Author Topic: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Someone Wins  (Read 56663 times)


  • DiEnd
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #480 on: March 25, 2012, 05:20:08 AM »
Oh holy hell, it's exhausted quote stripe time. This post (pair) is pure responding to stuff directed at me, which I don't like doing on general principle, but I really do not have the time or energy to do anything else right now, and a tomorrow where I can dedicate some real time to this game is finally looming and I want to get there ASAP.

Gasai stuff

To respond more directly to Tenshi, specifically her posts today: Can you explain why your suspicions of Uesugi would decrease if Kaori flipped town, when Uesugi had been voting Kaori since the start of the day? Can you also explain why Uesugi being confused about a town's roleclaim and believing they were lying is scummy?

I looked at the two possible situations from Scum Kenshin's perspective.

- Town Blackrose/Scum Kanzaki: I can see Scum Kenshin trying to make up a reason to flip from Kanzaki to BlackRose to avoid lynching a buddy, given the oportunity had presented itself in the BlackRose wagon. I didn't think there was really that much to be confused about, especially after Irene's initial confusion came and went since I felt that should have cleared up any remaining uncertainty, which is why I questioned the sincerity.
- Town Blackrose/Town Kanzaki: Where on Earth is the benefit in Scum Kenshin pulling a stunt like that? Is saving one night-worthless townie by sacrificing one that hadn't been much better really worth all that negative attention? I don't see the reward at all, but I see a good deal of risk. It's such a nonsense move for Scum Kenshin, which is why I think Town Kanzaki would make Town Kenshin more likely.

Regarding terrible sleeping habits which I can hardly condone because sleep is the most important thing to me: The nature of my problem is more that you refrained from commenting overmuch before the claim happened. It didn't seem like you were fighting hard to oppose the lynch to push your own target and when the claim went down you just said obv true and left it at that.

The nature of the claim was such that I couldn't produce an immediate strong enough reason in my head that it was fake to feel comfortable switching to her before going to bed, especially since I was switching to her largely to avoid No Lynch.

The lack of extensive commenting/case pushing was due to a day full of commitments; note #119 and #133. When I finally got a little bit of time in #142 I would like to think I expressed why I was a little less sold on the Miki lynch than the Mitsurugi lynch. I didn't think there was much to push on Mitsurugi at that point that I hadn't already done throughout the day.

(Also you're going to hate this post even more because if it were not for this game I would have gone to bed immediately after getting home over two hours ago. >_>)

I also note the next day you refrained from commenting on Meiya's claim at all. You never justify why you dropped your suspicions. At all. There isn't a single mention of her Day 1 after that.

From my #181:

Miki's flip makes me not feel quite as gung-ho on Mitsurugi, given I disliked them for rather similar things.

I saw one person who I felt had been misrepresenting my cases flip town and figured that maybe the problem was actually on my end. I can go "well, Townflip Person A must have just been confused about the way I worded things, maybe Person B is the same way and is also town." (Contrast this to BlackRose's flip not making me change my mind about Kanzaki; I'm not going to go "well, Townflip Person A barely ever posted and their content wasn't great when they did post, maybe Person B that has barely ever posted and mostly made posts devoid of meaning when they did post is also town.")

Cut by discussion surrounding this. I wasn't entirely devoid of suspicion of Miki, since she has been making misrepresenty mistakes about my cases in a fashion similar to Mitsurugi (along with a couple of other things mentioned in #87 and #142). Hopefully you can see how this led to the above, since you make less of a distinction between Kanzaki and BlackRose than I do.

This post contains your only mention of her that day, in a post that talks majorly about Uesugi and Maka and it's easy to miss the paragraph about how Meiya is voteparking. (You even comment that your current suspect brought up a good point about it.) You also never follow up on these comments and they aren't included in your accusations directed at her today. In my opinion it seems like you're taking each day seperately and bringing up the things people have done lately instead of making your reads based on fluid continuous thought processes.

What, you think that since I didn't mention those thoughts again that I don't hold them anymore? I haven't somehow forgotten I said those things, and they do still apply. If I decide in the future that Mitsurugi is more worth my vote than Kanzaki, I'll probably reference them directly then. But I don't like to repeat myself if I don't think it's necessary, doing so clogs the thread, and I didn't see a need to put those thoughts in a post that was focused on a Kanzaki vote and what new information could be gleaned from how the end of the day played out.

Also, because you add on the Kaori vote on the end like that I can't tell why you're voting her over Meiya at this point, who it sounds like you have a much better case on. Your cut emphasizes this point to me.

Because contentless posting is pretty much the scummiest thing possible, and Kanzaki is guilty of it in spades. Given this, while I think Scum Kanzaki/Town Mitsurugi is unlikely, I think it's still likelier than Town Kanzaki/Scum Mitsurugi, which makes Kanzaki the likelier scum to me. This does make me realize that I should give Mitsurugi, Albarn, and Irene a proper reread in a "what if Kanzaki were town?" mindset, since I haven't had the chance to do it yet. Tommorow could work for that, since it'll be the first day in a long time where I won't have to be away from the computer for the majority of it. (Clearly the optimal thing to do with a day off from life commitments is to spend it dealing with Mafia!)

