Author Topic: Benny1's oneshots feat. A gift to Ruro  (Read 16977 times)


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Benny1's oneshots feat. A gift to Ruro
« on: January 08, 2010, 06:26:29 AM »
Mmm, I figure I might as well keep my stuff in a single thread now.  This is a oneshot, I'll edit the topic title if there's an ongoing story ever, okay?


I'm a little [censored], so expect what you will from this.

Aya Gets Exiled

Well, tragically, it seems that Aya had been rejected by the tengu.  Something about her newspaper being racist or something.  She wasn't happy, but what else could she do?  She gave Momiji some goodbye sex and the two parted.  It was tragic, but what can you say?

Anyways, so Aya was looking for a job, and the only place she found that was hiring was Eientei.  She wasn't happy with it, but she had to apply.  Eirin headed her interview.

"So, Miss... SHAMEIMARU!  How are you this evening?"

"I'm out of a job and absolutely broke, not to mention exiled from my people.  I know you well enough, you should know EXACTLY how this feels."

"True enough.  You understand, this won't be easy work, right?  The princess has very fickle needs, and if you don't fufill them perfectly, you're gone in an instant."

"I don't think you understand what it's like getting picture for a tabloid then"

"You know, you've got a point.  I think you can handle this.  You're hired.

Oh, and by the way, I won't be your boss, Reisen will be."

Aya cringed at this statement.  She was never a fan of those eyes.  Eyes that stare through your brain, causing you to go insane... they weren't pleasant.  But, it was a paying job.  She had to suck it up.

And she really did need to.  Reisen was brutal in every sense of the word.  Jobs were given with about half the time Aya would need.  If she had to go get a drink for Kaguya, she'd get enough time to pour the drink, certainly not enough time to go the kitchen and back.  If Kaguya needed a new online game, Reisen would give her the amount of time it took to convince Yukari to gap it in.  Nothing more.  It was hard for Aya, but Eirin seemed happy with Aya so nobody got fired, and Aya got her pay.  She was able to live in the mansion comfortably, as well.  That was a wonderful perk.

One day though, Reisen approached Aya with a twist she could have never expected:

"We're going retail."

Aya was very surprised.  She had thought that Reisen despised her, not wanted to open a business with her.  After all, why else would she give her such difficult jobs?

"Why me?  Why not take that nurse Eirin.  She's gotta have some sort of experience in running a pharmacy, she must be good."
"Oh, she's good at that, but that's not what I'm looking for.  You've got fire, you know?  Even when I give you impossible goals, you try as hard as you can.  And when I yell at you afterwards... the way your wings sort of droop, and it really shows on your face how you're disappointed... it's kind of cute."

Wait, what?  That was all Aya could think.  Apparently, Aya was cute to Reisen.

"Waaaait a second, really?  You want to start a business with me because I'm cute?"

"You know what?  I'll be honest, I do.  You're goddamned adorable and I want to hug you and stroke your wings right now.  Every time I see the back of your short hair fly in the wind behind you, I want to stroke it and brush it for hours.  Please, will you start this business with me?"

Aya debated it, and when she made her decision, she walked over to Reisen, planted a kiss on her lips, and the two started the most successful drug ring ever seen in Gensokyo.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 05:27:52 AM by Bennyeiki Ichixanadu »


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Re: Benny1's oneshot (and perhaps fanfiction) thread
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2010, 06:33:50 AM »
It feels rushed. but aya x reisen is always good in my book.


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Re: Benny1's oneshot (and perhaps fanfiction) thread
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2010, 07:00:10 AM »
Aww, how adorable. Aya and Reisen live happily ever after, and get half of Gensokyo addicted to blow.
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Re: Benny1's oneshot (and perhaps fanfiction) thread
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2010, 09:09:29 AM »


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Re: Benny1's oneshot (and perhaps fanfiction) thread
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2010, 05:48:39 PM »
kilga requested this

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Die The Death! Sentence to death! Great equalizer is The Death!
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Re: Benny1's oneshot (and perhaps fanfiction) thread
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2010, 05:05:01 AM »
Tee hee, sorry for that silly little first story.  Twas a fun night.

I guess I'm too late to write a seasonal story... should've done how Remilia stole Christmas a long while ago, oh well.  Well, random short story it is.  I like to call it... Remilia.  I'm trying a few new things, so this is more serious than normal, I would appreciate it if you let me know what you think.


Once upon a time, there lived a spoiled vampire.  She was beautiful, and she was full of herself.  She lived in a perfect mansion with four others.  She had a perfect maid, a wise bookworm, a crazy younger sister, and a strong gate guard.  She was happy with this mansion, and loved the people inside of it more than anybody else in the world, even her own parents.  She had lived for a very long time always being told she was right, so it almost wasn't her fault she was spoiled.  She was very spoiled though.  In fact, all of her clothing was white, because she thought it was fitting that she was the only vampire to wear white.

This mansion was in a wonderful paradise called Gensokyo.  She decided the center of an island she found must be the center of Gensokyo, and placed the mansion there.  She left it in the center of an island to show she was not weak against running water, of course.

However, it was challenging for her to find food, sometimes, as the human village was well protected, but she always managed anyways.  However, her work was messy.  As you may recall, our vampire loved her white clothing.  A vampire dressed in white, how ironic!  That was exactly what she wanted, and those who knew her thought it fit her perfectly.  However, whenever she drank blood, no matter how careful she was, her shirt would be stained red.

Our vampire thought it had to be a curse, and asked the bookworm to look it up.  She came back with nothing.

Our vampire asked all of members of the family what she should do, but they had no idea.

As she stained all of her white dresses, she became more and more depressed at the way she could do nothing about it.

What would our spoiled vampire do without her delightful ways to stand out, after all?  She might be ordinary, then!

And so one day she reached a point where she could find no solution to stop the dresses from turning red.  But what is red if there is no white?  Why, suddenly everything that was plain would be the same color as the vampire's dress, and certainly the irony of a vampire in white would be remembered!  If our vampire wore white or red, her clothing would look the same, and surely everybody would think 'wow, that vampire wears white, she must have no fears!"  And the vampire decided to send out a red mist, so every white thing would appear to be red.

The others who lived in Gensokyo were not very happy with this though.  And for the first time, somebody came to the island to stop our vampire.

They outsmarted the gate guard, who had no reinforcements.  They exhausted the bookworm, who was anemic.  They exhausted the maid, for her power made her tired.  They even defeated the sister, who managed to escape from the basement to protect her sister.  And they climbed and climbed the spiral staircase to the highest point on the mansion.  After all, our vampire would surely want to fight there.

