Author Topic: Yorihime Quest  (Read 68937 times)

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #390 on: April 29, 2017, 09:11:54 AM »
> Are we chained in such way that there's no way we can guide our head to our hands and unfold ourselves?
> We can move our hand, but not our wrists, right?

>Yes. They made sure you can move no part of your body even an inch, with exception of your fingers.
>And that's it. Your fingers are the only part of you that you can move.

>One of the Foreign Soldiers suddenly decides to punch you in the face. Needless to say, it hurts.
>You also think your nose has begun to bleed as a result of the punch.
>"Zis is ze taste of your so-called 'Kegare', Fraulein..." You hear a taunt being directed at you.
>That accent is definitely foreign...
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #391 on: April 29, 2017, 09:16:36 AM »
> Bear the pain as much as we can, and stay silent.

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #392 on: April 29, 2017, 01:12:53 PM »
> Bear the pain as much as we can, and stay silent.

>You try to bear the pain.

>You then receive a punch in your gut.
>"Zis is ze suffering you inflicted upon us, Lunarian swine!" The same soldier taunts you again.
>"Enough..." You hear a second Foreign Soldier, this one with a Japanese accent, telling off the first soldier. "A restrained beast is still a beast."
>You then hear the first soldier spitting at you in disgust.

>That was when your blindfold was removed by one of the soldiers.
>With the blindfold removed, you see yourself in a very large room, and that you are surrounded by a lot of Foreign Soldiers pointing all kinds of weapons at you, including some which looked like large metal tubes being carried over the shoulders - you think those are called rocket launchers.
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #393 on: May 02, 2017, 02:10:39 AM »
>"Why are you doing this? I did not come to this planet to harm anyone."
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #394 on: May 02, 2017, 09:32:48 AM »
>"Why are you doing this? I did not come to this planet to harm anyone."

>"Did not come to harm?" You hear a voice that did not come from anyone of the soldiers currently in the room with you. "How surprising to hear this sentence coming from the mouth of a person whose society would, without a second thought, exterminate an entire world's population for simply existing..."
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...


  • Charming Devil!
  • For all of my life... A stranger I remain.
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #395 on: May 03, 2017, 02:48:09 PM »
> "It seems you have all the reasons to kill me..."

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #396 on: May 03, 2017, 11:49:24 PM »
> "It seems you have all the reasons to kill me..."
Don't say this. It'll prove their point.

>"Just because a number of my fellow lunarians hold those views doesn't mean i hold those views. I came here merely to visit a friend.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #397 on: May 04, 2017, 08:20:57 AM »
> "It seems you have all the reasons to kill me..."

//I guess this command is aborted...

Don't say this. It'll prove their point.

>"Just because a number of my fellow lunarians hold those views doesn't mean i hold those views. I came here merely to visit a friend.

>"And would that...'friend'...happen to be Yagokoro Eirin, the woman who founded the Lunar Kingdom and its evil ideology...?" The voice asks in a threatening manner. "...The same ideology that made all of her people consider genocide on an intergalactic scale as a daily necessity, just because the victims of said genocide can grow old and become sick?"
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #398 on: May 08, 2017, 06:24:42 AM »
//ooops i forgot about this
>What were our opinions on Sagume's plan to cleanse Gensokyo?
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #399 on: June 02, 2017, 02:05:25 PM »
//ooops i forgot about this
>What were our opinions on Sagume's plan to cleanse Gensokyo?

//Sorry for the hiatus!

>Sagume came up with this plan back during the Fairy Invasion, when all hopes for the Lunar Kingdom seems lost. The Lunar Defense Force command considered the situation to be so dire, they approved the plan to literally erase Gensokyo and Earth's life forms from existence without thinking any further.
>You openly objected to the decision since it involved the genocide of an innocent world, but your objection is never responded to since Reisen and friends came to the Lunar Kingdom's (unwanted) rescue at the last minute and repelled the Fairy Invasion, leaving no reason to execute the cleansing anymore.
>But apparently the Foreign Military got wind of the cleansing, and as you just found out, they are angered beyond measurement...
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #400 on: June 06, 2017, 07:05:35 AM »
Ooops forgot about this too. Sorry.

