Author Topic: Touhou Blogging Thread  (Read 224966 times)

Mino ☆

  • PCB player.
  • Touhou Hobbyist
Touhou Blogging Thread
« on: August 18, 2013, 01:35:24 AM »
It's no secret that a common hobby of our fellow Touhou players is to blog their experiences or feelings with Touhou. The blogs can last up to many paragraphs, and can be rather lengthy.

I figured since we currently (to my knowledge) don't have a thread for this specific purpose, that I would make one.

So, whenever you feel like you have something to blog about concerning your Touhou career, write away!  :wikipedia:

Mino ☆

  • PCB player.
  • Touhou Hobbyist
Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2013, 01:53:32 AM »
Yes, a double post. But I didn't want this to be in the same post as my intro.

I've been working on a number of LNMNB goals, most notably my current one, PCB LNMNBNBB. Or, as I like to call it, LNNN. This meaning, No Deaths, No Bombs, No Borders Broken. Over the last few months, I pondered what exactly it means to be working on such an achievement. The astounding amount of effort and restarts have the potential to drive a player insane. Because of course, this is an achievement which strictly limits the number of mistakes you can make to zero. 

I myself, have felt the urge to rush this achievement. I felt that I needed to get a LNNN as fast as possible. What was it that I desired? Did I just simply want the achievement, to further my self worth? Did I want to take that "first in the west to perfect" trophy? Did I want the recognition for such an achievement? Today, I played a bit of PCB, and thought about all of that. I'm well known for my impatience and short temper, so to rush such an achievement would inevitably cause frustration inside of me. And it very well did. Over the past months I remember raging and whining about how I couldn't get this, and how I wished I could just get it over with. This would lead me to the conclusion that I didn't like LNNN, and that I was just trying to win it merely for the achievement.

But I've stumbled on the realization that I do, in fact, like LNNN. I tend to enjoy things when I'm able to take them slow. During my run, I felt calm. This tranquility is a rare occurrence for me when I play Touhou. I felt that I didn't need the LNNN today. I felt that I didn't need the LNNN ever. All I played for, was to dodge the beautiful patterns that these magical youkai girls  were throwing my way. I was for once, playing because of the love for the game. Maybe it was the refreshing return to PCB after a long 5 days of DDC drilling. But, I was patient. I played because I loved the patterns. I engulfed myself in the familiarity of the game. It was a beautiful experience for me. And now I realize, that as long as I am willing to wait for the results, I can take it slow, and get this LNNN whenever I want.

The stress free mindset that I had obtained allowed me to play for longer periods of time. The frustration wasn't as bad, and I found myself getting farther in my runs. I truly felt what "taking it easy" was. And that's what I wish to do with Touhou. I wish to take it easy, and peacefully work on my goals.

I wish to open my mind with my Touhou career. I don't plan to go for LNNN for the rest of my career. I once said that I wanted to perfect every game. But I do not need to perfect every game. Perhaps, if I desire to in the far future, I may. But, I wish to try many things. Touhou is a land of opportunities. The number of goals you can go for allows for a varietal play. I pondered the idea of PCB Lunatic scoring. I feel that it is a possibility in the future. There are many possibilities. Perhaps I can achieve more with patience. They do say that slow and steady wins the race.

Perhaps I'm just in a calm mood, and will return to my impatient days tomorrow. But I feel like I can relax. I don't need a reason to play. I can just play Touhou because I want to play. And that's how I want to do it.


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Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2013, 11:46:07 AM »
IN Spell Practice. First three stages go pretty smoothly. Except Last Spells on Lunatic. They just say to me: "No, buddy, you can't read stuff this fast, go away." But I try again and reach the level of focus that I need in order to do this... for whole 10 seconds. Then I think "wow, I'm doing this" and try to analyze how I do this, and lose than focus and fail.

I'm far from being a top player yet. But it surely is interesting to see my own growth. Back when I started, SA Easy 1cc was a challenge that took as much effort as I could give. Nowadays? I can fly around unfocused most of the time and finish with full lives, wondering how did I even find this hard in the past. And yet, Lunatic 1cc feels like still a whole world or two away. It's interesting to watch how one's perspective on such things changes. You're a newbie only once in your life. But why does it change so much?

A friend of mine took up powerlifting and chats about it on occasion. To increase the weight you can lift, you go like this: lift weight you're comfortable with, try a bigger one a few times, go back to usual, try a bigger one again more times than before and so on. Keep doing that until you can switch to a bigger one completely, and try an even bigger one next. With that, it's possible to reach a point where you can effortlessly lift a weight you deemed too big when you started. ...It sounds so much like what happens when you get better at shmups that I understand: mind can be trained, just like muscles. If you're untrained, you're not limited to a level you are at now, you can get better. Slowly, bit by bit, taking a break when you need. But it's possible. The difference is in whether you want to take up that training or not.

