Author Topic: Weekly Writing Challenge Thread the First  (Read 489858 times)

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
This challenge is literally painful to me. Proper literature is such a core part of my being that I'm going to have to force myself to blot out everything here for the next two weeks.

So, what do you say? Wanna be honorary judge on this one? >:D


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
So, what do you say? Wanna be honorary judge on this one? >:D
Die in a fire plz

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
This is just the first half, I have a second one planned and so may update this post later, but as I want to see people suffer, I decided to post it already >:D
This one will not be judged, obviously, unless Ruro somehow decides on it :V


Touhou Sekuhara - Wild and Horny Hermit

Because she had been sealed for really long Byakuren never found true love. Then she meets a new person and they will stand against all of Gensokyo for their love. Totally romantic <3
Touhou - Rated: M - English - Emo/Romance/Sexx - Chapters: 2 (only one finished) - Published: July 28, 2010 - ByaKasen <3

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Well, Byakuren Hijiri, who everyone just called Becky (Because she has a weird and hard name, okay? I'm not gonna learn to type that!!!!) also didn't believe in it.
Well, makes sense, right?
After all, Becky had been sealed by some stupid human for thousand years or something like that, so she didn't get to love anyone. Because she was sealed, she didn't get to live in Gensokyo, which is a magical world full of girls and nothing else, and everyone is totally yuri there and they're suppa kawaii and have sex all the time.
In Gensokyo everyone is Patchouli's bitch. But she doesn't show that, because she is totally a secret mastermind, so people think it's Reimu and Marisa who do stuff, but they're really just getting mindcontrolled by Patchy. (Yeah, take that, armpit fetishists!) So Patchy is like the Haremm@ster of Gensokyo, and she's totally cool and gothic, but not really evil, but she is just lonely and wants friends (yeah, she's not just after sexx!), but that's a secret for everybody.
So Byakuren was sealed by some stupid human or something and so she couldn't live in magical-yuri-land and was depressed and horny, and because she couldn't move with the seals, she couldn't do anything about it.
But after 1000 years Reimu and Marisa (and Sanae, but she's a slut, so she doesn't count), who were mindcontrolled by Patchy beat up and sexxed all of Becky's former friends and then they broke her seals and she was free and they fought and then she sexxed them because Becky was totally stronger (She just let you win in the game because it's a game, loser!). In Gensokyo, that's called "drinking tea with the shrinemaiden".
So Becky was drinking tea with the shrinemaiden with the shrinemaiden and the witch and the slut all at once and then she used the goheis and the broom and they all went to heaven.
Like, literally.
Tenshi was totally shocked and she wanted to drink tea with the shrinemaiden too, but Becky just kicked her from the clouds and then she fell down and died but she revived because she's an angel or something and then she came back and wanted more because she liked it.

So, Becky totally sexxed everyone but she wasn't feeling good still. Because she could fulfill her secual desires, but she really wanted much more. She wanted to feel real love (see, she's not just a sexx-beast!) and so she was really depressed when she noticed that she didn't have a partner in Gensokyo. So then she opened a temple because Becky was totally like a monk and could do cool miracles and stuff and she was young and needed the money (She didn't age in those thousand years! She's, like, thirteen or something!)
And because she had sexxed them so much Reimu and Marisa and the Slutae totally wanted to be her harem, but Becky didn't love them so she pushed them away because she didn't want to hurt their feelings and she felt really bad because of it but she knew it was for the best.
And so because Becky was really beautiful and had a really good character and was really powerful and she protected people and stuff all the girls fell in love with her and they  all came to the temple to talk to her and then they sexxed and Becky got really depressed because she had to push them away because she couldn't love anyone because she is such a deep and mysterious girl. (And they were all mindcontrolled by Patchouli anyway, ya know!)
But still they all came to be sexxed because Becky was teaching how to sexx properly at the temple. (It's what they do in Buddism, okay? A friend told me and he's like, really smart! Buddism is all about desire and that stuff!)
And when no people were coming, Becky still had to sexx her youkai-followers that also lived in a temple, but not Ichirin, because she had an old geezer sugar daddy named Unzan who was totally fisting her all the time and also not Nazrin, because she is Nazrin. And also not Murasa, because she has Captain Pimp and she's like a ghost so she can't be sexxed.
So in the end, she really only had to sexx Shou, who is a tigergirl and so she had like really much energy to spend and she also had a big spear that they used when drinking tea with the shrinemaiden (Yeah, I bet you totally forgot what that means already!)
And so Becky was really depressed everyday because she loved noone in Gensokyo and she totally didn't even like sexxing anymore and became emo and tried to slit her wrists but since there are no razors in Gensokyo she couldn't even do that.

