Author Topic: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread  (Read 319284 times)


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #390 on: December 16, 2009, 04:09:17 AM »
Hm. I've dropped those three for Youmu, Yuugi, and Suika. Before I go try again, though, I need to get some skillpoints into Youmu and Yuugi at least. Level 10-15 attack just won't do.
I actually had everyone around 20 even for that fight, but a few attack skill levels are never bad.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #391 on: December 16, 2009, 04:12:55 AM »
Shes far from bad, Someone just does it better.  :V


Scourge: 96% Attack, 72% Magic. Take a guess who gets it.

Robawts: Karen Devices - 48 to all aff, 12 to all statuses.

4- Legged: Palisen Files- 60% to HP, Def, Mind (I think) and +6% Recovery.

Hellfire Demons- Holy Spirit Barrier Defense+Mind 88%, +6% Recovery.

The Norns ACTUALLY Drop Ribbons. Yeah.  :V The jewel comes from the truth eyes. The minions of 4-Legged drop galactic muscles, and the Sun Demons ofcourse, LION KING SOULS.

This is all off the top of my head though, Don't trust me too much. :V

Oh really? I was feeling ripped off when I saw what page the dragon thingie was lol. Looks like the executioner drop is the best for non-magic users IMO. Thanks though....Demon one sure seems crummy, especially since they are the most difficult IMO.


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #392 on: December 16, 2009, 04:20:10 AM »
Its pretty much one of the best pure defense items, if you've already high affinities. Its just pretty much a super late game item. Its hard to tell but yeah, the minion drop is easier to get so I assumed that at first, a bit of forced backtracking proved me wrong though.

I'd certainly toss the Diamond Knight, Thunda Dwarf, And Norns higher than the demon. Sure, He summons tough enemies and can hit pretty hard. -I have never actually died when picking a fight with one though-. Hes got little tricks, just a good amount of firepower and HP. Diamond Knights have the ability to kill -anyone-, at any point, going in unprepared and taking on one of these is STUPID. Thunder Dwarves paralyze. This gets annoying when your survivors are paralyzed. He also has HYPERSPACE SLASH which can Insta-kill. Hes an asshole.

Norns? Act as every type of enemy. Fuck the Norns. Robots are weaker on principal of gimmick (Don't let it hit you) and the executioner is a damn -scrub-. I picked him off first for his excellent SP.


Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #393 on: December 16, 2009, 04:57:06 AM »
Holy balls. Did three characters make this much of a difference? I just beat it. With minimal fuss. Only 3 people died, unfortunately one being Hong midway and Patchy as soon as I brought her out. <_<

Well, thanks for all the help. I'd definately still be raging right now if I carried on with the first team. I'm taking a break before going further. Adrenaline still pumping from the moment I saw the sprite fade to a glorious, glorious black.


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #394 on: December 16, 2009, 05:11:13 AM »
Did three characters make this much of a difference?
Yes.  :V

Seriously, Three characters can either make your game hell because you think they're good, or make it easy because they ARE good. Its something you really have to learn early on in the game.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #395 on: December 16, 2009, 05:11:46 AM »
Hot tip: When experimenting with which adds to spare, and which to kill for the final boss, do not under any circumstance kill the left and middle add and spare the right one.. It'll spam scourge...very bad.

starting to think that killing all 3 adds and just tolerating the boss spamming djinn storm and +100% everything is the easiest way lol.


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #396 on: December 16, 2009, 05:15:33 AM »
Hot tip: When experimenting with which adds to spare, and which to kill for the final boss, do not under any circumstance kill the left and middle add and spare the right one.. It'll spam scourge...very bad.

starting to think that killing all 3 adds and just tolerating the boss spamming djinn storm and +100% everything is the easiest way lol.
Woah, The thing has SCOURGE? Serious bad news. I always seem to end up with the middle being what I take down last.

And yes, That is probably the best way, because the boss is HONESTLY harmless as long as you keep yourself buffed and healed. Djinn storm makes it tough, so keep a few who can perform with minimal SP need.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #397 on: December 16, 2009, 05:21:45 AM »
Woah, The thing has SCOURGE? Serious bad news. I always seem to end up with the middle being what I take down last.

And yes, That is probably the best way, because the boss is HONESTLY harmless as long as you keep yourself buffed and healed. Djinn storm makes it tough, so keep a few who can perform with minimal SP need.

