Author Topic: Rising Star (Complete At Last)  (Read 77569 times)

Re: Rising Star
« Reply #90 on: April 19, 2010, 06:59:24 AM »
FFFFFFFF I'm such a sucker for motherly!protective!Byakuren.  Major props for the update! <3

Re: Rising Star
« Reply #91 on: April 19, 2010, 05:27:30 PM »
Curse you, kakkesu, for making me think there was an update! ;)

Also, Hax Sign "Hug Everything"


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #92 on: April 21, 2010, 11:03:10 PM »
I still see them in my dreams.

All I ever see is a road, and Mama and Papa are walking along in front of me. I can't make out what they're saying, but from the way they're holding each other's hands they clearly enjoy each other's company. A pair of wisps, their own nyuudou, float by their sides, occasionally rubbing up next to each other.

And now matter how much I run, I can't catch up to them.

Their voices get less and less distinct, until I can't even hear them any more. They walk off, into the horizon, never to be seen again.

Leaving me alone.

"Wait! Please, don't go!"

I scream. It's the only other thing I can think of that would help. But if I can't hear them, of course they can't hear me. They keep walking on, ignoring me completely. I push myself harder, running faster still, but if anything that just makes them fall further away.

They're dots in the distance now, and soon they won't even be that. They'll be gone forever. No more smiling faces, or comforting hugs, or bedtime stories. Nothing.




I jolt awake again. The dream isn't new to me, I've been having it ever since they passed away. But every time it just feels so real, so genuine, that I find it hard to believe I'm simply imagining it.

The first few times, it was unbearable. I would simply curl up into a ball and weep to myself until noon, lying in the shelter we used to call home. The loneliness was almost enough to crush me.

"It is alright, child. Relax, take deep breaths."

A familiar voice rises to my ear. Immediately the fear of the dream starts to fade, and I start following Unzan's advice. My head clears, my heart stops pounding, I fight away the urge to crumple up and cry again.

"Another early morning? My, Ichirin, you're such a punctual girl, aren't you?"

Byakuren enters as well, almost on cue, carrying another bowl of her trademark Bland Grey Goop. I don't see her as 'that woman' or 'the hunter' anymore - after all the grace and help she's offered me, it seems unruly to still hold a grudge.

"Then again, you were rolling around a little. Hopefully some good breakfast will perk you right up before we go on our big trek today!"

She places the bowl next to me, and in those cheerful hazel eyes I can make out the faintest hint of understanding. She's well aware of what happened to me, and she's doing what she can to help me through these tough times.

And, well, who am I to stay so upset when there are people around me who are so concerned for me?

"Ah...thank you, both of you..."

In my dreams, I'm afraid of being abandonded. Being left alone in the world, with no-one to guide me or confide in. But really, I have nothing to be afraid of, now that I have Unzan and Byakuren.

They're not exactly a family, but they'll do.


"Alright, Ichirin. This is it."

The walk through the forest took the pair of us a couple of hours. For a while, I started feeling jealous of Unzan for getting a free ride beneath this cloak Byakuren had me wear, but it's not as if he does much in terms of walking anyway. I quite like the headdress that Byakuren gave me to cover my face, actually. Maybe I'll wear it more often after we make it through this.

Well, if we make it through this.

This entire area in the mountains has apparently been claimed by the human village here. I don't have anywhere to run or hide, and the village is built into the mountain pass that's the only way out. Clearly it was a deliberate choice of location - blocking the Kumoi clan inside and making sure that we couldn't go anywhere without them knowing. It worked.

I wasn't completely surprised when Byakuren told me that I was the last of the clan. I remember at some point Mama and Papa just stopped talking about uncles and aunts and cousins. I never thought about it at the time, but it made more sense now than it ever would have before. I cried, of course, but Unzan and Byakuren were there to help me through.

And now I'm going to spite the humans who took my family away by slipping through their net.

"Remember the story. I found you stranded in the forest, starving, so I'm bringing you here to see if I can get in contact with your parents. Understand?"

I nod. It's not exactly a complicated story, or even a believable one, but it's all we have. I only need them to believe it for a few minutes, and by then I'll have already made my escape. If it goes wrong - well, that's not worth thinking about right now.

We give each other one last nod of confirmation as we approach the gate. A young man is standing guard, wielding a makeshift spear that looks like it couldn't cut wheat. His eyes immediately turn to her with awe and respect.

"Ah, Hijiri-sama! It's good to see that you've returned in one piece. Did your hunt go well?"

Byakuren looks at the man with a smile that seems honestly genuine. It frightens me a little seeing how she can feign happiness with such ease.

"You won't have to worry about the last of the Kumoi anymore. But besides that, there is another matter I must attend to."

Her hand reaches to my shoulder, holding me tightly. Even if it's just an act, her hand still feels warm even now.

"This young girl was lost in the woods. She was on the brink of death when I found her, but I've nursed her back to health now. Are there any missing children right now?"

The guard's emotion is gleeful as he hears of my apparent death. I feel bile rising in my throat at the thought of it.

"Ah, great news! As for the kid, can't say anyone's missing off the top of my head, but you'd need to see the elder to be sure."

"I see. Thank you, sir."

Byakuren bows to the guard, nudging me slightly on the shoulder to follow suit. I bend my neck downward slightly, though beneath everything I'm wearing it's probably hard to tell. Then Byakuren pulls me away further into the village.

I keep my head down as we walk onward. The humans are going about their daily lives, muttering about the little annoyances as they make their livings. I overhear a few of their conversations, and immediately wish I hadn't.

"Hey, you hear about Motaro? He's still bragging about that one youkai he killed last week."

"What, again? He conveniently seems to forget that there were a dozen men helping him when he took out that Kumoi thug."

"Eh, in the end it doesn't matter that much. A dead Kumoi's a benefit for all of us. Let the kid have his day."

Beneath the cloak, my hands are clenched as tightly as I can manage. It takes all the self control I have not to order Unzan to beat one of those housewives to a pulp. All that would do is grab the attention of the whole village, and then not even Byakuren would be able to save me.

After a few minutes walking, we come up to the elder's residence. It's only slightly larger than the other homes here, but it's enough to show his status. Byakuren leads me inside, and convinces the locals present to grant her an audience.

This is all part of the plan we set up before we entered. The next step is the dangerous part.

As the two of us enter the building proper, the eyes of the village elder fall on us. He is a scrawny man, with an unkempt beard and a tired face. As he turns to Byakuren he seems more relieved than anything else.

"Ah, Hijiri-san. Welcome back. I take it your hunt was successful?"

Hijiri bows to the elder, letting go of my hand as she does so. She once again wears a smile that is sincere, but not authentic.

"I've taken care of your youkai problem. The Kumoi clan will never be a trouble to your people again."

The man smiles, his teeth a faint shade of yellow. His relief is visible as he leans further back into his chair.

"Oh, so it is done? To be honest, the idea of attacking the youkai had never been mine - they had done us no harm, so it seemed only fair to let them be. But this is a grudge that has continued for generations - my father fought the Kumoi, as did his father before him. Such a shame that all this bloodshed is for no real reason."

For a moment, Byakuren almost agrees with him, but she catches herself before she can start.

"A good ruler bows to his people, does he not? If you hadn't ordered it, the villagers would probably have attacked by themselves anyway, and with no proper organisation there would be terrible losses."

"True, true. I suppose you would know this better than any of us, Hijiri-san."

Despite his apparent opposition to the deaths of the Kumoi, the elder discusses the matter with a cheerful smile. She has pleased him, she has passed his test.

A trap. Like she had expected. If she'd agreed he would no doubt have called her a sympathiser, and that would be it. Were there no humans on this earth who had the decency to give youkai the time of day?

"Well, one more thing I'd like to ask. Who was that child who came in with you?"

"Ah, this is-"

She notices something strange in his choice of words.

"Wait. 'Was'?"

Byakuren looks to her side, expecting me to be waiting patiently for her to finish her conversation before leading me out of the village.

Except I'd made a break for the exit the first chance I saw. Patience is not something most children possess.


"Who's that?"

"That kid's gonna trip if she keeps running at that pace."

"Is anyone even running after her...?"

They're focusing on me, but I'm lucky in that I don't really have the build of a warrior. If I were some seven-foot tall man with biceps bigger than my head, maybe they'd catch on to the fact that I'm a youkai, but for once my lack of physical strength is actually a plus.

There's a good twenty metres between the last of the houses and the gate, and by now everyone's lost interest in the little girl running for her life. There's only one guard between me and the exit, and he's about as poorly equipped as soldiers get.

For a moment, I think it'll just be as easy as running past him out into the wild. A hand grasping me at the shoulder tells me otherwise.

"Hold it right there, kid. You shouldn't be headin' outta town without someone to look after ya."

I struggle weakly against the man's grip, but it's no use. The Kumoi aren't a strong clan of youkai by themselves, so we rely on our nyuudou if we ever end up in a fight.

"C'mon, who are ya, anyway? Lemme take you home to your mommy."

He reaches out with his other hand, and starts pulling at the headdress. This is bad - if he sees that I'm not from the village, I could be in big trouble. I start pulling away harder from his grip, prepared to make a run for it.

All my attempted escape achieves is getting the cloak pulled off my shoulder. The guard holds it dumbly in his hand for a moment before turning to me.

"What the hell are you doi-"

Then he notices the light pink wisp trying desperately to use me as cover.

His face wrenches in the most horrible manner.

"'re that Kumoi bitch!"

A look of hatred rises to his face immediately, and he unsheathes the sword at his side. It's barely sharp enough to cut through butter, but he swings it with enough ferocity to be a threat regardless. I don't even have time to react. It catches me in the side of the head, and I can hear a painful crack.

That's when things go to hell.

I've never been very brave. I was always the sort of child who would run away or feel bad when someone called me names, or just put on a brave face and took it. But I've never been hurt this badly before, and my body responds by pushing itself to its limit.

