Author Topic: The Company of the Nine  (Read 85177 times)

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
The Company of the Nine
« on: March 11, 2012, 09:34:12 PM »
Quicklink to current stats and items.

Three years have passed since the land was torn asunder.

You have no knowledge why the spirits and gods of the west came to your Gensoukyo, nor why they came as one instead of in scattered groups, but they did come, and the land reacted to their power.  Your land thrives on the minds of mortals, and the thoughts of a single island nation were crushed by the thoughts of two continents, as a castle made of sand is crushed by the tide.  The lakes and forests of your land twisted to fit their new lords and ladies, and the lesser youkai and fairies changed to fit their new homes.

Some of the strong kept their forms and bodies, but the magics of the west weakened them.  The conquest of their homes was swift, and their fates varied.  Some fled to the dark corners of the land to rally troops to their banner.  Others were captured and imprisoned.  And the fate of some is unknown.  Your home has become an occupied land.  The hideous castle of the human 'king' that looms over the village is a constant reminder of this truth.

You force these thoughts from your mind as you pass the village guards.  Whether craven cowards who betrayed their heritage for coin, or invaders themselves they would turn against you if they knew your true thoughts.  But fortune smiled upon you, as it frequently does.  You were one of the greatest of the weak.  Your body and mind was changed yes, but you remembered what you once were.

You are Cirno, strongest knight of the Eastern Fae.  And though your mind is chained to chivalry and your brethern serve as slaves to Titania and Oberon, you stand strong.

For three years you have rode through the wilds, ranging from your home at the misty lake.  You have faced many foes, and with lance, sword and righteous courage you have emerged victorious on the fields of honor.  You now feel strong enough to rise up and challenge the false lords of your home, but you know you can not accomplish this feat alone.

Which is why you have come here, to the human village.  It is from here your old companions dispersed three years ago, and it is here, today, that your true journey begins.

You arrive at the small tavern without query from the guards.  They care little who does business in the village, for each coin eventually makes its way to the kings coffers.  One day the fat pig of a king shall learn that neither crown nor coin can stay the blade of the just.  But that day will sadly not be this day.  You once again shake those thoughts from your mind and dismount from your steed.  You nod to the stableboy who comes to take your reins and flip him a silver coin.  ?Treat them well boy and there shall be a bonus for you.  But do not think to groom my steed.  He only will bend to my hand.?

The boy catches the coin and bows quickly.  ?As you command sir knight.?

You nod in reply then turn to your traveling companion.  ?Do you need a hand my lady??

Daiyousei rewards you with a smile.  ?I do not need a hand Sir Cirno, but I will graciously accept it.?  She allows you to help her dismount from her own steed.  ?I thank you.  Shall we go meet our friends??

?Indeed, with all due haste, for we are late,? you reply.  ?I have grown used to many things, but I fear I shall never grow accustomed to being bound to the earth.  Twas much easier when the skies were out road.?

?Aye.  And even more vexing that we still are burdened by these clipped wings,? Daiyousei sighs.

?Ah, do not say that fair lady, for your wings, while useless for travel, do greatly enhance your beauty.?

?Fie,? Daiyousei giggles and waves you towards the door.  ?Waste not time with empty flattery sir knight.  We have friends to meet.?

?Aye, that we do.?  You turn and enter the tavern, Daiyousei following behind.

The bartender gives you a look when you enter, but you imagine it is because he rarely sees patrons capable of adorning themselves in steel armor.  His interest fades when he sees you are a fairy, knowing that your accoutrements are no indication of your coin.  However he does not make a fuss at your presence.  The one good thing the tyrant king and queen have brought to your people is respect for their vengeance.

You find your companions quickly, for the tavern is mostly empty.  Though even if it was full and boisterous your allies would stand out.  Mystia rises to greet you with a wave.  ?My good friends!  Come sit and drink with us!  My mouth is filled with new sagas for your ears.  Bartender, a round for my  companions!?  Rumia and Wriggle do not stand, but they lower the hoods of their robes and give you a nod.

You walk over to the table where Mystia greets you both with a fierce hug.  She then clasps your shoulders.  ?You are well and strong yes??

?I am good, friend,? you reply, gently extracting yourself.  Mystia had been near Youkai Mountain when the change struck, so she had gained the boisterous nature of the gods who became its new rulers.  You pull out a chair for Daiyousei before taking a seat.  Mystia drops into her own chair as well, while the Bartender hurries over another set of tankards.  You wait for him to leave before continuing.  ?I trust you all have had success in your own travels??