And the girl who came to stop our vampire made a simple request, for her to stop the red mist.  Our vampire had never been told no in her life, and dismissed the girl.  However, the girl would not leave, and eventually challenged the mistress.  The two had a spectacular fight, but our vampire lost the battle in the end, and the girl that came had only one thing to say:

"When you wear white, you must truly look like a devil in angel's clothing.  However, since you cannot see yourself in a mirror, you have not noticed that when the red mist turns your white red, so I shall let you know.  Wearing your pitifully red dress, no matter how white it is, you look like nothing more than a spoiled vampire who is no more special than the dirt she stands on"

Our vampire cried for many hours as the stopped creating the mist and the human girl left.  The human girl hurt her family, told her to stop, and left without any kind words.  It was painful for her, but as the tears began to stop clouding her vision, she saw a gift the girl left, humility.  Though it was indeed wonderful for her to try to look unique, to do so at the cost of Gensokyo's sun was not reasonable.  She hurt for hours, but eventually, she started to humble herself more, and she decided that red is plenty suited for a vampire.  She lived happily ever after with the residents of the mansion, and even those outside of it.  After all, a vampire can't go out in the sun, but a parasol can stop the sun

Re: Benny1's oneshot (and perhaps fanfiction) thread
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2010, 07:33:41 PM »
Another thread I should have started paying attention to sooner!

The first one was rather fun, and the ending functioned well as a Sudden Punchline. I liked the second one, too.


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Re: Benny1's oneshot (and perhaps fanfiction) thread
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2010, 05:43:58 AM »
The Great Yakumo Pizza Party

"Are you really sure this is a good idea?  I'm... really nervous, none of your parties ever go well, and a make your own pizza party?  Are you like, begging for a house fire or something?"  Ran's tails were twitching, her ears were flat on her forehead, it was obvious she didn't like backtalking her master, but what choice did she have?

"Oh, you little worry wart, what are you worrying about?  It's just a freaking pizza party.  I've lived so long, I can make my own decisions and have my own party.  Come on, it's my party, and I'll cry if I want to, and I'm not crying, so why don't you shut up?  Give out these invitations, and I don't want to hear any more sass from you.  Missy McSassSass."  Yukari gapped away.

Ran sighed and got to work distributing the invitations.

"Couldn't she have used her gaps?  What a lazy master..." sighed Ran.


So, what's going on, you ask?  Why, it's simple.  One day, Chen went up to Yukari and said "let's have pizza tonight!"

But Yukari doesn't do anything the easy way.  She's bored and she likes having fun.  So of course it's gotta be a party.  So, Yukari decided to have a make your own pizza party.  Everybody always complains that you don't get the right pizza, so this takes out that issue.  She got five kinds of cheese, pepperoni, sausage, ham, pineapple, sauce, little pizza crusts about the size of a pita, and other delicious types of toppings that the author is forgetting.  Mushrooms, peppers, all that stuff.

The invitation, of course, was sent to everybody in Gensokyo who had currently appeared in a game, Yukari was biased about those who were hiding away.  So, on the day of the party, people started showing up


"Heyyyyyyyy guyyyssssss, wassupppppppppppppppppp.  I haveeeen't seen some of you in liiikkkkeee, fiiiiiiiveeee minuutesssssssssss."  Suika, of course, was first.  And she was drunk off her mind and passed out in a corner, drinking in the process.

After that, not too many people actually showed up.  The weaker youkai were afraid they would be eaten (Yuyuko would be there, after all) and some of the other youkai didn't really like the crew that hung around at Yukari's place.  So in the end, the crew was as follows:

"It-it's not like I actually wanted to see Marisa... is she here by the way?  It would be awesome if she's here... but- yeah, I don't care if she isn't, iin fact, let her not show up!" shouted Alice.  It was Friday, and Friday is tsundere day in Alice's world.  For what it's worth every other day alternates tsuntsun and deredere.

"Reimu, Reimu, check it out!  This new level of master spark can blow through a starlight breaker, even at level 3 blaster system!  Besides, the blaster system just hurts Nanoha, it doesn't do anything."  Marisa was busy breaking the fourth wall.  What didn't she like to break after, all?

"Agh, what's up with you... do you ever think about things other than breaking things?  And you know what Remilia?  If you don't get off of me, that chair leg will be through your heart."  Reimu had Remilia clinging to her while Marisa showed off her new spellcard.  By the way, the spellcard read this:

Roses are red
violets are you
you're about to
fucking die

Beautiful, isn't it?

Sakuya was at home, too busy cl- wait, she stopped time and just showed up, nevermind.

"Ojou-sama, get off that little mongrel.  You know the only blood that works for you is my perfect blood.  Come, drink all of my blood, let me swim through your veins!"  Sakuya was jealous.  Leviathean would be proud!

Other characters were sitting around but the author was too lazy to write about them because it was a one-shot and the punch line had to come soon.  So Yukari descended.

"Hello, ladies!  It's time for the greatest party Gensokyo has ever seen!  There will be pizza, but first... you have to make it!  On the table to the right is the ingredients I bought up for this.  The oven is off to the left, but the first challenge is this:  You all are alone with your powers.  How will you light the stove?"

Yukari vanished.

"You're kidding me.  This is a game?  I don't want to play" complained basically, well, almost everybody.

"The stove is lit" said Sakuya.  Maid power for the win, I guess.

"Well then, everybody make your pizzas!" Yukari was nowhere to be seen, but she could still be heard.

Ran was right though.  At this point, Suika, in her drunken slumber, managed to randomly expand, and absolutely destroyed the house.  After Yukari gapped in a new house, she went to go sleep some and everybody was building their pizzas.

So, what did everybody like to eat?

Suika didn't eat a pizza, she was too drunk to make one.

Reimu just had cheese.  She's boring and ordinary.  Kind of cool in Gensokyo, though.

Marisa went for pepperoni, sausage, ham, and bacon.

Alice used all the extra ingredients Marisa touched, and shouted at everybody "I-it's not like I'm using these because Marisa touched them!"  Marisa then touched the hottest peppers there were, and Alice didn't hesistate to use them.  Well actually, they weren't even that spicy, but Alice seemed to dislike spicy things, and she wasn't too happy with this, but Marisa was more important it seemed...  Come to think of it, it's amazing Alice hasn't killed me yet.

Sakuya... had some ingredients prepared for Remilia.  We'll ignore that.

Sakuya went for a veggie pizza herself, but had a lot of milk to go with it.  I wonder what's up with that, I thought her chest looked pretty big...  could it really be?

And then everybody tried to use the oven at once.  Fights were had, danmaku battles were had, and it turned out like this.

Alice went first.  Her tsundere was strong today.

Remilia was next, can't beat the power of a vampire.