And this is a human. On top of that, one of the humans that killed my clan. And Unzan could tear him apart without trying. The question of fight-or-flight isn't a question at all.


I will him on mentally as I scream, clinging to the wound on my head. It feels warm and sticky. It hurts. My head is spinning.

I hear the guard shout out again. It's a guttural cry, devoid of reason. I can barely see right now with my head still ringing from the pain, but I hear Unzan moving in. The blade shatters, falling to a dozen useless pieces on the ground.

His battle cry catches in his throat.


His courage leaves him as Unzan proves that he's no match for the power of the nyuudou. By now the pain has receded enough to let me see clearly. Good. I want to see the fear in his eyes.

He's dropped to his knees, trembling in fear. Crying. It's pathetic, pitiful, embarrassing.

It feels fantastic.

Mama. Papa. This is for you.

I raise my hand upward, goading Unzan to prepare for the big finish. I think he's talking to me. Something about telling me to stop. I don't care. He's my servant, and he'll obey my commands, dammit. The human is quivering slightly. Trying to beg for forgiveness, but the words are falling apart in his mouth. The pain and the anger tell me to laugh at him, so I do. It feels wonderful.

Now to end it. I prepare to click my fingers to order the killing blow.

Another hand clutches around mine, holding it in place.

"That's enough, youkai. You'll harm no humans on my watch."

Byakuren's voice is intense, and filled with anger. I snap back into reality. The pain fades, the rage fades, and I realise what I nearly did.

Byakuren's hand colliding with the back of my head puts an end to that, though. Along with every other conscious thought running through my mind.

What have I done...?


I don't wake up quite as comfortably this time.


I rub at my head, feeling a bandage running around it. Looking up, I see I've been kept beneath a tree during my short time being unconscious. It's not a local tree - at least, not one I recognise from the forests I've known.

Which means...I'm outside.

"You're quite the troublemaker, aren't you? Had to convince the guard you were dead as I pulled you out."

Byakuren is sitting next to me, using the tree to keep herself in the shade. The sun is setting in the distance, turning the sky a beautiful shade of orange.

I pull myself up slightly, looking at Byakuren's face. She looks serious, severe, and as she sees me get up she turns her attention to me.

"Do you realise what could have happened? You told me earlier that your clan did nothing to upset the humans, but you nearly killed a man. And you were enjoying it, Ichirin."

Her words are painful, each one stabbing into me like a knife. Especially because I agree with every single one.

"I...I'm sorry..."

It's all I can think of to say. I don't know what I was thinking - after he hit me all my higher thought just fell out the window, and killing him was all that came to mind.

Unzan is floating a little further away from me than usual, silently displaying his disapproval. The bond between Kumoi and nyuudou is strong, typically, but the nyuudou is not simply a toy. It has opinions, beliefs, and occasionally objections. The last of these is what I ignored entirely while I let my bloodlust control me.

"Unzan...I shouldn't have acted like that. I used you against your will. Forgive me.

He stays silent, but his head nods slightly in recognition. It's all I can ask for right now - the rest will come in time.

Byakuren sighs.

"It's a shame, really. I had been wondering if you were old enough to fend for yourself, but it looks like I'll have to keep you under my wing a while longer."

She grins.

"That isn't a problem with you, is it?"

I don't know what answer she expects from me with that question. I respond honestly regardless.

"Actually, I was about to ask if I could travel alongside you for a while."

Her eyes widen. That definitely wasn't what she thought I would say.

"You're travelling around and trying to help youkai, aren't you? I...I don't want anyone else to lose their Mama and Papa like I did, so I want to help."

Byakuren is quiet for a moment. I don't think I've ever seen her so outright stunned before. But eventually, her shock gives way to a smile.

"You really are a good child deep down, aren't you? I'm sure your parents would be proud of you."

She knows the right words to cheer me up, doesn't she? I think I'm crying already.

"Yeah...I hope so."
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 01:58:44 AM by Roukanken »


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #93 on: April 24, 2010, 01:53:30 AM »
Unzan gains more rep beyond just 'Brofist cloud'.



  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #94 on: April 24, 2010, 10:00:20 PM »
I am so loving this, you have one more fan, one more persona wanting moar updates :V


  • I am free to dream of my own dream
  • and so I shall dream
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #95 on: April 25, 2010, 04:18:07 AM »
The sound of a hand slapping fiercely into Byakuren's face echoed throughout the temple.

"Go to hell. Oh, wait, I forgot. You can't."

Harsh Nazrin...harsh...

I've been reading this fic for a while but I don't remember posting in it. I love it. It makes me fall in love with UFO even more^^


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #96 on: April 28, 2010, 12:29:10 AM »
"And, well, I held to my word. I've been helping Hijiri out with her goals ever since."

Ichirin looked off into the distance nostalgically, remembering times long since past. Unzan seemed to be nodding beside her, though if he had anything to say I couldn't make it out myself.

"See, Toramaru-san? It would've been easy for Hijiri to just let me kill the guard. It'd be less explanation for her, at the very least, and I'd get away regardless. But still, she went out of her way to save that man's life. Surely that's enough to convince she isn't the soulless monster she thinks she is...?"

Honestly, I didn't know how to reply. All I could offer was a conflicted glance in return. Maybe she hadn't managed to convince me entirely, but she'd done more than enough to make me question my stance.

Dammit. Am I really considering helping someone who's gone so far as to break samsara itself?

Abruptly, I stood up from my spot on the bed.

"I'm going for a walk. I need to think this over."

Ichirin startled, but she nodded soon after. She offered me an earnest smile as I made my way out the door.

"Thank you, Toramaru-san. I may not share your teachings, but I hope your deity smiles on you."

I sighed at that. It was quiet now, to the point where Ichirin probably hadn't noticed it.

But I could still make out Nazrin's quiet sniffles as she tried to put on a brave face again.

"May Vaisravana watch over us all."


The cool night air greeted me as I stepped out of the temple. I stifled a yawn, suddenly remembering how late in the night it was. In a few hours, this army of humans led by their shrine maiden would come to take Byakuren away. The question was this: did I want to offer my aid to her knowing what she had done?

The sight of an overgrown ship still parked next to the temple was still enough to surprise me. With nothing else to do, I figured I may as well take another look inside. Once again the empty, endless chambers of what they had called the Palanquin welcomed me, still as featureless as I remembered it being.

After a few minutes of walking, I soon realised I'd lost track of the way out. I vaguely remembered that Nazrin had been in charge of that last time. I bit my lip as I made my way back to what I assumed was the front of the ship, to Murasa's quarters. She'd be able to lead me back out, at least.

Again, the door was hard to miss - but more than likely, that was the point given that her name had been written in the largest font that would fit. I couldn't make out the captain of the ship blabbing to herself, so I assumed she wasn't around for some reason. No harm in stepping in and sitting down, though. It wasn't like there was anything the great captain would want to hide, was there?

Unfortunately, my hopes were dashed as I looked around. Apparently this wasn't her sleeping quarters, if she even needed one as a ghost. There was nothing to see beyond the steering wheel and the various items Murasa had thrown around the floor. There were maps of oceans I had never seen, currencies from countries I'd never visited, and books in languages I'd never read. For a few minutes, I took a few short laps around the room waiting for her to come back.

Well, what's the harm in doing a little light reading?

I picked up one of the books at random, flicking it open to pass the time. I was a little surprised to see it was in my language, and from what I could make out of the first few excerpts it was some sort of journal...


Well, it finally happened! I've been enrolled in the Navy starting tomorrow! Can you believe it?! All those years of training have finally paid off!
I could make out the faces of the other cadets as the Admiral gave me my uniform. They were the guys who'd be leaving me 'love letters' and doing whatever they could to get me to quit. Goddamn bottom-feeders.
But that doesn't matter, I need to start packing! It's all so dreamy, and even if I've only just been enlisted I know it's gonna get bigger from here. That's right, Diary, give it a few years and those losers will all be kissing the boots of Captain Minamitsu!


"Not very good with this whole privacy thing, are ya? I may be a captain, but I'm still a woman, and last I checked women didn't approve of people peeking in their diaries."

Busted. I closed the book with a slam as Murasa made her way back into the room, her arms folded and her eyes unimpressed. She tilted her sailor cap down slightly for effect.

"It wasn't titled like that door of yours. I didn't realise what I was reading until it was too late."

Murasa walked over to me, placing herself right at my side. It was hard to believe that only yesterday the two of us had been fighting to the death (at least in my case). She grimaced for a moment, thinking over a difficult choice, before finally shrugging.

"Well, you've figured me out. You started reading, so you may as well finish."

Now this was unusual. I tilted my head for a moment, waiting for her to explain that it was sarcastic, but no such comment came.

"O-Okay, sure."

My eyes looked over to Murasa as I opened the diary again, watching to see her expression turn aggressive so I could dodge the inevitable slap to the back of my forehead. Her expression remained empty, though, almost vacant. It scared me slightly, so I turned my attention back to the book.


Okay, I'm onboard. Apparently they made some changes just for me - the Navy hasn't seen a female recruit in years. Honestly, it's more or less a taboo - I only got in because I know my way around these ships a thousand times better than any of these wannabes around here. That, and Dad put in a good word for me. But whatever, I could have made it fine without him.

They're talking about me, obviously. There have been a couple of glares that I'd really just want to forget. There was something in those eyes that made the hair on my neck stand on end - a desire that they weren't normally able to fulfill at sea. I...I think I feel a little ill thinking about it, actually. Maybe I'll just skip dinner tonight.


We're out at sea for real now. Most newcomers would probably be crapping their pants right now, but that's just because they're not captain material. Got my first duties today, and finished them well ahead of schedule. Those lustful eyes are jealous ones now. It feels good to be getting some respect around here for a change. The captain was even nice enough to compliment me on my hard work.
Gotta impress the higher-ups now while I can. I'll be taking over for the old man soon enough.