?The dragons tongue flows cleanly from mine own,? Mystia stated with pride.  ?The runes may be beyond my sight, but once again my voice causes men to tremble.?

Rumia smiled slowly, a disquieting expression.  ?Yes.  I have learned much, and better yet I have left little evidence of my passing.  At least, I doubt they can trace anything back to me.?

?A fair comfort that is,? Wriggle muttered.  ?But aye.  I've done well and a bit better myself.  You've heard have you?  Yuuka has taken the Hills of the Sun, and routed the Druids that laid claim to the land.?

?That is fair news indeed!? You reply.  ?I thought that Yuuka was bound.?

?She did sleep for a time, as is her will, but she is the land.?  Wriggle shook her head.  ?Fools that they were the Druids ceased their reverence to her.  And that was a bit of foolishness.  Nature will bend with a calm hand, but try to break it and you'll wind up in a cairn.?

?And there be even better tidings.  With that some of the old ways return.?  Wriggle carefully placed her sleeves on the table, then lifted her hands to show two kama sewn in.  ?An old man taught me how to use the wee things.  Said he just remembered how.

?That gladdens my heart.  Now we know our course is true.  Our might can break this foul magic,? Mystia replied.

?It is good to know we can succeed, but there are... complications,? Rumia said quietly.  ?The foes we must face are strong.  Yuuka won because she could wield their own strength against them.  If we make a frontal assault we would be swallowed by the darkness.  We must make them learn fear, then strike when they are weak.?

?Indeed.  We must plan our campaign carefully, lest we find ourselves encircled.?  You check again to make sure no one is listening then pull out a crude map of Gensoukyo.  ?So, what do we know, and what do you think we should do first??

Daiyousei speaks up first.  ?The village we all know well.  Lady Keine and Akyuu are both imprisoned in the castle, and the King and his Prince have many soldiers and priests in his service.?  She traces her finger over to the Bamboo Forest.  ?The Bamboo Forest has become filled with brambles and monsters in addition to the bamboo of it's name.  They say a great witch lives there now, and has Eientei under her spell.?  She then points towards the Misty Lake and a bit of the surrounding forest.  ?Lord Oberon and Lady Titania rule over the fey court from here.  They are mighty, perhaps mightier then most, but they are feckless and honorable to a slight degree.  We might be able to negotiate with them.  Or at least avoid their gaze until our forces are strong.?

You frown at the thought of leaving the tyrants in charge of your kin.  But Rumia takes up the flow of conversation.  ?The deeper Forest of Magic is still a wild land, filled with man eating monsters and horrors such as myself.?  Her chuckle does little to lessen the statement.  ?They say there are witches here too, though they are even more distant from humanity then the one who rules the Bamboo forest.  I've also heard those witches are personifications of the fates.?  Rumia lets that hang in the air a bit before continuing.  ?And of course there is Castle Dracula.  Once the Mansion of the Scarlet Devil, the vampires could maintain their personalities, but they could not stand against the greatest of their kind.  I'm sure they despise their master, but until he dies they are our enemies as well.?

Your eyes narrow at that.  ?I remember that fiend.  He executed all the fairy maids of the mansion as a show of dominance.  He shall pay for his villainy!?

?Aye, a right monster that one.  But mayhaps we should look into gettin some allies of our own.?  Wriggle points at the old Hakurei Shrine.  ?I have an itch to go back to the Garden of the Sun and train more, but I bet you have a different thought.  But I don't know the man whose been to the old Shrine.  And few be the adventurer who's dared seek the old spirits beneath the earth.  There might be allies to be found there, if we can pass the guards.?

?If you seek strong allies then listen to my words friends,? Mystia taps the Youkai Mountain.  ?The Norse Gods may have laid claim to the mountains of the world, but the hearts of true youkai do not bow to invaders.  The Gods of our own land still rally their troops and strike against the carrion god and his lackeys.  The dwarves and the elves may make steadings in our lands, but the Tengu and Kappa stand proud.  Monsters may fill the rocks and caves, but we of stout heart can brave them and gather an army.?

You look over the map as your companions turn to you.  ?Well Sir Cirno, what are your thoughts?? Daiyousei asks.


