Author Topic: Let's Play The Dark Spire  (Read 44217 times)


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Let's Play The Dark Spire
« on: April 21, 2009, 11:23:34 AM »
Just my luck that I managed to start a topic the day before the forum reboot.


Q: Hey, I've never heard of this game, what is it?

A:  An old school RPG dungeon crawl recently released for the DS by Atlus in the United States.

Q:  How recently?

A:  Like six days ago of starting this topic.

Q: You've already beaten the game?

A:  Heck no, this game is grindy and takes forever to get anywhere, I haven't even gotten past the first floor.

Q: Do even you know how many floors it has?

A:  Nope.

Q:  So this is a blind LP?

A:  That's my style.  (And Xan's, apparently, who shall be working with me.)

Q:  Why do this here and not at the LP forums or Something Awful?

A: To be honest, I'd just like to see if people like it before I move onto those places.  If we do good here, we might go there.

So this is going to be a screenshot LP done by Xan and I.  The way it's going to work is that we do it semi-weekly.  I'll be doing it mid-week, he does it weekends.  Simple, yes?  As I said, this is going to be a very blindly run LP, but I have done some research before jumping, namely unlockable classes that would be a pain to otherwise get unless you know what you're doing.  Copy and pasta game faqs...

Str 13, Int 13, Vit 13, Dex 9, CHA 13
Level 10 Warrior, Level 10 Priest, Siege Warfare skill (req Cha 13).

Str 13, Int 13, Vit 11, Dex 13
Level 10 Warrior, Level 10 Thief, Tree Climbing skill

Str 13, Int 11, Vit 13, Dex 8
Level 10 Warrior, Level 10 Mage, Healthy Living skill (possibly plus one other)

Str 11, Int 13, Vit 13, Dex 13
Level 10 Thief, Level 10 Priest, Acrobatics skill, (two others Babelfish couldn't translate?)

Str 13, Int 13, Vit 9, Dex 12
Level 10 Thief, Level 13 Mage, Astrology skill (Mage 13/Int 13)

Str 9, Int 13, Vit 9, Dex 13
Level 10 Mage, Level 10 Priest, Ancient Languages skill, Ecology skill (botany?)

Those are the minimal requirements for the secondary classes apparently.  More on this stuff later as I introduce you to the game.

Chapter 1:  Historically Accurate

Ah, good old Atlus, bringing us RPGs like Etrian Odyssey and Disgaea.

Success!  Game over!  We win!  I hope you enjoyed this LP as much as I did!  Thank you and good night!

Oh, no wait, we haven't even started.  Eh, whatever.  New game please.

The who?  Sorry, I'm not well read on old literature or fantasy literature.

Hey, a play!  I like plays.  Like that one where a guy gets stabs and goes BLARG!

Okay, maybe it's just me, but I don't believe I've ever seen or heard of a play and/or novel that solely focuses around some adventurers going up a tower.  I really need to catch up on this stuff.

Um, thank you Mr. Rahalmaqui.  Must really suck having to write that out every time you sign something.  Do you just go by Mr. R?

Flavor text, I'll be cutting this out of most of the screenshots and just typing it out instead.

AND BAM!  4th wall broken in under 15 seconds of game play time.  I don't think any game has been as fast in history to do that.

Why dear, sir, I'm afraid I can't.  See, I'm currently busy dealing with other matters such as guiding heroes through worlds with 4th walls.

Hey hey hey!  This is against my rights as a human being.  I demand my right to freedom of choice.  This is RAILING!  RAILING I TELL YOU!

Eventail jots something down without waiting for a response.  "Now then, do you have any questions?"  He does not even look up, seemingly absorded in making sure his ink dries properly.

Yes, where's the higher authority around here?

:  Just shut up and go with it.  You bought this game after all, right?


Skip past this part if you don't want to know about the tutorial of sorts.

Ask about registered members
Ask how to create characters
Ask how to select party members
Ask about the controls
No Questions

I'll be doing these in order

Ask about registered members

"If you wish to see details about registered Guild members, simply select 'Status'"

Ask how to create characters

"If you wish to create a new adventurer, select 'Create.' Follow the instructions and you should be fine."

How to select party members

"First you choose 'Party', and then choose 'Select.'  A list of currently registered Guild members will be displayed.  Choose four members from the list. If you do not like any of the members on the list, feel free to create more."