Another interesting bit I discovered with time is how you deal with a pattern that is too hard initially. It goes like this:
  • Too hard. I can't do this. Bomb.
  • I feel I can do this, but I fail. Time to find some strategies and grind some practice.
  • Yeah, I've got it how you do this. I can execute this, more or less.
  • This is trivial. How can this even seem to be hard?

The thing I learned about getting better in general is that you just have to take it easy. Having fun is the single important thing about playing. Achievements will come naturally when you're ready for them. If there are obstacles in your way, you'll naturally understand when you're ready to take them on and get better. Until then, just take it easy.

Okay, that's enough chatting. Stage 4, here I come!

Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2013, 09:13:09 PM »
This is a thread with potential for some interesting things. I hope that people will use it.

I've been going through quite a bit of a personal journey right now that is kinda limiting what I can do with Touhou and most certainly also DDC. DDC is a game that hasn't entirely lost me even though Kagerou's promise was of a game much better than what we ended up getting. The game is good and I want to pursue challenges such as Lunatic No-bombs and high scoring runs of Hard/Lunatic and Extra.

I knew the instant that I saw the game that I would've been able to easily pump out a 1cc of Lunatic on the first day like several of my friends managed to do but I opted against doing that because I know that I'm a skilled player who can do pretty decent things if I have fun doing what I do. I guess that's a topic that might also be worthwhile bringing up. That I've come to think about recently.

Some skilled players tend to have a tendency to overly criticize their own skill levels as well as their runs, calling whatever they produce 'shit runs' and whatever even though to do so serve no fucking purpose than to make themselves feel bad about what they just did. I am extremely good at doing this and I want it to stop. I've been doing plenty of thinking about this and what happens whenever I do a 6 miss run of MoF Lunatic No-bombs and call the run shit? Sure, the run wasn't exactly the greatest performance I could ever have done. I have more experience and skill than that but is it really something to get this sour about? What exactly is being accomplished by hating on myself and my performance and talking about how bad it is? I just end up making myself feel worse about myself as well as having every person in these threads reading the stuff feel bad about it too if they happen to be people struggling with simply clearing Lunatic mode.

Who am I to call any Lunatic No-bombs run shit if there are people out there who can't even clear? It's literally the same thing as calling all those people shit players absolutely unprovoked. Totally uncalled for. So thinking about this has lead me to one conclusion. I am most certainly not a bad player. I'm actually a quite good one. To lie about this is nothing but an insult, not only to myself but also an insult to everyone who isn't as skilled as I am. I have no idea why I've been allowed to keep up this shitty attitude for so long but I want it to stop. This is my current goal in Touhou.

Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2013, 09:28:53 PM »
Got a lingering thought to go improve my PCB scores, but since the category is so dead and I've reached my personal goals, I'll probably keep playing casually. Got other important stuff at hand anyway. Weird how one can not care much about competition and still be driven by it. For instance, I'd definitely want to push my ReimuA score higher if someone in the west beats my PB. A bad imitation of a WR that is over two years old just doesn't feel the same. UFO MarisaA will likely be the same it seems.

Edit: Short post so people aren't intimidated by these huge walls of texts!


Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2013, 09:52:48 PM »
Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash Nanaca Crash


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Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2013, 10:39:04 PM »
Who am I to call any Lunatic No-bombs run shit if there are people out there who can't even clear? It's literally the same thing as calling all those people shit players absolutely unprovoked. Totally uncalled for. So thinking about this has lead me to one conclusion. I am most certainly not a bad player. I'm actually a quite good one. To lie about this is nothing but an insult, not only to myself but also an insult to everyone who isn't as skilled as I am. I have no idea why I've been allowed to keep up this shitty attitude for so long but I want it to stop. This is my current goal in Touhou.
I like this sentiment. I've been thinking about this a lot, too. I think once players start wanting to give themselves higher and more difficult challenges, there's a tendency to view runs that fall short as being terrible, even if they are far, far better performances than you could find in the general mix. That drive to push yourself is what makes you look at perceived shortcomings as failures.

For my part, I never got caught up. I'm an unabashed Easy/Normal Mode survival run player. I've tried playing for score, and found it a real grind. Now, I love watching actual Lunatic runs and people playing for score (the world record for score-running Imperishable Night in Easy Mode, for example, is one of the most entertaining plays I've ever seen), and I probably could get better if I really wanted to. But I like playing at this skill level, and I find it fun. I'm under the impression games are supposed to be fun.

