Author Topic: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)  (Read 62191 times)

Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card (Winners announced!)
« on: January 12, 2010, 06:06:02 AM »
First Place:
   Excellent! I think some of the patterns lasted a bit too long, and it would've been better at 90 seconds instead of 120, but damn this is great. Great job on all the effects, I love the creativity of everything, especially the background.

Second Place:   
Survival in the Forest
   Hahaha, I remember the claw script way back when. Classic. I like what you've done with it. Seems to last a bit too long to me, and could've been fleshed out more I think, but I still like it. The effects were amazing and this was very creative, good job.

Third Place:
Contest Entry: Five Star Over Suwa Lake
   Superb, despite the fact it was kinda boring to play. I don't know how you could've improved, honestly... Maybe the star gimmick wore off too quickly everytime you started a new pattern. Something like "Oh neato, something new. Okay, next". Either way, it was still creative and entertaining the first run through. Nice entry.

Honourable Mention:
Danmakufu "Art Of Survival"
   Pretty solid entry. I recognized a few of the patterns for sure, which was neat. The last phase felt really disgusting though, just an asstorm of bullets with no real purpose but to be an asstorm. You could've done better, for sure. This was still a nice entry nonetheless.

Honourable Mention:
Gamecubic's maze-like survival spellcard
   Best danmaku of all entries. My biggest problems were the necessity of memorization, the lack of anything other than danmaku (though I didn't let this affect my judgement so much, since the danmaku was badass) as well as how cruel that third phase is... :< Loved it anyway.

Honourable Mention:
NovaRaven's : Cross-Franchise "Mac Virus"
   Oh God this was awesome! The difficulty scaled really quickly, and I didn't know what to do without my L or R shield! Even though I was completely overwhelmed by the awesome, I couldn't help but feel disappointed that the computer didn't tell me how many friendship points I earned at the end... And the Dragon was rediculusly hard due to overlapping attacks. I really liked this though, good job!

The Rest of the Entries:
(in no particular order)

Lyrica Boss Battle-Survival
   It was decent, but nothing special. It seemed to not last long enough, and could've used more things included in it, in terms of danmaku anyway.
Blue Star - Aqua Planet
   I sort of liked the pattern ideas, but they are too fast and sudden to be really cool. The last phase probably lasts too long in comparison to the other two phases as well. If you slowed down the card you would've did better, but there wasn't much excitement in this card concept to begin with.
Assault Wall "Geisterwand"
   This could've been great, but turned out really repetitive and annoying. It lasted far too long without much change, and the yellow bullets aggrivated me just because they didnt do anything (even if this was what you were going for). Maybe if you had the card build up more, where different types of familiars would be thrown into the mix as you progress through the card, eventually ending up to a slough of exceptionally different, difficult familiar patterns all over the place, instead of the same ones that you had from the beginning...
Sink Sign "Caught in the Eye of a Storm"
   This was a cool concept and it fit Murasa really well, but I felt like it was too basic (in terms of what you're actually doing, not just spicing up). Much like her actual survival card, it's a shame that it's so simple, monotonous and boring :<

Danielu's Entry for DC#3
   Talk about a cacophany in bullet form! No real pattern here, and lasted too long for how repetitive it was. lol boss image :V
   Cool, but waaay too repetitive. You could've easily shaved off a minute or more, or had fireworks coming from all sides or something. Anything other than the exact same pattern slowly made faster over two minutes.
Dr. Katz
Dr. Katz Contest Entry
   Neat and oddly fitting for Eirin, but very repetitive. Was disappointed to see the only change during the whole spellcard was when the familiars die. Length seemed about right, had you made it get progressively harder instead of just constant.

