and was caught by the barrage.

 What Donut was firing was all white; it was more like a bunch of lights than the shaped bullets Orange fired. Still, Donut was not one to complain. He put everything he had into it.




He couldn?t do it any more. His head felt light, and he began drooping down to the ground. Before he touched down though, Orange outright fell, sputtering and coughing. Did he really do that much?

?By your leave?!? Donut gasped this out and began running. He didn?t know where he was going; he just ran.


So, yeah. This is a self-insert story I created over a period of two and a half years. Because it was a self-insert story, and because I have no work-ethic when it comes to writing, I never put it into written form. But now, I feel like I need to get it all down, eventually. So, here you are. No proof-reading, no formatting, no second drafts; this is what I want to write. What do you all think?
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Bias Bus

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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #213 on: December 11, 2011, 06:17:58 PM »
A small tidbit on Demons, mostly on the types of demons and how it effects their ability to grow stronger.

Types of Demons

- Although most do not seem to have one, there are some demons that can be grouped in a certain type of other demons that all share the same characteristics and instincts. There are a total of 7 different types that a demon can be grouped within, each one pretaining to a different impulse that gives them strength and is the soul driving force that allows them to produce Devil Mana and grow stronger. By following this impulse, a demon of that type can grow very quickly in terms of Devil Mana and evolve into a Raetsu in no time. It is believed that which ever sinful impulse is strongest in a human when he/she transmogrifies into a Yaminingen determines what class of demon they will fall under once they fully reach Yasha status. This, in turn, has some determining in what species of demon they might become.

- Gekido: A class that revolves around the impulse of violence, anger and hatred. Demons of this type are usually very dangerous and are physically the most powerful of all demons. Gekido type demons hold little to no magical prowess, but gain an immense surplus of Devil Mana when they kill those that anger them or those that they hate. Powerful Gekido types gain the additional ability to directly influence their attacks and strength from how angry they are or how much they hate an individual. There are also tales of Gekido types having the ability to enter madness when they are near death from mortal injuries.

- Yoku: A demon type who's primary impulse centers around avarice and the need to have all things within their grasp. Demons of this type usually are drawn to the prospect of wealth and money, but are not restrained to those things as some may even be vast collectors of differing objects such as rare furniture or toys. Yoku demons gain Devil Mana depending on how much wealth they gain, the more valuable or value they gain, the more Devil Mana it equals to them. Powerful Yoku types gain the additional ability to gain an increase in mana for every 'rich' demon who submits to them and becomes their servant/partner/lover, etc.

- Shitto: A demon type that has it's origins rooted to jealousy. Demons of this type are usually mistaken for Gekido types as their disposition is often times bitter or cold toward others. Shitto type demons are often viewed as the weakest type as, when untrained, have little aptitude for any sort of combat. However, this changes dramatically when one realizes that Shitto demons are actually skilled in just about any sort of fighting. Shitto demons gain more Devil Mana depending on how envious they are towards others. Powerful Shitto types can directly influence the flow of Jealousy, planting envious thoughts in those who would normally never have them.

- Nikoyoku: The most infamous type among demons, finding it's roots in the impulse of lust, desire and over all pleasures. They retain a somewhat whimsical nature and hold a fair capacity for magic. Most Nikoyoku types gain Devil Mana through sexual intercourse, some even pretain the ability to draw in mana during sex and covert it into Devil Mana. However, others can gain Devil Mana by simply indulging in various pleasures, their most favoured being the one that will grant them the higher quantity of Devil Mana upon partaking in desires. Nikoyoku types can afflict 'addictions' on others by merely a gaze of their eyes or physical contact if they are powerful enough, the type of 'addiction' is dependent on the demon who is administering the effect.
- Boushokou: Demons who have an unsurmountable appetite and the need to eat excessively. Going hand in hand with Taida types, Boushokou type demons find strength in eating and produce their own devil mana once they digest their usually immense meals. Boushokou demons have strength that's on par with Gekido Demons but are slower than the demons of wrath often times due to their own prodigious girth. An especially powerful Boushoku type can can instill gluttony on others simply by overwhelming the weaker demon in their presence of mana.