For my part, DDC has awakened my love of Touhou shooters again. The last Touhou shooter I genuinely enjoyed for any length of time was GFW, and before that, MoF. SA, UFO and TD left me cold. I enjoy the photog games, and of course I like the literary aspect of Touhou. And I was happy with that. But DDC, for whatever reason, has re-kindled that enjoyment of getting lost in a Touhou shooter. It's nice, you know, to feel that kind of excitement again.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2013, 01:10:17 AM »
While I was focusing on my two university projects from late October 2012, it's like Touhou disappearing from my life almost completely. No danmaku runs, no fighter runs, no picture searching, no mango downloads, no doujin downloads, and no discussion. Even though both projects were assessed and done in early February, it made me unable to keep up with the development throughout the previous 5 months. With Touhou not being my primary focus anymore, I started playing other games that I've never counted before.

There was actually a chance to reconnect the string in late March - early April, but I got sick for more than half of the month. It's been my own tradition to play PCB in late March - early April for all these years, and being unable to do it because the cannot-be-helped situation still kinda discourages me. From that point on, I hope the newer games would be able to pull me to Touhou once again. While HM was a good game, even until now I still feel it's still 'barely finished', that is assuming the game was not meant to feature that 'many' spellcards and relatively limited customizations.

Luck is not really my favorite word, and thankfully, DDC slapped me good by using the word. My very first attempt of playing DDC with SakuyaB was filled with burps and avoidable minor mistakes, which ended up with rather embarrassing score and achievement. My second attempt with ReimuA was much better, but it left me thinking "I think I got lucky at this point, that point, etc point", too much that I couldn't feel satisfied despite the achievement. It might not pull me completely just yet, but it helped me to realize again that the old me has been thinking nothing but to better myself without mainly relying on luck alone.

Now I'm back to my usual pic hunting and character's biography-trivia reading routine. It would take a while to regain my old form, but having a purpose is more fun than having none at all.


  • Act normal...
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Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2013, 01:14:52 AM »
DDC. I've been trying to assess how exactly the game stands up to it's lower number counterparts, but can't really come to any conclusion.
Normal is pretty damn hard for it being normal. Or rather, the patterns themselves are challenging. Still, I think we saw more early clears of DDC than we did TD.
Is it attributed to the fact that not only are resources so bountiful, but the stages themselves have been made easier to accommodate the resource-gathering gimmick?
Bombs are strong too and can, with little experience, be used almost in a self-sustaining manner, returning as many resources as were lost, pretty much like MoF.
The shottypes are pretty imbalanced this time around. SakuyaA, MarisaB, ReimuA all seem a bit too strong to me, even making UFO SanaeB seem tame. 

I really think ZUN should have kept the TD life system intact, having each life take more and more pieces to get filled up. Because now you can afford to bomb 50% of the bullets away,
and still reach Stage 6 with 4 lives or more.I for one think that it retracts from the experience. An 1cc should be something to strife for, a landmark that you can use to
assess how you improve as time passes by. A guy like me, who can't even 1cc UFO or SA Lunatic shouldn't be getting a blind Hard 1cc. The game doesn't punish the player enough for their mistakes.
One could say that the previous sentence could apply to every game of the series, but that's after you actually take the time and learn the game.

You don't have to learn pretty much anything for DDC.
The stages are almost instantly figured out, and most hard parts can be bombed for profit.
The bosses are likewise bombed away.

At least you get to have fun with the spellcards, since some of them are very challenging, with more traditionalshmup-like dodging involved.(Yatsuhashi's second card is a prime example)
Additionally, an LNB should be pretty hard to get, although some of the beast players here will probably prove me wrong. We *do* have Stage 5+ NMNB's and Extra no bombs already.

TLDR: Game2ez heros2op ZUN nerf pls

PS: The different safespots and cheesy ways to bypass spellcards(Yatsuhashi's 2nd) and stage parts(Stage 4 kunai and wall spam) are serving to make the game even worse.
Thinking ZUN would have patched them for 1.00b was too good to be true.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 01:17:21 AM by Heian_Alien »


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Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2013, 01:48:30 AM »
I don't talk about the actual very specifics of my Touhou experience very much because I consider it a fairly private affair. I'm playing this for my own enjoyment and I don't really care how that stacks up to anybody else. Not that I don't acknowledge what others can do or enjoy watching it, but that's not what I'm here for. At various points in the last couple of months I actually had big ten paragraph blog posts written up and almost posted them, only to delete them because of the way I feel about myself and these games. I reckon nobody really cares, and I don't care that they don't. Not sure why I'm writing this then, maybe I'll delete it before I post it.

Anyway, I started playing one year, one month, and four days ago. I cleared every main-series, post-'98 game on Easy with every shot type except Mountain Of Faith because I really dislike Mountain Of Faith and can't be bothered. I had been hoping for months to celebrate my one-year anniversary with a Normal clear of some kind, at the time hopefully EoSD because I was planning on doing everything in order. I got to a point where every run was so close to a Normal clear that I was positive that I would be able to do it on the next one, but the next one never came. I would often go five days or a week between sessions because I was busy with school ending and then summer class starting, so my skills would get rusty and it would take an entire session to warm back up.

