Author Topic: [DORMANT] Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project  (Read 29264 times)


  • Impractical Coder
  • Just your neighborhood-friendly Yoshi!


Playing a game is an experience. Learning its story is another.

This translation is in American English. I am open to suggestions for British English.
Currently, the only things translated are the boss conversations.



If you encounter any issues, and the troubleshooting tips do not help, please let me know!

Help wanted! Want to contribute translations? Want to contribute an image edit?
  • If you edited an image with translations, please message it to me on the forums. If I like it, I will showcase it to see if others like it.
  • I am making a Google Sheet to hold material that can be translated. You can insert a comment for any contributions you wish to add.
  • You may provide original text for images, translations for material.
  • Please understand that it is currently unfinished and that some tables still need to be created. I will try to provide these as soon as I can.
  • If you have original text or translations for undocumented material, please insert comments in column "J." Please try to keep it organized.
  • If you have an account on these forums, please provide your forum name in your comments so I can properly credit you!

You can access the Google Sheet here.

Credits & Changelog
« Last Edit: April 25, 2017, 11:21:41 PM by yoshimo »
My perception of my work ethics.

Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2016, 06:52:16 PM »
Wow, it's awesome that this is happening so soon after release :) Really looking forward to having the complete game in English, especially the endings, since I've earned all the good endings but I need to know what happens :)

Okay, there are a few problems. So far, all I've done aftering installing the patch is play through Reimu's scenario.

* One line in Ami's dialogue is untranslated (still appears in Chinese). Another line, I think it was in Rakuki's dialogue, appears in a jumble of symbols.
* The font is too big. Only two lines of text fit into the box, but several of the dialogue lines take up three text lines (overspilling the box, which looks unprofessional) or even four (disappearing off-screen).
* When a long word comes at the end of a line, it tries to appear there before jumping to the start of the next line. This looks weird and should be avoided if possible.
* A few little grammar corrections:

Seiryuu's dialogue: "this faraway woods" should either be "this faraway wood" or "these faraway woods"
Kage's dialogue: "How can this this considered" should be "How can this be considered"
Tensei's dialogue: "these starlight" should be "this starlight". "People's life" should be "People's lives". "Human's", when it refers to the possessive of humans in plural, should be "humans' ".
Throughout, there were a few instances of missing full stops at the end of sentences, for instance after "My name is Rakuki Momosame."
In Kage's dialogue, a hyphen was used to indicate interrupted speech. This should be an en dash.

When it's finished, I'd be happy to proofread all the text for you, if you would like. I just can't help much with the actual translation :(


  • Impractical Coder
  • Just your neighborhood-friendly Yoshi!
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2016, 07:49:48 PM »
I do not understand Simplified Chinese, and I will not pretend to understand it. Currently, these translations are pulled word for word from the Touhou Wiki. I would correct these myself, but I do not want to risk losing context.
Also, any lines that are not translated remain the way they were, even if it produces mojibake.

As for text box issues, I likely can find a way to make the font smaller. As for wrapping text before it is actually displayed... I'm not sure. That might require a minor overhaul of the method...

Your feedback is appreciated! As promised, I will immediately look for solutions when I arrive home.

Off topic and on a more personal note, I too am slightly surprised at my progress. I haven't even yet cleared the game! If I had the skills I have today, I would have helped with Mystical Power Plant's patch, too.

EDIT: I have added the ability to adjust the font size to Polished Shooting Star. Those who wish to have text fit in the text box should update to the latest version of Polished shooting Star.
Also, I've determined that having the text wrap early is too difficult to implement. There isn't any way to access the word wrapping algorithm, and I don't want to make my own in fear of ostracizing other languages' word wrapping rules.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2016, 08:09:25 PM by yoshimo »
My perception of my work ethics.

Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2016, 08:27:33 PM »
EDIT: I have added the ability to adjust the font size to Polished Shooting Star. Those who wish to have text fit in the text box should update to the latest version of Polished shooting Star.
Also, I've determined that having the text wrap early is too difficult to implement. There isn't any way to access the word wrapping algorithm, and I don't want to make my own in fear of ostracizing other languages' word wrapping rules.

Yes, that's much better now. Thank you! :)


  • Touhou Translator & Kancolle 甲 Admiral
  • Gladly volunteer to translate any Touhou game
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2016, 07:06:40 AM »
Hello. I am the main translator for TH SSS in Touhou WIki.

Thank Tensei that I found this thread. I'll do my best to complete this SSS English translation project as soon as possible before Summer Event.