Giving this its own post because the rest addresses other people and all of it combined isn't nearly as long as this one.


  • DiEnd
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #481 on: March 25, 2012, 05:22:38 AM »
Irene stuff (not gonna quotestripe the rest of this because I don't think it's necessary)

- The explanation for the BlackRose vote seems reasonable. I'd still don't like how you bristled at being forced to partially commit to a role type when your preferred course of action (the attempted lynch of a third person) would have also given scum extra information after they claimed, though.

- I'm not seeing how someone corroborating Kanzaki's Jail target claim by claiming to be roleblocked translates to "Kanzaki's claim is true and therefore she is town". Mafia roleblocker is certainly a possibility, one Busy has mentioned at least two or three times at this point, and while Irene 1.0 would have been an odd scum faction roleblock choice, it's not an impossible one. (On the subject of today's claim, I could certainly see Eclair as a scum faction roleblock.)

- See the "repeating myself" comments above for why I didn't go over the Kaori case again. There's an extra bonus here in that I ended up going over the case again anyway in #314 because Farina still wasn't satisfied. I figured that post would still be reasonably fresh in everyone's minds, given I had explicitly requested time to make the post and pulled off of Kanzaki temporarily to make sure I didn't get interrupted by a quickhammer.

- I'm only giving Albarn not hammering a null-tell pass. I'm not giving Albarn herself a null-tell pass for her yesterday. My #258 still applies. Unless you disagree with giving the lack of a hammer a null-tell pass? (Note that "null-tell pass" does not mean "I think this was a townie thing to do," It means "I think Albarn would have acted exactly this way regardless of alignment.")

- If you're really that worried about it, I don't currently see a good reason to hold your Farina suspicions against you. It's not like Mafia has a long and colorful history where no one has ever suspected anyone that later got NKed and flipped town.

Mitsurugi stuff

The suspect nature of Kenshin's end-of-day dance is not something I disagree with. The problem I have with your original post last night is that it didn't actually commit to any meaningful position. It left you open to later explain why it interested you in whatever fashion you found most advantageous. Just as one example, if other people gave Kenshin's idea consideration, you could have said the post interested you because it highlighted something that made BlackRose extra suspicious and used it in an attempt to push BlackRose further over Kanzaki.

Martinozzi stuff

Mitsurugi's next in line after Kanzaki, with Albarn and Kenshin following in some order that changes almost every time I think about it. I'm hoping the "what if Kanzaki was town?" reread I mentioned earlier will make it clearer. Irene's also possible but at present I don't put her very close to the other four.


  • Kiva-la
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #482 on: March 25, 2012, 06:10:40 AM »
Just got home.  Best friend got engaged!  Been out basically all weekend.  Going to bed shortly, hope to respond to a few points first.

Miss Kenshin felt it appropriate to use miss Rose's supposed confusion in regards to her own role as her reason to vote for miss Rose. Others pointed out to miss Kenshin that her analysis in regards to miss Rose's role was flawed. However miss Kenshin's response was to ignore these words of advice and to instead call for others to speak upon the subject whilst leaving her own vote upon miss Rose. Miss Kenshin clearly stated within this post that she believed miss Kanzaki's claim to do her no favors so I ask why was it that miss Kenshin failed to move her vote when the basis for miss Kenshin choosing to place her vote upon miss Rose rather than miss Kenshin was proved to be nothing but an misinterpretation on miss Kenshin's part?

Speaking of misinterpretation, I did not vote BlackRose at all (though I suppose I would have had she not been at L-1)... so this entire statement seems pretty meaningless.

I'm not  In addition I believe miss Uesugi to be a large offender in regards to over-dramatizing the timing of miss Busy's vote on miss Miki during the first day, though this has been covered in depth by others before me and I feel not the need to bore you all by reiterating their thoughts.

Despite quite clearly stating that I did not think she was scum because of it?  I'm seriously starting to doubt you're even reading my posts. :/

specially the parts on how Uesugi suddenly switched from wanting Kaori lynched throughout the whole day, to suddenly bring both lurkers down to the same level and then supporting the lynch based on confusing wording that had already been sorted out earlier. Either Uesugi wasn't reading the thread properly and scumhunt effort where or this was a scum move made to prevent a Kaori lynch when a Blackrose mislynch was available.

I was certainly confused by BlackRose's claim, and continued to be confused until here.  ... Actually, you know what?  No, that's not true.  I'm still confused by her damn claim, because she flipped town and was therefore being truthful... but admitted to fakeclaiming?!  She targeted Yuno but Yuno effectively counterclaimed her?  I clearly don't understand anything about this game anymore.  Ugh, if someone whose brain isn't currently a scrambled mess wants to clue me in on what happened yesterday prior to the lynch, I'm all ears.

That being said, I also have to be entirely honest and come out and say that I haven't read Tenshi's posts very much during this entire game.

Thanks for admitting you're only reading the posts of the people you're trying to lynch. :|

That's enough for now, even this token amount of posting is giving me a migraine atm.  Sleep forever then more post tomorrow.

Punch Hopper

  • Punch Hopper
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #483 on: March 25, 2012, 07:19:57 AM »
I don't think she was fakeclaiming.

