Author Topic: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?  (Read 20043 times)


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Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« on: April 22, 2010, 11:05:51 PM »
As I've said before, my fave Touhou characters is a tiebreaker between Remi, Flan, and Patchy (SDM represent), however as I do more and more Touhou-related stuff, I find it easier to favor Remi. I THINK it's because Remi is, a pretty "main" character, while patchy isn't quite so much, and Flan is..Well, she's kind of a special case for many things, like a secret character in this game, or goof-off material for music, or whatever. She rarely gets the same kind of treatment as remi.

I mean my initial faves were based on danmaku, BGM, character graphic, in-game dialogue, clothing, etc. But I find patchy tends to be "just another character" in most fangames comapred to remi for example. I also find like 10 Remi music remixes for every 1 that patchy gets, and while Flan has almost as much as remi, they tend to suck. I see 5  remi pictures for every 1I see of Patchy or flan, etc.

So what I mean to ask is, did you notice your fave Touhou character change to something more common (not necessarily a more common favorite) as you knew the series for longer? Not that I'll say Remi is flat out my fave still, but I can't say that I don't find myself enjoying remi-related stuff more often than anybody else.


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2010, 11:32:06 PM »
I think what has changed the most for me has been the reasons why I like different characters, based on new things I learn about them as I read the wiki. Initially, I have to say, I was smitten with Wriggle Nightbug. Pretty much because I liked the way she was drawn, and I liked her dialogue.

While Imperishable Night is at least one of my favorite games in the series, it was when I started clicking character pages on the wiki that I learned about Remilia's murky past, Yuyuko's heartbreaking past, and Kaguya's epic past. I'm finding my favorites to be characters I like because of what made them who they are. Aya's character strikes a real chord for me not so much for her past, though, as her personality (the actual one; not the fandom interprettation), the role she plays in Gensokyo as one of the more important historians of the early Windows series, and for being very Gensokyan herself - a blend of the ancient past and the modern day, where what's true and what's just a good story overlap.

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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2010, 11:51:36 PM »
EDIT: Realized I misinterpreted the topic. Heh.

Utsuho's always been at the top for me. Never been dethroned at any time either, even after learning more about other characters.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 05:33:43 AM by Funen1 »
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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2010, 12:02:12 AM »
Yuyuko -> Orin -> Nazrin

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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2010, 12:03:18 AM »
My first favorite character was Sakuya. At the beginning, I simply gravitated toward her shot types in the games that featured her as a playable character (and toward her fighting style in IaMP). This eventually manifested in a genuine interest in her character: her abilities and mysterious past (re: Erin's comment) were intriguing. This was back when there wasn't such a big translation effort as there is now.

Eventually as more ZUN literature came out, Sakuya ended up taking a back seat as I took an interest in Yukari. Her powers are interesting, but more importantly, Yukari made me notice ZUN attempting to create and expand a more cohesive Gensokyo mythology. Part of the reason why I like Touhou is ZUN's Gensokyo, so I suppose Yukari's connection to it just makes me attracted to her character.

Nowadays Yukari still remains one of my favorite two characters. The other is Yuka. I really have no good reason for liking Yuka. I just think she is great. And she has a parasol.

...Maybe I just like characters with parasols now.


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2010, 12:11:33 AM »
My favorite started out as Sakuya. She still is one of my favorites, but I'm honestly really tentative about my favorites now.
Over time, I came to think Utsuho was the coolest character of all, with a great theme and epic powers. But I didn't like how she's so dimwitted, so she went down a bit in ranks.
I'd like to say Sakuya's back at the top, but Reisen's a top contender. I enjoy a lot more about her than just her ability - Her theme, appearance, personality. Sakuya's main cool point is her ability, although her character is good. But her fanon portrayal bothers me.

Funny how all three of them have red eyes (That is, if you count Utsuho's giant eye).
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 12:13:28 AM by 1000clouds »


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2010, 12:21:59 AM »
Before I discovered PC-98 I was in love with Flandre and Eirin. I loved Flandre just because I really enjoyed her danmaku, theme, and personality. I still personally believe she's not as insane as fanon always portrays her. I view here more as a little kid who hasn't really gotten to experience much of the world yet. She just hasn't learned what is acceptable versus what isn't.

I've always gravitated towards Eirin because I've just always loved archer type characters. She also has one of my absolute favorite themes from all of Touhou. I see her as a very wise individual, like the adviser of the Eintei people. I believe that she's very caring.