I know the boss is mostly harmless. But after you kill all 3, boss spams djinn storm, moves faster than Aya with 100% speed buffed, and OCCASIONALLY uses "unidentifed something or other" which is NOT harmless. If casted twice before you get to recover from the first, eek. I try to sword of rapture the buff (it works on the speed portion of the buff at least, fails everything else every time for me), but I have to focus 2 times to be able to cast it once after a Djinn storm (with recovery gear on, otherwise it'd be 3), so it's difficult to really count on it, Especially since that buff is casted fairly often.

I haven't attempted the "kill adds first" strategy since like 20 levels ago though, so maybe that unidentified bs attack is tamer now.


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #398 on: December 16, 2009, 05:27:36 AM »
Never Seen the Unidentified attack, myself. Though maybe I've forgotten about it. Destroying Quadruple Barrier is pretty much the worst it gets.

I'll say I could probably give you the exact same advice about your team and it -would work-. You do not screw around with her unless you're so far above the curve for the boss like me you can die with no deaths.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #399 on: December 16, 2009, 06:16:10 AM »
Nah I tried again with killing the adds, got her. First time I tried that strat I wasn't even level 100.. well reimu was like 104 I think, the rest were 90s or something.

It's not unidentified something, it's hyperreactive something or other (sorry, I'm so bad at names, have you noticed?) >=p. It looks like a fatter version of nine syllable stabs. Yuugi's mnd is terrible too. I'm sure she's get rolled no time flat by that move (it hits remi for about 8k, and she has higher mnd buffed than ther est of hte party due to curse occasionally), plus her speed is a drag.

But yay, beat the game, now for plus disk, eek.


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #400 on: December 16, 2009, 07:05:43 AM »
Finally hit the last lock in the 10F-12F area (if I ever have to backtrack to that green switch again, it'll be too soon).

So, yeah.  12F Triple Bitches.  I can generally hold my own decently well, until someone decides they're bored of this game and whips out an ultimate attack (
Astronomical Entombming, Hourai Jewel, not sure if Reisen has something equivalent as well
), at which point I may as well have poked a Bloodstained Seal and gotten the same effect.  Is there something I'm missing regarding these attacks, or is it time for me to run in circles and buff my Defense/Mind like crazy?
Whether you're on Easy or you're a Lunatic, be damn proud of your accomplishments.  Don't let anyone convince you otherwise, for it's when you lose faith in your own achievements that those victories become defeats.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #401 on: December 16, 2009, 08:58:37 AM »
High MIND is a must for that fight. DEF is pretty irrelevant if you have good HP.

Edit: Apparently this is my 4000th post ::)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 02:28:12 PM by Pesco »


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #402 on: December 16, 2009, 10:11:34 AM »
So reaching the plus disk is interesting. You have a whole whack of difficult battles to choose from. I chose to try boss rush mode first. Fight every boss up to and including the final boss (and sigil guardians). I was hoping it didn't include the final boss though because..well, you can refight that too if you like. But unfortunately you have to.

You'd think it wouldn't be hard, but every boss fight you do reduces your tp, and remember, switching characters costs tp too! Oh and if that's not bad enough, mr second last boss (ignoring the sigil guardians that is) likes to reduce your tp too when he hits you (not a big deal when fighting that boss alone, but in this boss rush? EEEK). Don't forget that you might die to easier bosses due to random stuff, such as Yuyuko's 100% success rate death spell opener!

So yeah, I spent about an hour doing it, then I reached the final boss, and I just said screw it and quit. I doubt I could have taken on the final boss without 4 of my characters, 2 of them tanks, and my last tank at 0 tp. Spending skillpoints on TP is looking extremely attractive now.

The plus side though is that there is alot of fun looking things to do after you beat the final boss. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an easier way to farm EXP.

Anybody who beat the game, what do you think is the easiest post-game thing to start off with? Boss rush? hong mk.2? Or are all the available stuff about equally difficult?


  • We must apply more SCIENCE!
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #403 on: December 16, 2009, 12:08:07 PM »
Okay, fuck this shit, I'm done for the night.

I am bloody fucking sick of how the 12F bitches will go from 0 to kickass in .068 seconds.  After having enough failed attempts to realize that Eirin and Kaguya's super attacks trigger upon each others' deaths, I whipped out the calculator and tracked everyone's HP, only to get an Entombing to the face with no prior warning (unless the trigger for it is that Kaguya is taking damage and not that she's dead).  Every other spell in their arsenal deals literally 0 damage (maybe 100 here or there, or 1000 in the case of the physical Galaxy in a Pot, but nothing that isn't trivial to deal with), then they just decide to randomly bitchslap me in the face when they feel like it.