The anniversary came and went, I don't think I even found time to sit down and play that night, and I found myself enjoying EoSD less and less. It feels brutally random, probably because my ability to play is weak enough that I rely mostly on memorization to get anywhere. I'm also very quick to drop runs if they go even a little wrong early and late to bomb, which leads to a lot of needless replay of the first couple of stages. Anyway, I shelved EoSD and have been slowly working on Imperishable Night. The more I play it, the more I think it may be my favorite game in the series even over Subterranean Animism. The familiar mechanic didn't make a lot of sense to me at first, but it seems beautifully elegant now that I've taken the time to realize how all of the pieces of each stage fit together. I feel less like I'm coasting on memorization and more like I'm succeeding based on an actual understanding of the mechanics and a direct application of that understanding. 

I still find myself struggling to find consistent time to play, and I'm back to the spot that I was before I drifted away from EoSD-every run starts hopeful that I can actually win. This time it feels better though, because it feels like I'm getting better rather than just applying short-term memorization more. I don't know how long it will take before I actually do clear it, or where to go from there, but I think it'll be coming any day now. Maybe even tonight. I'll probably Normal clear with every shot type, then maybe give Extra a serious try just out of curiosity-I don't think I'm good enough to do it, but I want to see how far I can get before it stops being fun or educational.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2013, 03:51:06 AM »
So, I feel like I'm running out of potential things to actually do in Touhou.

I've felt like that for quite a while now, looking forward to DDC so I could actually have something to do. Kagerou made me think the game would have tons of spellcards to aim for, stuff that would take me ages to do and would be worth doing. It's been less than a week since release and I've already timed out Kagerou's entire arsenal, Seija's only boss spellcard, and Raiko's entire arsenal bar the last one's timeout phase. This just leaves me with Stage 4 which frankly doesn't interest me (and 4A is not helping one bit. ZUN, get better playtesters, ffs.) The only thing left as an actual goal is Seija's midboss card.

So we're back to square one, basically. A few goals that all seem like a massive pain in the ass and games that are pretty much worn out otherwise.

Let's see what I have working on right now...

- Perfect Mikoto Yaobi (this is the biggest one right now, since I can go after timeouts of other stuff if I fail the main goal)
- Breaking Critical Point timeout
- Mikoto's 2nd and 4th nonspell timeouts
- Perfect Kanpukugu's Reimu version
- Seija's midboss card timeout
- Hell God Sword timeout
- Froggy Braves the Elements timeout
- Philosopher's Stone (SA version) timeout
- Emerald Megalith timeout (maybe some other Patchy stuff too I guess)
- Legendary Flying Saucer timeout

Huh. Now that I have it written down it looks like a bit more to do, but still. It's all either stuff that's a massive pain in the ass or stuff that takes forever to get to for one attempt or both. And what is there for me when that's all done?

This is why I really, really could use a working Danmakufu. What I wouldn't give for some competent fangames to try out right now.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2013, 03:54:12 AM by Malkyrian »


Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2013, 07:27:03 AM »
This is a cool thread. I don't think I have anything important to put here but I'll try anyway.

I've been thinking a lot about what makes me enjoy these games. Why PoDD and PoFV are so fun to me, but the others bore me to tears. And even beyond Touhou, I've found shmups that I enjoy for a while, but then I lose interest and just can't reclaim it.

So inevitably I have to ask myself - what is it about these particular games that makes them so fun? It's obviously not the versus aspect. In fact, that only makes them worse. And I've come to believe that it's not even the fact that they're shmups. If I liked shmups, then I'd play them. But I obviously don't. That ship has sailed, and I don't see it coming back.

About a year ago I got really depressed and said I would quit playing Touhou. In some sense, I really did, since I haven't touched most of the games since. I'm very glad I kept playing PoDD and PoFV though. I didn't see it then but I was completely wrong to think they should grouped with the rest. I think I was wrong to have ever considered myself a "shmup player." I'm barely even a Touhou player. I understand myself better now. I overthink my own opinions. I should just listen to my heart. I've found that it's a mistake I make in every area of my life. Maybe my "Touhou career" helped me realize it. Or maybe it was all the porn I look at.

It was nice to write that for some reason. I hope nobody reads it. Thanks for making the thread Mino.


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Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2013, 07:34:48 AM »
Or maybe it was all the porn I look at.
Porn that makes you think about life? Link me to some of that.


Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2013, 11:18:07 AM »
Gesuigai is, to me, a very powerful manga. One of the best things I've ever read. And there's the thing I got this avatar from, which made me depressed somehow, but depression makes you think I guess.

And so on and so forth.