Reimu was next, she's a mary sue, after all.

Marisa followed, having used her new spellcard.

Sakuya failed and was last.

So, at this point, Ran arrived.

"So um, my master is sleeping.  But just so you know, those ingredients are poisoned.  Yes, even yours Remilia, don't act like you're that special.  She left me a note to read, I'm sorry about this, but I didn't have much choice, so here goes.:

Let's play a game.
In the beginning, there were six.
One Igot drunk, and kinda got sick in the corner, and blew up the hTouse.
'The next one was a bit tsundere, and nobody really liked her, so Sshe cried in the corner.
TIhe next one was a miko too good for her own good, so she got bored and angry and walked awNay.
ThTe next was a witch who got too greedy, aHnd blew her fEace off.
AnSd stuff liIke that all haNppeKd."

"That's her riddle, can you solve it?"

Five of them panicked, and Suika was too drunk to do anything.  Ran wrote the whole thing on the conveniently placed chalkboard and so on.  It was exciting for everybody, but not in a good way.  More in a they though they were going to die way.  Alice wouldn't let go of Marisa.  She didn't want to die without... well, she didn't care, but it might be nice if Marisa noticed she was going to die...  Reimu had Remilia and Marisa clinging to her, Sakuya was clinging to Remilia, and Reimu realized it was easy.

"This is worse than that time Yukari posted about her cat being stuck in a tree.  It's in the sink...  but that's gotta be a trap, Yukari is never that simple... It couldn't be in the sink right there, so let's go check every other sink in Gensokyo...  Sakuya, can you do that?"

"None of them had an antidote." said Sakuya.  Time stopping was broken, it seemed.

"Well, fuck.  Yuyuko, come eat all of this food for us, you're a ghost, you can't die.  Yuyuko ate it all and choked a little and coughed up a key.

"Ara, when did that get there?  Well, you guys can have that.  I'm not hungry anymore.  Thanks for the food!"

"Well, there's a gigantic lock that says "THE KEY WORKS HERE" on the sink so obviously it's a black hole trap, let's ignore that." said Reimu.  Reimu thought she was cool and had read Yukari's mind or something.

Marisa was getting tired of this though.  She knew Reimu would do this and stole the key and opened the lock.  And well, let's just say what happened was too terrible to write into this fanfic.

Okay fine that's a lie.  The key just didn't fit.

"Oh, so you found the key" said Ran, reading another list.

"I assure you, it truly is in that sink.  But the problem is, how will you ever get it?  It's locked, after all!"

"Oh wait, I had the key upside down" said Marisa

She turned the key and there was an antidote and they all lived!


Okay, fine, this sucks, sorry.  I'll try harder next time.

Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. The Great Yakumo Pizza Party.
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2010, 06:41:22 AM »
I stopped reading at the point where it introduced the pathetically-unoriginal "must be an impostor-Alice, because her entire personality got replaced by that of someone who was rejected for the part of 'horribly-generic tsundere #69,105' for being overqualified," for the record. |3


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Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. The Great Yakumo Pizza Party.
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2010, 07:31:21 AM »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. The Great Yakumo Pizza Party.
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2010, 05:36:16 PM »
KimikoMuffin:  You will find that actually, I use a lot of stereotypes for characters I don't like in my fanfics.  For example, in the Remilia thing, I made Remilia a spoiled brat and I just don't like that stereotype as a whole.

If you really think I'm being serous though when I say Friday is tsundere day and the other days alternate deredere and tsuntsun, I'd recommend you find another thread to read.

Anyways I had a request from UD which I will probably write up tonight, I will warn you if you dislike insert stories it will be awful for you.  EDIT I failed to write it.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 05:52:58 AM by Bennymede »


  • Die The Death! Sentence to death! Great equalizer is The Death!
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Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. The Great Yakumo Pizza Party.
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2010, 05:41:02 AM »
Ah, how terrible, I'm double posting.


(This is the result of a request UD gives me every time I ask anybody has ideas.  Apologies if inserts offend you)

When I was alive, occasionally people would ask me "do you have any regrets?"  I'm not really able to answer that question.  I made some mistakes, of course I did, everybody does.  I just felt since mine weren't massive mistakes, it would be spoiled of me to say I regretted making them.  I think I did though.

But in the end, like everybody else, in my old age, I ended up dying.  Happens to the best of us, I guess.  And I think I can answer the question now.  I really don't have any regrets.  I feel sort of sage now, like life was actually just dulling my senses, and making it so hard to see the truth.  Kind of nice, I guess.

I'm just a little surprised, though.  I guess this is the afterlife?  Because all I see is a giant staircase.  What a pain, I guess I better climb.


The staircase is quite beautiful, really.  The stone it's made out is perfectly smooth, like no rock I've ever seen before.  Sort of an admirable thing, because it also didn't look polished.  After climbing stairs for an hour though, no matter how beautiful or impressive the staircase is, you get sick of it.

Which is why when I looked up and saw the peaks of the biggest sakura tree I've ever seen, come to think of it, probably the only one I've ever seen, I was pretty happy.  Like I said, after climbing stairs for an hour, no matter how beautiful the stone is, you just want to see some sort of color.

I decided this was actually the afterlife, because when I finally reached the top of the staircase, it was something unlike anything on earth.  The trees felt like they were half a mile high, and yet somehow all of them were in beautiful shape.  They must have an army of gardeners in the afterlife or something.

"Ah, I see you've made your way up the hilll.  How was your climb?  Everybody generally tells me it's pretty boring, but I sort of hope I'll be surprised one of these days..."

Wait, what, huh?  Apparently when you're dead people can sneak up on you really well, I sort of wish I had heard footsteps.  So I found myself spinning around really fast, because you know, that's what you do when somebody starts talking to you from behind, and saw the most beautiful person I had ever seen in my... life and an hour of death?  Something like that.

I mean that, by the way.  She really was the most beautiful person I had ever seen.  Her hair was a shade of pink I'd only seen rivaled by ridiculous dye jobs, but it seemed so much more natural for her.  She was wearing a long, pale blue kimono, decorated with numerous cherry blossoms and these white, frilly patches held on by blue ribbon.  She had a hat with a little triangular slip of paper sticking out with what I would swear was a Dreamcast symbol on it, but I figured it meant something other than that.  That, or my brain was playing a sick joke on me, but I was hoping for the former.

"Oh, is there something on my face?  You seem to be staring at me,... oh!  Of course, I forgot to introduce myself.  I am Yuyuko Saigyouji, the lady of Hakugyokurou.  Welcome, Tyler, to your life after death.

Oh, she was talking to me more.  Yuyuko, huh.  I sort of wonder what that mean- oh, wait a second, I figured out why I can't stop staring!