Thank you and good night.
Whether you're on Easy or you're a Lunatic, be damn proud of your accomplishments.  Don't let anyone convince you otherwise, for it's when you lose faith in your own achievements that those victories become defeats.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #404 on: December 16, 2009, 01:17:04 PM »
Garlyle's strat for that fight is pretty failsafe. Maybe you managed to bring her HP to something serious, like double digits.


  • We must apply more SCIENCE!
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #405 on: December 16, 2009, 02:42:45 PM »
There we go, finally got it right that time.  Kill (right), bring (middle) within a hit of death, bring (left) down to about 1/3 HP, add some buffs, switch in a raw damage team, and go to town.  Dropped a nice GetitupV, which somewhat eases the pain of having to fight them.  Now all is right with the world and I can sleep soundly (because every time I say "screw this I'm going to bed", it only means "screw this I'm laying down and thinking about how to beat that next boss and totally not sleeping because of it").

Oh, and
lol Rinnosuke
Whether you're on Easy or you're a Lunatic, be damn proud of your accomplishments.  Don't let anyone convince you otherwise, for it's when you lose faith in your own achievements that those victories become defeats.


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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #406 on: December 16, 2009, 03:48:43 PM »
Garlyle's strat for that fight is pretty failsafe. Maybe you managed to bring her HP to something serious, like double digits.

What's funny is that my strategy fell apart when
Ran got KO'd by a Galaxy In A Pot + Discarder combo... after only about 3-4 Royal Flares.  But I made up for it afterwards by rotating characters around constantly - including Wriggle, who I actually credit for having done a lot of damage via PSN in that fight because there's no way I did as much just pure damage to them as I apparently needed to do


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #407 on: December 16, 2009, 04:15:08 PM »
Of course the main thing in that fight is to keep your defenses up. Tenshi proc'ing PAR on self buff is like the one time it's welcome.

I liked Yuugi's attacks more than Wriggle's. Better base damage, PAR proc and more meatshield HP.


  • I can't brain today
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #408 on: December 16, 2009, 05:43:26 PM »
Of course the main thing in that fight is to keep your defenses up. Tenshi proc'ing PAR on self buff is like the one time it's welcome.

I liked Yuugi's attacks more than Wriggle's. Better base damage, PAR proc and more meatshield HP.

Understandable, but Wriggle actually takes magic hits better than Yuugi does, plus can hit multiple targets decently in that fight.  I honestly put her in the party originally to avoid other characters (Komachi, Iku, Alice) that would have triggered a certain attack that basically negates the entire strategy of you reducing their damage down to 0.

Anima Zero

  • Captain of the Spear
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #409 on: December 16, 2009, 07:14:44 PM »
Mapped most of 16F, enough to unlock the way to 17F.  Boss in front of stairs though.

Well...uh yeah having all party members' SP get wiped (including reserve characters) ain't pretty.

With that knowledge in mind, time to do some grinding while mapping out what's left of 16F minus what the magic circles needing me to kill the Lily Sigil guardian warp me to.
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #410 on: December 16, 2009, 08:17:44 PM »
People really need to stop counting durability as far as Yuugi is concerned, Magic wrecks her, but most of the time shes fine enough to swap out for a bit.  :V


  • I can't brain today
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    • Tormod Plays Games
Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #411 on: December 16, 2009, 10:58:12 PM »
People really need to stop counting durability as far as Yuugi is concerned, Magic wrecks her, but most of the time shes fine enough to swap out for a bit.  :V

Yeah, but when you've got -three- magic-using targets that're gonna be attacking you, the more you can stand up to, the better, because you're going to get nailed, and probably in rapid succession too.

Also I just tore through F14 in one run and made it to the F15 stairs.  ...I'm tempted to do some grinding on 15F because at least those enemies give a notable increase in EXP, unlike the 14F trash, which seriously just... doesn't.  At all.  Not for how much more dangerous than the 13F enemies they are.


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
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Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #412 on: December 16, 2009, 11:03:25 PM »
Yeah, but when you've got -three- magic-using targets that're gonna be attacking you, the more you can stand up to, the better, because you're going to get nailed, and probably in rapid succession too.

