Author Topic: The Harvest Incident  (Read 7400 times)

The Harvest Incident
« on: April 29, 2010, 06:46:32 AM »

The Harvest Incident


I come from a small village. Everyone just calls it the human village. I didn't understand why at first in tell I got a little older. From what I here there are demons, and youkai out there in the world. I didn't know much about demons or youkai. Were they hideous monsters? Were they taller than my house I sleep in? Could they steal your soul without you knowing it? I wanted to go find out more but fear kept me from pursuing the matter. Fore many years I have been afraid of the dark. I don't know why I am either. Most people would think it to be natural to be afraid of the dark. But when I think about walking in a dark room, or into our small tool shake we have in the back of the house. I get goose bumps just thinking about the dimly lit entrance. Most of my friends know about my fear. And of course like all good friends, they make fun of me because of it. But not knowing what is out there in the void, it just... creeps me out a little.  Now don't get me wrong here. I don't sleep with a night light, or anything like that. I assure you that I'm much to old for that. After all, my 17th birthday is tomorrow.  But still it is hard for me to sleep. The only time I can enjoy the night is when there is moonlight seeping threw my window. I look out at the moon and wonder what else is out there. Tomorrow my friends said they had something special event planned for me. I wonder what it could be? Hopefully it is better than last years special event. The thought of it brings back all the screaming. What would you expect when you knock over a bee house? I can still remember  hearing the word ?BEES!? in my head from it. With any luck they will wish my a happy birthday and be done with it. But I know better than that. I must  be prepared for what tomorrow brings. I closed my eyes and readied my self for the coming day. I slowly drifted asleep and wished for the best.

?Get up Kazuki! wake up, its your birthday! Congratulations you made it to 17!?


?If you sleep all day you will not get to have your party! Come down stairs mom and dad want to talk to you.?

?mahfm, Rika... get off of me... and get out of my room?

?Aww your no fun, Where having your favorite breakfast so you better be happy. Oh and I left my present for you on your table.?

That was my little sister. She always wants to follow me around. She is a pest, but she can be okay at times. She may not sound like it but she may be smarter than me. She gets good grades in school, I sleep in class and like to skip class to wonder around the village. I get punished for it but I just don't see the point in studying. We are stuck in the village so it isn't like we will explore the world and teach others what we have learned. That's what I want to do, I want to go see what Gensokyo is all about. I hear amazing stories from Keine on how she has fought many youkai who try and attack the village. I never seen any of this, but the stories are interesting to here.

?.... I might as well get up? I looked at the box, she must have made it herself. It was a red boz with a little ribbon on the top of it. I opened the box. there was a small pendent inside it with a card. ?Don't break it!? I put the pendent around my neck and headed down stairs. The pendent seemed to fit my style. She always was a good shopper when it came to these kinda things.

You think I would be happier about today being my birthday. But my friends have a pretty messed up since of humor. I don't know why but they seem to like having me around but at the same time it seems they only want to tease me. I never really feel part of the group. Like I'm suppose to be somewhere else. I'm not sure why they even bother having me around.

?Good morning Kazu-chan, did you take a shower??

?Yep, its the only way I can wake up in the morning, Oh you went all out on breakfast?

On the table was my favorite meal. It was called a skillet because it is made and ate in a skillet. It has cubed potatoes, various meats, cheeses, and on top of it all is scrambled eggs. From the smell I would say that it was my favorite meat to. I'm not quite sure what kinda meat it is but it taste so good. It compliments the rest of the dish perfectly.

?Are you sure you can afford to make such a great meal??

?Oh don't worry about that, you only get one birthday after all. Now no more worrying and enjoy your breakfast. Oh is that pendent form your sister? I nodded and started to eat.

?Wow its delicious, this has to be the best food in Gensokyo!?

?A gentlemen like always Kazu-chan. After breakfast please come see me and your father out in the field okay??

?Sure thing, where is Rika??

?Oh she already ate. You are about an hour late waking up I decided to let you sleep in. see ya in the field.? She left the room. My guess is that she was getting ready for work.

?What really! I gotta hurry!?

I started to scarf down my food. I was suppose to meet my friends in about 30 minutes. Dad likes to give me long speeches so if I hurry up. I might be able to make it in time. I finished eating the skillet it was very tasty. I wish I could have enjoyed it longer. But there is a penalty for being late. It usually is something stupid like being first when playing a game, but it still stinks being late. I headed out to the field. We own the smallest field in the human village area. We have a few cops a year but it seems that our field isn't doing great this year. There has been a lack of rain this year. From what I here it might even be a incident that everyone is talking about all the time. I headed out to the field to meet my dad and mom. Dad was righting down some notes. He seen me heading over to him.

?Ah there's my boy, or should I say man now hahaha.? he patted me on the back.

?Hi dad, how is the field today??

?Well we still are not getting a lot of rain we have been getting water from outside the village to make up for it but its still not as good as rain water. The rain seems to grow the crop a lot better than regular water.? He scratched his head and looked a little frustrated. ?But I bet it will pic up any day now.?

?Is that so? Oh I'm sorry but I'm in a little bit of a hurry.? Remembering about the penalty I needed to speed this along.

?Well I was going to have a man to man talk with you.? He said smiling? but if your in a hurry I guess I'll just give you a present instead?

He handed me a small box. I looked up at him and we waved for me to open it. Mom was standing next to him now she must have been watering the field. I opened the box and saw that he gave me some worker gloves. At first I didn't realized what they where. But they where not just work gloves. The shock of what I seen was overwelming.

?Y-you can't give these to me, I'm not even-?

?You have been with us for 10 years. Your as close to a son as well will ever get. These are yours.?

?Kazu-chan do you remember the story behind the gloves??

?Yes, of course I do mom. But... are you guys sure it's okay??

?Yes, you are 17 years old. It is tradition to give these gloves to the next in line to watch the family farm.?

?But what about Rika, she is your real daughter. Wouldn't she-?

Dad laughed ?She doesn't want anything to do with this farm, she wants to be a merchant. We already talked to her and she seemed happy that you where getting these. She wanted to be here to but she wanted to go hassle some shop owners about prices.  Your breakfast was half the price because of her skills in haggling. No more talk about those gloves of yours. I hope you ware them proudly.?

?Am I to old to hug you guys??

?Kazu-chan, your never to old.? mom said smiling happily.

You may be thinking that this is an odd scene. But these gloves have been passed down from generation to generation. And they still look brand new. They say that these gloves help ward off youkai and demons from entering are field. But there is no proof in that. When I was young I found them in the storage room for the family equipment. Dad found me and told me the story about the family ancestor who saved the farm by fighting a youkai. He survived and managed to drive it away. That is why this farm is still here today. So to my family this is the most valuable treasure we have.

I pulled them on. They seemed to fit perfectly, they didn't feel like I am waring them at all. Not to warm not to cold. I wonder what they are made out of? I hugged mom the usual way and I gave dad our little hand shake and a good pat on the back.

?I have to go guys. I'll see ya around dinner time okay??

?Have fun my boy.?

?By Kazu-chan~ take care of yourself?

I ran off to meet my fiend at the edge of town. I wonder what we will be doing today. I hope I'm not last again!

End of Prologue
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 05:13:50 PM by zonron »

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2010, 06:47:29 AM »

Chapter 1

I ran as fast as I could. Hoping that I could get there before anyone else showed up. I closed my eyes because the air was starting to make them watery. The air seems quite dry today.


?Ow that hurt.? I Rubbed my head. ?What did I just hit? I opened my eyes to see a girl waring an unusual shirt and a skirt. She was looking down on me. What was that on her head? Was she waring bunny ears. That's odd. She started to make a irritated face. She was carrying many small bottles and containers. Was she a merchant? I don't remember ever seeing her before.

?I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going.?

?'Sigh' its no problem, just try and watch where you are going okay??

?Yeah sorry again, oh it looks like you dropped this.? I picked up the bottle, it had a warning label on it. ?This is not for oral-?

?give that back to me!?

?YES! Sorry!? I handed her a bottle, why did I sound so afraid. She was really mad at me. Maybe its because I'm not good at talking to girls. I stood up and started to runaway. I hid behind a building. She wasn't following me was she?

I sighed and looked around, she seemed to not have been chasing me. I calmed down and started to think about that person. What was she doing with all those bottles. She got angry that I made her drop one. Mmm... OH RIGHT!


I ran to the meeting spot threw a different path than I was taken. I didn't want to run into her again.
And just as I thought. I was the last one to arrive at the spot. They all smiled at me when they seen me arrive. It was a little creepy. What where they up to today?

?Hey Kazuki we have been waiting for you.?

?Sorry I ran into someone quite literally?

?That's just like you Kazubi. Always the goof.?

?Stop calling me Kazubi. Its Kazuki. Even Kazu works!?

?Yeah well today your a lot later than you should have been. Kazu?

These are my delightful friends. They don't show me any respect at all. But they always wait for me if I'm late. I'm not sure why they hang out with me. I'm glade that there are people that will hang out with me at all. When I first woke up in the village I had no memories and no family. I have nothing  at all. I was living in a box I found. Then dad and mom took me home and made me there kid. Then some time after that I started to make friends I started to go to school. These guys have been my friends for 3 years now. Today was the day I was found. So I'm not sure when I was actually born. The one that calls me Kazibi is a little round for our age. His name is Bachi. He likes to tease me the most. And the tall one on the left of him is Matamoto. He seems to be the leader of our group. We just call him Moto. And the nicest one out of the group. Or at least to me is Arisa. She is one of the few girls I can talk to without feeling shy. She seems like a sister to me, but a little more annoying.