- Taida: Demons hampered by laziness and the urge to sleep and loaf about. Demons of this type tend to be rather slow, but have a have excellent endurance and are able to regenerate wounds much quicker if they simply 'sleep it off'. Taida type demons draw in a much larger quantity of Devil Mana when they are asleep and through dreams. Some may also gain mana by putting others to sleep through their natural miasma that promotes laziness and slumber and siphoning off their mana. An especially powerful Taida type can inflict slumber on weaker demons by sending a hypnotic wave to that over powers their overall functions and shuts them down putting them in, what many believe, is a coma.

- Hokori: A type of demon who has the biggest ego of any other, and one who holds themselves in higher regard than any other as well. Hokori types tend to be fairly charismatic among demons, and uphold a notion that they are above all others and reflect this notion through their mannerisms. Most Hokori types are also infamous for being 'dicks'. Hokori demons absorb Devil Mana from those who 'submit' to them in servitude or acknowledge them as powerful demons or threats. An especially powerful Hokori type can intimidate or dominate weaker demons by merely glaring at them.

Death of a Demon

- Demons are not immune to the inevitable touch of death. As it stands, a demon has a much longer lifespan than a normal mortal could ever hope to achieve, an average Yasha having a life span of 1,000 years, while Raetsu on higher seem to have a life span that stretches on indefinately. How long a demon lives is determined by how he/she handles the Devil Mana in their body. After a certain amount of time, a Demon's aged body will lose it's ability to sustain a steady supply of Devil Mana, and once their wells of mana dry up, a Demon dies of, what is considered in the Jigokusekai as, natural causes.

If a demon is killed by outside or malicious forces as opposed to natural ones, then the mana is prematurely dispersed into the surrounding environment and lingers for exactly one day, after which it completely infuses with the surrounding wilderness. To the demon who may have killed this victim, this is the point at which they are able to absorb the dispersed mana from their victims bodies and make them selves stronger. This can still be done of the living demon did not kill the other and merely 'discovered' the corpse, provided it's fresh and not one day old.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 06:39:39 PM by Touji Suwagata »
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus

Bias Bus

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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #214 on: December 15, 2011, 10:58:53 AM »
Revision of the above creation myth. Giving more insight on the actual structure of the universe as well as a brief over of the others.


The beginning of the known universe is something that can be tracked back literally trillions upon trillions of years into the past, at least this is what is known for our own universe anyway and the things that exist within it. In any case, many go so far as to say that the universe began at the hands of the Goddess of All who, as her name suggests, created all things in this universe from her own power over absolute creation. The Goddess brought forth a vast pool of cosmic matter from her own body, and used it to create the stars, the planets and all other things in the known universe. Afterward, she created the first beings from "Akasha", these entities came to be known as 'Elder Gods'. As their name suggests, Elder Gods are immeasurably old, having being the first entities to spawn from the Goddess, however their powers are absolute and their wisdom is boundless, being far beyond the average comprehension of any mortal. With the creation of the universe and it's driving forces in place, the Goddess fell dormant, budding off countless avatars that spanned across space and cemented themselves as gods of those people and beings. Indeed, the one who is worshiped as 'God' on the mortal realm of Earth is only a mere avatar of what some would call the True God. Each of these avatars are directly linked to the Goddess via mentally and all share the same thought as their parent deity. They are but one mass collective of the Goddess' conscious, a legion of her thought process given a task to watch over the many beings in the universe and give them guidance.

Many of these gods and goddess' reside in the upper levels of an otherworldly plane known as the Tengokusekai (or simply Tengoku/Heaven) and serve under the Goddess' main avatar the Elder God of the Holy. Tengokusekai, while being the original abode of the gods, is still connected to the mortal worlds that carry a pantheon of it's own, the "heaven" from each of these world having their own structure up until they ultimately merge into the True Heaven that exists above the mortal universe. Within the realm of the gods there exists the Celestial Enclosures where the deities live and meet with one another, watching mortals from on high. These enclosures are divided into three sections, the Heavenly Acropolis, Supreme Palace, and the Forbidden Sanctum. The area in which the Goddess of All can be found is located within the Empyradise, an area that surpasses physical existence and is beyond the Supreme Palace Enclosure.