She was surrounded by ghosts.  Ten, twenty, I don't know, there were too many moving about to count.  One of them even had a little branch with a single leaf sticking out of it.  After realizing this is why I was freaking out, I decided I should probably attempt to deal with it and actually you know, talk to the lady of the afterlife.  Might be a bit rude to ignore her, or just stare.

"H... Hey, Yuyuko.  It-it's nice to meet you."

Oh, I can't talk well.  How embarassing.

"My name is... Tyler, though it seems you already knew that, ahaha."  I tried to joke or something, but the laugh sounded really forced, like I was an awkward schoolboy talking to the girl he had a crush on.

...You're kidding me.


I really don't want to think that's why I'm having trouble talking to somebody I just met.  Really?

I can't deal with this, really?

Am I really in love with somebody I just met?

Just because she's drop dead gorgeous and has this soothing, calm voice that could put me to sleep after the worst of nightmares, and the way she elegantly glides off of the ground like some sort of magician?

This is going to be a long afterlife.

"Oh, you seem a little pale.  Here, let me take you to the main building, so you can eat and drink.  After all, you'll find quickly that even without a physical body, you still need food.  Odd how your spirit works, isn't it?"

Argh, she was talking again and I could barely focus but I guessed I was supposed to follow her and that seemed to be right.


She showed me the food, I ate and drank some, and it seemed to be pretty much the same as in life.  I stammered my way through a few conversations, complete with an awkward "nice weather we're having, isn't it?"  I couldn't get over it.  I hated the idea of love at first sight so much, and it just hit me like a ton of feathers and it's not gonna be a good life if I can't get over this fast.


I didn't expect just lounging around in gardens with other dead people to be such a fun thing to do.  And there were a lot of people.  No wonder the gardens were so big.  The most notable person I met though, after Yuyuko, was Youmu Konpaku.

I had been walking through the trees when suddenly I saw a bright flash of light and every tree and bush in front of me was trimmed to perfection.  After spinning in a full circle, I found a sort of short girl standing in front of me, with what looked like a giant body pillow puffball floating behind her.  Except it had a face, but that wasn't new here and I was used to it.  Fun.

"Hey, just what are you doing off of the path?  If you're looking for me to slice you in half, you're well on your way to it.  These aren't just ordinary swords, you know.  There isn't anything my Roukanken blade can't cut, so you'd better keep out of the way."

"Now wait a second.  Who are you to just start badmouthing me like that?  It's not like I even know who you are, we just met, and you're treating me like I"m some sort of half class citizen."

"Fine.  I'm Youmu Konpaku, the gardener of Hakugyukurou.  This is my half ghost side, myon.  If you get in my way, you'll die.  There's not much else to know.  I guard you from anybody who might attack Hakugyokurou and I"d recommend you don't make me mad."  She was quick and to the point in everything she said.  A shame, but she seemed important, so I apologized quickly.

"Oh, okay, sorry about that.  I'll try to keep to the paths, then... I'm curious, though.  You said you're the gardener.  Are you really the only gardener in a place this large?"  Seriously, how could only one person deal with this large of a garden?

"Ah, yes.  I am the only gardener trained to keep Hakugyokurou looking beautiful.  It's not trivial, but my slash can reach from the Earth to the Moon in an instant, so to travel across this garden in one slash is nothing."

I just keep meeting these incredible people.

"Geez, a few weeks ago I would've laughed and thought you were lying, but this is land the dead, what isn't possible...  Well, nice meeting you, then.  I'll be on my way.  Keep up the good work, by the way!  It's quite beautiful.  And if you do need a break, you can always chat with me, of course."

I waved goodbye and wandered off.  I could've sworn though, that on her small, strict looking face, she sort of smiled.

Maybe I'm seeing things in my old age.  I've already lived a whole life, you know?


"So, Yuyuko, how long have you... well, had this job?  Have you always been here, the only lady of Hakugyokurou, or have there been others before you?  It's a little odd to think about, geez..."  I had been talking to Yuyuko whenever I could.  It was actually almost painful, because she certainly didn't seem to feel any special feelings for me, but mine had not died down at all.  She was still a fun person to talk to, and her elegance always surprised me, but it hurt, seriously.

"I'm... actually not sure.  When I was alive, I didn't feel special at first, but as I aged, something odd happened."

She frowned, for the first time.  I had never seen an unhappy expression on her face, and I wondered if I had touched upon a bad memory.

"Y-you don't have to tell me if you don't want to...  Sorry, sorry."  I quickly stammered out an apology, but she just looked up at me, flashed a smile, and continued with the story.

"When I turned ten, I had been walking around our yard, and a stray animal came up to me, surprised to see somebody else moving around.  It seemed friendly, so I reached out to pet it."

Huh, she paused.

Am I supposed to ask something?

Am I supposed to know what she meant?

I hate this awkward feeling so much.  Please, just say something, Yuyuko.

"It died.  I didn't wish for it, I didn't want it, I just wanted to pet the animal, and when I touched it, it died.  Things died around me.  Plants, animals, and later... humans.  It didn't take me long to realize I didn't belong in that world, and I killed myself shortly after, under quite a stellar cherry tree, not unlike the Saigyou Ayakashi."

Oh, great, so what so I say now?

"Well, it seems like I was destined to be the lady, because when I got here, the ghosts all followed me, and it just seemed right for me to be the lady.  There was nobody here but ghosts, so I assumed I was to take that role.  So to answer your question, I wasn't created as a ghost to rule the Netherworld, but in the end, it was my destiny to rule it anyways."

"Oh, huh."  I couldn't say anything because I was stuck on the idea of a little girl killing herself because everybody around her died.

Can't say that turned out how I wanted it to.


It hurt.  It hurt so badly.  To know that I loved Yuyuko, and she didn't feel anything for me.  Nothing, nothing, nothing.  It hurt hurt hurt and I want it to stop.  I don't care how, I just want these feelings gone.  I can't tell her, because I'm nothing but a random ghost and she's the lady of the Netherworld and I can't make them go away and they hurt so badly.  Every time she smiles it's like my stomach is cut open, because it's this faint but ever so calm smile that makes my heart melt and there's no way I can make it be for me.


"Ahahaha, you and Yuyuko?  Really, Tyler?  You can't be serious, ahahahaha, what a joke!  There's no way that would ever work out.  Geez, and I thought you really did have something important to tell me.  Ahahaha, well, at least you're getting my mind off of work, hahahah!"  Well, Youmu reacted how I expected her to.  It hurt to have her laugh at me, but the weight of it on my shoulders was lifted just a little, because telling people about your troubles really does take off the pressure.

