Author Topic: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5  (Read 100494 times)

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #360 on: May 30, 2017, 02:50:57 AM »
>"I asked if you had any family. Parents, siblings, that sort of thing."

>"Nobody's... asked about my family since... Ever." he concedes after some thought. "Probably too afraid to." The biker rests his hand against the window. "My old man's dead." he says, and you can hear a hint of old anger through his listless tone. "Should've killed him myself, but I never had the chance. Bastard ran out on my mother when I was... Real young, I remember that much. Old enough to remember. Not old enough to do anything about it. Not strong enough yet. Should've been, but he told me to be patient. Patience, patience, time yields power, it told me..."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #361 on: May 30, 2017, 03:18:05 AM »
>"And your mother?"

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #362 on: May 30, 2017, 07:18:04 AM »
>"And your mother?"

>"Last time I saw her, she was being institutionalized."
>What's that word mean? Rin asks.

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #363 on: May 30, 2017, 07:21:48 AM »
>Placed in a mental hospital, most likely.
>"How long ago was this?"

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #364 on: May 30, 2017, 07:48:18 AM »
>Placed in a mental hospital, most likely.
>"How long ago was this?"

>A crazy house?
>"Years. Lotta years." Motormaster falls silent for a moment, then continues, "I wasn't old enough to drive, I remember. Didn't stop me, but I got arrested for it." A quiet sigh escapes the biker's lips. "More than once. Cops hated me. I hated them. Hated my mother, her voices made her weak. Mine made me strong. But I'm weak now, too... Like her..."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #365 on: May 30, 2017, 07:57:53 AM »
>That's a rather... unkind way to put it, but I guess you're on the right track.
>"A person's worth is not measured by their ability to enforce their will upon the world."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #366 on: May 30, 2017, 08:06:09 AM »
>That's a rather... unkind way to put it, but I guess you're on the right track.
>"A person's worth is not measured by their ability to enforce their will upon the world."

>Now I remember, folks call those things asylums too, right?
>"That's easy for you to say." Motormaster snaps, glaring at you, finally finding his anger. "You two are the ones with the power now."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #367 on: May 30, 2017, 08:45:35 AM »
>That's a bit of a dated term, too, but yes.
>"A power that is as much a responsibility as it is a privilege and one I would relinquish in an instant if that would safeguard the people of this city better than me having it."
>"It's true that the destructive potential you wielded was enormous, but I have known those with far less strength of body than you have right now who've nonetheless done more to make the world a better place than those with 10 times their power - teachers, doctors, quiet souls who've nonetheless stood up for their friends and their convictions.  That is strength and it is not diminished an inch because you or anyone else could overpower them by force. Force for its own sake has never made anyone better than anyone else, nor has a lack of it made them worse and force is the only kind of strength you've lost."
>Smile tentatively
>"I bet you can still race a mean bike."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #368 on: May 31, 2017, 12:43:13 AM »
>That's a bit of a dated term, too, but yes.
>"A power that is as much a responsibility as it is a privilege and one I would relinquish in an instant if that would safeguard the people of this city better than me having it."
>"It's true that the destructive potential you wielded was enormous, but I have known those with far less strength of body than you have right now who've nonetheless done more to make the world a better place than those with 10 times their power - teachers, doctors, quiet souls who've nonetheless stood up for their friends and their convictions.  That is strength and it is not diminished an inch because you or anyone else could overpower them by force. Force for its own sake has never made anyone better than anyone else, nor has a lack of it made them worse and force is the only kind of strength you've lost."
>Smile tentatively
>"I bet you can still race a mean bike."

>"We'll never know." Motormaster says acidly. "You took my bike from me, too."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #369 on: May 31, 2017, 02:02:20 AM »
>"I have no intention of keeping it from you. It would be wasted on me anyway."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #370 on: May 31, 2017, 03:42:07 AM »
>"I have no intention of keeping it from you. It would be wasted on me anyway."

>"Be wasted here, too." Motormaster replies, the energy leaving his voice. "Don't even know if I can drive anymore..."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #371 on: May 31, 2017, 04:39:57 AM »
>"I don't see why you couldn't. It's not something you need magic for and your skills are still your own."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #372 on: May 31, 2017, 06:15:31 AM »
>"I don't see why you couldn't. It's not something you need magic for and your skills are still your own."

>"Are they? I'm not even half what I was."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #373 on: May 31, 2017, 06:54:34 AM »
>"You still have all those years of experience and that's how anyone gets good at anything in the first place. If it feels different at first, I'm sure it's only a matter of finding your stride again."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #374 on: May 31, 2017, 08:32:51 AM »
>"You still have all those years of experience and that's how anyone gets good at anything in the first place. If it feels different at first, I'm sure it's only a matter of finding your stride again."