>Did we attempt to stop that plan,and if so why were we unable to do so?
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #401 on: June 07, 2017, 12:54:18 AM »
Ooops forgot about this too. Sorry.

>Did we attempt to stop that plan,and if so why were we unable to do so?

>Unless you count verbal objection as an attempt, you weren't able to stop anyone from the LDF command from going ahead with the plan since you're not the highest-ranked member of the command, and that one of the approvers happened to be Lord Tsukuyomi himself.
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #402 on: June 09, 2017, 09:11:18 AM »
>"Your make quite bold claims, but I tell the truth. The Eirin who you claim to be a war criminal has rejected Lunarian Society in the form of self-exile, and no longer feels hatred for your planet and it's inhabits despite their impurity. She has even looked past her bias and has saved a number of your own species lifes with her medical knowledge!"

>"As for me, I, nor my sister had little to no involvement in the attempted purification of Gensokyo, I openly opposed that desperate genocide from day one! I do not believe a land full of innocents such as Gensokyo, however impure they are, deserved to suffer such a horrific fate. I was and still am content to let your world continue as it has been going for the last centuries, as long as it doesn't bother us. And I am sure that there are members of my race who agree with me!"

>"While I do consider this planet to be impure, I have no intentions to kill or harm anyone here as you believe I will. That is, unless they pose a threat to me or my loved ones. And even then, I try to find other ways than just simply spilling blood."

>"And yes, it is true that most members of my race look down on this planet for it's Impurity, sometimes to the point that genocide is considered, but we have good reasons to feel cautious about this planet. Impurity has harmed you, your people, and your planet, in so many different ways you may not be able to even begin to comprehend! The concepts you know as Old Age, Decay, Disease and even Death all grow from the seed known as Impurity. While we Lunarians do not have to suffer from those things. Things aren't as simple as you think."

>"I had no harmfull intentions when i went to see master Eirin this morning, I was was simply expecting some tea and some cute bunnies, not you. What a number my people almost did was horrible, yes, but what your doing right now is paranoid and doing more harm than good, your punishing the wrong people. You'll just gave us more reasons for your people to be distrusted and hated!"

>Are there any deities who could help us right now?

//Holy crap that took longer than I thought it would.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #403 on: June 10, 2017, 02:18:37 AM »
>"Your make quite bold claims, but I tell the truth. The Eirin who you claim to be a war criminal has rejected Lunarian Society in the form of self-exile, and no longer feels hatred for your planet and it's inhabits despite their impurity. She has even looked past her bias and has saved a number of your own species lifes with her medical knowledge!"

>"As for me, I, nor my sister had little to no involvement in the attempted purification of Gensokyo, I openly opposed that desperate genocide from day one! I do not believe a land full of innocents such as Gensokyo, however impure they are, deserved to suffer such a horrific fate. I was and still am content to let your world continue as it has been going for the last centuries, as long as it doesn't bother us. And I am sure that there are members of my race who agree with me!"

>"While I do consider this planet to be impure, I have no intentions to kill or harm anyone here as you believe I will. That is, unless they pose a threat to me or my loved ones. And even then, I try to find other ways than just simply spilling blood."

>"And yes, it is true that most members of my race look down on this planet for it's Impurity, sometimes to the point that genocide is considered, but we have good reasons to feel cautious about this planet. Impurity has harmed you, your people, and your planet, in so many different ways you may not be able to even begin to comprehend! The concepts you know as Old Age, Decay, Disease and even Death all grow from the seed known as Impurity. While we Lunarians do not have to suffer from those things. Things aren't as simple as you think."

>"I had no harmfull intentions when i went to see master Eirin this morning, I was was simply expecting some tea and some cute bunnies, not you. What a number my people almost did was horrible, yes, but what your doing right now is paranoid and doing more harm than good, your punishing the wrong people. You'll just gave us more reasons for your people to be distrusted and hated!"

>Are there any deities who could help us right now?

//Holy crap that took longer than I thought it would.

//Most awesome response I've ever seen!
//Too bad I'll be negating that awesome with this post :V

>For all your effort at coming up with, and making that statement, one of the soldiers decided to respond by punching you in the gut. "Some mouth you have, Purity schweinen!" That soldier said.