I'm suffering from madness again, and from this a game idea was born.

Unlike Succubus Manor this one will be a lot more standard, with diplomacy, planning and combat being the primary movers.   Expect quickish updates during plotting and battle, and slower when more grandiose plans some into play.

The dice are ready.  Go forth and reclaim your land.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 11:49:17 PM by Iced Fairy »

Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2012, 09:40:23 PM »
Just making sure: is this a parser game, or something else entirely?

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2012, 09:44:38 PM »
Just making sure: is this a parser game, or something else entirely?
Yes.  Unless there's some special meaning to that beyond you all suggest things then I take the most favored suggestions and run with them.

Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2012, 10:16:25 PM »
I'm going to put my suggestions in the usual style, then, to keep commentary separate from my suggestions. Also, Nordic skald Mystia, holy hells.

> We are the Company of the Nine, yet we are only five: the greatest of knights, a bard, two... rogues?, and Daiyousei. We shall need four more companions whose skills compliment our own. A magic user would be ideal, and allow us to be on an even footing as the witch that holds the bamboo forest captive, so perhaps delving into the Forest of Magic should be our first step in taking back our land. We may even discover the witch that wears black and white, or the puppeteer who commands the goliath Daidarabocchi.

Cripes, that's long winded.

> We shall also reflect upon ourself and our companions, considering how the arrival of the invaders and the subsequent changing of the lands altered our own powers.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 10:27:40 PM by Religion »

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2012, 10:36:00 PM »
> We shall also reflect upon ourself and our companions, considering how the arrival of the invaders and the subsequent changing of the lands altered our own powers.

"Hm...  Perhaps first we should speak of what we have learned in the passing of the seasons."


Name: Cirno
Race: Fairy
Sex: Female
Class: Knight of the Winter Court

HP ? 8/9
Mana - 0

Ice Sword, ?Spring Frost?
Ice Lance
Steel Shield
War Charger, ?Snowmane.?
Steel Breastplate
One cloak of 'look over there'
Climbing gear for all (includes rope grapnels etc)
Map of Mapping
2 Potions of Magical Restoration
2 Quartz Amulet, 1 Small Greek Statuette, 1 Fine Dagger, 2 Tulip seeds, 1 Magic Bean
Party Funds ? 63gp, 2 silver, 4 copper

Sword ? S
Lance ? A
Riding ? A
Shield ? A
Ice Magic - S

Special Abilities:
Immune to Cold, Water, Fear and Spells of the Sleep or Charm sub-schools.
Weak against Fire

Ice Creation ? May create any one hand held item out of Ice, so long as it has no moving parts.
Fairy Glamor ? May create minor illusions on objects that can be held with a single hand.  Always appears clean.
Fairy Magic ? May freeze any unattended object, though larger objects may take considerable time
Spell: Ice arrow - Simple ranged attack.  Designed to deal physical damage.  Cost 0.
Spirited Charge ? If Cirno is mounted and attacking with a lance she deals triple damage.
Knight's Oath ? Cirno will shield any nearby wounded comrades with her life.  This ability cannot be turned off.
Knight's Strategy - Cirno will be informed of the initiative order when making battle choices.


Name: 'Daiyousei'
Race: Fairy
Sex: Female
Class: Princess of the Spring Court

HP - 5
Mana - 8/10

Steel Dagger
Silk Doublet
Cute Dress and Parasol
Riding Horse ?Spring Breeze.?

Dagger ? C
Magic ? A
Riding - B

Special Abilities:
Immune to Spells of the Sleep or Charm sub-schools.  Takes half damage from all magic attacks
Fairy Glamor ? May create minor illusions on objects that can be held with a single hand.  Always appears clean.
Fairy Magic ? May call up a pleasant wind not exceeding 2 mph.
Spell: Lake Breeze ? Heal a single target 3 points of damage and cure any status effects on them.  Cost 1
Spell: Winds of Life ? Heal all allies 1 point of damage.  Cost 2.
Spell: A Kind Word ? Tame any hostile animal, ending combat if no blows have been struck.  Cost 1.
Danmaku ? The old arts of magic combat.  A weak pure magic ranged attack.