Okay, this is bullshit.
I come back from cleaning the decks, and it's just like back at training all over again. Apparently these guys find drawings of their dicks and 'witty' poems about how useless women are the funniest things in the world.
I brought it up with the captain, but he gave me some crap along the lines of how he couldn't prove who did it. I know this writing, though - it's that jerk Makoto and his little gang of losers. I swear, as soon as I get promoted I'm going to 'accidentally' forget to give them their rations for a week.


I tripped up in the mess hall today. I can still hear the laughter ringing in my ears, and I'm sure I could make out the captain among it all. Damn that Makoto and his 'accidentally leaving his foot out' crap. What exactly do these assholes have against me? They're all out to get me because...what? I have boobs and they don't?
Well, that's not entirely true. The captain's getting on a little, and I have to say that he's definitely let his weight slip. Ehehe, even if I can't say this sort of crap out loud it feels good to at least badmouth them somewhere.


I don't know how much more of this I can take. The men have all decided to call me Minamitsu-chan from now on. Genius, I know. But everyone does it, even the captain says it casually as if it's just a joke. What happened to that idea of respect and trust they spent so long ramming into our heads back at the academy?
It's just so unfair, dammit. This is what I've wanted to do for years. Dad was right up there in the ranks in his day, but apparently being his daughter just gets the entire crew in the mood to make my life hell.
I'm not giving up, though. I'll do whatever I need to, but in the end these people will give me the respect I deserve. I will be a captain, even if it kills me.


At last, I've got a chance to get somewhere with these people!
Makoto ended up paying me a visit, and he apologised for all the crap he's pulled so far. He said that he's finally accepting that I really DO know what I'm doing, and he's willing to let everything drop if I can prove myself in one little dare. All I've got to do is hold onto the spare anchor hanging onto the side of the ship for ten minutes without letting go.
I accepted, of course. Yeah, if I fall off the ship I'm probably gonna get soaked before they pull me back on, and they'll have plenty of reason to laugh at me again. But they didn't say I wasn't allowed to prepare myself. A good strong rope should let me hang onto the anchor for as long as I want, shouldn't it?
Gotta go, diary - Makoto and company are expecting me. Time to show them what the daughter of Admiral Minamitsu is really made of!


The next page was blank. I started flicking through them quickly, but every page that followed was empty. The entries just came to an abrupt halt after that.

"I don't think I need to tell ya what happened that night, tiger."

She said that, but I could hear her voice trembling slightly. Of course this was going to be a hard subject for her to discuss, but the fact that she'd shown me this in the first place meant she wanted me to know. I took a deep breath as I put the book down, placing my hand on Murasa's shoulder. I was as uncomfortable about the subject as she was, but I had already heard more than my fair share of stories tonight. It would be unfair to disregard her alone.

Murasa could make out the determination in my eyes. A few tears started to well up in hers, but she fought the urge and kept a straight face. It wasn't a captain's job to cry, after all.

"Tell me anyway, Captain...tell me about how you died."


"Seven minutes. You're doing good, Minamitsu-chan~."

God, I hate this guy. Makoto looks down at me with that snide smile of his. I can tell he's from some rich family who kicked him into the Navy because he was a shitty kid. He must enjoy looking down on me from up on deck.

Still, I'm pretty sure he can't see the ropes from here. I was careful, tying it around one wrist but making it as firm as I could to make sure it'd hold. This is gonna be a piece of cake, I know it.

They start murmuring something above me. I can't make it out from down here, but there are a few giggles getting passed between all those manly men. No wonder they spend all day swabbing decks if that's how they act.

The boat bounces on the waves, and I get more than my fair share of spray in the face. Just a few more minutes, that's all. Then all this crap will stop and they'll treat you like they'd treat anyone else.

"Fifty-eight...fifty-nine...damn, she managed ten whole minutes."

Makoto has been keeping time by hand. I'm impressed he can even count up to six-hundred, though maybe he's got one of the skinnier recruits helping him out on that one. I sigh with relief as I pretend to be exhausted from all the 'effort' I've put myself through.

"Nice work, Minamitsu-chan. Just one thing we need to do with you now..."

Wait, why is he still calling me Minamitsu-chan? I thought I passed. I thought that stuff was over now. I don't get it, and I look up to him for some sort of explanation.

All I get is a demonic grin in return, as Makoto looks down on me with absolute disgust.

"Why couldn't you just screw up like a good little girl? You thought you could get away with cheating? You make me sick, you little bitch."

Crap, he did see the rope! I guess he's hardly going to give me a lift back on deck now. Maybe he'll just leave me here overnight as payback or something.

"Well, let's see how quickly you can undo that little knot of yours, Miss Fancypants."

He reaches down to the anchor.

Oh, no. Please, please, no.

"D-Don't do that. Don't drop it, please!"

He gets a hold of the top of the anchor, carefully slipping it off its hook. For a few seconds he holds it up, looking me straight in the eye.

He's smiling.

"So long. Maybe a mermaid will come save you. You women all have to stick together, right?!"

He starts laughing like a maniac, and my heart pounds faster than it ever has before. This is too much, it's got to be a joke, one in really bad taste, just let me back onto the ship already-

He lets go.

Almost instantly I crash into the water, the anchor pulling me downward into the icy depths. My free hand starts working as hard as it can on the knot, but I'm panicking. The water's in my eyes, I can't see properly, and I just end up flailing at nothing.


I didn't get a chance to take a breath. I'm already getting woozy, and the surface is getting further and further away. Even if I do manage to untie the knot, I might not be able to make it up in time...

No. I can't say that. I have to keep trying. I'm not gonna let everything end here thanks to those goddamn chauvinistic pigs! I'll get out of this safe and sound, and get the captain to haul their asses in for attempted murder! Then they'll promote me as an apology and everything'll be fine and dandy, right?


R-Right? I can do this, right?

But...I can't even see the knot anymore. I can't see anything, not even the surface. And my hand is still tied to the anchor, no matter how hard I yank at it.

...No. Dammit, no! I've got to get out of this! I can't die here, I've got my whole life ahead of me! And what would happen to the old man?! If I end up dying on my first term of service, it might just do his heart in!


By now I'm just clawing wildly at the rope, trying to wear it away with my fingernails. My head is getting all fuzzy now...I can't think straight. I can feel my air just slipping out freely, but I can't even see the bubbles as they drift upwards without me. I'm jealous of them.


I'm getting weaker. I've gone limp now, not even trying to undo the knot anymore. Crap, this is really it. I'm going to die such a crappy death at the hands of some loser. This is bullshit. I can't go out like this, not with such a big future ahead of me...

The anchor finally hits the seabed with a final thud. My body starts shutting down as I lose consciousness. This isn't how I wanted to die. Not now. Not to him.

I swear...if I ever get my hands on the piece of shit...I'll kill him.

Just...just you wait, Makoto...I'll...I'll show you what...what the daughter...of Admiral Minamitsu...can


Word count checks in at around 44k words. Holy shit, I've been writing this fic for 3 months. :O
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 12:57:04 AM by Roukanken »


  • Small medium at large.
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Re: Rising Star
« Reply #97 on: April 28, 2010, 01:03:02 AM »
Wasn't expecting Murasa's backstory...

This is getting even better than before though.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Rising Star
« Reply #98 on: April 28, 2010, 03:56:34 AM »
Hate to break it to ya, but Murasa died because her ship sank, not because she was tied to an anchor.

But otherwise it was another awesome segment

'The spirit of a human who fell off a ship and drowned in the distant past; due to her lingering attachment to this world, she was bound to the ocean and spent her days capsizing passing ships.'
Maybe I read this segment a little too literally...:|
« Last Edit: April 28, 2010, 10:27:29 AM by Roukanken »

Iced Fairy

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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #99 on: April 28, 2010, 04:02:30 AM »
I imagine her ships going to sink reeeeeeal soon actually.  I almost look forward to it.

Okay I do look forward to it.   >:D


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #100 on: May 09, 2010, 01:43:11 AM »
I wake up.

I don't know how to explain it, other than that the world suddenly comes back into full colour again. The murky waters that had blinded me before now seem crystal clear, and the scene in front of me is perfectly visible.

I'm not really conscious, not really aware right now. I'm trying to understand what's going on, trying to find some way to explain it, but there's only one conclusion that I can come to, and I don't want to hear it. This is a dream, it'd gotta be a dream.

That's not me. Not that girl there in the navy uniform, hanging limp from the anchor she's tied to. That girl looking up to the surface with glazed, empty teal eyes, the occasional bubble slipping past her lips as the waves rustle her short, black hair.

That can't be me. That girl is dying.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

I can hear it, loud and clear. That girl's heart pounding with all its might. It's a panicked beating, the sound of a creature well aware that its end is nigh. Her body is starving for air, and she's only just fallen unconscious.

No. She can't die. She won't.

I don't stop to think how I do it, but I just sort of shift across to the anchor. There's no kicking, no cutting the water with my hands. I just think about where I want to go, and I go there. Not something to worry about right now.

Thump, thump, thump.

She's getting weaker. I don't have long now. First I need to undo that knot on the anchor so I can lift her up. The surface is far away, but I'll figure out a way to do it. I have to. I reach out for the anchor, grabbing at the rope.

My hand shifts through the solid metal as if it wasn't there.

For a second I just stare at it, not quite getting what's going on. I pull it back in, out, in, out, over and over again. Nothing.

Thump. Thump. Thump.


Shit, this is too much. Just...what the hell. There has to be something, anything I can do. I try to wrap my arms around her, holding her in place and giving her mouth-to-mouth.

It's only then, as my arm falls through her shoulder, that I realise I haven't been breathing all this time.



I'm having trouble hearing the heartbeat now. I try to pinch myself, wake myself up, but of course I can't even grasp my hand. I realise that I can literally see through my own arm.