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Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2013, 11:36:07 AM »
I was joking around, but thanks! :V

Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2013, 12:09:10 PM »
I like this sentiment. I've been thinking about this a lot, too. I think once players start wanting to give themselves higher and more difficult challenges, there's a tendency to view runs that fall short as being terrible, even if they are far, far better performances than you could find in the general mix. That drive to push yourself is what makes you look at perceived shortcomings as failures.
Couldn't agree more.
There is something really depressing in seeing a player get, say, a LNB or a score twice as high as yours and labelling it as a "shitrun with mistakes everywhere". I don't blame anyone for doing it though, I'm just taking it the wrong way.

Apart from that, I'm in this weird situation where I have cleared half of the main games in Lunatic, and it feels like I'm done with the series. One year ago, when I was still battling Normal/Hard modes, I thought that getting on the "Lunatic-level" was the key to doing all the fun stuff like no-bombs runs (or scoring, although I'm not much into that). It seems I was wrong.
I don't feel like coming back to games I have already cleared, playing with other shottypes. And I don't enjoy the other games enough to actually get the 1cc.
What saddens me the most was the IN Lunatic clear. I wasn't happy to get it, I didn't feel any excitement during the last spellcard, just a vague relief of the "it was about time..." sort. I'm not even sure I wanted to clear the game, it just felt like I had to, even though I didn't really enjoy it.

It's been a few weeks (or months) since I last played Touhou somewhat seriously. I blame myself for having bricks instead of hands, and ramming bullets in patterns I have no trouble reading. I probably shouldn't.

I'm playing other shmups now, but I hope to get back at Touhou one day. DDC trial didn't convince me to play the full game, but there's still so much I'd like to do (EoSD/PCB LNB, for example). Just need to get some motivation and the right mindset.

Formless God

Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2013, 12:53:56 PM »
Currently very burned out on Touhou and STGs in general. Being a medium level player isn't fun at all. There is very little progression unless you go out of the way to play with altered variables, and memorization just kills games for me. "I feel like playing <game> today! Oh wait, I still remember how to do that stage. Never mind then." It's been like that for two four years. I sometimes just wanna forget all the games I've played in order to enjoy them again.
I realize it's the utmost shittiest mindset a STG player can have and I will never play for score in my entire life, but it can't be helped. I can only tolerate repetition until there is no longer a need to execute it physically.

I'm infinitely grateful for the newcomers this Comiket brought about, so in the end I guess it's not all that depressing.

So, DDC. It surpassed my expectations with its difficulty and I think the scoring system we got was pretty solid. It carried over the positive elements of TD such as the zip around the screen playstyle and less unnecessarily flamboyant patterns. It also unfortunately brought over poor character balancing. Half of the roster was completely unnecessary and the .50 power penalty isn't as cool as it sounds; there are stuff that outright laugh at your face if you are using ReimuB, MarisaA or SakuyaB with anything less than 4.00 Power. The game isn't yet up to UFO's polish, DS's pattern design, GFW's speeeed and EoSD/PoFV's primitive brutality, but it definitely is stomping on the other ones as I'm typing this.

So inevitably I have to ask myself - what is it about these particular games that makes them so fun? It's obviously not the versus aspect. In fact, that only makes them worse.
Random bullet sprays that makes every run of the game different?


Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2013, 02:50:30 PM »
Random bullet sprays that makes every run of the game different?
To a degree, yes, but I don't think that's all of it. It definitely helps prevent the games from getting boring, but I can't say that's what makes them so fun in the first place.

It's something about how unrestricted they are. At every moment, it feels like I'm going all out. Like the game has put up some unlimited challenge, and every inch of progress I make is a direct result of my playing, and not the game automatically advancing at its own pace. Nothing can be mastered or optimized or perfected. I can always put every ounce of my ability into everything I do. In other games I feel like I'm doing the bare minimum. All I have to do in a normal shmup is avoid making mistakes. In PoDD/FV I'm not merely avoiding making mistakes, I'm actively doing the opposite of making mistakes.

I was joking around, but thanks! :V
I never joke with matters of such importance! Of course, I'm not actually expecting you to read it, given that I think most people would find it intensely disgusting.

Mew seeker

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Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2013, 03:33:14 PM »
I have finally got the game and started playing it. I have managed to make it to stage 3 on easy.
So far, I have learned a few things.
It's the music that take lot, lot and lot of time installing when installing the game. Like, more than half the data. X D
I should bomb more. Like, WAY WAY more. X D
I would probably do better if I panicked and bombed. X D
It's nice to have homing bullets but there is also a great merit in being able to kill stuff fast. : P
Cirno does not start with her Icicle Shotgun. Come on, you watched videos before, you should know this already. X D
It actually take a while before getting full power mode. And I actually need more than 100 in power for this. X D
She also caught me by surprise with her freezing bullets when I should know better. X D
I probably learn how to use focus mode. It feels unnatural so far. ^^;