Name: Wriggle Nightbug
Race: Firefly
Sex: Female
Class: Insect Queen / Druid

HP - 7/7
Mana - 2

Twin Kama
Druids Robe

Kama ? B
Magic ? S
Riding - A

Special Abilities:
Speak with Insects ? May communicate with all insects.  Insects treat Wriggle as their leader, and follow her orders fanatically.
Spell: Poison Swarm ? A swarm of insects surrounds the foe, trying to harry and poison it.  May cause fear as well.  Cost: 0.  Cooldown 3 rounds.
Spell: Insect Spy ? May send an insect anywhere in Gensoukyo to spy for her.  Sadly insects have a high mortality rate.  If it returns it will speak of what it has seen.  Cost: 1.
Spell:Speak with Animals ?  May speak with any animal to find out what it learns.  Animals do not automatically follow Wriggles commands.  Cost: 1.
Spell:Mistwalk  -  May travel instantly from the Forest of Magic to any place Wriggle has been to since the change came to Gensoukyo (currently the Garden of the Sun, the Human Village, the Hakurei Shrine and the Bamboo Forest).  Cost 1.  Only works at night.
Spell: Thorn Strike - Plants attempt to grasp and entangle a ground bound foe.  Cost: 0


Name: Mystia Lorelei
Race: Night Sparrow
Sex: Female
Class: Dohvahkin Skaald
HP: 8

Iron Hand Axe
Axe of Lightning
Fur Armor
Flask (Currently contains mead)

Axe ? B
Song ? S
Flight ? B
Riding - D

Special Abilities:
Flight ? Mystia can still fly, though not gracefully.
Night Sparrows Song ? Makes everyone other then Mystia night blind.  Must be maintained.
Voice ? Voice powers cost nothing, but have cooldown equal to the number of words used.  More words lead to more power.
Currently Mastered Shouts:
Unrelenting Force ? Throws and staggers foes. 1-3 words
Skyrend ? Rips the wind from below foes wings, forcing them to land. 1-3 words
Dismaying Shout ? Causes the target to fear. 1-2 words
Fire Breath ? Flames like that of a fire giant sweep cross your enemies. 1 word


Name: Rumia
Race: Youkai
Sex: Female
Class: Night Horror
HP: 5/7

Black Cloak
Leather Armor
Riding Horse: ?Nightshade?

Stealth ? A
Dagger ? A
Crossbow - B
Lockpicking and Traps ? A
Tracking - B
Riding ? C

Special Abilities:
Darkness Falls ? May create a zone of darkness 10' radius.  No one can see in this area, even by magical means.
Scent ? Rumia can smell blood at great distances.
Sneak Attack ? Rumia deals double damage if she strikes an unaware foe.  She may also make the opponent afraid.
Gruesome Finish ? If Rumia kills a foe, she demoralizes any who see her brutal killing methods.  Effects will vary.
A Horrible Fate ? Rumia instantly kills any frightened humanoid she attacks, so long as no one can see her or her victim during the attack.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 04:45:19 PM by Iced Fairy »

Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2012, 12:37:06 AM »
>How many others, in particular, resist the foreign invaders and roam free from their control? We may want to gather others before considering the denizens of Youkai Mountain.
>What of the Underground? Has anything been heard of them?

Now I'm squealing. Iced, you genius. :getdown:

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2012, 01:07:33 AM »
>How many others, in particular, resist the foreign invaders and roam free from their control? We may want to gather others before considering the denizens of Youkai Mountain.
"Pray tell friends, have you heard of any others such as our own band?  I know Yuuka rules her lands once more, and Kanako stands tall in exile, but what others might be free?"

Mystia perks up.  "Kanako stands with cunning Suwako and courageous Sanae as well.  I stood at their side in battle against the gallows god and his storm bringing son, while Tengu and Valkyries did wage battle.  T'was an awesome contest, though neither claimed the day.  Some say there are other tengu skaalds who act on their own, but finding them amid the battles of the mountains would be a trial."

Wriggle shakes her head.  "I have seen Medicine about, but I cannot give my word she'll fight for us.  The forsaken one holds her own garden in high esteem."

"I have heard a story," Daiyousei adds quietly.  "There are tales among our folk that the Wandering Jew has been sighted.  A man in red and white who wields the fires of hell, stalking the lands between the village and the Bamboo Forest.  While I may be mistaken, it seems likely this could be the immortal, could it not?"

Rumia chuckles.  "I can not give you good news.  I only know who can not stand with us.  But as you've insinuated before, neither the puppeteer nor the black white has been claimed as dead or alive.  They would be powerful allies, if they are still among the living."