   I don't really know what to say about this. I can't find anything explicitly wrong about it, it's just really boring. I dunno how to improve, maybe more complex attacks...
Unconscious Beauty
   Ah, not bad at all. I'm not sure about the length and variety of pattern, but I actually though it was pretty good. The shitbrick moment at the very had me audiably going hoooolyyy shiiii--!!! So good job!
Furious Phoenix "Immortal Rage"
   Pretty good too. There are a nice mix of patterns... But probably too much of a mix. The card feels all over the place, with it's intense variety of patterns and colors, but it does make it interesting. Somehwat enjoyable, but it feels like it should've been two different cards :V
Meiling's Punishment
   Disqualified due to :V :V :V :V
Special Menu - Seven Sorbets
   Very neat gimmick, lots of variety in the patterns, but still felt simplistic and predictable (and oddly familiar...). Not only that but most people would cry over the difficulty on all modes :V

   Disqualified due to lack of castanets. I am disappoint.
Yukari's Border of Road and Tunnel
   That's a lot of blue! Some variety to spice it up, and probably making the lower difficulties easier would've raised the enjoyability of this script considerably.

Until Dawn
   Talk about Danmaku! You've certainly filled the screen with ordinance. It's a shame that the ordinance is rather boring in and of itself... More variety and/or less simplistic patterns would've been better.
7 Stars Bounded Field
   Hehe, not bad honestly. Maybe if you took out all the bullshit patterns that are practically impossible, this could've done well :V

Danmakufu Contest #3
Survival Card

Hey guys, it's been a while since we held our last Danmakufu contest, so I figured we should have another one. I discussed it with the guys on #danmakufu, and we decided to hold a contest to see who can make the best survival card. A survival card is a boss attack that you must time out in order to complete, the boss will take no damage from the player's shots or bombs.

Rules and tips:
  • Only one survival spellcard may be submitted.
  • The spellcard must last no longer than 120 seconds, and may last less.
  • You may include more than one pattern in the spellcard (like Mokou's Posessed by Phoenix), but it can be whatever you want, really.
  • You may include a stage script for backgrounds and effects, but only for that purpose. No other enemies or attacks are allowed, save for whatever is in the one survival spellcard.
  • You may include an event (talk script) if you want, but it will not be judged in any way. This is not a "write a story" contest, so keep it short if you include one.
  • The script will be judged on how fun it is to play, how creative the bullet patterns are, and how creative you are with the concept of a survival card. Include difficulties if you need to, but the script will not be judged on difficulty unless it completely interferes with the playability of the script. That is, impossible to play or eye-gougingly easy. Don't suck up to me, either.
  • If you're having trouble with some aspect of the contest, I will be in #danmakufu @, feel free to come get some advice or whatever.
  • You may submit collaboration entries, be sure all people who helped you with the script are credited.
  • You may use ripped sounds and graphics if you wish, I really don't care.
  • If you're having trouble filling 120 seconds (or if it's a really boring 120 seconds), feel free to cut it down. You are not obligated to make a two minute spellcard. Quality over quantity.
  • New people are welcome to submit entries, and are encouraged to do so! All entries will be judged equally.
  • Be creative. Big points for doing really cool stuff.

Your entry is due by Sunday, January 24th, at 23:59 GMT, no exceptions. I will be the only person judging. You may submit your entry in this thread or by PM, but your entry will inevitably be made public when I submit the scores. Please include your name somewhere in the script's #Title or #Text, so I won't be really annoyed while I play your script after searching for your submission post.

Good luck!

Contest is closed.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 08:34:11 AM by Stuffman »


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2010, 06:48:17 AM »
Time to take a brake from fixing my work.

I'll try my best :3

Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 06:49:10 AM »
Maybe this will pull me out of my slump of not having any original ideas.


  • RAWR!
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 07:43:16 AM »
Ohohohoho, another opportunity to make a shitbrick submission. :V
If I really participate. I really like the project I'm working on now so I'm not sure if I wanna spend two weeks not working on it and forget what I'm doing...
<WorkingKeine> when i get home i just go to the ps3 and beat people up in blazblue with a loli
<Azure> Keine: Danmakufu helper by day, violent loli by night.


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2010, 08:31:40 AM »
Good, this saves me the trouble of coming up with the subject for the next contest.

I'll enter if I come up with a clever enough idea.


