Author Topic: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?  (Read 396607 times)


  • Knight of the Hungry Ghost
  • Yuyuko-sama!
    • HSE-Endeavor's Robotics Team
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #210 on: July 24, 2013, 10:31:45 PM »
About the window's title, you might want to check out th135b.pak. That could be where the other window title could be.
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #211 on: July 25, 2013, 07:00:51 AM »
Yes, it is in th135b.pak (logical, since th135.pak is from the 1st version, and th135b.pak contains the updates).
This is in data/script/global.nut, the 27th line (after extracting it with dumpcnut).


  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #212 on: July 26, 2013, 08:07:33 AM »
I tried a lot of things about using others fonts, and I found nothing.

I deleted the file C:\Windows\fonts\msgothic.ttc on my computer, and the game's font changed (like on the pic below), so the game uses the system fonts.

Also, I found on google a program able to trace input/output of running programs, and I saw C:\Windows\font is read before the th135e.pak file, but never after, so editing balloon.act is useless.

I tried too many things, and nothing worked. I give up.

If you want some help, you should ask. I would be happy to help, after failing to replace the font.

BTW, I found a way to edit the window's title. The easiest way is to edit it directly in the binary file. The file, after being edited, must have the same size, but we can overflow on what is after.
But the title change 2 seconds after the window is created. The game's name exists only once in the binary file, so I think we can find it somewhere in th135.pak. I'll try to find where.
It's fine;; It's what I was stumped with too. The fonts in the folder are for computers other than Windows, which doesn't have MS Gothic on them. DDD: Thank you very much for the help, though!

Oh by the way, does anyone know how to edit the win dialog for versus mode? D: I don't know how to do that centering trick there, and I can't position the windows either. >_<;

Anyhow, I'm taking a break from the patch making until Kokoro comes out. How's the official patch anyhow? There hasn't been a word about it lately. D:

Just some weirdo, move along!


  • DJ FlanFlan
  • Too lazy to type long sentences.
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #213 on: July 26, 2013, 10:15:06 AM »
It's fine;; It's what I was stumped with too. The fonts in the folder are for computers other than Windows, which doesn't have MS Gothic on them. DDD: Thank you very much for the help, though!

Oh by the way, does anyone know how to edit the win dialog for versus mode? D: I don't know how to do that centering trick there, and I can't position the windows either. >_<;

Anyhow, I'm taking a break from the patch making until Kokoro comes out. How's the official patch anyhow? There hasn't been a word about it lately. D:

As I have quoted, like, days ago, v1.10c.
It fixes the crashing netplay thing.
We need v1.10c EP :3

"You ought to watch out, yourself. Even a high-school girl can make her own weapons these days, after all..."


  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #214 on: July 26, 2013, 03:06:25 PM »
*sigh* And as I said, I'm taking a break anyway. But you'll complain anyway. So here you go.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2013, 03:14:21 PM by Ciel »

Just some weirdo, move along!

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #215 on: July 27, 2013, 03:54:55 PM »
Oh by the way, does anyone know how to edit the win dialog for versus mode? D: I don't know how to do that centering trick there, and I can't position the windows either. >_<;

1st thing to know : the dialogues are in data/win. The reimu.csv, for example, is used when Reimu wins. But you must edit the files in th135b.pak (or th135e.pak, if you use the english patch). If you edit the files in th135.pak, the game will not use them, since they are also in th135b.pak (I lost 30 minutes because of this :().

In each file, there is 13 fields. The 1st one determines when the dialog can happen (for example, when you defeat Ichirin for ichirin1 and ichirin2). Just don't edit this one.
The twelves others can be split into 3 groups, with 4 fields in each group. Each group define a balloon.

In each group, there is 4 fields : name, face, balloon and message. I think name and face are used to know which picture use. You don't need to edit them (and I didn't try). balloon determines which balloon will be used. And message indicates the text that will displayed into the balloon.
But maybe you already know all this.

In my post explaining how to center the text, I said that :
in a dialogue inside a pl file, there is 2 ways to wait user input (pressing Z or keeping C pressed) : You can add a line ,WaitInput (like in, line 72), or just add a backslash just after the balloon text (like in, line 64). I'm not sure, but it seems putting a backslash also clear the balloon after the user input.

