Author Topic: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?  (Read 396441 times)


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #150 on: July 08, 2013, 03:51:35 AM »
The real work hasn't started yet, and any help might be needed. Just wait for a couple more weeks.

Whoa, you packed in over 1000 unnecessary files. They don't take up too much space after compression, but they do take up a lot of your processing time. For one patch, you only need:

- The changed files;
- other files in the original th135b.pak, since the modded .exe will not read it (for quick testing, even these can be omitted);
- maaaybe in certain special cases, other needed files - I don't even know if this applies to HM.

It's also more professional to notify people which original version your patch is based on (in this case, Version 1.03b IIRC).

Hope this helps!

(I'd really appreciate it if you also name every font you used...)
« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 12:25:27 PM by cuc »
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  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #151 on: July 08, 2013, 02:21:45 PM »
So, is there anything I can help with? You guys seem like you have everything under control.
There's still the 'original' patch... I'm just doing this on my own for the heck of it until you guys do the whole consistency dinga-lingling. ^^;

The real work hasn't started yet, and any help might be needed. Just wait for a couple more weeks.

Whoa, you packed in over 1000 unnecessary files. They don't take up too much space after compression, but they do take up a lot of your processing time. For one patch, you only need:

- The changed files;
- other files in the original th135b.pak, since the modded .exe will not read it (for quick testing, even these can be omitted);
- maaaybe in certain special cases, other needed files - I don't even know if this applies to HM.

It's also more professional to notify people which original version your patch is based on (in this case, Version 1.03b IIRC).

Hope this helps!

(I'd really appreciate it if you also name every font you used...)
Over... 1000? Did you reupload my patch or something? D: It should be only around 700, and the patch's size should be no more than be around 45 MB... I guess you must have gotten the patch when I'm really hectic trying to trim it. DX Check here for the latest one:

And ahh, thanks. 8D I don't want to call it 1.03b or things like that because the patch is incomplete. The story mode isn't translated, heck, in the players' eyes, nothing is translated other than the spell cards since after a while, you know how to navigate around the menu. D8

Anyways, the fonts~
Menu: Shonar Bangla
Newspaper: Clarendon
Characters, Helo Menu, BGM: Yeseva One, URWImperialT
Story Mode Character Names: Birch Std

I may have missed a few? I'm not sure... You guys are going for Mercury, right? D:

And honestly, there's lots of work to be done. We (At least I think so) still have quite a bit of work to do. Currently, there's...

  • Font Alignment, to make story mode text centered.
  • Fix the font size, and I hope the font too. This goes for spell cards too!
  • Finish up the translations in the Touhou wiki. Especially the newspaper articles for versus mode, we haven't got around doing that. ;~;
  • Jump into the programming to make sure the text doesn't get cut off.

I'm not sure where Riatre went. Maybe he's busy or maybe he kind of lost interest here. ;~; I sure hope not, I really miss him and his helpfulness.

I just hope we have a few coders willing to help out here... I really don't want to push everything into Riatre after helping us out. (We couldn't do anything if it weren't for him).

Just some weirdo, move along!


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #152 on: July 08, 2013, 03:08:06 PM »
What is your font for "PLAYER 1" and "PLAYER 2"?
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  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #153 on: July 08, 2013, 03:42:27 PM »
I -think- it's Leitura Headline. It's one of the first ones I done, so I can't remember;;

Just some weirdo, move along!


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #154 on: July 09, 2013, 01:58:28 AM »
I can confirm (latest update) that the patch works with Netplay. I just finished a match against an unpatched client.
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #155 on: July 11, 2013, 05:06:04 AM »
The good thing about Tasofro is that their programs are all well commented. The scripts are under: th135\data\script\story\[character], but I chose Reimu's for the sake of starting with and since hers would have been used as the template. Fun fact: at the top of this file is "Weather". Note that you need a Perl editor.

These sets of comments came from the # 本編 script, naturally.
,SetFocus,marisa      ,#発言中キャラを指定 This line tells the program who's talking now, preparing a speech bubble.
よーし \,a05x2,0,0      ,#本文,フキダシ,表示位置補正X,表示位置補正Y This line is the "speech", balloon type's address, and their X and Y position, respectively.