?Bachi, Arisa, Kazuki, follow me we are going to go to the forest.?

I stepped back. ?Wh-What!?

?You herd me right coward! We are going to the forest. That is where this years even takes place. Don t worry it wont be dangerous. We are just going to take a peek and get out. It's THE TEST OF COURAGE~?

?Kazu if you don't want to go we understand. You are a wimp after all.? Arisa said sounding slightly cold.

?Kazubi, if you don't go I'll make fun of you forever you here me??

?'Sigh' But it's really dark.?

All three of them laughed. And sang ?Afraid of the Night, Always in a Fright, that's our KAZUKI~?

they repeated this chorus for some time before I finally caved in. ?Alright I'll go with you guys okay. Just forget that song ALREADY!?

?That wont happen bud. Now on to our futures!?

As we headed out I was still afraid about what might be out there. Will it really be okay to go to the forest?

Chapter 1 End
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 05:14:29 PM by zonron »

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2010, 11:27:25 AM »

Chapter 2

?Kazu I have been meaning to ask, what is up with those gloves.?

I looked at Arisa and then to my hands. I really did forget that I was waring these. They don't feel like I'm waring anything at all. I'll lie about them.

?They are family standard work gloves. Next week I'll be working in the field. And this pendent I got from Rika.?

?So Kazubi, you going to working at your home instead of going to school then??

?Mmm not sure, I think I will be helping after school. I'm not to sure though. It would be nice to not have to go to school anymore.?

?Kazuki, don't forget that there is requirements for staying in our club. So remember club come first, got it??

?No, family comes first then the club. Well maybe food then the club.?

?PENALTY!? Yelled Moto as the group stopped.

It looks like we made it to the edge of the forest. No one around but us. The three of them turned around and smiled at me. Oh Gods.

?Well Kazuki, your first.?

?What do you mean I'm first?

?Well this is how the game works. You walk into the forest and bring back something that only could be in the forest. That way we can prove that we each went into the forest. We will show it to our class and be praised as the heroes of our class! Ahahah I can see it now. Nami will fall in love with me for sure!? Moto said with glee.

?Kazu, if you go in there it proves your not a coward. That's what you want right?? Arisa said in her usual monotone voice.

?But its so dark in there. I can't see past the first few trees!?

?We are all going in, but one at a time it makes us sound more heroic that way. Kazubi, you can do it. If not then you are a coward.? Bachi chuckled.

They chanted my name for a little while. I'm not sure if it was to encourage me or to get me angry. I Stretched my legs and ran into the forest I grabbed a rock and came back out.



I was kicked back in. I could here there laughter as I slowly descended into the forest. I closed my eyes. If I didn't see that I couldn't see maybe it would be better. I could pretend I wasn't in the dark. Instead I was... looking at the sky, that's it. The sky. No scary darkness around me. I walked around for a little while and felt around I could only feel branches and rocks. What could I get out of here that would be excepted by the others? I felt like I spent and eternity in here. I know it felt that way but it must have been only a few moments at best. I took a break and opened my eyes.

?Dear gods....? There was a black object floating before me. What was it? I wanted to look at it longer but all I could see was darkness. It was making a noise. Was it alive? It couldn't be. It was floating in mid air. It might be a rare item in the forest. Maybe if I grabbed it I could leave. Is my quest over? I bet this trumps anything they would bring back.


I'm sure I herd something this time I looked around. No one was there. It must have been my imagination. I slowly crept up to the item in the air. This might even be a valuable item. I could sell it for my family. Slower and slower I crept. I must be fast when I grab. It could be booby trapped and I might set it off. Why would someone leave something like that here. I was inches away from it. Now. I Held my breath. 1....2....

?THREE!? my hands went inside the object. It was squishy and soft. It Moved. I was wrong.. its ALIVE!

?....Eh?? sphere said. I think it was sleeping!

?WH-WHA-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? I let go of the thing and jumped back. ?Did it just talk!? Oh no... Is this a Youkai!?


It zipped threw the sky in my general direction. It missed me by inches and was heading straight into a tree next to me. it...IT DESTROYED the tree. Oh gods... what did I do! I'm going to die!.

?RUN RUN RUN RUNRUNRUNRUN RUN!? the only thing I could say and think. I have to gt away from here!

?THERE IS NO RUNING FROM ME!!!? the orb said as it chased me down.

I had my eyes closed. I don't know which way is out. Crap. What do I do!? I'll just have to run as fast as I can. I will make it out, I will make it out. Its to dark I can't see where it might be brighter at. How far did I walk?

?WHEN I CATCH YOU, YOU WILL BE MY DINNER!? It bellowed from behind me. I turned around as it flew past me. And another tree was hit. Can it see? I studied it for a moment. It seemed a little dazed at that last hit. I have an idea.

?Where are you! I'll find you and make you pay with your life!?

I grabbed a rock and threw it. The sound made it chase after the sound. I looked around. Still to dark to do anything. The trees... That's it! I started to climb a tree. If I get to the top of this tree I can see the exit. I have to be quite or I will be killed... must be quite. I slowly climbed the tree. I'm happy I'm not Bachi. He is afraid of heights. Why am I thinking about that now? I could here the youkai flying around down there. It was still angry. I finally made it to the top of the tree. I could see the exit. I must be a five minute run from here. I can see the village. If I can get down this tree and walk away quietly I can make it back. As I was descending the tree I could here it very close by. I was about six foot off the ground still. I just need to-


The limb I was standing on gave way, I'm falling! I closed my eyes and tried to grab something to stop me from falling. My left hand had a hold of something but it gave way too. I hit the ground and herd a scream. I opened my eyes.

I could see the youkai now. It looked like a girl about my age. She had a black dress on. and a white shirt under it. Or I think it was a black dress. Its hard to tell because of how dark it is. She was holding her head. Oh gods... did I rip out her hair!? I looked at my hands. I was holding a ribbon in my left. There was no hair. Well at least I didn't hurt her. She lifted her arms and dark orbs circled around her she yelled something as I stood up and crossed my arms seconds before being pelted by dark orbs....

Chapter 2 End
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 05:15:14 PM by zonron »

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2010, 03:08:54 PM »

Chapter 3

I could feel every single orb that was approaching me as I was thrown to the ground. Is this how I'm going to die? I felt a little tired. Is dieing like falling asleep. My entire body ached but it didn't hurt anymore than it did a little while ago. Except for the new landing place I felt... alive? I opened my eyes to see a shocked looking youkai staring inches away from me.

?You... blocked it? But your just a human?? She seemed to be a little less angry. But I could tell there was killing intent behind those big red eyes. ?And your a brave Human to, you came into this forest even though its filled with youkai. Did you come here to pick a fight with me??

?N-no of course not, I haven't even seen a youkai in tell today.? I tried to stand up but she forced me to the ground. She stood up and said. ?I'll spare your life today but only if you give me my ribbon back.?

?Yeah sure. Here? I tossed it to her and she grabbed it but she then threw it at the ground. Her and seemed to be burned.

?I still cant touch it huh? hey human! Get over here and put this thing back on me.?

?Why can't you do it?? I looked at her and she looked like she was getting angrier.

?Okay I'll do it.? I walked over and picked up the ribbon and placed it on the left side of her head.

She pointed to the right. ?That way leads to the village. Go before I decide to eat you.?

I started to walk away. ?You're an okay youkai. Thanks for letting me live.?

?Next time we meet I'm not going easy on you. I will eat you.? she turned into a dark orb and flew away. I stared for a moment at that and walked out of the forest. On my way out I found a little singed bark from the fight. I picked it up and showed it to the others and explained what happened.

?Yeah right Kazu you fought a youkai. There is no way a wimp like you could even fight me off.?
?I have to agree with Arisa on this one, Only Keine could pull something like that off.?
?Your just got scared and burnt some bark and claim you seen a youkai. Your pathetic Kazubi?
This went on for about 5 minutes before they stopped talked and looked straight behind me. They looked scared. Was I making a face? I turned around to see if anyone was there and to my surprise there was.

?It's y-you again!? I stammered at the sight of her. What could she want?

?Thanks for the little battle I needed to let out some steam. Here you left this on the forest I figure you would want it back.? She held out a pendent and threw it at me.

?The next time I meet you I will have to kill you though. You look like you would cook well.?

I picked it off the ground and put it back on. I was about to apologize again but she threw a orb at my feet.

?Now get out of here!?

she threw another orb and we ran the rest of the way back to the village. For the rest of the week all I could here was that I wasn't a coward anymore and that my 17th birthday made me a man. My friends seemed to stop teasing me just a little bit. I don't know if it was because they where afraid of me or what but it looks like they respect me just a little bit. I got scolded my Keine for leaving the village she asked me who I fought and started to laugh. She told me how friendly that youkai is and how that she must have been just a little angry because it was daytime. My dad and mom herd about it and was mad about it too. That thought that they could have lost me because I went there. But at school it was better. No one bugged me about being afraid of the dark anymore. This is the second week after that even. I  Decided to take a little stroll by the edge of the forest to see if I can remember the events better. I wanted to thank her for the help. The village doesn't look at me so weird anymore. And it was because of what happened here that made it all happen. I walked by the edge of the forest and seen two red orbs.

Chapter 3 End
« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 01:54:17 PM by zonron »

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2010, 03:41:20 PM »
Hmm this is really good, I hope you keep it up!

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2010, 12:02:21 AM »

Chapter 4

I jumped back at the sight of them. I wasn't expecting to see her. I was just wanting to make a thank you to the forest. Is she going to kill me like she said. I took a few more steps back. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. I started to turn to leave when I felt three things pull me into the forest. I looked at my arms and seen two hands on my left and one hand to my right.