After I was enlightened to PC-98, I immediately fell in love with the entire cast of PoDD. In particular, Chiyuri Kitashirakawa. I've always been in love with the ocean so a sailor-themed character obviously took my attention right away. In my mind Chiyuri is care-free individual. She's very loyal to Yumemi, but she still likes to have fun while she's on the job. I imagine she has a great sense of humor.

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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2010, 01:51:07 AM »
I've add various Touhous to my "Touhous I actually give a shit about" club over time, but my all time favorite has remained the same.

And that's Shinki. This being due to MS being the first game I really cleared and Shinki giving me the best final boss fight I had for a first time Touhou fag. This coupled with my liking for things that dwell in demonic realms and demons in general and her design makes for a rooted fondness for the demon god. I honestly can't explain all the reasons as to why I love Shinki, but all I know is that I'm dedicated to her and that's all that matters.
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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2010, 03:05:29 AM »
I was a huge Yuyuko fan myself, that was because largely of UD's influence.

Alice> I started liking Patchouli first though > Yuyuko moar > Alice (for the longest time, the fall back Touhou) > recently I think I finally liked Aya more, partly because I LOVE Hatate, and Tengus got a soft spot on me now (Momiji has awesome H-art) > Alice again.
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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2010, 03:06:02 AM »
When I was first introduced to Touhou, it was through the Meiling/Patchouli M-1 sequence. My #1 character claimed her spot as soon as I saw her try to follow Meiling's lead. After actually getting into the games, Patchy only solidified that hold when I learned more about her character. Physically frail, likes books, introverted, and a magician...I am three of those things myself, and have an affinity for the fourth in most games I play.

Other characters have come pretty close to taking that spot recently -- namely, Kogasa, Parsee, and Mystia -- due to my tendency to gravitate towards people who don't have it all together, but Patchy's position as my favorite stands firm.


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2010, 03:12:04 AM »
My favorite was, is, and will always be Hong Meiling.

My secondaries however have gone through a lot of changes. First it was Patchouli because she was a bookworm who stays inside all day...  just like me. Then, it was Renko because she had "obscure moe". After a while, I realized it wasn't going anywhere and she kinda fell off the ranks. Mystia came up if because Night Sparrow's Song, Jigglypuff, etc. Next, I realized that Marisa had been there the whole time during the duration of my being a fantard: Marisa Stole the Precious Thing, the character I always played in the shmups, MAlice, and other things, so I can assure in my head that she will stay a steady 2nd/3rd. Now, I'm obsessed with The Capital City of Flowers in the Sky and the midboss happens to be Lily White, so basically:
1. Hong Meilng forever
2. Patchouli -> Renko -> Mystia -> Marisa/Lily White
3. Marisa/Lily White
4. ↓ Patchouli
5. ↓ Renko


Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2010, 03:18:52 AM »
Before SA, my fave was Yuka.

After SA, my favourite became obvious.

Also, I began to dislike Eirin and ESPECIALLY Remi more and more as time goes on.


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2010, 03:27:00 AM »
I used to like Aya and now I like Renko. I think I just really like hats. :S


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2010, 04:34:36 AM »
Well, nobody's exactly fallen out of my favourites list, but it has changed a little, I think.

The biggest change, I think... is Momiji.  I hardly noticed her at first; but as I started seeing more fanart of her and stuff... somehow she really grew on me (This may be because for some reason Momiji holds up to being genderswapped deliciously well).  She's definitely one of my top five now.

The EoSD cast dropped a bit out of favour overall for me; partially because so goddamn much fanwork focuses on them... but also because for a long time I refused to play anything past EoSD until I had 1CC'd it.  So for a while I didn't know anyone else... now I just don't care too much about most of them (Although Patchouli and Sakuya are still on the favoured side of things for me)


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2010, 04:35:07 AM »

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There's just something about the image of a pissed off woman commanding countless flying dolls hellbent on ripping you to shreds just for her to casually step over your emaciated body when she's done that had me attracted to canon!Alice.

NSFW for Danbooru banners

Something about that style - micro-managing a small cloud of magically-powered minions, and dolls and puppets no less - that just screams 'a little bit broken inside.' The full picture my avatar comes from...

... shows Alice with empty eyes. Despite its cute style, that sums up quite nicely what attracted me to her - she's broken but still functional, in a twisted sense.
A genderbent Alice is fine, too. Genderbent Shanghai... not so much.
Calm, cool, collected, and very dangerous.