Ask about the contorls

I'm going to sum this up quickly.  Control pad to move and turn, A to confirm, B to cancel or go to the menu.  X displays an explanation to whatever is displayed.  And that's it.

Okay, down to the meat of the game.

In case you weren't reading, we now have several options.

Create:  Make new party member.
Status:  Check how the party is doing.
Party:  Mess around change around the party.
Learn:  Teach your dudes new skills.
Info:  Talk command with the Guild Master.
Leave:  Explains itself.

For now, we need four people for a party.

We have four races, humans, elves, dwarves, and halflings.  Humans are all around, elves magical, dwarves fighterish, halflings are quick.

Alignment can either be neutral, lawful, or chaotic.  We generally want a party of either one or the other since that allows us to get better stuff later.  No neutral please.  This also effects a few spells in game.

St - Strength
In - Intelligence
Vt - Vitality
Dx - Dexterity
Ch - Charisma (not sure what this stat does)
HP - Hit points.

Classes: (for now we only have four)

Warrior - Fighter dude, can't cast magic though
Thief - Faster than the fighter, but weaker, good for disarming traps and getting goodies from the dungeon.
Mage - That weak guy that uses offensive magic.  Has some defensive magic, but it's meh at best.
Priest - Has healing magic and defensive magic, some offensive magic, but best used for healing and stuff.

And name, self explanatory.

So here's the deal, forumers, I need four party members, and I want you to pick and choose.  Name can only have 8 characters, but other than that, no limitations.

Please, let's not have Touhou characters for a change, they're nice and all, but they get old.  I'll take video game characters and anime characters, heck, even Beowulf or something.

I'll continue the game and get to the game play hopefully on Weds.  Let's see those characters.


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2009, 11:33:23 AM »
Some things you might want to know:

1) Weapon statistics are hidden.
2) You can and probably WILL get raped by the RNG.
3) Starting stats are affected by RNG and you are advised to reset often if you min/max.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • I am an insufferable jerk.
    • タンブルウィード
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 12:46:35 PM »
Hey, look, it's Etrian Odyssey but it isn't confused as to whether it's Japanese or Western. About bloody time, I mean, Etrian was off-putting as hell.

I'm actually kind of surprised that this type of game would still be made in this day and age. Atlus are tampering with niche titles a lot lately, but it's difficult because it's a borderline between mediocrity and unloved gem.


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2009, 12:47:58 PM »
Hey, look, it's Etrian Odyssey but it isn't confused as to whether it's Japanese or Western. About bloody time, I mean, Etrian was off-putting as hell.

Was it? Would rather not discuss it here in an LP thread but I found EO rather entertaining >_>

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


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Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2009, 12:56:37 PM »
Name: Kikyu
Alignment: Lawful
Class: Halfing Priests

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2009, 04:35:35 PM »
I'm a resubmit my character suggestion

(Hanabishi) Recca: Neutral Human Ninja
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.

The Astral Pancake

  • Lurker McLurkington
  • ZOT
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2009, 07:31:40 PM »
I'll resubmit mine too.

Sanger (Zonvolt): Lawful Human Warrior/Samurai


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2009, 08:17:30 PM »
Some things you might want to know:

1) Weapon statistics are hidden.
2) You can and probably WILL get raped by the RNG.
3) Starting stats are affected by RNG and you are advised to reset often if you min/max.

Thank you for the information, but we've played enough to know that stuff.  And besides, after playing Crawl with Patchouli, this game is a welcome change with the RNG.

Now, about people comparing this with EO, true, they're both dungeon crawls, but very different.  For one, EO has more classes and customization within those classes.  Dark Spire (or just DS for now on) has fewer classes but you can level up in different classes, allowing for odd combos like a mage fighter.  I can't say much on difficulty, but while EO was tight with money, this game is even more tight.  Also, EO had a lively forest, DS is straight up dark and dank dungeon.  I personally prefer EO's setting just because it was a nice change from other games where you just crawl through a dungeon.

Poorly made?  That depends on your opinion.  The game makes no attempt to be real modern and sticks to all of the old school ways of playing RPGs.  Heck, there's even an option to switch the graphics to classic (which I'll be showing soon).

All that really matters is if you're into really hard RPGs that do you no favors like most modern ones do today.  If yes, I recommend trying this game.  If no, stay far, far away and watch me play.