If you put 2 balloons like above, without waiting any user input between them, they will be displayed simultaneously. And if there is enough space in the balloon under the text, and you put an invisible balloon so its text is just under the text of the 1st balloon, the user will think the 2 lines are in the same balloon.

There isn't any ",WaitInput" in these csv files, but there is a backslash after the text. If you remove this backslash, the game will immediately display the next balloon without clearing the 1st one. So we can do the same thing as in story mode :

But this way, we can only display 3 text lines. If we need more, I think we'll have no choice but use spaces.

Also, maybe you have noticed on the screenshot above, but I found how to move the balloons.
In balloon.csv, I saw 1 or 2 weeks ago that there is 2 fields, anchorX and anchorY. I was wandering what they are for, but I was too lazy to test.
I tried today, and these values let you move the balloon. In story mode, you don't need them because you can say where the balloon should be, but it is useful here.
Be careful, these values are as strange as offsetX and offsetY.

Maybe you want to use anchorX and anchorY in VS mode, but not in story mode. In this case, you can put 2 entries in balloon.csv that uses the same file.
For exemple, here is some lines of my balloon.csv file :


And in reimu.csv, I use the lines I created :

common1,霊夢,汗1,a15x3_VS,Ligne 1,霊夢,汗1,empty_VS,Deuxieme ligne\,,,,
common2,霊夢,汗1,a15x3_VS,Ligne 1,霊夢,汗1,empty_VS,Deuxieme ligne\,,,,
reimu1,霊夢,汗1,a15x3_VS,Ligne 1,霊夢,汗1,empty_VS,Deuxieme ligne\,,,,
reimu2,霊夢,汗1,a15x3_VS,Ligne 1,霊夢,汗1,empty_VS,Deuxieme ligne\,,,,

(I put the same thing in these 4 lines so the dialog is no longer random. It is harder to do tests when there is random somewhere).

When I have to test something, I don't like to lose time (for example, I think Reimu takes too much time to die when I have to test something). I want to do my test immediately. That's why I try to find cheats.
So I found how to use spellcards whenever you want. I did my tests with Reimu VS Reimu, so I'll take Reimu as example, again.
The Reimu's skills are in data/csv/ItemReimu.csv. Each line stands for a skill. The 2 last ones are the spellcards.
For each spellcard, the command field's value is 4. If you replace it by 1, you will be able to use them whenever you want.
Also, each spellcard can be used only 2 times in a fight. To remove this limit, replace the 2 in the useCount field by -1.

And again, I wrote a lot of text.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #216 on: July 28, 2013, 08:13:55 PM »
I just began to work with a friend on a program that would be able to auto-translate the story from the touhou wiki.
But it will only work for the story mode, and maybe for the ending, if I find where the translations are in the wiki. It don't think it will work for the VS mode (the csv files are too different from the pl files, so I think we would have to redo the quarter of the code).
And I think this program should be able to auto-center the story mode, but as we can't put more than 3 balloons in VS mode, I think the program won't be able to auto-center the text here. But maybe it will be possible.
Also, I think we'll need to adjust a lot of things after this. For example, a english text hasn't the same width than a japanese text.

So I come back with this program in some days, when it will be done. We'll see what it can do, and what we'll have to do by ourselves.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #217 on: August 03, 2013, 04:37:35 PM »
You remember this pic from the beginning ?

I managed to do the same thing, but without editing a picture, just with a game's screenshot. Here is what I did :