Oh, shit. This is real. This is really happening.

I can't think anymore. This is too much for me to handle. I don't want to see this. I don't want to watch myself die like this. Please, make it stop. Someone, anyone, please, make it go away...


I hold my arms around her - no, my body. I can't even grip properly, but I hold my arms roughly where they should be. I hold my ear next to my chest, listening for the last signs of life.

Please...just...somehow...don't die. I don't care how, figure a way out, don't die.


I moan. It's a pathetic sound, but all it does is disturb the passing fish. No-one can hear my cry for help. It's almost over now.







I don't know how long I've been sitting here on the ocean floor. I just tried to hug myself, try and keep my body warm, but by now any heat that my flesh had has long since disappeared. It's just me and this pile of bones and tissue I used to live in.

How else am I supposed to respond? I've literally lost everything. I'll never be the great Captain Minamitsu now. I'll never be the outstanding young woman my father always wanted me to become. I'll never be able to look that captain of mine in the eye and stick my tongue out at him when I strip him of his rank for harrassment. I'll never be able to give Makoto what he deserved, and now he's probably out there laughing his ass off at what happened to me.

The bastard.

And the worst thing? They're all like that. In all my time in the navy, all the time at the academies, the training, the tests, everything I've gone through, not once has one of my fellow seamen so much as offered to open a door for me. Every man I've ever worked with has treated me like a dog. No-one ever bothered to ask how I felt, ever gave me a hand up after a trip in the mess hall, ever invited me to go out for a drink along with everyone else. I was never part of the bigger picture, just a piece in the wrong puzzle.

What did I do to deserve it? Why is it fair that all these guys treat me like crap just because I'm a girl? I didn't have any choice in the matter, and now it's not just ruined my dreams but it's managed to get me killed?

For a while - a long, long while - I stay down there, trying to hug my old body. Her hair waves around every so often, and I try to fool myself into thinking she's alive. I have little conversations with her, and I respond to myself in character. I'm a very good discussion partner, and it's not like I have anyone else to talk to anymore.

But eventually, I run out of things to talk to myself about and I'm alone again. There's no sound down here other than the constant rumbling of the currents, not a person in sight. I feel almost like I don't even exist anymore.

...Months pass. Maybe years. I don't know, there isn't even light down here. By now the rope has worn away by itself, and my body's just floating in place now. I haven't talked to her for ages - everything I can think of saying has already been said.

The loneliness makes me wanna scream.

"...Maybe someone can see me up on the surface."

I don't even care who it is now. I don't care if it's my father, Makoto, or some other navy asshole. I need to be seen by someone, anyone. I need to exist again.

I will myself upward, and immediately the seabed starts to vanish into the distance. It's not something I ever specifically learned to do, I've just sort of been able to do it. Ever since...well, for a long time.

I can't even feel the wind blowing on my face as I break the surface. I can't say I'm surprised, but I brush that thought aside as I look for a passing ship. Our ship was one of the most commonly travelled by the navy, so there'd undoubtedly be something soon-


It's in the distance, but I can just about make it out. A small ship, probably with a crew no larger than twelve men. It's coming towards me head on, at a painfully slow speed. This is my chance!

I drift along through the air towards the ship, vaguely aware that I can't move more than a few feet above the earth's surface. I'm probably stuck here - the old stories that used to pass around the academy said that ghosts were bound to the place they died, so maybe there's more truth in that than I'd thought. I never really paid attention to those rumours - I was too busy working my ass off to ace classes to worry about ghost stories.

Irony is a bitch, huh?

Slipping through the front wall of the ship is easy, and I end up in a small cargo hold filled to the brim with various boxes. There are labels on one or two of the boxes, and the names on them are still fresh enough in my mind to ring a bell. They're the names of famous swordsmiths, probably filled with weapons to wage whatever war the country has got itself into this time.


Someone's talking on the other side of the wall. I put my ear to the wall, pushing in a little too hard and entering the wood. Not that it matters - if anything, I can actually hear them more clearly from here. The first voice is male (of course), ragged and with a hint of tipsiness.

"Hey, ya hear about Admiral Minamitsu?"

I gasp on instinct. My old man? I push my head in closer, taking care not to stick my ear out through the wall. Another voice pops up - a younger one, probably a fresh graduate who hadn't been given the same share of spirits as his companion. He sounds much more sober than his friend, anyway.

"What, you mean the guy who lost his daughter a couple 'a months back? What about him?"

The sound of a chair shuffling. Presumably he's moving in closer to whisper in his companion's ear. I can only make out a few words.

"...suicide...too guilty...blamed himself for her death..."

They're enough.


For a few minutes, I just listen on in silence. The discussion segued on into something else, something very related.

"Eh, it's what he gets for trusting a woman on the navy. Seriously, what was she doing outta the kitchens?"

"I know, right? Still, she could've been kinda useful. I know there are times I wanna stand at attention, if ya know what I mean!"

A hearty laugh, and the sound of clinking cups. The news finally starts to sink in fully. My old man. Dead. And it's because of me.

...No. No it isn't. It was never my fault. I was doing everything I was supposed to do. I was a perfect little sailor - I followed every order to the letter, passed every test I was given, performed every chore - I have nothing to be guilty about.

It's them. They're the ones who're responsible. The arrogant, sneering bastards like Makoto, the ones who decided that just because they had a pair of balls between their legs they were somehow better than I was. They ruined my chances. They killed me. And now they've killed my father as well.

...It's now that I realise for the first time that I'm not human. Humans may think a lot of themselves, but in the end they're weak. They have so many rules holding them back - don't lie, cheat, steal, kill, things like that. No matter how much someone deserves to get the crap beaten out of them, it's still a bad thing.

But I'm not alive anymore. I don't have any consequences to worry about. So I can do whatever the hell I like to these people.

And right now, I want them to die.

My hand opens itself naturally, and I feel something forming in it. Looking down, I see an anchor in my grasp - identical to the one I'd been tied to back when I was alive. Goddamn, irony is just plain stalking me now.

I look down at the floor of the ship. Mostly wooden, with maybe a few metallic supports. A big enough hole down here would easily be enough to capsize the ship. I don't stop to think about whether these guys deserve it, or if they're going to help people, or anything like that.

I just slam the anchor into the planks beneath me with all my might. For the first time in months, I make physical contact with the world around me.

And it's one hell of a contact.

The ship shakes around me, and I can hear the two men next door squeal. Water starts flowing into the hold, and for good measure I start slamming down once again into the floor. A happiness flows through me I haven't felt in months - I feel powerful, I feel strong. I feel, well, alive.

"I-It's coming from in there!"

One of the heroic sailors yelps at his friend as he opens the door into the hold. His eyes look at the holes beneath him, with water now well up to his knees. Then they look at me, and his face turns pure white.


He stutters uselessly, his entire body locked in place. He's scared. Of me.

Holy shit, this feels fantastic.

I didn't intend for this to happen, but maybe this whole dying thing wasn't so bad after all. Now I can do all sorts of crazy things, and now I can have all the bastards from before crying at my feet, begging me for mercy. This would've never happened while I was still alive.

The water rises further, and I stare at the lone sailor for as long as I can. His friend has probably run into the distance like a good little boy. I savour the feeling of power, of strength, of worth, until finally he realises his life's in danger and makes his way back onto deck.

It doesn't take long for my handiwork to finish itself off. The ship tips forward, and the bottom levels start flooding completely as it slowly sinks into the water. I stay just far enough away to admire my success, hearing and savouring every panicked scream, every cry for mercy, every prayer in vain. The ship vanishes beneath the surface completely, and for a short while a few stragglers struggle to keep their heads above water. Then nothing, save a few bubbles rising up to the surface.

I don't think I've ever felt this happy before. I feel incredible - I just singlehandedly sunk a ship of the navy - a fully-manned ship designed for soldiers - and I did it without the slightest hint of effort. I know I should be feeling guilty about the whole killing thing, but right now the satisfaction is more fulfilling than any guilt could override. This is me finally releasing the anger that's been built up over 18 years men screwing me over in everything I do. This is me finally getting my own back, finally getting to give these guys the beating they deserve. I almost wonder why I never did anything like this while I was alive.

There'll be more ships coming, of course. They'll look for the missing ship, or just keep using the trade routes regardless. And if they try something else - well, I've got all the time in the world to figure out the route they're using next. As long as they travel these seas, I'll be able to find them.

"Hehehe...guess I can still make a name for myself in some way. Just not the way I'd planned."

I dip my head back beneath the water, waiting eagerly for the next ship to pass. Another ship, filled with more of those bigoted sailors who'll cower in fear the instant I show up.

Goddamn, this is gonna be fun.


Update was late, had trouble with inspiration for this segment, sorry. -_-


'Roukanken, Vicks and 26 Guests are viewing this topic.'
Okay either the forum software is acting up or I have a secret stalker club who laugh at my relentless storm of typos
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 02:25:56 AM by Roukanken »

Re: Rising Star
« Reply #101 on: May 09, 2010, 01:53:14 AM »
Badass Psycho Murasa is awesome.


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Rising Star
« Reply #102 on: May 09, 2010, 08:22:54 AM »


The 'bitch' is for emphasis. Bitch.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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Re: Rising Star
« Reply #103 on: May 19, 2010, 09:39:47 PM »
As my way of apologising for taking so long, have the update I literally spent all day working on. -_-

Warning: Murasa uses lots of NAUGHTY WORDS in this segment :V


"Okay, this is getting kinda old."

Another ship making its way to the ocean floor. Another crew of sailors slain tragically before their time. But really, when you've sunk one ship, you've just about sunk them all.

I'm vaguely aware that the ship designs have been changing ever so slightly over time. They're more up-to-date, more complicated, though of course nothing a little effort from me can take down. How long has it been since I started? Months, years? I can't tell, I haven't been keeping track.