"Hey, don't laugh at me!  It's not like I chose this or anything...  I just saw her the first time, and it took my breath away...  She's so beautiful, elegant, and she's witty and just fun to talk to.  What can I do about that?  It's like everything I could ever want in a person!"  I wanted to defend myself, but it didn't work out well.  I was feeling a little shallow still, for falling in love at first sight, but I had started to deal with it.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just so funny to hear somebody like you say that, ahaha.  What a joke, hahaha.  Sorry, hahaa, I gotta get back to work, but hahahahahaha, good luck, ahahah!"

She could have stopped laughing, you know?

"Ah, have fun... I guess you're right though, it couldn't work out..."

Oh, it was starting to hurt even worse now.  Great.


I decided the pain was too much.  Maybe talking to Youmu was a good thing, because having her laugh at me helped me realize I do need to deal with this at some point, it's not going away at all, it seems.

So, the next time I talked to Yuyuko, I decided I'd drop the bomb.

"Hey, Yuyuko, do you have a moment?  I need to talk to you about something."

I was dedicated, I was going to get this done and over with.

"Ah, of course.  What's the matter, Tyler?"

Deep breath, deep breath.

"Yuyuko.  Since the day I first climbed that staircase, saw you at the top, and every day since then.  Whether it was a happy day for me or a sad day, or an exciting day or a boring day...  I loved you.  I've loved you every single day and I've tried to stop and I can't and I need to let you know how I feel.  I love you, Yuyuko.  Please, let me know.  Do you feel the same about me?"

Ahhh, the weight, it's going away.  I can feel my shoulders again, and I think my face is red right now but I've finally relaxed the weight on my shoulders.  How pleasant.

"B-but, how?  How could you love me?  How is it possible?  I-I told you the story about my humanity, surely... after hearing that I've killed people, there's no way... there's no way, really?"

Why is she so flustered?  What's going on?

"I-is it really okay?  Is it really okay, for me, the lady of Death, to love one of the spirits here.  Is that... really all right?"


Ahahahahahaha, sometimes I start to feel like I might have an idea what's going on with life and I get thrown for a loop like this.

"Yuyuko.  When you were human, your power was not your fault, it wasn't your choice.  The only life you took was your own.  And thought that sin is unforgivable, perhaps your years of service as the lady of death are meant to repent for that.  But even though you are the lady of death, and I am nothing but a dead spirit, does that really make... any sort of love less sacred?"

Oh, it seems I had a little moment of badassery.  Cool, it was well timed.  I sort of wish it had came a few months earlier, since those months were hard to deal with...

"Is... is it really okay?  If you're sure it's okay for the two of us to be together... then... maybe... it really is okay..."

Well, that was that.  It seems Youmu was more than a little wrong.


The two of us looked over Hakugyokurou for all eternity, and through happy days and sad days, exciting days and boring days, we just needed to glance at each other and we were happy again.  We lived this way for eternity, and truly were happy ever after.


  • *
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. embarassing UD insert story he requested.
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2010, 05:48:38 AM »
I honestly didn't see a good end coming. Oh wow, gj.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. embarassing UD insert story he requested.
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2010, 05:52:16 AM »
*wipes away a tear*

Ah, man. Yuyuko. One of my weaknesses. Very nicely done, there. You captured that ethereal feel of Hakugyokurou quite well.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Usually Dead

Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. embarassing UD insert story he requested.
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2010, 06:06:48 AM »

Tell me now, Benny. What reason do we have to like the protagonist here? He's nothing but a whiny lovesick puppy. I wish Youmu had sliced him to meaty tatters when she first met him.

While you did keep him suffering in painful unrequited love for a good long time, he still gets the girl in the end! I'm sorry, Benny. Good effort, but you absolutely must make a protagonist that everyone and their pet iguanas won't hate.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 06:09:32 AM by Usually Dead »


  • Die The Death! Sentence to death! Great equalizer is The Death!
  • Dlanor of the Ten Wedges
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. embarassing UD insert story he requested.
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2010, 06:09:13 AM »
Their bet iguanas?  Not everybody bets iguanas instead of money or other things.  Silly.


  • Apparently pre-Yamatrend
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. embarassing UD insert story he requested.
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2010, 04:53:41 PM »
Oh wow, I hope you'll make us privy to UD's eventual reaction to this.

EDIT: I fail
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 07:07:33 PM by Yamachanadu »
<%convider> with the nose on top it looks like a lovecraftian sam fisher


  • True
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    • Let's Play Super Marisa World
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. embarassing UD insert story he requested.
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2010, 04:55:28 PM »
It's two posts above you.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. embarassing UD insert story he requested.
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2010, 05:05:34 PM »
I was about to send off my summary for this thread when Benny updated, hahaha.

In his defense, he did not disappoint.


  • Die The Death! Sentence to death! Great equalizer is The Death!
  • Dlanor of the Ten Wedges
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. embarassing UD insert story he requested.
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2010, 05:46:08 AM »
Have you ever thought of how painful of an emotion jealousy is?  Envy, jealousy, desire... I sit around, and I'm jealous of other people for everything they own.  And I'm jealous that even if they don't have something they don't always feel this envy.  And I'm jealous of their happiness, their way to make friends and talk with other people without hating them for everything they are and everything they have.  If I have what they have, I'm jealous of whatever the next person to walk by has.  Stuck in this underground tunnel, I'm jealous of the green grass and sky.  Well, at least I hear the grass is green.  But I'm sure if I went up there I'd be jealous of whoever gets to guard this bridge then, because I'm sure they will have a much better job than me.  I envy every single little thing that everybody has and it hurts.  It hurts so bad I want to die, and I get jealous even of those who can die, because I can't, guarding this bridge forever.

It hurts though.  It hurts so bad.  So often and so badly that it's the only feeling I know anymore.  Jealousy and the resulting pain.  But even if you try to help me, won't I be jealous of your ability to heal my pain?


That beautiful and elegant shrine maiden went through here and beat me up and crossed the bridge with no hesitation.  How infuriating.  Why can't I be as strong as her?  And I hear... she was talking to somebody on the other side of those orbs...  Seriously infuriating.  Why can't I have that?

For once though, I got jealous enough that I decided it was time to leave the bridge.  So, when that infuriating shrine maiden left again, making me angry how easily her vast power could solve the problem, I tagged along.  And she flew so fast it made me angry.

But I followed her nonetheless, and found her house and wanted to steal everything.  The beautiful sun, the green grass, the pleasant smell of the air, everything.

I felt something other than jealousy for once, though.

Could it have been happiness?  I don't know what happiness feels like, I haven't been happy in centuries, why would it happen now?  Haha, I hate it when I'm confused like this.  Why can't I have a grip on my emotions like everybody else?