The part you just pointed out about never having voted Blackrose is fucking strange. Meiya how did you not notice that? We don't believe you're paying attention to the game at all at this point.

Yukkii manages to post while drugged enjoying tea in my basement. He doesn't believe anyone should use excuses for that.

We will reply to Tenshi after we've had time for a proper reread ourselves.

Kick Hopper

  • Kick Hopper
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #484 on: March 25, 2012, 08:42:08 AM »
That is a blunder on my part. I am not entirely certain on so as to how I interpreted an empty unvote as a vote on miss Rose.

However I believe this to be a moot point as the two viable wagons at this point were miss Rose and miss Kanzaki. Does the point not remain that she did not withdraw her statement in regards to miss Rose and simply allowed miss Rose's lynch to occur when she was so against miss Kanzaki?

Yes, you have not explicitly stated that you found miss Busy's hammer timing to be scummy, however when you mention your disapproval in this post of miss Busy's hammer along with a statement such as "At the risk of sounding moronic I'm going to hold judgement until after I see your case on me, because it might at least show you're putting your own thoughts together." does this not imply that you find miss Busy suspicious for the hammer?
I realize that miss Kenshin states within this post that she thinks of miss Busy as not being scummy due to the hammer timing. I believe, however, that miss Kenshin would have used this as an argument against miss Busy if she could. This is naught but speculation on my part but if I do not believe in my own thoughts, who else will?


  • Plat Form
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #485 on: March 25, 2012, 12:46:24 PM »
I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't consider the possbility of plain roleblocker until Esuna mentioned it last night. I seem to have been to hung up on my town read on Kanzaki due to her active lurking while logged onto her frickin' mafia account to consider that her jailor claim was false, and I figured "there can't be a scum roleblocker and a town roleblocker at the same time, the universe will divide by zero if they block each other", which not only is a really dumb train of thought, but was also completely disregarding the possibility of Kanzaki fakeclaiming as an actual scum roleblocker.

I have no idea what you mean. I'm just a sweet innocent Diary Owner writing about her beloved. And we're more like posting ad a median between us.

I've only managed to find out who Blackrose and Esuna are after being told that about half the players have already softclaimed, I can't believe I missed all of them, and after this I no longer have any idea what's going on with players in this game. I hate you all :V

Now to read Uesugi and actually do something.


  • Plat Form
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #486 on: March 25, 2012, 12:55:43 PM »
@Mod. Uh... actually, can we get a prodcount?


  • Plat Form
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #487 on: March 25, 2012, 02:22:14 PM »
Speaking of misinterpretation, I did not vote BlackRose at all (though I suppose I would have had she not been at L-1)... so this entire statement seems pretty meaningless.

Given Maka's refusal to vote for either, I myself had voiced concern on how unvoting one of the two at that point pretty much meant avoiding a lynch on them and supporting the other lynch, and considering that your unvote happened along with a ridiculous read flip-flop, it makes it scummy as hell. Don't you people keep rambling on about how you shouldn't depend on the role game and such? You gave up your scum read just because and decided that Blackrose deserved being lynched for a series of misinterpretations.

Despite quite clearly stating that I did not think she was scum because of it?  I'm seriously starting to doubt you're even reading my posts. :/

This took about a whole day to happen. A day in which pretty much everybody voiced their concern on how this point was overdramatized, except Farina, who didn't really pick up the point as much as she had issues with the fluff sorrounding the quickhammer, which is a much more valid point.

I was certainly confused by BlackRose's claim, and continued to be confused until here.  ... Actually, you know what?  No, that's not true.  I'm still confused by her damn claim, because she flipped town and was therefore being truthful... but admitted to fakeclaiming?!  She targeted Yuno but Yuno effectively counterclaimed her?  I clearly don't understand anything about this game anymore.  Ugh, if someone whose brain isn't currently a scrambled mess wants to clue me in on what happened yesterday prior to the lynch, I'm all ears.

Seriously? Is anybody paying any proper attention to this game?
#355 to #366 is me being confused with the wording in the same way you later were, and sorting it out while you were too busy posting reads on people after saying how much you disliked it (repeated for emphasis since she's completely disregarded this point that I find to be complete and utter disconnect). You must've definitely skimmed through this, and doing so when you had the time to make an important decision, then disappearing in the last half an hour of the day after Farina attempted to make it clear to you as well doesn't strike me as very town.
Her fakeclaim comment was not implying that she was doing so with her claim at that moment (I question the veracity of this confusion, because who in their right mind would say that?), but rather that she had considered gambiting like Sayaka did, but decided against it seeing how she could've been overlooking important things like Sayaka did that would make people want to hammer her over Kaori.
The only valid point among these is the Yuno counterclaim, which seems odd considering I'd find scum blocking Blackrose... weird. Unless it was planned out that Blackrose would become a lynch priority during D2 and that her claim would make her suspicious if she didn't have any results to give, making anybody want to hammer her over Kaori, but that's assuming Kaori!scum, and it would mean that scum!Kaori was gambiting hard claiming a roleblock on me, unless they did actually rolecop me which I already mentioned I'd find "??". This is a very confusing counterclaim, and considering how Yuno was the first one to call out for a possible massclaim herself it makes me slightly suspicious, depite my otherwise town read on her.