By now, I've managed to earn a bit of a reputation for myself. Apparently I'm not just any ordinary ghost now, I'm a full-blown youkai. I've heard the whisperings among the sailors, the rumours they don't want to be heard spreading. They share stories of a young girl cast out to sea by a jealous lover, and how her ghost came back from the dead to find him and haunt him. I make it a habit of appearing before them for a short while to correct them on that point before I get around to the whole ship-sinking thing. Like hell I'd have anything to do with that bastard Makoto.

The only part of the rumour I'm willing to work alongside is the new name they apparently have for me. My human name is a memory of a time long-gone, a time I'll never get back. Why should I hold onto it when I'm dead?

And besides, Murasa Minamitsu has a nice ring to it.


No matter how tired I am of stalking ships, waiting around for them to show up is even worse.

By now, I've tried talking to most of the fish that swim past me just to relieve the boredom for a second or two. The sights down here would probably amaze other girls my age, but again by now I've already seen just about everything the ocean floor has to offer. Now and again I come across some of my own handiwork, a proud ship of the navy resting forever, half-buried in a grave of sand. That's enough to bring a smile to my face.

Most of the time, though, I sit in silence next to that anchor. My body is long gone - the sea water could only preserve it for so long, and eventually the currents just sent it on its merry way. I can't say I miss it, but by now I'm starting to forget what I looked like. Maybe on my next little adventure I should watch the reflection in some man's eye and see if I can make something out.

But that'd mean a moment I'm not spending watching the terror flare up in his eyes, a chance I could be using to bask in my power. Decisions, decisions...

Time passes. Hours. Days. Weeks, maybe. No matter how hard I listen to the waves, the one thing they don't work as is a clock. But I can make out something heavy working its way through the water - an anomaly in the sound that's running through my head on permanent repeat.


I laugh a little as I rise back up to the surface. Not because I'm especially looking forward to the ship-sinking anymore, but because anything is more interesting than spending all my time down there.


It's a small freighter, with a crew of maybe two dozen men. The hull seems more fortified - metal plates running down it, made of what looks like good-quality steel. About time they did that - I remember writing an essay when I was at the academy about how our ships were begging to get torn up by rocks with the so-called 'modern' design. Ignored completely, of course, but in the end it made no difference to me. Steel or not, it'll still give way pretty easily to a shot or two from my good friend Mr. Anchor.

For all the differences they made to the outside, the inner workings of the ship are pretty much the same as they've always been. I take my usual spot in the cargo hold and listen in on the conversation. They've grown a lot less confident recently, I've noticed, and whenever the story of Murasa shows up pretty much the entire crew will fall into an awkward silence. It's beautiful, really.

Today, though, the discussion takes a different path than usual. One of the men sounds like a real intellectual, and I imagine for a moment that his cup is filled with milk as he slams it down.

"You guys haven't heard? The Navy's actually hiring some monk to come out and take care of her!"

Okay, this is interesting news. I listen more intently as sighs of relief pass around the tables.

"Oh, that's good to hear. I was wo- ahem, I was afraid she'd end up picking on more ships that aren't as well armed as us. This monk - is he well-known?"

"It's a woman for one, and from what I hear she's one of the best. Specialises in youkai exterminations. There's some iffy stuff passing around about her, but I don't believe it for a second!"

The milk-drinker stands up straight, seemingly absorbed by his own presence. This is the sort of attitude that would normally earn you a beating from your fellow crewmates, but when it comes to talking about me no-one has the nerve to argue with the smartass.

I appreciate that.

"Anyway," I say cheerfully as I make my way out of the cargo hold and into plain view, "that's some pretty interesting info you guys have. Thanks for passing it on. Now, I know it's rude to shoot the messenger, but..."



A real youkai exterminator? Hired to take care of me? Looks like I've hit the big time after all.

I wonder what sort of woman she'll be. One of those weird Buddhist monks with the orange robes and no hair? Or those weird nun people from across the ocean with their crosses and stuff? Either way, it should be no problem for me. Humans can be as strong or as spiritual as they like, but I'm pretty damn sure they can't fly.

When I beat this monk - when, not if - maybe I'll make a name for myself among the local youkai as well. I saw one or two of 'em - things like dolphins and sharks and mermaids and stuff like that - but they sorta just swam right by me. I'm still small fry - no big scalps to my name, no bounties to hand in or anything like that. With any luck, that'll change pretty soon.

Dammit, I'm excited now. It feels like time's slowing down just to spite me. It'll probably be a few days before this monk shows up, but it's gonna feel like forever. It's like the day before my birthday, except instead of my old man getting me a shiny new telescope, it's some old lady giving me a toy to play with and 'accidentally' break in the first five minutes.

I feel hyped. I feel powerful. I feel respected.

Hell, I know it sounds stupid, but I'll say it anyway - I feel alive.

I kill the time by scouring the wreck of the lucky freighter that brought me the news. The steering wheel is still intact, and apparently ships are the only thing I can actually interact with. My hands grip the wheel with an enthusiasm that no living captain could compare to.

"All hands on deck! There's a storm coming in!"

Yeah, I'm talking to myself, but it's not like anyone can hear me. Smartass floats by once, but he's kinda blue in the face now. He passes by on his merry way, leaving me in charge of what was once his ship. Strangely, he doesn't seem to mind.

"Hard to starboard! Hold on, everybody!"

It always looked so exciting when I saw the captain do it - steering the ship through troubled waters while yelling out commands to everyone in earshot. But...down here, on a ship that doesn't work with a crew that isn't breathing, it's not even a pale imitation.

"...Gah, never mind."

I let go of the wheel, floating upwards to leave the wreck behind. What the hell was the point in that? It's like I'm trying to rub in the fact that I'll never get to do it for real.

Well, I'm pissed now. Guess I'm gonna really have to give this woman a good beating to work it off.


There's a storm overhead.

The waves are wild, almost random. More than once I've heard something that sounded like a ship and risen up for a false alarm. By now I'm starting to really get impatient - don't tell me she chickened out at the last minute?

Another lash overhead, along with a muffled clap of thunder. It's a bad night to be on the seas.


Something is definitely trying to force its way through now...but it's struggling. The ship sounds like it's not cutting the water cleanly. No navy ship would ever suffer from such poor design.

So it has to be her. such a lackluster boat?

I burst for the surface as soon as I can. Sure enough, it's a clunky old boat with a crew of maybe three members. Their leader, a young woman with some crazy purple/brown hairstyle and a monochrome dress, turns to face me the instant I emerge from the water. Her eyes are confident, but there's no anger behind them.

This is a joke.

"Greetings. I assume you are the youkai known as Murasa?"

Here we go with the fancypants language. I couldn't stand people like this when I was alive, and death hasn't exactly made me any more accepting of it. I stifle a yawn.

"And you're this so-called youkai exterminator here to take me out, aren't ya."

Silence. The waves look like they're going to take the ship down before I do, but the rest of the crew seems unfazed. I can't see their faces for the hoods, but they aren't even making an effort to tend to the water being thrown onto the deck.

"I will give you one chance to turn yourself in. Surrender, or I will be forced to purify you."

Really? I'd find this woman more threatening if she didn't have all the appearance of a drowned rat. Her eyes had passion, yeah, but at this rate any normal human being would be coming down with pnumonia.

Seriously, is this a joke?

"Two things. First, no dice. Second..."

The anchor appears in my hand again. This time I shift over to the boat's side, aiming at the hull with an awesome swing.

"...Good riddance!"

The hull crumples like paper with a fantastic sound. I don't realise I've overdone it until the ship itself flies out the water, and the ship's three residents are physically thrown into the ocean. My eyes immediately focus on the monk, waiting to her to perform some incantation or spell to stop herself hitting the water.

She smiles, before disappearing under the surface along with her boat and the rest of her crew.

"...That's it? Seriously?!"

I can barely hear myself over the raging storm. What the hell? Is this some sort of prank that the youkai decided to play on me or something? Scare me senseless with some 'exterminator' who turns out to be about as durable as a sardine in a shark pool? What a waste of time. I was getting so pumped up for this, too, but as I slip back beneath the water I mutter to myself that all of it was for nothing in the end.

...Wait. That's weird.

The ship I just sank is right there, falling deeper and deeper into the depths. I saw the three crew members on it fall in, and none of them surfaced.

So why aren't they there?

"Impressive. You're quite strong for such a young youkai."

S-She's alive? And above me? How is that even possible?! I race back to the surface again.

Geez, when'd it get so bright up here?! There's no sun, but there's something else hanging in the air, letting off a golden light. It's...

No way. That isn't possible, it can't be possible.

Is old service ship?


"Have no fear. I have no intention of harming you. Please, come on board so we can talk."

What sorta proposition is that? Two minutes ago she said she was going to 'purify' me, and now she wants to be my best friend? Understandably, I keep my distance from the floating ship. It has to be some sort of trap.

The two hooded figures emerge from behind the monk again. The shorter one shivers a little, and I can see something pink hidden beneath the cloak.

"Ah, that's really cold..."

The hood comes down, showing the face of a young woman with dark blue hair and a very red nose. From behind her back, there's some sort with a face on it that's blowing warm air to warm her up. So she wasn't human after all, was she?

The other figure stays silent, looking towards the monk. She shakes her head in response.

"Not yet, my friend. Let us welcome her in first."

Okay, this could still be a trap. Maybe it's a spell to make you see that which you desire the most or something before sending your soul to hell, or something like that. Or this is all some massive ruse and the third guy in the hood is the real exterminator who's gonna take me out the instant I turn my back.

Still, can I just step away from this? If it gets around that I got scared away by some girl on a glowing ship, I'll never be taken seriously by other youkai again. But I don't want to attack right away either - I get the feeling a surprise attack is my only chance here.