?Gaa!? So I came back here to die? Well wasn't I just smart. She said she was going to... wait a second 3 hands? I turned around. I seen the youkai from the other day here and one I never scene before. She was waring what looked like dark purple. But its dark in here so it might just be normal shade of purple. She had an interesting hat. She seemed to have a nice smile on her face. I looked at the youkai from the other day. She seemed to be in a better mood then the other day. I almost couldn't feel there killing intent.

?So this is the human you where talking about?? The new youkai said. They let me go. ?Its nice to meet you mr. human. You're pretty lucky. Rumia here eats human.?  I looked over and the smiling youkai.
?So is it true mr. human, did you survive Rumia's spell card unscathed?? I looked at them both. Am I about to be attacked? Because it's really hard to believe that these two could be so... dangerous.

?Yeah I guess... I don't remember what happened. I just remember being thrown to the ground. Sorry about the ribbon again.?

?Don't worry about that, I was having a bad day. I got into a fight with someone a little bit before you showed up.? She said. Seeming to be almost another person then the other day. She seemed so carefree that you could feel it in the air. If I met this Rumia that day, it might have been a joyful trip to the forest.

?I didn't here this part of the fight. What happened to your ribbon, did he blast if off with magic?? The new youkai asked Rumia. She too seemed to be carefree. But not as much as Rumia.

?Magic? I don't know anything about magic. I'm just a poor farmers son.? I said seeing as there is no reason to lie to them. If I had magic, then I would be a little less intimidated into being sent into the forest.

They both stared at me for a moment. I could see tension expand on there faces. I could hear someone laughing from behind me. I turned around to confront this new spectator. Wow they took me pretty far into the woods. I don't see the edge of the forest at all. What I could see though was a girl waring a blue dress. There was something strange about her though. She has something shining behind her. What are they? I examined the laughing girl and seen that they looked like crystals.

?You lost to an ordinary human? Haaaahaaahahaa. To think your story was true is so funny. This must be a joke.?

?But he did win. He threw my attack right back at me. Every orb hit me!?

?Wait I what?? I looked at Rumia's face and she looked serious.

?Rumia its hard to believe without a witness. Did anyone see you do this??

?No but-?

?No pictures or it didn't happen,?

Rumia looks angry now... she walks over to me. ?Fine I'll prove it!? she raised her arms to form what looked almost like a cross shape with the rest of her body.

?I don't want to see you throw a fight so I'll fight him! After all I Cinro am the strongest! Rumia, Mystia you guys watch from over there.?

?Wait, hold on! I don't want to fight anyone!? I'm gonna die this time I know it! Rumia and Mystia flew off a little ways.

Cinro walked over to me. ?So you do know how to fight right? Do you have any spell cards??

?Any what? I don't want to fight and I don't even know what a spell card is!?

?Ohhh so you want to play it that way huh? Fine no spell cards then. And I'm the strongest so I wont go easy on you either.? She Flew into the air and made crystals form out of nothing. She started to throw them at me. I ran to the left and managed to doge the oncoming missiles. I could feel the air around me get colder. Wait is that ice? She summoned more ice and started to hurdle them in my direction. I managed to dodge them all. I could here her laughing from some where above. The air kept getting colder and colder. I looked at my feet. There was snow on the ground! I was leaving a track. Her laughter was getting louder and louder. Was she having fun? I looked around the place to try and find a place to hide that didn't have snow yet and I found a tree with a knot in it. I think I can fit in it. I forced my self into the tree and hid. I couldn't stop breathing hard. The air was getting colder and colder. She most be right on top of me by now. She can't read minds right?  Her laughter stopped. Did she not find this fun anymore? Or did she spot me. I hope she just gave up and decided to leave me alone.

?You know, I hate hide and seek but... I?M REALLY GOOD AT IT!? The top of the tree was ripped apart  by a barrage of ice. My head was almost part of that destruction! I jumped out of the remains and made a sprint for safety. She was to close there was no way to escape. I could here her getting another round ready. I turned around to face my attacker. This was how it will end? I will go out fighting then! I grabbed a rock off the ground and threw it at her. She didn't even dodge it. She simply put ice on it and   made it into another projectile. She looked angry at my attempted and started to say some words. I could here Rumia and Mystia in the distance saying something. I looked up at the dark sky. Dieing in the darkness isn't that bad at least... No I wont die. I could here something that seemed far away. What was that voice?

The cold air I felt a moment ago seemed to disappear. I looked back on to my attacker as the sky seemed to turn to crystal and my eyes slowly shut. I raised my hands to protect what ever I could. But there was no way for me to survive this attack. I could hear screams, laughter, shattering of ice, And then the world became silent.

Chapter 4 End
« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 01:54:50 PM by zonron »

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2010, 01:55:23 AM »

Chapter 5

I could hear voices near by. It was to hard to hear what they where saying. My entire body felt like some one used me for a punching bag. I opened my eyes to see a purple haired girl and a white haired lady. I closed my eyes because it was fairly bright.

?I think he is coming to. Send this to her for me okay?? I could hear ruffling of some paper. And the sound of a door shutting. ?You know your quite lucky. You managed to fight off that Ice Fairy and Udongein by yourself. You didn't win against Udongein but you took down Cinro quite nicely.?

I tried to sit up, but my body wasn't responding right. Pain made it feeble. I looked around the room and could see that I wasn't in the forest anymore. Its seemed like a nice place. It had a home feel to it, but it looked completely different from the houses in the village. ?....Wh...ere... am.. I??

I noticed she was writing down something. Were they notes. ?MMM so the medicine is working? Interesting. Mmm? Your in Eientei. My name is Eirin Yagokoro. I'm acting as your doctor. You shouldn't be able to talk yet. This is quite interesting. Hold still as I will check your wounds.? I could feel her touching my throat and chest area. Every time she touched me it sent sharp pain that felt like needles swimming threw my veins. It was hard not to move when she did this.

?Well you should be ready to move in about 3 days. You'll be staying here in tell you can walk.?

She got up and grabbed a cup of water. Here drink this. Don't worry it is just water. I tried to sit up but it was no use. She walked over to me. ?Okay we will do it this way, open your mouth, I'll fill your mouth up and then you swallow it alright? I was at least able to nod. I was really thirsty so I opened my mouth and she poured a little water into it. I then tried to swallow but I didn't realize how much my throat hurt in tell now. We had to try this a few times before I could managed the pain with a sip of water.

A Child walked into the room she had a pink dress on and was waring bunny ears. She seemed to be a little hyper active. ?Oh he is awake, now? Is it true you beat Cinro?? I couldn't  understand the question... I beat Cinro? But I was about to die? All I could remember was the sky turning to ice and then... nothing? I could feel pain but I couldn't hear or see anything. Whats happening to me?

?Do you remember what happened in the fight?? Eirin asked me. I shook my head. She started to right down some more notes. ?Tewi I want you and the others to be on your best behavior while we have our guest here understood?? Tewi smiled ?Yes, I understand but what about Reisen? Can I play with her still?? She smiled. ?When she gets back you can have some fun with her.? She ran out of the room and ran back in. ?Oh he has a guess here should I send her in?? ?Yes I think that should be fine, but just for a little bit.?

Tewi ran out of the room. Who would visit me? I thought about this for a moment. Who knows I'm here? My family wouldn't be able to come because I don't even know where this place is. Keine may know how to get here. She might be mad at me though. This time I didn't get out of the fight somehow. I kinda hope it isn't her. she might make me do extra homework for this. That would be awful. None of my friends would come because they are afraid of the forest. They couldn't do much else. I wounder if anyone from my village knows I'm here anyway? The sound of foot steps racing down the hall removed my train of thought.

Tewi and Rumia ran into the room. Rumia must have won the race because Tewi looked a little mad. Tewi walk out of the room. Rumia looked at me and then smiled. ?He is awake, yay!? She started to dancing around the rooms with her arms straight out. She ran over to my bedside. ?You beat Cinro!, That was cool, I have only been able to beat her a couple of times! How strong are you Really??

?I have no idea what your talking about. I just woke up here after thinking I was about to die.?

Rumia still had her arms out. She looked confused ?Is that so? So you don't remember what i- I mean the others did to you after Cinro fell? I ignored you slip up. There was no point in getting mad. I can't change the passed after all.

I closed my eyes to try and remember. But it seems even my head hurt. ?No idea what your talking about Rumia...? my throat was still quite stiff. I felt really sleepy for some reason.

?Interesting so your Rumia's friend? Very uncommon for humans to get along with youkai.?

Did she just say I'm Rumia's friend!? She tried to kill me the first time I met her! And her friends tried to kill me the second time because they thought she was lying! I coughed a little and closed my eyes.

?Oh are you thirsty open your mouth.? I opened my mouth and an entire cup of water was thrown on me. Choked on the water and tried to move my arms and made pain course threw me again. I opened my eyes a few time to try and get the water off out of them.

Rumia was holding the cup. She had mischievous smile on her face. ?ARE YOU TRYING TO DROWN ME!?? ?So... I did it wrong?? she said while laughing.
Eirin laughed, ?Yep you are indeed there friends.?

After a little while of Eirin explaining how to take care of someone to Rumia. she left for the day and I ate some, what I could imagine was, baby food. It tasted nothing like the food I would get from home. By night time I seemed to be use to the pain or I think I was. So I tried to get up and managed to after a few tries. How sturdy was my legs? My legs seemed to me a little wobbly but they are not damaged that much. I walked threw the corridors of this new place and wound up in what looks like a viewing garden. I seen two people staring at the moon. They where having a conversation I sat back and tried to listen in on it.