The middle ground of the universe, is known as the mortal universe and is the area in which humans and most cosmic aliens reside. The mortal universe is always changing and expanding, the flow of Mana and the way they react when they come in contact with each other being one of the reasons why it changes so often. The mortal universe also has a periodic 'restart' point in which the Goddess of All collapses the original mortal universe and rebuilds it. This is due to the very expansion that the universe is subjected to. Universes that are 'shut down' are tossed into the 'Yomisekai' where they add to the previous universe to it's mass and expands the Yomisekai's overall area and size.

Below the known universe (known as the 'mortal universe') is where the Jigokusekai came into being, a world where the Goddess placed all of the dark energy that was dispersed upon the creation of the universe. This dark energy would soon become Devil Mana and would help in sparking the first forms of demonic life within the Jigokusekai and allowing it to evolve even further on. The Jigokusekai has no true supreme god, most of the demons who reside here having established a very simple way to rule one another through a hierarchy that bases everything on power. Demons, govern themselves through the use of this hierarchy, with more powerful demons controlling multiple 'Circles' (the equivalent of 'planets' in the mortal universe).

On the nethermost reaches of the universe, below both the mortal universe and the demon world, exists the Yomisekai (or Yomi no Kuni), a cavernous alternate realm that was the 'trash bin' of the universe, the realm in which the 'old universe' was cast into and added to it's mass to create it. Indeed, this would only mean that the Yomisekai is in truth several dozen old universes that were 'scrapped' by the Goddess and the one in which we live in today is the 'new' universe created by her from a universe that had been 'rebooted' after it's set time frame. The Goddess of Death, Yomihime, resides in this realm and rules over the dead and the Yomijin.

Lower still, at the very bottom of our universe, is the Keigokusekai (or Keigoku) a world of hellish torture, punishment and where all damned souls go after they are judged in Diyu within Yomi. Keigoku was infact a section of the Jigokusekai that was so chaotic and lawless, the Goddess seperated it from it's parent universe and placed it underneath the Yomi no Kuni, where it now sits to this very day. The ruler of Keigoku is Oo-Enma, the warden of this infernal prison and the one who keeps all condemned prisoners in check and in chains. Ever since it's creation eons ago, not a single soul has escaped it's reaches.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


  • Weaver of Illusions, Shaman of Dreams
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #215 on: December 17, 2011, 07:54:15 PM »
A little plot Tewi inspired by this picture by ringetsumon (Safebooru link). I was afraid I was going to forget it, so I just gonna scribble it here...the problem being I'm just not confident enough in my writing to take a crack at this as a serious tale...if I inspire someone else in any way, that's good enough for me.

Here we go:

Gensokyo is set in the Puella Magi Madoka Magicka universe, pre-Madoka's Final Wish.

The land is actually a massive barrier set up by quite possibly one of the most powerful Puella around, Yukari, with the help of another, Reimu. Their goal was to create a world in which Witches and their familiars could grow, their barriers strengthening the one Yukari and Reimu constructed, allowing for an almost limitless number of Grief Seeds. Sadly, this meant also sacrificing humans to do so.

That's all I got right now, will be back with more later on.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2011, 08:24:40 PM by Vael »

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #216 on: December 17, 2011, 08:12:57 PM »
@Vael: Being Yuyuko is suffering. Also,
the Saigyou Ayakashi as a Witch?
Works well enough, I should think.

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #217 on: December 19, 2011, 10:31:58 PM »
goddammit, I just caughty myself thinking of "pre Madoka's final wish" as "pre-Scratch" :3c

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #218 on: December 22, 2011, 03:30:17 AM »
Whats the Scratch from? Homestruck?
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #219 on: December 22, 2011, 06:13:50 AM »
Whats the Scratch from? Homestruck?

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #220 on: December 23, 2011, 02:36:46 AM »
Hmm. I am going to start NaNoNoMo a month and a half late, but am having trouble deciding which of my projects to go forward on.

Post-cyberpunk seimi-dystopia mecha Okuu in war with the Moon. (ideas here..part 0: here)

Girl deals with becoming an Hermaphroditic god of the Sun, power generation, and fertilization while the stars are trying to get the Earth spirits to throw off their yoke to humanity. link

Chen goes to Halkenaria. (which has the most laubored cross language pun thing I have ever seen: Familiar of Zero: Rei no Shikigami: Spirit's Computer, it doesn't even work in non-gensokian Japanese.)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 06:58:48 AM by nolrai2 »
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.


Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #221 on: December 23, 2011, 02:41:26 AM »
I want to do a short story where all the Touhou girls are basically Hetalia characters. I do need help on deciding who'll be who, but I'm not sure if I should post it here. I mean, does this count as crossover...?


Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #222 on: December 23, 2011, 04:47:37 AM »
Also; and I've had this idea for half a year now, I have an idea where one of the Touhou girls is a slave and is purchased by another Touhou girl to work at a castle filled with Touhou girls and GASP the Lunarians arrive.
....... Stupid clich?d plots.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #223 on: December 23, 2011, 04:50:49 AM »
It counts, and it goes here.

I recommend using very strong, deeply considered personalities, since it sounds like the fun of the story will come from the unique characterization you get from using the two sets of personalities. Unless I misunderstand.

On the other hand, I advise everyone to use characters that are deeply considered and have strong personalities that make them stick out in just about every story. It's pretty much my rule of thumb, because fun characters make the story that much more fun! While flat characters make the story fall flat.


Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #224 on: December 23, 2011, 06:07:48 AM »
Great! Now I'll have lot's of stuff to think over during winter break!
On the downside, my story about this and that is going to come first, so the second I reach the ten post thing, I'm going to get started on it.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2011, 06:12:37 AM by Scrittore »


Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #225 on: December 23, 2011, 08:51:43 AM »
Urgh, nearly all of my planned Touhoe works are crossovers or style parodies.

Currently planning a Touhou Effect 2 (featuring Reaper Ayakashi) and a Marisa Dies at the End (seriously. Go read John Dies at the End RIGHT NOW)
Sonata of Scarlet Sunflowers, a Flandre x Yuuka story. | Laziness of Daemonic Wastrels, wherein The Dude, Frylock, HW Guy, and David Wong get their asses kicked in Gensokyo.  | T.O.U.H.O.U.: Land of Shadows, a S.T.A.L.K.E.R./Touhou crossover. | Abomination, a monster story.


  • Weaver of Illusions, Shaman of Dreams
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #226 on: December 26, 2011, 07:56:22 PM »
A little plot Tewi inspired by this picture by ringetsumon (Safebooru link). I was afraid I was going to forget it, so I just gonna scribble it here...the problem being I'm just not confident enough in my writing to take a crack at this as a serious tale...if I inspire someone else in any way, that's good enough for me.

Here we go:

Gensokyo is set in the Puella Magi Madoka Magicka universe, pre-Madoka's Final Wish.

The land is actually a massive barrier set up by quite possibly one of the most powerful Puella around, Yukari, with the help of another, Reimu. Their goal was to create a world in which Witches and their familiars could grow, their barriers strengthening the one Yukari and Reimu constructed, allowing for an almost limitless number of Grief Seeds. Sadly, this meant also sacrificing humans to do so.

That's all I got right now, will be back with more later on.
...and as usual, I can't come up with anymore background to the story beyond this. Urgh, fml.........


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    • Remnant Jett
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #227 on: December 30, 2011, 10:18:15 PM »
Okay, so I was watching this fanmade video about Touhou (first part here: and I was amazed to see a moon rabbit with black hair. Likingwhat I saw, I wanted to add a character like that in the fanfiction I am writing, Forgotten Harmony of Germane Errant (which is in Patcholi's Scarlet Library for anyone interested in reading it). However, I am wondering if there can be a character like that. So, let me hear your opinions over the matter.

EDIT: Thanks for moving this to the right place.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 10:34:31 PM by Jett »

"If I die, I forgive you. If I live, we shall see." - Spanish Proverb

Iced Fairy

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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #228 on: December 31, 2011, 12:05:47 AM »
It would be really petty to complain about moon rabbit hair color I would think, unless ZUN's made some comment on it so I don't think that'd be a concern.

On the other hand unless you're writing a series of shorts or doing a cameo, just dropping a character into the plot is usually a bad plan.  Characters in writing should have more meaning to their appearance.