How to do :
First, use dumpact.bat and dumpcnut.bat. Nearly all we have to edit is in data/system/story_select/story_select.act
Also, the text must be displayed horizontally. To do this, search the line containing "vertical" in data/system/story_select/story_select.act.txt_f2b54d79dd3e49fc9e58dd59080116d423f1cf3f.nut.txt, and comment it (add // in front of it).
Next, you may want to move the text. Search ('float', 'dst_x', 1063.0) in data/system/story_select/story_select.act.txt. 1063.0 is the x pos of the text, and 116.0, just below, is the y pos of the text.
I used 640.0 for x and 410.0 for y.
If you want, you can also change the font size. Just edit the line with 'fontHeight' some lines below. I used 16.
Then, you may want to move ant resize the box containing the text. In the same file, search ('float', 'layerX', 872.0). 872.0 is the x pos of the text, and 96.0, just below, is the y pos of the text. Then, search the next occurrence of ('float', 'scale.x', 1.0). The 1.0 lets you stretch or shrink the box horizontally. The line below let you do the same thing vertically.
I used 770.0 for x pos, 255.0 for y pos, 2.4 for scale.x and 0.5 for scale.y.
And, probably what you want to know : how to edit the text. It just is in data/system/story_select/summary.txt (I wasn't excepting to find it in a simple txt file). The 1st line is for reimu, the 2nd one for marisa etc. You can use comas, but if you do, you should but the text into double quotes, like this :
"The usually quiet humans and the\nalways enercetic youkai, they all\nseem very excited.\n\nThey are all so excited, because\nthe shrine maiden will be\ndueling her rivals.\n\nWin this fight, and solidify your\npopularity !"
Using quotes also works in data/csv/ItemReimu.csv, if you want to use comas here. And probably in some other files.

Problems :
1) The font, again. As for the balloons, we can edit the font size, but we can't edit the font.
2) I can scale the black box, but I didn't found how to resize it. So its border is a bit strange.

Also, I was talking about a program to auto-translate the story. It progress. I managed to extract the translations from, there is just some bugs.
Here is what I did, if you want :
We began to put these texts in the pl files. I'll post a message when it will be done.

BTW, is there still someone here ? I didn't see any message since more than a week. And Ciel, if you are here, I'd like to know how you changed the "Waiting for client connection..." message.
Also, any idea for the window's title ?

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #218 on: August 03, 2013, 10:48:37 PM »
I'm looking at the status of the translation patch, but I can't help out.


  • DJ FlanFlan
  • Too lazy to type long sentences.
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #219 on: August 04, 2013, 01:23:54 AM »
Also, I was talking about a program to auto-translate the story. It progress. I managed to extract the translations from, there is just some bugs.
Here is what I did, if you want :
We began to put these texts in the pl files. I'll post a message when it will be done.

So, it's like what they're doing for the danmaku games? (check

"You ought to watch out, yourself. Even a high-school girl can make her own weapons these days, after all..."


  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #220 on: August 04, 2013, 05:09:32 AM »
Give me a moment, sending a message to you!

I'm looking at the status of the translation patch, but I can't help out.
You can, actually! Help's always welcome! You can help with editing the text and the speech text placement, should brli decide on it! Most of the images have already been done by me except for a certain few, but what needs to be done is the story and versus mode text.

Of course, helping to finish transcribing the Touhou Wiki is great too, the newspaper articles for Koishi, Mamizou, and Kokoro aren't up yet, last I checked.

Anyone could help, really, any amount will do! If you don't know anything, you're welcome to ask us about it!
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 05:15:45 AM by Ciel »

Just some weirdo, move along!

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #221 on: August 04, 2013, 11:02:28 AM »
So, it's like what they're doing for the danmaku games? (check
Yes, a bit.

So, what is to be done :
  • The story mode Done
  • The VS mode text Done
  • Some newspapers
  • The music room Done
  • Some text that should rest in japanese, or be translated (for example, in the pause menu)
Did I forget something ?

For the story mode :
There is some text missing on the wiki : I didn't found the endings nor the intro (the text on the 2 pictures I post above). And I don't think I'll put text from google trad into the patch.
The files to edit are the pl files in data/ed for the endings, and data/system/story_select/summary.txt for the intros. So if you can translate them, it would be nice.
For the story dialogues, I'm working on it. I'll post them when my program will be finished.


For the VS mode texts :
I think my program will be able to translate them and center them, too. So there is nothing to do here (except for me).              Edit : Done.

For the newspapers :
They are translated in story mode, but not in VS mode.
Also, in story mode, only the title is translated, but the wiki also contains the text on the left and on the right of the pic.
And it seems in story mode, they aren't translated for Koishi, Mamizou, and Kokoro. Done by Ciel (24/08)
All this is in some pictures, and I don't really know how to edit pictures (usually, I use paint), so I let you do this.