>"What does it matter? I'll never be whole again. Never feel like I did. I never knew how empty people really were..."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #375 on: May 31, 2017, 09:40:27 AM »
>"In time, you may find the rest of you grows to fill the gap inside you. I have never felt empty within my own mind, nor do I imagine have most people. And before you say we cannot know because we have not experienced what you have, there is another person who was bonded to a being much like the one that was inside you and she is more than grateful to be free of it now. I know it seems different to you. If that being has been inside you since you were born, some part of your sense of self may have been... stunted by it. But that doesn't mean that it cannot heal, now that it is gone. You might surprise yourself."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #376 on: May 31, 2017, 09:49:15 AM »
>"In time, you may find the rest of you grows to fill the gap inside you. I have never felt empty within my own mind, nor do I imagine have most people. And before you say we cannot know because we have not experienced what you have, there is another person who was bonded to a being much like the one that was inside you and she is more than grateful to be free of it now. I know it seems different to you. If that being has been inside you since you were born, some part of your sense of self may have been... stunted by it. But that doesn't mean that it cannot heal, now that it is gone. You might surprise yourself."

>"This other person... What happened to her?"

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #377 on: May 31, 2017, 10:03:51 AM »
>"After we drove the entity out of her?"

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #378 on: May 31, 2017, 10:18:22 AM »
>"After we drove the entity out of her?"

>"And the entity itself. Where did it go?"

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #379 on: May 31, 2017, 10:27:41 AM »
>"She was shaken and disoriented at first, and then greatly disturbed by the memory of all the things she'd done under the being's influence. But she's feeling quite a bit better now and greatly relieved that her mind is fully her own once more - and this is after living with it for decades."
>"As for the entity itself... I hope it is well and truly destroyed."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #380 on: June 01, 2017, 01:58:37 AM »
>"She was shaken and disoriented at first, and then greatly disturbed by the memory of all the things she'd done under the being's influence. But she's feeling quite a bit better now and greatly relieved that her mind is fully her own once more - and this is after living with it for decades."
>"As for the entity itself... I hope it is well and truly destroyed."

>"I should have known. You destroyed mine, no reason to think you didn't do the same to hers."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #381 on: June 01, 2017, 02:50:09 AM »
>"Others would be dead if we had not. And the victim of this being would still be trapped in a mind that was no longer entirely hers."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #382 on: June 01, 2017, 05:53:07 AM »
>"Others would be dead if we had not. And the victim of this being would still be trapped in a mind that was no longer entirely hers."

>Motormaster's head slowly twists around. "There's a difference between her and me. You said she'd lived with her other half for decades. But that's not her whole life, right? She wasn't born with it like I was?"

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #383 on: June 01, 2017, 06:43:25 AM »
>"She wasn't, it's true. But this means that she had lived life both ways and still chose this one. I know it might be hard for you to fathom why, right now, but if some part of your independent self was never allowed to grow while that thing was inside you, you may be no better equipped to judge what this life could be like than someone whose legs were crippled from birth could judge what it's like to walk, just from their first weak and trembling steps. Time heals many wounds."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #384 on: June 01, 2017, 09:02:40 AM »
>"She wasn't, it's true. But this means that she had lived life both ways and still chose this one. I know it might be hard for you to fathom why, right now, but if some part of your independent self was never allowed to grow while that thing was inside you, you may be no better equipped to judge what this life could be like than someone whose legs were crippled from birth could judge what it's like to walk, just from their first weak and trembling steps. Time heals many wounds."

>"So I guess I should get used to this view. Since I won't be going anywhere."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #385 on: June 01, 2017, 05:55:33 PM »
>"That isn't necessarily true, either."
>"If we let you go now, what do you suppose you'd do?"

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #386 on: June 02, 2017, 01:13:49 AM »
>"That isn't necessarily true, either."
>"If we let you go now, what do you suppose you'd do?"

>"Find my bike."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #387 on: June 02, 2017, 01:25:56 AM »
>"And after that?"

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #388 on: June 02, 2017, 02:48:52 AM »
>"And after that?"

>"See if I can still ride."

Re: Magical Lotus - Mahou Shoujou Byakuren - Episode 5
« Reply #389 on: June 02, 2017, 03:29:44 AM »
>"Perhaps I should have clarified that I meant longer-term. How much allure does your prior lifestyle still hold for you - riding aside?"