Author Topic: Michael Azrael's Journal, a "fanfic"  (Read 2625 times)

Michael Azrael

Michael Azrael's Journal, a "fanfic"
« on: July 05, 2010, 11:37:46 PM »
Things to note when reading this fanfic
1) It's done in a journal format, with the "days in gensokyo" as a header for each "entry"
2) Entry sizes will vary, from a couple sentences, to large, multi-paragraph explanations and such.
3) It's written in perspective of my OC, which is partly why I named my account what it is.
4) To hell with anyone who says "men can't use danmaku".
5) Each "page" in the journal will probably get it's own separate post. If it gets long enough, you might need to dig through pages, although I doubt it.
6) This isn't the first site I've posted this to, meaning it'll probably get updated in bulk here, instead of little snippets.

Now then, here's a bio.
Full Name: Michael Azrael
Race/Sex/age: Human (outsider)/Male/21(?)
Occupation: Studied mythology and their origins for a few years.
Title: Strange Human from Outside
Special traits/abilities: Currantly the charm "burned" itself into his right arm, making him able to use danmaku and learn it at a rather speedy pace.
Location: In a makeshift house/shack somewhere near the Hakurei shrine, far enough so it's not seen easily.
In possession of: His currant clothes, an "amulet" with the words "increase" and "strength", and a dulled, small katana-like weapon he found.
Appearance: Starting from the top, a brown hat with two brown leaves/feathers, short, straight brown hair that's a bit long in front. A blue neckerchief around his neck, blue sleeveless shirt, with a large blue coat, lighter blue triangle pattern on the end of the sleeves and bottom of the coat. Has a brown bag with a strap over his shoulder. Baggy, dark blue pants. Wears either brown sandals or shoes. Often carrys some kind of sword, usually a black or dark brown sheath and hilt, with a silver blade.
Spell Cards:"Cold Muramasa of the East", "Tender Masamune of the East", "Mjollner, the Northern Thunder"
Full Spell card list:
"10,000 Cold Nights, Muramasa",
"Tender Hands, Masamune",
"Mjollner, the Northern Thunder",
"Arthur's Cleaving Excaliber",
"Aegis of the Roman Conquerer",
"Amenonuhoko, Heavenly Spear that formed the world",
"The Dwarve's Cursed Tyrfing"

Day one: This starts my Journal of my adventures in "Gensokyo". I'm writing this in a makeshift hut by a shrine owned by Reimu Hakurei, hopefully she won't mind it being in a close vicinity to her shrine, but I think I made it far enough far enough so it's unable to be seen. I'll carve the small cave-like formation I found in the hill, as it seems uninhabited.

But I'm rambling, I should chronicle what happened first, so I'll start with what I remember when I first came to this strange land.

My earliest memory is walking through a town in Japan, which I went to so I could research local legends. This lead me to a shrine tucked in a sleepy town, which was quite quaint. I then recall a strange woman leaning against a wall on the outside of the shrine, in an unusual dress, who when I approached, woke up from a nap, and stared at me with a strange interest. I backed away a bit, in fear I was intruding, but she cocked her head and started fanning herself, and shifting a fancy, pink umbrella she had open above her. She didn't look much older then 24, but her eyes looked at me like she had seen millenniums.

What happened next was strange, to say the least, because she slowly got up, and walked over. I tried my best to act respectful, seeing as I'm no older then 18, and she was obviously older then me. When she had come up within five feet of me, she stopped, all the while fanning herself slowly, her head slightly tilted with the most unusual expression on her face.

After ten minutes of this, I was starting to get stiff, and was about to open my mouth, when she suddenly said something unusual at the time.

"You seem interesting, human."

After that, I only remember a sudden falling sensation, with faint laughter, then a thud as I slammed against some ground.

After I stirred, I quickly jumped up, and found myself within a few yards of a strange woman with red hair,wearing a short, red and yellow dress, over what looked like the corpse of an animal. What kind I don't know, I just know it was town open from it's neck down to the lower end of it's belly, and it was very large, about the size of a bear. Some of it's insides where pulled out, some hanging limply out of it's torn belly. The girl turned around, somewhat unfazed, and just blinked, seemingly in the middle of consuming said creature's insides, with red streaks across her face, and all across the front of her dress.

The silence was deafening. We stared for a full minute before she suddenly gave a frightened look like I had walked in on her naked, shrieked, then hurled something large and red at me, which exploded upon impact of the ground.

