Author Topic: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities (Updated 3/29/13)  (Read 6988 times)


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Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities (Updated 3/29/13)
« on: February 05, 2011, 08:15:41 PM »
Alright, rather than make a new topic, I figured I'd repurpose my old one, so here goes!  This post will be updated with any info about new spells, etc I develop, and I'll make a note in the topic title, so keep an eye out!

Current Project: ???  
Alright, got a simplistic little script I was working on today, but...I don't know what I want to do with it!  That's where you come in, visitors!
"Unknown Laser Array"  **Uses Thaws_Shotsheet, which is included in the folder I'll be linking to**
EDIT: Go to for the current version, it's been revamped a bit.

Any ideas are appreciated!

(Feel free to ignore the other stuff in there.  It was just more of me messing around trying to relearn Danmakufu after having been away for several months.)

Old Projects:

Prism Sign Spells:

Mt. Vesuvius stuff

NOTE:  You need the shot replace script in order to operate my scripts!  <-The aforementioned script, for those who don't have it.  Place it in a folder titled "lib", without the quotes.  I claim no credit for the shot replace script, I'm just sharing it for those who don't have it and want to play my spells.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 03:01:32 AM by Jq1790 »
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Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2011, 08:51:23 PM »
It's almost too easy, tho. ._.

1st Nonspell could use faster bullets, or maybe more than one source of bullets.
Prisma Laser also has too little bullets, they don't approach the player at all, turning it into a simple streaming card.
Revolution also needs shots, since there's a rather big safespot between the lasers.
Second nonspell could use a spread instead of a thin aimed burst.
Inprism-ment is a rather nice concept, but you can get out of the lasers way before they become a threat. Also too little bullets, etc.
Shining Cannons is pretty, but sadly the cannons themselves represent no threat.

All in all there's nice concepts for your first release, so keep polishing them!


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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 09:25:24 PM »
Thanks for the input, Yumemi! 

-Maybe I will speed up the bullets a bit...

-Hm, more.  Maybe I should have some of them go slightly towards the player, also?

-I know about the weakness of Revolution and I plan to rectify it eventually- I just wanted it out there to see if there was anything I didn't think of with it.

-I might try a burst, or maybe use a larger bullet if nothing else, to see if it'll help make that slightly less nineball-ish.

-A note about Imprism-ment though: it wasn't meant to have the lasers kill you directly.  The idea was to shrink your field so you had to dodge in tighter spaces, sort of like you were in a tight enclosed area, like, say, a prison?  =)  i'll try to up the difficulty a little though.

-Simlar note with the Cannons.  The lasers themselves are meant as limiters to make your dodging of the bursts more difficult.
  Guess I should make the lasers a little faster though so they have a chance to get you as well.

Again, thanks for the advice; I'll try to put an updated form out eventually, when I get in the mood to code it some more!  =)
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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2011, 11:13:19 PM »  <-This SHOULD be the updated version of the scripts, but let me know if it messed up and put the older version in there instead...  Slightly harder all around, I think.  Let me know what needs to be done with it, ok?
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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2011, 12:38:39 AM »
Woah, hey there. Let's see how it is, then.

Hey, this is actually decent for someone new to here.
Note: Replay attached. "Mewroku" is the name I use on replays where I don't actually try to beat the scripts seriously. (e.g purposely bombed the first spell after I got tired of it)

WTF, ok, so the laser on the last card that turns clockwise rotates a bit move than the one that spins counterclockwise. That was unexpected. Aw well.

Also ew ExRumia. Draw your own sprites, will ya?
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 12:56:02 AM by Mewkyuu »


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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2011, 01:13:30 AM »
During testing of the spell with the two lasers, I found that the setup I had made the clockwise one fire earlier than I'd want it to.  i, rather than worry about figuring that out for now, decided it'd be better to work around it and have the counterclockwise one move less.  Otherwise, the lasers would squish you and it'd be impossible.  I don't feel like having an angry miko after my head for making a spell card that can't be dodged, y'know?  =) 

Anything specific you think I should do to improve any/all of them, or are they pretty good for what they're meant to be?

