Author Topic: Touhou 14.5: 東方深秘録 ~ Urban Legend in Limbo. is HM sequel, demo at Comiket 87  (Read 815632 times)

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Yeah I agree to be honest. I could barely play HM due to the FPS lag. Didn't ZUN at one point say that HM was meant for higher-end computers? (or was that about DDC? I get some aspects confused sometimes, sorry.)

Both are best on high-end computers, HM especially. DDC only really requires it for the higher resolutions.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Wolf It Down!


Ichirin seems to be using Unzan to make Byakuren's scroll pattern. I wonder if we'll see a Byakuren-style attack as a result (I suppose Unzan could recite things, just as Byakuren's scroll auto-recites).

~Shin Kuroi~

  • Sleepy Cat
  • fuwaaa... sleepy...
Both are best on high-end computers, HM especially. DDC only really requires it for the higher resolutions.

Ohhh okay then. Thanks for answering! I'll have to keep that in mind then.

Both are best on high-end computers, HM especially. DDC only really requires it for the higher resolutions.

Even a toaster can handle both games. You don't need a high-end computer or anything even close to that, you need an actual video card.


  • Pixel stuff


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
They also updated their website. You may need to force a refresh if the images are showing up weird (they changed the files names on a couple of them).
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

~Shin Kuroi~

  • Sleepy Cat
  • fuwaaa... sleepy...
Even a toaster can handle both games. You don't need a high-end computer or anything even close to that, you need an actual video card.

Ahh sorry, I forgot the difference on that for a second. I always get these type of concepts mixed up. ;w;"


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Ichirin & Unzan:
Occult Name: Hasshaku-sama (The Eight-Foot Tall Lady)
A brute force character with an all-overwhelming companion, Unzan. That is her.
Whatever disadvantages she faces, she can blow them away with a punch.

This time, she has acquired a spell that unleashes the power of Hasshaku-sama, entrapping the opponent in a closed space of curses.

Occult Name: Turbo Babaa (Turbo Granny)
A character specializing in melee and close-up techniques, as if hand-to-hand combat is itself a pillar of her faith.
Her chanting system has functioned as a handicap on her, requiring special attacks to be prepared beforehand.
But in this game, she may freely choose which special attack to use, as long as she has chanting charges remaining. In addition, by prolonging her chanting, multiple charges can be stored.

Her Occult Attack "Silver Skyway" allows her to gallop back-and-forth through the sky at will.

Occult Name: Banchou Sarayashiki

A technical character that shoots plates as her danmaku, and utilizes the plates deployed on screen as media for certain special attacks.
Positioning is crucial to Feng Shui. That is why her footwork is among the fastest.

Her Occult Attack is "Okiku Uppercut", which is strengthened by the number of plates she has broken. When the number reaches nine, its true value becomes apparent.

Occult Name: Red Mantle, Blue Mantle

A jack-of-all-trades character who excels at both melee and projectiles.
Yet this is only a facade concealing her true power.

When hit by her Occult Attack "Red or Blue, Which Do You Want", the opponent will be forced to choose between red and blue, with red enhancing her melee attacks, and blue enhancing her projectiles.
Striking the oppoent with these enhancements in effect, this is where she truly shines.

Occult Name: Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster

This time, even Nitori has been drawn into the ball ruckus. Without sparing another thought for business, she entered the arena with her Occult Ball-powered invention, the Nessie.

Once deployed, the Nessie acts as an independent turret that provides fire support. It is however a double-edged sword, as she would lose the Occult Ball when its energy runs out.
How to make the most of it is all up to her.

Occult Name: Ms. Merry's Phone Call

A character with a never-seen-before feature: her attacks are readied unconsciously, then released automatically.
Using the ability thoughtlessly will bring her own demise, yet when properly managed, her counterattacks can be triggered faster than one can react.

Her Occult Attack is "I'm Coming to You, Right Now". She makes a phone call to the opponent nearby; when it hits, she will teleport and attack the opponent from behind.
Every time she makes a call, her signal range is expanded, until the opponent has nowhere to run.

Occult Name: M.I.B.

She can grab her obake-danuki underlings to throw at the opponent.
However, the obake-danuki will retreat if they get hit.
So she must fight with deliberate restrain on her underlings' excesses.

Her Occult Attack is "Alien Capsule". She can deploy capsules containing her underlings, ready for surprise attacks at any moment.