?So they still haven't found the culprit behind this incident?? the first person said. She was waring a pink shirt and I think its a red skirt. She has long black hair. The one sitting next to her nodded. ?They can't figure out who is behind the lack of water. At this rate the village will be in trouble. I here Yuka is made because her flower field is starting to see effects of it too. She started to hunt down the culprit too. About a day ago.? This second person had a blue hat on. I couldn't see the front of it, but there was something on the front of the hat that could be seen from the back. She had a entire blue outfit with pink hair. She seemed calm.

?So I here that you have a interesting guess.? The one in blue asked. ?Yes, and he is EASE DROPPING.
The both turned to me. I laughed weakly and sat down beside the blue one. She hasn't yell at me yet. So it must be safer by her right? ?Sorry I couldn't sleep.?

?So you beat up Cinro huh? Its all over that tengu's report. Interesting that I human could have that kind of power. My name is Kaguya, and this is Yuyuko.?

"What about that Witch?" Yuyuko continued on.

"She is a different case now isn't she. Her power comes from magic, and of course her stealing peoples attacks."

I looked at the moon. ?Everyone says I did that... But I don't remember a thing. If I did that then I have no idea how I did it. So then, it is an incident with the lack of rain??

Kaguya replied. ?Yes Reimu and that witch is looking for the culprit. There are not a lot of people who could just stop the rain around here so it shouldn't take much longer.?

I kept staring at the moon. It looked so close in this place. It's a nice view. Then I noticed something strange next to the moon. Was that a... fire? In the sky? A meteor? It was coming close and ran back into the house. I turned around to see that Kaguya was fighting it. Yuyuko casually got up. ?Youmu I think its time to go.? and from beside me a girl walked by. I fell down. I didn't even notice her standing there. What was that beside her? ?Yes I think so to? they flew away and I was there standing in awe as these two fought each other. The fire was acutely a person? I could her them screaming insults at each other.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. ?You're already able to walk? You should go rest before Eirin catches you out of bed. She will punish you for it, trust me I know.? I turned around and seen the purple haired girl from earlier... ?Y-Your that person form the other day!? I recalled running into her when she was  holding various containers.

She looked confused. ?What are you talking- OH, your that human who ran into me.? she blushed a little bit ?Sorry about kneeing you in the throat...?

?Kneeing me in the throat? Oh so that's why my throat hurts...? she looked confused. ?you-you don't remember? I-I didn't give you amnesia right? Ohhhh I'm gonna be punished!? she looked worried.
?No don't worry about it, the last thing I remember is Cinro filling the sky with ice.? ?Oh so right before I showed up huh? Well none the less we should leave these two to fight it out, they will be fine.?

I looked back at the two in the garden and one of them smashed into the ground and the other landed on her.

?There sure are a lot of girls with powers around here...?

?Enough of that, back to bed with you? So we walked back to my room. Before she left she told me her name and told me to stay there. It was hard to sleep. This room doesn't have a good view of the moon like in my room. I hope my family isn't worried.

Chapter 5 End
« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 01:55:28 PM by zonron »

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2010, 04:21:08 AM »

Chapter 6

I woke up early in the morning to the sound of running. I opened my eyes and seen that Reisen was chasing Tewi around. Then it just stopped and Eirin entering the room. I could here Reisen apologizing form a distance. ?I here you had a nice little stroll last night. So you have recovered faster than I expected. May I check your wounds please? I nodded and sat on the bed. To think about it I didn't even feel hurt. I felt quite fine. Maybe a paper cut of annoyance but compared to yesterday, I seemed like I was going to die. Eirin seemed shocked. ?Are you sure your human? Not even Marisa nor Reimu is this fast at healing after such a battle.? I thought about that for a while.  ?About ten years ago I woke up in the human village and was adopted by me current family. I have no idea where I came from or how I ended up in the village but I was alone. Then mom and dad adopted me.?

Eirin sat there righting down a few notes. ?So it IS possible your a youkai?? I never thought about that before. I'm week, I can't fly and I don't know anything about youkai except that there not giant monsters. They can be...

?What makes a youkai a youkai?? I asked Eirin. She put her finger on her chin for a moment and said. ?Well, a youkai is anything that has supernatural powers. It is possible that you can be a human and a youkai too. There are stories about humans turning into youkai after some ordeal takes place. But there is only one way to be certain that you are a youkai.?

?So how can I tell? I grow fangs or something.? I started to feel my teeth with my tongue. It all seems normal there. She laughed. ?In some cases yes. But the true method to tell is very easy. She is on her way now anyway.?

?Wait there is someone who can see if I'm a youkai or not?? ?More or less. Would you like breakfast before we see her??

?Sure that sounds good.?

?What would you like? Some Human meat?? she started to laugh. ?No thanks I'll have some rice and eggs if you have them.? ?Oh, that's boring, okay have it your way. I'll have someone to make you some food.?

She left the room and I sat in silents for a while. I can't be a youkai. If I am then the village will reject me wont they? My friends will abandon me and my family might look at me like a monster or something... I hope I'm still human. I walked over to the window and sighed. I opened my eyes and seen only black.

Bam! I was now laying on the ground. I looked up and seen something I wasn't expecting. A black orb
She turned back into normal looking girl with her arms standing strait out. ?Ru-Rumia what are you-?

?I thought I would surprise you by coming threw your window~? she exclaimed.

?Well you got that right I was surprised, you also knocked me over...? I said getting a little angry.

?Is that so? Well you seem to be doing good today. I thought you had to be in bed for the next few days??

I told her about me being- scratch that, the possibility of me being a youkai. She seemed happy for some reason.

?That would be great!? Rumia looked at me with a pretty big smile.

I sat back on the bed. ?No it wouldn't. What if I am a youkai? My friends will abandon me, and who knows how my family will see me, they might even hate me?? I stared at my gloves. They seemed to be the only thing on the that didn't get damaged. The pendent my sister gave me broke off and dad was repairing it for me when I left the house. My cloths hat peaces missing here and there. The cuts I had the other day I couldn't even see. Its like what happened never happened at all.

Rumia looked at me and said. ?If it comes to that you can hang out with me and the rest of my group. If your family is really your family, then they should not care about what you are. But who you are.?

This was the first time that I had conversation with Rumia that wasn't about fighting. It was nice. I want to change the subject. I feel like I'm blushing.

?So why did you get so mad when I took off your ribbon?? Rumia looked mad. ?Idiot, I'm not going to tell you about that. Its my secret.? I remember her hand burning when she held it in her hand. and the face she mad when she asks for me to put it back on.

Reisen entered the room with my breakfast. Rumia was didn't like the looks of it though. She said there wasn't any meat in it and just drank some tea. We sat there for a while after that silently.

?Would it really be that bad if you were... a youkai? What do you.... think a youkai like me??

I looked over at Rumia... she seemed sad. ?You are you and I am me. You helped me make my friends respect me. So I guess not all youkai are as scary as I thought they where. You also... Helped me realize something-? Rumia looked over at me. But Eirin came into the room.

?She is here, are you ready for the test? It may hurt a bit but its only temporary.?

I got a grasp of what was going on around here. What was I saying? I stood up and headed out to see what this test was all about. Rumia followed as Eirin showed us the way. Who was standing there was someone I didn't expect. She wore red and white clothing...

Chapter 6 end
« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 01:56:03 PM by zonron »

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2010, 06:00:19 AM »

Chapter 7

?So this is the one huh? He doesn't look that threatening.? I could feel her eyes pierce right threw me. It wasn't killing intent like Rumia, but it seemed to be a little... dangerous. I had this weird feeling in the back of my head. I almost thought I could hear something.

She pulled out a piece of paper. It was a little odd, was she about to take down some notes before making her judgment?

?Reimu go easy on him, he has just gotten better. We don't need him unconscious again.?

Reimu looked a little sour. ?You do realize I'm giving up time to do this right? I'm trying to solve a case right now.? Eirin laughed. ?Are you still like that? I thought helping people was part of you're job description?? Reimu seemed to be a little more angry. ?Fine fine lets do this. You there.? She pointed at me.

?Y-yes?? She threw the paper at me. I caught it with my hands. The gloves seemed to glow. But nothing happened. I studied the paper. There seems to be some writing on it.?

I looked up and seen Reimu smack me with another paper this time it was in the face.

I could feel excruciating pain come from that spot. I flew back about four feet as I hit the ground. I managed to pull the seal off. It hurt a lot. I could here a voice. ?WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!? Everyone was looking at me. Who said that? That was a guys voice. It sounded angry. But I'm the only one here that is a guy. ?GET UP OR I?LL TAKE OVER AGAIN!? it sounded like my voice. ?Fine I'll fight your battles for you then. You wimp.? Reimu looked like she was preparing herself. My body is moving on its own! I jumped in to the sky was I... flying?

Reimu Flew into the sky and threw more paper at me. My hands moved and the paper stop moving and reversed back at her. She dodged every peace of paper that was heading for her. Then threw more seals and destroyed her first wave. I moved around the sky like it was natural.

?Heh, so I finally have someone who can fight me on equal terms huh? Well I'll step up my GAME!

I dived down to the edge of the bamboo and collided with them breaking them into many peaces. I turned them into projectiles and threw them at Reimu, she dodged them all and threw a wave of paper at me, this time accompanying some orbs.

?IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO!? AHAHAHA TAKE THIS!? all the projectiles be came my weapon and where homing in on Reimu. She made a sign with her hands and they stopped moving for a moment and she destroyed the lot with a physical attack. And came strait at me. She had more seals in her hand this time and attacked me head on. The pain was so immense that I fell to the ground. The other me started to talk. ?So you figured it out that fast. I wasn't expecting you to catch on. The other one got lucky. You're not just powerful, but your smart. I'll have to use this!

My hands clapped together and a card came out of no where. The forest around me became chopped down and turned into about five pieces a tree. All of which was now projectiles.


All of them them launched at Reimu. There was no way for her to dodge them. She seemed so calm about it. She closed her eyes. And she pulled out a card. Fantasy... Heaven...

All the projectiles missed and she seemed to move faster that she was a moment ago, she almost seems hollow. She was already feet way by the time I could see her again. She had a orb in her hand this time and she smashed it into my chest. I thought I was flying still. but it seems the other me finally couldn't handle it. All I could feel was me hitting the ground. And then the sensation of the ground feeling warm. My energy drained and my mind exhausted. I looked up to see that Rumia caught me. My eyes where tired. And I couldn't stop my self from falling to sleep.

Chapter 7 End
« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 01:56:29 PM by zonron »

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2010, 11:16:22 PM »

Chapter 8

?Damn it I lost!? I opened my eyes to see only darkness. I looked around. I didn't feel any pain. There was nothing here except for me. I was... floating? ?If I wasn't stuck in suck a frail body I would have handled it easily!? I looked around, but I couldn't see anything. ?H-Hello? Who is there??

That voice isn't mind this time... who was it then? There was nothing but the void around me. Where the hell am I?

?Its all your fault that I lost. If I wasn't stuck here.? ?COME OUT IF YOUR GOING TO BITCH ABOUT ME!?

nothing happened. ?Am I just having a dream??

?Who do you think you are? You trying to order me around?? the voice came from behind me. I turned to see who it was. Her hair was blue, her cloth looked strange. Almost like the pictures we seen in class about samurai. For the most of it the cloth portion was all black and the armor was a crimson blue. She looked sad. ?Who... are you?? I said to her.

?I am a youkai like your self. I was borrowing your body for a bit.?

?I don't under stand... how could you do that?? She made a face. ?You really know nothing about youkai do you? Every youkai is different. They learn to adapt to there tastes. I myself control projectiles and the falling rain. You on the other hand haven't learn what it is that you like. You don't have any power as of yet. Meaning your existence hasn't been here long. You seemed ripe for the picking.?

?Why would you want my body, this is creepy.? She sat in mid-air and a chair formed under her, a room zoomed into being. We were in my... room. ?Have you ever had a job??

?What do you mean by that?? ?I have been here in Gensokyo since the beginning. I am the clouds, the rain itself. I have been keeping this land from turning into a wasteland.  Working everyday... every night making sure that it was under control.? 

I sat on my bed. ?So then why did you need me??

?Because I needed a break form it all, but if I stayed in my normal body then I would be found out to fast. Someone would have seen me. I figured I would stay in here for a week or two and leave... but something happened. I got stuck in this body of yours I can't get out. I have taken breaks like this before but I always was able to get out again. I don't understand why you where different.?

?So then you can't leave but you want to? How long have you been here??

?Four months I have been trapped in this pathetic body.? Just as I thought, the drought started about the same time. It wasn't bad in tell around my birthday. ?I seen you use your powers in that last fight. Why can't you just make it rain from here??

?Because I AM the rain. I take human form when I need a break. But some of the residents know what I look like. And by now most of Gensokyo must be after me. They think I'm neglecting my duties.?

?Well you kinda are, but I see your point. So you hide inside of 'week' youkai and take a break.?

?The last time I took a break was 400 years ago. I think I'm pass due.?

?So is there a way to get you out of my body??

?As of right now I have no idea. If there is a way you might have to become stronger first. Mm? Looks like your finally coming to.?

?I'll find a way to get you out of my body, just watch me. I'll show you who is the weak one!?

?The last thing I could see was her smile.?

Chapter 8 End
« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 01:56:55 PM by zonron »

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2010, 11:18:33 PM »

Chapter 9

?Mmm.? I'm really sick of waking up in pain. Surprisingly its not that bad this time.  I just feel like my chest is heavy. And my right arm feels a little numb. Whats the sound? I have herd it before. I open my eyes but I don't see anything... wait a second. That noise...

?Zuzuzu....? That's!  I jumped off the bed and sure enough there was a darkness covering my bed.
?Ru-Rumia!? I looked around the room and seen the Kaguya was walking by. She started to smile and walked in.

?Oh my, what where you doing with that youkai?? she said with a playful attitude.

?I wasn't doing anything! I just woke up a swear!? Kaguya laughed. ?Is that after you asked her to play a naughty game with her. My your a bold one~?

?I But I didn't-? I could here laughing from inside my head. Is she listening to this too!? ?Shut up in there! Be on my side will ya! Rumia back me up on this!?

? Zuzuzu...?

?You can sleep threw this!?? Kaguya laughed again. Eirin walk into the room. ?Oh already out of bed huh? Rumia stayed here two days waiting for you to wake up. You even had Cinro and Mystia here as guess yesterday. They left you those flowers by your bed. She pointed to the stand next to my bed. They where yellow flowers in a vase. I'll get you something to eat, Rumia would you like me to get you something to.

The dark orb over my bed disappear. Jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. she yelled down the hall. ?Meat~~?

Kaguya laughed again. ?Is THAT what she said last night??

?Ka-KAGUYA! I just woke up, I swear!?

Eirin and Kaguya started to laugh as they left the room. And the voice in my head started laugh as well. I sighed heavily. ?Why... doesn't anyone believe me?...?  I sat on the bed for a moment. I just stared at various things in the room. The flowers looked familiar. I wonder why? They looked like ordinary flowers. They where all yellow... mmm. I decided to go and find the rest of the group. I walked out of the room and seen Tewi she seemed in a hurry. Reisen was running past me yelling at her.  ?Never dull around this place huh?? I thought about my family. Do they even know what happened to me yet? They could be thinking that I'm dead, or ran away. Will they except me after I tell them I'm a youkai?

?Hey watch where your goin ze!? I looked up. I almost ran into someone. I never seen this one before. She seemed... suspicious for some reason. She was waring some odd close to. She was caring a broom and had a black wardrobe. With the exception of a white apron she could easily hide in a dimly lit room. ?Oh, are you that youkai that fought with Reimu? Did you enjoy your fight ze??

?Enjoy? I was just watching on the side lines as my body was...? Reisen came out of the garden area and walked up next to this person. ?Marisa your not getting into a fight are you??

Marisa turned around. ?Well I'm curious about how strong he is ze. He was able to make Reimu resort to that spell card.? Reisen sighed. ?Well no fighting today, he is still are guest here. Since there is so much company here today we will be eating outside.?

?Company? Who is everyone one that here?? I looked at Reisen. She just shrugged.

?I don't know, Marisa and Reimu are the first to arrive. Well I have to make sure the preparations get done, go ahead and sit outside.? She walked away looking a little exhausted.? Me and Marisa went to the garden area. Reimu was drinking some tea. Marisa sat next to her. Rumia was playing with Tewi. Yuyuko and Youmu were sitting by Kaguya and Eirin. Where should I sit down?

Reimu looked over at me and then closed her eyes and drank some more tea. ?Sorry about the other day. I had to remove the threat.? She sounded a little cold but she seemed to not hate me. Or that is what it looked like anyway. She looked rather annoyed though. I decided to sit by my self on the porch. Rumia and Tewi sat next to me. ?Some was some fight... what is your name??

?His name is Kazuki.? I looked around and seen Keine has arrived here. She looked a little disappointed. ?So it really was you huh? You know your family is worried about you. And don't get me started on your homework!?

?Y-you talked to my family? Do they.... know that I'm a youkai?? Keine grabbed a chair and sat by my little group. ?Nope, its your family. That makes it your responsibility to tell them.? I felt relieved at the thought they didn't know yet. Maybe I could avoid the conversation entirely... but would it be the right thing to do??

?I'll give you the homework after we hear what's going on. Hey Reimu is everyone here?? I looked at Reimu and she seemed a little mad. ?Yes everyone is here. Come out Yukari and give me back my tea.?

Yukari appeared out of a gap. She was sipping on the presumed stolen tea. ?To late I already finished it off. Its rude to invite people here and not have enough cup of tea.? I looked at the table that marisa and Reimu where setting at. And there was one tea that wasn't touched. There was two tipped over and drain of its content. I'm guessing the on still standing up was mine. ?Reimu you can have my cup of tea there.? I pointed at my cup.

Reimu looked over an grabbed my cup of tea. And started to drink it. She looked a little less annoyed now. ?Well lets get this started then.? Reimu said after she put her cup down.  ?So why is Haruna in your body??

I explained the details of what was happening. Everyone seemed to me lost in thought. ?So the problem is that she was able to get in, but not come out. Mmm was a predicament.? Eirin said looking concerned.

?Hey Yukari why not just gap her out ze?? Yukari started to laugh. ?Well I could do that but with this situation I think the container would be destroyed. I'm guessing this should be our last resort??

?Indeed, I wonder if its his powers that are trapping her there?? Said Yuyuko. Who was eating a
rice cracker. 

?Mmm I don't think I have any powers. As fare as I can tell I can't fly in this form, I can't even make orbs to help fight off various attackers.?

?I wouldn't say that.? Eirin said putting her finger on her chin. ?After the fight with Reimu most of your wounds where almost fully healed up by the time we put you into your bed.?

?Well that could be part of his powers.  Hey Haruna your listening right?? Yukari said.