>What of the Underground? Has anything been heard of them?

"And what of the underground Wriggle.  Do you know of anyone who is certain to join our banner?"

The firefly youkai winced.  "Nay, and it hurts me to say it.  We surface folk have never taken well to the underground.  Still the king and his men seem to fear the depths, and the oni are mighty.  Tis a fair chance we will meet someone."


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2012, 02:20:40 AM »
> Do we know if Higan or the Netherworld were also affected?

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2012, 02:37:53 AM »
> Do we know if Higan or the Netherworld were also affected?

You mull over some of the other places you'd journeyed before on your travels, back before the lands were changed.  The Netherworld is beyond your reach, as is the Heavens of old.  Even Mystia's wings can not take her to such lofty heights.  A shame, for it would be grand to cross swords with Tenshi or Youmu.

The shores of Muenkuza are abandoned.  Komachi and the other death gods have not been seen since the lands changed.  As for Higan itself?  Who can say?  No mortal has crossed the Sanzu and returned with their memories even before.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2012, 02:43:21 AM »
Hmmm...  I'm leaning towards checking out the Forest of Magic or the Mountain right now, although the rumour about the "Wandering Jew" is also enticing...

What do you guys think?

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2012, 02:57:57 AM »
> "The wandering Jew should be the safest to find, assuming he resides between the village and the bamboo forest and not within that forsaken grove. Let us begin there."
> "I am also intrigued by the underground. Tell us of the obsticles that block that ancient route, I would like to travel there second."
> "Then, may we have the strength to test the Forest of Magic in search of the Puppeteer and the Black White."

> Update quest log with new objectives.

> Clarification: is Mystia really the Dohvahkin, or a bard that sings praise for the Dohvahkin?

> Also, how much for a potion of immunity to fire? If we're going to compulsively stand between our wounded teammates and our enemies, I'd like to have something covering that fire vulnerability. I'd also like prices on health potions and fire resistant/immune armor.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 04:32:07 AM by capt. h »

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2012, 03:18:28 AM »
> Clarification: is Mystia really the Dohvahkin?
She indeed possesses the power to consume the souls of slain dragons.  It is possible others have this ability as well, however dragon slaying has only recently come into fashion in Gensoukyo.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2012, 03:42:09 AM »
Hmmm...  I'm leaning towards checking out the Forest of Magic or the Mountain right now, although the rumour about the "Wandering Jew" is also enticing...

What do you guys think?

I'm kind of hesitant to start with the forest of magic because it sounds above our level, whereas Iced has been kind of hinting it sounds like the underground would be a promising place to look. We'll probably find a word wall or even 2 if we're lucky, and it's unexplored terrain, which is a plus. I'm not fond of the mountains because Mystia kind of implied getting past all the tengu between us and our allies would be a pain, plus we already know where they stand. Kanako and Suwako are also heads of states with their own responcibilities, although Sanae would probably be able to spare time to join us. I too find that rumor about the "Wandering Jew" worth looking into, and probably the safest place to start assuming she is between us and the bamboo forest, as opposed to inside the forest itself. So, that's what I think.

Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2012, 04:11:23 AM »
I'd go for it. Also,

>Is there any news of the residents of Myoren Temple?

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2012, 04:26:26 AM »
>Is there any news of the residents of Myoren Temple?

"Ah, a thought.  Was there not a temple near the village?  Perhaps two if my memory serves.  What of them?"

"Forgetful aren't ya?"  Wriggle sighs sadly.  "Aye there was a temple that offered shelter to youkai and man alike.  Also some alchemists of the orient as well.  But the monks of that 'true god' sacked the place when they moved in.  They say they 'cleansed' the place, and took it for their own like the greedy bastards they are.  Mayhaps some survived, but it'd be a fight for sure finding out.  The savages think ill of faeries, druids and youkai alike."

Edit : Currently we have two votes for investigating the village border, and one for the Forest of Magic.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 04:28:13 AM by Iced Fairy »

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2012, 05:18:06 AM »
> What is the function of Wriggle's mistletoe and honey?


  • Happening Cat of the Middle of Nowhere
  • Welp is not a good nickname
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2012, 05:26:23 AM »
> Investigate the Wandering Jew

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #17 on: March 12, 2012, 06:47:13 AM »
> What is the function of Wriggle's mistletoe and honey?
One is for druidic ritual.  The other is a snack.