As for TH wiki, Be bold and correct my grammar error. Let me know if there are lines that requires correction because it is quite difficult to pick the best word to maintain the flow of the dialogue because their dialogues are being too casual... Let me know too if the lines are too long, I'll try to keep short. I'll probably give 3 different types of sentence and you pick whichever best. Question is how to do it? I'll probably make a mess in TH wiki?

Example, try to generalize 流星碎片 into one general term. Choose whichever best.
Shooting Star fragments / Meteorite fragments / Meteor fragments

then someone can try change the entire dialogue in TH wiki and in English patch. I'll work on the translation for good ending of the 4 characters first then Koishi story, music, credits, characters etc. Is it just me that I don't see a bad ending in this game?

If anything, email me, because I don't really use Touhou wiki or shrinemaiden often and I'm a new member here.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 08:20:28 AM by ChaoSnow »
Translation is another form of "charity"

Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2016, 07:00:48 PM »
Hi! Thank you so much for your hard work.

I'm happy to help as much as I can, we just need to work out the best way of working together. I've signed up for an account on the Touhou wiki, just waiting now and hoping it'll be accepted :) Alternatively, we could correspond by e-mail, which you might find easier. Just let me know if you'd like me to, and I'll send you an e-mail so we can get started.


  • Touhou Translator & Kancolle 甲 Admiral
  • Gladly volunteer to translate any Touhou game
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2016, 04:45:58 AM »
Be bold and correct any mistakes you see in TH wiki. My English isn't that great so I apologize for making so many silly mistakes.

I think the best way of working together is using google doc but I'm afraid I will make a mess out of it because I'll be giving alternatives lines instead of a single line of translation. Reason is to increase the accuracy of translation without losing the meaning.

I can give a single translated line but sometimes I do doubt which one is better. My English isn't that great so I think it is better to give alternatives and let you do the final decision. I mean everyone is hoping for a perfect translation right? I'd like to edit the google doc and give word suggestions/alternative translations/tone of voice by the characters made by Yoshimo but I was afraid I'll be making a mess because It looks more like a master copy to me.

Example: (Koishi Good Ending)
恋:『。。。好吧,我知道了』(Same meaning but I was actually cracking my head which tone of voice suits Koishi more. How will Koishi reply I wonder?)
Alternative 1 -> Koishi : "...Alright, I  get it."
Alternative 2 -> Koishi : "...Ok, I understand."
Alternative 3 -> Koishi : "...Alright, I understand."
Alternative 4 -> Koishi : "...Ok, I get it."

Example : (Good Ending)
恭喜全部通关!(I will be like, which one do you prefer?) (Actual translation is TL1 but better sentence flow will be TL 2 or TL3. The meaning is the same for these 3 anyways.)
TL 1 ->Congratulations for all clear!
TL 2 ->Congratulations! All Clear!
TL 3 ->All Clear! Congratulations!

I also messed up one of the line, 族人. I think "Protect my clan!" is a better choice than "Protect my people!". Making 1 silly mistake would mean troublesome "correction" in the entire story dialogue... like meteorite fragments/meteor fragments (Not sure which is better)
That's why I come up with this alternative line idea.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 05:29:22 AM by ChaoSnow »
Translation is another form of "charity"


  • Impractical Coder
  • Just your neighborhood-friendly Yoshi!
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2016, 05:03:10 AM »
I'll be sure to make corrections. I also like your idea. I might put alternative translations in another sheet and reference it in the main sheet.

Finally, regarding character tone and context, I really just need a general idea of the tone in order to understand appropriate phrasing.
I understand the character's personalities well enough to choose the best word from options.

Thanks for your help! I would not have been able to present this project without your initial translations.
My perception of my work ethics.


  • Touhou Translator & Kancolle 甲 Admiral
  • Gladly volunteer to translate any Touhou game
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2016, 07:58:36 AM »
That would be a great help! Sure. I gladly guide and help anything you need to know. Depending on the text, I will try to give a few alternative translation to give you the general idea. I'll leave the final decision to you about rephrasing the sentence.

For now, I need a medium (google doc/email/etc) to let you know somehow. Problem is I don't know how to host a google doc like you did. For now, I'll complete Good Ending first.

Thank you for hosting this English Patch Project too! This is one of my favorite unofficial TH game, I actually jump out of joy to see an English patch for this one. Time is limited on my side so I'll try to finish it before 11th August.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 11:55:52 AM by ChaoSnow »
Translation is another form of "charity"


  • Impractical Coder
  • Just your neighborhood-friendly Yoshi!
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2016, 04:00:47 PM »
The Google Sheet that links to my translation tables is in the original post of this thread. I have (or at least should have) allowed anyone to add comments to the cells. You should be able to simply click on a cell and then, using the menu at the top, insert a comment. Even if the cell already has a comment, you should be able to add another one.