That being said, I managed to capture Rumia spellcard with Marisa. ^^

Also, I gave the instruction manual a quick look. There is a section that is basically called "If something would go wrong".
In it are various things to try and check to make the game work.
Afterward, there is section called "If nothing would go wrong."
In it it says "Please have fun." :3

Update : by using the power of continues, I made it to Patchouli.
I realized that I should start using focus mode in stages, not just bosses, starting with the second half of stage 3.
There are long stream or kunais but I tend to forget there are bullet to dodge while they're shot. X D
I used practice to work on Mei Ling.
The rainbow spell card that goes left and right still give me trouble.
Last one is not too bad if I am concentrated and focus on the holes in the danmaku.
And I have learned that you can't have a replay if you continue. X D

You can wish for anything!


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Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2013, 05:02:47 PM »
Remembered another observation. This one's about bombs. Or rather, a certain thing connected to them. You know it. You hate it. You encounter it on a regular basis, no matter whether you're a vet or a rookie. You can say it with me now. Dying with bombs in stock.

Yes, that one. Unless you do a no-bomb run, wasting your limited resources like that is something that can easily frustrate you no matter what your goal is. There are only two kinds of players that don't encounter this situation as frequently as everyone else. One is master players who can execute their runs perfectly and know when to use all their bombs effectively. The other? Complete newbies. Why? Because bombing at the first sight of danger is among the first things they learn. But let's look at how it goes from there.

Suppose a newbie used all his bombs and is now against a not-so-trivial bullet pattern. Since all he can do is try to dodge it, he does try, and manages to luck out of it. A few lucky attempts like that, and he sees that it's possible to dodge stuff too. Next time, he sees a pattern like the one he managed to dodge before, and tries to dodge it instead of bombing. Sometimes luck runs out when you least want it to, and he dies without having used those bombs he still had.

Now, I think this is where a divergence between players happens. Some get too upset about unused resources, seeing that as a step back, and decide that it's impossible to get any better, and those who can NMNB Lunatic are just insane superhumans. Others, however, overcome their frustration after such failures and keep trying, eventually learning things and getting better.

Now, this "bombing skill" is a peculiar thing. When you start getting better overall, it drops, but you can relearn it as you get better. It's like when you try to learn martial arts or playing an instrument. You can do it untrained, but when you start training, you can't help but think about what you're doing, and can't do things as easy as before. However, with time, you learn basics to the level when you don't need to think about them constantly, and are instead learning more advanced stuff to make your performance even better than ever before. This initial drop turns away many, but it's inevitable, and once you're past it, things are only uphill from there.

So, about dying with bombs in stock? It happens. It's frustrating. But learning to get over that frustration is as important as learning patterns or techniques. Even kappas get swept away in the current. Even masters can make stupid mistakes. But it's not always required to have an absolutely perfect result (except no-miss runs, of course). That stage 1 stupid death you could have bombed through? It doesn't mean you won't get a 1cc this time, or that your further performance will be exceptionally bad. Unless you convince yourself that it would by getting upset at a single mistake. Keep fighting, friends. There is no such thing as a wasted run if you're having fun.

(Man, where I started and where I finished. I shouldn't write so much or I'll be losing my train of thought each time.)
« Last Edit: August 20, 2013, 05:05:36 PM by C.Angel »

Mew seeker

  • Find things
Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2013, 10:25:22 PM »
I managed to finish easy mode with Reimu B. Sakuya gave me lot and lot of trouble, I don't even know where to start to dodge her attacks. X D
I didn't managed to finish the game with Reimu A but from what I saw, while the beginning seems harder, Patchouli and Sakuya seems easier with her.

I tried Normal mode. Took me longer than I should to realizes Rumia used a new spell card in the middle of the fight. X D
Also, Icicle fall is not so easy in normal mode. I guess this time the jole on me. X D
Cirno new spell card wasn't that hard however, got the spell card bonus. : )
Also, Mei Ling mid stage spell card seemed easier than in easy mode. X D
That spinning rainbow spell card however... hughhh. X D
Looks like I'll have to practice the first few stages. X D

You can wish for anything!


  • Lord of all that Bullshits
Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2013, 08:20:23 PM »
So, I feel like I'm running out of potential things to actually do in Touhou.

It might help if you work on LNB stuff instead of just timeouts. You definitely have the persistence and consistency to do stuff like that. Your MB normal perfect run was quite impressive and leads me to believe that you could be really good at full-game runs.

Grinding individual spells requires a certain skillset, and can be fun when you finally reach your goal, but to me it lacks a certain... visceral-ness compared to trying to concentrate for the length of an entire game.