I'll be updating in the morning my time after Europe gets a say in matters.

Currently we have three votes for investigating the village border, and one for the Forest of Magic.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #18 on: March 12, 2012, 12:11:09 PM »
I'm kind of hesitant to start with the forest of magic because it sounds above our level, whereas Iced has been kind of hinting it sounds like the underground would be a promising place to look. We'll probably find a word wall or even 2 if we're lucky, and it's unexplored terrain, which is a plus. I'm not fond of the mountains because Mystia kind of implied getting past all the tengu between us and our allies would be a pain, plus we already know where they stand. Kanako and Suwako are also heads of states with their own responcibilities, although Sanae would probably be able to spare time to join us. I too find that rumor about the "Wandering Jew" worth looking into, and probably the safest place to start assuming she is between us and the bamboo forest, as opposed to inside the forest itself. So, that's what I think.
Hmmm...  Yeah, it's probably for the best this way.  There's always time to check out the rest of the stuff anyhow so we might as well go for both the closest and safest option.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2012, 03:25:31 PM »
Game Note: Each area has, depending on previous actions, an array of possible events.  Events will be found randomly from that set on entering/researching an area.
?If adventure and a possible ally lie this close, then it seems folly to go further afield.?  You say putting down your tankard.  ?Let us ride to the borders of town to see if we can find this so called Wandering Jew ourselves.?

Mystia sighs, then smiles again.  ?My heart yearns for the open fields of battle friend, but Mokou is a woman of strong arm and brave heart.  To seek her out would be a worthy plan.?

?Aye, and tis true that it would take little time.  Should we find nothing we would still have a full day to toil,? Wriggle stands.  ?Shall we be going, then??

?We shall,? Rumia replies as she rises.  ?Let us get our mounts and depart.?

?Do you need a horse dear Wriggle?? Daiyousei asks.  ?I saw only Rumia's steed at the stable.?

?Horses and I don't fare well.  The insects bother them ya see.  I'm right good at running alongside, so don't ya worry.?

You nod approvingly.  ?Then it is settle friends.  Let us pay the tab, then ride.?

You journey past the farms and corrals of the village without incident.  The guards give your party looks, but interrupting a fae knight on a quest is a dangerous proposition.  These men have no interest in receiving the curse of the fair folk over what might be nothing.

The Bamboo Forest quickly looms before you.  The forest was once a cool muted green, but now it is black with twisted brambles and dying roses winding through the bamboo that gives it's name.  Surprisingly you happened to ride up to an entrance to the forest, which if anything looks less hospitable.  The brambles are not walls here, but they still wind into the path, ready to tear at man and beast alike.

?I have no fondness for this dark place,? Mystia says quietly.  ?And there's no sign of living men.?

You draw your sword as a woman's harsh voice calls out from the thicket.  ?Aye, and there's nothing for men here.  Nor for the fair folk or monsters.  The princess may not die, but she will sleep here forever with her servants.  And while that cursed woman may have changed my spell such that a prince may break it, none of you are princes.  Be gone!?

?Show yourself witch!?  You cry in response.  ?You who claim our lands as your own!  Let us test your words against steel and ice!?

?The forest is mine now, and those who enter shall find only death.  I have no quarrel with you children of the orient.  Now go!?

You spur your horse towards the voice, but Wriggle holds up a hand.  ?Stay yourself.  The witch shifted herself and fled as a crow.  The flies told me.  Seems she's a bit of a shape shifter.?

?Damn,? Rumia snarls.  ?If she flew I can't hunt her down.?

?Tch.  Such cowardice.?  You sheath your blade.  Now what?

6 hours left until nightfall.  Remember as youkai some of your party members perform better in the darkness.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #20 on: March 12, 2012, 03:42:02 PM »
Whoops. Should have seen that coming.

> Do we know any princes?

On the one hand, if she ran away immediately it's probably an easy quest. Course, if we don't have a prince then we may very well get to the end of the quest, defeat the witch, and be stuck with no way to awaken the princess.

Iced Fairy

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Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2012, 04:14:15 PM »
> Do we know any princes?
Aside from the one in the village who's tyrannous rule you wish to overthrow?  No.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2012, 04:28:29 PM »
No "questlogs", metagaming or sitting around not adventuring.  Thank you.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 04:50:09 PM by Iced Fairy »

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2012, 04:43:07 PM »
Here's an idea, we could also send Rumia out to scout the forest, she's got a knack for darkness, so she oughta be perfect for the job.

