Author Topic: 東方蒼神縁起 -残暑- The Genius of Sappheiros Translation Thread 2 Weekend Patch  (Read 421936 times)

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
That last download worked just fine for me, was there something horribly wrong with it?
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Not game crash horrible or anything, but one of patchy's growth skills was missing a addition to its description. As well as corrections of the stat display of 2 of sakuya's armors. (continuous attack rate was changed). 

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Ohhhh. Yeah, that is kind of a problem.

On a more gameplay-related note, Poison Arts and Mind Blaster feel weaker than they used to.
And I'm sitting here with The Green Eyes, and a Poison Doll's Limb.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Fear The Melon!
  • I would murder all of you for a cup of tea.
I'm gonna have to wait for a Mediafire link.

FileDeposit just doesn't work for me.

Why are some of the item's names in Gold even after I leave the dungeon?

Why are some of the item's names in Gold even after I leave the dungeon?

That's interesting..

Here's the mediafire link


Cheers for the translation. I couldn't beat the final boss of the expansion for ages, now I can just easymodo it.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Why are some of the item's names in Gold even after I leave the dungeon?
There shouldn't be -any- gold-named items in Weekend iirc, even as soon as you pick them up. You ARE playing 3.00 with the english patch and didn't, like, put the patch on 2.09 or .10 or something?

Sorry if this sounds like a really dumb question to ask, but it's just good to cover the bases.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

It's 3.00 which is why I'm confused. It only happens with drops

Weird, that hasn't happened at all for me.

Anyway, thank you TNG! I've been in love with Weekend ever since I read about its drop/rate changes (it's funny how they beat the ones your patch did) to the point where I wouldn't mind replaying through the whole game in Japanese, but I guess that things get a lot easier to understand if I can understand what's written on the screen. It's a shame that the game seems to actually perform worse than 2.09, with all the lag on menus and such, but that's life. What's weird is that I don't remember this lag being present back when I first tried this version (in Japanese, obviously), but nowadays even if I take off the translation patch the game behaves like that.

By the way, Coreven - if I recall correctly, easy mode is turned off for boss battles (I remember reading that somewhere). So no luck for you! Enjoy your final boss!

Hang on it only happened with some items but, now everything is back to normal...

Good to hear it wasn't a huge issue. Now as always more tiny issues corrected.
Fixed some battle targeting text, and some SDM dialogue. Sorry as always.

Updated again:

Added missing translations on moves that involved selecting elements or effects.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 04:43:29 AM by TheNewGuy »

It keeps happening :ohdear: I got a rock from a drop and went to go check it and it had gold letters. So far this has happened with the Brunhilde, Magic Medal, Rock,Midwinter Shield, and the Moonlight Ring. Has this happened to anyone else?

Edit: It seems like it's a problem with my save. I tried a save file later in the game and when I got a Rock drop it wasn't in gold letters.
Edit2:It the Princess Hydra quest it says ?n-Rinnosuke
« Last Edit: August 19, 2012, 06:17:57 PM by Hinacle »

So I  was gunna do a screenshot LP of this game, but then I realized that that involves transcripting dialogue, and then I remembered how soul-crushingly boring that is. I have a crazy friend whose willing to do it, but before I go that route, I was wondering if there's any way I could get some sort of text dump? I have no idea how viable that really is, but I'd be greatly appreciative if it's at all possible.


This probably doesn't belong here, but as Battler said about a text dump, when and if DoD gets translated, is it possible to make files with all the story text? There are four routes and bullet to my head before I do Byakuren's route again.

The text is all in table format. It also gives no character cues so you'd need to confirm who is saying what. Basically, good luck!
Here are all the scene files, as at the least you can use it for checking.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Mediafire link says the file's not there any more. Is the DepositFiles version also the most recent one?


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Mediafire link says the file's not there any more. Is the DepositFiles version also the most recent one?
Mediafire link here isn't the latest. This one is, though.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Nice, finally a Weekend patch. Too bad I'm already at stage 25, but maybe now it will actually be worth killing monsters for items.
I still don't have any Devil's Heart or Obsidian yet, nor any drops from the stage 21 minibosses like the Excalibur, and my primary characters are 96 base, 99 power level already...and almost everyone I use is 80+, except for the expansion characters.