Oh, there's the jealousy.  That's good.

I waited for the stupid miko to go out.  Ha, I'm smarter than she is.  If only I was as powerful though...  Anyways, I snuck into her house and started looking for anything to take.  Those orbs, really.  They seem pretty powerful.  I wish I had some.


Oh you're fucking kidding me.  I wish I had this miko's intelligence.  A guard robot?  Just perfect.

I kind of want it.

And I turned around and there was a freaking maid robot with a broom facing me.

"Ahahaha, really?  You have to be kidding me.  I find a robot, and all it can fight with is a broom?  Haha, sometimes I wish I could be as goddamned innocent as you are.  To think a broom could win in Gensokyo, ahaha.  What a waste."  I'm even jealous of innocent stupidity now.  Argh, this makes me so mad.  But why am I laughing?  It's not like I'm actually enjoying myself, I'm just jealous, and I hate it.

"Don't laugh at me.  Even though I may only have a broom, I am powered by nuclear engines and have been granted by the great wish-giver, Yumemi.  Nobody can defeat me."  The robot with green hair and a standard blue and white maid outfit seemed a little offended, actually.  Damned realistic robot.  Had more variety in emotions than I did.  How infuriating.

"Ahaha, that's actually kind of cute.  You're a cute little thing, aren't you.  Do you have a name?  Ahaha, I can't get over it.  Nuclear powered and you just want to whack me with a broom?  What a joke.  Hahaha, argh, I can't stop laughing.  Hahahahaha, hahahahaha, ahahaha, oh, ahahah, haaaaahaha, ah, wow."

You know, I haven't laughed like this in so long.

How long ago was it that I became a youkai, anyways?  I wish I could remember that.  That Yukari bitch seems to remember everything.  How infuriating.

"My name is Ruukoto.  I do not think you understand.  I am going to destroy you and remove your presence from this shrine."

Oh, she moved.  Except, I can clone myself and while she attacked the fake, I walked up behind her and picked her up.  Hmm, she's pretty light.  Must be good engineering.  Wish I was that good at it.

"Put me down!"  Huh, reminded me of this game I heard about once.  I can't remember what it was called, Teleporters or something.  I wish I had a way to play games like that.  So, I dropped her on her side because I was getting jealous again.

"I don't hate you..." muttered the robot.  God, she was just too cute.

"Awww, cute little robot doesn't hate me even though I just incapacitated her.  How sweet.  Weren't you talking about how you were going to defeat me before?"

My god.  You know, I think I was actually laughing at her.  Not a faked laugh either.  I got good at those because when you don't laugh when people want you to, they get mad.  But I really was laughing.


"You discovered my weak spot in a single moment, and for that I respect you.  Thank you for being a worthy opponent.  I will now sleep for five minutes and wake up later.  Good night!"  The robot, Ruukoto or whatever, fell asleep.

But that was odd.  Somebody thought I was worthy, and maybe even envied me?

It feels kind of nice.  Haha, maybe this is how people feel when I envy them?  I wonder.

Five minutes later, sure enough, the robot woke up again.

"Oh, so you are still here, intruder?  I do not believe you introduced yourself to me.  Please, what is your name?"  The robot didn't seem aggressive anymore.  Maybe she decided since i could beat here there was no point in attacking?  Cool beans.

"Oh, I guess I should introduce myself.  The name is Parsee, I'm from underground.  I guard a bridge to hell, basically.  It's boring and nobody goes by, but it's my job, so I do it all the time."  I figured telling a robot about myself couldn't hurt anything, so I felt like it.  This was all on a whim anyways.

And hey, I think I might actually be a little happy.  Why waste that?

"That sounds very much like my job.  I sit in a closet until people invade the house while Reimu is gone, and in between that, I sleep.  It is a very boring life, and sometimes I wish I would be used more.  It makes me sad, or as sad as a robot could be."  Ruukoto was speaking from.. well, her heart, whatever that was, now.  I was talking to a robot that was opening up to me.  What the hell?  Weird day.

"Oh, I'm... sorry to hear that.  That's sad, I'll have to sneak in more often and play with you or something!  Yeah, that sounds good.  Every once in a while when Reimu goes out, I'll come here and play with you.  Maybe you'll even beat me one of these times!"

My god, I just made plans to play with a robot.  What the heck is this feeling?  I'm happy, and like, enjoying it.

Where's the jealousy?


Oh, you know what, that's the wrong thing to say.

Asking where it went makes it sound like I want it back...

"That sounds great.  I will look forward to playing with you again.  Please, do not take anything though when you leave.  If you are to let Reimu notice you were here, I might be punished, and that would not be good.  Please be careful."  The robot was a little worried about her master, apparently, and I decided to take pity on her and not look for things to steal like I wanted to.

"Fine, fine...  Geez, my plans really have changed today.  I come up here to steal some stuff and suddenly I'm leaving friends with a robot or something.  Well, I suppose I should get back to the bridge though.  Blasted shrine maiden is lucky though, having such a nice robot here...  Well, see you later!"  I waved goodbye, and the robot waved too, and started sweeping up the little bit of a mess we made when we fought.

The sun was still shining, and the birds were singing, and it just smelled plain good.

This is happiness?

I'm just a little jealous.  If I had known it was this easy to get, I would've come up here a long time ago.  Haha, I'm jealous of myself.  What a joke!

Mm, guarding that bridge doesn't sound so bad though.  Maybe it'll be a fun day and somebody will come around.

Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. Parsee and Ruukoto
« Reply #20 on: February 06, 2010, 06:53:53 AM »
Parsee and Ruukoto. Plus allusions to Portal. This is awesome.


  • Die The Death! Sentence to death! Great equalizer is The Death!
  • Dlanor of the Ten Wedges
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. Parsee and Ruukoto
« Reply #21 on: February 06, 2010, 07:31:30 AM »
By the way, I figure I should post this in here so people who aren't on IRC are aware:

The last three stories in this thread, along with the first one, have all been requests.  If you have a story you want to see written, please, pm me the idea or post it here, and if it interests me, I will write it.  Two things though:  Please do not take offense if I do not write your idea.  Not all story ideas work well for me, so please don't be offended.  Also, not all requests turn out well.  For example, that pizza party sounded like a good idea but damn, I don't like how that story turned out.  I am not an experienced writer so things like that happen.

I would prefer works are Touhou related, obviously.  I wouldn't mind doing various other things if I"m interested in them, but that's less significant.  Also, I'd prefer it if you keep requests to short things that will be ~1000-2500 words or so like the last two things I've posted.  I'm still not comfortable drawing out an entire story.  If you give me a full story idea that I really like though, I just might get behind it.  In general, it's just nice to be given an idea that somebody else wants to see because it is a way to make somebody else happy, and I am not good at coming up with story ideas, so it's pretty win-win.