EDIT:  While I'm here, wrathie who is Kikyu?  Google and wikipedia hasn't done me any good.  Lastly, why am I blocked from PMing you?

Also, I believe we're up to three characters.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2009, 08:19:54 PM by Ramus »


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2009, 08:21:17 PM »
Ridcully, Lawful Mage.  Be sure to give him lots of CON~


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2009, 08:33:09 PM »
Oh finally, a non-anime character.

Anyway, we'll still except more suggestions, at least until tomorrow.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2009, 12:37:59 AM »
Ridcully, Lawful Mage.  Be sure to give him lots of CON~

My suggestions:

Hugh the Hand: Chaotic Human Assassin (or ninja, I guess)
Resolute: Chaotic Elven Ranger
Haley Starshine: Chaotic Human Thief
Rosary: Lawful Human Mage (or Roswell, if you must.  I still prefer Rosary.)

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • soujiko x yousuke is my otp
  • I will repeat it, in RED
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2009, 12:59:45 AM »
kikyu? as in the term?
i t was my submission

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2009, 01:00:54 AM »
Ridcully's a lawful human mage, I should specify.

And built like a tank.


  • soujiko x yousuke is my otp
  • I will repeat it, in RED
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2009, 01:07:43 AM »
i think i missed something.
ignore it ^^

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2

The Astral Pancake

  • Lurker McLurkington
  • ZOT
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2009, 01:27:26 AM »
Ridcully's a lawful human mage, I should specify.

And built like a tank.

I counter your Ridcully with a Rincewind. (Neutral Human Wizard, Maximum DEX if possible)


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2009, 03:08:50 AM »
I may have suggested Rincewind, but there's an 8-character limit for names.


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2009, 11:04:05 AM »
kikyu? as in the term?
i t was my submission

I mean who is Kikyu?  I'm assuming she is from some anime, but I can't apparently find her.


  • soujiko x yousuke is my otp
  • I will repeat it, in RED
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2009, 11:23:55 AM »
Kikyu? I dunno. it's my own creation.

Defiant of Shrine Maiden Ver. 2


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2009, 01:30:54 AM »
Sorry for the delay, real life tends to be in the way of stuff.

Okay, last time we left off at character creation.  Thank you for your suggestions in the posts as well as PMs.  We've picked the most mismatched possible group out of the suggestions.  So, let's roll them and see who's who.

Sanger from the Super Robot Wars series!  Mech Pilot and candidate Samurai.

: I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Recca from Flame of Recca!  Ninja trainee from the past living in the present.

:  I'm Recca, a shinobi, what do you need?

Flonne from Disgaea!  Fallen angel who lives among demons and utilizes the power of LOVE!

:  Hi!  I'm Flonne!

Black Mage from 8-bit Theater!  Evil wizard in the command of Darko out to destroy the world and all in existence!

:  'sup.

(Note:  This game doesn't let lawful and chaotic people on the same team.  Therefore, BM is neutral, but we all know his true alignment, right?)

Moving onto the real part of the game.

"Are you the new adventurers?  You look pretty brave," Eventail says without lifting his eyes from the papers in his hands.'

"Let us begin your combat training immediately.  Are you read?"

The correct answer is yes.

"Very well then," says the Guildmaster.  "You shall commence with your combat training.  Head to the training grounds."

"Make sure to follow your instructor's directions.  The door to the training grounds is right over there."

"Just make sure to close the door after you.  I can't stand all that noise in there."

:  Also, make sure to wipe your feet and don't get blood over the walls.  Using bleach weekly gets old.

Sanger and the party open the door and enter the training area.

There is a long stone staircase that leads downwards to a heavy door.  Beyond that door is another flight of stairs.  Past more doors and stairs are the training grounds.  It is surprising that the Guild has an entire subterranean facility.

Dungeon Maker Inc. - For all of your dreams and wishes of making a dungeon in your basement.

This is our instructor.  Yes, yes he is the Green Lantern.

"You pass!"  What exactly has been passed is unclear.  Before any questions can be asked, the man presents them with a sword.

:  Wee!  We win!  What did we get?
:  A weapon.  But what did we do exactly?

"Here, take this!  It's a free gift to new Guild members.  Use it well.  Oh, and take this.  And this, and this..."