So one day Becky was walking through Gensokyo with all her harem behind her and they were all playing instruments and as usual Becky had to fight off all the people wanting to sexx her when she was out and the shrinemaiden and the slut wanted her to drink tea with them but Becky didn't want to. And the other slut was always stalking her and taking photos because Becky was so beautiful.
Soon they reached a really high cliff that was really nice with the sunset and all and there was someone standing on the cliff.
It was a person that Becky didn't know, but she like right away knew that this was the person that she had always been searching for and so Becky fell in love and became all hot and wanted to sexx her at once.
The girl on the cliff was meditating because she was a hermit and her name was Kasen and she had a bandaged arm and a big flower on her dress and a weird hairstyle. Becky wanted to ask her for her name but Becky's harem was suddenly behaving totally strange.
They all started to drool and look like they had rabies, except Ichirin, but she was at home with Unzan anyway, because youkai like to eat hermits and even if they didn't know who she was they could smell she was a hermit and so they wanted to eat her.
Becky screamed "No!" but it was too late and Murasa was already looking totally psycho and wanted to eat Kasen, but Kasen suddenly turend around because she had heard Becky scream and when she saw the ghost she immediately removed the bandages and there was no arm and she transformed that into a cannon and sucked the ghost in! (Because she can totally do that, it didn't happen yet but I have a friend in Japan who is a samurai and he knows the artist and he told me it will happen!!!!)
Then Nazrin attacked and Kasen took the bandages and caught her with them and started to strangle her and Nazrin's face was all getting blue and she was begging for mercy but the hermit didn't stop because killing evil youkai was her job. But because she was busy she didn't notice that Shou was tying to kill her as well, but Becky saw it and she shouted "I won't let you kill my one true love, f***ing bitch" (She was emotional, okay?) and she used Devil's Resignation or something like that and turned into Superwoman and then she totally ripped Shou into pieces but she did it painless because Shou was her friend.
When she died Shou realized what had happened and said "Live happy with her" and smiled and so Becky didn't have to feel bad about killing her. Kasen was really amazed when she saw it and she pulled on the bandages and broke Nazrin's neck and when she died Nazrin gave Becky a thumbs-up and Becky was really happy.
And then they were all alone and Becky ran to Kasen and asked her who she was and told her that she lover here and would never let her go. Kasen answered that she was the "Wild and Horned Hermit" and they looked into each others' eyes and started kissing and then sexxed all night long....


And then, stuff happened......

Chapter 1 End

Someone kill me, please! PLEASE! ;_;


  • Hurr Durr
Less than a week, and the new char is getting violated already?

Also, I need brain bleach now D:
I am a thinker. I cast light on various concepts. I can unveil the world's dark secrets if I so please. And yet, there is a single enigma that even I cannot clarify.  - Renko Usami

I am a dreamer. I wander through countless dreams. If I will, I can even walk the roads of the land of illusion. And yet, there is a single vision that even I cannot grasp. - Maribel Han

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Less than a week, and the new char is getting violated already?

Also, I need brain bleach now D:
Just as planned >:D


  • Drop the pills!
I have tried to incorporate the recurring themes of badfic I've put up with in my forays through the pit.. (Slightly NSFW at the end)
Also, if I were writing japanese, the wapanese would be bad english. I's hard to translate this aspect, so I did it the way I knew. Just pretend Gensokyo speaks english if it makes you uncmfortable.

Name: the moon shins brigtly
Hihscool tiems! FutchiwaraNoMoko is the troubled son of a rich buisness man. Wriggle Nitebug is a young man filled wit sunshine, will the two be freinds? Or maybe somthing mroe? Pairing:MokouWri

Disclaimer: All characters are ownewed by ZUMs pple or team (I can't remembvepr the name so aorryy

Data: Celebreties-Rated: M(No rel sexytiems cus im too yung to rite that) -Japanese - Chapters:
Three Published: December 24th 2006 - Team9fanfictino

Chapter one:

It was a nice, warm day when Fuchiwarar no Moko was walking down the school corridor, he sighed while his long, samurai-ish hair fluttered in the wind. He hated his father and he harted his
mother 4 dying and leaving his dad to mary the Moon princess who was relly relly mean to him. He
thought she waz OK at first, before she stole his playstarion. Whemn he complained, she deleted
all his savefiles xcus she wsa a really mena biatch! He hatedf, hated, hated that women, he really
really did. He wanted to kill her but that wouldn't work cuz he was a samurai an shit and they
don't like murder like that I think.

"!!!" His freind Younmoo Konpaaky waved to him from across the strett. "Konnicjiwa Moko-tan!"
Mokouy forced a smile and wavered back. "Oyasumi nasai Younma-san." "What are you doing tonight, tomodachi??" She walked up to his side and grabed his arm. He shook her off cus he knew she kinda had the hots for him but all girls liked moko, even the teavherf in class, Keine. It was because he was so damn good at doing his homework and had a sexy handwrirting style(It must be. tHere is no other ecseplenathon). "oysasumi nasai myuno-chan" he said. "R yu gunna go swrdfighting with me today? you promised." Youma looked sad. moko patted her head like a bruddah did to a lil sistah.