?Yes I'm listening. What the, did you just- yes, yes I did.? the group looked at me. Great, now I'm a freak even amount these people. I sighed.

Yukari continued. ?Have you seen anything strange about him since you hid in his body??

I scratched my head, not of my own accord. ?No signs of power that I can tell of. He just seems like a simple ton. He is quite vile if you ask me. Did you know he hasn't showered in- we are NOT going to talk about that. Waters expensive. Ever since the drouth we can barely afford to eat.? Everyone was looking at me again. Haruna continued. ?He just seemed to be acting like a human. That wasn't an act. I thought I was human....?

?Mmm well if you didn't see anything strange then there is no reason to ask his family.?

?Okay so lets recap. We are looking for an event that happened in the past that might prove that he gained powers. But he doesn't know about himself. It also can't be anything related to Haruna's powers. So that mean manipulation of projectiles is out. And since neither of them can command ran in this state then we can rule that out. He has healing powers but that shouldn't stop Haruna from leaving. Has anyone seen anything unusual??

The garden became silent for a little while. Marisa started to talk. ?Well I never seen him before today ze.? ?Same here I only met him a couple of days ago myself.? Reimu said. That was the general answer for most of the people here. Out of the group Keine knew me the longest.

?Well I have seen him at school of course but he showed no signs of him having powers.? Keine said to the group. ?he really does seem like a human.

?So we are still at no leads? Why not make him fight without Haruna's help.? Youmu said. If she didn't say that I would have forgot she was even here...

?Nope he is injured and all of you play ruff.? said Eirin showing that she is indeed a doctor.

?Well that's good because that wasn't much fun the LAST three time!? I said. Rumia looked at me. ?You didn't enjoy our fight.? ?not at all...? Rumia jumped up.  I got startled by her quick movements.  I stepped away from her. Was she about to attack me. ?I remember something!? the group now had there eyes on Rumia.

?The day I met you. You took my ribbon off.? Rumia said happily.

?What does that have to do with anything ze?? Marisa said. Yuyuko on the other hand clapped her hands together. ?Now that is a lead?

?I don't follow what you guys are talking about.? Rumia looked at me. ?This ribbon can't be taken off by anyone. I haven't been able to even touch it with my hands! See! Ouch? she burnt her hand a little bit trying to pull it off. But it didn't budge a bit.

Yukari came in and examined the ribbon. She pulled on it and lifted Rumia off the ground. She put her back down. ?Mmm Reimu can you remove it?? ?Why would I want to.? said Reimu. Yukari chirped back in. ?Well maybe his powers are like your own. If you can pull it off then we know what his powers are and we can try and do something about it.? Reimu side and drank some tea. She put the cup down and walked over to Rumia. She grabbed the ribbon and tugged on it. But nothing happened. ?Looks like I can't do it either.?

?Mmm. Well Kazuki, can you show us what you did to pull it off?? I remembered the event. I fell from a tree and grabbed it as I fell. I explained that to them.

?Well try and take it off then.? Eirin said. I walked over to Rumia and pulled on her ribbon. My gloves glowed and the ribbon came off. ?Try it again but this time take off the gloves.? Reimu said.
So I put the ribbon back in her hair and took my gloves off. I touched the ribbon and slowly was able to take it off.  Rumia looked tired of the attention and sat down. I looked around. ?What... does this mean??

Reisen came in to the garden. ?the lunch time! Here you go.? Various rabbits showed up and gave everyone there food I sat back down by Rumia who looked a little odd.?

?Rumia are you okay?? she looked like she was going to be sick. ? to me!? She snatched the ribbon and dropped it on the ground. She burnt more of her hand. ?n-NO!? I picked it up. ?What  is the big deal with this thing anyway??  She looked sad at her plate of meat. ?With out the ribbon I'm a.... I'm a v-v-v-v-? ?A v?? ?Vegetarian!?

The group stop eating and started to laugh. ?Why would you ware a ribbon to stop you from eating vegetables?? said Tewi still giggling a bit. ?Well there was this farm on the edge of the human village that had the best crop. I couldn't stop my self from eating there food. I became friends with the owner but he found out I was taken some of the food. We fought each other and he put that ribbon on me. It was so long ago I can't even remember the farmers name. ? I couldn't remove the ribbon and vegetables made me feel awful if I eat them. But meat on the other hand tasted great after words. I never touched the stuff. Now I can only crave carrots and cucumbers.? She started to dance around at the thought of eating veggies. I put the ribbon back on her and she became her normal self.

After we finished are meal we started to talk about what to do again.

?Well so we know he can pull the ribbon off but what is his power then?? Yuyuko said.

?The power to cancel powers.? Reimu said. ?In our fight I remember he negated my seals effects. He even pulled one off I planted on his face. Those were seals that I use to trap youkai form moving.?

Marisa chirped in ?That would make since ze, if he can cancel powers then he should be able to cancel Haruna from leaving as well.?

?Now the question is how do we shut it off?? said Youmu

?At this rate even our forest will start to show signs of drouth.?

?So this incident is my fault?? I have been hurting my family this long and didn't know it? They will hate me because of this...

?Well I just don't get it. If he can cancel powers than why was Haruna able to fight for him??

?I have been around for many years. So when I hid in his body I didn't realize he had powers. My powers are way stronger than this. I should have taken out Reimu in that last fight. He must be dampening my own for some time.?

?Is that so? How do we stop something that stops things?? this was indeed the question on the table.
Keine got up. ?It's his family.? we all looked at her. ?Your afraid to let them know your a youkai right??

She has been teaching me for some time know, so I guess she would know what I was thinking.

?I think if you confront your family about you being a youkai you will be able to handle your powers.?

?Should we go now?? I said. ?No, you are a little injured so I think you should rest here for the night. You can go home tomorrow.? Eirin said. ?Besides you should prepare what you want to say.?

So the rest of the day seemed to fly by. I was the cause for the incident. And now I have to find a way to release Haruna so Gensokyo doesn't turn into a wasteland. The night seemed to ease my mind. I took a cold shower and went to bed. It wasn't peaceful sleep though. I looked over to the side of my bed. I seen the flowers that were given to me by Cinro and and Mystia. Being a youkai might not be that bad.

Chapter 9 end
« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 01:57:38 PM by zonron »

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2010, 03:12:21 AM »
A nice little piece, and not that bad for a first work.  You managed to set up an interesting mystery early on.

As a suggestion, give your work a read through or two.  You're suffering from a rather bad case of spellcheck fail, and it detracts from your work.  With that fixed up your story should flow a lot better I think.

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2010, 09:30:13 AM »
Oh yes, spell-check programs are my worst enemy sometimes. sometimes i "Think" i click on the word i want and later i see that i have a word that doesn't even make since where it is. i think I'm typing faster than I'm thinking sometimes. I'll go over the entire thing later and re-post each chapter. this story is almost done though. i think there is only 1 to 3 chapter left at best. besides the epilogue i wrote first. (i don't know why but i had to make the ending first.)

Thanks for the feedback. It helps to know whats needs to be done.

the first four chapter have been updated with a few corrections. it should be a little more enjoyable to read now. I'll finish up the other chapter soon. next couple post are the last chapters.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2010, 02:51:25 PM by zonron »

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2010, 02:53:19 PM »
Chapter 10

I woke up to the sound of Tewi pulling yet another prank, but this time she got caught in the act. I slowly got out of bed. I almost felt like I was going to school. I didn't want to see my family. It might sound nasty now but I don't want to think about them turning me away like I'm infected. I walkout out of the room and into the normal spot. The garden area. I looked around and seen the damages where finally repaired from the last battle. Someone was standing were the battle took place. It was someone holding a umbrella. I decided to set on the porch. See turned around. She had green hair and a red vest and skirt. It looked like there was a design on it but it was to hard to see what it was. She was not looking happy either. I decided I should talk to her.

?Hello, how are you?? I said trying to get red of her anger. It doesn't look like it worked. ?Are you the one who did it?? She said to me sounded very cold. ?What are you talking about??  She started to spin the umbrella. ?Do you have my flowers?? What is she talking about- then I remembered the vase on the table. ?Some one gave me a vase of flowers two days ago. ?Were they yours?? She seemed to be even more mad now... crap I should have stayed in bed today. Maybe THIS is why I was felling that way earlier. ?Did you PICK them?? She looked at me in a way that made me feel that if I where to lie she would kill me instantly. I had to act strong or I might have to suffer another fight I don't want. ?Cinro and Mystia gave them to me, they where get well flowers.? She seemed to get even madder at that. ?So you got them to take my precious flowers from MY FIELD!? Crap I don't want to fight. She seems strong...

?Yuka, if you want to pic a fight go find Cinro and punish her.? I looked up and seen Keine was flying down to the garden. And Eirin stepped out side as well. ?We just finished redecorating this place, please don't cause us any trouble. I might have to get involved otherwise.?

Yuka looked at her competition, she seemed to have calmed down a little. ?I heard Reimu solved the case again, but there hasn't been any rain yet. What going on?? Yuka looked at Eirin. She patted me on the shoulder. ?This guy here is going to fix that. So if you want to delay him anymore you're hurting you flowers.? she stared at me for a while with what I could imagine was loathing. ?Hmp!?  Yuka turned and started to fly away. She turned around. ?If one more of my flowers welts I'll have your head as fertilizer you here me? You must excuse me have two small fries to deal with.? She flew off in the direction she thought Cinro would be in.