Also I just tore through F14 in one run and made it to the F15 stairs.  ...I'm tempted to do some grinding on 15F because at least those enemies give a notable increase in EXP, unlike the 14F trash, which seriously just... doesn't.  At all.  Not for how much more dangerous than the 13F enemies they are.

One of them doesn't count, Though admittedly, Its pointless to pull her out during that phase. Shes a single target, not a multi-man.

Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #413 on: December 17, 2009, 12:13:13 AM »
Okay, got started and am on floor 2 right now. Chen (I'm assuming floor 1 bosses are fair game?) was a pain to fight, but I managed to take her down without having to resort to outright grinding. Liking how she handles herself in a fight too, even if she can't take much punishment.

Currently chasing down you-know-who. Is she weak to fire like most enemies of her element, or does she just manipulate it?

"What do you mean 'stop repeating everything you say'?"

Dark Shikari

Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #414 on: December 17, 2009, 01:03:17 AM »
While torturing my way through 7F, I decided to make my own complete map of the level.  This helped me... a lot.  I hope it'll help everyone else reduce their 7F agony too  ;D

Note: constructed piece by piece in paint as I explored the level.  Feel free to make a fancy Photoshop version or similar if you want.

White: teleporter.
Pink: exit of a teleporter, but no entrance.  That is, you can't go through a pink circle.
Black: An exclamation point on the map that wasn't a teleporter, so I covered it up.

Letter A teleporter sends you to letter A exit, etc.

« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 01:16:03 AM by Dark Shikari »

Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #415 on: December 17, 2009, 01:28:58 AM »
Okay, I don't get it... I beat the first boss with ease my first time around, but apparently forgot to save before fighting the next boss.

However, she is now seemingly impossible... She always manages to paralyze my entire team, and even Chen can't even get a single attack before she manages to use a multi-hit on the team at least twice (and this is Chen freshly swapped in I might add... that is, BEFORE she is inevitably debuffed).

EDIT: Team is roughly level 10.

EDIT2: Yeah, that fight had way too much luck. Saved this time, and I rescued the frozen chick while I was at it, too.

EDIT3: Boss before te 3rd floor staircase also seems to be a case of luck, if the starting posts are to be believed... I'll have to grind a bit. I'm really liking the thawed chick, so I'll probably be levelling her a bit first anyhow.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 02:19:52 AM by AlexX »

"What do you mean 'stop repeating everything you say'?"

Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #416 on: December 17, 2009, 02:43:40 AM »
Understandable, but Wriggle actually takes magic hits better than Yuugi does, plus can hit multiple targets decently in that fight.  I honestly put her in the party originally to avoid other characters (Komachi, Iku, Alice) that would have triggered a certain attack that basically negates the entire strategy of you reducing their damage down to 0.

Are you talking about the Buddha's Stone Bowl spam? I didn't find it to be overwhelming.

Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #417 on: December 17, 2009, 03:11:30 AM »
Alright, I'm starting to think this game is just trying to anger me now.

The second boss on floor 2 has begun having way too much fun spamming their golden blade attack which I forgot the name of, but it does like 200-300 damage to each party member and is virtually garunteed to take out anyone in the last two slots. The boss in question has started to enjoy *OPENING* with that attack, and using it way more often than they should be able to.

"What do you mean 'stop repeating everything you say'?"


Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #418 on: December 17, 2009, 04:56:08 AM »
Alex, you forgot Hong, didn't you? (you have Chen, and it seems "second boss" is referring to a certain idiot.)

Try to NEVER EVER EVER leave unexplored paths. Fully explore EVERYTHING before moving up. It'll help lots.

Re: Touhou Labyrinth discussion thread
« Reply #419 on: December 17, 2009, 05:04:46 AM »
Alex, you forgot Hong, didn't you? (you have Chen, and it seems "second boss" is referring to a certain idiot.)

Try to NEVER EVER EVER leave unexplored paths. Fully explore EVERYTHING before moving up. It'll help lots.
Oh no, she was the first one I got (I'm trying to leave no place unchecked, both because of chest potential and because it helps me not have to grind as much when the time comes to take on the bosses). Rest assured I'm taking note of all the ones listed on the first page of the topic to be sure I don't miss anyone by mistake (I found the two areas of darkness and two pieces of paper available so far, for example).

I'm talking about the two bosses on Floor 2 (
Cirno and Youmu
). Any advice for the latter, such as which part to take out first? That golden God's Sword of Karma thingie keeps completely wasting my party, and the poison isn't helping matters.

"What do you mean 'stop repeating everything you say'?"