At this point, I was bewildered beyond reasoning, and started running, which is where I practically blacked out entirely in terror, loud blasts going on repeatedly behind me, right behind me as the woman yelled something I didn't take the time to listen to.

All I remember after that is looking behind me after awhile only to notice I wasn't being chased, which is when I slowed to a slow walk, panting. I continued awhile, till I ended up at a staircase, which looked like one to a shrine. I ran up the stairs, and fell to my knees near the entrance.

I adjusted my coat, and tried to catch my breath before I knocked. I was soon met by a strange woman wearing a blue shirt, and wearing a strange looking hat. She was holding a strange stick with writing on it, and gave me an indignant look.

"What do you want?" She asked me, I quickly explained a bit, and I heard someone inside the shrine say something, which is when the woman with the stick backed up and allowed me to enter the shrine.

The people inside where a strange bunch, I sat over in a corner, away from the rest who where having a lively discussion. I soon learned that among them was: A judge of hell, a guide of souls, a vampire, an ice fairy, and a dragon-god. My head was still spinning from my earlier encounter, so it took me awhile to compute this. Once this registered though, I found myself with an even bigger headache then I had before, and almost collapsed.

I managed to keep myself from having a breakdown, and watched to bizarre group have some kind of argument, which resulted in the judge and the guide leaving, and then the vampire left in some kind of huff. A "dog tengu" arrived shortly, and started hanging around. After awhile, the shrine's owner, "Reimu" had arrived, and welcomed me before going over to see the dragon-god, who was apparently just hanging around the garden. I had regained some of my sanity at this point, and started listening to the conversation, in hopes of figuring out some information on where I was.

This resulted in an unfortunate discovery, that "Gensokyo", the place I'm in, is in danger of being destroyed by some strange being, a "half-youkai", with a strong hatred for Gensokyo.

I drifted away from the conversation, instead focusing on my clothes, they seemed to be fine, my pants weren't ripped, my shirt was fine, and my coat seemed to be fine too, which all surprised me, considering my violent first encounter.

After this, I noticed the shrine maiden, or "miko" as the dog-tengu called her, and the dragon-god went outside the shrine, presumably to talk about something important. The tengu wanted to go, but was blocked, but later tried to follow anyway.

I then sat back and just rested, mulling over what happened, tossing it around trying to grasp it all. Another miko, older then the first, came from behind a door, looked at me, then walked over to the table. After some introducing myself, I asked if I could stay overnight at the shrine, just until morning. She told me to make a donation, to "increase my luck", which puzzled me, but I obliged. I put a couple coins into the box in front, then walked back inside the shrine. The older miko looked at me, before going and getting a pot of tea and some cups, which she poured said tea into, and handed one to me. After an awkward silence, she looked at me, and asked me a question that must have been out of the blue.

"Do you want to buy a charm?" she said with a clear voice. I looked at her, a little puzzled, before asking what kind of charms these where. After a small explanation, of which could be summed up as "whatever you want them to be", I handed her the 250 yen, an addition of 100 of the original price, since it was supposedly a special charm, and she handed me a piece of red and white paper, with the Japanese symbols for "increase" and "power".

I looked at it for awhile, before tucking it into a pocket in my shirt, making sure it was somewhere it couldn't fall out.

I later found I couldn't stay at the shrine, so I decided to try and fine a place to make a shelter, which led to me finding a small hill near the shrine, large enough to carve a small indentation out of. I gathered some wood, and made a small tent-like structure near the indentation, and covered it in some large leaves. After I had done this in a fashion where it would hold up, instead of collapsing, I decided to examine the surrounding area. When walking around, I tripped over some small bump, which I assumed was a tree stump. after looking at it though, I found it was not a tree stump, but a something like a hilt. I dug it out to find a small, sheathed blade, which to my disappointment was dulled. After this, I returned to my little shack, and dug the little indentation out into a small hole, of which I could climb into and still have room to move. I then found another stick, and stuck it into the roof, like a miniature beam, and managed to sit my coat down in a fashion I could lay on.

After being pleased with my clumsily built shelter, I then pulled the this very journal out and began writing, after which, I plan to retire for the night, and possibly find some more information on this strange little charm. I plan in the morning to investigate it further, since even though it says "increase strength" on it, I don't feel any different, although when I started to pray, it seemed to glow ever so faintly. I suspect it may have some relation to spiritual power, but I'll find that out in the morning, for now, I'm completely bushed, although I could go for something to eat... Ah, I'll figure it out in the morning.