Can I get anybody else's impressions on the counterclaim?

Overall likeliness to be scum today from my PoV:
Uesugi > Meiya/Maka(until post, and I'm expecting something along the lines of my D2 opener at this point) >> Tenshi/Yuno/Kaori >>>>>>>>>>> Esuna/Eclair.


  • Plat Form
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #488 on: March 25, 2012, 02:40:17 PM »
Forgot to add that in 25 minutes I'm disappearing for 5~ hours.


  • Plat Form
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #489 on: March 25, 2012, 03:02:20 PM »
Prodding Kaori for that empty post promise before I go.

Punch Hopper

  • Punch Hopper
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #490 on: March 25, 2012, 03:05:57 PM »
I can't believe there are people who still think Irene is suspicious. So adorable. But stay away from my Yukkii. I don't want a massclaim unless Eclair is certain today could be the last day. From the sounds of roles I wonder if we could have broken the setup from Day 1 by claiming.

Eclair is too.. what is the word. Solid? Yukkii told me I'm not allowed to go knife her anyways. :< Maka was too enthusiastic to get all the townies talking. Esuna is too offended that people think she's anything but town. Irene is so green they're going to print her into 20 dollar bills.

2) Meiya Mitsurugi (Muv-Luv)
8) Tenshi Hinanawi (Touhou Project)
9) Uesugi Kenshin (Sengoku Rance)
12) Kaori Kanzaki (To Aru Majutsu no Index)

These are the four suspects I've narrowed my search down to. Yukkii is curled in a ball in the corner talking about how everyone is town so I guess it's up to me to find the evidence. (Incidentally have I mentioned how much I like all the wagons today?)

I'm still half asleep but I can answer Tenshi in that I'm well aware what her stated reason was for dropping Meiya in her suspicions. I ignored it because it's not a reason at all. You thought Sayaka was a town cop being put up against Meiya as a mislynch and there was no real doubt in this stance. Why would Sayaka's town flip convince you her counterwagon was also town? Why didn't you mention this at the time? It looked like you just wanted to forget the first day ever happened.

I guess I should ask Eclair the same question I asked Tenshi. Why did you drop Meiya to go after someone else after focusing on Meiya for the entire Day 1? I don't see a reason that you disregarded her, and you only brought up her behavior and her sleepy vote on you at approximately 12 hours left in the day.

Kaori has alot of things she needs to answer to right now and if she posts and goes I'm not going to stop her lynch.


  • Decade
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #491 on: March 25, 2012, 03:11:43 PM »
@Eclair : The Latter, I believe you're town.

Why are you under the impression of being roleblocked?
I believe I was roleblocked because That is the main role I know of that causes actions to fail.

I totally forgot to mention one last thing.
Reading through old PMs in this account, mods seem to usually let the player know when their night action outright fails, why would you "suspect" that you've been roleblocked when it should be a matter of the action going through or being told that it didn't?

Are you trying to get a softclaim out of Eclair today as well or what?

Way past my bed time, I need sleep.
I had no thought of this until you pointed it out.

I Agree with EsunaDra case on Uesugi.
##Vote Uesugi Kenshin

To elaborate, it's not even trying to put up a pretense of attempting to play because she said what her supposed n2 target was (and that she was roleblocked) and left.

Nothing else. Other then BROKEN PROMISES

I never promised, I said I would make a post, I never specified what time it would be. This applied to every other post that used it as well. It was merely the way you looked at it, and expected it to come soon each time.

I also, You were needlessly antagonizing Yuno with "Pot calling the Kettle Black". While not scummy, but definitely needless.

@Mods: Kaori Kanzaki: (1) Tenshi Hinanawi, Esuna Busy


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #492 on: March 25, 2012, 03:51:46 PM »
Kaori Kanzaki: (2) Tenshi Hinanawi, Esuna Busy
Tenshi Hinanawi: (1) Yuno Gasai
Uesugi Kenshin: (2) Meiya Mitsurugi, Kaori Kanzaki
Meiya Mitsurugi: (1) Eclair Martinozzi

Not Voting: Quicksword Irene, Uesugi Kenshin, Maka Albarn

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
35.5 hours remaining.
Countdown timer

@Mod. Uh... actually, can we get a prodcount?

There have been way more prods than people deserve.


  • DiEnd
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #493 on: March 25, 2012, 05:33:36 PM »
8) Tenshi Hinanawi (Touhou Project)


I'm still half asleep but I can answer Tenshi in that I'm well aware what her stated reason was for dropping Meiya in her suspicions. I ignored it because it's not a reason at all. You thought Sayaka was a town cop being put up against Meiya as a mislynch and there was no real doubt in this stance. Why would Sayaka's town flip convince you her counterwagon was also town? Why didn't you mention this at the time? It looked like you just wanted to forget the first day ever happened.

Because it genuinely didn't occur to me that people would take my post as "Tenshi believes the claim and therefore thinks Miki must be town." If I had immediately believed the claim I would have outright said so (for all that this is worth now). My thought process was "The claim could be true, or it could be a scum fakeclaim, but I don't have the time or energy to reread and make a solid decision and/or wait for a Mitsurugi claim, so I'll do the responsible thing and not switch my vote to the cop claim I'm not presently sure is fake." Remember that you were in an advantageous position at the time to speedily determine the claim was fake, since you "live" with being a miller. I didn't have the miller-copclaim-incongruity cemented into my head like you did because my role situation is different, so I couldn't make the same quick this-is-obviously-fake call you could.