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    • Remnant Jett
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #229 on: December 31, 2011, 01:12:55 AM »
I know that, and I wouldn't be just dropping a random character into the story just like that. In fact, a black haired moon rabbit may just help it. I say this because the main character in my story is an outcast and I would assume that a black haired moon rabbit would also be considered the same from what I've seen from the two moon rabbits in the series that we know (Reisen and Reisen II), who both have silver hair.

Unless I am wrong on something, wouldn't this work?

"If I die, I forgive you. If I live, we shall see." - Spanish Proverb

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #230 on: December 31, 2011, 05:23:18 AM »
A story set in the touhou universe where someone is considered an outcast because of hair color sounds more like a parody of racism rather than a character flaw, what with even human hair colors coming in grey, blue, and green.

Maybe if she was half earth-rabbit, considering the lunarian purity obsession, that I could understand. Or if her personality was too weird for the other rabbits.


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    • Remnant Jett
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #231 on: December 31, 2011, 07:02:27 AM »
Hmm... you're right. I don't want my story to be too critical about such a touchy matter. I'll have to think about this new character some more.

Other than that, I have another question about danmaku battles. Frankly, I don't even know how to start describing one and though thankfully I have not had any in my story yet, I do plan to include them. I just don't know how. Any tips or suggestions?

"If I die, I forgive you. If I live, we shall see." - Spanish Proverb

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #232 on: December 31, 2011, 07:12:37 AM »
I'd start by describing how the bullets launch. Obviously, you won't be able to describe the shape they form because the characters won't be looking at it from bird's eye view.

Next would be the behavior of the bullets. How fast are they? How do they move? Include stuff like those.

And there's the reaction of the people involved. How do they feel when the bullets graze them? What do they do? Pretty much like a normal fight with a gunfight flavor.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


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    • Remnant Jett
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #233 on: December 31, 2011, 07:34:38 AM »
Ah, I see. So all I have to do is follow those steps. Got it. Thanks for the help everyone. Time to go back and finish up Chapter 3 of my story.

Edit: And unfortunately I have another question. -_-
Anyone know what kind of creatures reside in Makai?
« Last Edit: December 31, 2011, 01:37:51 PM by Jett »

"If I die, I forgive you. If I live, we shall see." - Spanish Proverb

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #234 on: January 01, 2012, 03:55:29 AM »
I want to make a story where I make the forum members touhous - actual touhous, as in creditting touhou characters as the actual owners of forum accounts and incorperating their forum personalities into their gensokyo personalities.

Here is my chart so far:


Reimu ? Chaore
Marisa ?
Rumia ? Kerigis
Daiyousei - YouseiOnmyoji
Cirno ? Iced
Meiling ?
Koakuma - Koakuma
Patchouli ? Choja
Sakuya ?
Remilia ? Dorian
Flandre ?
Letty ? Letty
Alice ? Kimiko Muffin
Prismriver Sisters ?
Youmu - Sakana
Yuyuko ?
Chen ? Kitten4u
Ran ? Dormio
Yukari ?
Wriggle ?
Mystia ?
Tewi ? Pesco
Reisen ? Kilga
Eirin ? (JackMackerel)
Kaguya ? (Zentillion)
Keine ? Keine (the IRC bot)
Mokou ? capth (probably)
Medicine ? Medicine
Yuuka ? Shadoweh
Komachi -
Shikieiki - Esifex
Nitori - Roukan
Momiji ? Momiji
Kisume - Purvis
Orin ? Uncertain Kitten
Koishi - Ruro
Nazrin - E-Nazrin
Yoshi(ka) - Anthy

Shino(?) - Kanjou
Shinki - Erebus
Tokiko - Natsumi


The problem I'm running into is that I don't quite have a full set for any of the "houses" of gensokyo - the yakumo household, Eientei, the Scarlet Devil Mansion, etc. nor do I have anyone to attribute main characters to. I began listing out all the empty positions for the first games, but I would also be interested in positions for later games. The current positions are not set in stone, and members who are not listed will often only be not listed because there is no obvious assoiciation between them and one of the touhou characters. I would like help completing households in this list so that I can start using it.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2012, 05:04:52 AM by capt. h »

Bias Bus

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  • if you're better than me
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #235 on: January 01, 2012, 04:17:30 AM »
Ah, I see. So all I have to do is follow those steps. Got it. Thanks for the help everyone. Time to go back and finish up Chapter 3 of my story.