"No sorry i have to go find a good place to slep cuz moonbiatch(he refoozed to vcalle her mom cuz
she wasnt)" burnt up my bed last night............. "" Youmeyu noded saddly. than she smild. "Yuu
can slepp with me, moko-tan!!!!" moko put his hands on her shoulders like that scene in hokkyto no
kenny/fitst of tha north star and noded sadly. youmu loked down and she was sadd.
"imma sammurai, yommu, and so are you.s o you see it wudd'n't be rite." Yoummu noded sadly.
"wakkatymasu.(Dat's I unnderstans for all you nstupidf enuff not to know nihonga) Im sory i
suggestadd it." he smiled unnd3erstandingly., she smiled back sadly. then she went "Ohayo
GozaimMassu, Moko-tan" "Konvban wa Youma-san"

mokko was sadd cus he had nowhere to slep. he coulda asked keine but he was afraid of her Cuz she kpet obzezinhg ovah him lik he wax her age or somthin,he cursed for having so sexy handwritign.

Then he went to the conviniencecce store. there he went to the magazine stand and was gunna take a mgazine when he bumbped into riggle who was a transfer student whod transferred in that morning.

Riggle was a very pritty young boy who lookewd like a girl kinfda. He knew magic an' stuff, but he
was bullyied cus he coulf control bugs and not many girlz likd him 4 dat. He was cute and hadda a
long blac caope atachted to his choulders cus he was emo like taht.

Riggle buhsed. "Oh Gohan tabetai Moko-tan can I hep you with somfin?" mko looked at him and took his hand real quick. "whooooah mokko whatcha doin!?" and dragged him outta tha store.

he pullt him to a small bench just outside that store. Wriggle looked at the older boy as he
busshed "wah that was really sudden.. i was a little afraid u were gunna rap me." "rapo u? But yur
 A BOI!!!!" mokko was annoyed. riggle blushed. "Sory, i look like a girl see so pepple hit on me
alot." "Oh."

"Well I kinda need a bed, cann i crash at your place?" Moko put his ahnd around Riggles shoulder.
riggle blushedd at the touhc anmd couldnt say no to anythng mokko asked at that momment. "ye-yes,

and then they went home hand in hand.

EDIT: PPLE STOP FLAMING OK!!! and i kno that japoanses isnt good but its thw best i got i just
need it to sound japanese OK!!!!!!!

Chapter 2.

Authors note:

Hello. My name is Mystia Lorelei, and I am not the original auther of this fanfiction. However, I
found it half-finished on my freinds computer and felt the need to at least try and make it a
little better, as I found the idea interesting and thought it was a shame that it should be left
Wriggle's room wasn't very big, not was it terribly interesting. There was a beige carpet on the
floor with blue triangle-shaped markings, and a large Ultraman poster on the left wall. On the
other wall was a clock and a Daily-kitten calender with the cat for January proudly on display,
wafting it's beuatifull dark lining of fur for all to see. The bed was small and was one of those
hideious IKEA things, and beside it sat a pink lamp with lace trimmings. Under it was a wooden
desk with a red pencil-mat and a pink cup with three pencils in it, two mechanical and oine felt-
tip. It was red.

However, the young, virile, steed known to the world as Fujiwara No Mokou was currently sitting on the bed next to his young freind, a small boy in the same grade by the title of "Wriggle
Nightbug". The young, girlish boy's lips were currently elevating and decelining at the same speed
as words, notes of sweet, innocent noice escaped his tiny, velveteen airhole, and Mokou listened
to every word as he took in the glory of the young boy's lithe little body-He'd never before
wanted to put his arm around another boy; To feel the sweet, sweet nectar of the emerald-crowned
boy's mouth; to- Damn, curse these wicked thoughts! Curse them back to gehenna, where they came

Yet, the temtation is comepletely unbearable. Ah, the young angel's lips just keep going,
inviting, no, holding his sanity hostage to the thought of once feeling the silken bloom on his
own, like cherry petals falling into the water; and then being drunik by a wonderfull princess
falling from space- He's suddendly reminded of his stepmother and nearly lets out a cure of pure;
untamed; casressing agony.
"And then, I wrote- Hey, Mokou, Mokou, are you listening?"

His lips enclose on the other boy's; Like velvet touching velvet. The burning sensation of the
embrace flows through his body like a golden steed, flaring, burning with desire! These thoughts
are cursed he thinks, cursed; Yet he keeps the grip on his classmate's apple-like flesh firm. In
mere moments; The two's tounges are intertwining; slithering; engaged in a suitable game of tounge
"Mmmf- What are you doing?"

The boy pushes away, hands like burning thunder shooting sparks as they reach his appendages,
pushing away like a gazelle. It tears his freind's very soul to be rejected like this; that the
younger boy would not want him like this!

