Author Topic: Remilia Quest Tr?  (Read 44044 times)

Re: Remilia Quest Tr?
« Reply #330 on: July 09, 2013, 07:24:31 PM »
If i got that right,in Hatate Quest you mean to give choices and clues for the player for easier identifying the different routes  .Is this to avoid a"Subtle and Noxious Route-Shifiting-Locking"?As interesting as it would have been changing the Story's Path and explore the Underworld,your contigency plans seems to be intended at dodging story derailment.
Thank you for your effort.

Please,one last answer.There's one last question,more of an afterthought seeing as I'm hogging all the questions  :blush:   :
"Lust is set to check on Reimu,Kogasa and Medicine.How are they faring post-incident?"
Thanks again.

As Hatate Quest is currently ongoing, I hesitate to answer that question in an open fourm. I don't want to risk spoiling anything about the events to come. However, I can PM you a more detailed answer, if you wish.

Although Kogasa and Medicine were injured during their rather dramatic battle, the both of them were well looked after. Medicine was attended to by Eirin, and you can't get better medical care than that. And Kogasa wasn't as badly hurt as Lust feared. She was back on her feet after only a week or so. She did hang around the Hakurei shrine for a bit longer, however, but that's another story.

By the way, I realize that you folks may have been a bit disappointed that the sequel quest I mentioned wasn't another Remilia Quest, but that was my plan all along. I had a story in mind for Remilia, and after you beat Dio, that story was done. The next story belonged to someone else. But don't let that discourage you from joining in. Kilga said it himself, the more the merrier.

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Re: Remilia Quest Tr?
« Reply #331 on: July 16, 2013, 10:20:25 PM »
As Hatate Quest is currently ongoing, I hesitate to answer that question in an open fourm. I don't want to risk spoiling anything about the events to come. However, I can PM you a more detailed answer, if you wish

Yes,please do.

By the way, I realize that you folks may have been a bit disappointed that the sequel quest I mentioned wasn't another Remilia Quest, but that was my plan all along. I had a story in mind for Remilia, and after you beat Dio, that story was done. The next story belonged to someone else. But don't let that discourage you from joining in. Kilga said it himself, the more the merrier.
No,you are mistaken in a good way.It was clear from the explanation you wrote at the end of "Remilia Quest Tr?" that the new rpg wouldn't be a continuation for Remilia, but it would be somehow linked with the story.I am,we are I figure,just curious about other aspects straight linked with the current rpg and that had a low chance of being covered during the next one.Imo:curious,quite so,disappointed,quite not.
On the matter of Hatate Quest,I'm following it waiting for an opportunity to write in, despite the fact that my life is currently somewhat hectic.However,I spot enough players for an enjoyable session and still I have not yet found a subject I feel to be useful for joining.
By the way,nifty new avatar you have there!  :toot:

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