For the music room :
Nothing is translated here.
The song's titles are already translated in the stage select. I think it's a good idea to use the sames in the music room.
And for the song's descriptions, I think you'll have to translate them.
It is in data/bgm/bgm.csv.


For the rest :
There is some japanese text, sometimes in game. Most of them are somewhere in data/system, if you want to translate them.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2013, 10:19:50 AM by brliron »


  • Pixel stuff
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #222 on: August 04, 2013, 02:46:46 PM »
BGM descriptions are here.
Some newspaper titles are here.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2013, 12:59:48 AM by Quwanti »


  • Subconscious Rose Girl, Koishi
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #223 on: August 04, 2013, 04:38:00 PM »
If you need ending translations I do have it somewhere in my computer in a txt file somewhere after someone here managed to find it translated for every character.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #224 on: August 04, 2013, 09:32:26 PM »
You can, actually! Help's always welcome! You can help with editing the text and the speech text placement, should brli decide on it! Most of the images have already been done by me except for a certain few, but what needs to be done is the story and versus mode text.

When I said I can't help, I mean I don't have enough time to help. There are too many other things to do. I don't even have enough time to troubleshoot why I cannot install this game. My computer seems to have trouble reading the CD or something.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #225 on: August 06, 2013, 04:19:35 PM »
You can, actually! Help's always welcome! You can help with editing the text and the speech text placement, should brli decide on it! Most of the images have already been done by me except for a certain few, but what needs to be done is the story and versus mode text.

Of course, helping to finish transcribing the Touhou Wiki is great too, the newspaper articles for Koishi, Mamizou, and Kokoro aren't up yet, last I checked.

Anyone could help, really, any amount will do! If you don't know anything, you're welcome to ask us about it!

Okie dokie, I've been lurking this thread to check the status of the update but if there truly are ways for us layfolk to help then I might be willing to lend a hand.  I, er, don't know anything!

My Japanese is INSANELY rusty, and I have no idea how the technical behind the scenes work.

I could, uh, proofread or something???  :ohdear:

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #226 on: August 06, 2013, 09:38:38 PM »
Did a 1st version for the auto-translate tools ! Here are the patched files :
Also, if someone wants, here is the program :

There is 40 files on 200 that can't be patched. For some files, it is because my patcher is only a v1, but sometimes, it's because they forgot a character in If you could fix it, it would be great.
Also, I still have some things to do before butting them in th135e.pak, so I'll post a new version of it in 1 or 2 days.

@Quwanti : thanks. But the 2nd link is wrong.

@Gpop : Yes, it would be useful. Can I have this file ?

@CuddlyZombie : The explanations on how to pack/unpack the pak files are here :,14754.msg987752.html#msg987752
And the tools can be downloaded here :
If you have any questions, you can ask them.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2013, 09:47:48 PM by brliron »

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #227 on: August 08, 2013, 08:51:13 PM »
There were some bugs (for marisa stage 1, for example, the game freezes because there is comas), so I updated the 2 links I posted in my previous message.

Also, I packed the files. I did 2 versions :

So if you want to do something, there is all I said here. Also, you can fix the touhou wiki as I said :
sometimes, it's because they forgot a character in If you could fix it, it would be great.
And, often, the text overflows. You can fix it by using another balloon, by creating bigger balloons and use them, or by editing the text so it fits in the balloon. Maybe there is also other ways.

I am in holidays for 2 weeks, and I don't think I'll be able to pass lost of time on my computer. So I'll try to come here 1 or 2 times each day, but I'll not be able to work on the patch (or just a bit).


  • Knight of the Hungry Ghost
  • Yuyuko-sama!
    • HSE-Endeavor's Robotics Team
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #228 on: August 10, 2013, 12:34:01 AM »
Version 1.20 is out! ^w^b
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~


  • DJ FlanFlan
  • Too lazy to type long sentences.
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #229 on: August 10, 2013, 12:44:32 AM »
Version 1.20 is out! ^w^b

They say Kokocrunch is now playable o/
Exactly a day before Comiket  :o

"You ought to watch out, yourself. Even a high-school girl can make her own weapons these days, after all..."