Occult Name: Kuchisake-onna (Slit-mouthed Woman)

An emotionally unstable character who can switch her mood with special attacks, changing the properties of her projectiles and other attacks with dizzying frequency.

Her Occult Attack "Aesthetic Counterattack" is an all-purpose counter technique that retaliates all opponent attacks, useable only once each round.
After one successful use, it will be replaced by a projectile attack composed of a blade of spiritual qi.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 06:11:34 PM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Oki-Dokie!
  • Ooh, scary, scary!
The PV has been uploaded to youtube:
Great now I can finally make out Futo's theme in her arrange, looking MUCH forward to the soundtrack from just these few glimpses already <3

Suspicious person

  • Just a humble wanderer
  • How suspicious~
The PV has been uploaded to youtube:
Okay, so :
-Timer gets to freeze ?
-No pause whenever the mystery spot activates
-Nitori's meter charges by itself ?
-Futo's plate meter reset when she uses her occult spell ?
-Futo became a grown-up
-Miko loses her fabulous pose
-Harukawa sensei's rendition of Mamizou and Miko are gorgeous
-Kasen's dragon shoot a big ball of water ?
-Shinmyoumaru is immune to centrifugal force and is muscular enough to lift the mallet with one hand

Two weeks left. Hope there is some surprise that they didn't show in this PV


  • Crimson Blade Hidden Amidst the Darkness
It seems that Reimu gets a new music theme, which is awesome.

Sadly, Miko's theme is less epic than before.

-Timer gets to freeze ?

It might be the practice mode. In the PV, you can see that the characters all get full Occult ball meter, Spirit meter and Health during the 2nd scene which they activate Spell Cards.

Unfortunately, The PV stops after the Spell card ends before we can see the "Health reverts back to full cuz it's practice mode" in order to prove as such.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 03:03:53 PM by Kageshirou »


  • Heartwarming ★ Miracle
Since ZUN went and extended his hand towards fanworks, I hope he goes to the logical conclusion and introduces voice acting into the next fighting game. It would be quite a treat to know how the girls are supposed to sound like in the head of the Priest  :V .


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Is there a more specific English fighting game terminology for 当身技, other than "counterattack"? You know, like Howard Geese's techniques.

The returning character profiles are all translated, with tolerable quality.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 03:14:38 PM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • True
  • *
  • The Real Treasure Is You
    • Let's Play Super Marisa World
> Loch Ness Monster
> Men in Black

Oh ZUN, you absolute card.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Ichirin & Unzan:
Occult Name: Hasshaku-sama (The Eight-Foot Tall Lady)
A power-type character with an all-overwhelming companion, Unzan.
That's who she is.
Whatever disadvantages she faces, she can blow them away with a punch.

This time, she has acquired a spell that unleashes the power of Hasshaku-sama, entrapping the opponent in a closed space of curses.

Occult Name: Turbo Babaa (Turbo Granny)
A character specializing in melee and close-up techniques, as if hand-to-hand combat is itself a pillar of her faith.
Her chanting system has acted as a handicap on her, requiring special attacks to be prepared beforehand.
In this game, she may freely choose which special attack to use, as long as she has chanting charges. In addition, by prolonging her chanting, multiple charges can be stored.

Her Occult Attack "Silver Skyway" allows her to gallop back-and-forth in the air at will.

Occult Name: Banchou Sarayashiki

A technical character that controls a danmaku of plates, and utilizes the plates currently deployed on screen as media for her unique special attacks.
Locations are crucial to Feng Shui, that's why the speed of her footwork is in the fastest class.

Her Occult Attack is "Okiku Uppercut", which is enhanced by the number of plates she has shattered. Its true value becomes apparent when nine plates have been broken.

Occult Name: Red Mantle, Blue Mantle

An all-purpose character who excels at both melee and projectiles.
Yet this is only a facade concealing her true identity.

When hit by her Occult Attack "Red or Blue, Which Do You Want", her opponent will be forced to choose between red and blue, with red enhancing her melee, and blue enhancing her projectiles.
To strike the oppoent in these enhanced states, this is her true role.

My analisys on the characters Urban Legends

Miko's Urban Legend:

So apparently Miko's Urban Legend is based off of Aka Manto... fitting considering Miko's cape can change color according to the amount of believers she has.