>The voice sounded like he is clearing his throat before continuing...
>"Despite her defection from the Lunar Kingdom, it does not change the fact that Yagokoro Eirin and her founding of the 'Purity' ideology basically led to its people taking the concept of Shinto purity to supremacist levels, with its government secretly conducting genocide on a literally intergalactic scale behind the backs of its people and even a fraction of its military. For what all the intel we have gathered in the past decades tell us, the name 'Lunar Defense Force' is a complete lie even a majority of its staff members have yet to catch up with. And those who does either fully supports the intergalactic genocide or are threatened with lifetime banishment to Earth."
>The voice paused briefly before delivering the final part of his response to you.
>"If you are correct on having no intentions to harm or kill anyone, then how will you explain your statement just now, to the trillions of habitable worlds in the universe whose entire population has been - for a lack of an appropriate term - purified under orders of the bastard of a god that is Tsukuyomi No Mikoto, simply because they can become sick, grow old and die? Simply because they existed at all?"
>Then comes the coup de grace...
>"General Watatsuki No Yorihime, if your intention of not bringing harm to anyone is the truth, then it is a define fact that you have been told a great big, intergalactic lie by your own superiors for however long you have been working for the so-called Lunar Defense Force."

>Any one deity could've helped you get out of this, but seems that something is suppressing your ability to summon them...

//As for how the Foreign Military knew about everything said here, it will be explained in a later post.
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #404 on: June 10, 2017, 04:36:38 AM »
"If you are correct on having no intentions to harm or kill anyone, then how will you explain your statement just now, to the trillions of habitable worlds in the universe whose entire population has been - for a lack of an appropriate term - purified under orders of the bastard of a god that is Tsukuyomi No Mikoto, simply because they can become sick, grow old and die? Simply because they existed at all?"
>Do we know what this is referring to?
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #405 on: June 10, 2017, 06:31:27 AM »
>Do we know what this is referring to?

>As far as you can tell... No.
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #406 on: June 15, 2017, 07:01:27 AM »
>How long have we been commanding the LDF?
>What is our relationship with the higher ups like?

//Sorry for the delay, Its hard coming up with responses sometimes. I have one in the works that I will no doubt post after this one, however.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #407 on: June 15, 2017, 09:11:20 AM »
>How long have we been commanding the LDF?
>What is our relationship with the higher ups like?

//Sorry for the delay, Its hard coming up with responses sometimes. I have one in the works that I will no doubt post after this one, however.

>Since a thousand years ago (which for an ageless Lunarian is the equivalent of "not very long").

>Even without the Fairy Invasion, your relationship with your higher-ups is already very bad due to your reluctance to have Eirin arrested for the murder of an emissary and  defecting to Gensokyo.
>Suffice to say, whoever is calling the shots here is on to something when he said that you might have been lied to by your own superiors...
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #408 on: June 17, 2017, 05:10:41 AM »
>"Do you really think i'm going to believe of those things you said without any form of evidence? Your words are meaningless without anything to back it up! And that's not to mention your continued attempts to brand Eirin as a war criminal for something she did centuries ago! You'll need to try harder than that if you think you can convince me!"
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #409 on: June 17, 2017, 02:01:41 PM »
>"Do you really think i'm going to believe of those things you said without any form of evidence? Your words are meaningless without anything to back it up! And that's not to mention your continued attempts to brand Eirin as a war criminal for something she did centuries ago! You'll need to try harder than that if you think you can convince me!"

>"If it is evidence that you demand, then we have someone that can give it to you..."

>You notice a bulkhead on the far side of the room opening...
>...From which Toyohime, still handcuffed, is forced into the room by three soldiers. Two of those soldiers are wielding assault rifles, while the third has what looked like a shotgun.
>The shotgun soldier kicks Toyohime onto the floor, then points the shotgun at her head.
>"That someone being, ironically, the closest person to you..." The voice tells you.
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #410 on: June 19, 2017, 10:19:52 PM »
\sorry for the delay

>"Sister? Are they telling the truth?"
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #411 on: June 20, 2017, 01:51:17 PM »
\\sorry for the delay

>"Sister? Are they telling the truth?"