  • Charisma!
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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2010, 08:59:06 AM »
Wishing the joiners good luck. I enjoyed watching the White05 movies on Naut's channel. I am not /in.

Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2010, 09:34:38 AM »


Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2010, 10:51:38 AM »
Just a survival card? Cool! I suck at making multi-card-scripts anyway, and when it's just about the danmaku, I'm in.

All I have to do is look into my script dump and look for something I can turn into a survival card.

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2010, 02:48:07 PM »
⑨k, I've made a few survival cards already, so I'm just gonna dump one here. I'm still an amateur at this, so feel free to kick me for it. [/tenshi]

Code: (The Worst Survival Spell Ever!!) [Select]
#Title[Koa⑨ma's Contest 3 Entry]
#Text[What does the scouter say about its idiocy level?]

script_enemy_main {
    let BossImage = "script\img\ExRumia.png";
    let CutInGraphic = GetCurrentScriptDirectory~"img\thK01_37cut.png";
    let bossname = "ミカルゲ";
    let Spell = 1;
    let SpellName = "「7 Stars Bounded Field」";
@Initialize {
SetLife(630); SetDamageRate(0, 0); SetTimer(72);
SetEnemyMarker(true); MagicCircle(true); SetInvincibility(180);
SetText(SpellName); SetScore(10000000); SetDurableSpellCard;
SetEffectForZeroLife(60, 55, 3); if(last) { LastSpell; }
SetShotAutoDeleteClip(200, 200, 200, 200);

@MainLoop {
if(OnBomb) { SetDamageRate(0, 0); } else { SetDamageRate(0, 0); if(Spell <= 1) { SetCollisionA(GetX, GetY, 536); /*SetCollisionB(GetX, GetY, 10);*/ } }

let animation = 0;
@DrawLoop {
SetFontColor(255, 255, 255, 155, 0, 155);
DrawText(bossname, 40, 36, 12, 255);
animation++; if(animation==600){animation=0;}
if(animation<=300){ SetGraphicRect(64,1,127,64); }
else if(animation>300 && animation<=600){ SetGraphicRect(0,1,63,64); }
else if(GetSpeedX()>0){SetGraphicRect(192,1,255,64);}
else if(GetSpeedX()<0){SetGraphicRect(128,1,191,64);}
SetGraphicAngle(0, 0, 0);
SetGraphicScale(1, 1);
SetColor(255, 255, 255);
if(!OnBomb) { DrawGraphic(GetX, GetY); }

@Finalize {
if(GotSpellCardBonus) {
let su = 60;
loop(30) { CreateItem(ITEM_SCORE, GetX+rand(-su, su), GetY+rand(-su, su)); }
} DeleteGraphic(BossImage);