Theoretically, this means we can use the in-house bubbles and rearrange them or outright modify them to our needs.

#現在実装の噴出しは0:大 1:中 2:小の三種類です The number after the x is a size type of the balloon, 0 for small, 1 for medium, 2 for large.

#本文末尾に\をつけるとテキストで入力待ちになります There is a text input and output for each of the characters talking and a minimum time it takes to be seen. It can be adjusted as necessary
#逆に入れない場合、入力を待たず以後の処理へ進みます ....or not, depending on whether the user even requests it. (For example, the skip.)

いい加減そろそろ決着つけたい\nと思ってたし This is another line of text. They also have line operators, such as the \n (new line).
,WaitInput            ,#キー入力を待つ Self-explanatory.

#フェイス画像を指定 末尾三つが「キャラ名_カタログファイル名」の形 This line changes the facial expressions, 3 each. Each are marked by "Character_Catalog Filename".

In other words, the script can be easily translatable.


  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #156 on: July 12, 2013, 01:37:09 PM »

@totlmstr: OOOH HI, thanks for the help 8DDD

Ahh yes, I jumped into that file before, and I tried editing the text. I assume we have to use the Large one alot. 8D

The script is easily translatable enough, and you could turn it into English.  However, turning it into english is a bit...

While you can fix the word alignment, it doesn't help with the text cutting off like that. (Or it looking nice for that matter. D8) Also, if you make the text horizontal, it makes the ending unreadable too, so that's another bug...;;

That's the stance at the moment... If there's any professional coders out there who could help with this, that would be great!

Just some weirdo, move along!


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #157 on: July 12, 2013, 04:52:27 PM » looks like it could work depending on font and size.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #158 on: July 12, 2013, 09:40:33 PM »
You could modify the images themselves, if you wanted to.

Under data\system\talk there are a set of images that are balloons. balloon.csv controls how these represent the text. Theoretically, you can rotate those balloons or replace those balloons altogether, modify the csv to make text alignments, and everything else would just fall in place. I haven't tested this out to know for sure, but that image looks GOOD. Unfortunately, I can't find that vertical text changer thingy....

Also, I'm playing True Administrator as my menu theme. :D

Another thing: does anyone know how to bypass the comma errors? I'm trying to translate the items, but English commas with quotes are giving me bad errors whereas Japanese commas are perfectly fine.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 09:44:34 PM by totlmstr »


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #159 on: July 13, 2013, 02:23:04 AM »
Another thing: does anyone know how to bypass the comma errors? I'm trying to translate the items, but English commas with quotes are giving me bad errors whereas Japanese commas are perfectly fine.
You mean:

- You are editing the perl dialog files
- You are trying to replace dialog strings (w/o quotes) with English (w/ quotes "" added around the strings)

and it does work?

Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #160 on: July 13, 2013, 02:36:05 AM »
- You are trying to replace dialog strings (w/o quotes) with English (w/ quotes "" added around the strings)

This one doesn't work in the CSVs (sorry for not having the clarification earlier ^^; ) I've tried putting commas with quotes in those files, which is supposed to have the same thing as with Perl scripts; it's supposed to work, but doesn't. Haven't touched Perl scripts extensively yet; focusing on the items.

I should be done with the Item descriptions in around two-three days.

For those wondering about the progress, here's one image of Byakuren's.

I used the puns from the wiki because the original names were too long (Both Spell cards were >32 characters, the max on the game). Plus I made many manipulations to the sentence by removing all of the commas. At least in English you can write a sentence in more ways that one.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 03:00:58 AM by totlmstr »


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #161 on: July 13, 2013, 01:42:51 PM »
I was thinking about the .CSV files, and what you said is exactly what I feared: the devs simply never anticipated HM's CSV strings to contain English commas.

Hopefully this won't happen with the .PL files.

Problems like this are the very reason the patch is best done with a holistic approach, with code-hacking, graphics and text editing progressing in conjunction.

We can use the same method the Chinese patch used for other punctuation issues: replace all commas with an unused symbol, and make a custom font where that symbol is replaced with the comma, then modify the program to load the custom font. Thankfully making the program load fonts is a solved problem.

I wonder whether SWR/Soku have this problem (at least their CSV files have quotes around strings), and if they do, what solution did the English patch use.