"Hey, Wriggle." The older boy smiles as he sneaks a hand around the other's thin, medusa-like
waist. The glowing crystalline emerald orbs look up at him; confused, seeking clarification from
his cold and eternally ignoring eyes. "Have you ever been with a man before?" He smirks, caressing
the younger boy's cheek.


And the curtain falls to black.
Chapter 3/ sexytimes/EDIT: NOTE FROM THE EDITOR!!!

Hi guys.
I suppose you are rather mad at me now for interruptting your foray into celebrety fanfiction; but
let me tell you: I had a very good reason to delete these pages. You see, I am one of people this
work is, erm, based on, and I am very much a woman, though my younger freinds would see to tell
you otherwise. So is Fujiwara No Mokou, and no matter what this chapter would have told you if it
were still intact; miss Keine is a very nice woman who just happens to award too much homework to
do over summer vacation(Well, I had to say it somewhere.).

Why have I deleted this chapter? Belive me, I don't think censorship in any form is a good way to
run a state. It's just that my freind, R, got into this mess and tried to write a chapter herself
without prior knowledge of basic biology, leading to a really broken and bloody sex scene, -_-;;
And I'm not even gonna go into what happened to poor Keine. Really, stop doing these kinds of
thinsg, she's nice to us..

Also, Rumia?
they are called vaginas and do not "ated the peen00r", also, I doubt the male sex organ can grow
to 35 CM in size. A penis making it's way up a boys ass and coming out his mouth? Ewww! That's
like something from a horror movie! Also, if a guy had a 35 cm, long, uh... "sclong" as you called
it in your fiction, I doubt it could all slide into a young man's bottom like that. Also,
lubrication? I was going to award you points for a sliver of common sense for remembering it, but
then I had to take that and some more points back because soap... It just, you can't use it that
way. Please, "thingy" is not a good name for a sex organ.. Oh, and I'm a girl! I'm a girl! And
*how the heck can I be "younger" than Mokou when we're supposed to be in the same grade in this

Oh, and what the heck is "boytits" supposed to mean?

Sincerely, W. N.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2010, 09:50:41 AM by Sailor Wriggle »
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
No, you know what... I think I'll try my best to muscle through these and be that honorary judge.

I'll judge them on how much they offend my senses. Will that do?

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
No, you know what... I think I'll try my best to muscle through these and be that honorary judge.

I'll judge them on how much they offend my senses. Will that do?
Indeed it will.

Therefore I hereby declare that I shall not be a judge this time and that my entry shall be judged normally next to all the others once I have completed it with the second part.

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
TRUE Note: You all know I don't do yuri. Fuck you, if you think I did.


Minotaur to Hakutaku

Summary: The Neo Minotaur had been killed in Ptolemea by SEES, but he could not let go of all his hate for them. When the Neo Minotaur finds hiself revived in Gensokyo he is nothing but a monster who attacks people out of hate and anger. Can it be helped that he is made up of nothing but negative feelings? Is there anyway for this shadow to live happily in his new home? Keine thinks he can, and she's going to help him no matter what!

Touhou/Persona 3(FES) - Rated: Dunno - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1- Published: July 28, 2010 - Keine K. and Neo Minotaur

I do not own Touhou. Zun does and stuff, but if I did all the girls would belong to me ;)


She knew he was here.

The monster she had heard alot abotu from the humans who travelled in the forest. Keine had only seen him once so she didn't know too much about him...but there was something about that monster that told her that deep down he wasn't as bad as everyone made him out to be. Keine had told Mokou that she was going into the forest to meet the Neo Minotaur again, so she had her watch the kids at the school until she got back from seeing the Neo Minotaur one more time. Besides, she didn't need her here...not for what she was going to do. Keine slowly made her way through the forest, following the sounds of a loud and fercious roars that ekkoed(sp?) through the forest and scared alot of the weak fairies away. She was close...she could feel it. "Run away, it's the monster with a mask!" one of the fairies said as she and her group flew past Keine at a really fast speed, one of them stopping to look at Keine with a wierd(sp?) look. The Neo Minotaur was a ferasome monster who killed people out of hatred and madness, why was Keine going toward something like that? "Hey hey, don't go out there, it's dangerous!" The fairy said, Keine stopped and looked back to the fairy. "He's not dangerous, he's just hurt and I'm going to help him." And she kept walking leaveing the fiayr to look stupid and stuff. Eventuallie Keine made it to the place where the Neo Minotaur was and all she saw was trees turned over and some dead fairies and youkai from when he beat them up and stuff. This was not strange to Keine buecause she saw him do it before so she wasn't scared. Keine walked up to the monster and put her hand on his arm.