:  Weight bearing down on me...
:  Give me that!
:  You're rather quick to grab a knife.
:  You accusing me of something?
:  He does cradle that knife pretty closely.
:  It's just a knife.  See?  You stab stuff with it.

He hands more weapons and armor to Sanger.  "That's more like it.  You pass!"  Exactly what has been passed is still unknown.

:  So what did we pass again?
:  I'd assume the dex check to make sure we don't trip and break our necks going down the stairs.

Ask him his name
Ask about the training grounds
Ask about the supplies
Ask what has been passed

Sum this up because this dialog is boring.  His name is Sir Garland, he's our instructor.  The training grounds has been built to resemble the actual dungeon.  Supplies are what he just gave us.  Weapons and armor.  But the last one...

He shrugs in disbelief.  "Pass?  You haven't even completed your training yet and you think you've passed?  What nonsense!"

:  But-
:  Don't tell lies little girl.
:  Let's just go.

Here's the modern view of the dungeon.  Notice the bland colors and pixelization.  The music is also more modern.  Hurts my eyes.

Here's the classic view.  Notice the lack of colors and detail.  The music is 100% old school midi.  Reminds me of Tron.

So yeah guys, take your picks as to which one you want.  Meantime, I'll stick to modern.

After a boring and straight forward dungeon...

: This door appears to be locked.
:  I opt for burning it down.
: What did the door ever do to you to make it deserve being burned down?
:  Think about it this way, this door is standing here keeping me from passing.  Therefore, it is causing me grief since I can't get to my destination.  Therefore, I feel a need to cause it pain back.
:  But that's an endless cycle of violence!
:  And?
:  I won't let you burn this door down!
:  What are you guys talking about?  I've gotten it open already.

Sir Garland stands before the group and says, "You have made it.  Next is your hand-to-hand combat training.  Any questions before we begin?"

Skipping tutorial.  I'll tell you all of that stuff in the battle.

"Alright.  Your combat training is about to begin.  Show me what you've got.  Don't hold back!"

Okay, so I'm fighting this battle under leveled.  See, there were already pre-made guys at the guild at level 2.  Regardless, let's go!

Each weapon has different attacks.  The sword has four.  Swift hits fast for low damage.  Precision hits slowly for high damage.  Lunge I haven't used yet, so...  And Rage is where the character randomly attacks an enemy for high damage.

Guess which is the right answer?


Recca however, only has a dagger, so he only gets swift and precision.  However, as a thief, he has two other abilities.  Counter allows him to counter an enemy when they attack.  Hide makes enemies ignore him.  However, we're opting for killing this idiot.  Precision away!

Flonne can't cast spells anyway as she can only heal and everyone is full HP, so she's defending.

BM however, will cast carefully (better spell at slower rate) instead of quickly (faster spell of lower quality and possibly mess up the spell).

Status ailments are also quite awesome in this game.  Stupidly awesome.  And utterly painful back at you.

Fun fact:  Black Mage can hit for just as hard as the Fighter in the group can.  How?  I don't know...

Anyway, victory!

After battles, enemies may leave behind treasure in booby trapped chests.  However, this is what we have thieves for.

Recca easily disables the floor spring, latch, and needles.

Healing potion.  Antidote.  256 gold.

Sanger realizes that the group may have overdone it.  Murdering a fellow citizen is a serious crime, even if it was a training accident.

:  What have I done?  I've killed a fellow soldier!
:  Sweet!  Let's grab his stuff.
:  Sanger, I thought you rolled a higher int than that.  Didn't you know this would happen?
:  Hey, wouldn't you be all tears or something right now?
:  He's not fatally wounded.
:  But he's dead, right?

Just as worry starts to set in, a door in the back opens and a mean wearing robes enters, He egins to chant what sounds like an advanced healing spell.

Within moments, Sir Garland gets to his feet.  He seems a bit dazed, but is most certainly alive.  "You pass!" he exclaims.

:  Revival spell.

He continues to talk as if nothing happened.  "You may have been able to defeat me, but don't get cocky."

The man in the robe continues to chant, and a healthy color returns to Sir Garland's face.

"EVen if you kill the enemy, you aren't say until you've made it home.  Always remember that.  Now, off you go! Good luck!"