Edit: And unfortunately I have another question. -_-
Anyone know what kind of creatures reside in Makai?
Other than Demons?

It's never actually stated what else lurks in Makai, so you can come up with something else entirely, if you want something besides the usual demon. I remember seeing something that Makai is also home to a lot of sealed entities or something. So there's that. No idea, if this is canon or not though as it's been ages since I last heard anything about it and it's source is fuzzy, at best.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


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    • Remnant Jett
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #236 on: January 01, 2012, 09:45:30 AM »
Thanks for that. I got everything I need now.

I want to make a story where I make the forum members touhous - actual touhous, as in creditting touhou characters as the actual owners of forum accounts and incorperating their forum personalities.

I don't know much about the household thing, but how can one get on that list?

"If I die, I forgive you. If I live, we shall see." - Spanish Proverb

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #237 on: January 01, 2012, 05:58:16 PM »
Thanks for that. I got everything I need now.

I don't know much about the household thing, but how can one get on that list?

Well, it's an early list that I'm not sure what I'm doing with yet, but getting on the list is pretty simple.

Step 1. Pick a touhou character. Any touhou character.
Step 2. Be easier to write about/a better pick than whoever already selected that touhou character if taken, else if not taken you're good to go.

Preference given to people who have strong personalities that I know fairly well, especially through IRC, because I'm hoping to try to use it for an RP thingy. I'm not completely sure if it will go anywhere, and names that are already taken can and will be retaken by people who are either more suited to the position or people I know better and would have less trouble writing about. If I can't write about you, then I can't write a story that incorperates your personality into a touhou character.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 06:48:46 PM by capt. h »


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    • Remnant Jett
Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #238 on: January 02, 2012, 02:11:56 AM »
Ah. So if, say, I wanted to be part of your story. I would just tell you what character I would pick and you would see if my personality was like that character's?

"If I die, I forgive you. If I live, we shall see." - Spanish Proverb

Re: Aya's Writing Workshop - Bring us your story ideas and outlines!
« Reply #239 on: February 02, 2012, 12:46:58 PM »
I'm trying not to use the colonveealpha right now.

Okay, against all my logic of using this for this year's NaNoWriMo, I'm going to plan and probably write a Touhou x Sherlock Holmes AU, meaning Holmes in the 21st Century, then replaced with Touhou characters and put in Japan. inb4AUception. I already have in mind the plot of my first mystery, but I'm stuck planning out Holmes's and Watson's expies.

Here so far is my list of choices:
Yukari (feels a bit upper class)
Reimu (is a main character)
Yuugi (has a blatant urban atmosphere)
Hina (is detached from society?)
Yuyuko (always fools around)
Eirin (science!)
Aya (Doyle never introduced journalist characters, right?)
Patchouli (minus the asthma)

Watson: (along the lines of "who would move in with the above people?")
Ran (Yukari)
Reimu (Yukari)
Marisa (Reimu, Eirin)
Suika (Yuugi)
Medicine (Hina)
Minoriko (Hina)
Youmu (Yuyuko, Yukari, Eirin)
Reisen (Eirin, Yuugi)
Hatate (Aya, Yuugi)
Koakuma (Patchouli, Hina)

Which character I'll choose for Holmes will determine the location of 221B Baker Street, which I have also listed:

Yukari = Mayohiga, isolated, quiet, upper class = Kyoto/Osaka
Reimu = main character, Hakurei Shrine = Tokyo/Kyoto
Yuugi = Underground City, urban, crowded = Sapporo/Kobe
Yuyuko = Netherworld, isolated, quiet = Kyoto/ ???
Eirin = medical = Osaka
Aya = journalist = Tokyo
Patchouli = Anywhere!

Of course, none of these are final and set, and I can change them as I see fit. Anyone could fit in to Watson's role, though, since this will be an AU, but I'm leaning towards Patchouli. Now, I need help in choosing the expy combinations, because I'm tempted to use Yukari for Holmes, and to check my writing for character consistency, because I love to drift away from the story and drabble. And I'd very much appreciate suggestions.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go read up on A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of Four again.  :(

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."