Gonna look over Mitsurugi and Kanzaki's latest posts, then see about that reread I mentioned last (non-game) night.


  • DiEnd
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #494 on: March 25, 2012, 05:52:22 PM »
Mitsurugi making stuff up about the status of Kenshin's is bad as others have pointed out - I think Mitsurugi may have hit the point of just making stuff up - but I don't think pointing that out counters the entire argument as much as Kenshin thinks it does because Kenshin still expressed willingness to cast that vote.

I Agree with EsunaDra case on Uesugi.
##Vote Uesugi Kenshin

Why is it agreeable? Why it ahead of any other case?

I never promised, I said I would make a post, I never specified what time it would be. This applied to every other post that used it as well. It was merely the way you looked at it, and expected it to come soon each time.


I'm going to assume Busy's going to be useless for the rest of the game because I'm pretty sure both hydra heads exploded into a million tiny pieces upon reading this.

And now for that reread.


  • Kabuto
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #495 on: March 25, 2012, 06:17:53 PM »
I'm going to assume Busy's going to be useless for the rest of the game because I'm pretty sure both hydra heads exploded into a million tiny pieces upon reading this.
One of us did, and the other got some glue and a broom. We're back, folks!

Uesugi's post:"Here's some defense on myself, bye I'll be back tomorrow"
...okay now she's just active lurking. In other words, "Excuse me, I'll pass, and wait on having an opinion until it gets close to time for me to be prodded again."

Anyway to her poke on us, well yeah, I do focus a lot more on people I'm trying to lynch. That being said, Tenshi is the only person whose posts my eyes actually glaze over on (Now that Meiya's are not impossible to read) and I don't really care that much because nothing -really- bad sticks out when I skim them, unlike, say, Uesugi and Kaori being horribly bad. I have my priorities and they're pretty satisfied with the two Scum In Front Of Me.

Kaori's post:"Hi let me go sheep Esuna whom I was chasing as scum all d2, by the way I was just trolling you about posting lulz"
To put it a different way, she basically said "Yeah I mean I'm going to make a post at some point in the future." GEE, I THINK WE KNOW THAT. If you weren't going to you would just be modkilled. It's blatantly obvious that you're going to post eventually (And if you aren't we wouldn't care anymore because you would be removed from the game after you didn't post for 48 hours or so). If you actually tell us you're going to make another post then the statement explicitly implies that you are going to make another post soon.

I highly doubt I actually needed to explain that to anyone but whatever. The part of the post that's actually scummy is the "Let me go blatantly sheep the case off the person I thought was scum all of d2"

And her poke on the needless shenanigans: Yeah, a tiny bit of needless shenanigans never hurt anyone. It's just part of the fun :3c

...wait what the heck happened to Maka? It's like she fell off the face of the planet. It makes me frown deeply.

Punch Hopper

  • Punch Hopper
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #496 on: March 25, 2012, 06:37:37 PM »
Quote from: Kaori
I believe I was roleblocked because That is the main role I know of that causes actions to fail.
This doesn't answer the question at all.  Why do you think your action failed?


  • Plat Form
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #497 on: March 25, 2012, 07:47:08 PM »
Aaaaa still have to read past #491 but don't leave yet Yuno! I forgot this!

Eclair, it's possible we're not working at cross purposes right now. The could-bes are starting to get filtered down. Simply do some thinking in your head, looking over the players. If there are three scum, we don't see a combination that doesn't include Tenshi right now, including groups with Meiya.

I have nigh-zero experience at wagon analysis, could I get some explanation for that? No matter how much I stare at the votecounts you quoted, I don't see anything other than your first conclusion, which is still probably not very trustworthy considering there's a history of scumplayers here bussing like hell and doing weird stuff like bus triangles.

I was going to accuse you of forgetting this point in #490 but hydra. I can see why Eclair hates you guys now =<
Still reiterating the question to whoever of the two posted it being so sure that Tenshi is scum whatever the scumteam. If there's a case based on that I want to see it rather than have to believe it's there just because I can't see it myself. It'd be like agreeing with a crazed cultist just because everybody else looks like crazier cultists.


  • Plat Form
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #498 on: March 25, 2012, 08:55:44 PM »
Blah, she left =/

I have this really bad feeling about Yuno. If she's who I think she is, she's not flailing like she usually does, and it makes me uncomfortable. It might be due to trying to keep her identity at least somewhat covered, but I still feel uncomfortable about it. However, there's that thing where she was the first one to claim an anti-town role in a game full of weird town roles that she couldn't have known and millers don't usually get told that they're millers and blah.

Why is everyone ignoring me? Can I please get those impressions on the Yuno not-redirected-nightaction claim?

@Mod I mean the official ones, of course, not the ones due to your feeling like prodding people.