:  That was stupid.  We killed him only for him to get revived?
:  This is training, and if we are to be great fighters, we must learn to survive.
:  Yes.
:  Yes, great, we come to understand the power within.  But what do we GET from it?
:  Such a whiner.

Sir Garland is waiting.  "You pass!  As a reward, I shall give you 500 EP.  Return to the Guild and report your results.  Until we meet again..."

More plot.  I'll sum this up again.  Go to top of tower, fight evil sorcerer, find the royal treasure, become famous.  Simple, no?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 01:57:34 AM by Ramus »


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2009, 01:36:47 AM »
Bahaha, well done.  Keep it with modern view, the art is so bad it's good.

M. Burusu

  • ... What is that?
  • Who knows.
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2009, 01:51:35 AM »
This is hilarious. Keep it up! And I agree with Edible (SHOCK AND AWE) -- you should keep the 'modern' art.

Believe it or not, the stark black-and-white 'classic' is A) harder on the eyes (for me) and B) not half as interesting as the 'modern' layout. It may be retro, but I don't quite dig it, y'know?
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN1-BN3 = Odd Idea
IceStage * + Aqua Navi, BN4-BN6 = Bad Idea


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2009, 05:13:55 AM » many times has he said "You pass!" now?  Seven?  Eight?

At least he didn't threaten to knock you all down...

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • The Knightly Wizard
  • Trying to be an engineer
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2009, 11:06:42 AM » many times has he said "You pass!" now?  Seven?  Eight?

At least he didn't threaten to knock you all down...

That's not even including the dialog I left out.  Every other sentence for this guy includes "You pass!"

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2009, 04:46:23 PM »
That's not even including the dialog I left out.  Every other sentence for this guy includes "You pass!"

Not to mention that you need to talk to him again as part of a sidequest.
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.

Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2009, 02:59:55 AM »
...Black Mage?

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2009, 02:05:15 AM »

The mighty Sanger Zonvolt, THE SWORD THAT SMITES EVIL! , Hanabishi Recca , Flonne , and a mass murderer who goes only by the name of Black Mage passed Sir Garland's incredibly diffic- Okay, the test was a complete joke, and losing at it means you fail at life. Which of course all of you do. Anyhow, they learned that they must defeat some evil wizard dude with an incredibly stupid name that no one cares about.

Here's the town. There's the guild. We were just there. You manage your party, level people up, and take quests there.

: You also can recruit new people and check monster and item descriptions there.

: Flonne, you're not supposed to be talking right now. I'm doing explanations for the viewers. In fact, you're not even supposed to know about this. Make that: YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE, YOU MORON!

: Awww, you don't mean thaaaat. I just thought you could use some help. Anyways, it's boring back there, and that Black Mage guy just scares me. I mentioned love and he started acting real creepy. I think he was coming on to me. Then I mentioned that Laharl probably wouldn't be happy if he tried anything, and he stopped, but now he starts leering at me all the time and... You know, I'd rather not talk about it. Also, I just get a bad feeling around him for some reason.

: Allright, yeah, that is kinda disturbing. But now's not a good time for you to be in here, seriously.

Okay, with that interruption out of the way, lets continue on. This is why I should have been our representative, not her. Next up is the inn. You can rest here to heal, regain spell points, and/or do something that the price is much to high for us to have checked out yet. You can also buy some really terrible healing items or eat stuff for less expensive single target versions of the rest effects.

The last is the shop. I really hope I don't have to explain what it's for. PRINNIES can understand what it's for, so should you. That's where we'll be headed next.

: Can't I just use my Grungust? I mean, honestly...
: Heck no. If I can't use Hadoken, there is no way I'm letting you use a giant robot.
: We're in front of the shop already. Can we just get inside already?

Shopkeeper:What can I get for you

: Ah, we're intersted in- OH GODS WHY



: FUCK THIS, I'M NOT DEALING WITH THIS CRAP! Er, I mean, shopkeeper, I think you have what I'm looking for in the back room.

Shopkeeper: Oh, well then, lets go look.

[minutes pass]

: This is taking to long. The audience is going to get bored. I'd better go and check on them.

[Moments later, Etna exits the store room, followed by Black Mage]

: Uh, wow, I didn't know that was even possible. Are you sure you want to take part in this? I mean, that's just... evil. I'm a DEMON and I find what you did to that guy disturbing and morally objectionable. I think I might end up like Flonne here if I run into something like that again. I think I'm going to have nightmares. Are you really SURE you should be in the party and not be the final boss?