"There you are." Keine said softly to the Neo Minotaur, the huge shadowy monster turning on his heels to see Keine standing beside him. The minotaur did not recognize her before because he was so angry and he roared at her his Shadow Mask of the Hanged Man not being able to show how angry he was right then. But, Keine did not move, she knew he was hurting deep down on the inside. "I've been watching you ever since you came her to Gensokyo and I know you're not as mean as you let yourself out to be." Keine said to the minotaur who was looking like he didn't know what to do. There was a pretty and sexy school teacher on his arm, what was he supposed to do about that? " don't have to hurt people all the time. You can be good and kind like me." Keine said as she rubbed his arm, her hand calming Neo Minotaur down. "Can you tell me why you're so mad at everything?" Keine asked the minotaur who looked away and started to growl again. He was getting angry again just by thinking about his past, you would too if you were killed in your past life for no reason...

"It's okay, you can tell me, I am here for you." Keine said to Neo Minotaur who calmed down again and sat down next to Keine, but he was still really tall caompared to her because he was so big. Neo Minotaur couldn't talk right because he was a shadow, so he only talked in these wierd grunting noises and stuff, but that was okay because Keine could undertsnad him. She didn't know wny though but she could understand him...and she could understand the hurtfulness in his words and why. He said that he had been killed befroe he came to Gensokyo and the people who killed him did it for no reason. Neo got angry again, but Keine just being there calmed him again.

"You were killed?" Keine gasped.

Neo Minotaur nodded.

"Who killed you?"

Neo Minotaur talked in those wierd noises again and Keine understood him again. He said some humans called SEES killed him, and when he died he was mad at them for killing him and his brothers; Minotaur IV, Minotaur III, Minotaur II and Minotaur I. Neo was the only Minotaur to be reincanated to Gensokyo...everyone else was still dead.

"I understand how you feel." Keine said. "Although no one killed any of my friends, I outlived them and I was all alone." Neo did something wierd, Keine thought it was something of a double take so she kept going. "I guess that is how I can relate to you so much, we're both alone deep down inside." Neo didn't know what to say, but he didn't have time to think as something bad happened soon after. Some humans had followed Keine to Neo's hideout and they were all really pissed at him for killing some of their kind. They looked like they were ready to kill him but Keine stood up and protected Neo with her body and said "No! Do not hurt him!" Keine yelled. "he did not mean to kill anyone, he was just mad and confused!" The humans did not listen to her! They still wanted revenge against Neo Minotaur for killing their friends and familes! (But some of them were just hating because they were jealous of Neo Minotaur).

"He killed our people! The monster must suffer!" A human said as he ran toward Keine, the others following behind him. But Neo Minotaur stepped in front of them and blocked their attacks with his big body, protecting Keine. Neo Minotaur then got covered in this red aura and cast Garudyne and blew the humans away. He did not kill them. He just blew them away so it was okay. The humans then got scared and left because they knew they couldn't fight Neo Minotaur when hw was this angry so they ran away and left Keine with Neo Minotarur. "You protected me..." Keine said as she came closer to Neo Minotaur.

Neo Minotaur picked Keine up and Keine kissed him on the mask (because the mask couldn't come of because he was a shadow and stuff). Then something weird happened. Neo Minotaur started to glow and Keine was all really surprised at what was going on but then Neo Minotaur transformed into a human but he still had his horns and, chains and black hair and stuff so it was like Neo Minotaur in human form or something like that (real sexxy too). Keine was floored by how sexy the Neo Minotaur was in his humanoid form and then she and the newly transformed Neo Minotaur got busy and had hawt animal sex in the middle of the forest all day long. Mokou found them later at night and joined in because she wanted Neo's big minotaur thing inside her and stuff. They all lived happily ever after and Mokou and Keine had lots of minotaur babies from Neo Minotaur. (Sorry, I would have gone on more but I doesn't like dirty stuff :( )
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Indeed it will.

Therefore I hereby declare that I shall not be a judge this time and that my entry shall be judged normally next to all the others once I have completed it with the second part.

They'll be scoring bonus points for how little I manage to read before I have to stop and give up.


  • Time expired: 121:45

Cinro is runing from blond buly Sukowa.  (Aslo Cinro is NOT STUPID!  SHE"S SMART ALMOST SMART AS ME!!!!!!!  AND KOSUWA IS BLOND SO SHE IS DUMB ONE!!!!!)  Cinro runs to Mimijo fro portection!  Can Mimijo save Cinro form blond buly Swauko!?  Pairing:CirJo  OTP!

Disclaimer: These characters is owned by Shenghi adn Alice.  I also OWN the charcters when I 1CC everything on Lunetic!

Touhou/Disgaea - Rated: Team - English - Angst/Romance/Action/Comedy/Drama/Lemon/PC/PS2 - Chapters: 1- Published: July 28, 2010 - CinJo OTP!!!!!

*ARTHERS NOTE*  I called it WILD FAIRY cause of the book WILD FANG cause Mimijo is a wolf like in WILD FANG and Cinro is a Fairy so it is called WILD FAIRY!