In time, however, Shikieiki has taken over as top-place favorite. The concept behind an avatar of justice, a supreme judge of good and evil, and on top of that has killer legs and a bitchin' hairstyle, sign me up. Her hat is pretty win, too.

Fanon tsundere Alice can die in a fire. No way in a hell a mind sophisticated enough to individually control dozens upon dozens of dolls can't figure her way through a relationship, or whether or not she wants one.


Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2010, 05:06:58 AM »
Mokou to Ran.


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2010, 05:25:31 AM »
Originally, Marisa was my favorite. Though I still find her amusing, she dropped off considerably as I got to know more and more characters, and now she's not even in my top twenty. Yukari on the other hand slowly creeped up as I learned more about her, eventually dethroning her. A few months later, I discovered the brilliant angel(ic demon) known as Genget(s)u. It took a while, but she jumped into my favorites, and now Yukari and Gengetu share my top spot. <3 That is my story.
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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2010, 06:36:02 AM »
Cirno --> Letty --> Advent Cirno --> Letty

This pretty much sums up my history of favorite characters.  I had this short obsession with Advent Cirno for a while and I got over it eventually.

Cirno is cool, but Letty is cooler.

Oh yeah, winter is my favorite season.   :V


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2010, 08:51:16 AM »
my first impact was Marisa; i like magicians characters... a traditional witch in her broom flying in a magical world...and play that was amasing. Know the rest was fun; specially for the music. One day see some images with certain man with glasses; i have a fetish with that, was too win. The art for CoLA ended turning my fab character to Rinnosuke first. the long purple hair of Patchouli (and the nickname "Patche" almost "Pachi" who is my home nickname and a hiki-bookworm-fujoshi fan idea of her) turn her one of my faborites.
After that, my faboritism is very variable accord my mood state. And for my fujoshism: Sariel turn into my faborite because i can?t defeat it and the long lavander hair, but after thing in paired with Kourin now is one of my most loved ones; Youki was nothing to me but after see a pair of images and know some facts about samurais (and a dream about that pairing!), he found a place in my heart. (with Youmu, another faborite)
Actually they two (Rinnosuke,Marisa) are always the 2 first, following for all the rest of Gensokyo (because im like the moon, very variable)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2010, 08:53:56 AM by VIVIeiki Heiwaxanadu »

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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2010, 09:15:14 AM »
It all started with time maids...fluctuated for a while until suwako...oh gods suwako....

I must obtain one of those hats...

it's stayed there for the most part.


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2010, 10:47:20 AM »
For me, my favorites have changed as my personality changed, I always love those who I can relate to.

My first favorite was Patchy, but then Sanae dethroned her after the "Good Girl" meme, and after a very certain dream. It has something to do with my personality being changed from the bookworm to the "nice but eccentric, who wants to meet someone special".

Also, nowadays, the Fairies started to grew on me, especially Daichan. I want Sanae x Daiyosei!


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2010, 11:18:58 AM »
Do I have to explain if my stance changed? Probably not. But perhaps there is a thing to be kept in mind.

First of all, I dislike vampire girls who are portrayed more like devil girls (you know the tail, wings and the cat tooth. I am not much into that "cute" and "moe" stuff. I actually dislike Remilia or any touhou girl being portrayed cute. Personally, I don't find anything cute about a youkai, vampire, spirit who eat, kill and harass humans. But yea, that is my personal opinion.

I never seen any fan images of Remilia when I got in touch with Touhou. Even more, I never played EoSD in my life. I did see her portrait of course in IN many times, and had to forcefully use her to unlock stuff. Her portraits already charmed me a bit and her dialogue as well. That bitchy, childish, egoistic face she had. Anyway, after I beaten IN on normal, I simply did a youtube search for other Touhou final bosses. When I saw that Remilia was actually the final boss I was surprised and after I listened to her theme song I was struck.

Ok so that is more like how she became my favourite, but why is she still my favourite? Lately due to many fan art and PMiSS reading, some girls started catching my attention. Interesting and amusing Touhou girls such as: Keine, Eiki, Suika, Chen, Youmu, Reimu etc. To be honest, most of them actually have bad-ass art and appearance. This is what I am weak against: Bad-ass appearance with full glory. The reason why I am neutral against characters like Suwako, Komeiji, Utsuho, and such is because they have not the same "feel" to me as Yugi, Suika etc would have. Heck, even Reisen has far more bad-ass pictures than the Komeijis. Utsuho is only portrayed bad-ass because of her powers. That is more like based on her power, instead of her personality. Same goes for Suwako, her hat is what attracts people. Aside from that nothing.