: Unfortunately, I have contractual oblegations to a mutual aquaintence of ours. You know the one
. Anyhow, he said I have to take part in this, so... Anyways, don't worry, you won't be seeing anything like that again. It will be much, much worse.

: Well, I don't think the powers that be are just going to let us take stuff from here for free, so... Where are we going to get a new shopkeeper?

????: Don't worry, we've already found one

What are ye buyin'?


There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.

Easy Mode

Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2009, 02:11:06 AM »
I think I will play it now.
I've been stalking this for a bit, looking at it and all that. But that classic view...
Oh god, I gotta play it NOW. NOW NOW NOW.

Maid Xan~

  • Oh. Uh... Hey... Hey there, Koto.
  • What... what are you smiling like that for, Koto?
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2009, 07:34:06 PM »
: And we're back. Appologies for the delay. Anyhow, Sanger being Sanger, he blew most of the group's cash on a Claymore.

Afterwards, we stopped back at the guild to take some quests

Following up on the second one, we went back into the training hall to speak to Sir Garland, who apparently sleeps in there.

: Well to be honest, I really would rather not have, but everyone else insisted that we do everything, even the incredibly stupid graffiti one. Seriously, are we Janitors now? They're worse than Red Mage.

: Of course we shall! For I am Sanger Zonvolt, THE SWORD THAT SMITES EVIL!

: He's going to be saying that a lot, isn't he?

: Yeah. I know some people like him. Expect him to bring it up often.

: Set in our objectives, we headed to the tower.

The first floor of the tower is a very boring, monochrome place. It has about the same colorscheme as MadWorld, but less of the awesome blood and gore.

: Isn't that a good thing?

: I'm pretty sure we're both aware that people's tastes differ, Flonne. Stick to your E-10 games if you want, but don't make stupid comments about mine. And didn't I tell you you're not supposed to- *sigh* This is going to be a running gag, isn't it?

: Probably, yes.

: I'm just going to ignore it and let you help commentate then. Much easier. ANYHOW.

After exploring and finding the graffiti, but missing the part that needed to be erased because IT WAS ON THE OTHER WALL THE CORNER WAS COMPOSED OF AND THIS WAS IN NO WAY MADE CLEAR, we proceeded down the hallway (after taking a short walk back to town to level everyone with the experience gained from the monsters in the area) We came upon the first sign of our real enemy.

What the hell? Elevator under inspection? What, was the evil wizard we were supposed to take out some sort of middle management? We would only find more evidence of this as we progressed

In a nearby room, we came upon someone who didn't want us dead.

: Uh, no, I don't think so.

: It's a scam, isn't it?

: Yeah, guys, I think this is a scam.

: Yeah, I'm sure this is a-

Just shut up, lets see who he is. If he's reputable it might be all right.

: No, seriously, NO ONE has ever heard of you.


: Okay, against my better judgement, I'd like to hear your offer.

: Wait, only 50 gold? I think we can afford that.


: I think that dude was gay

: What gives you that idea?

: Well, he is wearing, pink, ornate armor.

: Any other evidence?

: Uhhh....



: Moving on...

We discovered two really stupid puzzles blocking our way. One was a statue that for whatever reason disintigrated when we put a leather helmet onto it. There was a very confusing inscription that I assume was supposed to clue us in, but we honestly just guessed it.

The other was a door that asked an incredibly easy riddle. I don't remember the exact details, but the answer was sword.

Past there, we found a rather tough group of enemies.

Fortunately, we were able to take them out thanks to Sanger and Black Mage. They were guarding stairs up to the second floor, despite the fact that we had already found another set of stairs to the same place.

On our way out, we cleaned up the graffiti.

We turned in the quest at the guild.

Was it worth it? Who knows.

And that's about all for now. Tune in next time viewers.
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.


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    • himegimi
Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #28 on: April 26, 2009, 11:36:19 AM »
Once you get Susurrus Fatalis you could make a shitload of BM jokes about it!!!!

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  • The Knightly Wizard
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Re: Let's Play The Dark Spire
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2009, 08:55:46 PM »
Well, I got this update done early and since I was rather late (late for me anyway) last time, I decided to post this early.  Prepare for epically long post.