So I'll humour her, and have her little talk. When she looks away for a moment, BAM. I float upwards, landing neatly on the ship's deck in front of the three. Four if you count the cloud, but whatever.

"Okay, woman. Start talking."

"Byakuren will do, thanks. And the first thing I'd like to do is ask you a question."

She reached into her dress, pulling out a leatherbound book and throwing it over to me. It's damp, but as I open it up I find that the writing inside has survived.

Well, it finally happened! I've been enrolled in the Navy starting tomorrow! Can you believe it?! All those years of training have finally paid off!


She sees the recognition in my eyes, and she smiles.

"They gave it back to your father after you passed away. I did a little research into you before I came here - I've learned enough to know that rumours never contain the whole truth."

I glance through the pages. I remember writing these - hopes for the future, then complaints about the crew, and finally Makoto and his last chance offer to make up for everything. Then nothing.

"You lived a very sad life, didn't you? All brought to an end by that tragic accident."

My teeth clench. Apparently, her research isn't been as thorough as she claimed.

"Accident? Bullshit. Makoto threw me off the ship that night."

"Oh, is that so?"

Her eyes look to me with a pensive glare, curious. What, does she think I'm lying?

"...She's telling the truth."

A voice from inside the third hood. It was muffled, but it was just familiar enough to make my heart shiver a little.

"Ah, so you agree with her. I suppose you would know better than I would, wouldn't you?"

Oh, come on. You're not going to tell me it's HIM under the mask. That's not even possible, he'd never work under a woman like this. See, he's pulling the hood up a little now so I can see that he's not-

"It's been a while, hasn't it...Minamitsu-chan."



Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

What is he doing here? Did no-one report the crime? Did he really get away with...with...killing me?

I want to kill him. I want to kill him right now. The anchor's in my hand again, and before I even realise what I'm doing I've closed half the distance and I'm ready to smash his head to a pulp.

But of course, the monk doesn't want me dishing out any unnecessary violence, and she clamps her hand down on my shoulder. Never mind the fact that she can touch me, this woman has one hell of a grip.

"Give him a chance to talk, Murasa. I get the feeling you two have a lot of catching up to do."

I try to squirm out of her hold on me, but she's stronger than any human I've ever met and probably every youkai. Makoto is probably gonna mock me for this, point out that I'm still just as powerless as usual.

But he doesn't. It's exactly what he would always do, but he doesn't.

I'm not going to lie. I'm confused.

"I...I don't know how to say this. I'd apologise,, I can't apologise. I meant every word I said to you back then."

Is this an actor? Some sort of delusion? The Makoto I knew would never be so humble, but he pulls the hood down further. That face - that's him, the same man, just as he looked on the last night of my life.

"This is going to sound awkward, but...whatever I felt about you, I respected your father. He was a great man, a brilliant admiral who more or less convinced me to join the navy myself. I knew you were his daughter, but still - a woman in the navy?"

Silence for a while. Are those tears? They can't be. He would never cry.

"When they declared you missing the next day, I reported that you had been tampering with the anchor on the hilt late at night. The captain believed me, and I just went around my daily business without you around to piss me off. I won't lie. I felt invincible that day.

"But when news hit your old man...he couldn't take it. He gave out one last speech reprimanding the whole force for allowing this disaster to happen, but of course since everyone thought you'd killed yourself it didn't hold an ounce of weight. Hearing my childhood idol say something like that, though...I don't think anything has ever made me feel so humble in my life."

He started to pull away the hood, revealing his old navy uniform from the chest down.

"Then came the day that Admiral Minamitsu...departed. My friends didn't care much, they just thought it was another old-timer getting too old to think straight, but my entire life came apart on that day. My hero, my role model, dead. And it was my fault."

He pulled the hood away entirely, revealing the clothing underneath.

"And in the end, I suppose I was no stronger a man than he was."

My eyes widened. He was still in his full navy uniform.

But hanging - no, lodged in his stomach was a long, deadly blade, laced with blood. No man could survive an injury like that.


"You aren't the only one hanging around after death. I couldn't come to terms with what I'd done, so I suppose my soul's never been at peace. I don't know how long I've been travelling, looking for any sign as to what happened to you, just so I could even apologise at your gravestone and move on. But eventually, I ended up getting hunted down by a proclaimed youkai killer, and I assumed my time was up."

He looked over to the monk, and only now did I realise she'd let go of me a long time ago.

"And, well, that's how I ended up here, meeting you again."

No. This isn't it, not at all. This isn't how it's supposed to happen. I never had a chance to get the revenge I was looking for because Makoto went and killed himself? And better yet, now he isn't even the same dick he was when he killed me and he shows up here practically begging for forgiveness?

Dammit, what the hell is wrong with my legs? What am I doing on my knees at a time like this? I have to look up to see Makoto's face now, but even that's getting hard because my eyes are getting misty. I'm not, I can't be, captains are supposed to-

Fuck. I'm crying.


"You've killed hundreds of innocent men, all for the sake of vengeance. By now you don't even seek revenge, but you kill simply for the sake of social standing. By every standard, you are a threat to humanity."

Shut up, woman. Is now really the time to give me a guilt trip on top of everything else? I still can't see...why aren't these tears stopping already?

"But at the same time, I can see that in truth your story is a tragic one. Your life was nothing but an endless repeat of the same event - you gave your all, you succeeded, and yet because you were a woman your efforts were ignored. You did not turn to murder out of an evil soul - you turned to it because there was no other option available to you."

She walks up to me and place a hand on my shoulder.

"Perhaps you still have crimes to atone for, but I believe you at least deserve another chance."

The tears are finally coming to a stop, and I can see her face clearly again.

If anyone ever talks about her magical powers, the first thing to they should mention is that smile. Hell, I don't even have a heart and I can feel something melt in my chest at the sight of it. She offers me a hand, helps me back to my feet.

"But I can't forgive you unless you're willing to forgive others, Murasa. So I want you to make a decision for me."

She looks back to Makoto, still patiently waiting in the same spot, totally at ease with the sword sticking out of him. Seriously, that's awkward as all hell.

"This man did terrible, terrible things to you. But can't you see that he has realised his mistake, and has literally held himself away from rebirth in order to repent? Can you not finally give his soul the peace it deserves?"

I can't believe I'm on the verge of doing this. This goes against everything I've believed in, everything I've wanted to do since the day I died. I should be pushing that sword further into him, if anything, but that face of his - damn, there's enough guilt on there to shame a dozen men.

It takes a long time for me to come to a decision. There's a lot of anger still hanging in me that never got fully resolved, anger that built up for 18 long years.

It's the hardest thing I've ever done - alive or otherwise - but I manage to put my hand on Makoto's shoulder.

"...It's okay. You can go now."

Immediately his eyes widen in surprise. He probably wasn't expecting forgiveness even now, but in a few seconds the guy's already in tears. Before I know it he's wrapped his arms around me and dug his head into my chest.

Men, huh. Still as prissy as usual.

"...Thank you, Minamitsu-san."

Makoto starts to fade away, his last wish finally fulfilled. I can feel his grip lightening as he moves on to whatever the hell comes next, but he manages to let out one last sentence before vanishing completely.

"In another life, maybe you would could have been my captain after all."

And then Makoto is gone, forever. Suddenly I've lost both my reason for revenge and my reason for existing, but I'm not granted the same peace he is. I'm a youkai now, not a ghost - I've been reborn in my own way, but I'm cursed to these oceans until the day I'm exorcised.

Where am I meant to go from here?

"Oh, so he's gone now. That's a bit of a shame."

The monk - no, Byakuren, that was her name - pouts at the sight of Makoto moving on. Her eyes turn to the wheel of the ship, unmanned and unattended.

"It was Makoto that led us here in that little ship of ours, and I'm afraid I have no experience with ships myself. Ichirin, what about you?"

The girl with the cloud had been too busy whispering to her companion to really have an effect on the conversation, but as her name is called she suddenly jerks back into reality.

"A-Ah, no. I'd have no idea how to control this thing. Unzan here is probably as bad as I am on that front, without mentioning his...obvious difficulties."

The cloud pouts at that one, taking it as an insult. They're a weird pair, but they look like they could have the potential to grow on me if I hanged around with them for long enough. Byakuren puts a finger on her lip pensively.

"Hmm, that's quite a conundrum. If we've lost our leader, and neither of us can man the ship..."

It takes me a little while to realise the conclusion she's coming to. But when I realise what she's going to say next, I freeze completely.

"We're going to have to add a new member to our crew. Right, Murasa?"

Did...did she plan this out? Not only did she not kill me, she gave me a chance to settle the old score, and NOW she's basically giving me the chance I never got.

Is this woman a god or something?

"You'll be more or less bound to the ship, of course, but you'll be able to leave these oceans at last and see the rest of the world. I'll be needing a steady hand like yours in my work with your people - hopefully I've done enough to prove that my apparent title of youkai exterminator is rather inaccurate. Consider it a conscription order to work under me in exchange for your own ship."

Conscription? Like hell I'd need to be conscripted into this. This is...well, it's everything I've ever wanted. I nod with all the force I can muster.

"Do you really think you need to ask?"

I run up to the deck, to the abandoned steering wheel. I'm tense, I'm nervous, I'm jittery. I'm still having trouble believing all of this is really happening, that it's not some sort of final delusion before I die for real. I'm scared that maybe I won't be able to do this after all, that it might just be too much responsibility for me.

The image of an old man flashes into my mind. He stands at attention to an unseen superior, but the warm smile on his face isn't that of a soldier.

It's the smile of a father.

Old man...I did it.

I grab the wheel, and immediately any worries I had vanish into the distance. This is the moment I've spent eighteen years rehearsing for in my head. Immediately I can feel the power, the authority, the control, and it's everything I ever wanted it to be.

I laugh. I make sure the others are standing behind me so they can't see the tears in my eyes. I'm not supposed to cry. Not in my new post, anyway.