Cinro was being chassed around my Sowaku and Sane and Canado laughed but did nothing to help Cinro.   "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Sane and Canado said laughing.  "IDIOT DIES STOP HRUTING FROGGS!"  Sawuko yelled!  "HRUTING FROGS MAKES ME ANGRY!"  Suwoka said angryly!  Frogs are icky and need to be killdead.    And Sokuwa knows this and since frogs to Cinro because she is a blonde buly.  "I WiLL KILL YOU AND YOU WILL DIE!"  That shows how du,mb  Wokasu is cause fairys cannt die cause when fairys died they come bakc to alive rite aways.

"I CAN NOT DIE!  TAKE THIS!"  Cinro used her Perfect Freeze but mised Sakowu and freezed Sane.  "GASP!" Canado gasped in surprse!  "THIS IS MY TIME TO ESCAP!"  Cinro said in her head and then she escaped.

She fly down the mounten and fairys shooted at her and shooted back then the fairys stoped shotting at her.   "AYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!"  Aya said ayayaing.  "AYA HAS COME TO TAKE PICTURES WITH MY CAMERA OF YOU"RE UNDEROOS!"  Aya took her camra and take photos of Cinros underoos.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"  Cinro yelled angryish!  "YOU WILL STOP THAT!"  Mimijo has come from the waterfall to stop Aya!  "I WILL CUT YOUR CAMERA!"  Mimijo cut Aya camrea with Tesaga.  "NO GO AWAY!"  Mimijo yelled and Aya went away.  "ARE YOU OKAY CINRO!"  Mimijo asked Cinro if Cinro was ok!

"MAYBE ITD BE BETER IF I DEAD FOR REAL!" Cinro yelled and started crying.  Mimijo slapped her.  "DO NOT SPEAK LIKE THAT!  IF YOU DEAD FOR REAL I WILL BE SAD AND MISS YOU!  CAUSE I LOVE YOU!"  Mimijo started crying too.  "TOGETHER WE CAN STOP KUSAWO!"  They said together and went back up the mountain!

More fairys came and shoot at them as they went up the mountain and they shot at the fairys too.  The went to the shrine and Sawuko was not there and Sane was steel freezed!  "I AM THE MOST BADASS OVERLORD!"  Zetta the most badass overlord came dopping in from the sky!

"WE WILL DEFEAT YOU CAUSE WE LOVE EACH OTHER!" Cinro and Mimijo shouted together.  "I AM THE MOST FREAKING BADASS OVERLORD EVER!  YOU LLOVE CANNOT STAND UP TO BADDASS!"  Cinro and Mimijo love was stronger and Zetta was easily deferted!

"GASP!"  Mimijo gased in surprised.  "LOOK THE BERRYER IS BROKE!" Mimijo pointed at the sky and the barrier was broke.  The two holded hands and went to Raymond's shrine!  More fairys shooted then and they shotted back adn make to Raymond's shrine.  "GASP!"  Mimijo and Cinro gasped in surprised.  The shrine was broekd!  Raymond and Merrysu and Canado and Alice and Kari and Flanders and Sacku and Remela and Patchulu and Run and Shen and Yumu and Raisen and Yuyuyuyuku and Erin and Teh and Yamadamadingu and Shinkiki and Kagura and Muku and Laral and Flon and Adell and Parm and Aya and Haite we're all dead!

Swuako come out of the broked shrine cover and blood that was not her blood!  "I KILLED THEM ALL!  I WAS LOOKING FRO YOU!  YOU NEHVE COMED SO I GET BORED AND KILLED THEM!  IT IS YOU"RE FAULT CINRO!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"  Cinro cryed and angryish!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Ksuwao said laughing!  "DO NOT LISTEN TO HER!  SHE IS AN EVUL BLOND PERSON!" Mimijo say to cheer up Cinro who was crying.  Cinro stopd crying and hugged Mimijo and then they kissed and held hands!

"YOU TWO ARE MAKING ME ANGRY!"  Suwako said angryily and floated above them!  "THIS IS AER FINAL BOSS!"  Mimijo and Cinro yeled together!  "TAKE THIS!"  Cinro used Perfect Freeze and Sawuko was freezed but she was to strong and broek out and punched Cinro with a tree.  Mimijo jumped up to cut Suwoka with Tesager but Sokawu was too fast and catched with her hands and broked the sword like the shrine.

"SHE IS TOO STRONG FOR US!" Cinro shouted!  "I KNOW WHAT I MUST DO!"  Mimijo yelled with tears in her eyes.  "I LOVE YOU CINRO!" Mimijo yelled and jumped on Sawuko and exploded!  "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Cinro yelled in angryish.  She was said cause when tengus die they die and do not come back to life.  Not like her when she dies she comes bakc to life.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Wusako said laughing from the dust!  The dust cleared and Sokawu was not dead and Mimijo was!  "I WANT TO BE WITH YOU!"  Cinro yelled and jumped on Sawuko!  "BUT I CAN NOT THEER IS NO WAYS TO ME FOR DIE FOR REAL!  BUT I MUST STOP FROG!"  Cinro yelled and started to get ice al ovur the place.  "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?  NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Swkuoa screamed but tit was two late and Cinro freezed too Suwako and they could not break out ever!