I sighed. ?Its a relief to not have to fight someone I just met for a change.? Keine started to laugh. ?You are a youkai after all you make enemies and friends very quickly.? I stared at the ground. ?Keine I have to ask you something.? Keine looked a little amused look. ?Oh and what could that be?? ?Do... you hate me for being a youkai?? She smiled and walked over to me. She tilted her head back.... Bam! She head-butted me. ?Wha-What was that for!?? ?You're not a threat of the village, and you don't cause a lot of mischief. If you behave yourself that is all that matters. Well and doing your homework. This is your last year after all.? Keine smiled and looked in the sky. ?So are you ready? Your family is worried you know.?

I looked at my gloves one more time. ?I think so.? she grabbed my hands and we flew off to the village.

It was a pretty uneventful trip back to the village. I think I could here fighting in the forest. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the thought that I could have been the one fighting right now.  We finally passed the edge of the forest and were heading into the village. I could feel my heart race. Will I be excepted? Keine spoke up. ?If your friends don't like you anymore then they where not your friends to begin with alright? Trust me there is no way your family will hate you.? We landed next to the village. My arms where a little sore from the ride. I looked at the scenery around me and remember the first time I left the village. It seemed so long ago, but it was only just a few weeks at best. I built up my courage and stepped foot back in the village.

Chapter 10 End

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2010, 02:54:13 PM »

Chapter 11

I walked around in the village as though it was my first tie seeing it. Nothing has changed but it didn't feel the same that it us to. I thought everyone was looking at me.... oh wait they are... I walked in the direction of the farm. By now they are probably working in the field.

?That will be 500 yen Miss.? A merchant said to the right.? ?Hmm I think I'll pass, I seen this on sale for 450 yen down the road yesterday. It might have even been more fresh than this.? ?If I lower the price anymore then I only gained 200 yen from buying it form the lat time.? ?Well you can keep your fish then. I'm not going to get ripped off for your benefit.? ?You drive a hard bargain, fine I'll drop the price to 470 yen, not 1 less.? ?Hmm... well... okay, i'll buy it then. Here you go.? As you could imagine I stopped walking. That would be the merchant sister I have. Rika. She looked over and seen me. ?KAZU-CHAN!? She almost dropped her fish running over to me. She gave me a Mid-Air hug.  I almost fell over. ?I was so worried about you. What happened to your cloths? Is that blood? Are you hurt? Did you see mom an dad yet. There so upset right now. Oh Keine where you the one who found him? You didn't run away did you?? this rambling went on for a few minutes. Every time I opened my mouth a new question was already being hurled at me. ?RIKA!? The sound of Keine's voice could probably herd threw half the village. Rika finally became quite. Tears started to fall down her face. ?I thought I lost my lazy brother...? 'sniff... sniff' I patted her on the head. ?I'm okay really, lets go home I have to talk to the family.? She started to cry even more. ?Your not running away are you?? I started to laugh. ?No of course not.?

she seemed to cheer up a little after hearing that. I wiped the tears from her eyes and we walked to the field. They where not out there. It was a little strange not seeing dad and mom working there. They spend so much time out here I almost feel like they sleep out here as well. So we walked a little farther. Rika ran inside  I thought I could here glass break. I looked at Keine and she pushed me forward. I walked up to the door. I was about to inter when the door opened up. Mom had tearful as she grabbed me and started to cry. Dad looked a little mad though. ?Hello, sorry I'm late.? I had to wait for dad to pull mom off of me before I could walk into the house. I sat in a chair. ?What happened to you son? You look like hell. To make your mother worry so much. You made me worry too.?

?Yeah a lot happened the past couple of day. I have something to tell you guys. I'm a little afraid to tell you though.? ?Your not leaving us are you?? My said while holding back tear. ?Why is there so much blood on your clothes.? I never thought to find different cloths to ware for this. But then again every single person I met where girls so I doubt any of them had something I could ware. ?Where should I start off??

I explained what I happened the day I went missing. I told them how I woke up in Eientei being bandaged up from the fight before. I told them about Haruna being the cause of the lack of rain.

?So this Haruna is not doing her job then, but what does this half to do with you?? Dad said to me. My mom and sister where finally calm enough to sit down and listen. Keine was standing by the door frame listening. ?And how did you survive all those attacks? You fought the shrine maiden for gods sake!?

I looked down to the floor. ?Well she was testing... me... to see if I was.... a....?  Keine put a hand on my shoulder.  I sighed. ?Reimu, the shrine maiden tested me to see if I was a youkai? dad mom and sister looked confused. ?Why would she do that?? Mom said. ?Because the past few weeks there have been odd things happening around me.? ?But you can't be a youkai right? I have never seen you fly or attack people for no reason. Surly your not...? dad stopped talking and noticed how serious I was about this.

?What did the shrine maiden say?? Said Rika who seemed to be examining me for who knows what. Horns, a tail, fangs?

?There is no doubt, I am a... youkai.? I couldn't see there faces. I could only stair at my gloves. The best treasure of the family. The item that only the next head of family can have. ?Your a youkai? You think that after so many years we would have known.? Said dad sounded a little dazed. ?My sweet Kazu-chan is a youkai.? I could hear mom saying to her self. ?My brother is... but he looks just like us.?

Keine stepped in her hand leaving my shoulder. ?Youkai can look like many things, they can look like animals, humans and even rocks if it gathered its own will over time.? the room became silent for what seemed like a eternity.

?If you want me to leave I'll understand. If you want these gloves back you can have them...? I stood up and turned for the door. I could feel a strong hug from behind. ?No don't leave big brother~? I could feel her tears on my shirt. A strong hand was on my shoulder now. ?Your my son, you being a youkai may never have occurred to us when we brought you into are home, but you're still our son.? Mom hugged me from the front. ?Don't leave us. I want to see you get married and have children. I wanted to have small fights with your wife that I just wont like, and to play with my grand children. I wanted to see you and Rika become successful in your own way.?

I looked up at the roof. I could feel tears go down my cheeks. Thank you... thank you so much...
there is nothing to thank us for my boy, you are part of our family. I hope you will help us with the field still.? ?Yes of course, after all I need to keep our family from starving. I'll start helping out more to. I might even study for upcoming test.?

All my fears disappeared. I wasn't afraid of the darkness, and know for the first time I knew my family truly loved me. I could here a voice in my head. ?Looks like I can finally get out of here.? ?Before you go I have something to say to you.? ?oh and what would that be?? ?If you remember it didn't become and incident very fast. You could have a vacation every year. Everyone needs some rest. I think even Reimu would agree on that. ?I'll have to think about that for a while. Well I guess vacation has to end some time.... right??

Chapter 11 End

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2010, 03:15:26 PM »

Things seem to be getting back to normal now. It has been three months after the rain started to pour down. The village didn't seem to care that I'm a youkai that much. Matamoto, Bachi, and Arisa seemed to avoid me now days. I think that they are still a little scared at the thought of me fight being strong enough to fight with Reimu and not be destroyed. I didn't bother trying to tell them that I was being controlled when that was going on. At first it bugged me that they stopped hanging out with me. But I gained new friends.

Rumia and her little group decided to adopted me into it. Ever since Haruna left my body it seems like my powers became more interesting. I can make my own orbs now, they dont do much though attack wise. The either heal what it hits, or it removes there powers for a short time. I still cant figure out how to shoot one or the other its at random. I hit Cinro with one while she was flying and she fell to the ground. Which in turn caused our second fight. I lost that one but it wasn't so bad. about every time she tried to use a spell card I was able to remove her power. So she beat me down with her fists. Proving that she is still the strongest in the group even without her powers.

The farm has finally started to yield crops like it use to. Meaning that since I'm next in line that I have to work in the field everyday. My family treats me just the same as it always did.

Keine seems to treat me just the same as she use to. But now I have added two more students into her class. Mystia and Rumia thought it would be fun to go to school. It was only for a months since a graduated about a week ago. I still see Keine every other day though. My sister makes me carry all the crop we have to sell to merchants. I have to say her skills with negotiating have increased over these months. Are family is still poor but our crop are regarded as some of the best in Gensokyo.

I haven't been back to Eientei yet. I figured that I caused enough trouble over there. I have ran into Reisen a couple of times. And by run into her I mean I smashed into her and made her drop her cargo. She seems less than happy to see me now days since it seems that it always end with me running away from her. She can be quite scary.

Aya Shameimaru did an article about me being the first male to solve a incident in Gensokyo. She also had pictures of every fight I was in. Her article was over exaggerated. She made and in interview with me when we got are first but of rain. All I said was that I had a lot of help from Reimu, Eirin, Rumia, and Keine. But she made it sound like I did everything myself. I now refuse to give her an interview. The article bad mouthed Reimu and Marisa for not being able to solve it as fast as they normally get solved. Reimus comment was ?She was hiding in a boy from the village no one seen who or what was behind it. Gensokyo is huge and the boy didn't seem to be a threat at first.? Marisa stated that the only person who even knew what we were looking for was Yukari. Yukari of course didn't want anything to do with the article.

Keine had a favor for me about a months back to go to Akyuu Hieda place. She asked me about everything that happened. She was happy to have me over and to have filled in another little piece of Gensokyo history. So I guess even history will have remember this incident.

I here that next year Haruna will go on vacation. I think it would be best if she just did it the normal way though. Every now and again I thought I could here her voice from a distance. Laughing at something. But it most likely is just my imagination.

 I got to see the shrine for the first time. She was holding a party there for some reason. From what I here she has had this party going for years now. I decided to drop a donation in 1000 yen into the donation box. Reimu seemed to not get agitated when I cam to visit. Since I gave a donation about every time. She seems to hope that I will start a trend with the other youkai, but I doubt it.