For anyone wondering: Yes!  You can split up, though I advise not getting into fights while in smaller groups.  Unless that fight is Rumia vs a single screaming human.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 04:52:15 PM by Iced Fairy »
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Hello Purvis

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Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2012, 06:18:28 PM »
I'm thinking we send Rumia to look ahead just a little bit, then report back if the coast is clear. And should that coast be free of D-days, we proceed.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #25 on: March 12, 2012, 06:22:41 PM »
> Clarify: who granted our knighthood? What is our relationship to other knights in the area? How big is the kingdom, anyway? What is the populace's general opinion on the King?

Fightest's note: A Prince is a ruler of a principality, nothing more, nothing less, and geasi and other such curses are often vulnerable to hair-splitting rules-lawyering like that. Could be useful.

Further note: We might well be able to kick the King out without raising a hand, guys, but that would involve X-treme court politics and I don't know if you are into that.

Final note: good start, Iced! Keep it up!

Iced Fairy

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Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2012, 07:37:58 PM »
> Clarify: who granted our knighthood? What is our relationship to other knights in the area? How big is the kingdom, anyway? What is the populace's general opinion on the King?

You're a knight because you said you're a knight and knocked down everyone who disagreed in single combat.  While not accepted in Human courts, the Fairies, both those of the West and of Gensoukyo all think that's legit.

The human kingdom is the size of the Human village and surrounding farmlands, though both have doubled in size with the changing of the lands.  This includes the old Myouren Temple turned Monastery, but the monks run that place.  Most of the old villagers have a vague sense of disdain for the king, but can't quite place it due to their memories being altered by the change in reality.  The invading villagers serve the king because he's the king.  He is neither beloved nor hated.

Edit: The fairy kingdom is officially everywhere, but effectively only the half of the misty lake and surroundings that doesn't face Castle Dracula.  And before it is asked, Titania and Oberon DO have an issue with lesser Fae calling themselves princess and princesses without permission.  They have enough problems with their children carrying the titles.

Further note: We might well be able to kick the King out without raising a hand, guys, but that would involve X-treme court politics and I don't know if you are into that.
Your chances of getting in the door is zero.  There will be diplomacy and court dealings, but they will be obvious when they arise.  You are adventurers.  This is Cirno here folks, not Machiavelli.

I'm thinking we send Rumia to look ahead just a little bit, then report back if the coast is clear.

"Friend Rumia, what think you of this forest path?  Can you see what perils may lie ahead?"

Rumia gives the forest a look.  "Perhaps.  I'll stay within shouting distance for the first hunt."  She slips off her hourse, then sneaks into the forest.

The next few minutes are tense with waiting, but Rumia returns fairly quickly.  "I didn't go far.  It truly is a maze, and from the smell fo stale blood it's a maze with traps and guardians.  Add to that the witch is capable of sneaking around with her shape changing.  It's not going to be a simple matter to explore.  I could hunt deeper, but it will take much longer.  Several hours at least to get a feel for the entrance area."
« Last Edit: March 12, 2012, 07:40:49 PM by Iced Fairy »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2012, 07:52:35 PM »
  This is Cirno here folks, not Machiavelli.

Given Machiavelli was a joke politician who never managed to get anywhere because of his obvious duplicities, does this mean that we have a chance on that route?

I think the IC thing to do here is charge in and prod buttock as needs be


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2012, 09:52:56 PM »
Given Machiavelli was a joke politician who never managed to get anywhere because of his obvious duplicities, does this mean that we have a chance on that route?

Fun fact: Machiavelli intentionally went to the extreme when he wrote the Prince, as a satire of court duplicity and treachery. He was that time's Stephen Colbert, but people, being people, actually took him seriously.

While not accepted in Human courts, the Fairies, both those of the West and of Gensoukyo all think that's legit.

That gives us an in with Oberon and Titania, presumably. We can use that.

I think the IC thing to do here is charge in and prod buttock as needs be

Sounds good to me.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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Re: The Company of the Nine
« Reply #29 on: March 12, 2012, 10:16:21 PM »
Known Exits -
Go to another area.
Search this area further.
Charge into the bramble maze.

Two votes for charging into the brambles.