Yuyuyuyuko got up cause she was a ghost who can not die and Carry also got up cause she was just pretend to die.  Yuyuyuyuyuyuko sawed the kind heart of Cinro and Mimijo and killed Cinro for real so she can be with Mimijo forever in Heaven!  And Carry threw the the ice ball in a volcano killing Sawuko for real.  Then Erin and Kagura and Muku got up cause they our imoral and used Phenix Downs and brought every else back to life.  Zetta and Laral and Flon and Parm all go back home.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
You people truly frighten me sometimes.

Good lord. :ohdear:


  • Kai Ni Recipient Many Years Late
  • *
  • You Finally Did It, Kadokawa.
That's it, I'm taking my week off.

If I read anymore I may need a new prescription.

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
You people truly frighten me sometimes.

Good lord. :ohdear:
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
You people truly frighten me sometimes.

Good lord. :ohdear:

Oh God, what have I gotten myself into by volunteering to judge these :ohdear:

These entries all impress with their luminous quality and thematic subtlety, but can they compare to this literary masterpiece?

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
These entries all impress with their luminous quality and thematic subtlety, but can they compare to this literary masterpiece?
On their own? Probably not.

Read one after the other? Gonna need some absinthe t' drown your horrors, bub.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
I just ate five nuclear wings in a row before diving for a drink.

These stories are more painful than that.


  • I Have A New Obssession
  • *
  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Its lucky I don't have good memory


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.

Reimu and Marisa were drinking Dr. Pepper outside the roller rink. They were at a roller rink because Yukari had gapped them there, she'd said, "Reimu, Marisa, there is something funny going on in the outside world, and only you two can stop it!"

When Yukari said this Reimu and Marisa were then just hanging out at the shrine, eating melon.

"Why us" said Reimu "You don't expect me to do that, because I am lazy."

"Ze" said Marisa.

But Yukari had gapped them there anyway, and so as long as they were in the outside world, they figured  they'd at least get some Dr. Pepper and go to the roller rink. So they bought a sixer of Dr. Pepper and split it while they hung out in front of the roller rink.

"It's strange out here." Marisa said. "What are these magic lights inside of glass things anyway?" She gasped amazed at the streetlight.

"I don't know" said Reimu, finishing her third can of Dr. Pepper. "But something isn't right. I can feel it. I think there's going to be an incident."

Just after she said that they looked and saw a young girl flying through the sky. She was dressed like a normal Japanese school girl. She flew down to Reimu and Marisa and stood there.

"Who are you?" asked Marisa

"My name is Ayumu Kasuga, but everyone calls me Osaka." Then she yawned a really long time.

Reimu gripped her by the shoulders. "Osaka listen to me. Have you seen anything strange lately?"

Osaka shook her head. "But I have a feeling-"

"-there's going to be an incident!" Reimu finished her.

So Reimu and Marisa took Osaka inside the roller rink. They all got skates and started skating to "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. Osaka had to hold hands with Reimu and Marisa to keep from falling. No one freaked out to see Reimu and Marisa because everyone thought they were just cosplayers.

"This is fun, zeeee." said Marisa.

But Reimu was serious. "I have a feeling something's going to happen."

And she was right, because then the center of the rink opened up and fog come out. Loudly and noisily a stage rose up and standing on it was Ho-kago Tea Time. They started playing and Reimu and Marisa stopped.

At first they were blown away by the music but then they thought the instruments were weapons. And so Reimu flew up and cast a spellcard. Danmaku exploded everywhere and people were running and screaming because they'd never seen it. Then Marisa yelled "MASTAH SPAAAHK!" and mastersparked Ho-kago Tea Time.

"What are you doing that's my favorite band!!" yelled Osaka.

"Oh." they said when they landed. Then they held hands.

"Osaka you wait here, me and Reimu are going to make out now in the arcade." Marisa said.

Osaka blushed so hard she almost peed, and Reimu and Marisa went to the arcade and made out there hotly.

When they were done they went back to Osaka and said, "Looks like we solved that incident."

"Not so fast!" yelled a voice behind them and they turned around and it was Hitsune Miku.

Reimu and Marisa looked confusingly at her. "Who are you?" asked Marisa.

"I am Hitsune Miku and I challenge you to a singing competition!"

Reimu and Marisa love to sing so they agreed and they competed. Marisa was first, and she sang "Ridin' Solo" then Reimu sang something by Muse and then Osaka even sang, "Marisa Stole the Precious Thing." Then Hitsune sang and it was so beautiful that Reimu and Marisa knew she was the best. So then Marisa master sparked her.

The three of them left the roller rink and Reimu and Marisa bowed to Osaka. "Thanks very much, Osaka-san!"