In any case, it's our second "Tasofro, what have you done!?" moment.

What is this font used in patches for SWR/Soku and other post-MoF games?
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 02:41:56 PM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #162 on: July 13, 2013, 03:08:22 PM »
Also, I'm playing True Administrator as my menu theme. :D

Another thing: does anyone know how to bypass the comma errors? I'm trying to translate the items, but English commas with quotes are giving me bad errors whereas Japanese commas are perfectly fine.
Doo doo doo doo~

I wish I could help, I don't have any 'bad errors' like some kind of comma for these things. I always use notepad;;

Anyhow, I kind of tried what you said with the whole balloon thing, and it does load the entire image, which is fortunate. 8D

Not showing anything on the balloon... Not so fortunate. I know you can fix this in baloon.csv, but I don't know where to get those coordinates from. >_<;;

This one doesn't work in the CSVs (sorry for not having the clarification earlier ^^; ) I've tried putting commas with quotes in those files, which is supposed to have the same thing as with Perl scripts; it's supposed to work, but doesn't. Haven't touched Perl scripts extensively yet; focusing on the items.

I should be done with the Item descriptions in around two-three days.

For those wondering about the progress, here's one image of Byakuren's.

I used the puns from the wiki because the original names were too long (Both Spell cards were >32 characters, the max on the game). Plus I made many manipulations to the sentence by removing all of the commas. At least in English you can write a sentence in more ways that one.
ASJFHASFJ CAN I USE THAT IDEA FOR MY NEXT PATCH? 8DDD I hope you're liking the patch, BTW! I honestly don't have much idea how people find it because no one sent me a single mail in the gmail account *cough cough*

Yeah I figured as much with the csv files. >_< When I tried to edit the csv files, it kind of looks like that.

I really want dumpcnut to work for me. It kept crashing, and I have no idea why.

One thing I did learn about the whole balloon thing is that the text stretches in proportion to the balloon's size. I'm not sure if it works for extended balloons, though.

The reason why I refuse to touch on editing the story so far either way is...
- The font isn't centered (We can skip this depending on design)
- I'm not sure how to change the font or the size.

And of course, the bane of it all, and something I repeated quite a bit...

Endings do not work with the horizontal text. D:

In any case, it's our second "Tasofro, what have you done!?" moment.
I SAY THIS ALL THE TIME AS I EDITED THE IMAGES *CORNER CRY* It's almost like they're making this hard as possible for those trying to hack in English. XD;;;

Just some weirdo, move along!


  • I am a save frog
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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #163 on: July 13, 2013, 03:15:27 PM »

Endings do not work with the horizontal text. D:

There could be subtitles.


  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #164 on: July 13, 2013, 03:20:21 PM »
There could be subtitles.
... Do enlighten me how. ;O;

Just some weirdo, move along!


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #165 on: July 13, 2013, 03:49:14 PM »
What precisely happens with the endings? Please post a screenshot. I hope I won't have to ask for a fourth time.
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  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #166 on: July 13, 2013, 04:02:03 PM »
What precisely happens with the endings? Please post a screenshot. I hope I won't have to ask for a fourth time.

That's just it. The text is cut off if you put it to horizontal, which is why I don't want to touch the talk files until the ending is solved. ^^;

Just some weirdo, move along!


  • I am a save frog
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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #167 on: July 13, 2013, 05:51:06 PM »
... Do enlighten me how. ;O;

I can't really say. I'm just suggesting. But if it's impossible to realign the text, then is it possible to just add subtitles?


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #168 on: July 14, 2013, 01:02:25 AM »

In theory, a whole lot can be done by modifying the script files controlling the game's behaviour. For example, changing the ending screen, relocating the text display to the bottom of screen.

In practice, our current decryption of script files is imperfect, and Tasofro's programming is notoriously insane, so nothing is guaranteed to work out. We'll be in a better position if we have an experienced programmer on team, and at this moment, I still can't promise you I can definitely find one.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2013, 01:17:28 AM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #169 on: July 15, 2013, 06:51:14 AM »
Oooookay! Here's the link of all the translations for items (up until Kokoro...:( ) I made a lot of abbreviations and several other things to keep it under the max character limit, but what's really amazing is that every one of them does not have a single comma in them. Plus I also shortened several of the long titles to their punny equivalent, so ask away if there's any clarification.