I have seen some bad-ass/awesome appearances of Eiki-sama, Suika, Ex-Keine or Yukari for example. They could easy become a favourite, but yet Remilia has that one special thing that makes her attractive, not to mention her soothing theme song. Maybe it is the charisma after all. Yea, it must be it. Or was it fate?

Oh my, I typed way too much again. Basically, it didn't change. And it won't for a long time probably.

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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2010, 02:40:04 PM »
When I first got into Touhou, my favorite character was Marisa. I thought she was cute, and I liked how she was only interested in becoming stronger, and I like her theme song, too. Nowadays, she's "only" my second-favorite character.

In due time, I learned more about Youmu. I just loved her visual design, her half-ghost background is unique, and she's way more badass than most of the other characters, despite looking like a little girl. And I like Mystical Oriental Dream ~ Ancient Temple a lot. She's still my favorite character. I've developed a few other runners-up for favorite, including Kaguya, Reimu, and Suika.

However, right now, I've become utterly fascinated with Yukari. She's responsible for so much stuff, it's almost like she's the real main character of the series. She's classy and mysterious, lazy yet powerful, and both of her themes are awesome.


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2010, 02:43:31 PM »
Marisa > Reimu > Suwako > Youmu >Shikieiki > Sanae >Shikieiki > Suwako > Yuka > Sanae > Shikieiki > Suwako > Marisa > Akyu

I gradually gain interest in one character and then lose interest in others. And by the looks of it I really do enjoy green hair.

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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2010, 03:36:30 PM »
My first Touhou game was MoF, and thanks, ZUN, your Aya raped me 300 times in a row. I kinda liked her dialogue and personality though. Then I played SWR, that's the time I put Aya the first in my list, she cool, strong and beautiful, in 99% of doujin she is a sick pervert so you can say that she is the perfect woman.
Then I lurked more and found Yuyuko pretty cute and charming, she gradually overtook the top.
After that, I think because of some I-don't-remember-the-name doujin I really admired Eirin, and Yuyuko had to withdraw.
Next, Yuuka single-handedly wiped out everyone in my list.
Last year, I didn't even know why, and how, but Yukari gapped the seat and sit on there for around 3 months.
Now my top fav is the battle between Yuuka and Yukari. Rumia is the second tho, she is just too cute.


Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2010, 07:55:46 PM »
It went like this

Marisa is love -> Alice is cool -> Marisa! -> Aya? -> Shikieiki -> No, marisa! -> How about Satori? -> Satori~<3 (long period of time) -> KOISHI! :* -> shikeiki -> none -> Favorite character isn't even from touhou. If there were one, it would be either Reimu or Yuyuko.

The reasons for it? Gensyoko dreams and rather inexplicable personal preference of physical appearances and perceived personalities. No long post.

Edit: Forgot shiki.


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2010, 08:32:00 PM »
Sakuya>Reimu>Alice>Youmu>Mokoh & Keine>Shikieiki >Kanako>Suika>Yugi> All but with special love for Yugi, Kanako, Shikieiki and Mokoh.

I guess I had something for silver/white haired girls there at the start, but at the end I like everyone.

...Although continuously getting *pitchuun*ed by a character can work weird works on your love gauge...
"How am I supposed to get through ...-"                                                                                 Sabino's love gauge: |||||||..........
"How am I supposed to dodge those- Youmu you little..." (But love gauge rises)         Sabino's love gauge: ||||||||||||.....
"GYAAAA MOF is so impossible!" (Yet the love gauge rises)                                             Sabino's love gauge: |||||||||||||||..
"Wait, you're stage 3 and you're still-" (Again love gauge rises)                                        Sabino's love gauge: |||-MAX!!-||


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2010, 08:56:50 PM »
Watashi namae wa Hong Meirin~ :*


Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2010, 09:05:31 PM »
Watashi namae wa Hong Meirin~ :*

Watashi no namae ga "Hong Meirin"?


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Re: Did your fave Touhou character change over time?
« Reply #29 on: April 23, 2010, 09:10:33 PM »
Remilia > Yuyuko > Remilia > Suwako > Remilia > Yuka > Remilia > Utsuho > Suwako > Aya > Remilia > Koishi > Remilia > Nue > Remilia

Oh gee. Colon vee.
Remilia just keeps charming me up and beating me down, whenever I play IN/EoSD respectively. Timeline sorta goes nuts at the end, 'cause that's when I started the Hard playthroughs. :V
Mah arts! :3