task TMain {
SetMovePosition02(GetCenterX, GetCenterY, 20);
Concentration01(120); PlaySE("se\se_ch00.wav");
let graphic = [RED21, GREEN21, BLUE21, WHITE21];
task attack1 {
let a = 0; let b = 150; let num = 4;
loop(120) {
ascent(i in 0..num) {
CreateShot0(GetX+225*cos(a+i*360/num), GetY+225*sin(a+i*360/num), 0, i*360/num+a+200+b, 1/240, 3, graphic[i], 10);
ascent(j in -5..6) { CreateShot01(GetX+225*cos(a+i*360/num), GetY+225*sin(a+i*360/num), 5, i*360/num+a+j*5, graphic[i], 10); }
loop(1) { yield; }
loop(60) {
ascent(i in 0..num) { CreateShot0(GetX+225*cos(a+i*360/num), GetY+225*sin(a+i*360/num), 0, i*360/num+a+180+b, 1/240, 3, graphic[i], 10); }
loop(1) { yield; }
loop(300) { yield; }
task attack2 {
let a = 0; let aa = 5; let b = 150; let radius = -120; let num = 4;
loop(180) {
ascent(i in 0..num) { CreateShot0(GetX+radius*cos(a+i*360/num), GetY+radius*sin(a+i*360/num), 0, 180+a+i*360/num+b, 1/180, 3, graphic[i], 10); }
radius+=3; a+=aa; b-=150/90;
loop(1) { yield; }
loop(360) { yield; }
task attack3 {
let a = 0; let b = 300; let radius = 225; let num = 4;
task ap { loop { a+=3; b-=3; yield; } } ap;
loop(300) {
ascent(i in 0..num) {
CreateShot0(GetX+radius*cos(a+i*360/num), GetY+radius*sin(a+i*360/num), 0, a+i*360/num+b, 1/300, 3, graphic[i], 10);
loop(1) { yield; }
loop(360) { yield; }
task attack4 {
let a = 0; let b = 300; let radius = 225; let num = 3;
task ap { loop { a-=8; b-=2; yield; } } ap;
loop(300) {
ascent(i in 0..num) {
CreateShot0(GetX+radius*cos(a+i*360/num), GetY+radius*sin(a+i*360/num), -2, a+i*360/num+b, 1/30, 5, graphic[2], 10);
loop(1) { yield; }
loop(360) { yield; }
task CreateShot0(xa, ya, v, angle, va, v2, graphic, delay) {
let obj = Obj_Create(OBJ_SHOT);
Obj_SetPosition(obj, xa, ya);
Obj_SetAngle(obj, angle);
ObjShot_SetGraphic(obj, graphic);
ObjShot_SetDelay(obj, delay);
ObjShot_SetBombResist(obj, 1);
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, v);
while(!Obj_BeDeleted(obj)) {
if(v2 > v) {
if(Obj_GetSpeed(obj) < v2) { Obj_SetSpeed(obj, Obj_GetSpeed(obj)+va); }
if(Obj_GetSpeed(obj) >= v2) { Obj_SetSpeed(obj, v2); }
if(v2 < v) {
if(Obj_GetSpeed(obj) > v2) { Obj_SetSpeed(obj, Obj_GetSpeed(obj)+va); }
if(Obj_GetSpeed(obj) <= v2) { Obj_SetSpeed(obj, v2); }
task Attack1 {
let a = 0; let v = 1;
loop(5) {
loop(4) {
let t1 = rand_int(4, 9); let t2 = rand_int(4, 9);
loop(t1) {
CreateShot01(GetClipMinX, GetClipMinY, v, 0+a, RED12, 10);
CreateShot01(GetClipMaxX, GetClipMinY, v, 90+a, BLUE12, 10);
CreateShot01(GetClipMaxX, GetClipMaxY, v, 180+a, AQUA12, 10);
CreateShot01(GetClipMinX, GetClipMaxY, v, 270+a, PURPLE12, 10);
loop(t2) {
CreateShot01(GetClipMinX, GetClipMinY, v, 0+a, RED12, 10);
CreateShot01(GetClipMaxX, GetClipMinY, v, 90+a, BLUE12, 10);
CreateShot01(GetClipMaxX, GetClipMaxY, v, 180+a, AQUA12, 10);
CreateShot01(GetClipMinX, GetClipMaxY, v, 270+a, PURPLE12, 10);
CreateShot01(GetClipMinX, GetClipMinY, v/2, atan2(GetPlayerY-GetClipMinY, GetPlayerX-GetClipMinX), RED02, 10);
CreateShot01(GetClipMaxX, GetClipMinY, v/2, atan2(GetPlayerY-GetClipMinY, GetPlayerX-GetClipMaxX), BLUE02, 10);
CreateShot01(GetClipMaxX, GetClipMaxY, v/2, atan2(GetPlayerY-GetClipMaxY, GetPlayerX-GetClipMaxX), AQUA02, 10);
CreateShot01(GetClipMinX, GetClipMaxY, v/2, atan2(GetPlayerY-GetClipMaxY, GetPlayerX-GetClipMinX), PURPLE02, 10);
loop(10) { yield; }
loop(150) { yield; }
task CreateIndShot01(x, y, v, ang, graphic, delay) {