Still waiting on that Tenshi post, Maka post and Uesugi doing something. Does she sleep for over 16 hours or what? If she does nothing in what's left of the day and runs into LD3 saying that no time, throwing out reads and being confused about things that have already been discussed, I want her lynched. I'll still wait for her reponse before voting I guess. It's unlikely, but this could be MyLo/LyLo/whatever so I don't want to be putting people at L-2 with over a day left, specially since I really want to see Maka and Tenshi's posts, as well as Yuno's reply to what I just mentioned earlier.

Punch Hopper

  • Punch Hopper
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #499 on: March 25, 2012, 09:32:46 PM »
I do not flail. >:< Who told you these lies and slanders? The answer to your question about Tenshi is we both do. I wouldn't be posting if we didn't agree on something. (The part about keeping our identities secret is also funny. I would be surprised if anyone besides you didn't know who we were. )

In the games on this site Millers do get told that they're millers. The times they don't are bastard mod exceptions. If this was untrue 12 people would have called me on it on Day 1.

Frankly I think your paranoia will be sated tomorrow, but to understand what we think you have to see the votecounts from our point of view.

Eclair Martinozzi: (1) Kaori Kanzaki
Meiya Mitsurugi: (4) Quicksword Irene, Eclair Martinozzi, Tenshi Hinanawi, Sayaka Miki
Yuno Gasai: (1) BlackRose
Sayaka Miki: (7) Uesugi Kenshin, Shana, Farina, Yuno Gasai, Meiya Mitsurugi, Maka Albarn, Esuna Busy
The theory is that scum don't want to be seen together. One scum on each wagon and one off-wagon or two on the main wagon and one on the other. With the possibility of Meiya being scum high, if Tenshi isn't scum it would mean Meiya is scum and there were no scum on the scum wagon. Considering the scum here catch scum more often then town do that is highly doubtful. Also, third on the wagon is scum. :V

Although Tenshi is attempting to appeal to my sense of awesome. I will not be swayed by your shiny sunglasses young lady. Urge to vote.. fading..

Kaori is begging to be punched in the throat. Urge to quicklynch rising.


  • Plat Form
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #500 on: March 25, 2012, 10:16:55 PM »
(The part about keeping our identities secret is also funny. I would be surprised if anyone besides you didn't know who we were. )

Hence my pointing  out that I hate you all. I'm pretty much the only one playing anonymafia, and given how heavy on meta my reads were while following the latest games, I am very frustrated. Not that I didn't know what I was getting into when I replaced, but knowing that other people have way more information than I do makes me paranoid over manipulation ;_;

Also I have issues with Maka being green until she posts. She read really town during D1, but I dislike her last five posts, meaning the one where she fluff-posted asking Meiya if her bulletproof also autogoverned and her rage-vent post before the hammer. When bad things happen, town gets their brains working into drawing conclusions from them, whilst scum pretend to be town by openly voicing the townie frustration. And then there's the three D2 posts where she first comments only on Uesugi, then adds nothing to her own case and finally refuses to vote in the end of day lynch. Well, the last one is null, like Tenshi said, but I dislike the other four.

Regarding the votecount things... I'm inclined to believe that two people around here who are most likely to cause odd votecount distributions as scum are already dead, but the facts that the D1 lynch in IMP Mafia had two scum offwagon on an offwagon target and the D2 lynch had the three scum on it doesn't make me very keen on reading possibly WIFOMy wagons. I'll stare at them for a while until people get around to posting, but I'm pretty sure I won't be getting anything solid out of it.


  • DiEnd
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #501 on: March 25, 2012, 10:31:15 PM »
Irene: Here you go. This took so long because I was stupid enough to start with Mitsurugi, which lasted all of two minutes of reading her earlier posts before my brain went "OKAY, THAT'S IT. FUCK YOU AND FUCK THIS GAME. I HAVEN'T HAD TIME OFF IN FOREVER. I'M NOT GOING TO PAY ATTENTION TO THIS UNTIL I'VE DONE SOMETHING ELSE." And then I went and did not-Mafia things for a while. :V


WARNING: This is long, even by my standards.


In rereading I found #271 amusing in the wake of Gasai's #269 talking about how she doesn't need "a wall of text explaining why lurkers suck." I can't believe I missed that at the time. :< I blame them being on opposite sides of a page turn.

Reading #271 from a Town BlackRose/Town Kanzaki/Scum Mitsurugi perspective is interesting in light of Mitsurugi appearing to pretty much drop everything else prior that she had been seriously focusing on (i.e. the Martinozzi vote). It's basically "Look at how much I can say about the obvious things regarding the people that are obviously suspicious!" With how the Martinozzi case disappeared, this post was the entirety of her vocalized suspicions of people. Far be it from me to criticize someone for finding BlackRose and Kanzaki suspicious, but with no effort to distinguish why Blackrose was the worse of the two despite having towers to drop about both of them individually, not having any other real suspicions on the table, and coming in that late in the day with talk about how the lurkers suck after the day had been spent hashing out why the lurkers suck between other people (including some people from the beginning of the day), thgis post really looks like a lazy flop onto easy targets with the "lazy flop" part hidden by all dem big werds. Truth be told, I'm going to be a little less sympathetic to "I was busy" if it's the explanation for why there were not any other meaningful vocalized reads at that time because I've been busy this entire goddamn game with a variety of outside circumstances and I still put in the time to discuss things aside from lurkers.