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Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2013, 09:04:39 PM »
I'm sure this is something you're all familiar with, and there might even be a name for it, for all I know, but - I spend a lot of time in Practice, and get a lot of enjoyment out of perfecting stages and spell cards. I'd say the Practice:Gameplay ratio would be 3:1. Gameplay is often a different story, though, for two reasons: a) non-spells that I find particularly difficult, and b) the fact that it isn't Practice anymore. The obvious solution is more gameplay, and I know it, but Practice is pretty damn fun.

On the subject of running out of things to do, there's always the Touhou Challenge Generator (see attached, thanks to ihavenoname). There were some hilarious runs off of that thing.

That's one of my favorite encounters in Touhou, possibility. The elements that comprise the game give you a lot of different things to try.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Casually Hardcore
  • All is best 2hu.
Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2013, 09:29:46 PM »
I should get back into actually playing the official games again. I've been focused on reading doujins and playing fan-games. My problem is I feel totally stuck on my progress. I'm not one to go for score, I just want to 1cc the games to get the endings and round out my knowledge of the lore and what not, but my pride won't let me just EASY MODO it. I'm a filthy casual. The problem though, is I figure if I can't beat all of them, I certainly can't 1cc any. I've beaten EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, TD and DDC. I'm pretty sure I could beat MoF now that I know the trick to 2 of Kanako's spell cards that were murdering me before. Hell, I would have 1cc'd this game by now, I can get to Sanae without dying or bombing on a good run, if I could beat Kanako. UFO I just need to put a day aside and devote myself to beating it. I can get to Byakuren's last spell card, but I haven't touched the game since I got killed while Bya was exploding and it was my last life. Pissed me off so bad I can't play UFO without doing badly from the residual rage. And SA. Damn SA. Specifically, damn Orin. I took a day last month and played SA all day, attempting to beat it. I spent 4 HOURS on Orin. I finally managed to beat her. You should have seen my face. I would have done backflips from joy if I could. My roommates thought I had gone half insane. I was just that happy to finally beat this boss that had been plaguing me for a year. And with that feeling, I started on my grind to defeat Utsuho. I kept dying to her mostly from her being a totally new boss and not knowing any of her attacks. But I could tell I could beat it with time. She was easier than Orin, I just needed to get her spells down. Then, on the 5th or 6th try, my computer overheated. I was too busy being happy about defeating Orin to care at the time, but now, I get mad thinking "I would have beaten that game finally, but no. The computer can't have that." and I haven't tried again because I don't want to be stuck on Orin again. I went on a hiatus of playing Touhou then. I came out of it to play DDC, but after beating it on the same day (which I wasn't expecting. I know the game's on the easier side, but I didn't think I had gotten that good) I went on another hiatus. I wanted to get caught up on other games, and try more fangames and whatnot.

I also wish I wasn't the only one in my circle of friends who liked Touhou a lot. One of my roommates tries, but he can't keep up with me in a conversation and he can't get into the games. He did come up with a great inside joke though: Him "You get sucked into Gensokyo" Me: "I'm fucked unless I suddenly develop magical powers or become a Houraisian" Him "Then become immortal. DRINK THE HOURAI ELIXER" Me "Only Eirin can make it, and she'll only do it for Kaguya" Him "I got it. You go to their place, and by just walking into the room
you make Kaguya's pussy quiver
" We bust out laughing and its become a joke between us. I also can't take Kaguya seriously anymore. Another of my friends is also trying, and he's doing pretty good. He's getting through all the lore stuff first, but has the problem of not liking SHUMPs in the first place, and is hoping that learning about the characters and the setting will help him get into it more. His interest was peaked when he was watching me do UFO runs on a nightly basis for a week. He started asking me about it and the rest...he's working on. He's got a lot of the characters down, and his favorite is Alice, and he's even starting to delve into the fan culture, things like remixes of the music and doujins. Problem is he lives in a different city, so I can't exactly go "Hey, come over and let's play some 13.5 and fanboy over this franchise!" That's the other thing. I want to play 13.5 with other people, but my internet's too shitty for net play and I'm not confident enough in my ability to be a good fight for people. I used to play 12.3 with my friends and roommate all the time, but we drifted apart after some drama shit.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 05:23:52 AM by ViciousYukkuri »
I finally got my first Normal 1cc. ReimuA, TD.
I have a noob stream now. Mostly Touhou, fangames, Warframe and League of Legends.
Currently playing: Nothing until ESO is out.

Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2013, 04:02:35 AM »
Worked some more on DDC Lunatic First Clear LNB. Polished up some strategies around the different late game stages. I managed to get some progress with Sukuna's 5th spell which should be down reasonably consistent now. UKT's method was pretty neat so I tried to imitate it and while i cannot consistently do it as well as he did in his run, I can at least prevent the spell from being a problem.

The final is still giving me a surprising amount of trouble. I dunno what is up with it but for some reason I get hit by kunai a bit too often. I also managed to work myself up to a 15/30 capture rate on Seija's third spell as well as a 15/50 and 8/50 on Yatsuhashi's 2nd and 3rd spell respectively. I seriously underestimated her 2nd spell. It was quite a lot harder to dodge than i had anticipated. I find it hard to properly focus on it I think. I guess that's something some more practice might help with.