:  I'm beginning to think this is taking too long.

:  Indeed, we'll never progress at this rate through the tower.

:  I'm good with killing random enemies.

:  I figured you were the type to want to kill more powerful enemies.

:  Nope, so long as I get a healthy amount of bloodshed per day, I'm good.

:  And all seemed lost as the team began to grow bored of this adventure UNTIL...

:  I've got it!  The solution to the experience and money problems!

:  Let's hear it.

:  Okay, so we form the heroic formation and I go in front.

:  I object to this.

:  Hold on.  You three stand in the back with some long ranged weapons ready.  Then I'll hide the first round of combat.

:  Which will keep the enemies from attacking!

:  Exactly!  As you are in the back row and they can't attack me, we're invincible.

:  That's brilliant.

:  And so began Operation Break the Game.

Oh hey, that's new.  Yet still uglier.

:  First enemy so far on the second floor.  Let's do it!

:  You heard the man!  In formation!


:  However, I hate using this bow.  I can't hit anything with it.

PRO TIP:  Short bow sucks.


:  Not quite a sword, but it'll do.

We interupt this broadcast to give you... a dark screen.  Yes, you have to wander around in the dark for a good section of this.  And it SUCKS.

:  Gah!  I'm hit!

:  But how?  They can't see you!

:  Move back!

Single flaw to Operation Break the Game, if Recca doesn't move fast enough, he will be hit.  However, 95% of the time, he moves fast enough to hide.

Recca is still proving that he's utterly freaking awesome by finding a hidden door in the dark.

Due to its location, most of the gamblers are other adventueres.

:  Oh hey, a gambling joint, think you can steal their money?

:  I'm a ninja, not a thief.

:  Same difference.

:  Still not doing it.

A suspicious man beckons to you.

:  Okie dokie, sir.

"Care to test your luck?  Or perhpas you'd like to buy something?"

-Ask about this establishment
-Ask about Tyrhung
-Ask if he's heard any rumors

Gamble first I suppose.

"Alright/  That's more like it.  The bet is 100 Gold.  We'll each roll two dice, and whoever gets the higher total number wins.  If it's a tie, the house wins.  If you win, I'll double your Gold.  And if you win consecutive games, I'll double it again!"

:  I dunno, Mr. Lamington says gambling is bad.

:  Go for it!  Money!

:  I really don't think I should.

:  Oh come on, it's a 50/50 game.

:  More of 60/40 as he wins ties.

:  That's still a good shot.

:  ...

:  Oh fine, I'll do it!

You're reading that right.  He proceeded to rig the dice and pull 100 out of our wallet.  Anyway, let's look at him.

Though his sinewy face looks like a villain's, he seems trustworthy enough.

So trustworthy as to rig dice blatantly.  Ask about this establishment.

"This place?  It's what we call a 'speakeasy.'  We provide services for adventurers without any interference from the law."

That was blatant.

"Townsfolk secretly come here too, like those guys over there."  He motions towards a group of unarmed commoners.

How do they even make it up here to begin with?!  We had to literally break the game to make it this far with level two adventurers.

Ask about Tyrhung

"Don't know him, don't know anything about him."

I think we sequence broke the plot.
Ask if he's heard any rumors.

I heard that some pretty unsavory fellows are holed up near the stairs to the 3rd floor."

Thank you for your useless information and rigged game.  He does sell stuff, but umm... OVER THE TOP PRICES.

Did I mention how awesome Recca is?

: AMBUSH- gack-

:  We're compromised, retreat!

:  Hitting the reset button.  Returning to last save.


:  Ow...

:  Oh, you're awake.

:  Who are you?

:  We'll just go by Mr. Reaper for now.

:  Wait-

:  Yes, you're dead.

:  But I can't die yet.

:  You aren't going to.

:  Wait, what?

:  You're just in Adventurer Purgatory.  God decided there were too many of you sitting in purgatory with the other normal people that He gave adventurers their own purgatory.

:  Yeah, but how does that work into me not dying?

:  You just sit around here until your team revives you or resets.

:  Oh.


:  That was close.

:  Are all of the heads accounted for?

:  Yeah, sure.

:  Wait, Recca?!  RECCCCCAAAAAA!

:  I'm right here.

:  Ah, don't do that.

:  Let's just get back to that adventuring stuff.  I really don't want to talk about what happened.