Please let me know if this does not work. I need to fix the permissions if it doesn't.

If this method of communication is not appropriate for you, you can also send me a message on these forums. For privacy reasons, I would prefer to not disclose my e-mail. I also have a YouTube channel. My username there is also "yoshimo." You can also contact me there if you have a Google account.

Also, what's so pressing about August 11? Are you trying to complete something for Comiket?

Finally, I've looked through the images, and I too noticed that there seem to be no bad endings. Perhaps I'll intentionally try to get a bad ending (supposedly by using a continue) and see what loads.
My perception of my work ethics.


  • Touhou Translator & Kancolle 甲 Admiral
  • Gladly volunteer to translate any Touhou game
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2016, 05:07:51 PM »
Thanks for the guide. I tried commenting on your google doc and it works! (Still new to google doc). Anyways, I think this would be the best way of conveying my message. I will probably start commenting google doc once I finish translating Good Ending, probably 22/7/2016? I hope it's not very tedious for you to review every line. Thanks for the hard work!

Well, 11th~26th August is KC Summer Event and 27th~28th August is my local Touhou event. I'll be busy preparing for these major events. I will only be free after 29th August. Anyways, I don't think it is a problem since I'll be completing this asap. Probably done translating all the main part by 1st August and leftovers by 10th August. Hopefully...

As for bad ending, I didn't get it either. This game probably doesn't have a bad ending at all. (Need confirmation)
Translation is another form of "charity"


  • Touhou Translator & Kancolle 甲 Admiral
  • Gladly volunteer to translate any Touhou game
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2016, 06:01:53 PM »
Note to Yoshimo:
1.Let me know which part that you need help getting the original text for the images. I can type if you wish.
2. I have made a mess in TH wiki for Reimu Good Ending. Do look up to it. I'll clean up the mess when we're done. I'll continue for the others.
(If this is unacceptable, I will find another way to convey it to you.)
3. I'll thoroughly look through each character's dialogue and give appropriate changes and comments in google doc when I'm done with all 4 GE.

Someone has translated the music section! Woohoo! Thank you Tensei.

~Fun fact~
Rika (Manipulation of Wind, Flower, Snow, Moon)
VS Reimu -> Flower danmaku
VS Marisa -> Moon danmaku
VS Sanae -> Wind danmaku
VS Koishi -> Snow danmaku
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 07:15:16 PM by ChaoSnow »
Translation is another form of "charity"


  • Impractical Coder
  • Just your neighborhood-friendly Yoshi!
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2016, 11:30:57 PM »
You may have noticed that several of the boxes are grey with parentheses-surrounded descriptions. These are placeholders for the original text.
Every section corresponds to an image in the game files. You can access these images by browsing to the location shown in the table at the top of the sheet.
Some of my locations might have asterisks (*) in them. This means that there are multiple images for that part. The asterisks can be replaced with anything; think of them as a wild-card.

If you are concerned about making a mess on the Touhou Wiki, you can add comments to the appropriate locations on my sheet if you want.

The music comments on the Touhou wiki are incomplete. They all omit the first line, which I believe contains a description of the song and the composer.

I also have looked into the endings more. There are no good or bad endings; there are just endings.
I can tell as the files containing the data for the endings conversations only contain data for one ending per playable character(s).
This makes me curious; what then happens if you use a continue?
My perception of my work ethics.


  • Touhou Translator & Kancolle 甲 Admiral
  • Gladly volunteer to translate any Touhou game
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2016, 01:05:49 AM »
Understood. Will help with the missing source when I'm done.

I guess I will continue with the mess until we finish. Easier for me at least.

I'm the one who adds the source for the music comment. My bad, I didn't notice. I will change it afterwards.

Upon continuing -> straight to Staff roll
Without continuing -> Ending -> Staff roll
(No BAD Ending confirmed)
Translation is another form of "charity"


  • Impractical Coder
  • Just your neighborhood-friendly Yoshi!
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2016, 12:50:37 AM »
Okay, since it's been a while since the initial release and no updates have been released, I feel obliged to let you people know what I'm up to.

Since ChaoSnow has hopped on board, (s)he has been helping translate a lot of material. As such, I am rather busy updating the translation tables on the Google Sheet.
Once I am done performing maintenance on the tables, I will work on updating the story translations to include the proofreading. The update will likely also include some translations for the endings.
This update will also include some translations for the music comments.