I should start doing full stage practice soon now that most of the technique is getting down. Also, I have no idea how i'm supposed to do Yatsuhashi's final. It's a really difficult attack and i'm surprised at being able to capture it 8 times in 50 tries. I am seeing gaps more often than not now though, i'm just not good enough to properly reach them so I guess maybe this spell isn't really RNG trash, it's just extremely difficult.

Overall, I like the Stage 4 and 5 boss tons more than Sukuna. Sukuna is a bad final boss, why does she have to be in this game. :/

Mino ☆

  • PCB player.
  • Touhou Hobbyist
Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2013, 04:03:51 AM »
Overall, I like the Stage 4 and 5 boss tons more than Sukuna. Sukuna is a bad final boss, why does she have to be in this game. :/

Am I the only one who actually likes Sukuna and her fight?  :ohdear:

Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2013, 04:09:02 AM »
No, Maze seems to do so as well.  ;)

I have no name

  • Dodge ALL the bullets
Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2013, 04:43:20 AM »
On the subject of running out of things to do, there's always the Touhou Challenge Generator (see attached, thanks to ihavenoname). There were some hilarious runs off of that thing.
Yes I'm not the only one who remembers this thing!

I'm overly critical of my own runs, disappointed when I fail stuff I feel I should get more frequently.  This is something I'm going to have to overcome if I want to put up a good run of double spoiler at ADGQ in January...but it's something that's not easy.  When I fail 2-4, I lose a lot of motivation to continue.  Anything in stage 1 is an instant reset, but I know no matter how much I practice, there's a chance I'll fail those scenes when it matters most.  That mindset is what's kept me from the big goals I've chased lately, but some games I just bounced back and tried again.  So why does Touhou frustrate me to the point where I give it a few tries and step away?  I couldn't get an MoF LNB, mostly due to not trying.  Likewise for 1ccing UFO lunatic, I came close once and know I can, so why haven't I?  To draw a parallel, when I was going for V ranks in the VVVVVV time trials (akin to perfecting a stage) I just kept trying.  So why can't I work up the motivation to do that for touhou stages?  I succeeded in obtaining all 6, but in the same timeframe I never really touched touhou.  I think that I need some sort of external motivation to keep going and push through the grind to get what I want out of the games.  I'm not fully playing for the experience, but also not for the journey or the final goal.  I'm playing for a sense of improvement, progress, preferably tangible, like doing better on a challenge run or coming closer.  Maybe that's why when I get close I lose motivation.  It took reaching 9/9/12 for me to decide to grind out GFW lunatic.  I spent 2 hours on it, but they were fun and I got the clear.  I suppose that's why I'm drawn to speedrunning, because I can see smaller improvements in the time coming off.  Maybe running DS any% is all it'll take to reignite the spark in me.  Maybe it's the release of DDC, which I still haven't played due to my laptop dying.  But maybe...touhou just isn't for me, but I hate leaving goals unfinished, targets unreached.  It's why I think I'll grab the remaining goals I've set for myself (couple of stage perfects, an LNB and 2 1ccs) and see where I decide to go from there.  I might play more after, or decide I've had my enjoyment from the series and move on.

You never know, maybe going into an RPG challenge fest will get me in the mood for shmups.  Or maybe I'll suddenly develop an interest in fighting games.  All I know from this rambling, is that I shouldn't focus too much on the future, but live in the present.

Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2013, 10:17:41 AM »
...I want to put up a good run of double spoiler at ADGQ in January...

I read that you offered DS over at SDA, what route are you going with? Are you going to be doing the yolostrat for 2-6? Please do the yolostrat!

edit: also there's a consistent no dodge strat for 99.xx times in 2-4, in case you're not going for the IL strat.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2013, 12:13:59 AM by ARF »
"you never know, you may have the best strats in the world" - Zil

Immortal Momiji!


Re: Touhou Blogging Thread
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2013, 01:45:38 PM »
I tried to play PoFV with Cirno today. Reisen dies a minute early. Aya dies two minutes early. Yuuka dies a minute early. Okay then. Thought I might go on to get a no miss run at the rate I was going, but thrice in a row my nether regions were invaded by fairies. At least the bullets never touched me.

I also learned earlier that Merlin loses one of her shots when she's near the edge of the screen, which is actually kind of significant. And I think I've improved my "Merlin game," for whatever that's worth. Now I can be a dick and use her in netplay.

IHNN: I often have a similar experience of losing motivation after almost reaching a certain goal. Not sure what it's all about. It gets me a lot in PoDD.

Speaking of which, I think I've been away for a bit too long. Fuck everything, I'm going back.