Also, What should I use Satori for? I finally learned Meteor a few days ago, but it does really lame damage, and it costs a ton of MP. It did like 1100 damage with high matk and the +30% void damage eye, and I tried it in a MAG boosting formation. Compared to that, Patchouli usually does like many times more for only 39 MP and 1 bomb, and well over 10k when buffed and hitting a weakness. I have the best recommended physical skill, hyper fang crush, too, and it does like a few hundred damage/hit, if I'm lucky, around 1k total. I don't want to waste days on trying to learn elixir or raise dead either. All her other offensive abilities were really weak, too.
Is there any particular skill I should absolutely learn if I don't want to feel that she is 100% useless? Is she really only good for reflecting/blocking attacks, skills I don't even have learned yet? Reimu is a better healer, and everyone is better both at offense and survival than her. Will she be ever good at offense, or should I forget about seeing her do upper 4, or 5 digits of damage like others usually can? Maybe Meteor isn't good and there are better skills to learn?


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging

Lots of recommended satori skills are on the wiki. She's a bit more of a support character, so moves with effects+damage over just pure offense might be better.

Here's a patch everyone should get, fixes a problem with Patchy's Spiritual Guidance 3 cooldown. Hopefully the last big thing.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Satori's great with Poison Arts and Mind Blaster. Any attack that has lingering status effects like those two are her bread and butter.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Tentacle is probably her best physical attack. Samidare Slash/Hyper Fang Crush (latter is the same with higher lots-of-hits rate) are alright too. I like using Death Zapper since it also does good damage plus instant death. Using physicals with her final two Eye weapons are great because they do Charm/Control, even if the skill you're using already inflicts something. Time Stop, Enervation, Petro Breath, Death Breath, and Mind Blaster are all nice for status effects. Her innate Patk debuff skill comes in handy sometimes too (Enveration doesn't hit well on some bosses that her Patk debuff does)

Most of her skills aren't good for actual big damage (Tentacle is pretty nice though), but some notable ones are Mad Thunder (Before patchouli's buff, Mad Thunder is -the strongest elec attack in the game-), Dark Giga Flare, Comet, Cosmic Liner, Medoroa, and Punish the Judgment.

Poison Arts is good before like, stage 13.

All of Satori's support moves are good. Reflect Wall, Shield Wall, Area Heal, Refresh, Starlight Barrier, Leaf Shield (protects from 2 moves instead of one),  Kabuff+1 (-does- stand up to Sanae's def buff, actually)

She's got good synergy with Reisen's special slayer in expansion. Meteor/Medoroa might be good for wiping yukkuris, since it shouldn't have reduced damage (Void element magic that ignores mdef), but I haven't tried. Bio is void element I think too, and should be more mp efficient, but I have -no- idea how strong it is.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 11:34:54 PM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Ok, another question. Is there a bug in the game that duplicates Silver keys? I have one left over both for stage 1 and 2, but I have opened every chest, and it never happened again in later stages, everywhere else, all my keys are used up. My friend opened the same chests too, and he has no extra keys left over.

Another thing, Reimu's growth ability says "healing spells cure permanent effects", but she only removes a few of them. Paralyze for example is removed by it, but charm, petrify, curse, and more aren't. What exactly does that ability heal?

Satori stuff
I actually find her pretty good with magic, but she absolutely needs a staff for that - her eyes just aren't that good for it. As soon as you're able to get 20 points in Learning and 13 in Third Eye, she should be on par with Marisa and Patchouli. She's also the only other reliable Dark magic user, since Patchy's too busy having bombs with long cooldowns, and Demon Shock is actually stronger than her basic elemental spells if I'm not mistaken. Bio (thank you Weekend!) seems to be pretty good for a cheap skill too.

On the physical front... I don't really know. The highest damage I got with her was with spears (which also reduce the cooldown on physical skills), but even with Acala Sword or Vacuum Wave the damage was kinda lackluster and most of those skills drain MP like mad. At least with a rod you get back 3 MP per turn.

Also, about her eyes: those +x% elemental damage they get are the same thing as those elemental weapons; they don't make her damage for that element stronger, instead, they just give her physical attacks some extra damage.


  • A Random Chicken Passing By
  • Das Nunstuck Git Und Slotermeyer
Another thing, Reimu's growth ability says "healing spells cure permanent effects", but she only removes a few of them. Paralyze for example is removed by it, but charm, petrify, curse, and more aren't. What exactly does that ability heal?

There's 2 types of status effects: "Permanent" and "Variety". Both types of status effects are completely different categories (which explains why Reimu has 2 types of Ofudas - one for Dispelling and one for Curing).

IIRC Charm, Petr, Curse are Variety status and will not be affected by that particular upgrade.