let obj = Obj_Create(OBJ_SHOT); let c = 0;
Obj_SetPosition(obj, x, y);
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, v);
Obj_SetAngle(obj, ang);
ObjShot_SetGraphic(obj, graphic);
ObjShot_SetDelay(obj, delay);
ObjShot_SetBombResist(obj, true);
Obj_SetAutoDelete(obj, false);
while(!Obj_BeDeleted (obj)) {
if(c == 300) {
ObjShot_SetBombResist(obj, false);
Obj_SetAutoDelete(obj, true);
task Attack2 {
let a = 0; let num = 15;
task CreateIndClus(x, y, alt) { Explosion01(x, y, 255/10, 1/3, 30); loop(60) { yield; } loop(num) { CreateIndShot01(x+150*cos(a), y+150*sin(a), 3.5, atan2(y-(y+150*sin(a)), x-(x+150*cos(a)))+alt, ORANGE01, 30); a+=360/num; } loop(30) { yield; } PlaySE("se\se_tan02.wav"); }
CreateIndClus(GetCenterX, GetCenterY, 45); CreateIndClus(GetCenterX, GetCenterY, -45); loop(60) { yield; }
ascent(i in 0..2) { CreateIndClus(GetCenterX+50*cos(i*360/2), GetCenterY+50*sin(i*360/2), 45); CreateIndClus(GetCenterX+50*cos(i*360/2), GetCenterY+50*sin(i*360/2), -45); } loop(90) { yield; }
ascent(i in 0..16) { CreateIndClus(GetCenterX+20*cos(i*360/16), GetCenterY+20*sin(i*360/16), 20); } loop(30) { yield; }
ascent(i in 0..16) { CreateIndClus(GetCenterX+20*cos(i*360/16), GetCenterY+20*sin(i*360/16), 10); } loop(90) { yield; }
ascent(ring in 0..5) { ascent(i in 0..16) { CreateIndClus(GetCenterX+25*cos((i*360/16)+(ring*7)), GetCenterY+25*sin((i*360/16)+(ring*7)), 10+ring*3); } loop(10) { yield; } }
ascent(ring in 0..5) { ascent(i in 0..16) { CreateIndClus(GetCenterX+25*cos((i*360/16)-(ring*7)), GetCenterY+25*sin((i*360/16)-(ring*7)), 10-ring*3); } loop(10) { yield; } }
loop(240) { yield; } Attack3;
task Attack3 {
let b = 5; let c = 6; let space = 30;
task CreateShot00(x, y, v, ang, graphic, delay, stop, aim, nv) {
let obj = Obj_Create(OBJ_SHOT); let c = 0;
Obj_SetPosition(obj, x, y);
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, v);
Obj_SetAngle(obj, ang);
ObjShot_SetGraphic(obj, graphic);
ObjShot_SetDelay(obj, delay);
ObjShot_SetBombResist(obj, true);
Obj_SetAutoDelete(obj, false);
while(!Obj_BeDeleted (obj)) {
if(c == 50+stop) {
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, 0);
if(c == 170) { PlaySE("se\se_kira00.wav"); }
if(c == 180) {
ObjShot_SetBombResist(obj, false);
Obj_SetAutoDelete(obj, true);
if(aim) { Obj_SetAngle(obj, atan2(GetPlayerY-Obj_GetY(obj), GetPlayerX-Obj_GetX(obj))); }
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, nv);
task CreateShot000(x, y, v, ang, graphic, delay, stop, aim, nv) {
let obj = Obj_Create(OBJ_SHOT); let c = 0;
Obj_SetPosition(obj, x, y);
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, v);
Obj_SetAngle(obj, ang);
ObjShot_SetGraphic(obj, graphic);
ObjShot_SetDelay(obj, delay);
ObjShot_SetBombResist(obj, true);
Obj_SetAutoDelete(obj, false);
while(!Obj_BeDeleted (obj)) {
if(c == 50+stop) {
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, 0);
if(c == 170) { PlaySE("se\se_kira00.wav"); }
if(c == 180) {
ObjShot_SetBombResist(obj, false);
Obj_SetAutoDelete(obj, true);
if(aim) { Obj_SetAngle(obj, atan2(GetCenterY-Obj_GetY(obj), GetCenterX-Obj_GetX(obj))); }
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, nv);
ascent(i in 0..4) {
ascent(x in -b..b+1) { CreateShot00(GetCenterX+x*space, GetClipMinY, 2, atan2(GetCenterY-(GetClipMinY), GetCenterX-(GetCenterX+x*space)), RED01, 10, i*20, true, 4); }
ascent(y in -c..c+1) { CreateShot00(GetClipMaxX, GetCenterY+y*space, 2, atan2(GetCenterY-(GetCenterY+y*space), GetCenterX-(GetClipMaxX)), RED01, 10, i*20, true, 4); }