  • DJ FlanFlan
  • Too lazy to type long sentences.
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #230 on: August 10, 2013, 02:15:18 AM »
Google Translated Changelog of the v1.20 patch:

Ver1.20 list of changes
- Qin heart is now available in the match
- Conditions of use will be clear of mind story
It can be used as if cleared before patch

<Character Descriptions>
- "Empathy ever-changing" special ability
Heart gives off a feeling of three kinds of "Hee," "Yu" and "anger" You can use the special moves
The change in performance between mind these feelings are enabled to support "Ki-road", "Yu = God" and "anger = Buddha" in the
Emotions triggered during can be found in colors that give off the skirt of the heart and display a unique gauge

Sentiment will be released in the use of the technique of some or struck

<General> ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
- I replaced the color scheme faith road icon, of God
- Bug fixes at the time of shooting of one treatment is erased unilaterally against the offset level in multiple
- I have changed the BGM and directing of character selected
- I renewed the setup menu of the practice mode

<Hakurei> --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
- Weak shooting
-Before shooting strength after passing power increase

- The strength shooting
And provinces other than the power increase
-Canal correction relaxation

- Top and bottom strength shooting
-Power increase

- Strength before shooting
-The first stage correction increase
-Power increase

- Yin bullet
And developmental acceleration
-The first stage correction increase
• The change in the single-shot technique
Hit vector adjustment
? Bug fixes that may offset level is low
Gate pass after the previous shooting strength, determination extension, hit effect change

- Reverie reincarnation
• Supports follow-up to the blue Stan

<Drizzle Marisa> --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
- Stratford fraction
Counter judgment removed from the fall part of the normal version

<Kumoi one wheel> ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

<Holy White Lotus> ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
- Dance of Hanuman
Two-stage delay occurs, return non-reduction, compensation increase
-Three-stage increase rigidity

- Eye of Vilu Park Publisher
-Power decline
And use number of times decrease

- "Shine of Dainichi" heaven marks
• The decision to expand backward

- Arne Gila support Veda
? Remove guard crash characteristics

<Monobe cloth capital> -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
- Dash
? I remove the limit on the altitude previously added

- On swipe
-Attack decision of the rise from the earliest will now appear
And developmental acceleration in the second stage

- Before swipe
? Bug fixes of hit parameters

- Weak shooting
And acceleration reservoir holds up to

- The strength shooting
-Interruption from which it can be moved up and down a certain period of time during operation has elapsed reservoir
And developmental acceleration

- Strength before shooting
And developmental acceleration

<Rich Satoshi ear Miko> -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
- System
, Red cloak in, added specification that is returned to the purple and keep the damage motion

- Weak shooting
And diffusion stop beam Buddha attribute, the center would be offset

- Article 27 of the laser
Cancellation and transfer acceleration

- Seeking soul of Desire
, Popular loss decrease in the amount of purple cloak at the time
Hit cycle speed

- Vertical hearing of Ten Fold
, Red bullet power increase of re-use, bullet speed increase, change Nokezori

<Taken up river Castle> --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
- Rubber ring goodbye
And lower slot version, return non-time increase

- Criminal Gear
Damage increase hit vector of change when firing, Stan value increase, sharpen
• Left and right movement speed acceleration gear
, (Up and down movement cancellation timing change without) increase rigidity
And determination of extension chain rotation gear, power increase, hit effect change, attack reduced levels
? Bug fixes that may duration of chain rotation gear is varied
-Chain rotation Giahitto period increase

<Komeiji Koishi> ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
- System
- Striking the feed is to be released over time
• The middle of it is transparent in front dash, attack and what condition to invoke blow-charged change

- Strong blow
-Invincible Delete the first out
? Attack rolls out the first resurrection

- Before swipe
-Struck decision to remove stretch forth
? Bug Fixes It was possible to attack cancellation occurs before
- I exercise in close contact

- On swipe
And developmental delay

- Weak shooting
-I disappear in Grey and offset attribute Buddha, during the separation