These updates are easy to perform as this is text-based material. I can easily input the text to a file. Other materials are image-based, meaning that I will have to manually insert text to the right locations. This is much more difficult as I do not have a professional image editor like PhotoShop. GIMP has been working so far, but I'm not sure how well its utility will hold.

So, that's that. I do hope that you users will be patient as I work to get the update released. Remember, the translation tables are open to the public for viewing and commenting. Check the original post of this thread for the link!
My perception of my work ethics.

Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2016, 02:30:30 PM »
Thank you for your hard work :) I haven't had time to contribute much so far, but I will definitely put in some time to proofread the text. (If you see any comments by "SentinelProxima", that's me.)


  • Touhou Translator & Kancolle 甲 Admiral
  • Gladly volunteer to translate any Touhou game
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2016, 02:47:56 PM »
Wow, this English Translation Project is going smoother and faster than I expected. All thanks to Yoshimo for correcting a mountain of grammar errors made by me. I realize the more language you can speak, the harder it is to maintain. Thanks to him, the accuracy of translation has improved massively. Hopefully I can get it done before 11th so that I can enjoy the hype of Summer Event. I also hope to finish almost everything before 1st August. For now, I think it is 50% complete.

My lifespan : 16 days

~Fun Fact~
Ami : The Party Wiener. Party! Party! (Personality: Happy & Cheerful & Playful & Lively & Noisy)
Tensei : The Lazy-ass Living God. She's so lazy! (Personality: Carefree & Lazy)
Rika: ???
Rakuki: ???
Rakukun: ???
Kage: ???
Translation is another form of "charity"

Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2016, 03:46:41 PM »
I've gone through it and proofread all the text that's there at the moment. You've done a great job, so there wasn't very much for me to do, but I hope I've been helpful.

I wonder, can you also correct the spelling of "Return" in the options that display when you pause / die / finish?

Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2016, 02:42:55 PM »
Um-m... Where I could find that "Polished Shooting Star RC3.3"

Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2016, 01:05:26 PM »
Click on "Polished Shooting Star RC3.3", then, on the page that comes up, click "here" in the "Download" section.


  • Touhou Translator & Kancolle 甲 Admiral
  • Gladly volunteer to translate any Touhou game
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2016, 02:12:18 PM »
Can anyone help with typesetting for the image source? I still have Marisa's GE, Sanae's GE, Koishi's GE, Koishi's Story and Character's Official Profile left to translate.
The translation for all image source in-game is 100% complete.
The translation for all dialogues in-game is 50% complete.
The translation for official character profile is 0% complete.

Image source in game (100% complete)
1. Intro Screen
2. Loading screen
3. Difficulty level
4. Stage titles
5. Menu description
6. HUD
7. Music titles
8. Manual Menu
9. Player data details
10. Character's title
11. Manual Page (1,2,3,4,5,6)
12. Spell cards
13. Staff Roll
14. Reimu & Sukuna's character detail
15. Marisa's  character detail
16. Sanae's character detail
17. Koishi's character detail

You may refer to THSSS Wiki,
or the google doc in this thread.
You may also help proofreading by leaving a comment in the doc if there's any grammar error.

Non-image source (Help to proofread only)
1. Marisa's Scenario
2. Sanae's Scenario
3. Reimu and Shinmyoumaru's Extra
4. Marisa's Extra
5. Sanae's Extra
6. Koishi's Extra

Good to go:
1. Prologue
2. Extra Story
3. Music Comment
4. Reimu and Shinmyoumaru's Good Ending

1. Reimu and Shinmyoumaru's Scenario (missing lines)
2. Koishi's Scenario
3. Marisa's Good Ending
4. Sanae's Good Ending
5. Koishi's Good Ending
6. Character's Profile

I don't really want to give too much burden for Yoshimo since he needs to do the codings and everything~
Send it to Yoshimo when you're done.

My Lifespan: 2 days

« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 04:35:38 PM by ChaoSnow »
Translation is another form of "charity"


  • Impractical Coder
  • Just your neighborhood-friendly Yoshi!
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2016, 11:19:38 PM »
So I JUST noticed 角色设定&ExStory.txt. I feel rather dumb.
I'll add the spots for this file now.
My perception of my work ethics.

Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2016, 02:42:48 AM »
Posting here to express my interest in providing image manipulation for the translations.

I'll check out the game and the Google doc to see if I can help out!


  • Impractical Coder
  • Just your neighborhood-friendly Yoshi!
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2016, 02:38:20 PM »
Great to hear! The more help we can get, the better.
I want to remind that any images will have to be passed through me, just like translations in my Google Sheet.