EDIT:  Also, you killed one of my spell cards before you even got to look at it...  Did you look at Prism Sign [Rainbow-Colored Revolution]?

EDIT2:  ...Wow, I hadn't thougtht of passing Imprism-ment like that after my mods to it.  I'ma need to fix that, methinks.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 01:19:31 AM by jq1790 »
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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2011, 01:44:10 AM »
Wait lemme see.

There, have a replay.

Ok, so first of all, you might wanna remove the safespots for most of them if you want to. (That is, if this boss is supposed to be the least bit challenging.)
I'll go check in your code to see how to fix your last spell card.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 01:51:55 AM by Mewkyuu »


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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2011, 02:28:51 AM »
Agh, ANOTHER one with a safespot!?  Oy, I'll need to extend those inner lasers so they're not leaving that opening anymore...
Thanks for the help thus far though, Mewkyuu.  =)
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Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2011, 02:43:55 AM »
OK this is much more like it.
One of  the inner lasers on Revolution acts oddly, tho. Was this intended? I don't think so.


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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2011, 03:14:45 AM »
Welcome to danmakufu and this forum!

The attacks are pretty nice, I like how you try to insert some sort of gimmick for each of your spellcards instead of straight up bullet spams (I love making gimmicky spells too :D), but as mentioned there's some problems with the designs.

I has haven't watched Mewyuu's replays so I don't know if he has pointed these out:
-Revolution: what did you intend to do with the inner lasers?
If you're trying to force the player to rotate clockwise around the boss, I'd suggest making it a survival or else it'll be very unfair to non-homing players seeing how long it takes to do one revolution.
It is also not difficult to quickly move around one of the outer lasers even if you extended the inner lasers so that there's no safespot between the lasers, making it so that the spell can be completed in like 10secs. (of course this might be more difficult in higher difficulties...)
Speeding up the inner lasers might be a solution but I don't know how will that look visually :/.

I know you said you want the player to move into the middle quickly, but right now it's possible to slip into one of the large gaps between lasers and stay there without having to dodge the danmaku close up.
To force a player into the middle, the lasers have to be wider, and do not speed up the spawning of lasers to force the player in. Spawning danmaku from the bottom can easily make the spellcard cheap and unfair. You should always consider how to let the player know and will be able to dodge.
One way would be trying to play your spell a day or two after you were done with it, so that you're not as prepared for the spell, then it'll be easier to check if you've gave enough warning that danmaku is coming from below.

Good luck with danmakufu scripting! :)

Edit : Actually it was just me not paying enough attention, I think the laser spawn delay is quite long enough to give enough warning.
And since you're making rainbow danmaku, it'll be easier for you to make an array or colours
let colours = [RED01, ORANGE01, YELLOW01, GREEN01, BLUE01] something like this.
Then you can create your createshot01s in loops so it'll be less hassling.
Code: [Select]
ascent(i in 0..5)
Createshot01(GetX, GetY, speed, angle, colours[i], delay);
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 03:24:50 AM by Thaws »


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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2011, 04:25:14 AM »
@Yumemi:  you mean the yellow inner laser spinning out of sync with the rest of it?  Yeah, I noticed that during my tweaks of it and fixed it, so now all of the lasers should be moving properly.  They're faster now, too, slightly, than the original version. 

I've got a new zip with a couple of fixes in it, such as Imprism-ment not being cheesable by going between the lasers anymore(doubled em up on all 4 sides, filling in the gaps) and Revolution being made to not have the 'stand in one place and be totally safe forever' spot.

Also, @thaws: I lowered the damage output for ReimuA on Revolution significantly(I can't tell what custom people someone will use, so I can't exactly counter that so much) to make sure she couldn't cheap the boss to death with her homing shots.

As for being able to dodge around the longer lasers to stay centered?  Yeah, it's doable, but since this is Easy Modo, it's not meant to be THAT tricky.