I hope to see some requests though, and I do hope you guys enjoy what I've been writing.  Feel free to critique anything I post, I'd enjoy that very much.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. Parsee and Ruukoto
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2010, 08:08:42 AM »
Hi, My name is Purvis and I am pleased with that last fic. =]

Especially the Portal Allusion. Goddamn that came out of left field and wounded me in the side.


  • Die The Death! Sentence to death! Great equalizer is The Death!
  • Dlanor of the Ten Wedges
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. Parsee and Ruukoto
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2010, 05:27:40 AM »
How Yumemi stole Valentine's Day
2AA 5B 2B 5C 3C j.[C] ad.[C] dj.[C] j.214A j.C dj.[C] ad.[C] j.214A j.C dj.[C] air throw.


Wriggle was floating around the forest, and her butt was glowing.  With her was Mystia and Rumia.

"Ahhh, why do you guys always follow me... I try to attract things to eat with my glowing butt and you guys just block it off with darkness and blindness.  You're so obnoxious..." Wriggle was bitching about the other two ruining her food bait, but she really wasn't being serious.

"Lalalala~ Wriggle you are so~ Lalalala~ Cute when you're all tsundere~ Lalalala~ Like that~ Lalalala~" sang Mystia.

"I-I am not tsundere!  I-I'm definitely not making my butt glow so you guys will play with me!  Definitely not.  I... sort of hoped you would notice.... though..."  Wriggle was bright red.  Like, her butt was glowing red, literally.

"Is that so~" said Rumia.

Well, Wriggle was about to smack Rumia for that terrible line when all of a sudden there was a giant spaceship.  And out walked a tall woman with long red hair, in a red cloak like outfit.  She had a cross on her back that seemed to be all glowing and energy-like, and she wasn't really happy looking.

"Chiyuri, what have I told you.  Every year, people celebrate Valentine's day, and they celebrate red things that aren't me.  And you know what?  Fuck them, I'm going to take it away.  I am going to be the most red thing ever.  Ahahahahahaha, fuck Valentines day!  It will never happen again!"  The woman in red was shouting, and apparently the sailor next to her was named Chiyuri.  Chiyuri was more white and blue and not quite as awesome as this red woman but she had a laser gun so you didn't want to mess with her.

"Yumemi, aren't you being a bit ridicu-NOT THE CHAIR, CHRIST.  Fine, do whatever you want.  I'm not going to-I SWEAR DON'T HIT ME WITH THE CHAIR. Fine, I'll help you steal Valentine's Day."  Chiyuri muttered something under her breath so that Yumemi couldn't hear it and looked fearfully at the chair Yumemi had in her right hand suddenly.

"Hey, what are you two doing in Gensokyo!" shouted Wriggle


Okay and basically some stuff happened.


"How the hell did this turn into a Melty Blood - Actress Again tournament?" asked Wriggle.

"Lalalala~  The author thought it would be~ Lalalala~ Convenient~ Lalalala~" sang Mystia.  It was true.  The author had been setting up for an MBAA fic but didn't feel like doing any setup and instead just skipped to the tournament.  Currently, Rumia was fighting against Kotohime.  Rumia picked Nero because she liked the darkness and Kotohime was playing Ryougi.


"Ahahaha, of course I'm going to use the katana, silly.  I'm like a collector, and it's so cool!  Get out of here."  Kotohime was laughing at Rumia, who just got hit by last arc finish from Kotohime.  Rumia actually didn't play the game, so she had no idea what was going on.

"Oh, is it my turn now?" said Chiyuri.  Chiyuri was apparently up in the tournament, against Marisa.  Chiyuri quickly went and picked H-V.Sion and after a bit of thought, Marisa picked F-Miyako.

The match began quickly.  To test the waters, Chiyuri threw out a 214A, summoning Arcueid, who used her 22A attack.  Marisa knew about that and completely avoided it.  She used that time to get in on Chiyuri with a super jump, and used her j.B crossup to hit her on the way down.  Wriggle cringed, because she knew how much damage F-Miyako could do.

Marisa landed and quicly hit 5B 2B 5C 6C 623B.  Then, after delaying a slight bit, she hit B again and a second kick came out.  She hit 236B 421B immediatelly upon landing, and when her elbow hit V.Sion, she waited a second and cancelled into an airthrow.  But, it whiffed, and she landed... only to 623BB 236A j.ABC dj.BC j.421C  The second 623BB is incredibly hard to do, and adds a little damage, but Marisa knew it was important.  She liked power, after all.  With her advantage from 421C, she used 22C to get a mixup in, and it counterhit V.Sion, who had never seen it before.  Marisa went into another combo, and after repeating mixups involving 5[C] and 22C, she quickly defeated Chiyuri.

"I guess that's what I get for not really wanting to help out with this.  I'm sorrrry~  Yumemi~"  Chiyuri wasn't really that sad, she knew she would lose.  She had played Marisa a lot, and Marisa was a better player as a whole.  The two shook hands and the next two names were called out:

"Remilia Scarlet versus Yukari Yakumo!"

"Wait, what?  Those two are on opposite teams?  I thought it was PC and PC-98 split!" shouted Wriggle.

"Oh, didn't you know?  Yuka is actually Yukari.  They've never been together after all.  Yuka vs. Yukari was just a hallucination, and... let's not talk about Yuka x Yukari..."  Mystia shuddered at the thought of what that really was.

Both of them quickly picked their characters.  Remilia went for C-V.Akiha and Yuka/ri went for C-Seifuku Akiha.  Remilia smirked and laughed at how unpopular C-Seifuku Akiha was.  Yukari herself knew that C-V.Akiha wasn't a popular choice, but had some tricks that not many people had explored.

"Round One.  Fight!"

Remilia dashed straight in.  She knew that Akiha Vermilion had the worst defense in the game, and the only thing that mattered was rushing everything down.  However, Yukari had expected that, and jumped backwards and did a j.236B.  The range was absurdly large and already hit Remilia.  Yukari was even able to double jump after it, and hit Remilia with a j.C that she blocked, and cancelled it into a j.214A.  This gave Yukari plenty of frames to dash in, but not enough to throw out an attack safely.  Remilia poked with a 5A, but was surprised to see Yukari go into a combo.  It turns out, Yukari had been planning this, and used a 5A.  C-S.Akiha is special, you see.  Her 5A and 2A aren't mashable, but they have anti-A armor!  Remilia took a full 5A 2A 5B 2B 6B 5C 2C 6C j.CB ad.AB sdj.BC airthrow combo, and was in the corner already.  And to add insult to injury, Yukari used a meaty 236C, which was so plus frame on block she was able to dash in and do another 2B

Of course, after Remilia blocked this 5B, she decided it was time for a shield bunker.  She used the 100% meter and had H-V.Sion use her shield counter.  And Yukari threw her for it.