For those who don't know Aka Manto is a being that lurks in public bathrooms of any kind, if you sit on a toilet usually on the last stall, a misteryous voice will ask you:
Red papper, or Blue papper

If you answer red, he will cut you on the spot ( like literally cut you like that food that was cut by that Sonic 2 cardradige in the add for Sonic 2 ) and your clothes will be painted with your blood.

If you answer Blue he will choke you like Homer does to Bart until you die and your face becomes blue.

If you answer any other color or something stupid, you will be dragged into the underworld. The only way to escape is to say no papper.

Ichirin and Unzan's Urban Legend:

Ichirin and Unzan's Urban Legend as her title says is based off of the 8 Foot-Tall Lady or Hachishakusama, i don't have that much information on her, but i know she was very tall woman who abducted children, she wore a long white dress and makes a sound like:


Kokoro's Urban Legend:

Kokoro's Urban Legend is based off of Kushisake-onna or in english, the slit-mouth woman

Kushisake-onna habits dimly lit streets and alleys, she was a beautiful lady who one time her husband who was a samurai slit her mouth and killed her, now she is a vengeful spirit who kills children, once one enconters her, she will ask:

Am i beautiful?

If you answer yes she will reveal her true face, and ask you:

What about now?

If you scream in terror or say no she will cut your mouth from ear to ear so you look just like her, say yes and she will leave you be, only to follow you home and brutally slauther you. The only way to say:

You look normal


You look average

In which case Kushisake-onna will be confused and that's you cue to flee, however you only have a limited amount of time to do so.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 03:38:30 PM by UnidentifiedPhantasm »
Extra Mode: Ran Yakumo, Okina Matara

Is there a more specific English fighting game terminology for 当身技, other than "counterattack"? You know, like Howard Geese's techniques.

Most people just call them counters.

Most people just call them counters.
Counters or catch counters, typically.

Hey, my guess is right. Both the chanting mechanic and the Jet Babaa. Incoming flood of BBA jokes, since people are having a blast over it in Japanese threads. :V
Some people are complaining that this seems to be a nod to the BBA jokes from Tasofro and ZUN, and isn't taken too well, but I actually think this can be a good thing for Hijiri's image.
Since it's mentioned that the girls pick their own urban legends, this means that Hijiri chose this one herself, showing that she's aware of what it means to her and doesn't mind accepting it. So she won't fuss over old age or stuff, making the BBA jokes less effective. (Not like it'll stop anyone, but you know...)
In a way, calling her a granny or BBA or such now will be answered with a heartfelt, gentle smile. Further cementing how mature her character is in canon.

Still, I'm wondering what's the "Rider" is all about now. Something like this?

Seems about right.

But on a serious note, hers is the only one that I haven't understand yet. The profile focus more on the modified chanting mechanic, while there's still no picture of her occult attack, and the explanation doesn't give much either, since everyone can fly already. What makes hers different? Galloping through the sky? Trekking through the sky?  Maybe it's a jab to Air Gear's Sky Road?
So she'll have unmatched mobility compared to the others or something?

> Loch Ness Monster
> Men in Black

Oh ZUN, you absolute card.
Got a bingo on Nitori's Loch Ness as well, so I'm quite happy.
And Kilga, that's a mistake there. It's Mamizou in Black
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 04:51:58 PM by monhan »


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Google indicates "Silver Skyway" is a Ridge Racer stage, so that's that.
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

But on a serious note, hers is the only one that I haven't understand yet. The profile focus more on the modified chanting mechanic, while there's still no picture of her occult attack, and the explanation doesn't give much either, since everyone can fly already. What makes hers different? Galloping through the sky? Trekking through the sky?  Maybe it's a jab to Air Gear's Sky Road?
So she'll have unmatched mobility compared to the others or something?
I think her occult "attack" is when she has the prayer beads around her (similar looking to her 66[A] in HM) and she can move at whatever angle she wants. Very briefly at the 1:17-1:20 mark you see her on the top of the screen, goes to the middle with her beads around her (what I assume is the occult skill), and then she makes a dead stop. It happens again at around 1:22-1:25 where she kind of prolongs her back dash. Maybe thats the "gallop back and forth in the air at will" hiji has now


Given that Kasen is here and Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom (probably) has something with the moon, maybe it is time i should binge-read the touhou mangas. Is there a recommended order? I guess that, chronologically, the moon sage is the first, but what about FS and WaHW?