~End of page 1~

Author's note
   I future days will rarely be as large as this one, but who knows, I might get creative.

Michael Azrael

Re: Michael Azrael's Journal, a "fanfic"
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2010, 01:01:52 AM »
 Day 2
Uneventful, I studied the charm and kept working on the little shack I made.

Day 3
I tried to find some way to sharpen the sword I found, which didn't work too well. I continued studying the charm in attempts to figure out how to work it. No results so far, although I think it might have something to do with the combat of several youkai I've seen lately. They'd usually fly up and send thousands of colorful balls of light at each other until one gives up and surrenders, or gets blasted to the ground.

I began thinking the charm might be able to let me gain a ability similar to the ones I saw, I'll try attempting to unlock how this display of lights.

Day 4
Uneventful, no changes in my attempts.

I was however, forced to eat a unfortunate fairy by a Rabbit and a "celestial", which gave me a horrible stomachache.

Day 5
I decided to visit the shrine, thinking it might help my attempts at this art of combat called "danmaku".

This proved fruitful, I learned that focusing on the charm drew out some of my weak "spiritual" powers and allowed me to fire small blasts, I soon learned attaching the charm to my arm helped me fire them with just one arm, instead of both. The fairy I ate from before was there, and at first I used her as target practice. After several of her deaths, I felt bad for constantly abusing her, and stopped. I apologized too, and she didn't seem too mad about it, surprisingly. She didn't seem to have a name, so I decided to call her Faren. She kinda liked it, and seems to like hanging around, as long as I don't try and blast her.

Before this, though, I met a strange "flower youkai" named Yuuka, who seemed rather tame and subdued when she met me. After introducing herself, she ambled along and went to some kind of "flower festival".

After awhile, I moved on from short blasts, to larger blasts, to small orbs, to medium orbs. After much repetition, I decided to make a large blast, in attempt to increase my output, and possibly make more bullets at once. This succeeded, although it shot me across the shrine's lawn into a tree. After much groaning and peeling myself off the tree, I then tried to shoot several energy orbs, which succeeded. I fired ten, then eleven, then 15, then finally got up to 25 before I started feeling queasy. I rested a bit, then resumed. This continued until I finally decided I couldn't fire any more shots. I walked over to the entrance of the shrine, and took a rest.

I woke up late in the day, with a nice feeling of refreshment. I decided to resume practice at my "hovel" and ambled over.

Nothing else interesting happened, although I did make more progress...

[day 6-14 seem to be skipped.]

Day 15
After around ten or so days of practice, I've gotten to the point where I can defend myself against some of the lesser youkai. I wandered away from my dwelling, which is why I haven't filled in on days. Although they mostly consisted of running from youkai in the early portion of my trip, before arriving in the human village. I spent several days learning about my new surroundings. I learned that many "danmaku" fighters often have "spell-cards", which causes large intricate patterns to fly. Anytime a danmaku fight is initiated I heard some people watch the spectacle like fireworks.

I quickly ended up meeting someone named Keine, who was the teacher for the human village. She seemed slightly confused by my ability to use danmaku. I spent around 4 to 5 days in the village with her, and she gave me explanations and "lectures" on the various points of danmaku. She also helped me train to a point where she said I could "defend myself against most hostile youkai".

She also helped me practice and helped me make my first two spell cards, "Cold Muramasa of the East", and "Tender Masamune of the East". These where the product of a kind of "training" she explained to me. She told me to form the shape of a maple leaf out of danmaku, small at first, then rush forward and slice it with a sword made of "bullet energy". After a couple tries I could do it fairly well, but she noticed that after slicing it, it would fly in random directions without any particular path. After some explanation, she helped me to make the split "leaf" fly into smaller leaves in tight patterns. She made me drill these many times, until I could concentrate the by product in one spot, as well as send them in all directions. After awhile of practice, she helped me "forge" the two cards, and drilled me on exact use.

At the end of the week or so of practice, I left the human village and started heading back towards my "hut" by the Hakurei shrine. I faced several of the youkai from last time, and probably new ones too, but they where easier then before, and I passed through the battles much easier.

After arriving back, I plopped back down in my "hut" and drifted off to sleep.

~end of the second page~ 

Yes I know this is shorter, but this is all I have at the moment.
I'll work on it, I swear!