"Sata andagiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" said Osaka. Reimu and Marisa looked at each other and laughed, then they were gapped back to Gensokyo.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • ~La, la, la~
  • Texas Chensaw Massacre
I don't know what I find more disturbing, the contents of the stories, or the fact that everyone seems to be so enthusiastic about this. 

Badass bookworms

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
I don't know what I find more disturbing, the contents of the stories, or the fact that everyone seems to be so enthusiastic about this. 
It's piss easy to write shitfics.

It's like, throwing on any type of clothes for a ballroom dance; You don't really have to care how it looks.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
It's piss easy to write shitfics.

Maybe unintentionally, but to deliberately write a convincing facsimile of a bad story/poem/song/painting is difficult.

My English teacher used to throw a "Stuffed Owl Contest" every month. It's a competition to write the worst poem. It was surprisingly difficult. We'd get comments like, "your meter actually maintained itself throughout" or "no bad poet would use a metaphor that intentionally hilarious". Being convincingly terrible at writing, when you're actually at least passable, can be pretty challenging.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • ~La, la, la~
  • Texas Chensaw Massacre
It's piss easy to write shitfics.
Maybe, but bringing myself to actually write something that bad is almost physically painful. I mean, I cringe just reading them, I can't imagine writing one.

Badass bookworms


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
I mean, I cringe just reading them

Ditto here, which is making me regret volunteering for judging these.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
They hurt to read - I admit, for the sake of my own sanity, I've only been able to give most of the other entries a quick read - but I find writing them enticing out of a bile fascination. :V


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Okay, I've read as much of these as I can handle. I've made sure to read something out of each submitted piece of shit work, but I can honestly stand before everyone here and declare that no, I did not manage to finish even a single one.

I hate you all.

Also, Sakana, I'm going to go ahead and tell you now, you get -5 points for using 'and then stuff happened'. Get your own vague jokes! Jerkface.


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Okay, I've read as much of these as I can handle. I've made sure to read something out of each submitted piece of shit work, but I can honestly stand before everyone here and declare that no, I did not manage to finish even a single one.

I hate you all.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Pursuer of cute things
  • Not obsessive in the slightest.
    • Neko Arrange
Alright, I guess I'll throw a submission of my own in before the deadline. I'd like to apologize in advance.

stori is sad bcuz becuzbut koishi help her and thi s storiy is lyke rly sweet so plz r&r its gr8. Koiri at nd
Touhou ? Rated: T ? English Japanese ? Angst/Romance ? Chapters: 1 ? Words: 544 - Reviews: -1 ? Published August 8, 2010 ? gokufan67889

hey i rote this story zuz i like koishi nd satori and thy have th smae lst name and thts like wow theyr made 4 ech othr!!! so i wrote this story cuz its like rely sweet and the yget togher cuz its like cute nd sweet and stuf so plz r&r all f it cuz like i need ne way dont lok at my name cuz i made it when i was ltl and liked shows like that im older and like older ppl shows now and the intrnt but not old ppl shows cuz im not old and plz like my story

saitri was sad and she sayd 'ikm sad bcuz i have no and no me one likes me cuz no one will b my frnd' and she wuz sad and then alice showed up and she was goes 'i hate satori bcuz she haz no frinds and she not cul like evry1 else' and it made satori sad becus she herd it ven tho alice didn't say it bcuz stri can read minds (i know she can!!! i red it on the cmputr and u cnt lie to me bcuz i now so stop telling me she can!!!1) and it made her mad but not angry bcuz she was a nicer prson and that why ppl dont like her and then alive left and she wuz like 'im tell suika how i dont like satori be cuz shes wired and she can read minds and i dont like ppl who can read minds suika nd i will laff at her' and satori cried and wnted alice get run over by a by a but alice walked away. then koishi aperead and she said 'i dont think ur wierd i like you' and satroi was srprised cuz she didnt see satori but she was fine bzuc she knew kieshi was a gud prsn and koishi sat down and said 'my last name is koimaijie and satori waz surprised bzux tht was her last name too and she went' we both have the same last name!!!?!!?!; and koishi was surprsd soo and they both lookd at each other and koishi blshed and she was like 'those ppl are mean i kno their always saying bad thngs aboot yu, but theyre not right your a good person satori and' satori was surprised agin and she gasped and was said 'and what' 'i i love yu!!!!!!11!11!" and satori was so happi bzuc none liked her ever and she was so xcited bcuz she loved koishi too and so she huged koishi and the kised and satori was like 'i love you too!!!1!1!!' and koishi was like 'i no cuz i can read minds too!!' and koishi gasped bcuz she ddnt kno koishi cld do that and they were both hppy bcuz they were in love and then they herd some1 scream and it was alice bcuz they saw her get run over by a bus bcuz she was mean and koishi laffed and said 'now no one will be mean to us ne more cuz we can read minds bcuz alice is dead now' and stori was so happy and they kssed agin and then they were tgether 4ever bzcux they luved each other.

I'm not even sure how to begin reading that one :ohdear: