The Danmakufu Wiki description should be something like "Is fucking cryptic, bring your puzzle solving kit and memorizable rubix cube functions to decode these motherfuckers".
But seriously, though I didn't get any word, I'm gonna assume it was made official that the new wiki has been sacked, and that I should now take it off my homepage? Staring at a 404 screen everytime I open the intertubes is becoming really discontenting as of late, and I'd like to remove it if the page has been officially gutted.
So, does this mean we should start sifting through the Engrish pages and decode them into a readable language, or what? Cause the pages cover pretty much everything (there are exceptions, I know), but God help you if you actually want to learn something from that moontext.
Also, I'll be making an official thread for the intermediate tutorial once I finish it. I'm having some trouble wording it in a clear way and still covering everything while maintaining legibility. There is many a thing I want to explain and I don't want it to be a story book, just a lesson you could get through in as little time as possible. So keep an eye out for that, but I won't give any breakable timeline promises.