Remilia was freaking out now.  Seifuku Akiha had a command throw that let her do a combo afterwards, and Yukari did a short combo to keep Remilia in the corner, as the throw swaps sides.  This time she used a meaty 236B, and dashed in with 5B.  Remilia was afraid to poke now, and and took it... until she was hit by a 5[C], which is an overhead!  Yukari followed up by just jumping and doing a j.BC ad.AB dj.BC airthrow, and reset pressure again, this time by dashing in and hitting 5B once again.  5B was neutral on block and actually hit low, so Yukari liked to use it a lot.

The entire round continued like this and Yukari won easily, with a perfect.

Remilia wasn't flinching though.  This next round, she took the offensive immediately, by dashing with j.B.  The move hit so far behind her that it didn't even matter what Yukari did.  It counter hit and Remilia landed into 2A 5C 4C 2C 623C... she then jumped when the last hit hit, when she was about to land, whiffed a j.C, landed, and 2C 623B... 5A 2C... 2A whiff, 623B.... It was a fullscreen momiji!  She did a meaty 6C immediately afterwards, and Yukari blocked it, but Remilia managed to eventually score a jumping C counter hit, and got a knockdown again.  She went for 6C, but Yukari blocked again.

This time though Yukari wasn't going to put up with it and when Remilia went into the air again, she shielded Remilia's jump in, and quickly hit 5A to counter hit her.  She followed with a 2C 5C j.BC dj.BC airthrow, and her pressure started again.  She used a meaty 236B and dashed into to use her command throw, followed by a short air combo to get Remilia in the corner.

This time though she dashed in and used her arc drive, a completely safe throw.  It caught Remilia off guard and Yukari quickly took the second round.  The next two rounds were just as bad for Remilia, and Yukari won splendidly.

"Wow, Yukari got good at this.  That hyperbolic time chamber really does help..." mumbled Yumemi.


Well, things like that happened but the author wanted to move towards the climax.  Except that'll be in a later post, have fun~
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 05:32:33 AM by Bennyeiki Ichixanadu »

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. A gift to Ruro
« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2010, 05:40:15 AM »
Hey hey hey does two people writing Touhou/MBAA fics justify a "Melty Blood" genre in the Fanworks Listing? :V

I'll wait for more tomorrow, Benny, this stuff's hilarious. "Okay and basically some stuff happened" is the best scene change I have EVER seen.


  • Good gravy!
Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. A gift to Ruro
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2010, 05:54:43 AM »
Wait, Yuka is Yukari? What?! T-that's impossible! :O

Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. A gift to Ruro
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2010, 07:46:40 AM »
I didn't understand any of the MBAA terminology, but I giggled at "Yuka is Yukari." Like a schoolgirl.

As for Yuka x Yukari, in this context ...
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 07:48:37 AM by KimikoMuffin »


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Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. A gift to Ruro
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2010, 12:57:15 AM »
It was a fullscreen momiji!

Shame about that new image size rule. :< You get this instead.


An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. A gift to Ruro
« Reply #28 on: February 22, 2010, 02:44:24 AM »
I lol'd endlessly. :B


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Re: Benny1's oneshots feat. A gift to Ruro
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2010, 04:55:27 AM »
Part II

"Wow, it's already the semi-finals?" asked Wriggle.

"Geez, you just don't stop asking questions."  Mystia was frustrated and had long stopped singing.  "The author is lazy and only wants to write a little bit so there's tons of stuff you need to fill in for yourself.  Why don't you learn how to read in between the lines anyways?  Obviously I'm the trusty sidekick so it's time for me to go lose in my attempt to take everything and win back Valentine's day."

"Mystia Lorelei versus Yukari Yakumo/Yuka Kazami!"

"See, I told you!"  Mystia flew up to stage with the full intention of being destroyed.

"Ara, ara, little night sparrow, so you're actually pretty good at this?  Let's see how you do!" said Yuka/ri.  She was pretty eager to play.

"Lalalala~  You're retarded~ Lalalala~  Didn't you ever read the tournament results~ Lalalala~ I always win the Magic Forest ranbats~ Lalalala~"  Mystia was having fun and singing again, and was ready to get into her groove.  The character select screen came up and she quickly selected Crescent Moon Arcueid.  Yuka/ri thought for a short while and picked Half Moon Kohaku.  Mystia cringed a little, and they selected ...and nothing heart for the stage because it's just that badass.

They started quickly.  Both instant air dashed at each other and Arcueid managed to pick up a counter hit j.A.  She immediately landed into a 5B 2B 2C 3C j.BC dj.BC airthrow.  She used a meaty 2A, which Yuka/ri tried to shield, but she missed the timing and was hit.  Mystia quickly confirmed into her combo and started singing along.

"Two A two B two C... five C!  FiveAfiveb two B two C Tiger knee FIYAH land five B two B two C... five C! Fiveafiveb two B two C four C air dash jump B land fiveAfiveB two B two C... four C! air dash jump B jump C FIYAH land jump B jump C double jump B jump C air~throw~"  The reason she played this character was obvious.  Her combos were just like playing a music game, and so was very talented at it.  Total damage?  Five thousand.  Meter?  Enough to choke a small whale.

However, this time Yuka/ri did get the reversal and she turned it around pretty quickly.  Mystia knew just how scary half kohaku damage was, and this wasn't going to be fun.  With the anti-air counter hit she got, Yuka/ri was able to do 5C 236A 236BA 5C 2C 5A(whiff) 6AA 236BC 2C 623A j.BC sdj.BC airthrow.  It did about 4500 damage and it was not pleasant for Mystia to watch.  Even worse, After the knockdown, Yuka/ri was able to get in a command throw, and that was the single worst thing for somebody fighting H-Kohaku.

63214C 2A(whiff) Charged 5B 5C 236A 236BA 2A 5C 236BA 5A 6A Charged 5B 2B 5C 623A j8.[C]B sdj.BC j.236C airthrow

Mystia already lost round 1.  That fast.

It was unfortunate, but all of the other rounds went like that as well.  Mystia simply had no chance against Yuka/ri and Yuka/ri took third, and Mystia took fourth.

"Now obviously I know you're expecting the final match between me and Yumemi, but the author seems to be needing to go to sleep now, so you'll just need to wait.  Sorry~"  Wriggle caught on to how to properly break the fourth wall and walked up to the console and picked