ascent(x in -b..b+1) { CreateShot00(GetCenterX+x*space, GetClipMaxY, 2, atan2(GetCenterY-(GetClipMaxY), GetCenterX-(GetCenterX+x*space)), RED01, 10, i*20, true, 4); }
ascent(y in -c..c+1) { CreateShot00(GetClipMinX, GetCenterY+y*space, 2, atan2(GetCenterY-(GetCenterY+y*space), GetCenterX-(GetClipMinX)), RED01, 10, i*20, true, 4); } PlaySE("se\se_tan00.wav");
loop(10) { yield; }
loop(300) { yield; } b=10; c=12; let vb = 3;
ascent(x in -b..b+1) {
CreateShot00(GetCenterX+x*space, GetClipMinY, vb, 90+11, BLUE01, 10, 60, false, -2);
CreateShot00(GetCenterX+x*space, GetClipMinY, vb , 90-11, BLUE01, 10, 60, false, -2);
ascent(y in -c..c+1) {
CreateShot00(GetClipMaxX, GetCenterY+y*space, vb, 180+11, BLUE01, 10, 60, false, -2);
CreateShot00(GetClipMaxX, GetCenterY+y*space, vb, 180-11, BLUE01, 10, 60, false, -2);
ascent(x in -b..b+1) {
CreateShot00(GetCenterX+x*space, GetClipMaxY, vb, 270+11, BLUE01, 10, 60, false, -2);
CreateShot00(GetCenterX+x*space, GetClipMaxY, vb, 270-11, BLUE01, 10, 60, false, -2);
ascent(y in -c..c+1) {
CreateShot00(GetClipMinX, GetCenterY+y*space, vb, 11, BLUE01, 10, 60, false, -2);
CreateShot00(GetClipMinX, GetCenterY+y*space, vb, -11, BLUE01, 10, 60, false, -2);
loop(360) { yield; } b=15; c=18; space=10;
ascent(i in 0..4) {
ascent(x in -b..b+1) { CreateShot000(GetCenterX+x*space, GetClipMinY, 2, atan2(GetCenterY-(GetClipMinY), GetCenterX-(GetCenterX+x*space))+5, YELLOW01, 10, -50, true, 4); }
ascent(y in -c..c+1) { CreateShot000(GetClipMaxX, GetCenterY+y*space, 2, atan2(GetCenterY-(GetCenterY+y*space), GetCenterX-(GetClipMaxX))+5, WHITE01, 10, -50, true, 4); } PlaySE("se\se_tan00.wav");
ascent(x in -b..b+1) { CreateShot000(GetCenterX+x*space, GetClipMaxY, 2, atan2(GetCenterY-(GetClipMaxY), GetCenterX-(GetCenterX+x*space))+5, YELLOW01, 10, -50, true, 4); } PlaySE("se\se_tan00.wav");
ascent(y in -c..c+1) { CreateShot000(GetClipMinX, GetCenterY+y*space, 2, atan2(GetCenterY-(GetCenterY+y*space), GetCenterX-(GetClipMinX))+5, ORANGE01, 10, -50, true, 4); } PlaySE("se\se_tan00.wav");
loop(10) { yield; }
loop(180) { yield; } Concentration01(90); PlaySE("se\se_ch00.wav"); loop(120) { yield; }
task Attack4 {
task CreateShot22(x, y, graphic, delay) {
let obj = Obj_Create(OBJ_SHOT); let c = 0;
Obj_SetPosition(obj, x, y);
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, 0);
Obj_SetAngle(obj, atan2(GetCenterY-Obj_GetY(obj), GetCenterX-Obj_GetX(obj)));
ObjShot_SetGraphic(obj, graphic);
ObjShot_SetDelay(obj, delay);
ObjShot_SetBombResist(obj, true);
Obj_SetAutoDelete(obj, false);
while(!Obj_BeDeleted (obj)) {
if(c == 150) {
Obj_SetSpeed(obj, 1/4);
loop(1500) { CreateShot22(rand(GetClipMinX-100, GetClipMaxX+100), rand(GetClipMinY-100, GetClipMaxY+100), WHITE23, 20); } loop(20) { yield; } PlaySE("se\se_tan00.wav"); PlaySE("se\se_gun00.wav"); DeleteEnemyShotImmediatelyInCircle(ALL, GetPlayerX, GetPlayerY, 10);
loop(180) { yield; }
ascent(i in -70..71) { CreateIndShot01(GetX, GetY, 1.5, GetAngleToPlayer+i*4, ORANGE03, 0); } PlaySE("se\se_kira00.wav");
let last = true;
//IT'S OVER ⑨000!!!!!
EDIT: After I played this card, I realized I was off my chair.
EDIT: I know this will not win.
EDIT: My name will probably change before the 24th, so remember that I'm the one who is always a ⑨.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2010, 11:23:17 PM by Koa⑨ma »


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Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2010, 02:50:28 PM »
Wow... ok... time for me to fail again... *starts working on a survival script* :P
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry


  • _m廿廿m_
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2010, 03:28:22 PM »
Whoa, this one feels like there's almost no restrictions. :V I think I've got an idea... hope it hasn't been done before. :/ It's so difficult to come up with something when there's no theme to stick to. :P


  • Umineko fuck yeah
  • Spoilers ?
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2010, 04:18:43 PM »
I am in.
I had an idea of a survival not long time ago, so let's do it !
[21:16] <redacted> dgbarca makes great work
[21:16] <redacted> i hope he'll make a full game once


  • Just an unassuming chapeau.
  • I will never be ready.
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #12 on: January 12, 2010, 04:22:30 PM »
*pinches nose* Here goes!  *plunges in*


  • Dark History Boy
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2010, 05:05:25 PM »
Hmmm. This sounds like fun.  :V

Survival, eh...


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2010, 06:04:19 PM »
Wo wo woooooh! Finally a contest that I can enter with the expectation of not getting a 0% score.  :V

Hmm, I had this basis for a survival script that I lost when my PC barfed, but I think I can recreate it and improve it to the extend neccessary for the contest.

A question: How important is the presentation, that is, everything except for the danmaku? Can I assume that they are negligible as long as the gameplay doesn't suffer from it? I'm asking because the drawing of proper sprites would probably take me many times longer than the scripting itself...   :-X
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."

Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2010, 06:42:21 PM »
A question: How important is the presentation, that is, everything except for the danmaku? Can I assume that they are negligible as long as the gameplay doesn't suffer from it?

There are some points involved in presentation, yes, but they are not weighed as heavily as the enjoyability of the script, how creative the danmaku is, or how creative you are with the concept of a survival card. I'll only deduct marks if it looks like complete ass and/or it was clear that very little effort was made.

I'm asking because the drawing of proper sprites would probably take me many times longer than the scripting itself...   :-X

Isn't this always true...  :'(


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2010, 07:43:22 PM »
Isn't this always true...  :'(
Yes... yes it is...
And no matter how hard I try, the result blows anyways!
Spriting truly means to put the "pain" in "MS-Paint".