Ultimately I think #271 is scummy regardless of Kanzaki's alignment, since either this post or what I wrote in #425 applies to it.

The rest of the day is less of a psychological point against Mitsurugi if Kanzaki is town. I had noticed that Mitsurugi spend the rest of the day mostly talking to or about BlackRose, which I figured could have been a "subtle" attempt to keep BlackRose at the front of everyone's minds (she mentioned Kanzaki only when asked about the claims). Most of it was reasonably explainable, but #301 in particular bothered me even with the #314 explanation since it seemed so needless. I don't see a reason for Scum Mitsurugi to try to keep the focus on one of the two wagons given Town BlackRose/Town Kanzaki.

Assuming Scum Mitsurugi for #432 makes less sense with Town Kanzaki than with Scum Kanzaki, because I don't see why Scum Mitsurugi would switch over to pursuing Kenshin instead of continuing the path against the ball of contentless gas when she had just dropped a tower about her the previous day and was willing to say more today.


A common theme in Albarn's anti-lurker stance seems to be that she completely ignores the possibility that lurkers can act scummy when they post. It's like there's some arbitrary magical threshold where if your word production rate drops below that point then you can't possibly be scum regardless of what you've actually said. As an example:

And regarding Esuna's vote on Kaori while I write this. That would be a waste of a lynch today and would tell us nothing since she has almost no interactions with others. To me, Kaori just reads as newbie/bad play.

From Day 1, in reference to this reasoning:

Irene is lurky so iunno about her yet. Conversely Kaori is lurky but she's really bad because her posts are creatable with a bare minimum of thought put into playing. Shana is [REDACTED] and so I don't even know yet.

I don't like how Kanzaki was dismissed so easily as a "waste of a lynch" because of her lack of interactions with others given Busy's reasoning was based less on post volume and more total lack of content. Someone like Irene would have been a waste of a lynch, but when someone's acting scummy their post volume should be that much of a factor. Lynching scum is never a waste of a lynch, no matter how little they've said.

Holding this stance would actually make sense in conjunction with Town Kanzaki, because it keeps Albarn's hands clean when Shana, BlackRose, (possibly) Irene, and Kanzaki all flip town. It lets her go "I told you so" and makes her look that much better. Holding a stance so broad about general gameplay relating to alignment that it pretty much outright ignores what a player's input actually is does not sit will with me in general and extra rankles me in particular in combination with the possibility of promoting oneself in this manner. Reeeeeeeeally don't like this.

Specifically calling Kanzaki a mislynch in the "low-hanging lurker mislynch fruit" line in #232 could possibly be a psychological slip but even assuming Town Kanzaki I don't think I'd put a lot of stock into it.


I don't think the choice of BlackRose over Kanzaki in #187 is scum motivated regardless of Kanzaki's alignment given how early in the day it was. As much as worrying about a quicklynch that early is silly. The wording of the post is odd and almost incongruous with voting for a lurker, but I'm pretty sure I understand what Irene was trying to get at here anyway (I'd assume it was a pressure vote, given how much Irene wanted the lurkers to talk more) so it doesn't bother me.

Irene's #285 feels very genuine from a Town Kanzaki perspective, because I generically don't know why Scum Irene would keep trying to push the idea of getting a Farina lynch instead after forcing content from the lurkers. Especailly when considering that (a) Farina was pretty obviously never going to take as a lynch rush, and (b) scum likely knew this given Farina's death. I can only see this post as scum-motivated if Kanzaki is scum because it's a BlackRose vote without much justification of why BlackRose over Kanzaki.

The rest of the day played out in such a fashion that I don't think there's an appreciable difference between Town Kanzaki and Scum Kanzaki from the perspective of Scum Irene.


Kenshin I've already addressed, since my thoughts on her were asked specifically.

Regardless, operating under the assumption that Kanzaki is town, my vote priority order would most likely go Mitsurugi > Albarn > Irene > Kenshin, though there's a sufficiently large gap between Albarn and Irene that I would need to look over Gasai, Busy and Martinozzi again if this actually somehow happened. If anything, this reinforces the idea of Scum Kanzaki to me, because even with Town Kanzaki/Scum Albarn/Scum Mitsurugi, there's presumably still one more scum to go, and the idea of any of my remaining five options being scum and interacting with/talking about a town Kanzaki in this fashion (or just plain playing the way they have) feels ridiculous.


  • DiEnd
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #502 on: March 25, 2012, 11:18:27 PM »

I like Busy pointing out the extra-hilarious aspect of Kanzaki's post agreeing with the case of the person she spent Day 2 "pursuing" (if you want to call it that). And with no explanation of where that Day 2 "case" went, no less. I think the volume of the case against Kanzaki has exceeded the collective volume of Kanzaki's posts at this point.

Irene: Only half of that hydra flails. :V In all seriousness, could you redescribe exactly what your issue is with Yuno counterclaiming BlackRose? I'm having a hard time understanding what exactly you're getting at. If it's purely because you don't know why BlackRose wasn't redirected, Gasai did say in #398 that the role happenings were possible with Town BlackRose and that it was the earlier question about Weak Roles that cemented the choice due to looking for all the world like a setup for a fakeclaim (which it ended up being because BlackRose is BlackRose). If there's more to your suspicion then ???