...butI'll say this one right now: Due to Ichirin's First Spell Card being way too long and no possible way to shorten her's to under the limit (according to how many times I've tried, but they would have lost the meaning entirely), I have (temporarily) changed that to Flurry "Buddhist PAWNCHES".


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #170 on: July 15, 2013, 08:12:22 AM »

That's just it. The text is cut off if you put it to horizontal, which is why I don't want to touch the talk files until the ending is solved. ^^;

I'm sorry for my former rudeness. I was browsing on a phone, and didn't see you've already posted that screenshot.

There is a way to change the font, this I can promise. The unsolved problems are: how to center the text (worst case scenario is we'll do it with space), and how well the program supports fonts with variable width, since those would help us squeeze out more precious screen estate.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 09:47:15 AM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #171 on: July 15, 2013, 11:07:20 AM »
Oooookay! Here's the link of all the translations for items (up until Kokoro...:( ) I made a lot of abbreviations and several other things to keep it under the max character limit, but what's really amazing is that every one of them does not have a single comma in them. Plus I also shortened several of the long titles to their punny equivalent, so ask away if there's any clarification.

...butI'll say this one right now: Due to Ichirin's First Spell Card being way too long and no possible way to shorten her's to under the limit (according to how many times I've tried, but they would have lost the meaning entirely), I have (temporarily) changed that to Flurry "Buddhist PAWNCHES".


Some other spell cards sound weird like Reimu's, BUT TY ALOT FOR THE HELP IT'S REALLY GREAT 8DDDD I wish I could do the text editing too, but it's not possible for me. BUT YEAH TY, if you don't mind, can I use this for the next patch with some minor edits to the names here and there? =o


I'm sorry for my former rudeness. I was browsing on a phone, and didn't see you've already posted that screenshot.

There is a way to change the font, this I can promise. The unsolved problems are: how to center the text (worst case scenario is we'll do it with space), and how well the program supports fonts with variable width, since those would help us squeeze out more precious screen estate.
No problem~

Changing the font should be alright if someone could access the functions in the game, and change the font size accordingly, but there isn't anyone here who could help with that, I think. (Psst, if there's a skillful coder here, help us out!)

As much as spaces sound tempting, they wouldn't work. The spaces might differ according to the game's resolution, not making it aligned. D: There's the thing with other operating systems too, I heard Linux is using a different font, which will throw off the alignment as well.

Of course, there is always this... But I don't know how to check for the coordinates. (And changing the font and size, that's important too. D:)

Just some weirdo, move along!


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #172 on: July 15, 2013, 05:19:48 PM »
Um, can I make a completely unrelated suggestion? I think we should put the character titles above their names. You know, like every other game in the series.
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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #173 on: July 15, 2013, 10:14:42 PM »

In theory, a whole lot can be done by modifying the script files controlling the game's behaviour. For example, changing the ending screen, relocating the text display to the bottom of screen.

In practice, our current decryption of script files is imperfect, and Tasofro's programming is notoriously insane, so nothing is guaranteed to work out. We'll be in a better position if we have an experienced programmer on team, and at this moment, I still can't promise you I can definitely find one.

I found how to move the text.
In the file data/ed/ (for the reimu's ending), the 19th line is ,DefineObject,text,975,95,false,&
975 is the x pos of the text, and 95 the y pos.

Also, there is 3 lines like this :
Each line is used to load one of the 3 ending's pictures. 200 is the x pos of the text, and 120 the y pos.

By editing these lines, you can move the text and the picture. Here is what I did :

I used 100,650 for the text (I should have put it a bit higher), and 300,50 for the pictures.

That's just it. The text is cut off if you put it to horizontal, which is why I don't want to touch the talk files until the ending is solved. ^^;

In the data/ed directory, there is a picture, with just a transparent background, called balloon_ed01.png. I'm not sure, but I think this picture is used to store the text (when I shrank it, the text cut off). You should try to make it bigger.


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #174 on: July 16, 2013, 02:17:38 AM »
Ending PL files and balloon_ed01.png
Yeah, thanks for the experiment! I've taken another look at the ending PL files, and was thinking about doing the test myself.