...bleh, I'll just take sprites and stuff from RPG-maker sites or something. They probably won't mind if the game engine I use it for is not actually the RPG-maker at all.  :P
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."


  • RAWR!
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2010, 10:07:28 AM »
Shouldn't this be stickied like the other two contests were?

Also, I have a brilliant idea for this so I guess I'm sure to join now. Well, actually that depends on if I can convince an old Touhou-related acquaintance who isn't so into Touhou anymore to draw and sprite for me. :V
<WorkingKeine> when i get home i just go to the ps3 and beat people up in blazblue with a loli
<Azure> Keine: Danmakufu helper by day, violent loli by night.


  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2010, 01:41:11 PM »
Shouldn't this be stickied like the other two contests were?

Spellcard!   [ Icky sticky stuff: "Gorilla super glue!" ]

Allright Stuffman, she is all yours.


  • *
  • We're having a ball!
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2010, 06:29:21 PM »
Why, what do you mean? It's been stickied all along

AweStriker Nova

  • Star Sign "Thunder Constellation"
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2010, 10:25:26 PM »
My initial familiar-heavy card seems a bit natural to retool as a survival card, seeing as it uses a Mega Man-style shield.

Rules question: Are familiars spawned by the boss allowed to be destructible?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 12:48:09 AM by AweStriker Nova »

Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2010, 02:16:41 AM »
My initial familiar-heavy card seems a bit natural to retool as a survival card, seeing as it uses a Mega Man-style shield.

Rules question: Are familiars spawned by the boss allowed to be destructible?
I dont see why not


Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2010, 03:18:26 AM »

Contains everything it needs to run. (I hope)

This is more like a puzzle/maze kind of spellcard. Not what I usually do. And transparent bullets do not kill the player.
It has normal difficulty (The one I originally made. Closer to hard than normal) and easy difficulty (The one I made because I could not pass the standard version. Closer to normal than easy)

The only reason I may edit this script would be to add effects. But I don't think I will: glowy bullets are already shiny enough @w@

Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2010, 03:34:52 AM »

Contains everything it needs to run. (I hope)

This is more like a puzzle/maze kind of spellcard. Not what I usually do. And transparent bullets do not kill the player.
It has normal difficulty (The one I originally made. Closer to hard than normal) and easy difficulty (The one I made because I could not pass the standard version. Closer to normal than easy)

The only reason I may edit this script would be to add effects. But I don't think I will: glowy bullets are already shiny enough @w@
This is so awesome *-*

AweStriker Nova

  • Star Sign "Thunder Constellation"
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2010, 03:46:41 AM »


Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2010, 05:36:16 PM »
My contest entry:

A survival card with Murasa, length 40 seconds.

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

  • The Oddity
  • 今コソ輝ケ、我ガ未来、ソノ可能性!!
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2010, 05:37:57 PM »
This is more like a puzzle/maze kind of spellcard. Not what I usually do. And transparent bullets do not kill the player.
It has normal difficulty (The one I originally made. Closer to hard than normal) and easy difficulty (The one I made because I could not pass the standard version. Closer to normal than easy)
Koishi's Subterranean Rose much??


  • Ph?nglui mglw?nafh
  • Cat R?lyeh wgah?nagl fhtagn.
Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2010, 05:57:36 PM »

I like it.  ;D

My contest entry:

A survival card with Murasa, length 40 seconds.

I don't mean to complain, but...

#include_functionで置換するファイル[F:\Touhou\th_dnh\script\Contest Entry by VideoGameCrack\bgcontrol.txt]が見つかりません

...please word your path directioning so that it doesn't matter where you put the script folder.

Also, when I did put the folder in the regular script folder, all the bullets in the script where invisible...  :-X
Old Danmakufu stuff can be found here!

"As the size of an explosion increases, the numbers of social situations it is incapable of solving approaches zero."

Re: Danmakufu Contest #3 - Survival Card
« Reply #29 on: January 15, 2010, 12:22:28 AM »
It's missing the "supershot.txt" shot replace script derp