This is less a bug and more a problem of the semantics used in the game. "Permanent" is a misleading term if you ask me; until I found out how the system works I thought I could get away with equipping only one Ofuda.

Tentacle is pretty nice though
Urh, the RNG is being an arse to me when I'm trying to learn Tentacle in Blazing Fires. Satori *just won't learn this* for some reason. Funny because I already have all the elemental Arrow spells at the same learning percentage, yet I got them almost immediately after Maxing out Satorin's learning%.

PS: How much IND do you need to Control that Pikefish-like thing from near Satori's boss room? I want to learn Clearance from it for completeness's sake...

Meh, I lost my post because I got logged out while posting, and it's not there even if I hit alt-back. That's sad, and I had "always stay logged in" checked, too. Exactly how long does the account restrictions on new users last? I mean the "must be approved my moderator" thing and the captcha and question on each post? What about having no option to set an avatar picture or signature in profile? I expected these things to go away after the first approved post...

IIRC Charm, Petr, Curse are Variety status and will not be affected by that particular upgrade.
I thought Variety are the stat up/down effects. Other skills that heal permanent do work on Charm, Petrify and Curse and they are listed as permanent in the wiki.

Also, about her eyes: those +x% elemental damage they get are the same thing as those elemental weapons; they don't make her damage for that element stronger, instead, they just give her physical attacks some extra damage.
That's really misleading. Thanks, I'm going to use my best staff then, and give Patchy her best book instead. The 25% MYS/LIG/DRK damage on it sounds better than the 10% higher matk I had with the staff until now. I hope the books do enhance magic damage.

Learned Area heal, it's a lot better than mass heal. Heals more, and has no cooldown, either.
Gave up on Leaf Shield, it's not available by control and the monster isn't using it while charmed and just runs out of sp.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
I think your best bet is using Satori's LW, I hear it inflicts control on everything but bosses.
Speaking of that guy, you reminded me that I should go pick that up meself.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • You're suddenly Director of Fixing That Shit!
  • Vice President of It's Your Problem Now.
There's 2 types of status effects: "Permanent" and "Variety". Both types of status effects are completely different categories (which explains why Reimu has 2 types of Ofudas - one for Dispelling and one for Curing).

IIRC Charm, Petr, Curse are Variety status and will not be affected by that particular upgrade.
There are three types of status effects: quick, permanent, and variety.

Quick status effects include instant death, freeze, shock, and burn.  The indicates quick status effects with an exclamation mark.

Permanent status effects include charm, petrifaction, blind, silence, sleep, etc.

Variety status effects are buffs and debuffs.  I believe Reimu's Dispelling Talisman will also remove buffs if you don't have Advanced Healing.
Cheating? I cannot even wrap my head around the point of it. Wouldn't you know you had cheated? How on Earth could you maintain crisp certainty of your superiority to all others? And if you're unable to do that, what's the point of anything?


  • Moon Tiara Magic
If you're having trouble, you can get Clearance from something else later.

Reimu's cure permanent only cures a few permanent status effects; it cures "Light permanents" iirc, which doesn't refer to the element light, but rather it doesn't cure ones the game considers heavy.

Acala Sword and Vacuum Wave are NOT anywhere near as good as tentacle, unless the enemy has really high DEF. You could consider taking one along if you're using a Staff because of the passive MP drain on physicals ability, but in that case I don't know how long it'd take for them to offset the MP cost; other skills would probably work better for the drain. Also, TENTACLE HAS A LEVEL REQUIREMENT. I don't remember what it is, but that's probably why you're having trouble learning it. Death Zapper is pretty nice since it also inflicts Death along with having nice damage and AOE.

Yeah, if you want to deal magic damage with satori, a staff is a lot better. The eyes are pretty much required if you want physicals to deal actual damage though; not at first, but the elemental damage bonus helps a lot later, and especially so since it grows to big %s and her last two eyes also inflict Charm/Control which makes her physicals a -lot- better. Also keep in mind that her two Status Effect trees carry boosts to all physical damage on several levels. Don't expect her to actually deal big enough damage that you'd use her physicals on a boss though; actual physical nukers will outclass her of course, but she becomes quite sufficient for it in random battles, along with the helpful status effects she'll inflict with them.

Satori does get on par with Marisa/Patch on magic for awhile, but then they eventually pick up stronger spells, while most of hers don't get much better. Her selection of spells that actually deal high damage lategame (as opposed to support skills and status effects, her main usefulness) are limited, but they are around, and can outclass the other character's in certain situations. (With the list of the more notable ones being in my last post)
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore