Author Topic: Suika Fortress Game III GAME OVER: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death  (Read 38911 times)


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Doing a slight deviation from the plan, here.  Got a fortress concept in mind that could be pretty cool.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Bookkeeper's Log, 1st of Granite, Early Spring 1051

After a long journey, we've arrived at Lovelymuscles, and made our camp on the side of the mountain.  The earth here is rich with resources.  On the surface alone, I've sighted abundant copper, silver, and gold, sphalerite for brass, malachite and hematite for iron, and even marble near the base of the mountain to aid in the production of steel.  Furthermore, a volcano breaks the surface to the west, which will allow us to smelt these metals easily.

However, the land here is not hospitable.  The cold is intense, and the land is blanketed with snow as far as the eye can see.  There are no animals here.  Perhaps the land is too harsh for them.  The only life here is the sparse dusting of trees across the landscape.  There is no liquid water here, either, as it has all been frozen by the climate.  Death is not far away, and only the supplies we brought will sustain us for the next caravan.  It is almost as if some cruel god opened a gap in reality and dropped us here to suffer and struggle for her twisted amusement.

But I digress.  Our leader, T34G3, has delegated most of her responsibilities to me for the time being.  I have asked headcrabs and Stuffman to dig us a shelter in the side of the mountain.  Once we're out of the cold, we can begin to plan for the future of our fortress.

Bookkeeper's Log, 8th of Granite, Early Spring 1051

We've successfully dug into the mountain, and are beginning to move our supplies indoors.  I've had Psieye construct a small, temporary office for myself to do some preliminary work on planning.

With the wealth of resources available to this fortress, it should have no problem attracting many, many Suika to work here.  The primary challenge will be using these resources efficiently.  The design I've sketched out takes these factors into account.

I will be designating work burrows on-site for each of the resources.  One near the volcano, for smelting.  One near the marble quarry, for mining and stonecrafting.  One beneath the forest, for wood gathering and carpentry.  A central hub will be our trading center, our barracks, our hospital, and the living quarters for Suika with responsibilities not directly related to any of the burrows.  So, any non-professional Suika will serve the fortress by hauling supplies back and forth between the burrows.  There will be a system of tunnels through the mountain so that the hauling can be done without any need to go outside.

Some of this planning is quite distant, of course, but it's the design around which I will be structuring the fortress.

"Hey, Serp, come away from those books for awhile and help us haul!  I'm freezing my horns off out here!"

Bookkeeper's Log, 18th of Granite, Early Spring 1051

Progress on the system of tunnels goes smoothly.  We've almost reached the volcano, and once we get there, we can begin construction on some magma forges.  Meanwhile, T34G3 has already begun work on some stone crafts to commemorate our arrival here.  Hopefully we will be able to sell them off for some supplies when the caravan arrives here half a year from now.

More good news.  While out taking a breath of fresh air, I spotted a herd of roving yukkumoi on a nearby peak.  Perhaps this land is not so barren after all.  We will be able to hunt, then, for much-needed food and leather.

Bookkeeper's Log, 28th of Slate, Mid Spring 1051

After weeks of concentrated effort, we have managed to establish a magma smelter and forge!  The lever next to the smelter controls the floodgate between the magma trench and the volcano.  I will be closing it just as soon as the trench fills.  I will also order a wall built at the end of the magma works hallway to seal out any monsters lurking within the magma.  I've confirmed that there are fire men inside, so it's prudent to be extremely cautious here.

The rest of the fortress continues to function smoothly.  Temporary beds and workshops keep us going while we work on our more permanent arrangements.  Anthony has adopted one of the chenkurri as her own.  There have also been a few snowstorms that have passed us, though thankfully none of us have had to go out into the cold since those first days of our arrival.

Bookkeeper's Log, 23rd of Felsite, Late Spring 1051

As our fortress begins to settle in, I have begun to assign some of the vital positions.  headcrabs is now officially our chief medical expert, and she finished digging out her own office just a few days ago.  Anthony is our militia commander, even if she also happens to be our militia's only member at this point.  She has begun training in a simple barracks where I've assigned her, to better be ready to train any new arrivals that appear to join her.

The tunnel to the marble quarry has also just been completed.  If all goes well, then we will soon be able to produce some steel armor.

Bookkeeper's Log, 1st of Hematite, Early Spring

Our fortress has survived its first season.  Looking at the stockpiles, I begin to worry, because it seems that we're running out of drinks, and the water here is still frozen.  Nonetheless, we will persevere somehow or another, as we pass into whatever passes for summer around these p

By the glory of all that is potable!  It seems that a thaw does reach this far north after all, albeit only for a couple of months.  This certainly changes things.  We'll be able to gather the greenery at the foot of the mountain and brew more booze with that.  It's unclear yet whether the frozen lakes will also have time to thaw, but if they do, then we may be able to have access to some fresh water after all.  This is excellent news for the fortress.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Chance are since this forest down below is only cold and not freezing like the mountain you might be able to get lake water out of the frozen lakes before too long, but it'll only be within a few months. So if you set up an underground farm near there, just make sure you get it done within a few months  cause once it freezes again (likely in the fall) there'll be no access to it till the next summer.  Otherwise, I'm quite interested in the set up you got going there.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Running an experimental fort in freezing biome as I've never tried before. Pools do not thaw in freezing biomes, they may do in cold. If you want water from freezing surfaces, you'll need a magma heating system (put magma 1 z-level below the water). Alternatively, a cave-in of the ice...

Dig down to the caverns. This is urgent for water as fiddling with a magma heating system is more effort than just getting the cavern water separated. Wall the caverns off immediately after breaching then plan. Caverns are also free mud (once walled off) for underground farming. Get surface farms for now though, I'm not seeing any problems with surface farming despit teh freezing conditions.

Note the initial large coating of snow on teh ground will never come back. You'll get "snow-covered grass" in the future, but it'll never get as thick as at embark.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2010, 10:29:27 AM by Psieye »


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Bookkeeper's Log, 2nd of Hematite, Early Summer 1051

This may be my last log for awhile, as I have volunteered to go out and gather the plants exposed by the thaw myself.  The fortress has no other hands to spare.  Everyone else is either digging, smelting, or crafting, and my bookkeeping work is less urgent than any of those tasks.

I saw a couple of Rankurri at the foot of the mountain during my first trip.  At any given time, there are only a couple of yukkuri of any type visible from the fortress.  Animal life here is not completely absent, but it's not common either.  I'll see if I can send Anthony out to bring one back to butcher.

Bookkeeper's Log, 24th of Hematite, Early Summer 1051

The pond to the south of the mountain range has thawed, and so I have designated a reservoir inside the fortress.  Anthony is producing buckets to carry the water into the fortress.

Activity is frantic.  We don't have much time before the freeze sets in again, so we must make the best of the time we have, to gather plants and water.  Our supplies are running low.

Bookkeeper's Log, 19th of Malachite, Mid Summer 1051

A small group of migrants have arrived at the fortress!  This morning, I saw them making their way around the steep rim of the volcano's caldera, and I was able to greet them and put their names down in the books earlier today.

They are Roukanken, a blacksmith, Sakana, a fish dissector, and Zengar, the most talented soaper in the land.  Zengar's skill in battle seems almost equal to her skill with soap, and so I have named her to be our sheriff.  Given the lack of fish around these parts, I have instead assigned Sakana to be our hunter.

This is a bit of a mixed blessing, I fear, for our supplies are beginning to run low.  Fortunately, the migrants have brought along a few yukkureimu, which we will probably soon need to butcher.

Bookkeeper's Log, 16th of Galena, Late Summer 1051

The pond has frozen over again, and it will only get colder from here.  We still have a few weeks of viability for plant gathering, which I fully intend to use, but for the most part, the flurry of activity over the summer is over.  This brief period of relative warmth has been a much-needed respite.  The extra help from the immigrants, the stockpile of plants we've been able to build, and the reservoir of water all were unexpected but much appreciated.

We'll survive until the caravan gets here.  I only hope that it will bring enough supplies to get us through the winter.

- - -

I'm holding off on digging to the caverns for now.  We've got enough water to get by, and we probably won't even have to rely on that, with the plants we've gathered to brew.

Also, I count four spectators that haven't gotten a Suika named after them yet.  If I get a second wave of migrants this year, it'd be nice to have some more names and roles to work with.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1051: Suddenly...MIGRANTS!
« Reply #65 on: August 05, 2010, 12:57:15 PM »
Ok I know his time has almost past, but I talked to Serpentarius yesterday and he explained that he's requested an 3-day extention period to allow him to get the time to get to his game. I won't go into details about it, but with today and extention period he will have 4 days to report on the Fall and the Winter to complete his turn.

If he completes his turn, then it'll be my turn.

 And if for some reason he can't complete it, I will skip my turn once again under the player's request since everyone want's something different. That'll mean it'll be Psieye's turn.

Anyways like always, I'm always open to anyone that wants a to give name for thier Suika for his game.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 01:00:42 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1051: Suddenly...MIGRANTS!
« Reply #66 on: August 06, 2010, 12:01:42 AM »
Bookkeeper's Log, 20th of Limestone, Early Autumn 1051

We're now putting the finishing touches on the main living quarters underneath the trade depot and workshops.  As of yet, the fortress is too small to benefit from building full living quarters and amenities at every work station, but construction has also started on a small living area near the forges for Roukanken and whoever will be joining her in the next migrant wave.

Speaking of smithing, we've managed to forge some steel and will soon have some fine armor for Anthony and Zengar.  I don't expect any goblin raiders anytime soon, but it never hurts to be prepared.  Sakana's growing skill with a crossbow will also serve us well in the event of an emergency.

Bookkeeper's Log, 16th of Sandstone, Mid Autumn 1051

The efforts to feed and armor ourselves continue.  There is little of note to mention, aside from Sakana taking unexpectedly well to her job as a hunter.

Bookkeeper's Log, 21st of Sandstone, Mid Autumn 1051

More migrants!  Among their number are Anathe, a deadly archer, DollWarrior, a skilled cook, NeoSerela, who I have sent to help Roukanken with the smithing, and Chaore, who I have placed under Anthony's command.  As well, there are several others whose names I did not get a chance to take.  With this, our fortress has a Suika population of 17.

Bookkeeper's Log, 19th of Timber, Late Autumn 1051

Just when I began to fear that they had not been able to make the journey themselves, I caught sight of the trade caravan through the driving snow!  We have been doing well enough for ourselves that I think we could have survived without the supplies, but I am happy nonetheless.  I've sent Totaku to go barter with the traders, and with any luck, we will soon have enough supplies to live comfortably all winter.

- - -

Alright, if there are any requests you want me to put in with the liaison, or anything in particular you think I should trade for now, this would be a good time to tell me about it.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<

Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1051: Suddenly...MIGRANTS!
« Reply #67 on: August 06, 2010, 04:21:31 AM »
Suggestions for trade requests:
Leather, preferably some exotic animal like Jaguar or a rarer Yukkuri (1 rank)
Expensive gems: Star Ruby/Sapphire, all Diamonds, etc - maybe even Opals (the cooler sounding ones, like Precious Fire Opals) at 3+ ranks
Wood (2 ranks)
Dogs er Sakuya Yukkuris (2 ranks, we don't want their weight dominating the caravan)
Rutile or Kimberlite stone block (1 rank) for a snazzy well when we rebuild it in the future


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1051: Tradin' among Suikas
« Reply #68 on: August 08, 2010, 11:23:34 PM »
Bookkeeper's Log, 20th of Moonstone, Early Winter 1051

The traders just left today, taking with them the crafts we've been sculpting since arrival, and leaving behind plenty of food to hold us through the winter.  I've asked them to bring back a checklist of goods when they come around next year, though I hope that we will see some other caravans from the other sentient races before then.  For now, there's nothing to do but endure until spring.

Bookkeeper's Log, 16th of Opal, Mid Winter 1051

With the help from the latest wave of migrants, the steel industry here has really begun to pick up.  Our small military now has the majority of the steel equipment it needs.  I've also ordered some brass smelting to be done as well, for sphalerite and copper are common here and the magma makes it cheap to produce.  Brass bins will be nice to store our crafts in, and brass furniture will look very nice around the fortress.

Bookkeeper's Log, 24th of Obsidian, Late Winter 1051

A yukkousei thief attacked the fortress today!

I immediately called for Anthony, Zengar, Chaore, and Anathe to kill it.  Chaore was closest, so she chased it down.  The battle started with Chaore charging at the yukkuri and knocking it down, sending it rolling along the mountainside.  Using her battleaxe, Chaore sliced one of its wings almost all the way off, sending warm bean paste splattering all over the snow.

The yukkuri tried to fight back by slashing at Chaore's hands and body with a dagger held in its hair, but the steel gauntlets and breastplate Chaore was wearing protected her from harm.  But the yukkri's third slash managed to find a gap in Chaore's boots, and dealt a deep gash to her leg!

The yukkuri was much faster than Chaore, and attacked several times, but no more attacks got through Chaore's armor.  Chaore managed to knock the yukkuri down again and began hacking at it mercilessly.  Finally, as a killing blow, Chaore chopped the accursed thing clean in half, putting an end to the fight.

Chaore has since gone off to the hospital, though headcrabs has not yet gotten a chance to look at her.  For my part, I think I will pass over the duty of supervisor of the fortress to another Suika, for it is beginning to get too big for my own humble abilities to handle.  The basic amenities have been set up, but more permanent accommodations still need to be built.  I sense that we will need to dig deeper into the earth to grow this fortress, and I feel a strong drive to do so.  It's almost as if something is subconsciously urging me to go and see what lies in the underground...

But I digress.  With this, I pass on the fortress to Totaku.  This will be my last report as supervisor of the fortress, at least for the time being.

- - -

Alright, file is here:
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1051: Charoe gets a bad cut
« Reply #69 on: August 09, 2010, 02:46:56 PM »
Ouch Chaore got a cut? Well let's hope the headcrabs will know what to do. It should be fun to see how the doctor thing plays out. hehehe.

Anyways, I got the save and I'll play it in a bit. Let's hope year 2 beings more excitement!
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1051: Charoe gets a bad cut
« Reply #70 on: August 09, 2010, 03:43:27 PM »
Chaore got off lucky only getting a leg cut after several attacks. Or maybe because it was a Kobold (Daiyousei yukkuri) that it turned out that way. I once lost 2 steel clad soldiers to the same goblin (biokkuri) thief who got headshots with face stabs.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1052: Expanding and making farms
« Reply #71 on: August 11, 2010, 10:04:35 PM »
Alright people, sorry for the delay. I had some things come up but without further ado, here's the Spring report!

First month of Spring Day 1
The spring is finally here and I?m busy working on the food?. I will say though the place feels rather confusing?like a pyramid type layout?.

I?ve decided to talked to stuffman about working on more bed rooms. Cause were going to need them sooner or later anyways. Especially if more Suika being to appear. So I began coming up with the plans to expand?.

Meanwhile Chaore is laying in the bed and the yukkumoi are running around near our entrance. I thinks it?s time for our military to get some training with these yukkkuri?.

Above all else?we need more room for everthing. This shelter will only work for so long like this?.

First Month of Spring Day 11

For the last few days our Suika army have been chasing down the yukkumoi along with Zengar who?s been beating them senseless. This proven to be worth the time. Also we got the steel production done and currently working on brass. I think I?ll add more steel into the list?.

Also we need more axes! We need to get to tree cutting sooner or later!

First Month of Spring Day 20

Most of the expansion work is done, and so I?ve decided to start working on prettying up the place some.  We need to make the rooms more invinting anyways. Mean while Dr. Headcrabs decided to take the yukkumoi?s that were killed and start butchering them so we got more meat to add into inventory.
First Month of Spring Day 28

Dr. Head Crabs finally checked out Chaoroe, and according to his report, Chaore was plenty healthy enough to go about on her own without any treatment. The reason for this according to what she explained was that her body seems to be very good at healing. So the only thing that remains from the stab wound is a small scar now. So she?s now back to work and training.

Second Month of Spring Day 23

A wave of migrants have come! And now there are more Suika to deal with. As of now our population has grown to 33 now?.I guess it?s time to make room?.Mean while Head Crabs and stuffman are half way though making the tunnel? It shouldn?t be long before we get to making the farming zone.

Also some random Suika is now processed by unknown forces and has decided to take over the Carft Suika shop?

Last Month of Spring Day 1

Our digging team has finally broke into the floor to begin plans on the farming area. If everything go on schedule we should have a functioning farm once the ice melts which occurs during the summer.

On some other news, Our possessed Suika finally made the artfiacted item?.

A crown worth 19200 Suika buck! I?m not sure what purpose it?ll serve right now but at least it was craft suikanship of the highest quality!

Last Month of Spring Day 11

Yukkumoi are near our area again. Means time to hunt them down and collect their bodies. Time to send our armies out to play with the yukkuri and show them how to really take it easy.
Also I noticed the snow is melting in the ground below the mountain?. Luckily the farm is nearly done so it should soon pay off?

Last Month of Spring Day 13

The Parsee Caravan has arrived And it?s coming this way. A good sign from this is we can replenish our drink supply. Course we also have to be picky with what we give them. They are very uptight about what we give them since it can easily make them jealous?. We haven?t had a lot of time to work on the good either thanks to our possessed Suika but regardless we are prepared?

Last Month of Spring  Day 21

Thel layout for the faeming zone is done and just on time as the snow is beginning to melt it?ll only be a matter of time now and then food will not be a problem at all!

Last Month of Spring Day 24

I sat down and work with the Parsees. They act like pretty confident yukkuri as you would expect from what they are. Their green eye glare at me as every pressing moment as I pass out the good to trade with them?.They really are looking for an excuse to get jealous at me?. Sigh?. Anyways, after trading some Daiyouse goods and stone crafts, I got some wood, barrels, drinks, vegetables and other good in exchange so we?re good.

Also I took the time to set up a wood stock pile near the fort entrance. No reason to keep running down the mountain the whole time esepcially since it's so damn cold up here!

On that very same day a yukkyousei appeared in the moutani looking to steal our good. And it turned out it was one of out yusakuyas who found it! Stragnly enough the yusakuya manage to tear apart the yudaiyousei before she could do any damage to it! That alone it pretty awesome. Reminds me we have an animal caretaker with us, we should go and make a kennel to turn our yusakuyas into war dogs.
Final Spring Report

With the farm land in place, we?re close to getting an operational farming area. And thankfully with the expanding of the bedrooms we have less to worry about. But I got a lot more things to be concerned about such at dealing with the fort?s current layout.

It reminds me too much of an Egyptian pyramid. And I overlooked some things as I was building some areas. I?m going to look to see if I can figure out what I can do to make this place look more like a Suika Fortress? in the long run?.

Also why the bloody heck do we have a bowyer shop outside?!!

Anyways, this should cover what happen so far, I've also went and took pictures of the fort to show some of the key points of the fort:

47 z levels above ground: Main entrance trading depot, work shops

37 z levels above ground: main bed room area

30 z levels above ground: smelting chamber

1 z level below ground: soon to be farming zone

I didn't include the pond, barrack or hospital right now cause I'm considering revamping them. Seems hard to think that the doctor and military can work is such a confined space...

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
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  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1052: Expanding and making farms
« Reply #72 on: August 12, 2010, 12:04:23 AM »
Kekeke, throwing a 3d fort at a 2d player, what fun. :3c
[15:13] <Sana> >:<

Re: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1052: Expanding and making farms
« Reply #73 on: August 12, 2010, 12:55:25 AM »
Once it's my turn, there's probably going to be a whole lot of revamping and cleaning anyway. Oh and cavern breaching if it hasn't been done that late in.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Kekeke, throwing a 3d fort at a 2d player, what fun. :3c
Yeah and you tried to make as painful as possible for me(kidding). :P But at least I found a way to make use of the set up and it's bound to change with time...

Anyways, time for the summer report!

First month of Summer Day 2

Yukkuyousei thief appeared at the entrance once again. So our soldiers once again chased it down. Within no time, Zengar began beating on it as usual. And within moment following that. Another Suika Soldier took her axe and slash it?s face completely off as flew a ways and plummet down several stories along the mountainside. The Daiyouseikkuri was good as dead obviously? So we took her belonging back to the fort as usual?.

First month of Summer Day 9

I came up with a fix for the problem regarding the fort and where it stands. It?s complex pyramid like setting makes things complicated, but I came up with a solution for the problem! And apartment like setting!

So as of right now each floor will have a 24 room setting. And I considering making it so that between certain floor we will have food stock in various floor and maybe other goods too. It should make for east access compared to how the for it set up right now.  This will probably take some time, but hopefully it?ll make life easier for the Suika Fortress. Now it look I?ll be devoting time to carving out the rooms as usual?.

First month of Summer Day 16

The pond along the south has south, however, the north still need time to melt. So no farm yet?. But hopefully it?ll happen soon.

Also the second floor is finally finished it?ll still need remodeling but I?ll start working on the beds sooner of later?.
Also I have begun working on the 3rd floor of the apartment. Food and drink storage.

Second Month of Summer Day 16

One month later, and now we can now work on making crops and just on the nick of time too! As now our food supply has been extinguished! We now only have the crops and the plants we can gather. For right now I?m letting our herbalist gather some plants since we?re running low on drinks. Once we get a farm running the rest should come smoothly?.

Last Month of Summer Day 1

The water has evaporated enough that we can now being work on the croplands. I have set up a total of 6 crops in the area to allow for maximum usage to grow a variety of underground crops.

Last Month of Summer Day 13

We moved all the stones out of the rooms to make room for the storage rooms for our foods. And as or right now I?ve went and switched the stockpile up at the entrance to allow finished goods as we got more helping hands and this will mean expanding out business as times continues onward?.

Last Month of Summer Day 19

The human Caravan has arrived so we need to get the stocks ready! I?m going to go get a drink, I can?t deal with everything at the moment without my booze? What? The barrels are almost empty? Don?t worry about it, just get lour luggage up there and I?ll sit down and talk with the trade I?ll get more food and drink then?

Oh and did I forget that I have expanded the workshop area? We need more shops since all our new Suikas are here to give a helping hand. Best they don?t go to waste?

Last Month of Summer Day 26

A Suika weapons smith all of a sudden got a sense of inspiration and decided to go run around started to collect stuff, and he went off to claim the magma forge? this better be worth while. As he halted production of our steel armor work!

Last Month of Summer Day 30

That steel crafter finally took the moment to get back at the shop once she got the supplies she needed. So far it consider of a bar of steel and 2 yukuumoi bones? I wonder what she?s going to make. It better be worth it?s time! Maybe something for Zengar?

Also the military went on another yukkumoi hunt. And as usual Zengar, Anthony are usually the first to get to them and hack them apart.

Final Summer report
This season been more about expanding more than anything else. Most of the time was spend organizing everything and make the fortress more function able. And the military has been doing all right from what I have seen so far. And now we have a farm. There?s still more organization that needs to be done. But as or right now it?s been smooth sailing.

That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
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  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Did you manage to find a huge human sword to buy for Zengar?
[15:13] <Sana> >:<

If we can't find one, I will make a sword for Zengar. I can't do anything about its length, but I'll do my darnest to get it looking good within the constraint that I only have 1 year to do it.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #77 on: August 13, 2010, 06:37:43 AM »
I don't know guys things have taken a drastic turn for the worse...

First month of Fall Day 5

Our Suikan weapon smith has finally crafted the weapon he was putting together and it was!

A steel pick!

Ok so this wasn?t what I was expecting but I?m not complaining really?..

It?s quite valuable too considering it?s just steel and yukkumoi bone, but anyways all Craft Suikanship is of the highest quality so now our weapons smith should produce weapons like crazy now!

First month of Fall Day 10

The Snow is beginning to fall once again at our fort. We are at least now prepared to handle the it as we are now getting a food supply ready..slowly but surely?.

First month of Fall Day 15

I was too busy to sit down and trade with the humans so I sent a miner to do the work and told him what to order. Mainly get bought off some wood and some leather and a few other things like that. It wasn?t that diffuclt and we got off fairly so at least now we can continue wood production and work on our leather works?Sadly the humans did not have any katanas for sale.....

Also our abnoxious parsee leader demanded for some attention after waiting for a few seasons...

What cap our tree cutting? You must be jealous of us.... you know what?  NOOOO!!

Second Month Of Fall Day 20

The Fort needs more protection, at our current rate we?re going to get screwed over eventually which is why I?m setting up a few cage traps so I?ve set orders to get cages done, but we got other things to work on as well?

Last Month of Fall Day 5

The Second floor is finally paved out now so it looks pretty. At least it?ll make a nice home for whoever lives in them. Now I need to remake the work station on the top floor?

Last Month of Fall Day 7

I have no idea why someone made this path down near the bottom floor. Here in the fort. I assume it was for easy tree access. But it also presented a danger that made things worse  As sooner or later someone might take the bottom entrance and try to attack from below. We should minimize conflict to the top for now?. So for the time being I?ve set up a wall to block off  anything from getting in. Later on we will probably do something with it? but this will do?

Also as typical as the autumn seasons is the yukkurikos are out to  play...

Final Month of Fall Day 12

The Suika traders have arrived once again! It is time to start getting our supplies ready for their arrival! I made orders for them to being taking our goods and moving them to the depot as they make their arrival. I sure hope this goes well?

Final Month of Fall Day 15

IT?S AN AMBUSH! We?re are under attack by a band of vicious biokkuri! So far from what I can see, it consist of 1 Spearman and  4 archer this is going to require some planning?.

I made orders to tell everyone to evacuate to the Food storage center and remain there till further orders?.
Psieye was the first to spot them but was also the first to nearly get killed as arrows zoomed right past her as she fleed to the burrow. Luckily she manage to arrive to her spot.

Meanwhile another ambush was reported to the north! It consisted of 3 hammers 1 bowmen. I?m getting Anthony?s squad ready as they will need to be prepared to take on the biokkuri menace.

Final Month of Fall Day 18

We stantioned the squad near the entramce as we waited for the right moment to strike. Eventually we spotted a biokkurii squad that got separated from their group?. 2 hammer and 1 archer. We knew this was the door of opportunity. But we had to wait.  They came up the mountain to attack an unsuspecting yukkureimu. And when they came to the entrance door?

Our team attack the biokkuri as they attempt to afight back. We clashed right near the traps! And as a result. The fight was a success. One biokkuri was sliced apart while the other two were trapped in the cages and became our prisoners.

We then follow another assualt on the lone biokkuri hammer around the mountain side?.easy work! Time to regather and plan our next move?.

Final Month of Fall Day 20

We see the remaining 5 biokkuri squads taking on a yukku Reimu along the bottom of the mountain. We thought that it would be simple work as we could launch an assult while they were distracted?

However? we re proven wrong! The Biokkuri turn and fire their arrows at our Suikas. I thought the steel armror and shield would work and allow the squad pass over while the archers got their ammo ready. But it turn it only got ugly. Almost every shot struck through the steel armor and harmed the Suikas. Anthony, Zengar, and a nameless Suika?. All hurt, bleeding and lying on the ground?

Charoe chickened out and sat by the mountainside shivering in fear unable to find the will to fight back! It was turning very grim all of a sudden?. What will become of our Suika Squad?

Fainl Month of Day 22

Anathe?s squad finally came to the rescue They fired their arrows at the biokkuri suqad as they were busy fighinging the others. Anathe maange to strike one of them in the brain pretty much killing her off.

This somehow gave Chaoroe the courage to fight and she decided to press on an attack. But sadly she wasn?t truly prepared as she soon became too wounded to fight and fell unconscious.

Anathe runs out of ammo and decided to launch an assult of her own. She held off well, but she too soon got injured.
Final Month of Day 27

I then decided that we had to enlist some random Suikas into our army. In hopes that by some change we could take out the biokkuri squad?.

My luck payed off?

The Mason and Blacksmith became our new ax and hammer SUika and their fighting payed off!

They took out the biokkuirs who will still trying to beat up Anthony and Zengar?.But even though we saved them?.it was too late?.

Anthony and Zengar both died soon after the biokkuris were killed. It was almost as if the tourture they went through was the only think keeping them alive. But now their souls may rest?

As it stands right now we have 5 injuries 2 dead. And now we?re free to come out of the fortress. Our first priority?. Getting out squad into the emergency room!

Final Month Day 29

Dr. Head Crabs has taken the chance to evaluate our first two injured Suika?. Choaroe and a nameless Suika.
Both seem to have injuries on the upper leg. Dr. Headcrabs we unable to what kind of injuries Chaore had as her priority was set on the nameless Suika right now due to her cut on her upper right leg?.

Hopefully we?ll learn soon enough?

Final month Day 30

I finish trading with the Suika for the time being. But the original plans were shot?.Because of the many who have fallen after the nasty battle that took place I placed in order for wood, cloth, silk, thread and leather?  and pretty much had to trade every thing to get the supplies.

I?m getting to Suikas ready to make beds, crutches and splints, along with tables and traction benches for the hospital. We?re going to need everyone?s effort if we wish to help our fallen soldier back on their feet!

Final Fall Report

The ambush was grim and has forced a change of plans to what I originally had in mind. Survival of our wounded soliders is what?s most important right now! And with our inside pond running dry I?m about to consider digging deep in hopes to find additional water?

This winter will be a season of survival? Nothing more, nothing less!

Sorry guys. I didn't know that this would of gotten this ugly. I thought that after nearly two years of indivudual training / hunting. They would be able to handle them... I'm not sure if there was any ways to really work around this.... So all I can say is what happen has happened...

So yeah sorry Anthony and Zengar.... you both died proudly in the heat of battle.

Anyways... Anthony and Zengar....would you like to have another Suika named after you?
« Last Edit: August 13, 2010, 06:41:46 AM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #78 on: August 13, 2010, 07:17:10 AM »

1) Individual weapon training got nerfed in v0.11 and hunting doesn't actually involve a lot of shooting.

2) Ranged combat balance is broken, where mere copper bolts can pierce steel armour.

Looks like I got a lot to do when it's my turn.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #79 on: August 13, 2010, 07:28:42 AM »
So then how would you propose going about handling biokkuri armed with ranged equipment?

The first conflict went fine because they deflected them with thier sheilds, but the second fight was grim. Know of anyways how an army can tackle them short of using traps? Course I mean under the current system.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #80 on: August 13, 2010, 07:32:39 AM »
Pit of chafffs is how you deal with them. You wait for them to unload all their ammo on some random tame animals in some pit behind fortifications. Then you charge. Alternatively, an elaborate setup with glass/gem windows may also work where both sides see each other but can't shoot each other so therefore need to charge to melee rnage.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #81 on: August 13, 2010, 07:46:11 AM »
Sounds like taking advantage of the AI if you ask me (ah well Toady plans to fix up Seiges evetually). I was hoping for a more epic battle conficlt than to sit back and let them wast thier ammo. But to each thier own I guess. Especially since the ammo is alot like how it use to be like in the 40d days. I'll see about finishing up mu turn hopefully in a day or two.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #82 on: August 13, 2010, 08:35:08 AM »

Ahem, either way are we going to handle this like the previous Suika Fortresses (not including number 2 due to the lack of suika) and let the ones who died get a new suika?


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #83 on: August 13, 2010, 08:42:39 AM »
That's exactly why I was asking at the end of my post. I'm guess you won't mind. I think we can find a replacement for you. If anything the axe Suika that saved everyone in the end can be the replacement if you like.

I will call him "Anthony the II"
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #84 on: August 13, 2010, 08:43:08 AM »
Ahem, either way are we going to handle this like the previous Suika Fortresses (not including number 2 due to the lack of suika) and let the ones who died get a new suika?
Anyways... Anthony and Zengar....would you like to have another Suika named after you?

EDIT: Damn, Totaku-ninja'd :V


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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #85 on: August 13, 2010, 08:44:40 AM »
My Suika can join the army if you guys need extra hands.


  • *Roll*
  • *fwump*
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #86 on: August 13, 2010, 08:50:39 AM »
That's exactly why I was asking at the end of my post. I'm guess you won't mind. I think we can find a replacement for you. If anything the axe Suika that saved everyone in the end can be the replacement if you like.

I will call him "Anthony the II"

Welp didn't notice it due to skimming this :V

Either way I'm perfectly fine with it.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #87 on: August 14, 2010, 10:36:51 PM »
Ok I will try to get this run done but I'm going to go ahead and ask for an extention right now. Since I'm tied up with New Super Marisa Land, and Fairy Wars at the moment. So yeah I'll try to get something in 5 days at least.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #88 on: August 14, 2010, 10:48:41 PM »
I'd have been troubled if yo'ud dumped me with my turn just as Comiket came out yeah. Extension very happily agreed with.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
« Reply #89 on: August 19, 2010, 05:32:01 PM »
Alright gang, I want to inform you that the game is still going. I've been side tracked by Fairy Wars and New Super Marisa Land. But I've managed to complete the Winter season so I should have the save up and ready for use later tonight or tomorrow.

And I have big story to report too. This will probably take a bit of time to explain because ALOT has happened!

Also while I'm at it, for future experience, how do you get your doctor to override the surgery interuption since the patient wakes up sometimes? Thought I might as well ask....
« Last Edit: August 19, 2010, 05:34:04 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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