The rain starts to ease up, and the clouds give way. In the distance, the first light of daybreak appears on the horizon. It's fitting.

And behind me, Byakuren smiles, and says the words that make me the proudest goddamn youkai in the world.

"This ship is yours now, Captain Murasa. Lead the way."


"Well, that's just about all there is to say. After that the three of us went around saving whoever we could, the rumours came around to bite us in the ass, and Hijiri ended up here working for Vaisrawhatshisname until things settled down."

Murasa looked away as she fell silent. I couldn't make out a definite emotion in her eyes - there was sorrow, ambition, regret and pride all mixed up in there at once.

"You can probably tell I didn't tell you this story 'cause I feel like an old lady. Hijiri's one hell of a woman, tiger, and she just doesn't give herself credit for all the amazing things she's done. Kinda hypocritical if you think about it long enough - she gives me a chance to atone for my sins, but she's never looked at herself in the same way. Sorta a shame, really."

There was a kind soul in there, I decided. Murasa really did have people's best interests at heart. It was just a matter of whether you were patient enough to burrow through all the layers above it.

"...So. I know you said otherwise, but I'm asking you one last time. Hijiri doesn't deserve what those people are gonna do to her. Please, at least help us give her a chance to escape."

What was I supposed to do? A few hours ago, I had been ready to let Byakuren pay for her crimes, but now I was wondering if she'd ever committed a crime at all. If there was any sin she had to atone for it was fear, but in the stories I'd heard she'd shown more than enough bravery. The scriptures would most likely oppose me on the matter, but I remembered an old parable from the Bhudda himself - the scriptures were but a stepping stone, to be discarded when no longer necessary. Now seemed as good a reason as any to step away from the book and act on what was right.

I was about to start on my answer when I realised that Murasa was no longer looking at me. Her eyes were staring out a porthole, towards the horizon.


Dawn had broken. And with it, the voices of a thousand angry villagers pierced the air.

The time had come.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #104 on: May 19, 2010, 10:26:14 PM »
That was a pretty awesome take on Murasa's back-story.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Rising Star
« Reply #105 on: May 19, 2010, 10:30:37 PM »
That was a pretty awesome take on Murasa's back-story.

So then Matoko tried to kill himself as well? Murasa-chan's past is to sad T_T


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #106 on: May 19, 2010, 10:53:28 PM »

So then Matoko tried to kill himself as well? Murasa-chan's past is to sad T_T
Rou likes to take the tragic route a lot.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Rising Star
« Reply #107 on: May 20, 2010, 07:11:44 AM »
I just read the entire thing in one sitting, it was that good!! This is my first UFO backstory fanfic I've read, and I love it!!

Oh, one "Random pointless completely ignorable nitpick" (as kakkesu would say) - Murasa is her family name, so shouldn't her father be Admiral Murasa rather than Admiral Minamitsu?

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
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Re: Rising Star
« Reply #108 on: May 20, 2010, 07:14:45 AM »
I just read the entire thing in one sitting, it was that good!! This is my first UFO backstory fanfic I've read, and I love it!!

Oh, one "Random pointless completely ignorable nitpick" (as kakkesu would say) - Murasa is her family name, so shouldn't her father be Admiral Murasa rather than Admiral Minamitsu?

Murasa isn't actually her real name though. So no, he wouldn't be Admiral Murasa.


  • Hurr Durr
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #109 on: May 20, 2010, 12:18:34 PM »

I nearly cried at this. At first, just like Murasa, I thought that Makoto should have probably be damned to hell and such, but never did I think that he would be the third person, let alone taking his own life and repenting. You are such an awesome writer :(.
I am a thinker. I cast light on various concepts. I can unveil the world's dark secrets if I so please. And yet, there is a single enigma that even I cannot clarify.  - Renko Usami

I am a dreamer. I wander through countless dreams. If I will, I can even walk the roads of the land of illusion. And yet, there is a single vision that even I cannot grasp. - Maribel Han

Dorian White

  • The most handsome non-vampire diplomat you ever encountered ~
  • With a Gandalf like evolution.
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #110 on: May 20, 2010, 07:10:25 PM »
Rou likes to take the tragic route a lot.
Indeed, but I think the real touching part is yet to come.
Bella gerant alii, tu felix Gensokyo nube. Nam quae Mars aliis, dat tibi diva Venus.

Re: Rising Star
« Reply #111 on: May 20, 2010, 09:44:15 PM »
Murasa isn't actually her real name though. So no, he wouldn't be Admiral Murasa.
If so, it wouldn't be Admiral Minamitsu either...
But then again, this is totally ignorable, and it doesn't take away from the fact that this story is amazing. I can't wait for the next update!!


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #112 on: June 10, 2010, 01:48:31 PM »
Yes, I haven't updated for ages. Yes, I'm sorry.


"Looks like we're outta time."

Murasa turned back to the doorway, gaining pace until she was running back to the entrance. I followed afterward, the loud slamming from the planks still not enough to drown out the cries coming closer and closer.

"Burn the demon!"


"Cut out the liar's tongue!"

Ichirin was already waiting for us when we emerged from inside the ship, her eyes focused on the ever approaching mob. Unzan floated by her shoulder, his face a dark grimace. They were looking at one of the humans in particular - the mob's leader, walking a few paces ahead of the rest. It was a young woman, with long black hair running down her back, dressed in the classical red garb of a shrine maiden.

"So, that's Misato Hakurei..."

Even from here, I could see the determination in her hazel eyes. They were focused on the temple, almost looking through the walls and seeing Byakuren inside, still sitting in the meditation hall in that painful silence. I couldn't remember the last time a human had ever incited so much fear in me.

"Heh. So you're scared too, tiger?"

Murasa let off a little quip, and I looked at her. She was shivering, physically, to the point where only the fiery glint in her eyes reminded me of the proud captain I used to know. Ichirin seemed to be shrinking into her robes, and even Unzan was cowering at the sight of the advancing army.

But still.

"Only on the inside. You two, stay hidden while I try to talk her out of it."

It was already an unspoken agreement between the three of us that we wouldn't resort to deadly force. There was no way that Byakuren would accept the death of a human in her name, and however much that infuriated them Murasa and Ichirin nodded in agreement. They were both effectively powerless, held off by the threat of killing an innocent. No doubt sending the mob along was a plan on the part of Misato rather than going alone.

I heard the pair scuttling into the bushes behind me as I made my way back to the entrance of the temple. The mob had almost descended upon us now, and I could see the hatred in each of their faces. All except the shrinemaiden, who wore a totally neutral expression conveying her will and nothing else. Either she was a master of her own emotions, or she was as unhappy with these circumstances as we were.

That was good. It meant that a negotiation might well work.

As the mob finally came to the foot of the temple, I decided that my best chance was to frighten them off. Standing at the top of the stairway, I took a few steps back, before running forward and taking the largest leap I could. I placed a hand on the pagoda and focused my mind while in the air, and the lantern let off a cool blue light.

The sounds of mystified villagers filled the air. 'Who's that?' 'What's going on?' Useless words like that. I disregarded them. My attention was on the only member of the group that matters - the shrinemaiden at the helm, stopping in her tracks as if to welcome me.

I landed cleanly on one of the bottom steps, only a few feet in front of Misato. The pagoda's light becomes a single bright flash, and a spear materialises in my spare hand. I point it at the miko's throat in one swift motion.

"State your business, mortal. You trespass on the holy ground of Vaisravana."

The sound of a dozen grown men squealing at once is an unusual one, but that was what I heard as my declaration came to an end. Apparently, Byakuren had been right when she said I looked like a man.

"I-I-It's Vaisravana! He's come to kill us all!"

One or two of them dropped their weapons and fled, screaming as they ran back to whatever hole they had crawled out of. The remaining force turned its eyes in unison towards their leader, watching to see if she was as frightened as they were.

If she was, she didn't show it. She stared me down with a cold, hard glance, ignoring the spear entirely.

"I am here to purge the world of the black magician known as Byakuren Hijiri. Stand aside."

Was I shaking? No, not yet. I was close, though - I could feel my insides turning to jelly just holding this standoff. Maybe she felt the same.

"This temple offers no sanctuary to dark magic. You are mistaken."

A few seconds of silence. The mob were conflicted, and on the verge of taking my advice and running for their lives. But Misato stood firm amidst it all, her eyes only growing more determined.

"You expect me to fall for your ruse, youkai? I know of your master, and of how she aids your kind. You are no god, and you will not turn me away."

Without a hint of doubt, she saw through my trick without pausing for an instant. That confirmed it - there was no hidden fear beneath those determined eyes of hers. No desire to run away, no fear of death, no concern about if she failed. Absolute self-confidence. A self-confidence I was definitely lacking in, as I could feel my grip on the spear begin to tremble.

This girl wasn't normal. No normal human being could stare down a youkai so confidently when their life was at stake.

This girl was a monster.

"Now get out of my way, beast, before I exterminate you as well."

She reached down to her side and pulled out a wooden gohei, made of a fine ancient oak. I could see it glow, so strong was the power held within it. But still, wood was wood, and surely there was no way that it could match solid steel in terms of strength. If I disarmed her, I could still have a chance.

"You'll have to make me move, human!"

I swung at the gohei with all the force I could muster, with the intent of snapping it in two. Misato barely had time to see the move coming, and by now, the crowd had fallen silent out of fear for their own safety. With their leader disarmed, they would no doubt lose their resolve, and-

"If you insist."

It was wood. It had to be wood. There was no way it couldn't have been wood. And yet the spear bounched off the gohei, as if it had clashed with a weapon of its own calibre. Misato raised her weapon fully now, accepting my challenge.

The challenge which I was now starting to regret.

"What's the matter? You aren't afraid, are you...?"