Gasai: I think you give Albarn way too much of a pass over ED1 shenanigans, considering where her game has gone since. I guess it might not matter in about 4 hours, though. -_-


  • Plat Form
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #503 on: March 25, 2012, 11:29:52 PM »
So there, Yuno claims that her ability was not redirected by Blackrose. I don't understand that thing in #398 where she says that this is possible without Blackrose!Scum because if Yuno claimed an active role that produces results to the point where she could confirm that her action wasn't redirected to Blackrose (which she did), the only things that I can think of that could explain the lack of redirection would be:
a) Blackrose's ability was not entirely as she described, which is pretty silly to believe when she already admitted to discarding any weird gambit fakeclaims.
b) Blackrose got roleblocked
c) Yuno lied

...Or am I missing something?


  • DiEnd
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #504 on: March 25, 2012, 11:36:01 PM »
There is at least one thing you're missing.

d) There is more to Gasai's role than what she has said, and she's going to keep not saying more about her role because scum do not need to know about it.

This was the conclusion I arrived at after the fact. I'm kind of surprised you didn't; given your misgivings about talking about anything related to your role, I figured you'd be sensitive to the secrecy of others regarding theirs.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #505 on: March 25, 2012, 11:43:23 PM »
Kaori Kanzaki: (2) Tenshi Hinanawi, Esuna Busy
Tenshi Hinanawi: (1) Yuno Gasai
Uesugi Kenshin: (2) Meiya Mitsurugi, Kaori Kanzaki
Meiya Mitsurugi: (1) Eclair Martinozzi

Not Voting: Quicksword Irene, Uesugi Kenshin, Maka Albarn

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
27.5 hours remaining.
Countdown timer

Maka Albarn has been prodded. If she does not post within an unspecified amount of time (soonish, considering it's almost been 48 hours) she will be modkilled.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 12:04:51 AM by Conqueror »


  • DiEnd
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #506 on: March 25, 2012, 11:55:38 PM »
Dwelled on this some more. General principle again hisses at moving when Kanzaki herself hasn't given me reason to, but.

##Vote: Meiya Mitsurugi

I still think Kanzaki is, individually, the scummiest player in the game. But, at the same time, I don't see a scum team that doesn't include Mitsurugi, regardless of Kanzaki's alignment.

Case repeat time

I've discussed her #271 at length in both #425 and #501, her #385 is still a total setup of a post, and she's talking about a Martinozzi acquiescence that didn't actually happen and a Kenshin vote for BlackRose that didn't actually happen, and I've already discussed why that sort of thing is scummy back on Day 1.

Punch Hopper

  • Punch Hopper
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #507 on: March 25, 2012, 11:59:50 PM »
If it makes you feel better Irene I don't know who most of the players alive are either. >_>

God damn you and your words. I am going to continue being suspicious of Tenshi but it doesn't look like I'm getting the time of day. Yukkii still believes Kaori may be town trolling. I have to agree that it doesn't look like anyone is helping her, or telling her to stop saying the things that are making people hate her.

##Vote: Meiya

This lynch I also prefer. Meiya's posts are just plain lacking in emotion. I don't know how to describe it, but they're very detached. Day 2 was also mediocre. Bulletproof isn't really a claim to clear people by. Also anyone that uses the word Miss that much is clearly scum.

I don't think we've ever been promised a modkill. The rules say they'll be killed eventually if the mods feel like it.

Cut: >.>!


  • Plat Form
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #508 on: March 26, 2012, 12:06:58 AM »
I had considered that option as well, and there are roles in this game I never knew before so I figure it's valid, but no matter how much I search around everywhere, I can't find any roles that would fit into such a weird situation.

...Unless, now that I think of it, it's some weird variation of a role similar to Dormio's don't-know-if-protecting-on-odd-or-even-nights doc from last game. Which in retrospect I should totally be expecting given the amount of bastard thrown into town roles this game. I don't really want this turning into me getting suspicious of anybody posting anyway, and I can see how this could be interpreted as me trying to get Yuno to fullclaim, so this was overall really dumb of me. She already said that my suspicions will be cleared tomorrow, so I guess I'll just sit back and stare at wagons or suffer through the hell of rereading furthering my indecision until Maka, Uesugi and Kaori decide to post again.

Regarding my dislike of being forced to claim active or passive, I was afraid that doing so after Irene the First's early softclaim might actually give it away, but it seems it hasn't been the case.

And cut by synchronized voting. The hell?


  • Kabuto
Re: Sword Girls Anonymafia - Day 3
« Reply #509 on: March 26, 2012, 12:07:50 AM »
I have to agree that it doesn't look like anyone is helping her, or telling her to stop saying the things that are making people hate her.
Yet despite how much everyone hates her

it's d3 and people STILL seem to be wanting to lynch someone-who-is-not-her over her


Meiya is L-1. Why the hell is Meiya at L-1 when Kaori is right there sitting there being obvscum.

If we don't lynch Kaori today (Or at -least- Uesugi but) I will hurt you people (If whoever it was flips scum I'll get over it then, but I'm skeptical.)