A side note: I'm getting burned-out. I don't want to stop this project, but I have a problem where I want to work on a different project after a while.
I'll probably release a quick update to implement the current translations for the boss conversations and the endings.
After that, I'll have to sit on the back burner, responding less frequently to material that needs to be reviewed. It's likely no updates will occur during this indefinite period.
What will I be doing? Working on a music project. My other hobby is to make Touhou arrangements using N64 instruments.
If you are interested, you can find them on my Youtube channel of the same name as my username here.
I will refrain from being absent past the end of August.
My perception of my work ethics.

Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2016, 03:12:12 PM »
Well, I just want to say a big thank-you for your hard work on this project. I hope you will come back and get it finished, but at the very least, it will be awesome to have a release including the full boss conversations and endings. After that, I'll see if I can record a run for Youtube -- there are already quite a few SSS runs up, but this would be the first with the English version. :)


  • Touhou Translator & Kancolle 甲 Admiral
  • Gladly volunteer to translate any Touhou game
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2016, 04:10:38 PM »
Argh. KC Summer Event is up... I'm not really a frontliner so I can finish it up within 2~3 days.
i can't really progress much as I need Yoshimo's help in proofreading for THSSS and I'm also working on HJISTC's 永远消失的幻想乡 (Eternal Disappearance of Gensokyo) English translation. I will need individuals who are very proficient in English to speed up.
So far only left tiny bit of Marisa's EX, Reimu's story and Sanae's GE and a few more lines for Koishi's story.

English translation is like 95% complete since 20th July! (Only ~25 days!)
We all have priorities anyway. As a side note, I won't be translating Character's official profile unless I'm done with KC event. Most likely 21~26th August.

Non-image source (Help to proofread only)
1. Sanae's Scenario
2. Marisa's Extra
3. Sanae's Extra
4. Koishi's Extra
5. Reimu and Shinmyoumaru's Extra
6. Sanae's Good Ending

1. Reimu and Shinmyoumaru's Scenario (missing lines)
2. Koishi's Scenario (Few more)
3. Marisa's Good Ending (8 lines)

Good to go:
1. Prologue
2. Extra Story
3. Music Comment
4. Reimu and Shinmyoumaru's Good Ending
5. Koishi's Good Ending
6. Marisa's Scenario
« Last Edit: August 12, 2016, 04:24:16 PM by ChaoSnow »
Translation is another form of "charity"

Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #26 on: August 15, 2016, 03:01:09 AM »
Hello, Yoshimo!! I rally love this game, and your polished version and English translation patch are great! =D I do have a few problems, thought. With Marisa, the game will crash once the stage 2 boss fight begins. With Sanae, the game crashes right before the stage 1 boss fight starts. I was wondering, is there a more recent patch of yours that I missed? I downloaded and followed all the instructions correctly for Polished Shooting Star RC3.3. I really wanna play as my favorite green miko soon :D Thanks again, Yoshimo!


  • Touhou Translator & Kancolle 甲 Admiral
  • Gladly volunteer to translate any Touhou game
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #27 on: August 23, 2016, 07:00:38 PM »
Phew, I'm finally done with all 甲 in Summer Event. I will now resume the leftover translation for THSSS. Sorry for being hiatus! ><
I will first start with the correction for all proofreading the materials and start translating Koishi's Story and Character's official profile later. Sorry for the mess in TH wiki. >< I will leave comments as usual and leave the sentence enhancement to you. I need your English talent because you've made the character's dialogue much more presentable and natural. I will continue to translate while waiting for Yoshimo's return.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 08:48:19 PM by ChaoSnow »
Translation is another form of "charity"


  • Impractical Coder
  • Just your neighborhood-friendly Yoshi!
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #28 on: August 24, 2016, 05:12:27 AM »
I do try to keep up with the messages posted here since they might be bug reports.

MrDanmakuFellow, I am aware of this issue and it was caused by careless typos in the structure of the conversation files. The next update should fix these. In the meantime, I ask that you be patient and not use my patches if you wish to play as Marisa or Sanae (the issue exists in the accessibility patch, too.)
My perception of my work ethics.


  • Impractical Coder
  • Just your neighborhood-friendly Yoshi!
Re: Shining Shooting Star English Translation Patch Project
« Reply #29 on: August 29, 2016, 07:18:35 PM »

Beta 1.1 is released! This update implements new translations for the boss conversations of Stages 1–3!
This should also fix crashing related to Marisa's Stage 2 and Sanae's Stage 1 boss conversations.

I'm still working on Stages 4–6 and the Extra Stage.
Music comments translations are also on their way!
My perception of my work ethics.