She mocked me as she lunged toward me with the gohei, pushing me backwards up the staircase as I blocked. I winced - she had immense strength even for a youkai, but as a human it was doubly astounding. Clearly these villagers had chosen wisely.

"Heh. You've gotta be kidding."

But still. If nothing else, I could offer Murasa and Ichirin some time. They could get Byakuren onto the ship and take off, take her to a place where this gang wouldn't find her.

And as for me? No, it was a bad idea to think about that. The more I thought it over, the more I'd get scared, so I killed off those thoughts before they could start. I looked back at Misato, giving her the most confident grin I could muster as our fight began in earnest.

"I'm a tiger. And tigers aren't afraid of anything!"

Re: Rising Star
« Reply #113 on: June 10, 2010, 08:39:22 PM »
Hau~ Go Shou! A long but awesome update, thank you!

Re: Rising Star
« Reply #114 on: June 12, 2010, 04:15:55 AM »
Yay update!! I love this story

Iced Fairy

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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #115 on: June 12, 2010, 04:15:58 PM »
Hm... This didn't go as I expected.  And a Hakurei eh?  Interesting.  I wonder where the peices will fall from here.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #116 on: June 13, 2010, 11:52:34 PM »
Hoh boy... A Hakurei coming to seal away Byakuren, Shou and Murasa may end up bearing grudge's, even small ones, towards the Hakurei's cause of this.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #117 on: July 13, 2010, 07:49:36 PM »
Rising Star. It updates almost as often as White Rose!


The sound of clashing weapons echoed through the chambers of the meditation hall, almost growing stronger as it moved through the air. Byakuren flinched as it reached her, wincing as she maintained her upright stance.

It has begun...

Every clash felt like it was scratching at her eardrums, almost causing her physical pain. It was probably Shou out there, fighting for her sake against the shrine maiden. There was no doubt on how that fight would end, though - for all of her strength and training under Vaisravana, Shou didn't stand a chance. Misato was the latest descendant of the legendary Hakurei family, a human bloodline with magical power that even youkai couldn't compare with. Their presence took a few generations to grow, but now they were a name known across all of Japan.

And of course, it was the duty of any good shrine maiden to exterminate troublesome youkai.

The fighting outside grew louder. She could make out murmurs now, the sound of Misato's gang growing more enthusiastic as they saw their leader's power first hand. Shou was being pushed back, slowly but surely. She wasn't going to last much longer. An image flashed in her mind for a moment - the tiger looking down, seeing a gohei piercing her in the chest as she coughed up blood, her face wracked with pain-


Byakuren put her hands over her ears, willing the sound to be silent. She couldn't accept this. She couldn't deal with this blood on her hands. Shou had done nothing wrong - she had simply followed orders, done what was best for her band of tigers, for her god, for her friends. For Shou to die for her sake...she couldn't deal with that.

Still...what could she do? There was no way she would get away unscathed - even if she were to fight, Misato had enough expertise and power to defeat her. Perhaps she couldn't die, but she could still be sealed away for the rest of time. Was there no way to win here...?

Despite her best efforts, the sound drifted past her hands. The fight came closer and closer, until she almost thought the pair were going to crash through the door of the temple and take their fight inside. Every hit was agonising, with Byakuren's mind coming to the worst conclusion with every strike. In her mind, Shou was being stabbed in the heart, in the stomach, in the eye, everywhere. It was too much, just too much. She was crying now, her sobs doing nothing to drown out the approaching sound.

It took her a few minutes for her tears to stop. Byakuren rose to her feet once again, smiling with an eerie calmness. She slowly started to make her way out of the room, feeling the weight lifting from her shoulders as she walked.

In the end, I only have one choice, don't I...?



This couldn't be happening. My arms felt like they were about to snap from the force being hammered into the spear. I was almost convinced that there was just a layer of paint over it, and the gohei in her hand was made of the hardest metal I'd ever seen.

"Shouldn't you be devouring me around now? That's what you youkai do, isn't it?"

There was no expression in Misato's voice. No anger, no fear, not even a hint of fatigue. Just sheer, utter focus in the task ahead of her - her mission to take Byakuren apart, and take me with her if necessary.

I was nowhere near as lucky - the fight was taking its toll, and she had slowly been pushing me up the stairs to the temple. The gang of thugs followed behind her, still too afraid of me to get in the way of the melee. I could see the hope in their eyes, the hope that Misato would be enough to help them get rid of these sick, demonic youkai.

I felt sick to my stomach.


I'd hesitated, and Misato didn't lose a moment in capitalising. I heard a deafening crack as the gohei slammed into the side of my chest. I had no doubt that a strike with that force would be enough to kill an ordinary man. My youkai pedigree was enough to keep me standing, but it sure as hell didn't do anything to stop the pain.

If I had the slightest chance, I'd have fallen to my knees and screamed, clutching at my side and pulling my hands back up with a small layer of blood covering my palms. But that would give her another opening, and I'd be finished. I settled for clenching my teeth until I was scared they would crack apart from the pressure.


I thought I was hearing things as I was being knocked further back, but my ears hadn't deceived me. Misato had asked me a simple question, her voice barely audible over the clashing of our weapons.

"Why do you defend her? Don't you know the crimes she's committed?"

What sort of question was this? Maybe she didn't expect an answer, given that her attacks continued regardless. I fought the pain for long enough to offer her an answer.

"If trying to help people out is a crime...then I may as well be a criminal as well."

"People? The only ones to benefit from her deeds are the youkai."

Again, absolutely no emotion in her voice. I would have been less afraid of her if she were filled with the righteous indignation that drove the mob behind her, but to be so completely in control of herself was something else entirely.

But there was no time for fear. We'd reached the top of the staircase, and the temple was right behind me. So I flipped the fear inside out and turned it into anger.

"'re saying that youkai don't count as people? Don't we have feelings, emotions, hearts just like you humans? Or do you honestly think we're all just soulless machines who you can kill off without a hint of conscience?"

Misato didn't respond to that one with words.

She just made the most of my anger, waited for me to get overaggressive, and parried my thrust elegantly.


Time slowed to a crawl. My arm was still in front of me, hanging uselessly behind Misato. The miko closed in, dashing to within inches of my face. I could feel her breath on my cheek.

Then, a fist pounded into my gut.


That was it. That was the killer blow. I coughed, spitting out blood onto the staircase as my body failed me. Misato held me close for a moment, murmuring in my ear.

"They're afraid."

I managed to register confusion in the midst of the pain flooding every nerve I had. The mob finished climbing the staircase behind us, the relief on their faces evident.

"The majority of humanity is weak and frail. Your kind are a threat to us and our safety."

I wanted to answer. To say that we meant no harm, that we simply wished to stay to ourselves and live a simple life under the worship of Vaisravana. Even if I had the strength for it, though, I knew the words would be falling on deaf ears.

Ichirin's face flashed in front of my eyes. The Kumoi clan. Innocent. Well-intentioned. Still considered a threat and slaughtered anyway.

We spent an eternity looking at one another. I don't know what sort of expression I was wearing - a look of fear, stubbornness, agony, or maybe some sort of demented combination of all three. But still Misato's face didn't so much as budge.

She pushed forward with the tiniest force, and I slumped backwards onto the ground.



A voice from the bushes. Ichirin emerged from her hiding spot, jumping between me and Misato. She was shivering uncontrollably, but who could blame her? She'd just witnessed the shrine maiden tear me apart, almost literally.

"S-Stay back! I...I'll fight you!"

Unzan was murmuring in her ear. Even without hearing it, his expression made it clear that his advice was to run. She had no hope of holding the miko off, so all her sacrifice would achieve was more needless bloodshed.

Misato was unimpressed. She looked back to the mob she'd assembled, expecting them to run up the stairs and charge at the temple any second now.

Their enthusiasm was curbed by an anchor landing inches from the front of the crowd.

"Alright, kiddies, turn around and go back home. Captain's orders."

Murasa leapt out from behind cover as well, standing in front of the gang to stop them swarming inside. They stepped back down the stairway, cowering again at the sight of another threat.

Misato dealt with this new development like she always did - with an unimpressed sigh. She stared Ichirin down.

"Do I need to make an example of you as well?"

The gohei came out again, pointing straight at Ichirin's neck. The hooded youkai was still trembling, but her legs just about held her up. She must have wanted to respond, but the words couldn't come out.

"Look at ya, picking on a girl who just wants to protect her friend. Some great shrine maiden you are, kid."

I couldn't help but smirk at that one. Only Murasa would think that now was a good time to insult the girl who could singlehandedly take each and every one of us apart. The first hints of frustration started to appear on Misato's face.

There was a dead silence. Everyone's eyes were on Misato, waiting for her to make the first move. She could leap towards Ichirin, attack her in an instant and take her down before Unzan could defend her, or with a quick 180-degree turn she could take Murasa out. Even if the ghost's physical body was just a shell, there was no doubt the miko would be carrying exorcising amulets of some form. Either way, it was just a matter of who she attacked first.

The answer turned out to be neither, as the door to the temple slowly opened.

"I believe I am the one you are looking for."

Everyone's eyes turned to the doorway. Even I managed to tilt my head around far enough to catch a sight of it.

Standing there proudly, without a hint of resistance, was Byakuren Hijiri.

Re: Rising Star
« Reply #118 on: July 13, 2010, 09:56:35 PM »
A new and interesting development! Thank you a lot! I love your BA Murasa


  • Hurr Durr
Re: Rising Star
« Reply #119 on: July 13, 2010, 10:03:52 PM »
wait,White Rose get's updated?

Also, great chapter. Short, but nicely filled.
I am a thinker. I cast light on various concepts. I can unveil the world's dark secrets if I so please. And yet, there is a single enigma that even I cannot clarify.  - Renko Usami

I am a dreamer. I wander through countless dreams. If I will, I can even walk the roads of the land of illusion. And yet, there is a single vision that even I cannot grasp. - Maribel Han