I wrote this a few months ago elsewhere, which covers all the print material, with additional info edited in just now...

Eastern and Little Nature Deity -> Strange and Bright Nature Deity 1, (Imperishable Night) -> Silent Sinner -> Lunatic Runagate (don't skip this, it provides much needed context and background) -> Inaba x2, Curiosities of Lotus Asia (chapters were originally released from, like, PCB through MoF, although none cross over), Bohemian Archive/ZUN's story from Seasonal Dream Vision -> (Phantasmagoria of Flower VIew), SaBND 2-3 -> (Great Fairy War), Perfect Memento, Oriental Sacred Place 1-3, Grimoire of Marisa, 1st half of Wild and Horned Hermit, Symposium of Post-mysticism, Forbidden Scrollery + recent Wild and Horned Hermit (DDC+HM happen halfway through'll know when you see it).

The PV has been uploaded to youtube:

This is so awesome!

Gameplay aside, what about the music? I really like Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly, Emotional Skyscraper, Shoutoku Legend, Hartmann's Youkai Girl (though these three in HM were just gorgeous), Futatsuiwa from Gensokyo and Little Princess. On the other hand, Love-coloured MS and Immortal Smoke are a bit "meh".

Also, is it just me, or there are traces of Rumble Temple in Kasen's theme? XD
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 06:26:14 PM by Valar »


  • Heartwarming ★ Miracle
That small part of Battlefield of Hanahazama   we get to hear *is* quite similiar in style to Rumble Temple  to me though. It's somewhat of a shame that ZUN went with fanmade arranges for every other character, yet didn't try to include the one fanmade theme that people associate with Kasen.


  • Oki-Dokie!
  • Ooh, scary, scary!
That small part of Battlefield of Hanahazama   we get to hear *is* quite similiar in style to Rumble Temple  to me though. It's somewhat of a shame that ZUN went with fanmade arranges for every other character, yet didn't try to include the one fanmade theme that people associate with Kasen.
To be fair, I'd have LOVED to see Rumble Temple be made Kasen's official theme, but I'm looking forward to hearing her canon theme too. Knowing ZUN, it'll probably be great.


  • Still looking for the Hakurei shrine...
  • So close
hmm i'm having very mixed feelings about this... it's so un-ZUN like to suddenly take fanwork into official games like this, something he repeatedly said over the years he'd always avoid cause he didn't want to give unfair appraisal to some circles and not others...
this is actually the biggest surprise in anything relating to this game as far as i'm concerned.

then again it's not like most of the music of the fighting games was done by him anyway, but at least those were artists employed by Tasofro, specifically for the game, not people who already do Touhou arranges on their own...
i guess i don't mind so much if those are themes the circles made SPECIFICALY for this game? but that's still strange...

it seems with this one, because of the many artists, they tried to put in for a little bit of everyone's taste as far as genres of music goes... as a result for me this OST feels pretty disjointed, more like a compilation of songs than a consistent OST of one game, with recurring feels and themes trhoughout the different songs, which makes the whole thing feel a bit weird but maybe that's just me.  :V

it makes it pretty Hit & Miss too, as a result: you're bound to like at least one song, but also pretty assured you're gonna hate some too, which is unfortunate...
i dunno i really like Mamizou, Miko and Sukuna's themes and now i look forward to listening the full version for example, but there are also a few in there i hated including the one for my favourite character.  :(
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 09:27:57 PM by FLASH »

These arranges are made specifically for the game, of course.

as a result for me this OST feels pretty disjointed, more like a compilation of songs than a consistent OST of one game

It has always been this way) Themes are part of a character, not of a plot, after all.


  • In best company
It is also worth noting that the game has some new themes to hold the image of the game together, even with all these thematically different songs in the OST, especially in cases of the story, where the characters personal theme might not be appropriate, similar to SWR. The demo has already given us two of these (I think) and if any of them are as good as Ridiculous Game, I'm totally fine with it.

Personally, I like everything I've heard and seen in the trailer. Byakuren's theme is kinda different from what I'd expect from her, but everyone else's seem very well fitting. Can't wait to hear it all in its full glory.
< picture leads to my YouTube channel


  • *
both use trumpets

clearly hanahazama is rumble temple

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Hahaha, I was about to post a longer reply detailing how these two tracks are nothing alike but I think that sums it up pretty well.