- The strength shooting
• The uniform high a religion different offset level

- Condition bank report
0-to spiritual power consumption in the release

- Blanc Brie Rose Garden
-Opponent knock back an increase in the time attracted

<Futatsuiwa Mamizou> ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
- Strong blow
And developmental acceleration

? Bug fixes that Mamizou to stop for a moment if you try to Serve on minions out when

- Weak shooting
? Bug fixes that struck decision

- Eight hundred and eight Tanukibayashi
• The extension to attack after the occurrence of the invincible time
? Remove counter decision

Main highlight is that Kokoro is playable.  :flowerpower:

"You ought to watch out, yourself. Even a high-school girl can make her own weapons these days, after all..."

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #231 on: August 10, 2013, 05:41:42 AM »
They say Kokocrunch is now playable \o/
Exactly a day before Comiket  :o
Exactly a day after I released a patch T-T
Also, the day my holydays begins, so I don't know when I'll be able to update it.


  • Hermit Mode on!
  • Just chilling like a hermit.
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #232 on: August 10, 2013, 05:56:05 PM »

Edit: Woah is her spell cards empty on Shinto deck side... and also
Fan dancing Kokoro ftw.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 06:35:27 PM by MewMewHeart »
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

Check out my newb PAD box it's a thing right?


  • Knight of the Hungry Ghost
  • Yuyuko-sama!
    • HSE-Endeavor's Robotics Team
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #233 on: August 11, 2013, 02:39:41 AM »
>inb4 screaming about English patch release for 1.20
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~


  • Hermit Mode on!
  • Just chilling like a hermit.
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #234 on: August 12, 2013, 02:14:48 AM »
>inb4 screaming about English patch release for 1.20
Damn it!  :derp:
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

Check out my newb PAD box it's a thing right?


  • Knight of the Hungry Ghost
  • Yuyuko-sama!
    • HSE-Endeavor's Robotics Team
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #235 on: August 12, 2013, 04:09:51 PM »
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~


  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #236 on: August 12, 2013, 06:48:30 PM »
Ahaha;; I'm kind of taking a break from the patch as I said above. Nice to see Kokoro's out though.

Although maybe I should update the image headlines for the newspapers since it's updated 8DDD;; Brli is on vacation too. ;~; <3

Maybe later. You guys enjoy your Touhou 14 meanwhile~ *rolls~*

BTW cuc, if you're still reading this topic, are you guys going to work on the official patch?

Just some weirdo, move along!


  • Knight of the Hungry Ghost
  • Yuyuko-sama!
    • HSE-Endeavor's Robotics Team
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #237 on: August 12, 2013, 06:57:20 PM »
Ahaha;; I'm kind of taking a break from the patch as I said above. Nice to see Kokoro's out though.

Although maybe I should update the image headlines for the newspapers since it's updated 8DDD;; Brli is on vacation too. ;~; <3

Maybe later. You guys enjoy your Touhou 14 meanwhile~ *rolls~*

BTW cuc, if you're still reading this topic, are you guys going to work on the official patch?
Enjoy your break!
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~


  • Hermit Mode on!
  • Just chilling like a hermit.
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #238 on: August 13, 2013, 12:10:05 AM »
Ahaha;; I'm kind of taking a break from the patch as I said above. Nice to see Kokoro's out though.

Although maybe I should update the image headlines for the newspapers since it's updated 8DDD;; Brli is on vacation too. ;~; <3

Maybe later. You guys enjoy your Touhou 14 meanwhile~ *rolls~*

BTW cuc, if you're still reading this topic, are you guys going to work on the official patch?
I prefer waiting for Touhou quest, an english patch for TH 14, an english patch for *grazes a bullet*, and LoT2.
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

Check out my newb PAD box it's a thing right?


  • Green-Eyed Jealousy
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #239 on: August 13, 2013, 12:22:03 AM »
Enjoy your break!

I prefer waiting for Touhou quest, an english patch for TH 14, an english patch for *grazes a bullet*, and LoT2.

Ouch... That actually hurts, but fine, whatever floats your boat...;;

Just some weirdo, move along!