I have been to Yuka's field of flowers. They seemed to be healthy. I of course didn't walk in to the field but just observed from the side. She wasn't there today so I got off lucky. I don't know if she would think I was there to steal some or not, but I just wanted to see why she liked the flowers so much. It was interesting to see so many flowers in one place.

There really isn't much else to say. Life has changed a lot, but to me change isn't that bad. today me and Rumia are going to a cave in the mountains. I have no idea what we will be doing up there. I just finished the field work today.

I walked threw the town to the edge of the forest. There I could see to red orbs just inside the dark trees.

?Hey Rumia, we ready to go?? Rumia jumped out of the forest covered in her dark orb. She grabbed my by my hands and flew us above the trees to where the rest of our youkai group awaited us to arrive.

?You guys took long enough didn't you? Exclaimed Cinro seeming to be annoyed by the long wait.

?So what are we doing here today?? I said ignoring her complaints.

?We are going in this cave~? Mystia sang. ?What for??

Cinro started to smirk. ?This cave is said to have treasure in it. But it can only be found if someone walks in by themselves.? I looked at the entrance of the cave. The darkness of the cave seemed much more intense they in the forest. ?And since you guys are last to show up you get to go first. Rumia is higher up in rank in the group so you are first Kazu.?

I sighed ?I figured as much.? I walked to the edge of the cave. ?What should I be looking for??

?Treasure, so anything that valuable.? I stood and thought about that. I looked at the cave again.

?Whats the hold up? Are you afraid?? Cinro laughed.

I smiled. ?No. I learned that I shouldn't be afraid of the dark.? I looked at Rumia. ?Just the things in them.? I walked into the cave to start my new adventure.

« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 02:07:46 PM by zonron »

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2010, 11:29:15 PM »
I managed to snag the internet for a day. i might be making a part two. i might do some planing this time.

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2010, 08:07:50 PM »
ok so i have a few pages of my next part of series. i'm working on two fictions right now (one has nothing to do with touhou though)

I worked on character development this time around. anyway enjoy!

The Harvest: Tomorrows Mirror


The darkness seemed to stretch out forever. Which is quite surprising since the entrance to the cave was so narrow that only one or two people could walk in at a time. Is it possible that this stretched out to the edge of Gensokyo? I thought about that as a walked farther and farther down this empty cavern. What should I be looking for? Cinro said that we should find treasure if we go into the cave. All I could hear was water drops hitting the floor of the cavern. ?This is boring.? I said to myself. ?I guess its better than fighting with someone in here. I can't see a thing.?

I felt like I have been in here for hours. Should I just head back and say there is no treasure? That wouldn't be acceptable. Cinro would most likely force me back in to here. Or maybe she would be in a good mood and let me go. But most likely she would have me stay the night in here before saying it was okay to leave. I'm glade that I'm not that afraid of the dark anymore. I still get chills but that is a common thing. I don't avoid the dark like I use to. I decided to take a break from the long walk.

I felt around the cave to see if I could find something to sit on. And as expected I was left sitting on the cold wet ground. I wonder what I could find as treasure in here? There might be some mushrooms in here. I already know what happens when I bring back rocks. It just get in trouble. After a while I regain the energy I needed to continue my walk. What would I find in this place?

The farther I walked the less I could here around me. The sound of water stopped a while ago. The air became stagnate. The smell was almost to much to bare. What was that smell, I never smelled it before. I should turn back. There is no point in going this far. Who would put treasure out here? Gensokyo residents wouldn't need to hide anything, they use force to keep what is theirs.

I finally heard some noise again. Sadly it wasn't anything interesting. Just the sound of water again. The air seemed to get better as well. The walk seemed to get easier now. Maybe I'm almost at the end of the cave? I kept walking. I'm quite sick of this walk now. What was that up ahead? There was a small shimmer ahead. Was it a hole in the cave? I started to run towards the light. It got brighter and brighter. I could see a large rock in the middle of the cave. I walked up to it. Running took some more of my energy than I thought. I seen something on the rocks edge. I examined it. It looked like a ribbon. I examined it longer. It looked faded and stained. Was this the treasure I was looking for? It didn't seem valuable, nor did it seem special in any way. But for some reason it reminded me of Rumia. The color wasn't the same. But with so large of a stain it would be hard to tell. I decided this was good enough. I grabbed the stained ribbon and headed out of the cave.

Prologue End

Re: The Harvest Incident
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2010, 08:09:29 PM »
Chapter 1

The trip out of the cave didn't seem so bad this time. The trip seemed a lot shorter than before. I wonder if it was all in my head? I completed my mission. I found ?Treasure? or at least that will be my argument. I could finally see the mouth of the cave. I walked out of the cave.

I was expecting to see Rumia, Mystia and Cinro waiting for me out here. But they where no where to be seen. It was already dark our side though. Was the cave really that dark that this night time could look like day time? Well they could have got bored and left I guess. But I figured at least Rumia would stay around and be my ride home. I looked around and tried to remember which way Rumia flew to get here. It was.... that way. I pointed to the left side of me. Started my what I could imagine was a long walk home. I sighed. ?I bet my dinner is cold by now.?

The forest covered a lot of Gensokyo. It looked a little odd today though. The leafs that normal covered the tops of the trees seemed a lot fewer in numbers. Then again, we don't usual hang out so close to the mountains. Maybe the forest isn't as old here as it is by the village. I wonder what time it is? I hope my family isn't waiting up for me. They seemed to not worry about me so much since I have healing powers. But still, I could see they get worried if I am away to long. To people that live in the village. The rest of Gensokyo is quite dangerous. Which is quite understandable since everyone seems to be so much stronger than most of the people living in the village. Rumia might still be up. She likes the night time the most after all. But even if she was up it would be hard to find her. She might be flying any where in Gensokyo right now. I looked up at the moon. It seemed different for some reason. I don't know why but it doesn't seem to be that relaxing like it usually is. The moon seemed to be bigger that it usually is.

It must be my imagination I thought. I kept walking and walking. It seemed like the trees went on forever. I felt like something was off but I couldn't tell what it was. A chill ran down my back as I tried to think what was different. I looked down at the soil and noticed something odd.


I turned around. ?Rumia?? I said aloud. There was no response. ?... Mystia?? no response did I imigine the sound?

?I must be hearing-? A like started to gather in front of me. I jumped to the left and hid behind a tree before a giant laser destroyed the spot a was previously standing at. ?I missed Ze, I guess I have to do this the hard way?

?Ze? Who.... Marisa!?? I walked out from behind the tree. ?Why are you attacking me!??

Marisa finally shone herself She looked different. She looked taller then I last remembered. Growth spurt? ?Tch, like you don't know! I'll.... I'LL KILL YOU!? She held up her hand. I crap I don't want this to happen... gathering energy. I have to act now. Please don't heal please don't heal. I said to myself when I shot a white ball of energy at her.

It hit!? The energy headed ?FINE I don't need my magic to kill you ze!?

I was already running. It gave me a chance to think. Marisa is supper pissed off. She claims I did something. She looks deranged. If this some kinda prank. I wouldn't put it passed a thief to pull a prank. Maybe that is why Cinro, Mystia, and Rumia are not around. My power canceling only works a few seconds to maybe a minute or two. It effects different people in odd ways. Like Mystia can't sing when its being used on her. Witch is odd. 

I kept running in till the trees then out and a came across a old run down shrine. At first I thought this was Reimu's shrine, but I just don't see her letting it go to hell like this.

I felt energy build up in the air. I jumped to the left and rolled out of the way of another attack.
?That could have killed me!? I screamed at my opponent who was flying madly threw the air throwing small project tile paters. I threw punches and the project tiles I couldn't dodge, if any of these it I'd be hurting for a long time. These gloves can destroy small projectiles. I never tried to anything bigger. Marisa kept up the barrage and readied another attack card. I can't dodge it nor can I cancel it with all of these projectiles going on.

Blazing Star!

Marisa Shot out at me with the force of a master spark. The projectiles stopped but it was to late. I had no way of stopping this. I gathered energy and aimed it at myself. I hope this works.

I was throne threw the air and landed 20 feet from where I was just at. I could feel pain ripping me apart. Me vision blurred for a moment. But the pain started to go away and I was able to stand up again. The double healing I gave myself on impact did the trick. I have to remember that one. I need to find a way out of this. I could see Marissa eyes. She had killing intent on them.

?i wont... let you... GET AWAY THIS TIME YOU BASTERD!? another card was being readied. I'm running low on energy... I should have trained more. I have enough for one more. But I have to trick her into playing it my way... I got it!

?You call that an attack? It didn't even hurt.? I lied to her. She seemed to be boiling with rage. ?was that even an attack? I bet you couldn't do it again. Your so weak.? will she by the bait?

Marisa scream a murderous laugh. ?None of my attacks are weak! I'll show you!? She switched cards and Yelled

Blazing Star!

She was being propelled. I threw the orb I hid behind my back. It hit her and all of her power was taken away. I jumped out of the way and shy was crashed right threw three trees.

? I herd her say before she fell unconscious. I walked over to her and threw a orb of healing at her. I could see the wounds from the impact heal and disappear all together. I collapsed beside her still a little in pain. I guess I should have saved some for myself. It felt odd having no power left.

?What have I got myself into?? I said as I looked up at the moon enjoying this moment of silence. A shadow slowly started to appear and a figure came out. ?I was expecting more out of her.? She said with a little twist of pleasure. ?Well this will do for now.? she descended to the ground decided to  kicked Marisa on landing. Marisa groaned still unconscious. ?I'm glade you could make it, and welcome to the resistance.?
Chapter 1 End