:  We'll be seeing a lot more of him, we can be sure of that.

:  A stair way downwards, I was wondering if we'd find one of these.

:  It's the same one we came up from.

:  You mean we just walked around in a full circle?

:  Yes.

:  Nice hat.

:  Ah yes, the wandering Viking Goblins.  They were never really taken seriously due to their short size.

:  Did they ever actually plunder anything?

:  Goblins?  Plunder?  They can't even build a boat that won't sink like a rock.


:  Time to leave.


:  I made it out?

:  So that's how many times you nearly or did die to today?

:  ...

:  I feel the power within!

:  Geez, Flonne is bulking out.

:  ...

:  I feel super strong!

:  Ah, Flonne, you can't use healing spells anymore.

:  So?  I've got an axe!

:  Not our problem is she dies.

:  Oh hey, I didn't know this place had a basement.

:  That's the part of every tower's structure you idiot!  They have to dig downwards to stablize it.

:  I learned something new today!

While the dark blue may look nice, the place is still ugly.

:  Do you think these were the grave robbers Garland was talking about?

:  Regardless, they are grave robbers, so we should hand them some justice.


:  WAH!  I've got 2 HP left!

:  Ah ha ha!

We won with Flonne barely alive, but to add salt to the wound, Recca is kill shortly after by a difficult to disarm trap.

We escape regardless.  However, burned a slight hole in the purse with Recca's death.

:  One day later...

:  Okay Black Mage, can you just mention what we're going to the second floor for?

:  Just some slight revenge.

:  He's holding that knife rather closely again.


:  Care for another round?

:  You know it, asshat.

: 5!

:  10!


: 6!

:  11!


:  9!

:  9!


:  6!

:  4!

:  AH HA HA!  Give me that 100 gold!

:  Screw you.  Give me that 100 gold now.


: Snake eyes...

:  Double sixes.


And so on...

5 wins later and a billion loses and resets we have enough for Sanger to get Plate Mail.

:  0 AC!  Let's see them hit me through that!

:  Regardless, I'm tired.  It's feels like it's been a week and a half yet it's only been 5 hours.  Sun is setting anyway.

:  True, we need rest.

: Zzzzzz....

:  ....heh...

:  Oh you're think we're done with this update?  We're got one teeny part left.  See, Sanger decided to leave the inn during the night.

: Heh heh.

:  And went on a murder spree.

(Sanger's theme wasn't violent enough for this, so instead I link you to Dragonforce's Through Flames and Fire in Mario Paint to listen to as I kick ass in classic style. Download the mp3 here.)

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill count: 2
EP Total Gain: 100

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill count: 5
EP Total Gain: 175

Sanger:  CLAYMORE!

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill count: 6
EP Total Gain: 200

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill count: 10
EP Total Gain: 300

Goblin Pvt. x3

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill count: 13
EP Total Gain: 375

Goblin x 2

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill Count: 15
EP Total Gain: 425

Mushroom x4

: Real men always use the same Epic Quote when they enter battle!

Kill Count: 19
EP Total Gain: 485

:  Oh, hello Sanger, what are you doing here at midnight?

:  Level me up!

: HA HA HA!  My blade shall pierce the hearts of evil!  Back in!

Thief x5

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill Count: 24
EP Total Gain: 735

Bats x6

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill Count: 30
EP Total Gain: 885

Mushroom x5

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill Count: 35
EP Total Gain: 960

Mushroom x4

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill Count: 39
EP Total Gain: 1020

Bats x6

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill Count: 45
EP Total Gain: 1170

Spirit x5

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill Count: 50
EP Total Gain: 1295

:  BATTLE AXE!  And -1 AC!

Mushroom x4

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill Count: 54
EP Total Gain: 1355

Mushroom x2

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill Count: 56
EP Total Gain:  1385

Spirit x5

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill Count: 61
EP Total Gain: 1510

Goblin Pvt. x4

:  I am Sanger Zonvolt, the Sword That Smites Evil!

Kill Count: 65
EP Total Gain: 1610

Bat x6

:  I am Sanger- hack!  Weez... too... much... yelling...

Kill Count: 71
EP Total Gain: 1760

:  Woo, geez.  Can't go on.  Sleep... need sleep...
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 08:58:33 PM by Ramus »