EDIT:  I know about doing arrays, just haven't actually decided to practice using them.  I know they'd be perfect for what I want to do though, believe me.  I'm reminded of this rainbow colored laser blast thing one person used in a script I found.  I'll get around to it eventually, just have been too lazy to read up on the use of ascend and arrays and the like.  <- Updated spells/plural.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 04:31:18 AM by jq1790 »
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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2011, 06:21:30 AM »
You might wanna increase the damage rate for the first spell card. Gah, it takes way too long even with Marisa A.
Replay in attachments.

By the way...
Here's a better version of V2's last spell car- Oh.

Anyways, here it is, if you want it anyways.
@MainLoop section only. The rest is pretty much alright.
White space removed because it saves space and because I just wanna be an asshole.
Code: (V2) [Select]
SetCollisionA(GetX, GetY, 24); SetCollisionB(GetX, GetY, 24); let a = 0; let num = 35; if(frame==120){ ascent(i in 0..12) { loop(num){ CreateLaser01(GetX, GetY, 3, a+GetAngleToPlayer+[0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 0+rand(0, 100), -10+rand(0, 100), -20+rand(0, 100), -30+rand(0, 100), -40+rand(0, 100), -50+rand(0, 100)][i], 60, 12, [RED21, YELLOW21, BLUE21, RED21, YELLOW21, BLUE21, ORANGE21, GREEN21, PURPLE21, ORANGE21, GREEN21, PURPLE21][i], [0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 30, 90, 150, 210, 270, 330][i]); a += 360/num; } } CreateLaserB(0, 500, 75, WHITE60, 60); SetLaserDataB(0, 0, 0, 25, 0, 90, 0, 60, 0.19); SetShotKillTime(0, 150); FireShot(0); CreateLaserB(0, 500, 75, WHITE60, 62); SetLaserDataB(0, 0, 0, 25, 0, 45, 0, 60, 0.19); SetShotKillTime(0, 150); FireShot(0); } if(frame==360){ CreateLaserB(0, 500, 75, WHITE60, 60); SetLaserDataB(0, 0, 0, 25, 0, 90, 0, 120, -0.19); SetShotKillTime(0, 150); FireShot(0); CreateLaserB(0, 500, 75, WHITE60, 62); SetLaserDataB(0, 0, 0, 25, 0, 135, 0, 120, -0.19); SetShotKillTime(0, 150); FireShot(0); frame=-90; } frame++;
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 07:12:45 AM by Mewkyuu »


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Re: Prism Sign Spells
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2011, 07:02:32 AM »
I'll look into it anyway, since you were kind enough to make the edits for me and everything.  Maybe using those I can teach myself how to use the concept itself, which will save me a ton of time for if I ever do more rainbow danmaku stuff, which I likely will 'cause i like the appearance. So, thanks!  =)
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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2011, 04:51:23 AM »
New Project Alert!:  Volcano Sign "Mt. Vesuvius"  (Ok, I know the name's not really creative.  Sue me.)   
I was playing around with CreateShotA and this came into my head.  I figured I'd do an Easy Mode version so I can work out the kinks in the main concept before trying to make anything else.  This's meant to be about Stage 4-5 material, for difficulty comparison.

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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities
« Reply #14 on: June 20, 2011, 05:27:18 AM »
Going to download later.


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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities
« Reply #15 on: June 20, 2011, 05:51:18 AM »
hmm. Volcano sign is kinda bland, not much happening. I know it's easy mode and easy is never very exciting lol, but still you should add more to the spell If it's supposed to be stage 4-5.


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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2011, 05:52:56 AM »
Any suggestions for something to add that would still fit the theme?
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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2011, 06:24:26 AM »
Any suggestions for something to add that would still fit the theme?