Um, can I make a completely unrelated suggestion? I think we should put the character titles above their names. You know, like every other game in the series.
Huh, you are absolutely right. Vertical text is read from right to left, so the titles are before the names.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 02:24:26 AM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #175 on: July 16, 2013, 01:54:05 PM »

There we go! I have to fix a few more numbers to adjust the text and image, and try it with English (Which I think we need to find the font still), but that looks alright so far!

Again, I have to ask, how did you find the pos coordinates to put the pictures and text in? (Yes as you can tell, I'm really desperate to know since this also reflects on making the speech at story mode aha;; )

Um, can I make a completely unrelated suggestion? I think we should put the character titles above their names. You know, like every other game in the series.

Huh, you are absolutely right. Vertical text is read from right to left, so the titles are before the names.
Ah, I thought this would come out sooner or later. I thought of putting the titles at the top too, but it looks really 'off' when you put the titles at the top compared to being at the bottom. Unless you're comfortable with Miko's absurdly long title first followed with her name at the bottom. ^_^;; I wouldn't mind if it's horizontal like the other Touhou games, but we lack that ability to do so...;;; (And that's why I said my patch was unofficial for a reason aha; *corner*)

Just some weirdo, move along!


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #176 on: July 16, 2013, 02:28:09 PM »
Ah, I thought this would come out sooner or later. I thought of putting the titles at the top too, but it looks really 'off' when you put the titles at the top compared to being at the bottom. Unless you're comfortable with Miko's absurdly long title first followed with her name at the bottom. ^_^;; I wouldn't mind if it's horizontal like the other Touhou games, but we lack that ability to do so...;;; (And that's why I said my patch was unofficial for a reason aha; *corner*)

I think the length of her name balances out the length of her title, personally.

On an unrelated note, I can't seem to open the DDS files. I know they don't need translating anymore, but it's kind of an inconvenience. Does the DDS viewer I have just suck?
My Youtube Channel. I mostly upload Hisoutensoku videos.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #177 on: July 16, 2013, 08:32:42 PM »
Again, I have to ask, how did you find the pos coordinates to put the pictures and text in? (Yes as you can tell, I'm really desperate to know since this also reflects on making the speech at story mode aha;; )
I'm not sure to understand the question. You want to know how I knew I should edit the 19th line of data/ed/, or why I used 100,650 for the text ?

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #178 on: July 16, 2013, 10:45:06 PM »
My apologies! I forgot about adding my findings as well! I have finally found that godforsaken vertical text thingy and am now working on the text dialogue. The problem is that every single balloon must be done concurrently because the game will crash if there are too many errors in the text itself (I tried doing that myself ^^;)

According to the balloon.csv, the text for the images is aligned from the right-hand side of the balloon images. Now, Marisa has an update for you.

Also, under balloon.act.txt, there are lines called MS ゴシック surrounded by apostrophes. Replace those with Cirno, which is what uses From here.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 10:57:10 PM by totlmstr »


  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #179 on: July 17, 2013, 01:11:33 AM »
I'm not sure to understand the question. You want to know how I knew I should edit the 19th line of data/ed/, or why I used 100,650 for the text ?
No no, I mean, how did you know that you should use 100,650 for the coordinates, and how did you find those numbers to know where to put? =o

My apologies! I forgot about adding my findings as well! I have finally found that godforsaken vertical text thingy and am now working on the text dialogue. The problem is that every single balloon must be done concurrently because the game will crash if there are too many errors in the text itself (I tried doing that myself ^^;)

According to the balloon.csv, the text for the images is aligned from the right-hand side of the balloon images. Now, Marisa has an update for you.

Also, under balloon.act.txt, there are lines called MS ゴシック surrounded by apostrophes. Replace those with Cirno, which is what uses From here.


You meant those stuff like ('string', 'stFontFaceName', 'MS ゴシック'), right? I tried to fix those before, but they're still the same font to me. DDD: Tried Verdana, but nope. Where did you put the fonts at? The font folder at data/font, right? I tried but no chance;; 8D;;

But I don't know it could be me doing everything wrong. >_<

Just some weirdo, move along!