>Toyohime looks up at you as the soldier kept her lying on the ground.
>Then you notice her start shedding tears.
>"Yori, I'm so sorry! It was all true! The Lunarian government deemed the mere existence of the concept of sickness and death a plague, and so created a covert operation to wipe out all life in the universe for the crime of just existing! Millions of worlds have already perished as a result of this operation!"
>Toyohime was suddenly interrupted by the voice that was just interrogating you moments ago.
>"And millions more are being purged as we speak. Added up, the total fatality is in such a huge number, we can only comprehend it as a zillion."
>Toyohime broke down and started sobbing...
>...Which was responded by one of the soldiers stomping on her back while muttering "The crocodile tears of an immortal supremacist!"
>Toyohime coughed for a short while before continuing.
>"And I was the one Lord Tsukuyomi put in charge of this operation! Yori, I didn't want you to find out how much of a flock of bloodless monsters the government officials are..."

//Biggest Wham Line ever seen in a CYOA?
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #412 on: June 23, 2017, 07:06:30 AM »
>".....I...i cant believe it..."
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #413 on: June 24, 2017, 02:51:31 AM »
>".....I...i cant believe it..."

>"Its the truth... I'm so sorry your whole job has been a lie, Yori..." Toyohime said apologetically.

>"Apologizing won't save you now..." The voice said in a cold tone. "You two were responsible, one directly and the other indirectly, for the extinction of countless civilizations in the universe for such petty reason as them existing at all."
>"Because of that, I will not be afraid to tell you that the Lunar Kingdom and its entire population must be exterminated for the sake of the Earth - the only world left in this universe that still has life on it..."
>You see the three soldiers that forced Toyohime into the room all pointing their weapons at her, ready to pull the trigger after cocking them.

//Don't worry, I have something great after this!  ;)
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #414 on: June 25, 2017, 03:26:34 AM »
>What are we currently tied up with?
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #415 on: June 25, 2017, 03:57:51 AM »
>What are we currently tied up with?

>You're shackled to a slab of metal, with two shackles securing each of your limbs.
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #416 on: June 25, 2017, 10:01:18 AM »
>How strong are we?

>"NO, STOP!"
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #417 on: June 25, 2017, 01:38:50 PM »
>How strong are we?

>"NO, STOP!"

>Slightly stronger than normal humans, but definitely not enough to break those shackles.

>The three soldiers who brought Toyohime into the room ignored your cry.
>They are in the process of pulling the trigger...


>...But were unable to fire a single shot when the door they just came in from exploded, showering debris all over that side of the room.
>From within the smokescreen emerged a pair of hands in black gloves, both wielding SMGs which are used to gun down the three soldiers before they can react.
>Whoever just saved Toyohime from being shot proceeds to gun down the soldiers surrounding you.
>"Schneide!" exclaims the soldier who gut-punched you moments ago, as he pulls out a handgun and fires four shots at the new arrival.
>The new arrival dodged all four shots by simply leaning to the sides, in the process revealing herself to be Reisen.
>Reisen immediately put two bullets in that soldier's chest.
>After making sure that all the soldiers in the room have been neutralized, Reisen turns toward you...
>...Then bows apologetically. "Watatsuki sisters! I apologize for being late!"
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #418 on: June 26, 2017, 06:10:09 AM »
>"Reisen! Thank you, thank you so much! Please free me from these binds!"
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
Re: Yorihime Quest
« Reply #419 on: June 27, 2017, 01:02:58 PM »
>"Reisen! Thank you, thank you so much! Please free me from these binds!"

>"I will!" Reisen says.
>She proceeds to shoot out your shackles with well-placed shots of her SMG, before proceeding to do the same with Toyohime's handcuff.

>"Reisen Udongein Inaba, why do you assist these immortal supremacists whom exterminate entire worlds..." The voice directed at Reisen.
>"Times changes..." Reisen said before she cuts off the voice by firing a burst at somewhere in the ceiling of the room. That spot exploded in electrical sparks upon being hit.

>"Are you all right?" Reisen worriedly asked you while she goes help Toyohime up.
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...