Well i think you should randomize the angle and the speed of the bullets instead of using GetAngleToPlayer because if you go above Rumia, the falling bullets move up. Also I noticed something about this part in your script:
Code: [Select]
CreateShotA(1, rand(0, 320), 0, 0);
Instead of "rand(0,320)", use this: "rand(GetClipMinX,GetClipMaxX)"

That way the bullets should expand all the way across the screen.


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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2011, 08:32:36 AM »
Another way i used that makes bullet patterns look random while they are static is to make a "waving" value that increments with super huge values, like this:
Code: [Select]
task Fire{
let wave = 0;
ascent(i in 0..20){
CreateShot01(GetX, GetY, 3+sin(wave)*2, i*18, RED01, 10);
wave += 40.5;}

For this example, the speed of the ring of bullets should look pretty random.

The prism spells were rather nice, i really like the look of the light cannon in her last spell, and the concept of revolution is really nice. Imprism-ment was a little boring but well, it's easy mode.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 08:42:16 AM by Darkness1 »


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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2011, 02:57:01 PM »

Well i think you should randomize the angle and the speed of the bullets instead of using GetAngleToPlayer because if you go above Rumia, the falling bullets move up. Also I noticed something about this part in your script:
Code: [Select]
CreateShotA(1, rand(0, 320), 0, 0);
Instead of "rand(0,320)", use this: "rand(GetClipMinX,GetClipMaxX)"

That way the bullets should expand all the way across the screen.
Ah, right...  I hadn't thought much about the falling-up thing...  Also, forgot that GetClipMin/MaxX existed.  Haven't done much with the program yet, so I'm still working on figuring out how to do some things.

Another way i used that makes bullet patterns look random while they are static is to make a "waving" value that increments with super huge values, like this:
Code: [Select]
task Fire{
let wave = 0;
ascent(i in 0..20){
CreateShot01(GetX, GetY, 3+sin(wave)*2, i*18, RED01, 10);
wave += 40.5;}

For this example, the speed of the ring of bullets should look pretty random.

The prism spells were rather nice, i really like the look of the light cannon in her last spell, and the concept of revolution is really nice. Imprism-ment was a little boring but well, it's easy mode.
The Prism spells were my first foray into Danmakufu, so I figured I should DEFINITELY not try doing anything too big or fancy til I learned most of the basics.  Thanks for the feedback though!

Checked out the code you left here, and I can't seem to get it to work.  I keep getting this error about the wait part.  I'd say more but I can't read Japanese...
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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2011, 03:45:36 PM »
Checked out the code you left here, and I can't seem to get it to work.  I keep getting this error about the wait part.  I'd say more but I can't read Japanese...

Code: [Select]
function wait(t){loop(t){yield;}}
Forgot to mention that... Put it in script_enemy_main.


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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities
« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2011, 07:48:30 PM »
Volcano Sign "Mt. Vesuvius" version 2 now live!  See first post for download link.

Alternatively, click here:
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Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities
« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2011, 08:31:41 PM »
Replays added
Rename your text file to "vesuvius.txt" since that's what the replay is named as well.

First replay: No-focus no-horizontal
Second: No-horizontal no-vertical
« Last Edit: June 21, 2011, 08:39:15 PM by Mewkkyuuri »


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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities (Updated 6/3/12)
« Reply #23 on: June 04, 2012, 04:11:26 AM »
After forever, I'm back trying to learn basic stuff!  =p  See first post for details.
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Re: Jq1790's Random Danmakufu Oddities (Updated 6/3/12)
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2013, 03:59:13 PM »
Oh, uh...Hey everybody!  I've been inspired to pick this thing back up, and currently have two spells to display!  Will provide links to the scripts later, but for now, have some videos!

[v.0.5, i.e. unfinished]
Tutorial Sign "Hoist By Her Own RED03" <- This is my first time using object bullets, as well as an unusual damage method.  (The title should give a hint).  Will be undergoing revisions/revamping, this is just the proof-of-concept.

[v.1.0 i.e. finished but open to revision]
  <- Nothing terribly complex, but it seems fun enough.  What do all of you think it could use?
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